AGENDA ITEM NO. 8 REPORT TO: Executive Board REPORT NO: CFPO/04/06 DATE: 17 January 2006 LEAD MEMBER: Councillor Alun Jenkins (Finance & Performance) LEAD OFFICER: Chief Finance & Performance Officer CONTACT OFFICER: John Clark (292718) SUBJECT: Non HRA Rolling Capital Programme 2005/06 – 2009/10 WARD: N/A 1. PURPOSE OF THE REPORT To review the 2005/06 - 2009/10 non HRA Capital Programme and Prudential Indicators for 2005/06 and provide information on current capital finance issues. 2. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 2.1 The total capital expenditure in 2005/06 is estimated to be £26,718k. 2.2 The expenditure is fully funded by borrowing supported by the Welsh Assembly Government, grants and contributions and capital receipts. 2.3 Capital receipts anticipated in 2005/06 will allow a £1,952k reduction in unsupported borrowing undertaken in 2004/05 in respect of Secondary Schools Reorganisation. 2.4 The Joint Member / Officer Asset Management Group has recommended that additional Welsh Assembly Government General Capital Funding for 2006/07 be allocated to flood prevention on highways and traffic segregation and Disability Discrimination Act works in schools. 3. RECOMMENDATIONS 3.1 The non HRA rolling capital programme for 2005/06 to 2009/10 as detailed in Appendix 2 (including the allocation of additional Welsh Assembly Government General Capital Funding as recommended by the Joint Member/Officer Asset Management Group) is approved. 3.2 The capital programme is next reviewed and reported to the Executive Board in June 2006. 3.3 The Prudential Indicators in Appendix 4 be noted. -1- REASONS FOR RECOMMENDATIONS This report follows earlier monitoring reports in June and October 2005 in compliance with Financial Regulation 2.4 that requires that the Chief Finance Officer monitors and reports to Members on the Capital Programme. Local Authorities are required under the Local Government Act 2003 to comply with the CIPFA Prudential Code for Capital Finance. The indicators presented in Appendix 4 fulfil the requirements of the Code. Mark Owen Chief Finance & Performance Officer 4.0 BACKGROUND INFORMATION Capital Programme 2005/2006 4.1 The Executive Board approved the last revision of the capital programme 2005/06 to 2009/10 on 18 October 2005 (CFPO/50/05). Appendix 1 provides a summary of actual expenditure by service, the financing of that expenditure and the variance between the latest revised programme and the previously approved position. 4.2 The latest revised expenditure on all capital schemes is £26,718k a net decrease of £567k compared with the projected expenditure reported to the Executive Board in October. The significant changes are as follows: Economic Development – Article 33 expenditure is increased by £453k following notification of Round 4 grant funding. £433k in respect of the Brymbo Community Enterprise project cost reflects Local Regeneration Fund grant allocated to the Council for this scheme managed by the Brymbo & Tanyfron Regeneration Trust with a total estimated cost of £3,374k.Rephasing of spending on the Industrial Portfolio Infrastructure, Technology Park Pumping Station Works, Railway Land Bridgeworks and Cefn Mawr Regeneration projects has moved £806k spend to 2006/07. Education – As reported in paragraph 4.11 below, £500k of the 2006/07 School Buildings Improvement Grant is to be paid in advance by the Welsh Assembly Government. Schools’ minor works have been increased by £444k. A further £56k, previously transferred from the schools furniture and equipment annual capital provision to minor works, has been returned. A review of the phasing of payments on the Coedpoeth Primary Schools Reorganisation has brought forward £277k of the approved costs from 2006/07 to 2005/06. Rephasing of spending on the St Joseph’s, Barrack’s Field and Acton Youth Centre projects has moved £1,583k expenditure to 2006/07. Social Services –Provision of £121k for Residential Child Care relocation has been moved to 2006/07 and is subject to review during the revenue budget process. Estimated spend in 2005/06 on office accommodation at Greenacres has increased by £90k. Housing Capital Programme The 2005/06 Housing Renewal Areas programme has been increased by £211k using owners’ contributions. The Chief Housing and Public Protection Officer is to report to the Executive Board later in January on the Housing Revenue Account and the Housing General Fund capital programmes. The -2- General Fund report will include details of the Council’s allocation of £1.9m Housing Renewal Area grant for 2006/07, announced by the Welsh Assembly Government in December. Funding 4.3 In funding the capital expenditure, Welsh Assembly Government allocations of General Capital Funding (General Capital Grant and Basic Credit Approval) has been utilised in accordance with the Executive Board decision at its meeting on 1 February 2004. Unsupported Borrowing of £2,764k made in 2004/05 in respect of the Secondary Schools Reorganisation project will be reduced by receipts from planned asset sales of £1,952k. The balance remaining of £812k will be eliminated as further receipts from asset sales allow. Use of grants and contributions is estimated at £16,486k and £6,485k expenditure is to be funded from Capital Receipts. Capital Programme 2006/07 – 2009/10 4.4 The revised programme includes: revised forecasts of expenditure on committed schemes projects which have received specific funding or been agreed by the Executive Board annual capital provisions. 4.5 The resources available to fund the programme comprise WAG unhypothecated supported borrowing, grants, contributions, capital receipts and prudential system unsupported borrowing. Capital Receipts 4.6 As shown in Appendix 1, the proposed capital programme will require capital receipts funding of an estimated £16.9 million from 2005/06 onwards. Corporate usable capital receipts available at 31 March 2005 were reduced to £78k to minimise unsupported borrowing. Additional income from the sale of surplus assets, totalling £16.8m will be required to ensure the programme is fully funded (as assumed in Appendix 1). A programme of asset sales, monitored by the Joint Member/Officer Asset Management Working Group, is in place to achieve this. 4.7 By their very nature, capital programmes are dynamic and during the course of the year further funds may be made available for specific schemes. A close watch will also be needed to ensure that sufficient capital receipts are realised. It is therefore recommended that the capital programme is reviewed again in June 2006. 4.8 Specific issues on schemes in the programme are discussed below: St Joseph’s Voluntary Aided School 4.9 Following a review, the contribution from the County Borough Council as Local Education Authority (LEA) towards the scheme, which has a total estimated construction cost of £8,600k, has been increased by £46k to £796k. This additional requirement can be financed be a transfer from the 2006/07 schools minor works programme. In addition to this, information technology equipment, furniture and other equipment estimated at £132k is to be funded from annual capital provisions. -3- Minera Aided Primary School 4.10 Provision has been made in the 2006/07 schools capital programme for an LEA contribution of £20k towards a scheme for refurbishments at Minera Aided Primary School with a total estimated building cost of £550k. This provision can be met from the 2006/07 schools minor works programme. School Buildings Improvement Grant 4.11 The Welsh Assembly Government have offered to bring forward £500k of Wrexham’s 2006/07 annual School Buildings Improvement Grant to 2005/06. While this offer does not represent additional funding, it gives the opportunity to complete schools’ minor works earlier than planned and has been accepted. The proposed use of the grant is shown on page 11 of appendix 2. Rhos Schools Reorganisation 4.12 Following the decision of the Executive Board at its meeting on 13 December (ACEO/52/05), this project is included in the programme at an estimated cost of £6,850k. Ponciau Park 4.13 Wrexham’s bid for Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) grant for restoration of Ponciau Park, Rhosllanerchrugog has received a stage one pass and £505k has been earmarked by the HLF for the project. Progress on the project is conditional on the project receiving stage two approval by the HLF. The provisional grant is included in the 2007/08 capital programme in addition to the provision in 2006/07 of £100k for capping disused mineshafts on the site funded by the Environment department. Social Services Accommodation 4.14 Following consideration by the Joint Member/Officer Asset Management Group, provision of £493k is made for adaptations to Greenacres and Crown Buildings for short- term accommodation for staff from Grosvenor road prior to the sale of this site in 2006/07. The Corporate Property Review is addressing the long- term accommodation of staff and it is anticipated that the Greenacres site will be sold to realise a capital receipt. Residential Child Care 4.15 As part of the revenue budget process, a report on the provision of residential child care is to be made to the Executive Board. The results of this process may affect the capital provision for relocation of the service. Residential Homes for Older People - Care Standards Act Improvements 4.16 Consultation is currently being undertaken on the Social Services Older Person's Commissioning Strategy, the outcome of which will make recommendations for future services for older people in Wrexham including residential homes for older people. Service development options with the National Health Service are being explored including the potential use of one of the Council’s Residential Homes as a joint social services and health facility. The outcome of these discussions will determine proposals for the Council’s homes for elderly people and a report containing these proposals including project costs, funding and time scales will be made to the Executive Board in due course. -4- Welsh Assembly Government General Capital Funding 4.17 The final 2006/07 Welsh Local Government settlement announced by Welsh Assembly Government on 8th December included a General Capital Funding allocation to Wrexham of £8,102k, which is £531k greater than the amount included in the Capital Programme. On 30 November, the Joint Member Officer Asset Management Group considered the allocation of the additional resources (at that time based on a provisional allocation which gave an increase of £558k) and resolved to recommend that the Executive Board approve the allocation of £250k to flood protection and the balance to traffic management and Disability Discrimination Act works in schools. The Executive Board of 13 December (CTAMO/23/05) subsequently approved the allocation of £250k to flood protection. The schedules accompanying this report now incorporate the provision for flood protection. The allocation to schools traffic management and DDA works, adjusted to reflect the final settlement figure, is included for approval. Prudential Indicators 4.18 The Local Government Act 2003 requires Local Authorities to comply with the CIPFA Prudential Code for Capital Finance to demonstrate compliance with the code. Authorities are required to adopt and monitor prudential indicators to show that their capital plans are affordable, prudent and sustainable, and that treasury management decisions are taken in accordance with good professional practice. The Council approved prudential indicators for the period 2005/06 to 2007/08 at its meeting on 9 March 2005. The changes to the 2005/06 indicators, resulting from the capital programme reported in Appendix 2, are reported in Appendix 4. Summary of Proposals Members approve the rolling capital programme 2005/06 to 2009/10 as shown in appendixes 1 and 2. Members approve the Prudential Indicators set out in appendix 4. 5. CONSULTATION 5.1 The Capital Programme has been discussed at the officers’ Capital Programme Working Group held on 14 December 2005. 5.2 The Joint Member/Officer Asset Management Working Group has considered reports on Capital Receipts requirements and forecasts and Welsh Assembly Government General Capital Funding on 30 November 2005. 6. SCRUTINY COMMITTEE COMMENTS 6.1 Not Applicable. 7. IMPLICATIONS 7.1 Policy Framework – This matter is not covered by the Policy Framework but is explicitly delegated to the Executive Board under the Constitution (Part 3- Table 4, 4(d)). -5- 7.2 Budget - The total non HRA capital programme for 2005/06 is £27.1 million, funding details are provided in Appendix 1. 7.3 Legal - Significant legal implications of individual projects are the subject of separate, project specific reports. 7.4 Staffing - There are no direct staffing implications as a result of this report. BACKGROUND PAPERS LOCATION WEBSITE INFO. Executive Board – 18 October 2005 CFPO/84/05 Legal & Administration Department Welsh Local Government Settlement 2006-07 Welsh Assembly Government MinutesData/ExBoard/ex18102005m. htm /content/settlement/200607/settlement-e.htm -6-