www.iusd.org/tr / October 31, 2013 Upcoming Events: Nov 1 Parent Teacher Conferences All Day – No School Nov 6-8 Scouting for Food 2013 – Boxes in front of the school Nov 6 Make Up Picture Day Nov 7 6th Grade Mathcounts Team Tryouts, 2:30-3:30 p.m., MPR Nov 7 GATE Parent Night, 6:30 p.m., MPR – see attached flyer Nov 11 Veteran’s Day – No School Nov 11 GATE Enrichment Day Nov 13 Astounding Inventions in MPR all day Nov 14 TR Book Fair & Family Fun Night Scouting for Food 2013 – November 6-8 Cub Scout Pack 607, Girl Scout Troop 2331, and Girl Scout Troop 744 are collecting food for Second Harvest Food Bank for the annual Scouting for Food. We will have collection boxes in the front drop off area of Turtle rock elementary. Especially needed food items: Canned meats, canned fish, beef stew, chili, pasta, macaroni & cheese, rice, beans, canned fruits & vegetables, canned juices, soups, hot & cold cereals, and peanut butter Personal care items: Diapers, toothpaste, toothbrushes, deodorant, toilet tissue, razors, qtips, soap, band-aids, combs & brushes, and feminine hygiene items Please help make this holiday free of hunger! TR Book Fair & Family Fun Night Mark your calendar for the Turtle Rock Book Fair and Family Fun Night happening from 4 – 8 pm, Thursday, Nov 14, at a new location at the Barnes & Noble bookstore (4600 Barranca Pkwy) in the Woodbridge Village Shopping Center. It’ll be a fun-filled evening designed to inspire our children to read while also raising funds to support PTA’s programs throughout the year. The bookstore will donate 15% of the amount parents spend on anything in the store back to the PTA. They’ll also do the same if you order on-line with our coupon code. It’s a great opportunity to buy your children or yourself something to read over winter break. Experience shows that children read more when they choose books that interest them. TR teachers also will pick out new books that they would like for their classrooms, which parents can buy and donate to them. We’ll have some great entertainment happening inside the bookstore: kids will exercise their artistic talents & design their own bookmarks, the Fairytale Puppeteers will perform, parents and teachers will host Story Time, and “Abbit the Average” will be back with his hilarious magic/comedy/juggling act. We’ll have a dine-out night at Ruby’s Diner that night, too, that will also earn 15% back to the PTA. Watch for the coupon flyers coming home in the conduits and plan to join us for some fun in celebration of reading! Attention all 6th Graders! Tryouts for Turtle Rock's Mathcounts team will be held on Thursday, November 7 from 2:30PM3:30PM in the MPR. Please bring pencils to the tryout. Mathcounts is a nationwide math competition for students in 6th through 8th grade (more information is available http://mathcounts.org). The first round of the competition is held each year in February. Since each school is only allowed to bring 10 students to the competition, we will use the tryout to administer a screening test that will allow us to select a small group of students for further practice sessions. The final Mathcounts team will be chosen during the practice sessions between November through February. If you have any questions please send email to elmerhung@gmail.com. Gate Enrichment Day – November 11th Offered twice each school year on IUSD holidays, GATE Enrichment Days provide a day of enrichment opportunities not offered in the regular classroom setting. Students in grades 48 choose from a variety of fun and mind challenging classes during the four 1 ½ hour long sessions. Programs are offered in conjunction with the IUSD GATE Community Advisory Committee (CAC) and registration information is distributed to GATE identified students through the GATE CAC. To download the flyer for our next GATE Enrichment Day, CLICK HERE. For more information, contact Stephanie Bynon at sbynon@ipsf.net. “Every child one voice” Scouting for Food 2013 November 6-8, 2013 Cub scout pack 607, Girl scout troop 2331, and Girl scout troop 744 are collecting food for Second Harvest Food Bank for the annual Scouting for Food. We will have collection boxes in the front drop off area of Turtle rock elementary. Especially needed food item: Canned meats, canned fish, beef stew, chili, pasta, macaroni & cheese, rice, beans, canned fruits & vegetables, canned juices, soups, hot & cold cereals, and peanut butter Personal care items: Diapers, toothpaste, toothbrushes, deodorant, toilet tissue, razors, q-tips, soap, band-aids, combs & brushes, and feminine hygiene items Please help make this holiday free of hunger! ALL TURTLE ROCK PARENTS Date: Thursday, November 7th 2013, 6:30 p.m. Location: Turtle Rock School – MPR GATE: What is it all about? A Presentation by Beth Andrews, Coordinator, IUSD GATE Programs. The focus will be on IUSD’s GATE Programs for students in grades 4th through 8th. Topics will include the differences between GATE & APAAS, GATE-identification changes, effective communication, and differentiation through depth and complexity. Attention: Parents of GATE Students Grades 4th – 8th GATE Enrichment Day – November 11th, 2013 Registration Ends Monday, November 4th Enrollment is limited to the first 90 registrants. Classes fill quickly so register now to reserve your spot !! Monday, November 11th is a district holiday; school will not be in session. If you do not have plans for your child on that day, we have good news! Irvine Public Schools Foundation (IPSF) is offering classes for GATE students in grades 4-8 on that day at the Westwood Training Center. This is a fundraising activity for CAC-GATE and all proceeds will go to support the GATE program. These classes will provide students with a day of engaging and fun subjects that may not be offered in their regular classroom. The entire day costs $85, payable to ‘IPSF GATE Day’. Classes begin at 8:10 AM and end at 3:00 PM. Students will need to bring a sack lunch and a snack. Water will be provided. No bus transportation will be available. The Westwood Training Ctr. is located at 1 Liberty, Irvine, CA 92620. Check-in begins at 8:00 AM. To reserve placement in the classes of your choice, submit your completed registration form by one of the following methods: 1. Mail to IPSF Gate Day, 18552 MacArthur Blvd. Ste. 200, Irvine, CA 92612. Include credit card information or check payable to ‘IPSF GATE Day’. 2. Fax to (949) 263-8343 (Credit Card only). Registration will close once 90 registrations are received or by Monday, November 4th, whichever occurs first. There are only 90 slots available, and choices will be on a first come, first served basis. There are no guarantees you will receive your first choice. You will be emailed your class schedule; please do not call IPSF or IUSD. • • • REGISTRATION INFORMATION Please read the directions fully and indicate class choices on registration form. Return signed registration form to IPSF. Remember to include your check or credit card information. Incomplete forms will not be processed. All payments are final. No refunds. Confirmation of your class schedule will be EMAILED prior to GATE Day. Please do not call IPSF or IUSD for class information. This brochure is also available online at www.ACEwise.org SCHOLARSHIPS AVAILABLE A limited number of 50% - 100% scholarships are available for all classes based on financial need. Income documentation is required for approval. Parents may apply for a scholarship by accessing the scholarship form at www.acewise.org. Please contact Stephanie at sbynon@ipsf.net or (949)265-6411 for further information. Class Offerings and Descriptions Anatomy and Dissection Do you like learning about animals from the inside out? Come see the difference between invertebrates and vertebrates and dissect a few to compare anatomy. See inside a mollusk, crustacean and fish. Learn how they have survived and have been successful over time because of their unique characteristics. Anatomical background information will complete this hands-on experience. Basketball Get out and stretch your legs with an instructional workshop combining fundamental skills instruction and organized team competition with the goal of providing an enjoyable and educational workshop. Work on individual skills such as passing, dribbling, shooting, rebounding, and defending. Boys and girls of all skill levels are encouraged to join. Ceramics Students will start from scratch with a block of clay and they’ll learn different hand-building techniques. They’ll mold, glaze and decorate their very own projects. This class encourages manual dexterity, fine motor skills, builds self-confidence, and encourages imaginative play. Not only will students enjoy the process, but they will also have something special to keep! Projects will be fired offsite and delivered to the student’s school for pickup. Character Design and 3D Modeling (with Clay) Come learn the process of designing and modeling your own characters! These unique characters are designed with the help of artists working in the design industry. From there, we begin modeling a 3D version of each character with all details. Students learn the professional steps necessary to create models that can be used for either 3D reference, stop motion animation or toy design. Integrity Art is excited to be hosting this class to show young artists the fun of creating live action characters. We hope to have you on board! Chess Tourney Give your students a chance to flex their mental muscles and see if their queen is the meanest queen in town! There are many students who wish to take their chess knowledge and put it to the test. Trophies will be handed out at the end of the tournament. An experienced chess instructor will be on hand to coach and consult. Cooking Fun! In this scrumptious class, kids will tantalize their taste buds and have fun with food! Learn the math of measuring, nutrition, dining etiquette, and cooperation skills. Debate Whether you love being in front of an audience, or are working on strengthening your speaking skills, this class is geared to you! We will be having fun thinking on our feet as students work on their speaking skills to become more comfortable presenting in front of an audience. We will cover how to get our point across to the audience while using debate techniques to support and defend our points of view. Taught by Canyon View’s very own Ms. Krajanowski! Game On: The Strategy Behind the Play “I’d like to thank Tetris for making me good at loading the dishwasher.” Tetra means four and pentomino derives from the Greek word for five and are puzzle pieces that are composed of equally-sized squares connected along their edges, which then must be manipulated by players to win games such as Tetris & Blokus. Come learn about the great mathematicians & game developers by playing the famous puzzles, applying strategies & attempting to better understand concepts such as symmetry & reflection in a hands-on approach to fun…Game on! Taught by IUSD Science Specialist Ms. DeFrank. Hip Hop This fun-filled, high-energy workshop is a opportunity for the beginning dancer to learn the basics of jazz movement and hip-hop technique. Especially crafted for the young learner, this music filled session presents a fun way to learn beginning dance moves while increasing stamina, self-esteem and coordination through rhythmic exercise. Class instructor Mr. Maddi is a noted dance teaching expert who has toured professionally with artists including Michael Jackson! Jewelry Design We'll start by showing you the tools of the trade and how to use them. Then, you'll design a trendy bracelet, using cording, beads, crimps, lobster clasps and jump rings that you'll take home. After this session you'll be on your way to jewelry designer in no time! Limited to the first 10 registrants. LED Design Design and build a light emitting diode (LED) display using two 16-segments to display numbers, letters or symbols as well as introducing participants to the basics of electricity and some of its components. Taught by the fabulous UCI FabCamp instructors. Lego Engineering & Robotics (Gr 4 & 5) & (Gr 6-8) Explore the exciting world of Engineering & Robotics! In this class, students will learn a lot about robots, engineering and how to make the things you build move. Discover how to build, program, design, and invent using the LEGO® MindStorm® robotics system. Then put your skills to the test in awesome games and fun challenges! During the course of the program, a BrainStorm instructor will lead students through engaging lessons that focus on topics such as gears, motors, robots, programming, or building with LEGO® technics. It’s tinkering and technology at its best! Life Skill Sewing Ever needed to sew on a button, or wonder how its done? Join us to learn the RIGHT way to get those buttons on, and to stay on! We'll teach you the proper tailor's technique for 2-hole and 4-hole buttons, including terminology and more. Have a great time with Fashion Camp learning a basic life skill. Limited to the first 10 registrants. MatheMagic (Gr 4 & 5) MatheMagic combines the exciting skills of magic with the brain-teasing aspects of Math to create an intellectual and entertaining activity that not only enhances students’ problem solving, logic, and lateral thinking skills, but also teaches them that Math can be fun! Pink Panther Cartooning Taught by Mr. T. (Eric Teitelbaum), co-creator of the Pink Panther comic strip, young artists are introduced to the secrets of cartoon drawing. Step-by-step drawing lessons include: faces, expression, motion, animals, caricatures, famous faces, scenery, and more. This is an amazing opportunity to study with a master artist! GATE Day November 11th, 2013 - Registration Form Student Information-ONE STUDENT PER FORM _______________ ___________________ ___ ___ _______________ First Name Last Name __________________________ Parent/Guardian Name Age _____________ Work/Cell Phone _______________________________ Address _________ Zip Code _____________________________________ Emergency Contact Grade School ______________________ Parent/Guardian Name ______________ Home Phone _____________________ Home Phone _______________________________________________ Insurance Company _____________ Work/Cell Phone ______________________ Email _____________________ Work/Cell Phone _________________________________ Policy Number Class Request Directions: Listed below, you will find 4 sessions. Each session has 6 class offerings. Numbers in bold indicate grade level requirement. Please rank the classes in each session from 1-3 with number 1 being the class you want the most, number 2 being the class that you would want second most, etc. Descriptions of the classes are included in this brochure. EACH STUDENT WILL ATTEND ONE CLASS IN EACH SESSION. Session I (8:10-9:40) Session II (9:50-11:20) Debate Cartooning Ceramics Ceramics Life Skill Sewing Jewelry Design th th th th LED Display (Gr 6 -8 ) LED Display (Gr 6 -8 ) Character Design & 3D Modeling th th Lego Engineering & Robotics (Gr 4 -5 ) (3 hr class) Session III (11:50-1:20) Session IV (1:30-3:00) Basketball Basketball Cooking Fun! Cooking Fun! Hip Hop Chess Tourney Game On: The Strategy Game On: The Strategy th th MatheMagic (Gr 4 -5 ) Anatomy & Dissection th th Lego Engineering & Robotics (Gr 6 -8 ) (3 hr class) Payment Classes are filled on a first come, first served basis. Registration for a class does not guarantee placement of your child. All payments are final. No refunds. The cost for the day is $85. Payment by Check: Make check payable to ‘IPSF GATE Day’. ATTACH A SEPARATE CHECK FOR EACH STUDENT. Write the student’s name on the check. $15 fee for returned checks. Payment by Credit Card: Only Visa or MasterCard are accepted. All information is REQUIRED. Card Number: _____________________________________________ Security Code: ___ ___ ___ Exp. Date: ______________ Billing Zip Code: ____________ (must be the zip code for the billing address) PRINT Name: ________________________ (as shown on card) Signature: __________________________ Parental Consent & Release from Liability YOUTH WAIVER OF LIABILITY, ASSUMPTION OF RISK, INDEMNITY AGREEMENT AND MEDICAL AND PHOTO RELEASE: I understand that I am solely responsible for my child before and after the program. I warrant that my child is in good health, and I know of no reason why he/she would be incapable of participating in the program. I hereby agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Irvine Public Schools Foundation and/or Irvine Unified School District and their respective directors, trustees, officers, agents and employees [hereafter “the releases”] for damages caused by injury to my child or myself arising from my child’s participation in the program and the use of the facilities and property of the program, whether or not the injury or damage results from the negligent acts or omissions, except intentional acts, of any of the releases. I similarly agree to release and waive any right I, my heirs, distributes, guardians, legal representatives, and assigns may have or acquire to in any way make a claim against or sue the releases for such damages. I am aware that my participation in the program may have inherent risks and dangers associated therewith, including equipment failure, which can result in serious injury or death, including but not limited to risks associated with equipment failure. I SPECIFICALLY ASSUME ALL SUCH RISKS AND DANGERS, WHETHER OR NOT CAUSED BY THE NEGLIGENT ACTS OR OMISSIONS OF ANY OF THE RELEASEES. During the period of the program, I hereby give my permission for the staff or volunteers of IPSF/IUSD to administer appropriate medical attention to my child and agree to be responsible for the costs of such treatment. I will permit photographs, videotaping and surveys of my child taken during the program to be used for publicity by IPSF. I understand that I am responsible for my child before and after class. I HAVE CAREFULLY READ THIS AGREEMENT AND FULLY UNDERSTAND THAT I HAVE GIVEN UP SUBSTANTIAL RIGHTS BY SIGNING IT. I SIGN IT FREELY AND VOLUNTARILY WITHOUT ANY INDUCEMENT. ______________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature ______________________________________ Print Name ____________________ Date