

1. a) There was a 10 per cent increase in British exports last year. One of the reasons is that British cheese is becoming fashionable in Japan. The Japanese serve small pieces before dinner parties. Japan is now in the top-ten buyers of British products. It spent ₤252 million last year on British products; 20 per cent of that was on cheese. b) Ian Pierce is the Managing Director of Business Products which makes incubators for exotic birds. He took over the company in 1997. Business already exported to

Western Europe but Mr Pierce decided to export further.

Topic: Describe a past event (your description should answer the questions: what, where, who, how,...)


Pierce thought about developing the business overseas by himself. However, he realized the learning curve was too steep. So he employed someone with experience of exporting and of other cultures to help him.

The company from Somerset in the UK, watched sales grow. 60% of Brinsea’s sales are now from exports. Brinsea’s incubators are used to breed ostriches in Denmark and parrots in South America.

Topic: Montenegro exports and imports (talk about companies, products, opportunities, your attitudes, ...)


Peter Grey, director of an international trading company

Peter travels as much as he needs to, because he thinks face-to-face meetings are very important for business. On flights, he’s not interested in lobster, caviar, and champagne. All he wants is to fly with an airline that is safe and reliable and that delivers his bags quickly at the baggage claim.When it comes to hotels, he is happy to spend money, as long as he gets value for it.he tries not to use hotel phones, which are often a rip-off.

Topic: Holidays at home or abroad (Why is it good to have a holiday in

Montenegro and why abroad. Talk about preferences: sea, mountain, lake; cities, countryside. Things to do. Cultural aspect ...)


Julia Burstein, fashion boutique owner

Julia has always flown first class – she thinks that at her advanced age you’ve got to look after yourself. She arrives early at the airport and always uses the departure lounge to relax before the flight. Whenever she has been on buying trips, she has stayed in some of the best hotels like the Ritz in London and Paris, and the Four

Seasons in Milan and New York.

Topic: Saving money ( talk about different ways to save money; give examples of people who save money and how they do it)


David de Souza, violinist

David has always flown on the cheapest ticket. In his career when an orchestra has paid, he has usually stayed in luxury hotels. When he has paid, then he has stayed in bed and breakfasts. Classical musicians always take their instruments as hotel luggage on flights, but since September 11th 2001, this has caused problems. Some of David’s colleagues have not been allowed on a flight because the airline wouldn’t let them carry violins as hand luggage.

Topic: Hobbies and interests ( talk about your hobbies and interests and of people you know; give your opinion about some hobbies or interests – positive and/or negative)


Ian Collins, travel manager, food and drink multinational

Ian says his staff have traveled more, recently, but this has cost the company less.

Staff, from the top down use budget airlines, and arrange meetings at times when they can travel cheaply. For example, staff travelling by train from London to York can save at least £60 if they leave half an hour later on a cheaper fare. However, the company’s Head Office has changed its policy on long flights. Now all staff flying for more than six hours are allowed to fly business class.

Topic: Would you do any voluntary activity (What kind of activity would it be?

Think about: people in need; environmental issues; NGOs, ... Red Cross ... What would your role be? )


If you want to find clients or improve your career prospects at networking events, preparation is essential. Find out who will be therre – list the most important people you’d like to meet.

Arrive at the event early and walk around so you feel at home there. Take one drink but never eat – keep one hand free to shake hands and give business cards. One of the best ways of making contact with your ’targets’ is to stay near the registration area so that you meet them ’accidentally’ when they arrive.

Topic: Success (school/university; job, sports, society, art,...; Does success change people? How do people become successful, ...)


Don’t keep your arms folded in front of you – this is negative body language. Never look over the shoulder of the person you’re talking to for someone more interesting.

The worst mistake is spending too long with one person, so keep moving around. You may need to interrupt conversations, but try not to make your presence felt immediately. It’s easier to join a group than to join two people, who may be having a private discussion. Have your business cards ready but only hand them out when people ask you for one – it’ll seem more valuable that way.

Topic: Cultural differences

(compare 2 or more cultures. What’s different? Think of possible problems; some interesting examples ...)


After the event, study the cards you’ve collected and before you forget, write when and where you met that person on the back of each one. Call important contacts a day or two after the event, or write a short note to say how much you enjoyed meeting them and suggest another meeting. A typed email is fine but isn’t as personal as something through the post. A handwritten note can seem much warmer.

Topic: Cultural differences (compare 2 or more cultures. What’s different? Think of possible problems; some interesting examples ...)


Getting our products to our customers is a long and difficult process. Our main problem is time. Customers order our products and then we have to arrange delivery to their offices. The problem is that we make the printers in the UK and it can take a long time for our factory to dispatch the printers to our customers in Germany. This can take a long time. Sometimes we miss deadlines: we say we want the printers with the customers in two weeks, but they often get them four weeks later! There are many reasons for the delays: the factory is too busy, problems with the paperwork, etc.

Topic: Success (school/university; job, sports, society, art,...; Does success change people? How do people become successful, ...)


When Peter Fenn started Fenn Tool Ltd in 1982, there were only three employees based in an old church hall. They designed special tools for the telecommunications and aerospace industries. The company’s suppliers in Austria and Switzerland made the tools, which they then dispatched by lorry to Fenn Tool Ltd in the UK.

However, the problem was that supply took six to ten weeks, and Fenn Tool Ltd couldn’t meet their customers’ urgent deadlines.

So they decided to buy a computer design and manufacturing package so that they could do the whole job themselves.

Topic: Hobbies and interests ( talk about your hobbies and interests and of people you know; give your opinion about some hobbies or interests – positive and/or negative)


They went ahead and spent £250,000. It was a big financial risk, but it has really changed the business. Fenn Tool has cut the lead time down to only 48 hours from order to finished product.

In January this year, the company won a £30,000 prize as Small Business of the Year and now has a client list that includes Rolls-Royce, Marconi and BAE Systems.

Financial Director, Sarah Potter, says that she would advise other small businesses to take the risk and invest in new technology.

Topic: Describe a past event (your description should answer the questions: what, where, who, how,...)

Uputstvo za usmeni dio ispita:

Ukupan broj ispitnih pitanja je 12. Na stolu će biti 24 listića (12x2).

Listić sadrži tekst i temu za usmeni.

Tekst nosi 10 bodova (5 za čitanje i 5 za prevod)

Tema nosi 5 bodova.

Za svaku pogrešno izgovorenu ili pogrešno prevedenu riječ oduzima se 0,5 bodova.

Student ima pravo da promijeni ispitni listić. Za promjenu se oduzimaju 3 boda.

Student koji osvoji svih 15 bodova na usmenom ispitu ima pravo na bonus pitanje (za ostvarivanje dodatnih bodova – max. 5 bodova). Bonus pitanje je tema koja se dobija izvlačenjem novog ispitnog listića.

O temi možete govoriti 5-7 minuta.


Maksimalan broj studenata u ispitnoj prostoriji je 6.

Svih 6 studenata predaju indeks na početku ispita.

Na početku ispita prvi student izvlači ispitni listić i priprema se do 10 minuta. Student može promijeniti pitanje najkasnije 3 minuta nakon izvlačenja listića. Drugi student može izvući pitanje tek kada prvi student pristupi ispitu.

Komunikacija između studenata koji su izvukli ispitna pitanja nije dozvoljena.
