SSP/RCP-based scenarios: Implementation Detlef van Vuuren 1 Starting point: Causal chain RCPs Climate SSPs Impact Exposed population, ability to adapt Drivers (population , GDP) Energy use, Land use Emissions Conc./ forcing Climate The Scenario Matrix Architecture SSPs Forcing level (W/m2) Narratives Quantitative drivers Shared Socio-economic Pathways SSP1 SSP2 SSP3 SSP4 RCPs SSP5 Climate 8.5 IAM reference scenario (e.g., SSP3-Ref) Socioeconomic information 6.0 4.5 Climate information IAV study 2.6 IAM SSP-RCP scenario (e.g., SSP3-4.5) The Scenario Matrix Architecture Forcing level (W/m2) SSP SPA = = Shared description socio-economic of mitigationpathway: (to movestory down a RCP = trajectory of emissions and land-use Shared Socio-economic Pathways about column) how population, and adaptation GDP, policies income(to etc. deal would with leading to a specifc forcing level develop climate in thepolicy) future. SSP1 SSP2 SSP3 SSP4 SSP5 8.5 6.0 Same socioeconomic pathway, different mitigation; climate “consistent” with each RCP’s forcing 4.5 2.6 Different socioeconomic pathways, but climate “consistent” with RCP 4.5 forcing The Scenario Matrix Architecture Shared Socio-economic Pathways SSP2 SSP3 Challenge to mitigation SSP1 Challenge to adaptation SSP4 SSP5 Challenge to mitigation SSP5: Conventional dev. Rapid technology for fossil High demand High ec. Growth Low population SSP2: Middle of the Road SSP1:Sustainability Rapid technology High environmental Awareness Low energy demand Medium-high economic growth Low population Challenge to adaptation SSP3: Fragmentation Slow technology Development (dev-ing) Reduced trade V. Slow ec. growth Very high population SSP4: Inequality Slow technology High inequality Low energy demand Slow economic growth High population Key SSP elements (three main products + IAV variables) SSP Storylines 1 Iterative Process Quantitative drivers 2 Population Energy (age, sex, mortality, fertility, education) (technology, resources, etc) Urbanization (national) IAM Scenarios Economic development (regional/national) 3 Emissions Land-use (forcing, temperature) (productivity, diets, etc) Qualitative / quantitative (population) High economic growth and education of women leads to drop of fertility SSP5 SSP3 SSP2 SSP1 D: low I: High D: high I: low D: Med I: Med D: Low I: medium Mortality D: low I: low D: high I: high D: Med I: Med D: Low I: Low Migration high low Medium High Variable Fertility 13000 12000 High economic growth and investment into health services leads to drop of mortality 11000 Globalised world has high migration rates 7000 Global population SSP1 10000 SSP2 SSP3 9000 SSP4 SSP5 8000 6000 How low can we go? Detlef van Vuuren – 2 February 2009 Urbanization Projection Results 100 Western Europe 80 70 Latin America 60 China 50 40 30 20 Eastern Africa 10 Source: O’Neill & Jiang, 2100 2090 2080 2070 2060 2050 Year 2040 2030 2020 2010 2000 1990 1980 1970 1960 0 1950 % urban population 90 SSP 1 Fast SSP 2 Central SSP 3 Slow SSP 4 Fast/Central SSP 5 Fast 2100 2090 2080 2070 2060 2050 2040 2030 2020 2010 GDP per capits ($/cap ‐ PPP) 160 Economic projections 140 120 SSP5 100 80 SSP1 60 SSP2 40 SSP4 20 SSP3 0 10 Order from Strength Energy demand Adapting Mosaic TechnoGarden Global Orchestration lifestyle regionalized assumptions and assumptions energy efficiency investments based on current North American values regionalized assumptions focus on domestic Energy supply market energy resources liberalization; selects least-cost options; rapid technology change Climate policy No no some preference for clean energy resources no Depletion 11 Energy demand Price Elasticity Technology Depletion development Costs of different energy sources Preferences Income Elasticity Population GDP lifestyle assumptions and energy efficiency investments based on current Japan and West European values preference for renewable energy resources and rapid technology change yes, Prices Energy supply 4 juni 2014 Technology development Costs of different energy sources Trade restrictions Climate policy (Carbon tax) How low can we go? Detlef van Vuuren – 2 February 2009 Primary Energy 2500 2500 Other renewables Nuclear Gas Oil Coal Biomass 1500 2000 1500 SSP3 IMAGE EJ EJ SSP5 REMIND 1000 1000 500 500 2500 0 1850 1900 1950 Other renewables 2050 Nuclear Gas Oil Coal Biomass 2000 2000 1500 0 1850 2100 1900 1950 2000 2050 2100 2000 2050 2100 EJ SSP2 MESSAGE 1000 500 2500 2500 2000 0 1850 Other renewables Nuclear Gas Oil Coal Biomass 1900 1950 2000 2050 2000 Other renewables Nuclear 2100 Gas Oil Coal Biomass SSP4 AIM 1500 1000 500 Other renewables 0 1850 Nuclear Gas Oil Coal Biomass EJ 1500 EJ Socio-economic challenges for mitigation 2000 Other renewables Nuclear Gas Oil Coal Biomass SSP1 GCAM 1000 500 0 1850 1900 1950 2000 2050 1900 1950 2100 Socio-economic challenges for adaptation Mitigation, including land-based mitigation 150 120 baseline 90 Sulphur emissions 180 150 Emissions 180 60 0 2000 90 60 4.5 W/m2 2020 2040 2060 30 0 2000 2080 180 2100 2020 2040 2060 2080 2100 2020 2040 2060 2080 2100 150 120 90 60 30 200 0 2000 180 2020 2040 2060 2080 180 2100 160 150 140 120 Emissions Challenge to mitigation 30 120 100 80 90 60 60 40 30 20 0 2000 120 2020 2040 2060 2080 2100 0 2000 Challenge to adaptation Reconciling the old and the new: Van Vuuren, Carter, 2014 15 4 juni 2014 16 4 juni 2014 Process of the quantification group GDP and population data : finished March 2013 (IIASA, OECD, PIK) IAM teams elaborating scenarios (IIASA, PIK, PBL, GCAM, NIES, FEEM….). June/July 2014: final submission Special Issue on SSPs in GEC (storylines, GDP, population, IAMs) From Summer 2014: Data available for impact/mitigation studies Summer 2014?: Decisions on use of scenarios in CMIP6 17 4 juni 2014 Conclusions SSPs: combination of storylines and initial, global, quantification Storylines can be the basis of downscaling / use outside original domain: – SSP1: Sustainable dev. world (env. tech, good governance, low popultation, wealthy, social/env goals important) – SSP2: Medium – SSP3: Fragmented world (regional competition, low tech., little trade, poor) – SSP4: Fragmentation in regions (strong rich/poor divide, poor on average) – SSP5: High economic growth (strong technology, fossil fuel driven, consumption, human development) 18 4 juni 2014 SSP database: