Saint Ignatius’ College, Riverview - English Programme Unit Name / Focus: Displacement-Tales From a Suitcase Stage: 5 Year: 10 Duration: 5 weeks Outcomes Covered: 2 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 2 uses and critically assesses a range of processes for responding and composing. 4 selects and uses language forms and features, and structures of texts according to different purposes, audiences and contexts, and describes and explains their effects on meaning, 5 transfers understanding of language concepts into new and different contexts 6 experiments with different ways of imaginatively and interpretively transforming experience, information and ideas into texts 7 thinks critically and interpretively using information, ideas and increasingly complex arguments to respond to and compose texts in a range of contexts 8 investigates the relationships between and among texts 9 demonstrates understanding of the ways texts reflect personal and public worlds 10 questions, challenges and evaluates cultural assumptions in texts and their effects on meaning 11 uses, reflects on, assesses and adapts their individual and collaborative skills for learning with increasing independence and effectiveness. Rationale: This unit allows students to deepen their understanding of Non-Fiction through the telling of personal experiences of being an Afghan Refugee and their journey as told in Tales From a Suitcase. Objectives: Students will: experience and respond sensitively to the personal experience of refugees through autobiographical accounts. develop an appreciation for displaced people in other contexts. Question and challenge prevailing opinions of refugees in our society. Reflect on their learning. OUTCOMES CONTENT 9 demonstrates understanding of the ways texts reflect personal and public worlds Students learn to / about: 9.2 relate the content and ideas in texts to the world beyond the texts 9.7 the ways personal perspective is shaped by social, cultural and historical influences 2 uses and critically assesses a range of processes for responding and composing. 2.8 the ways that the processes of planning including investigating, interviewing, selecting, recording and organising ideas, images and information can and should be modified according to specific purposes and texts TEACHING STRATEGIES & LEARNING EXPERIENCES EVIDENCE OF LEARNING Introducing the Text Teachers can use numerous ways to introduce the historical, cultural and social aspects of the Afghan people. Students Study a contemporary map of Afghanistan noting specifically the borders with Pakistan (Taliban) and Russia (Invasion). Utilise the Glossary of terms provided. Students recognise Afghanistan’s situation between 2 countries, its geography, climate and tribal borders. Student explain why it is often invaded but never conquered. ASSESSMENT RESOURCES Visuals: Map of Afghanistan Taken from the novel “An Unexpected Light” Jason Elliot Glossary OUTCOMES CONTENT TEACHING STRATEGIES & LEARNING EXPERIENCES 10 questions, Students learn to / challenges and about: evaluates cultural 10.11 the beliefs and assumptions in value systems texts and their underpinning effects on texts from meaning. different cultures 10.8 the effects of personal, social, historical and technological perspectives on language and communication 11uses, reflects on, assesses and 11.12 their own adapts their learning strengths and individual and learning needs including collaborative their preferred ways of skills for learning gathering, processing with increasing and representing independence & information effectiveness. Teachers: Familiarise students with the historical, geographical, social & cultural background of C20th Afghanistan. 8 investigates the relationships between and among texts Written response to the article: “The Burqa hid a culture of abuse of women…” Students write first entry in Learning Log Assessment. 8.1 identify and describe the similarities and differences between and among more demanding texts Students: Read ‘Introduction’ from text pp1-14 Identify First –person perspective in this chapter. Why has the writer written in the first person? Complete page 1 of handout. a) Preliminary discussion questions to consider (113) & b) Background Research a)-f) EVIDENCE OF LEARNING ASSESSMENT Learning Log: Student reflections show understanding of the impact of various factors affecting how we view Afghanistan. Tales from a Suitcase: ‘Introduction’ pp1-14 Students link composer’s purpose to evoke sympathy with use of first person. Handout “Displacement” Article: “The Silent Sufferers” Daily Telegraph 20/2/03 Analyse visual stimulus: “The Silent Sufferers” Discuss elements of composition, point-of-view etc RESOURCES Learning Log: Entry 1 Focus question. What have you learnt about displacement so far? OUTCOMES 4 selects and uses language forms and features, and structures of texts according to different purposes, audiences and contexts, and describes and explains their effects on meaning 6 experiments with different ways of imaginatively and interpretively transforming experience, information and ideas into text CONTENT Students learn to / about: 4.12 the significance of the relationship between purpose, audience and context TEACHING STRATEGIES & LEARNING EXPERIENCES Introducing the Text: Teacher: Familiarise students with the structure of the text (10 short autobiographical stories from refugees) and the connection with the 7 episodes in the SBS Series. Students: Read and complete various exercises from the Displacement handout based on the stories in the text. Some stories can be covered by viewing relevant episodes from the SBS series. 6.7 ways in which literary and non-literary composers transform ideas and experience into texts, including consideration of their insight, imaginative powers and verbal ingenuity Discuss the refugee experience and how it is influenced by the various perspectives of the composers and their different contexts. e.g. Boat refugees persecuted by the Taliban, Medical Doctor fighting for the Mujihadeen against the Russians, Women’s experiences under the Taliban. Learning Log Entry – possible focus questions: a) What was our opinion on Refugees beforehand? b) How have they changed from your reading of the text? c) How were your views formed previously and how informed were you? EVIDENCE OF LEARNING ASSESSMENT RESOURCES Supplementary Video“Marking Time” A country boy falls in love with an Afghan refugee. Documentary Video: Tales From a Suitcase SBS N.B. Episodes 1-7 cover the stories in the set text of the same name. Students’ responses show awareness of how our perspective on Displaced peoples can be influenced by the information we receive and who presents it. Learning Log: Entry 2 Focus question (Teacher generated based on class work.) 'Fearless Stories From Asian Women and this one is about Taslima Nasrin, a poet, from Bangladesh who wrote about her thoughts on how religious fundalism has consigned women to a secondary role in modern society'. OUTCOMES CONTENT TEACHING STRATEGIES & LEARNING EXPERIENCES EVIDENCE OF LEARNING 11 uses, reflects on, assesses and adapts their individual and collaborative skills for learning with increasing independence and effectiveness. Students learn to / about: 11.5 use individual and group processes to generate, investigate, document, clarify, refine, critically evaluate and present ideas and information drawn from books, the internet and other sources of information (i) Students work in groups to complete the table (p3) outlining the problems faced by immigrants of all types, refugee perm. resident. Students draw conclusions from their discussion. Teacher to observe discussion. 8 investigates the relationships between and among texts 8.9 similarities of approach, attitude, intent, point of view, perspective and style in texts by different composers (ii) Students convert section of Students make observations about story into formal language. grammar, language acquisition etc. Exploring the issues further: Students respond to various poems & short stories by answering questions, discussion and composing own poems. Teachers encourage students to look beyond Afghan experiences into those of other nationalities. Poems reflect an awareness of issues faced by displaced peoples. Teacher reads responses to stimulus questions. ASSESSMENT Learning Log: Entries 3 & 4 Focus Q’s issued with assessment task. One entry per week for 4 weeks. RESOURCES Displacement handout i) p3 ii) pp4-9 Poetry: “Be Good little Migrants” -Uyen Loewold “Migrant Woman on a Melbourne Tram” -Jennifer Strauss “Recommendati on”-Nhat Hanh Short Story: “Mekong Delta Disaster” OUTCOMES CONTENT TEACHING STRATEGIES & LEARNING EXPERIENCES 3 selects, uses, describes and explains how different technologies affect and shape meaning Students learn to / about: 3.7 the ways in which modern technologies of communication are used to shape, adapt and represent past and present cultures, including popular culture and youth cultures, for particular audiences 9 demonstrates understanding of the ways texts reflect personal and public worlds 9.6 the ways different and changing views of the world shape meaning Visual Representation – how visuals communicate meaning. Teacher demonstrates how the meaning of a photo can be changed by cropping, zoom in or out. Students choose a photo from the refugee samples on the Workbench. Students manipulate the photo through cropping etc to change its meaning. Students print original and changed photo with an explanation of how they think that the meaning of the photo has been changed. 9.7 the ways personal perspective is shaped by social, cultural and historical influences 9.8 the ways personal perspective shapes meaning EVIDENCE OF LEARNING Students view the multimedia Student responses show presentation of the Afghan Girl awareness of why the image is famous. (A Life Revealed) viewed on the National Geographic web site. Complete questions on worksheet. ASSESSMENT RESOURCES Computer College Workbench Any suitable software for manipulating photo images. Internet Activity : The Afghan Girl “A Life Revealed” http://magma. nationalgeogra /0204/sights _n_sounds/me dia2.html OUTCOMES 2 4 6 7 8 10 CONTENT Students learn to / about: TEACHING STRATEGIES & LEARNING EXPERIENCES EVIDENCE OF LEARNING ASSESSMENT Teacher / Students discuss aspects of good web site design, navigational tools, purpose, audience of electronic media. Various examples are explored from the internet. Students will learn that selection & sequencing of images can tell a story or make a point. Assessment Task: Student compositions reveal awareness that Students to prepare in advance images can convey meaning. the home page & 2 pages linked to the set text. The last page is unseen and requires students to bring an image that is then deconstructed. The web site is then put together on paper over 1 period. Speaking & Listening Task: Students present a Duologue describing their experiences as a refugee in terms of: Home country situation, Journey Expectations in new country. Design a website dedicated to some aspect of Displacement, incorporating knowledge of set text, cultural values, understanding of how images create meaning, layout, design and navigation within an electronic text etc. RESOURCES Workbench: Various web sites relating to refugees are located on the Riverview Workbench. Displacement handout – p9 ADDITIONAL ACTIVITIES INTENTION ACTIVITIES LEARNING OUTCOMES RESOURCES ASSESSMENT REGISTER DATE Students should be able to: Evaluation of Unit (your response, student response) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Teacher's Signature:____________________ Date:_______________ Co-ordinator's Signature:______________________ Date:_______________