Psychology 201 Classes

Psychology 201 Classes
Dr. Rosalyn M. King, Professor
Assignment in Lieu of Class
For Psychology 201 Students in Lieu of Class on Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Please prepare your responses in typewritten form for submission in class. Also be prepared to make presentations in
class explaining your responses. You are also required to post one response below on the web board.
After reading the overview of psychology under lessons and handouts on the web course, summarize your
view of the field of psychology.
Read carefully the section on Psychology's Relatives. Explain why the listed social sciences are relevant
to psychology (anthropology, geography, political science, biology, psychiatry, history). The field of
sociology is probably considered the least needed by psychology--why? What other field(s) are closely
related to psychology?
Review the major issues in psychology. Provide a real-life and relevant example of one of the issues.
This example can come from something you have read or experienced, from the textbook, from related
psychological research, or from a scholarly journal. Post your response to this question on the web
board by going first to the discussion forum page on the course website and then posting your answer
on the web board. Also respond to at least one response provided by one of your classmates. This
post should be made no later than Sunday, September 9, 2007 by 12 midnight.
List 3 questions you have about the overview of psychology.
Read the history of psychology. Review the Related Learning Links and other sources on the history of
psychology. Discuss the contributions of scholars, worldwide, in the evolution of the field. Explain
psychology as a global discipline, including particular countries that helped define the discipline as well
as some of the people who contributed to psychology's evolvement.
Who is your favorite contributor to the field of psychology and why? What significant contribution did
they make to the field?
List 3 questions you have about the history of psychology.
Excerpts of your essay may contribute to additional lessons on the course website. Please cite all
sources used and submit a typewritten paper of 5-8 pages. Include your honor pledge and a list of
BEGIN STUDY AND PREPARATION ON RESEARCH AND ETHICS (Chapter 1, Thinking Critically About Psychological Science)
Not to Be Submitted
Read Chapter 1 and become familiar with research in psychology. This is preparation for a future class.
Visit the related learning links section of the web course on Ethics in Psychology. Read or download
the APA's "Ethical Principles of Psychologist."
Read also about Institutional Review Boards and about the care and use of animals in research. Visit the
other links listed on this page. Become familiar with these ethical standards for participation in
discussion of case scenarios in class.