ITD Documentation Control Procedure
This procedure ensures that the correct version of documentation is available
to all personnel in ITD when they require it.
It covers the review and control of the Quality Manual and all other documents
in the Quality Management System.
Note on ITD website:
Data presented in text on the ITD website is for ease of navigation and
understanding and does not in itself define the Quality Management System
used within the Division. The system is defined in the documents outlined
below. If any conflict occurs between web text and these documents, the
released document has precedence. Corrections on the website text are not
deemed to require revision control.
In ITD, the following items are regarded as documentation and therefore
require control.
1. Quality Manual (regarded as a procedure for control)
2. Quality Policy (regarded as a form for control)
3. Procedure
 Documents outlining the steps used in ITD Management and
Service Realisation processes
4. Working Guidelines or Instructions
 Support documents for individual tasks or department
5. Web Support or Help documents
 Support documents for individual customer self help on
service or software are provided via the ITD web pages
and/or Customer Support Centre (CSC).
6. Forms
 Documents for recording data or information
7. External Documents
 Documents used within ITD that are supplied from outside
8. Records
 Completed forms or other evidence of the Quality System
In ITD, all internally controlled documentation is maintained in electronic
format. The electronic version is regarded as the master copy.
Any member of ITD staff may initiate a new document or a revision of an
existing document. The outline steps to be followed to release/change a
Procedure, Working guideline, Web support or Help document or Form, are:
The electronic version of this document is the latest version. It is the responsibility of the individual to
ensure that any paper material is the current version. Printed material is uncontrolled documentation.
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ITD Documentation Control Procedure
1. Determine need/change for documentation.
2. Discuss need with other persons involved. Once the need/change is
confirmed, determine format of documentation required, i.e. procedure,
guideline, form.
3. Write/update documentation. If a change to an existing document is
required, download existing version from the web as a starting point.
4. Submit documentation via email attachment to the Management
Committee for approval.
5. Once approved the IT Director or nominee will publish the document on
the ITD website. Once published, the IT Director or nominee will notify
all relevant staff, outlining details of the update. A copy of this email is
retained by the IT Director or nominee.
6. Plan any required training once documentation is released.
Note: Web-support or help documents that are published directly on the web
(www) should be forwarded to the web support person in Enterprise Solutions
for publication.
Naming Convention for Documents
All documents are given a name relevant to their use. The document title is
the unique tracking method.
Revision Control
All procedures and guidelines in ITD are given a revision control number,
starting with revision 1 for ‘Initial Release’. The revision history is maintained
at the end of each document.
Control of Forms (including Quality Policy) is achieved by assigning a revision
date. The revision history for these is maintained in the Arconics software
system. Web support and help documents are also given a revision date.
Previous revisions of documents are not maintained.
External Documents
Documents provided by external bodies or departments for use in ITD, are
available from the ITD Administrator or on departmental web sites. The Fire
Alarm Procedure flowchart and Fire Alarm System Log book are kept in the
Main Reception area. Post Service Charge Sheets are maintained in the Post
Room. A list of all external documents is published on the web.
All records in ITD are maintained in an easily retrievable, readily identifiable
and legible manner.
Records that are maintained within the Quality Management System are
identified in the Records Control Sheet maintained by the IT Director or
The electronic version of this document is the latest version. It is the responsibility of the individual to
ensure that any paper material is the current version. Printed material is uncontrolled documentation.
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ITD Documentation Control Procedure
nominee. The location, retention time and person/section responsible for
each individual record is documented on the list.
Evaluation of process effectiveness is carried out using Internal / External
Quality Audits and the Corrective and Preventive Action process where the
procedure itself is found to be the source of the problem under investigation.
Revision No.
Approved by:
Mgt Team
Kim O’Mahony
Kim O’Mahony
2 Jun ‘05
Kim O’Mahony
22 Sept ‘08
Kim O’Mahony
13 Jan ‘10
Kim O’Mahony
21 Apr ‘10
12 Apr ‘11
31 Dec ‘13
George Hayes
22 Apr ‘14
Mgt Team
12 Oct ‘15
Mgt Team
Details of Change
Initial Release
Web Page Instruction section added
Change Approval process
Clarify Arconics software system
Clarify types of documents and add
Web Support and Help documents
Clarify website content
Change control mechanism for Quality
Policy due to change in document
format (Word to PDF)
Included line “The document title is the
unique tracking method.” as
recommended in Int Audit. Revised
title for consistency and reformatted
header info. Removed reference to
arconics number.
Updated ‘External Documents’ section
following NSAI audit in Sept 2008.
Also changed job title to Quality
Updated point 5 on page 2 following
internal audit recommendation (Ref:
UA130041). Original wording was
Updated procedure (p2) to
differentiate between quality-related
documentation and web-support / help
Updated procedure following internal
audit recommendation to remove
reference to Amendments Matrix as
this is the revision history.
Update step 4 to Management
Committee (Reference XL310001);
Replace Quality Officer with ‘IT
Director or nominee’ (Reference
Delete section about the Photographer
as this is no longer a service offered
by ITD – RMS Reference
Delete reference to Acronics. Delete
examples of external forms as they no
longer exist - RMS Reference
The electronic version of this document is the latest version. It is the responsibility of the individual to
ensure that any paper material is the current version. Printed material is uncontrolled documentation.
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