Ann Jorissen is Full Professor of Accounting at the University of

Ann Jorissen is Full Professor of Accounting at the University of Antwerp. She obtained her PhD in 1988
on the topic of pension accounting. Her current research is in the area of standard setting, financial
reporting, management control and corporate governance. This research attention is divided over
research projects in large companies as well as in SMEs and family firms. She published in national
academic journals and in the following international academic journals: Accounting, Organizations and
Society; Accounting and Business Research; The European Accounting Review; Accounting in Europe;
Journal of Entrepreneurship, Theory and Practice; Family Business Review and Corporate Governance: an
international review ; Journal of Accounting and Public Policy. She contributed chapters on accounting in
Belgium in many books on International Accounting, like for example in Transnational Accounting (ed by
D. Ordelheide), The European Accounting Guide (ed. by Alexander and Archer), International Accounting
(ed. by Walton, Haller and Raffournier). She obtained research grants and executed research projects for
the following organizations: Fund for Scientific Research-Flanders, Institute for Science and TechnologyFlanders, United Nations, Ministery of Health (Belgium) and several private organizations (like banks,
audit firms and a trustee of a bankruptcy). She is a member of the High Council of the Economic
Profession, which is the independent Supervisory Body of the accounting profession in Belgium.
Ann Jorissen teaches accounting, financial analysis, cost and management and management control at
Bachelor and Master level. She published a number of textbooks on financial accounting and
management accounting in the Dutch language and she is co-author of the following international
textbook on International Financial Reporting Standards ‘Alexander, Britton and Jorissen. International
Financial Reporting and Analysis (1 – 5 ed)’.
Ann Jorissen became actively involved in the EAA in the second half of the eighties. She took part in the
EAA doctoral colloquium in London in 1987. She was a member of the editorial team of European
Accounting, the forerunner of the European Accounting Review. She was co-editor of the European
Accounting Review from 1992 till 1997 and served on its editorial board from 1998 until 2011.Currently
she serves on the editorial board of Accounting in Europe. In 1998 she was the Secretary General and
the Co-Chair of the Scientific Committee of the European Accounting Congress which was held that year
at the University of Antwerp. She served three times as national representative of Belgium on the Board
of the European Accounting Association in the nineties and at the start of the 21st century. From 2004
until 2010 she became Chair of the EAA Conference Committee and from 2005 until 2010 she was a
member of the Management Committee of the European Accounting Association. She joined the
publications committee of the EAA in 2010 up to the end of 2012 and became ad interim Chair of the
publications committee in 2011. Currently she is the President-Elect of the EAA and will become
President of the EAA from 2013 until 2015.