#1352 Bus 163-OLA Management Principles and Organizational Systems. Fall 2014 5 Credits Dr. Jim Wiek Office Location: Bldg 16, Office 324-9 Phone: (253) 566-5257 Email: jwiek@tacomacc.edu Overview Of The Course It is my belief that management shouldn’t be studied solely from the perspective of top management, billion-dollar companies, or U. S. corporations The subject matter in management encompasses everyone from the lowest supervisor to the chief executive officer. So the content of this course should give as much attention to the challenges and opportunities in supervising a team of five, some of whom may be located in virtual offices, as those in directing a staff of MBA-educated vice presidents. Similarly, not everyone wants to work for a Fortune 500 company. Students who are interested in working in small businesses, entrepreneurial ventures, or not-for-profit organizations will find the descriptions of management concepts covered in this course applicable to their needs because the course includes examples and applications from a broad spectrum of organizations. Finally, organizations operate today in a global marketplace. As a result, the course includes examples from organizations around the globe. Textbook Essentials of Contemporary Management. 6th edition. 2015. Gareth Jones & Jennifer George. McGraw-Hill/Irwin. ISBN: 978-0-07-786253-4. Please note: copies of this text may be available from some book retailers that contain a “premium access code.” We will not be using that “premium access code” in this course and there is no reason to pay the extra charge for it. Course Prerequisites ENGL 095 and READ 095 or equivalent, or instructor permission. Course Description: This course offers a study of basic theory and common terms of management. It examines what management is, who managers are, what they do, how they differ from non-managers, and how management contributes to an organization’s success. 1352 Bus 163 OLA Wiek FA14 1 Degree Learning Outcomes Upon completing a degree at Tacoma Community College, students will be able to: Demonstrate a basic knowledge of each of the distribution areas (Written Communication, Humanities, Quantitative Skills, Natural Sciences and Social Sciences; or, as applicable, specific professional/technical programs), integrate knowledge across disciplines, and apply this knowledge to academic, occupational, civic and personal endeavors. Core of Knowledge (COK). Listen, speak, read, and write effectively and use nonverbal and technological means to make connections between self and others. Communication (COM). Compare, analyze, and evaluate information and ideas, and use sound thinking skills to solve problems. Critical Thinking & Problem Solving (CRT). Locate, evaluate, retrieve, and ethically use relevant and current information of appropriate authority for both academic and personal applications. Information & Information Technology (IIT). Respectfully acknowledge diverse points of view, and draw upon the knowledge and experience of others to collaborate in a multicultural and complex world. Living & Working Cooperatively/Valuing Differences (LWC). Demonstrate an understanding of what constitutes responsible and ethical behavior toward individuals, the community, and the environment. Responsibility & Ethics (RES). Business Program and Business 163 Learning Outcomes Upon successful completion of the Associates in Applied Sciences degree in Business, students will: Be able to identify, select, communicate, and implement sound and appropriate business management or logistic concepts, strategies, and best practices in the pursuit of effective and efficient business operations. (COM, CRT, RES, IIT, LWC) Demonstrate an ability to critically evaluate, problem solve, make and communicate effective decisions about business or logistic situations. (COM, CRT, RES, LWC) Display effective interpersonal communication; leadership; motivation; and team dynamics skills in their interactions with others. (COM, CRT, RES, LWC) Communicate effectively about business management or logistic issues, including the demonstration of competence with a wide variety of electronic tools to research, analyze, manage, and present information orally and in writing. (COM, CRT, IIT) Consistently apply, role model, and communicate high standards of ethical judgment and behavior in the conduct of personal and business affairs. (COM, CRT, RES, LWC) Course Learning Objectives A complete set of course learning objectives for each week is shown at the end of the syllabus in the “Tentative Course Calendar” section, and in the weekly folders in Canvas. These weekly learning objectives are provided to show you what you should have learned after completing each week’s studies. 1352 Bus 163 OLA Wiek FA14 2 No Class Meetings Or Attendance There are no regularly scheduled class meetings and no required attendance for this full online course. Contacting Me Using the TCC Email System. The TCC email system is the method of communication that I prefer you to use to contact me. I have access to the TCC email system both at my TCC office and at home and will try to respond to your messages as soon as possible between Monday morning and Friday noon. I will generally be available to answer emails between approximately 9:00 AM and 3:00 PM on Mondays through Thursdays, and between approximately 9:00 AM and 11:30 AM on Fridays. When sending emails to me at jwiek@tacomacc.edu please indicate which course you are in- Bus 163, and the week number and specific assignment, quiz, exam, or other matter that you are writing about. All emails should be signed with your first and last name. Please note that any email that has a hotmail, yahoo, gmail, or non-TCC email extension may not make it past the TCC junk mail filter. Please submit all assignments through Canvas; do not submit assignments as emails or email attachments. Assignment Weeks’ Beginning and Ending Dates With the exception of week 10, each week of this course begins on Tuesday at 12:01 AM and ends on the following Monday at 11:55 PM. All assignments for a particular week need to be submitted by Monday at 11:55 PM. For instance, week one begins at 12:01 AM on Tuesday, September 23rd and ends at 11:55 PM on Monday, September 29th. Week 10 is extended until Thursday, December 4th because of the Thanksgiving holidays. All course work must be submitted by Thursday, December 4th at 11:55 PM. Work submitted after that deadline will not be graded. Complying With Course Deadlines The course requires regular access to the class’s online web site in Canvas. Online courses are timeintensive, so plan on devoting a minimum of about ten to fifteen hours per week to this course, which includes study, and writing, etc. Contrary to common misconceptions, online courses are challenging and comprehensive. Online classes are quite different than traditional campus classes. All of the written work will be submitted online. This sort of class requires a high degree of motivation and pro-activity for students to be successful. The online environment is not self-paced. We will observe very specific schedules. Due dates are critical. Online quizzes, exams, case analyses, breakout exercises, and discussion forum postings cannot be submitted late (see sections on each of these below). They must be completed and submitted by the due date and time- 11:55 PM of the Monday at the end of the assignment week- if you wish to receive grade credit for your work. Turn your work in prior to the due date and time and you have the chance to earn all of the possible points; turn it in eight days or later following the due date and you get a zero. In my experience as an instructor of online courses, a major determinant of student success or lack of success is their track record of completing and submitting assignments, quizzes, and exams prior to their due dates. Most students comply with the due dates and earn good grades. Those who often do 1352 Bus 163 OLA Wiek FA14 3 not comply with the weekly due dates receive zeros for those assignments and either fail the course or earn very low grades. Remember that college education involves making choices and the consequences of those choices. If you do not meet deadlines because you have chosen other activities, then the consequence and tradeoff is a lower grade. If you do not have the time for this course or you are a procrastinator you should not be taking this course. Please check in at least 3-4 times a week in the online classroom as well as checking your TCC email so that you stay current on announcements for the course. Late Assignments or Exams Except for your discussion forum postings, basically the grading formula is this: turn in assignments on time to earn a possible 100% of the potential points. Turn them in with a week of the due date and you receive a possible 50% of the potential points. Turn them in more than a week after the due date and get zero points. Discussion forum postings submitted after the weekly deadline will receive zero points. It is your responsibility to stick to deadlines and complete all your required assignments. Having said that, I realize that everyone makes a mistake once in a while and with this in mind I am giving you accident forgiveness insurance. If you miss the deadline of a quiz, exam, or assignment, you will be allowed to turn it in within one week (7 days) of said deadline and still receive 50% credit for the work. No assignment, quiz, or exam will be accepted if it is more than seven days late. If you encounter trouble during the course contact me immediately for help; whether you are having trouble with the curriculum or you have outside pressures causing you to fall behind in your work. You need to stay in touch with me and work with me to stay on track. It is your responsibility to stay on track. If you fall more than a week behind turning in assignments and have not contacted me you will not be allowed to make them up. Self-Discipline Based on what I have learned in previous online courses, the students who succeed are not necessarily the most knowledgeable on a subject; they are people who can motivate themselves to do the work without the added push of having to show up in class several times each week and meet with other students and a teacher. It is easy to drift away from an online class. It is easy to put off schoolwork when pressed by deadlines at a job or by family issues or just by the temptation of leisure pursuits. I encourage students to set a schedule (based on the "Time Commitment" mentioned below) and to stick to that schedule. Explain to those around you that you have class at certain times and that you need to be left alone during these times. Get in a routine and get others around you in that routine as well. Self-discipline, in relation to education, is perhaps the hardest thing to learn in an online course if you don't already have it. Time Commitment Because students don't come to a specific place at specific times during the week, it can be easy for time to slip away in courses such as this. At a minimum, students should schedule between 10 and 15 hours each week to complete the activities for this course. Ideally, students will be able to schedule a little bit of time each day, or every other day, to think about--and work on--this class. Initially, some students imagine that an online class will take less of their time; however, it is very likely that this course will actually take more time, particularly in the initial weeks as you are getting familiar with the computer programs and style of the course. The benefit of an online course is that 1352 Bus 163 OLA Wiek FA14 4 the use of time is more flexible, not that it takes less time per week for all the course related activities. Instructional Methods Used: This course will be delivered via the Canvas course management system. Technology Requirements You should compete the Week Zero Tutorials on the Canvas Content Management System prior to or during week one if you have not already done so. Students will need a computer with speakers, access to a printer and a personal email account. Additional technology information is at: http://www.tacomacc.edu/areasofstudy/learningoptions/elearning/onlineclasses/gettingstarted/ If your personal computer does not meet the requirements specified at this site, plan to use a computer in the TCC library, computer lab or elsewhere. To minimize technical problems, it is strongly suggested that you download and use both the Mozilla Firefox browser and the Chrome browser. To do so, follow the instructions on the Internet. Firefox and Chrome work much better with Canvas than with the Microsoft Internet Explorer browser. Software: Important plug-ins for student computers include Adobe Acrobat Reader and Java from http://java.com.en/download/index.jsp Technical Support For Canvas Canvas comes with a very large number of “how to” tutorials and directions. To access this information, click on the “Help” button located in the upper right corner of the Canvas home page. Having done that, click on the “Search Canvas Guides” option or the “Report a problem” or “ask Canvas support a question.” Help is also available from TCC’s eLearning technical support personnel located in the Information commons on the first floor of building 16. In order to more efficiently solve support requests, we will be using our help ticket and knowledgebase system named Parature. With our support system, we have a technical support structure with both Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3 support staff. Any time you have a technical support question or would like to search through our helpful knowledgebase, please go to: http://my.tacomacc.edu/tcclearn You are also welcome to email elearning@tacomacc.edu and a support ticket will be created for you. Whether you send an email to elearning@tacomacc.edu, submit a ticket here, or go to http://my.tacomacc.edu/tcclearn and request support, your questions will be answered promptly by one of our knowledgeable support staff. For phone support, you can call 253.566.5176. 24/7 support is also available at 1.866.425.8412 What To Do In Case of A Computer Disaster Have a backup plan Find family or friends who will let you come over and use their computer TCC library has computers available to you M-Th 7:30A-7P and Fridays 7:30A - 5P Building 7 The TCC Computer lab is located in building 16 at the end of the first floor (Information Commons). The hours are M-Th 7A-9P and Friday 7A-4:30P and Saturdays 8:30A-4:30 P 1352 Bus 163 OLA Wiek FA14 5 Find out where your local public libraries are and what their hours are. In the event that you are locked out of an exam and or quiz contact the 24/7 immediately to log the issue and receive a ticket number at the website indicated below. I will require you to submit a ticket number via TCC email to me in order to retake the exam and or quiz. 24/7 Technical Support is available at: 1-866-425-8412 or at: https://my.tacomacc.edu/tcclearn. Navigating In Canvas This course is organized into 10 weekly modules. For example in Week One, you will find the following topics, assignments, and quizzes: Course Syllabus Meet Your Instructor Week 1 Learning Objectives Week 1 Reading Week 1 Practice Quiz for chapter 1. Practice quizzes are optional and ungraded. Discussion Forum Posting- About Yourself. Week 1 Discussion Forum Week 1 Breakout Exercise Week 1 Case Syllabus Quiz Week 1 Quiz for chapter 1 Online Learning Self Assessment Online courses are not for everyone. To be successful in these classes, you should be able to answer “yes” to the following questions: Am I a self-motivated person? Am I able to commit 10-15 hours per week on an online course? Do I feel confident enough in my writing skills to utilize them as my primary mode of communication with my instructor and fellow classmates? Am I comfortable with using email as a means of communicating and sending assignments to my instructor? Am I comfortable with creating, saving, and moving files on my computer? Do I understand how to install software on my computer? Am I a good reader? Am I comfortable gathering information visually as opposed to getting it in a face-to-face classroom format? Student Resources Under the Modules tab for each week, you will find a “Student Resources” folder which contains the following optional study aids: A PowerPoint presentation. A practice quiz. 1352 Bus 163 OLA Wiek FA14 6 Evaluation Criteria and Grading Standards Major emphasis will be on the exams; quizzes; your written analysis of the cases, your discussion forum postings, and whether or not you complete the Student Survey at the end of the course. Please “save” all of your written assignments so that you do not have to re-do them if they are not submitted properly in Canvas the first time. All graded work will be submitted online by students in Angel. There are approximately 1160 possible points for this course. No Extra Credit Assignments No extra credit assignments will be given in this class. To maximize the number of points you earn in class: 1. Please submit all assignments, and submit them on or before the weekly due dates. 2. Submit your best quality work on your first submission. 3. Because many of the quiz and exam questions focus on the definitions of the key terms in the assigned readings, you will maximize your points by memorizing the definitions of those key terms. You can do this by preparing “flash cards” for those key terms with the name of the key term on one side and its definition on the other side. Discussion Forum Posting: About Yourself Please write a brief autobiography and post it on the discussion forum as a Week One assignment. Introduce yourself to the class and tell us something about yourself that makes you a memorable person. What makes you unique? Don’t hold back or be shy, and remember to provide more than just academic information. Once you have replied and posted your introduction, read and reply to at least two other postings. This assignment is worth a possible 20 points. Taking Quizzes and Exams in Canvas You should be as well prepared for the quizzes and exams in this online course as you would be for an in-class quiz or exam in which you are not allowed to use your books or notes. Because students in this course take their quizzes and exams in an uncontrolled environment, all quizzes and exams are open book and have time limits that are short enough to preclude ‘looking up’ the answer to every question. You may use your book and other personal resources (as long as they do not breathe, eat or sleep). You may not collaborate or share answers with others. To do so constitutes cheating. I depend on your honesty and my expectation that you will observe my policies for academic conduct. Optional practice assessments are available for each chapter to help you determine the degree to which you have learned the course concepts. These are referred to as “practice quizzes.” These may be re-taken as many times as you wish; the scores that you receive do not affect your course grade. One 10 question quiz containing questions about the course syllabus will be available during week one; it will be worth 20 possible points. This is referred to as a “syllabus quiz.” In addition, a timed quiz will be given each week covering the chapter assigned for that week. These are referred to as “Week 1 Quiz,” “Week 2 Quiz,” etc. Each quiz will contain 20 true/false and/or multiple choice questions worth 1 point each. The total for all ten quizzes is 200 possible points. There will be three timed exams during the quarter. They will occur in weeks 4, 7, & 10. (see Tentative Course Calendar). These are referred to as “1st Exam,” 2nd Exam,” and “3rd Exam.” 1352 Bus 163 OLA Wiek FA14 7 Each exam will have 50 true/false and/or multiple choice questions worth 2 points each for a total of 100 possible points per exam. The assessments are set up in Canvas so that you will be allowed one attempt for each one. Each assessment is timed, so plan to take each quiz when you know that you will have 24 minutes of uninterrupted time, and each exam when you will have 60 minutes of uninterrupted time. Remember that the due date for each week is 11:55 PM on Monday night. Be sure that you begin each quiz far enough in advance of that 11:55PM deadline to allow you to compete it, because it will automatically submit at that time even if you have not finished it by that time. If you are using a home computer, be sure that it is reliable, won’t become unplugged by your dog or toddler, and has a DSL rather than a dial up connection. If there is any question about the reliability of your computer and its Internet connectivity, use a TCC lab computer or one that is reliable and has a relatively fast Internet connection. You need to begin the exam or quiz as soon as possible after you access it in order to allow enough time to finish it before it is disabled. Questions will be displayed one at a time in random order. You will not be allowed to go back and change answers. Do not skip questions with the intention of going back and answering them later; no “backtracking” is allowed. Once you begin the quiz or exam, “the clock starts ticking.” Even if you stop taking the assessment and close Canvas, the clock keeps running. Once the allotted time has expired, the assessment automatically submits even if you have not finished it. Answers for each assessment are due in Canvas by 11:55 PM on the dates posted in the class schedule included in this syllabus. You can also monitor your quiz and exam results a day or so following their due date. To do so, just click on the quiz or exam and the answers will appear. In the event that you are locked out of an exam or quiz, contact the 24/7 helpline at: 1-866-425-8412. or https://my.tacomacc.edu/tcclearn to log the issue and receive a ticket number. I will require you to submit a ticket number via TCC email to me in order to retake the exam and or quiz. Discussion Forum Postings The discussion forum questions for each week will be based on the written assignments shown in the chapter for that week. See the “Tentative Course Calendar at the end of this syllabus. For instance, in week one, the discussion forum is about the “Be the Manager: Problems at Achieva” assignment on p. 32, questions 1 & 2. Specific questions for you to answer are included at the end of each assignment. Each week you will be required to respond to the initial question or questions and then read and respond to at least two of your peers’ postings. Please answer all of the questions for a particular discussion forum on one posting. For instance, if there are 3 questions to answer, please enter all 3 answers on a single posting. Please post your answers to the discussion forum questions early in the week (Tuesday or Wednesday) in which they are assigned so that your classmates can read them and respond to them prior to the due date. Your postings should indicate the reasons for and logic behind your answers. “I agree” responses are insufficient unless clarifications, assumptions, reasons and evidence, viewpoints or perspectives, or implications and consequences are included. 1352 Bus 163 OLA Wiek FA14 8 Remember- it is not only the answer that you provide or your response to another students’ posting that is important. Equally or more critical is how you support your answer or response. Discussion board postings will be graded on the amount of your participation, the quality of what you write, and your adherence to the netiquette expectations and rules shown below. Discussion board postings should not be completed prior to, or after, the week for which they are assigned. I want you to do them when your peers are doing them so that everyone can participate in the discussion process. Grades for discussion forum postings do not follow the “ 50% of possible points if submitted within a week of the due date” rule discussed in the “Late Assignments or Exams” section of this syllabus As is the case for other course assignment, quizzes, and exams, discussion forum postings and responses are due in Canvas by 11:55 PM on the dates posted in the syllabus. Discussion forum postings are time- sensitive. You need to do them when your peers are doing; otherwise don’t do them at all. Late postings and responses will not be graded. Each set of weekly discussion forum postings is worth a possible 20 points for a total of 200 possible points. Netiquette “Netiquette” is short for “network etiquette.” It is basically a set of guidelines for proper Internet behavior. Just as in a classroom, we must be mindful of our manners in the online environment. Netiquette expectations for online discussions, email, and other forms of communication in this course are: o Rule 1: Remember the human. Do onto others as you’d have others do onto you. Stand up for yourself, but try not to hurt other people’s feelings. o Rule 2: Adhere to the same standards of behavior online that you follow in real life. Be ethical. Do your best to act within the laws of society and cyberspace. o Rule 3: Know where you are in cyberspace. What’s perfectly acceptable in one area may be considered rude in another. Spend a while listening to the chat; get a sense of how your peers communicate. o Rule 4: Respect other people’s time and be brief and to the point. o Rule 5: Make yourself look good online. Spelling and grammar count for a lot. Know what you’re talking about and make sense. Be pleasant and polite. Don’t use offensive language. o Rule 6: Share expert knowledge. Don’t be afraid to share what you know. o Rule 7: Don’t be a “flamer.” “Flaming” is what people do when they express a strongly held opinion without holding back any emotion. o Rule 8: Be forgiving of other people’s mistakes. When someone makes a mistake, be kind about it. o Rule 9: Don’t use “text messaging” language or abbreviations. Please use correct grammar and spelling. Weekly Cases There are 10 cases to analyze; one for each chapter. These cases are located at the end of each assigned chapter. The case for week 1 is located on pages 32-35 and is titled: “Bloomberg BusinessWeek Case In The News: Costco CEO Craig Jelinck Leads The Cheapest, Happiest Company In The World.” 1352 Bus 163 OLA Wiek FA14 9 Each student will submit a written copy of the answers to the questions for each case in either a text entry format or as a MS Word file upload by 11:55 PM on the dates posted in the class schedule included in this syllabus, and in the Modules tab in Canvas. . Each case will be worth a possible 20 points. The total for all ten cases is 200 possible points. Breakout Exercises. (Referred to as “Small Group Breakout Exercises” in the text.) There are 10 Breakout Exercises to analyze; one for each chapter. These are available at the end of each assigned chapter. Even though they are titled: “Small Group Breakout Exercises,” they will be completed on an individual basis. Each student will submit one written copy of the answers to the questions for each exercise in either a text entry format or as a MS Word file upload by 11:55 PM on the dates posted in the class schedule in this syllabus and on the Modules tab of Canvas. Each Breakout Exercise will be worth a possible 20 points. The total for all ten Breakout Exercises is 200 possible points. Student Survey Please complete the TCC student end of course survey. I will send you the instructions for accessing it via a TCC email and an announcement in Canvas when I receive them. Please complete it between Wednesday, November 19th and Thursday, December 4th, 2014. Please notify me that you have completed the Student Survey using the assignment completion box in the “Student survey” tab which is located in the Week 10 module in canvas. Upon notification that you have completed this survey, I will award 20 points to you. Your feedback from the survey should provide information that will help me improve the course the next time it is offered. Grade Calculation Grades will be based on the following approximate number of possible points: Discussion Forum Posting: About Yourself 20 points First Exam 100 points Second Exam 100 points Third Exam 100 points Syllabus Quiz 20 points Weekly Quizzes (10 @ 20 points each) 200 points Weekly Case analyses (10 @ 20 points each) 200 points Discussion Forum Postings (10 @ 20 points each) 200 points Completion of Student end of course Survey 20 points Breakout Exercises (10 @ 20 points each) 200 points Total: approximately 1160 points Submitting Assignments The Breakout Exercise assignments and Case assignments must be submitted in Canvas in either a text entry format (type the answers directly into the answer box), or as a MS Word file upload. Be sure to label each assignment. Please include the week number, the name of the assignment, and your name. Do not submit assignments as email attachments, or as emails. 1352 Bus 163 OLA Wiek FA14 10 Working Ahead All assignments, cases, quizzes and exams are available from the beginning of the quarter so that you can work ahead, but be aware of the following: You are still responsible for timely replies to any/all discussion forum assignments. Discussion board postings should not be completed prior to, or after, the week for which they are assigned. Please do them when your peers are doing them so that everyone can participate in the discussion process. Academic Honesty With the exception of your discussion forum postings, all assignments, quizzes, and exams are to be completed and submitted on an individual basis. Failure to comply with this rule will be deemed academic dishonesty, or cheating. You must do your own work; it is not acceptable to submit assignments, quizzes, or exams that have been prepared by, or with help from, another person. The first instance of academic dishonesty will result in a zero for the assignment, quiz, exam, case, or marketing plan. The consequence of a second offense of academic dishonesty is a failing grade for the course and referral to the Director of Enrollment Services/Student Rights & Responsibilities. This policy applies to all written assignments for this course. The TCC Catalog states “Students are expected to be honest and forthright in their academic endeavors. Cheating, plagiarism or other forms of academic dishonesty corrupt the learning process and threaten the educational environment for all students.” The following grading scale will be used: A = 100-94 B+ = 89.9-87 C+ = 79.9D+ = 69.9-67 77 A- = 93.9-90 B = 86.9-84 C = 76.9-74 D = 66.9-64 B- = 83.9-80 C- = 73.9E = 63.9 & 70 less. To determine your overall percentage for the class, take your total earned points and divide them by the total possible points (for example, if your total earned points were 920 and total possible were 1000 then 920/ 1000 = .92 which is 92%, thus your grade would be an A minus.) Checking Your Grades and Quiz & Exam Results To check your grades, please open “Grades” in the “Global Navigation” bar at the top. o Click on the “Grades” link. o To view your grades, click on the course link. o Grades are sorted chronologically by due date. You can check the reasons for the scores on your assignments by accessing the Scoring Rubric after it has been graded. You can also monitor your quiz and exam results a day or so following their due date. To do so, click on the quiz or exam and the answers will appear. I suggest that you check your grades each week to be sure that you have received credit for work that you submitted. Tuesday and Wednesday are my usual grading days, so if you check your grades on 1352 Bus 163 OLA Wiek FA14 11 Thursday or later you should be able to track your grades from the previous week. Please notify me by email if you do not see a grade for work that you have submitted. Make sure you keep track of your overall grade average so you know where you stand in the class. Other Course Rules, Caveats, and Policies There may be changes in the course calendar or assignments. Any changes in grading will be announced. This syllabus and schedule are subject to change in the event of extenuating circumstances. Withdrawals- please see the TCC Catalogue available on “My TCC Portal.” Incompletes- please see the TCC Catalogue available on “My TCC Portal.” Accommodations for Disabilities. Students with Special Needs: Students are responsible for all requirements of the class, but the way they meet these requirements may vary. If you need specific auxiliary aids or services due to a disability, please contact the Access Services office in Building 7 (253-566-5328). They will require you to present formal, written documentation of your disability from an appropriate professional. When this step has been completed, arrangements will be made for you to receive reasonable auxiliary aids or services. The disability accommodation documentation prepared by Access Services must be given to me before the accommodation is needed so that appropriate arrangements can be made. Chain of Command in Classroom Concerns/Disputes If you have questions or concerns about this class or me, please contact me about your concerns. If we are unable to resolve your concerns, you may talk next with the Chair of the Business Program, Mary Jane Oberhofer at 566-5253. Instructor Responsiveness and Availability I will generally be available to answer emails between approximately 9:00 AM and 3:00 PM on Mondays through Thursdays, and between approximately 9:00 AM and 11:30 on Fridays, and will endeavor to respond to your messages within 24 hours of receiving them. I will endeavor to grade and post the scores for your written assignments within three days following the weekly assignment due dates. Because of the nature of full online courses, I sometimes work at my home office instead of my TCC office. If you want to meet with me at my TCC office, please contact me by email to arrange an appointment. If it is necessary to alter these responsiveness and availability standards, I will communicate those adjustments to you. What are Scoring Rubrics And Why Are They Used? A rubric is an assessment tool for communicating expectations of quality. Rubrics support student self-reflection and self-assessment as well as communication between instructor and students. A rubric is a set of criteria and standards typically linked to learning objectives that is used to assess or communicate about written assignments. A rubric is an attempt to communicate expectations of quality around a task. In many cases, rubrics are used to delineate consistent criteria for grading. Because the criteria are public, a rubric allows 1352 Bus 163 OLA Wiek FA14 12 instructors and students alike to evaluate criteria, which can be complex and subjective. It is aimed at accurate and fair assessment, fostering understanding and indicating the way to proceed with subsequent learning/teaching. Scoring rubrics include one or more dimensions on which performance is rated, definitions and examples that illustrate the attribute(s) being measured and a rating scale for each dimension. Dimensions are generally referred to as criteria, the rating scale as levels, and definitions as descriptors. Discussion Forum, Breakout Exercise and Case Assignment Rubric Criteria Content 15 points Grammar, Spelling, Punctuation, and Word Usage 5 points 15points Balanced presentation of relevant and legitimate information that clearly addresses the assignment and shows a thoughtful, indepth analysis of the topic. 5 points The writing is free or almost free of errors 11 points Information provides a reasonable response to the assignment and displays evidence of a basic analysis of the topic. 8 points Information provides a response to the assignment at times. Analysis is basic or general. 4 points Information provided does not address the assignment. Analysis is vague or not evident 0 points The assignment is not completed. 4 points There are minimal errors that do not interfere with the reader’s understanding. 3 points Some minor errors that may interfere with reader’s understanding. 1 points Many errors that interfere with meaning. 0 points The assignment is not completed. Total Points: 20 Student Survey Rubric Criteria Completed the student survey 20 points. Total Points:20 1352 Bus 163 OLA Wiek FA14 13 Did not complete the student survey. 0 points TENTATIVE COURSE CALENDAR* Each week begins on Tuesday at 12:01 AM, and ends on Monday at 11:55 PM Week 1 Dates Tuesday, September 23rd to Monday, September 29th. Assignments Course Syllabus: Read the Course Syllabus Week Zero Tutorials: complete the week zero tutorials on using Canvas if you have not already done so. Week 1 Learning Objectives: 1. Describe what management is, why management is important, what managers do, and how managers use organizational resources efficiently and effectively to achieve organizational goals. 2. Distinguish among planning, organizing, leading, and controlling (the four principal managerial tasks), and explain how managers’ ability to handle each one affects organizational performance. 3. Differentiate among three levels of management, and explain the tasks and responsibilities of managers at different levels in the organizational hierarchy. 4. Distinguish among three kinds of managerial skill, and explain why managers are divided into different departments to perform their tasks more efficiently and effectively. 5. Discuss some major changes in management practices today that have occurred as a result of globalization and the use of advanced information technology. 6. Discuss the principal challenges managers face in today’s increasingly competitive global environment. Week 1 Reading: read Ch. 1: The Management Process Today. Week 1 Student Resources: See the optional chapter 1 PowerPoint presentation and practice quiz. Discussion Forum Posting: About Yourself: write a brief autobiography and post it on the discussion forum as a Week One assignment. Introduce yourself to the class. Don’t hold back or be shy, and remember to provide more than just academic information. Once you have replied and posted your introduction, read and reply to at least two other postings from your class mates. Week 1 Discussion Forum Posting: “Be the Manager: Problems at Achieva,” p. 32, questions 1 & 2. Post answers to the 2 discussion questions and then read and respond to at least two of your peers’ postings. Week 1 Breakout Exercise: “Opening A New Restaurant” p. 31-32. Answer questions 1-4. Week 1 Case: Bloomberg BusinessWeek Case In The News: Costco CEO Craig Jelinek Leads The Cheapest, Happiest Company In The World.” Pages 32-35, questions 1-3. Syllabus Quiz: complete and submit the quiz for the syllabus. Week 1 Quiz for chapter 1. *There may be changes in the course calendar or assignments. 1352 Bus 163 OLA Wiek FA14 14 Week 2 3 Dates Tuesday, September 30th to Monday, October 6th. Tuesday, October 7th to Monday, October 13th . Assignments Week 2 Learning Objectives: 1. Explain why the ability to perceive, interpret, and respond appropriately to the global environment is crucial for managerial success. 2. Differentiate between the global task environment and global general environments. 3. Identify the main forces in both the global task and general environments and describe the challenges that each force presents to managers. 4. Explain why the global environment is becoming more open and competitive and identify the forces behind the process of globalization that increase the opportunities, complexities, challenges, and threats that managers face. 5. Discuss why national cultures differ and why it is important that managers be sensitive to the effects of falling trade barriers and regional trade associations on the political and social systems of nations around the world. Week 2 Reading: Read Ch. 4: Managing In The Global Environment. Week 2 Student Resources: See the optional chapter 4 PowerPoint presentation and practice quiz. Week 2 Discussion Forum Posting: “Managing Ethically: Employing Young Children in Factories” p. 150, Questions 1 & 2. Post answers to the 2 discussion questions and then read and respond to at least two of your peers’ postings. Week 2 Breakout Exercise: “How to Enter The Copying Business” p. 150. Answer questions 1-3. Week 2 Case: “Bloomberg BusinessWeek Case In The News: How Samsung Became The World’s No. 1 Smartphone Maker.” Pages 151-152. Questions 1-3. Week 2 Quiz for chapter 4. Week 3 Learning Objectives: 1. Describe the nature of managerial decision making, differentiate between programmed and nonprogrammed decisions, and explain why nonprogrammed decision making is a complex, uncertain process. 2. Describe the six steps that managers should take to make the best decisions and explain how cognitive biases can lead managers to make poor decisions. . 3. Identify the advantages and disadvantages of group decision making and describe techniques that can improve it. 4. Explain the role that organizational learning and creativity play in helping managers improve their decisions. 5. Describe how managers can encourage and promote entrepreneurship to create a learning organization, and differentiate between entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs. Week 3 Reading: Read Ch 5: Decision- Making, Learning, Creativity, & Innovation. Week 3 Student Resources: See the optional chapter 5 PowerPoint presentation and practice quiz. Discussion Forum Posting: “Be The Manager: Three Proposed Initiatives Shot Down,” p. 180. Question: What are you going to do? Post answers to this discussion question and then read and respond to at least two of your peers’ postings. Week 3 Breakout Exercise: “Brainstorming” p. 180. Answer questions 1&3 and address the topics discussed in the two paragraphs following Q 3 (i.e.- the pros and cons of the brainstorming method; and your decision.) In Q 1, please generate the ideas about the alternative restaurants yourself, as an individual. Week 3 Case: “Fast Company Case In The News: Working Beyond The Cube.” Pages 181-182. Questions 1-4. Week 3 Quiz for chapter 5. *There may be changes in the course calendar or assignments. 1352 Bus 163 OLA Wiek FA14 15 Week 4 Dates Tuesday, October 14th to Monday, October 20th. Assignments Week 4 Learning Objectives: 1. Identify the three main steps of the planning process and explain the relationship between planning and strategy. 2. Differentiate between the main types of business-level strategies and explain how they give an organization a competitive advantage that may lead to superior performance. 3. Differentiate between the main types of corporate-level strategies and explain how they are used to strengthen a company’s businesslevel strategy and competitive advantage. 4. Describe the vital role managers play in implementing strategies to achieve an organization’s mission and goals. Week 4 Reading: Read Ch. 6: Planning, Strategy, and Competitive Advantage. Week 4 Student Resources: See the optional chapter 6 PowerPoint presentation and practice quiz. Week 4 Discussion Forum Posting: “Managing Ethically: Bribes Paid By IBM,” p. 216, questions 1-3. Post answers to the 3 discussion questions and then read and respond to at least two of your peers’ postings. Week 4 Breakout Exercise: “Low Cost or Differentiation?” page 217. Answer questions 1 & 2. Week 4 Case: “Bloomberg BusinessWeek Case In The News: GM, Ford, and Chrysler: The Detroit Three Are Back, Right?” Pages 217220. Questions 1-3. ” Week 4 Quiz for chapter 6. First Exam for chapters 1, 4, 5, & 6. 5 Tuesday, Week 5 Learning Objectives: October 21st 1. Identify the factors that influence managers’ choice of an to Monday, organizational structure. October 2. Explain how managers group tasks into jobs that are motivating and 27th. satisfying for employees. 3. Describe the types of organizational structures managers can design, and explain why they choose one structure over another. 4. Explain why managers must coordinate jobs, functions, and divisions using the hierarchy of authority and integrating mechanisms. Week 5 Reading: Read Ch. 7: Designing Organizational Structure. Week 5 Student Resources: See the optional chapter 7 PowerPoint presentation and practice quiz. Week 5 Discussion Forum Posting: “Be The Manager: Speeding Up Web Site Design,” p. 255, Questions 1-3. Post answers to the 3 discussion questions and then read and respond to at least two of your peers’ postings. Week 5 Breakout Exercise: “Bob’s Appliances” Pages 254-255. Answer the following questions: o Which structure do you recommend? Why? o Would you choose a different structure? If so, please describe it and explain why you recommend it. Week 5 Case: “Bloomberg BusinessWeek Case In The News: Microsoft’s Ballmer Said To Plan Broad Restructuring.” Page 256. Questions 1-3. Week 5 Quiz for chapter 7. *There may be changes in the course calendar or assignments. 1352 Bus 163 OLA Wiek FA14 16 Week 6 7 Dates Tuesday, October 28th to Monday, November 3rd . Tuesday, November 4th to Monday, November 10th Assignments Week 6 Learning Objectives: 1. Define organizational control, and identify the main output and behavior controls managers use to coordinate and motivate employees. 2. Describe the four steps in the control process and the way it operates over time. 3. Identify the main output controls, and discuss their advantages and disadvantages as means of coordinating and motivating employees. 4. Explain how clan control or organizational culture creates an effective organizational architecture. 5. Discuss the relationship between organizational control and change, and explain why managing change is a vital management task. 6. Explain the role of entrepreneurship in the control and change process. Week 6 Reading: Read Ch. 8: Control, Change, and Entrepreneurship. Week 6 Student Resources: See the optional chapter 8 PowerPoint presentation and practice quiz. Week 6 Discussion Forum Posting: “Managing Ethically; Monitoring Employee Behavior and Performance,” p. 291, Questions 1 & 2. Post answers to the 2 discussion questions and then read and respond to at least two of your peers’ postings. Week 6 Breakout Exercise: “How Best To Control The Sales Force?” Pages 291 to 292. Answer questions 1 & 2. Week 6 Case: “Bloomberg BusinessWeek Case in The News: Dish Network, The Meanest Company In America.” Pages 292-294. Questions 1-3. Week 6 Quiz for chapter 8. Week 7 Learning Objectives: 1. Explain what motivation is and why managers need to be concerned about it. 2. Describe from the perspectives of expectancy theory and equity theory what managers should do to have a highly motivated workforce. 3. Explain how goals and needs motivate people and what kinds of goals are especially likely to result in high performance. 4. Identify the motivation lessons that managers can learn from operant conditioning theory and social learning theory. 5. Explain why and how managers can use pay as a major motivation tool. Week 7 Reading: Read Ch. 9: Motivation. Week 7 Student Resources: See the optional chapter 9 PowerPoint presentation and practice quiz. Week 7 Discussion Forum Posting: “Be the Manager; Motivating Marketing Analysts’ Performance,” Pages 323-324, question: “How can you motivate the analysts to ensure accurate and timely reporting?” Post answers to this discussion question and then read and respond to at least two of your peers’ postings. Week 7 Breakout Exercise: “Increasing Motivation” p. 323. Answer questions 1-4. Week 7 Case: “New York Times Case In The News: Yahoo’s In-Office Policy Aims To Bolster Morale.” Pages 324-325. Questions 1-4. Week 7 Quiz for chapter 9. Second Exam for chapters 7, 8, & 9. 1352 Bus 163 OLA Wiek FA14 17 Week 8 Dates Tuesday, November 11th to Monday, November 17th Assignments Week 8 Learning Objectives: 1. Explain what leadership is, when leaders are effective and ineffective, and the sources of power that enable managers to be effective leaders. 2. Identify the traits that show the strongest relationship to leadership, the behaviors leaders engage in, and the limitations of the trait and behavior models of leadership. 3. Explain how contingency models of leadership enhance our understanding of effective leadership and management in organizations. 4. Describe what transformational leadership is, and explain how managers can engage in it. 5. Characterize the relationship between gender and leadership and explain how emotional intelligence may contribute to leadership effectiveness. Week 8 Reading: Read Ch. 10: Leaders and Leadership. Week 8 student Resources: See the optional chapter 10 PowerPoint presentation and practice quiz. Week 8 Discussion Forum Posting: “Be the Manager: Your Leadership Capabilities And Approach To Change,” p. 352, question: “What are you going to do to improve the performance and effectiveness of your company?” Post answers to this discussion question and then read and respond to at least two of your peers’ postings. Week 8 Breakout Exercise: “Improving Leadership Effectiveness” Pages 351-352. Answer questions 1-4. Week 8 Case: “ The Wall Street Journal Case In The News: This CEO Used To Have An Office.” Pages 352-354. Questions 1-4. Week 8 Quiz for chapter 10. 9 Tuesday, Week 9 Learning Objectives: November 1. Explain why groups and teams are key contributors to 18th to organizational effectiveness. Monday, 2. Identify the different types of groups and teams that help managers November and organizations achieve their goals. 24th . 3. Explain how the different elements of group dynamics influence the functioning and effectiveness of groups and teams. 4. Explain why it is important for groups and teams to have a balance of conformity and deviance and a moderate level of cohesiveness. 5. Describe how managers can motivate group members to achieve organizational goals and reduce social loafing in groups and teams. Week 9 Reading: Read Ch. 11: Effective Team Management. Week 9 Student Resources: See the optional chapter 11 PowerPoint presentation and practice quiz. Week 9 Discussion Forum Posting: “Be the Manager: Managing A Virtual Team” pp. 383- 384, question: “What are your going to do to address this problem?” Post answers to this discussion question and then read and respond to at least two of your peers’ postings. Week 9 Breakout Exercise: “Creating A Cross-Functional Team” p. 383. Answer questions 1-4. Week 9 Case: “The Wall Street Journal Case In The News: Tracking Sensors Invade The Workplace.” Pages 384- 385. Questions 1-4. Week 9 Quiz for chapter 11. *There may be changes in the course calendar or assignments. 1352 Bus 163 OLA Wiek FA14 18 Week 10 Dates Tuesday, November 25th to Thursday, December 4th . Assignments Week 10 is extended until Thursday, December 4th because of the Thanksgiving holidays. All course work must be submitted by Thursday, December 4th at 11:55 PM. Work submitted after that deadline will not be graded. Student Survey: Please complete the TCC student end-of-course student opinion survey. I will send you the instructions for accessing it when I receive them. Please complete it between Wednesday, November 19th and Friday, December 5th. Week 10 Learning Objectives: 1. Explain why strategic human resource management can help an organization gain a competitive advantage. 2. Describe the steps managers take to recruit and select organizational members. 3. Discuss the training and development options that ensure organizational members can effectively perform their jobs. 4. Explain why performance appraisal and feedback are such crucial activities, and list the choices managers must make in designing effective performance appraisal and feedback procedures. 5. Explain the issues managers face in determining levels of pay and benefits. 6. Discuss the role that labor relations play in the effective management of human resources. Week 10 Reading: Read Ch 12: Building and Managing Human Resources. Week 10 Student Resources: See the optional chapter 12 PowerPoint presentation and practice quiz. Week 10 Discussion Forum Posting: “Be The Manager; New Performance Appraisal Procedures.” Page 416. question: What are you going to do? Post answers to this discussion question and then read and respond to at least two of your peers’ postings. Week 10 Breakout Exercise: “Building A Human Resource Management System” Pages 415-416. Answer questions 1-4. Week 10 Case: “The Wall Street Journal Case In The News: Psst . . This Is What Your Co- Worker Is Paid.” Pages 416-418. Questions 1-4. Week 10 Quiz for chapter 12 Third Exam for chapters 10, 11, & 12. *There may be changes in the course calendar or assignments. 1352 Bus 163 OLA Wiek FA14 19