Deutsche Bank Research Global Date Equity Index Change Research 5 January 2015 DBIQ Update Contributors DBLCI - OY Roll Report - January 2015 Daniel J Arnold Research Analyst (+44) 20 754-74849 The report lists the DBLCI contracts which will be rolled in Jan 2015. The contracts will roll between 05 Jan 2014 and 09 Jan 2014. Dipak Chauhan Report Date Index Name 02-Jan-15 Contract Old Contract New Contract Research Analyst (+44) 207 547-4781 Roll yield Arjun Chakrapani DBLCI-OY CL Light Crude DBLCI-OY MZN Zinc DBLCI-OY MCU Copper - Grade A DBLCI-OY MPB Standard Lead CLG5 MZNG5 MCUG5 MPBG5 CLH5 MZNG6 MCUH5 MPBH5 -8.92% -1.52% 3.81% -0.35% Research Analyst (+44) 20 754-75451 Source: Deutsche Bank The OY indices which are not rolling are invested in the following contracts Index Name Bloomberg Ticker DBLCI-OY CC DBLCI-OY KC DBLCI-OY CT DBLCI-OY C DBLCI-OY KW DBLCYECC DBLCYEKC DBLCYECE DBLCOCNE DBLCYEKW DBLCI-OY MW DBLCOMWE DBLCI-OY W DBLCI-OY FC DBLCI-OY LC DBLCI-OY LH DBLCI-OY HO DBLCI-OY LGO DBLCI-OY LCO DBLCI-OY RB DBLCI-OY NG DBLCI-OY GC DBLCI-OY SI DBLCI-OY MAL DBLCI-OY MNI Commodity Contract Expiry Cocoa CCK5 13-May-15 Coffee "C" KCH5 19-Mar-15 Cotton #2 CTH5 09-Mar-15 CZ5 14-Dec-15 KWN5 14-Jul-15 MWEH5 13-Mar-15 DBLCOWTE Corn Wheat (Kansas Wheat) Wheat-Mineapolis Wht Wheat WN5 14-Jul-15 DBLCYEFC Cattle(FeederCattle) FCH5 26-Mar-15 DBLCYELC Live Cattle LCQ5 31-Aug-15 DBLCYELH Lean Hogs LHZ5 18-Dec-15 DBLCOHOE Heating Oil HOM5 29-May-15 DBLCYEGO Gasoil LGON5 10-Jul-15 DBLCYECO Brent Crude LCOZ5 13-Nov-15 DBLCYERB RBOB Gasoline RBZ5 30-Nov-15 DBLCYENG Natural Gas NGJ5 27-Mar-15 DBLCOGCE Gold GCJ5 28-Apr-15 27-Jan-16 DBLCYESI Silver SIF6 DBLCOALE Aluminium MALV5 21-Oct-15 DBLCYENI Primary Nickel MNIU5 16-Sep-15 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Deutsche Bank AG/London Deutsche Bank does and seeks to do business with companies covered in its research reports. Thus, investors should be aware that the firm may have a conflict of interest that could affect the objectivity of this report. Investors should consider this report as only a single factor in making their investment decision. DISCLOSURES AND ANALYST CERTIFICATIONS ARE LOCATED IN APPENDIX 1.MCI (P) 148/04/2014. 5 January 2015 DBIQ Update DBLCI-OY SB DBLCI-OY S DBLCI OY Soybean Meal USD ER DBLCYESB Sugar #11 SBN5 30-Jun-15 DBLCYESS Soybeans SX5 13-Nov-15 DBLCYESM Soybean Meal SMH5 13-Mar-15 Source: Deutsche Bank Index Research contact details US +1 212 250 8998 UK + 44 20 7545 0505 E-mail Close Index Levels are published daily and Bloomberg. on the DBIQ website, Please Note: Following the announcement by ICE (i) to extend the ICE Gasoil Futures Contract (code: G) beyond January 2015 and, with effect from the February 2015 contract month and later months, to change the specification of the ICE Gasoil Futures Contract to 10ppm low sulphur gasoil and (ii) to discontinue the ICE Low Sulphur Gasoil Futures Contract (code: ULS) with respect to February 2015 and later months, Deutsche Bank AG, as index sponsor of the Deutsche Bank Liquid Commodity Optimum Yield Index in respect of Gas Oil published on Bloomberg Screen Page DBLCYEGO (the "Index") announces that in accordance with industry best practice, (i) up to and including the January 2015 contract month, the roll yield in respect of the Index Gasoil Contract will be determined by reference to the price differential between the ICE Gasoil Futures Contract and the ICE Low Sulphur Gasoil Futures Contract and (ii) from and including the February 2015 contract month, the roll yield will be determined by reference to the ICE Gasoil Futures Contract. Page 2 Deutsche Bank AG/London 5 January 2015 DBIQ Update Appendix 1 Important Disclosures Additional information available upon request For disclosures pertaining to recommendations or estimates made on securities other than the primary subject of this research, please see the most recently published company report or visit our global disclosure look-up page on our website at Analyst Certification The views expressed in this report accurately reflect the personal views of the undersigned lead analyst(s). In addition, the undersigned lead analyst(s) has not and will not receive any compensation for providing a specific recommendation or view in this report. Daniel Arnold/Dipak Chauhan/Arjun Chakrapani Equity rating key Buy: Based on a current 12- month view of total share-holder return (TSR = percentage change in share price from current price to projected target price plus pro-jected dividend yield ) , we recommend that investors buy the stock. Sell: Based on a current 12-month view of total shareholder return, we recommend that investors sell the stock Hold: We take a neutral view on the stock 12-months out and, based on this time horizon, do not recommend either a Buy or Sell. Notes: 1. Newly issued research recommendations and target prices always supersede previously published research. 2. Ratings definitions prior to 27 January, 2007 were: Equity rating dispersion and banking relationships 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 48 % 47 % 37 % 30 % 5% 20 % Buy Hold Companies Covered Sell Cos. w/ Banking Relationship Global Universe Buy: Expected total return (including dividends) of 10% or more over a 12-month period Hold: Expected total return (including dividends) between -10% and 10% over a 12month period Sell: Expected total return (including dividends) of -10% or worse over a 12-month period Deutsche Bank AG/London Page 3 5 January 2015 DBIQ Update Regulatory Disclosures 1.Important Additional Conflict Disclosures Aside from within this report, important conflict disclosures can also be found at under the "Disclosures Lookup" and "Legal" tabs. Investors are strongly encouraged to review this information before investing. 2. 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