April 29 - Library

Vol. LXVI. No. TWE
Spencer, counsel clarify action
Philip D. Duncan
News Editor
On Tuesday, April 26, Philip Duncan interviewed College
President Samuel R. Spencer,
Jr. He answered factual questions concerning the college's
dealings with Dr. Ronald Linden, but deferred comment or
questions concerning legal and
opinion matters,
that the college's legal counsel
reply to those matters. On
April 28, in a
three-way telephone conversation between Duncan, Spencer, and college Counsel Larry
J. Dagenhart, the latter two
answered all the reporter's
questions. The following article was read to Spencer, and
he approved it as a correct
At the request of The Davidsonian, College President
Samuel R. Spencer, Jr., and
Larry J. Dagenhart, Counsel
to the College and a Davidson
Trustee, explained in detail :
the College's dealings with Dr.
Ronald Linden.
"The political science department, Dean Johnston and
I interviewed Linden when he
visited Davidson.
Linden's interview
When Spencer interviewed
Linden, "I gave him the
section of the Trustee ByLaws dealing with appointments and tenure to read as a
basis for our discussion...we
discussed the fact that he was
Jewish. I discussed with him
the nature of the college as a
community with a Christian
"First of all, I am directed
to do that by the Trustees.
And secondly, I felt he was
certainly owed a full discussion of that," Spencer said.
Spencer said that he and
Linden did discuss Christian
tenure in the interview.
According to Spencer, he
and Linden did discuss Christian tenure in the interview.
Spencer explained that Linden raised questions about the
policy and indicated no agreement with it.
"But," emphasized Spencer, "Linden did not express
his objection to the policy in
the terms that he later used in
his letter.
"After those interviews the
political science department
recommended Linden for the
job. We accepted that recom-
mendation," stated Spencer.
Spencer offered Linden the
political science job in a letter
dated February 9. He said, in
part, "It is part of my responsibility to point out to you in
this letter the Statement of
Purpose of the college.
By-Law copy
"A copy of this Statement
together with a copy of the
section of the Trustee ByLaws is enclosed herewith. As
you know, Davidson is a
Presbyterian college founded
by churchmen and continuing
in its relationship with the
"Though it is non-sectarian
in its practices it has a basic
Christian commitment and orientation. I understand and
respect the fact that your
orientation is different.
"However, you should accept the appointment offered
to you in this letter only if you
genuinely want to join such a
community and are, as the
By-Laws state, prepared consion with Spencer take in that. scientiously to uphold and
initial interview?
seek to increase the effectiveL: "We talked fibout a lot of ness of the college as a churchdifferent things, things typ- related college.
ically discussed in an inter"I owe it to you in all
view...my educational back- fairness to repeat the admoniground, what I wanted to do tion that the Trustees' conat Davidson. Asking me what viction about the shared commy nonprofessional interests mitment of the permanent
were, and after we discussed
tenured faculty is very
fatherhood, my imminent
fatherhood, the President at
some time asked me after that
Similar statement
what my church background
According to Spencer, "I
[see LINDEN, page 7]
say a similar statement—ob-
details Davidson experience
Kevin C. Shelly
On Tuesday, April 26, Kevin Shelly interviewed
Ron Linden by phone in his
Cranberry, New Jersey, home.
This is an exclusive interview;
Linden gave permission to use
this material in The Davidsonian and also said that he would
not be commenting further to
any of the media until the
< American Association of University Professors
their inquiry.
Kevin Shelly: Were you aware
of Davidson's Christian Tenure Policy when you came to
Davidson for your interviews
at the school?
Dr. Ron Linden: "Ah, no.
Before I came down I was not
aware of it. At no time when I
was interviewing anyone in
the department was I aware of
it. Until I spoke with the
about the stipulations funw to
me from the President, not the
members of the department."
S: In what form was the
information given to you?
L: "In the written statement
of the college. My recollection
is hazy, but typically what
happens is before a person
comes down for an interview
they send a person a package
which includes a lot of information about the school, including that statement. Now
this was not done in my
I don't know why.
When I got there it was given
to me...I arrived on an evening and the next day was
spent in interviewing. I think
the package was given me that
first evening and someone said
to me that I might want to
take a look at the By-Laws. I
came upon the key chapter, I
think it is paragraph 5...and
then the President in his
discussions with me redoubled
that by discussing my religion
with me, and by giving me a
copy of the By-Laws."
S: What was your initial
reaction when you came to
that section in the By-Laws?
L: "I was first of all confused.
I wondered whether this was
just the kind of by-laws one
sees often written about a
school, that a school often has,
but which are relegated to its
library. I didn't know whether
they were presently operative
or not. When I began to realize
that they were operative, that
was in my interview with the
President, my reaction was
S: Did you express that to
Spencer at the time?
L: "No, I didn't say much of
S: Why not?
L: "Before the interview I had
read the By-Laws, but I
wasn't aware of what they
S: What form did your discus-
viously not the same, since I
said 'I understand and respect
the fact that your orientation
is different'—in every letter of
"And I send a copy of the
By-Laws and the Statement of
Purpose with every letter of
In a letter dated March 24,
Linden stated that he accepted
the appointment, but indicated his "strong opposition to
such policies (as Christian
tenure) as morally repugnant,
socially anachronistic, and
scholastically unwise."
He continued, "...during
my time at Davidson, I will
strongly support any movement to eliminate such laws
and practices."
Spencer consults
Upon receiving this letter,
Spencer consulted legal counsel. "I myself didn't interpret
the letter as a negation of the
contract," Spencer pointed
out. "I asked the counsel if the
letter was an acceptance of the
terms of the contract."
Dagenhart explained that
the By-Laws impose a duty
upon the President that he
must be certain that all candidates for appointment are
aware that they must "uphold
and seek to increase the effectiveness of the college as a
church-related college."
"There is not much of an
alternative in the responsibility put upon the President by
[see COLLEGE, page 3]
Task force defines plans for
proposing tenure changes
Managing Editor
The Student/Faculty Task
Force Concerning Religious
Requirements for Tenure met
Wednesday night to review
the case statement detailing
the reasons some students and
faculty members consider the
policy as objectionable because:
1. It confuses the issue of
Christian commitment with
Christian tenure.
Spring Awards
2. It is unwise from an
academic point of view.
3. It is objectionable on
religious grounds.
4. It encourages a lack of
integrity on the faculty.
The statement also contained a detailed explanation
of each of these points.
The committee plans to
present the case statement
along with the petition currently being circulated by
SGA Senate members to the
Trustees. SGA President
Thorn Young will present the
statement to the college faculty next Tuesday.
The petition reads: "We
request that the policy of
Christian tenure be constructive^ evaluated and4hat the
restrictive causes be eliminated with the aim of an equitable tenure policy."
Earlier this week the com*-:**?A SM*£c* plan their action
concerning the issue and drew
up the following schedule of
Thursday, April 28, 9-11 pm
in the Union Conference
Room: Student letter writing
to Trustees and alumni. The'
Senate will provide paper,
envelopes and stamps for $. 10.
Monday, May 2, 7 pm in
Love Auditorium: General
student body meeting at
which Professor of History W.
Brown Patterson will give a
history of the Christian tenure
issue, the case statement and
the letter to the Trustees from
members of the Davidson
Christian Fellowship <DCF)
will be read.
Tuesday, May 3, 9 pm:
Senate meeting at which the
petitions will be collected.
Thursday, May 5, 4 pm,
Chambers Gallery: Presentation of the case statement and
petition at a Trustee forum. 9
r ~ <*X) X#om: Cordial reception for Trustee*.
April 29,1977
we have, and if we have helped
. thatti to work out sonks opportuottfas to davslop that potenJy
sfcffl being tial, then this individual is
likely to go on and get
involved in student governtake up a slot that ment. The school uswspap*.
be used and taken the Davidson Christian Felof by someone lowship, a "Y" group, CROP
mnehes, STEP tutermg-all
matter of offering kinds of things, and therefore
the Fellowships to upper- simply have lota time to
has not bean offi- devote strictly to the Fellows
taken up by the Advi- program.
KeUo evaluated Fallows'
Board, KeDo sees three
participation in summer internships.
nsw members.
"My overall feeling is that
One, that "semi-finalist*
who wars not in fact selected whan people have taken ad-,
to be NC Fallows" be invited. vantage of their internship
Two, that "recommends- opportunities they've taken
freshman hall coun- full advantage of them.*'
some proposals to MO how wo iy connected with the program
KeUo offered two possible
faculty, from the
that there ought to be some
of why some
Dean of Students, and so on
"It is my f i l i n g that the way of acceptmg upperclass- can be taken for outstanding Fellows don't take advantage
The Davidson chapter of the
North Carolina FeDows (NCF) question at this point is not msn into the program.
of the program's opportuni"There are people who couKI individuals."
is to consider accepting upper- whsthsr wo want to do it, but
classmen into its program in what is the most effective and really take advantage of this of a mini-selection procedure
Those students who are less
the next meeting of its Advi- fair way to do it," Kello opportunity whom" we miss be gone through again. This actively involved in the procontinued. "It's a matter of because of the modest ske of
sory Board.
the program and because of last alternative, however, gram "either have not worked
"We have begun to think means si this point."
would "take a considerable through our office and Ken
According to Kello, "the the fact that any selection amount of tune and would eat Wood's (Experiential Learnabout offering. Fellowships to
upperdassmen in a very pre- pretty general agreement on process may miss from time to up a lot of resources," in ing) office early enough in the
liminary way hi the Advisory the Advisory Board twmi to time."
year and have let summers
KeDo feels that this propo- Kello's opinion.
Board meetings," said Direc- reflect something like a conand other opportunities go by,
sensus among the students, sal "ought to work" because selection procedurea will be or have Hnwd up Intarwwhipa
tor of NCF John KeDo.
"thera are upperclassment
the trust MIS nf tin jirnginin
proposed in the Advisory but haven't taken advantage
Advisory Board will pay out virtually anyone even remote- who, once they're On the Board meeting.
of their opportunities."
Kelk) does not see that the
Whatever plan is adopted,
Kello wants to be sure that program's limited budget
people who would like to be would block the acceptance of
part of NCF'are not "bumped uppercla8smen into NCF.
off" of the program.
It would cost NCF "very
Procedures for the evalua- little extra money" to admit
tion of students currently part
upperdassmen into
great challenges, but that it is
of the program have not yet the program's set on-campus
Staff Writer
an exciting time in history.
been established or discussed. activities.
Both Preyer and Reynolds Thomas Jefferson Award
Despite the boycott which
Although there is no pro"The major expense of havook place outside*,the 1977 received honorary Ll.D. de- 'Dr. James S. Purcell
cedure in the Fellows docu- ing a few more people would be
Spring Awards Convocation grees from College President Alumni Association Award
ment which deals with such an in terms of summer internwent as planned. It was an Samuel R. Spencer, Jr.
evaluation, and NCF currently ships.
John R. Cunningham, III
Preyer and SOA president Kenneth A. Kirk
"easy-going, pleasant affair,"
has no mechanism for carrying
"We won't be getting extra
said Assistant to the Presi- Thorn Young made reference Melody Wilder
this process out, Kello expects money to help fund summer
dent Peter Clark, who did to the boycott outside. Preyer George L. Gladstone Award
that "it would be done mainly internships but our stockpile
much of the work of organi- said that he did not know David K. Tinkler
by the Advisory Board."
of paying internships seems to
enough about the situation to
zing the event.
"The basic information that be going slowly but steadily.
The Class of 1977 was make a judgement about it, C. Foster Jennings, Jr.
we need in order to decide who ayhonored with two speakers, but emphasized that President M. Gilliam Skinner
is not using the program is
"We are growing...almost
U.S. congressman Richardson Spencer was a good man and David Howard Chemistry Aware already available," Kello ex- day by day, and certainly
reyer (D., N.C.), and the would handle the situation Karl W. Holtzclaw
month by month. We are
President of Reynolds Metals, fairly.
Each NCF student has a file able to open up more paying
Richard Ross Music Award
Young asked members of Gary L. Rowe
Richard Reynolds Jr.
in which all information re- internships."
audience "who shared (the A. K. Phifer Scholarship
Congressman Preyer, a dislated to his work in or through
This expansion, according
tinguished member of the boycotters')
NCF is kept.
Kello, is due to the work of
House of Representatives who (on the Christian tenure poli- Hayden J. Silver, III
All correspondence to or Mrs. Martin (Assistant Direchas served on Davidson's cy)" to stand, demonstrating
from the student's summer tor of NCF), and through
Board of Visitors and as "we are working for a more
internship supervisors, his sharing the contacts and rehairman of the Parents' equitable tenure policy for our
summary and evaluation of sources of Ken Wood's office
Council, gave the Convocation college." Estimates indicated
these internships and a des- and the trustees of the prothat about 3/4 of the students
cription of his other NCF-re- gram, the Trustees, business
Preyer said that this gener- and 2/3 of the faculty present
lated activities is held for the and professional leaders in
ation will face a number ot stood.
student's personal file.
various areas volunteer part of
"We wouldn't have to do their time to travel the region
anything extraneous to what and the country to talk to
Robert E. Hutchinson, Jr.
McGavock Mathematics Award
we already do to get that people in various research
Steven G, Justus
Corwin W. Young
information," said Kello.
Catherine E. Landis
Jefferson Davis Award
Santford F. Martin
"We want NCF to be an
Richard E. Fay
Additionally, a student's
Ruth C. Murphey
Thomas Sparrow Award
involvement in activities out- alive, working, developing
Barbara L. Payne
Marvin E. lively
side of the program would be kind of thing.
Thomas C. Pinckney, III
"If it isn't doing that for an
Mark W. Scandhng
taken into account in such an
Stephen Mark Rabil
I would hope that
Tommy Peters Award
we have in the
rtul S. Andrews
"We recognize that, in a program would have enough
KebeccaA. Sthnsen,
funny kind of way, if the integrity, and a sense of reDavid K. Tinkler
Agnes SeatsUe Brows) Award
is working well we sponsibility to the college
Corwin W. Young
Steven G. Justus
to have students community and to the proN.C. Air National Guard Award
Omicron Delta Kappa Selectloas
involved with the
Dr. Samuel D. Maloney
Paul S. Andrews
program than they were ini- gram to say, 'Look, I've made
James B. Woods, III, Mem. Award
a decision for myself; this isn't
Roger H. Brown, Jr.
Matthew B. Home
right for me. I'm not taking
Margaret F. Campbell
"If we have in fact selected advantage of my opportunity
Daniel Blain Woods Award
Laurie L. Dunn
students who show great lead- _aa4:l v.ish you would give it to
Steven G. Justus
Dana L. English
. ership potential,
someone else'.
two. find
convocation carries on;
reyer, Reynolds speak
April 29, t«77
College clarifies actions
[Continued from page 1]
the By-Laws," said Dagenhut.
Dagenhart consulted .with
other members of his firm,
with James K. Dorset*, another lawyer on the Board, and
Warner Hall, Chairman of the
consulted with
Pr. Tred * . Stair, Vice-chair-
..:.^0m Writer
The news media has spread
the name of Davidson College
into many-parts of the country
with its coverage of the case of
Dr. Ronald Linden.
"In the ten years that I've
been here," said Director of
News and Photography Earl
W. "Buck" Lawrimore, "there
has never been anything that
brought as many media telephone calls."
Lawrimore listed a number
of media organizations that
have contacted him seeking
information about the circumstances of the Linden case.
The Charlotte Observer was
one of the first to contact
Lawrimore. A front page article appeared on April 23, with
another follow-up front page
article, an editorial, and a
commentary on April 27.
The Raleigh News and 06server, New Yorh Post, Washington Post, New York Times
and the Philadelphia Inquirer
have covered the story.
The Associated Press in
Raleigh "distributed it
throughout the Eastern Uni-
ted States, which could mean
it was sent all over
country," said Lawrimore.
WBT-TV and tjie
radio news did spots on the
Linden case, and the ChronicU
of Higter Education, the Religious News Service, and the
Daily Princetonian (Prince
ton's student paper) called
Lawrimore for information.
Lawrimore said that he
relayed a statement to those
requesting information while
"many had additional questions which I tracked down
answers for.
"I read them the relevant
bylaws.. .and in capsule the
course of actions that followed,... we did not release
anything about Linden's letter
until Linden released that
information to the Washington Post.
Lawrimore spoke of "mixed" emotions toward the press
"Unfortunately some have
tried to simplify it to being
anti-semitic. In the long run,
the college would have been
better with no publicity at all
on this," said Lawrimore.
"Counsel concluded that
Linden's acceptance failed to
fulfill a key condition of the
offer—that condition being
that Linden would 'genuinely
want to join such a community
and would uphold and seek to
increase the effectiveness of
the college as a church-related
college'," said Dagenhart.
"Counsel talked at some
length with Dr. Spencer about
the visit of Dr. Linden to
Davidson and their conversation in the interview," he
"Counsel wanted to find out
whether Linden was repeating
in the letter what he had said
in the interview about Christian tenure, or whether the
statement in the letter was
something diffiHkt.
There was^jsKjuestion that
the statement in the letter was
different," said Dagenhart.
Dagenhart commented, "I
don't believe the letter would
have been written offering
Linden the job if he, in his
interview, had expressed disagreement with Christian tenure in the terms expressed in
the acceptance letter."
Dagenhart said that Linden
was not conta&ed.by Counsel
between ** * St~!> '**" "
' '
received m> acceptance
and the time the offer was with
^A^a^fc^^A^Bft ^ftaJa^e^atae^e^ak "" ^ts^^sKa^A^sV
e^sj^tt^bSM A
aay lack of darity in what he
said in the acceptance letter.
"The totter did not constitute an acoaptanctfoecause the
appointment had not been
accepted k » ^ * f ! ° n s offered,"
Dagenhart reemphasiiiwd. "Counsel did not see, given
that Linden had dearly stated
what he had said, that there
was anything to renegotiate."
The letter rescinding Linden's job Offer was sent April
Several articles in the national media have hinted that
Davidson might face censure
from professional academic societies or lose government
funding because, of the Linden
Dagenhart said, "I have
had no contacts from any
professional group, and I do
not know of any investigations
going on." Any discussion of
the impact of the Linden case
on government funding would
be "in the realm of conjecture."
Spencer said that "the antiSemitic slant in some of the
media coverage is most unfortunate because it will hurt
Davidson. The anti-Semitic
slant is completely inaccurate.
"The legal opinion based on
the language of Linden's letter
would have been the same had
the anoKmnt been a Presbyterian, a Monammaden or a
FreV Win Baptfe." Spencer
ri«»f^^myfr' mrtA Spencer egreed that, though, the deci
made by only a few Trustees of
the college, "those that we
have talked to since think that
we handled it property."
In clofinc^Spencar commented op tM iscent activities
on the Davidson campus.
. The boycott of Spring Convocation: "I understand the
reactions of people. I think it
was unfortunate to choose to
diminish the recognition and
honor given to people who had
earned it, on an unrelated
The efforts of those circulating petitions and working in
other ways to urge the Trustees to evaluate Christian
tenure: "I have always supported working within the
Democratic process, and that
is exactly what this seems to
me to be.
"We are planning an Open
End with the Executive Committee of the Trustees when
the arrive next weekend. They
will be willing to hear whatever people want to say about
Christian tenure.
"From that point I really
can't predict what the Trustees will do."
Philip D.Duncan
News Editor
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Th* Davidsonian
April 29,1977
Linden's case brings to Mght the need toeorrect more than
Davidson's Christian Tenure Poilcy; ttarophasltee the need for
Davidson to establish a standard procedure for hiring new
A mandatory step-by-step procedure should make each
department send an informational packet to each candidate
before he arrives on campus for an Interview. The packet
should Include any Information about Davidson which would
make tine candidate aware of Davidson's policies before his
A standard policy would insure the candidate be interviewed
by both department faculty members and students. Situations
suervasthe English department's getting away with hiring a
facutty-fnerriber without student consultation would no longer
be permitted.
A standard policy might have resolved the problem with
Linden before it got to be a problem. He might have been more
informed of Davidson's policies before he arrived on campus.
Then he could have discussed his feelings in the interviews
rather than In his acceptance letter.
Spencer might have consulted the political science
department both before he received legal council and before he
sent the withdrawal to Linden.
Davidson's present hiring practices are not only
unorganized, but irresponsible and unprofessional. We're
paying for it now.
In order to provide extensive
coverage of the Linden case
The Davidsonian has held FOCUS
until next week when we will focus
on the topic: Christian -Tenure
Barrett blames "Reds"
for Davidson's problems
Letter to the Editor
Sophsthank Piedmont
To the Editor:
On behalf of the Class of '79, we
would like to thank Piedmont Bank
for its generous support of "Sophomore Deorientation". The day was a
success due to their kindness.
Davidson is fortunate to have a
business that plays an active part in
college life and thei concern is greatly
Ann Burke 79
Ralph Yeilding '79
Davidson College
The Davidsonian
Catherine Landis
Dave Keller
Executive Editor
Philip Duncan & Lyman Collins
News Editors
Erica Qjersvlk
Features Editor
Bill Barnett & Jim Entwlstle *
Editorial Page Editors
Dennis McLawhorn & Marshall Wadded
Sports Editors
Susan Colan
Production Manager
Amanda Hall
Managing Editor
Hunter Jennings & Irv Wilson
Photography Editors
Kevin Shelly & Peg Travis
Advertising Editors
John Kravet
Circulation Manager
Warren Soule
Business Manager
Marlln Gelger
Ann Garner
Asst. Projects Editor
Charles Erwin
Asst. Features Editor
published weekly during the school year by students of Davidson College. Second class postage paid at Davidson, N.C.
28036. Address all correspondence to The Davidsonian, Box
218, Davidson, N.C. Yearly subscription rate: $6.00.
Guest Columnist
There is a specter haunting Davidson, one which threatens our precious
way of life and that of our children.
I am not talking about the fraternity system, but about the creeping
menace of Communism whose slimy
trail leads into the very bowels of our
alma mater.
Unless we act now against the
oppressor, our friends and families
will be swept into the mindless,
obedient robot mentality that the
Rooskies like (Jeeze, look at the
Moonies, will ya); maybe not today,
maybe not tomorrow, but someday,
and for the rest of our lives.
Look around you! These recent
controversies and occurrences cannot
be coincidence! It all adds up —the
golf course, Carnegie House,
WDAV's power boost, and finally,
the firing of a Jewish professor.
Davidson is the target of a Soviet
take-over! Our own administration is
leading us to be devoured by Godless
socialism, like lambs at the slaughter!
How did I find out, you may well
ask? And well you might. The firing
of Linden tipped me off. They fired
Linden because he knew too much—
McKelway and the other closet Jews
on the faculty warned him about
Carnegie House. Any fool could see
that it doesn't take $200,000 to fix a
house up —that money went elsewhere. He began to smell a rat—a red
The new golf course confirmed my
suspicions. Why are there so many
bulldozers around, and why don't
they ever work when we're around? Of
course! Because of its strategic location between Cornelius and Mt.
Mourne, Davidson is being used as a
Soviet missile base! And our student
activities money is going to fund a
"high-power" WDAV that is, in fact,
a sophisticated tracking system to
monitor American airspace, and direct brutal surprise assaults on helpless women and children.
The biology, chemistry and art
departments are in this too. The real
reason Martin Science Building has
not been renovated is because it
houses genetic engineering studies
and chemical warfare projects designed to smooth the path of the Soviet
Davidson artists are engaged in
smuggling coded secrets back to
Commie-bloc nations via that so-called modern art. Steve Kimmel, an art
major, is the son of Dr. Kimmel the
bio professor. See how it all fits
together? Of course you do! And that
one art teacher, with the sunglasses
and the beard—who could trust him!
We must and will not stand for
this! Waffle all you want now,
Sam —the people are on to you and
your pinko friends! Students and
workers, unite!
April 29,1977"
Uoyd accepts blame forBowl
Faculty Quest Columnist
We have it on the best authority
that honest confession is good for the
soul. That may be true;, says the
cynic, but it plays hob With the
reputation. I must, alas, agree; but,
since souls are more precious than
reputations, I'd better get on with my
By the time this appears, the
stations in the UNC-TV network will
have broadcast the First Annual
North Carolina English College Bowl
Tournament, won by North Carolina
State over East Carolina University;
Letters to the Editor
State had defeated the University of
North Carolina in the first round, and
East Carolina had beaten Davidson.
That loss was my fault.JL.had..
picked the team and ti
and they did what I told thljn^Tf sflll
curdles my Vichyssoise to thJnkof the
hard work c* Bffl BaEnesf Aktt Pos»,
Howard: PayBej:-;8tere Pss|tMS> and
TomRuby.^pd^lowtheytook. I
apologite to these gallant Davidsonians, and promjteto dedicate the next
bull I kill to them,
I could say I went into our
four-corners offense too early, or that
my eldest son used up the family's
weekly allotment of good hick (ha won
two lawsuits), or that I picked the
PCC sponsors open dance
To the Editor:
the Editor:
eating houses and fraternities
of Davidson College are sponsoring a
campus-wide dance this Saturday
from 9:00 to 12:00 in Belk Quad. The
Brice Street Band, which played in
the gym for Spring Frolics last year,
will provide the music; beer and coke
will be available for refreshment,.
While it would seem that a college
social calendar would be sprinkled
with outside dances, concerts and the
like, the frequency of such events at
Davidson has been very small. The
possibility of future functions depends on the success of this one.ie.
Therefore certain preparations and
precautions must be taken.
Student volunteers wearing red
arm bands will be present to assist
where needed. The beer and coke will
be centrally located in an easily
accessible position off the quad with
students available to dispense the
beverages. Cooperation is required in
preventing damage
to Belk, Watts,
Cannon and the surrounding areas.
Students attending the dance should
lock their doors in an effort to prevent
theft. Those who intend to study
Saturday evening will find the DCPC
classrooms open.
This dance, which i9 part of the
Spring Activities Day, will be moved
to the 900 Room in the event of rain.
The band is excellent, the beer will
be cold and a party in Belk Quad
should be an excellent way to end a
pleasant day.
Social Chairman's Committee
U. of Ohio tennis coach
commends Davidson team
To the Editor:
This is an open letter to the entire
Davidson College community.
I serve as men's varsity tennis
coach at Ohio University, Athens,
Ohio. Each year I bring my team on a
tour of the Atlantic coastal states
during the latter part of March. The
past two years we have engaged the
fine Davidson team, capably coached
wrong Mojo; But I won't insult my
readers with bpdjjng.yes.
|e4tWjne$J>oils of
r.l duWsubbonsQousiy I
had begun to believe my dippings. I
forgpt that, we woe m 1 « » by running
scared; this tim* I wa«iannOT«d in
SECURITY. If you ever feel invincible, dear brothers and tistafa, .look
out! (Don't take my word (or fit; ask
Macbeth. The meanest trick the
Weird Sisters played on him was to
convince him he was unstoppable.)
The College Bowl (not just English)
is being revived; there is already a
Southeastern Conference, in which all
the teams listed above have been
participating for over a year. I'm sure
it will be on national television soon, I
hope again with a generous sponsor
and lovely trips to the Big Wicked
City for the teams chosen. I'd love to
assist anybody who wants to participate; if I'm not wanted as coach, I'll
keep score and write questions.
And we've got to wipe out Lloyd's
loss next year at Raleigh.
What say the students, upon whom
in this, as in all other vital Davidson
matters, all depends?
Whatever you say, I want to thank
all the Davidson students: the girls
for being so pretty and the youths for
being so fine; and to both for putting
up with me. You are wonderful
by Jeff Frank, in competition.
My players and I have been very
impressed with both the sportmanship of the players, and the friendly
attitude and hospitality of the Davidson students and staff.
Our collective "hats off" to you all!
D.J. Stephenson
Tennis Coach
Ohio University
The Davidsonlan solicits
totter* t6 tht •dltor on Any
subject. All letters for publication must be typed and
signed. We reserv* the
right to edit letters over 300
words In length.
Quality Titles from the Active lists of America's
One* upon a time there was a
who M V the need for a lawn. f l f
saved up hi* own money, bought tlit
«wd. and planted. He then offered if
pood salary to the bes* team of Wflt t
mowers to cut it. There was bat *mJ*
polio- he required of these mowersi
that they agree to cut the lawn two
inches thick. This seemed fair...after v
all, it was his lawn.
One day a new mower came seeking
employment with the team. But after
having the requirement' explained to
him, and much to the man's surprise,
the mower disagreed with the policy
and wanted the requirement changed.
It is weird...it seems that if the
mower didn't want to respect the
man's requirement, then he would
just seek another lawn with a different policy—for doesn't a man have
the right to have his own lawn the
way he wants it?
Bob Button'80
Davidson College
To the Trustees of Davidson College:
In fight of recent events at Davidson College we have felt prompted as
a group to consider the entire issue of
the relationship of Davidson College
to the Presbyterian Church.
We as a group would like to
strongly urge the Trustees of Davidson College to seriously and deliberately consider what is meant by
Davidson's commitment to be a
Christian college. We urge the Trustees to carefully consider and clarify
for the Davidson community how a
Christian education and a Christian
college ought to differ from their
secular counterparts. How should
Davidson express its Christian commitment? Ought its Christian commitment to be reflected in its curriculum, faculty and administration, students, and community life?
In each case we feel that all would
benefit from practical guidelines
formulated in light of a clearly defined
wholistic view of Christianity and
As Christians we would affirm and
advocate the College's Statement of
Purpose. We too believe Jesus Christ
to be the central fact of history and
the source of all truth. We too wish to
guarantee a hearing for the historic
Christian faith. But Christianity has
nothing to fear from an honest search
for the truth.
In light of the recent controversy
we think the relationship between the
so-called Christian Tenure Policy and
the personal character of the faculty
and administration needs a careful
re-evaluation. Regardless of the faculty's personal religious' convictions we
have not observed the orientation and
presentation of our course work to
differ significantly from what our
contemporaries experience at avowedly secular institutions.
We are afraid of the diminished
quality of scholarship which may
indirectly result from continuance of
the Christian Tenure Policy. Worse,
we fear the institutionalizing of an
empty religious formalism, a process
which may have already begun.
Practically, the Christian Tenure
Policy may not secure the best-qualified scholar who is also a Christian
but instead a lees-qualified candidate
who is willing to outwardly conform
to some arbitrary demonstration of
fri» commitment.
Attentive boycott visages
We as Christians and as students
question the effectiveness, practicality, and advisability of continuing the
Christian^ Tenure Policy as it is
presently formulated.
We urge the Trustees to consider
the issues carefully: both the implications of Davidson's commitment to be
a Christian college and the effectiveness of the Christian Tenure Policy in
achieving that end. Surely our
Christian commitment means more
than withholding tenure from nonChristians.
The Davidson Christian Fellowship
Bill Boyd 78
Harvey Froelich 77
Mike Lins 7 9
John Monroe 7 9
Marcee Morris 7 8
Bob Morrison 7 8
Susan Murdaugb 7 7
John Frederick 7 9
Robert Shearer 7 7
Danny Sherrill 7 7
Jay Silver 7 8
Chad Stephens 7 7
John Umhau 7 7
Sam Weir 7 8
Davidson College
To the Editor:
I would like to express my views on
the recent dispute on the college's
constitutionalized religious discrimination policy. I do not attempt to
glorify anyone but to reveal the
compelling justifications for President Spencer's iron rule against
unanimous consent.
It is really alarming that news of
the dismissal of Prof. Linden leaked
out so soon—before the Convocation.
Secrecy is the accepted standard
practice of our one-man top executive
committee, and I hope undesirable
leakage like this will never happen
again. To achieve the utmost efficiency of the top elite, it is absolutely
unthinkable that the sovereign
power be challenged or even be
doubted. Administrative and political _
matters are of profound unconcern for
the students. It is by the imperial
grace that you are. granted exemption
from worrying about the actions from
the throne. After all, every deed is
made sure to have a legitimate basis.
Please be settled to books and to the
practice of Christian faith. It is my
humble suggestion that appropriate
security means be employed to guard
against future leakage of top secrets
which would lead to undesirable
effects on the regime.
To understand the action of the
President, we have to realize the value
of conservatism, the regime's basis
for support, the power of written
laws, and monarchical solidarity. It is
in the interest of the governing body
(who wants to stay in power) that
status quo is assured. Progressive
ideas like equality, democracy, freedom of interference, and religious
tolerance will endanger the ruthless
and impressive efficiency of the top
administration to carry out its order.
In a one-party one-man system,
non-homogeneity would lead to diversification of interests, thus polluting
the doctrine. Surely this is not what
a liberal arts college wants.
Try to compare to a comb of honey
bees; symmetry is beauty. Inertia not
only "inspires acquiescence but also
iaakes the alternatives to acquiescence appear, to anybody except
passionate partisans of violence, distasteful."
If liberal practices and intellectual
progress are what you want to seek in
this place, all I can say to you folks is:
sorry. Above all, they are the
distinguished administration and the
discriminatory policy that make this
institution "one of the finest in the
Also, we must not ignore the fact
that this is a church-related institution, and a significant portion of our
financial support comes from churchrelated factors. Any possible dissension to Christian faith (as judged by
the top administration) will be too
much of a threat to our economy.
It is my regret that Prof. Linden
^»s been so foolhardily "outspoken";
unable to adapt to our society. But
fear not. Though we might have lost a
competent Dr. L, there are numerous
ideally qualified Dr. S's waiting
eagerly to fill the vacancy.
Glory be to the Fourth Reich!
Richard Tong'78
Davidson College
Jones berates Davidsonian
To the Editor:
I am writing in reference to your
issue of April 22, and the cartoon
depicting Chambers building with a
sign proclaiming "No Jews need
apply." Now I realize that the
cartoonist has to draw what he is told
to draw, and that this one was not his
idea. Still, I see in it a symptom of
something that has happened to The
Davidsoniaa since the change of
It seems that almost every article
you've printed in the last few months
has prompted the rfeople involved to
write back, complaining that your
facts are not quite straight and that
you have missed the point of the issue
at hand. But when people like Dana
English. John Ketto, William Workman and Greg Hankim *«-*•
to write, I begin to wonder about the
objectivity of your reporting. Because
your coverage of the Linden affair
distorted the issue into "Spencer fires
Linden because he is a Jew", you've
greatly defused what little influence
the student body might have had in
clearing the rroi issue.
The main problem I see is that The
Davidsonfam has oonfistently taken
up an adversary position in every
decision made on campus, whether
there is an issue or not. It's
almost like you don't feel your paper
ia complete unless you're decrying
•one evil or injustice that has been
perpetrated, usually by the Administration. The cumulative effect of this
is that when a real issue comes up,
such as the dismissal of Linden. I find
it l—~* tMafce your article
You've been crying "wolf' too long
I feel like every article you write is
going to have its own built-in bias,
which will color the facts. It's almost
as if you decide what you're going to
write beforehand, and then go out
looking for the facts to support it.
All I am asking for is some more
objective, responsible, journalism.
The DavfcUwntan is not yours to do
with as you wish, and the student
body is not an audience that must
accept whatever you feel like
throwing it.
We all care about this college, and
all we aspect from The Dsnrkboaiaa is
I to provide the facts first and foremost, not your verdict Ion who's right
and who's wrong.
April 29,1977
.Linden speaks
[Continued from page 1]
was. That was something of a
surprise for me, since it is not
something I've been asked in
previous job interviews. I'm
not sure of the chronology of
it, whether it was after that he
said do you have any problems
with our orientation, or something like that. He made it
clear that it was an important
S: Did he specify what he
meant by problems with it?
L: "What he meant was,
would I feel comfortable holding a job, and teaching in a
place that had this orientation. Could I live in a community of this sort."
Support procedures?
S: Did he ask you specifically
if you would suprknt Davidson's hiring procedures?
L: "He didn't ask me, because
I could not have in good
conscience said yes. The exchange did take place in our
S: What form did the letter
from Spencer offering you the
job take?
L: "Begins a standard way,
offered me the contract, specified the salary, it was an offer
of a job—it specified that a
portion of my moving expenses would be paid. Then it said
we expect you to engage in
other activities, advising, duties to the college—that's a
positive thing. Then it said,
we discussed at great length in
our interviews, the Christian
orientation of the school, and
the key sentence—he .said in
his second letter—was that
you should not accept the job
unless you seek to...(direct
quote from letter): 'Only if you
genuinely want to join such a
community and, as the ByLaws state, care to consdenciously uphold and seek to
increase the college's effectiveness as a church-related college'."
S: How did you interpret that
line, and did you consult
anyone else about how it
might apply to you?
L: "I did not think that I
could not accept the job with
the conditions the By-Laws
seem to mandate, and in fact
in the past have mandated, or
produced, a discriminatory
hiring and promotion.
"In that sense, I responded
directly to the President's
invitation about whether or
not I could support or uphold
those By-Laws. My paragraph
was a response to that invitation from the President. Let
me stop interviewing and
speak normally. It was evidently clear to the President in
his letter that he sought to
clarify this issue between us. I
was glad he did, because I felt
it was necessary on my part to
clarify how I felt. That to be
hired by atfchooldid no£ mean
I relinquished my freedom to
uf>p©*> such pofcetfc, which I
view as improper. Use that in
story if you wish."
S: Did you consult anyone else
how his letter was phrased and
how that might affect you?
L: "No."
S: In your initial intervie
with Spencer, did you discuss
tenure at all?
L: "There are really three
processes that went on here.
First, the recognition of what
those policies would mean that
began to occur in the President's office by his pressing
them home. Second, the discovery afterward that there
were no Jews on the faculty, in
a faculty of 100, at a major
college,' nor had there ever
been. And third, the President's reiteration of this policy
in his letter, in his statement
that the Trustees take this
very seriously. All of that, I
felt obliged to indicate my
views on this matter in my
letter back to him."
Discussion on tenure
S: Did Spencer say that it was
unlikely you would be tenured?
L: "I can't remember. I left
with the impression that that
was the case. I cannot remember whether any exact statement or not occurred. The key
question is not whether I, Ron
Linden, could or could not
have gotten tenure. The key
question is what sort of criteria would have been considered during my time there;
how would I be evaluated
during my time there, would I
be evaluated as a scholar, as a
teacher, as a person who gave
service to the college, or would
another criteria, a personal
criteria, be involved? The answer is dear."
Six-week span
S: There was a six-week span
between the job offer and your
acceptance. Why so long?
L: "I had to consider the offer
and consider the conditions
included in the President's
S: Apparently there was one
particular paragraph in the
letter you wrote back to accept
the job offer that made Spencer feel he needed to consult
with the college lawyer. Would
you read that paragraph?
L: "With respect to the college
By-Laws, which mandate or
encourage discriminatory hiring and promotion practices, I
should make clear my strong
opposition to such policies as
morally repugnant, socially
anachronistic, and scholastically unwise. During my time
at Davidson I will strongly
support any movement to
eliminate such tows and practices. I welcome this and other
responsibilities to tiie college
community and hope to make
a contribution towards insuring the hjgh scholastic standing of Davidson CoUege."
S: How long was it between
has initiated a search for a teacher to fill the vacancy in the department.
(Hunter Jennings)
your letter of acceptance and ation, but your first reaction is
Spencer's withdrawal of the astonishment, that institu- L: "No."
tions would act in this way. S: Why did you not check the
And you feel slapped in the background out?
L: "About two weeks."
S: What form did that letter, face because you feel person- L: "You must be kidding!
the one withdrawing the job, ally hurt. When it became Would you like to hear the ad
dear to me what the drcunv in the American Political Scitake?
were, and this issue ence Association Newsletter
Acceptance disputed stances
came out, it was put to me and which describes the job?"
L: "He said that my response I^inderstood that the situa- S: Sure.
did not constitute aa accept- tion would be I would be... I L: "(From the Newsletter):
ance, because I failed to accept can't thtekof saying it any
the key condition of his offer, other way, bat a second-class
being the upholding and
i. It i
strengthening of the college
American foreign policy
Discriminatory hiring
policies. So he said first your
'Seeking instructor or asacceptance is not an accept- S: You were aware of this from sistant professor in above
ance. And second he said your first meeting with Spen- areas to begin September,
'Given all the circumstances cer?
1977. Ph.D. required. Teachwe are withdrawing our offer. L: "Yes, I * a s . Well, let me ing load: two courses per term,
It is M>-*mfrM*famatj^ situation put it this way. I was aware
that as far as the President three terns, Salary:
for us both'.
1"I would add that I agree." was concerned, that the col- tlve. Equal
S: Did you see it as a lege policies mandated this ployer. Send vitas transcript
non-acceptance when you discriminatory Hfa4ny yt^ pro- and letters of reference...'."
motional practice. And then S: What are your plans both
wrote your letter to him?
L: "I saw it as a qualified when I read the letter, which legally and professionally?
reiterated the question about L: "I am happy to be able to
S: And you did not consult tenure, he declared that my say that subsequently been
situation would be one in offered and have accepted a
legal help.
L: "No. I wanted to make which I would be promoted or teaching position at the Univclear my opposition to college not promoted, considered for ersity of Pittsburg. Legally, 'I
policies, and make ft clear that tenure or not considered for am seeking advice'."
I would work to change them tenure, not on the basis of my
scholarly ability or academic
once I was there."
but that all those
S: Between the time you
my 8: How have you approached
accepted and Spencer rescinreligion
ded, were you consulted?
the American Association of
L: "No. No phone call or
religion would be the overridletter."
S: You turned down some ing concern and there was no me. They saw tills story m the
way around it.
offers in the meantime?
"And I feel as outraged as a Washington Pott. We sort of
L: "That is not relevant."
mutually got In touch with
S: How did he word the black person might, as a each other. Joseph Swart*
woman might have felt, in the
contacted me. The status is
L: "There were two separate face of having a nonrelevant that I am sanding in the
aspects to his letter. The first criteria to judge me. I also relevant <*w»"M«"fr*^Miliffl>, +yA
was the statement that my want to reiterate what I said they are going to review the
contract, my response, in his earlier that in no way was this situation. Probably they will
view, and the legal view as coming from anyone in the begin the review immediately
you've heard, did not consti- department, it was not dis- upon receipt of the informatute, as he put it, an accept- cussed, it was certainly not a tion from me."
ance. Then, in addition he criteria. The people there
said, in the last sentence, struck me as being absolutely
National coverage
Given all the circumstances, first-rate, otherwise I would
we withdraw (not exact word- not have accepted the job. S: What have your reactions
They recognize it as a nonreleing}."
vant criteria, but obviously been to the national coverage?
Anticipated response there are some people who L: "I've been very busy. I feel
it is appropriate."
S: When you write this re- don't."
S: Would you say that any of
sponse, did you have even an
coverage put this issue in
inkling of what kind of rean
S: Were you made to feel
sponse you might get?
not really the
L: "Yes, I can honestly say discriminated against while
say that's
that it did cross my mind, that here by anyone on campus?
charthis might make some people L: "No, certainly not. For the
upset. It crossed my mind,, purposes of hiring and promowouldn't
asbut not enough to make me tion solely."
not do it."
S: Are you aware of the cribe those statements'to me
S: What was your initial student and, faculty support at all."
L: Want to add anything?
response? Have you gotten in you've
L: "No, just that I for very
contact) with anyone here?
about the way it worked
S: Vfiia't Is your response to
i W n o t F ^ ^ "-** "
S: What was, your own per-,
meant -V A.
4 H
sonaj response to the with-, ^
S: Did you kaow Davidson
draws!? ..
that t saw\f"
C h i U i t d
L; "1 t. 'HaiKiw if you've.•„
been the victim of discrimin- school when you applied mi- speak out
V- %" - •
The £
address aatherir
&aff Writer
Approximately 300 people,
including at least 20 faculty
members, boycotted last
week's Spring Awards Convocation.
Five faculty members and
four students spoke at the
hour-long gathering, held in
front of Chambers building.
The speeches centered on
the college's Christian Tenure
Policy and the implications of
that policy in the Linden case.
Professor of Religion Alexander McKelway, Jr., was the
first faculty member to address the boy cotters.
"I am here this morning
because I value Davidson's
heritage as a church-related
college and its identity as an
institution of Christian learning. I am also here because I
believe that this heritage and
identity is threatened by a
policy of total exclusion of
non-Christian faculty.
"Almost five years ago the
faculty petitioned the Trustees
to change, their by-laws to
allow for sonu non-Christians
faculty to attain tenure. After
much debate and struggle this
change was achieved, and the
present Trustee By-Law
states that "the Trustees may
in special circumstances grant
tenure to a person who respects the Christian tradition
without commitment to all it*
"That change was made
three years ago, and yet, since
that time, the administration
has not been willing to suspend the religious requirement
in a single case and has
repeatedly excluded candidates for «-^wfi|<ng positions on
the basis of their religious
"Thus, one cannot avoid the
conclusion that neither the
administration nor the Trustees intend to honor or act
upon the liberalization of religious requirement for tenure
that they agreed to in 1974.
"For those of us who care
about Davidson's Christian
commitment this refusal to
identity by defensive and prejudicial exclusion simply confesses its lack of faith in the
freedom of Christ and the
security of Qod.
"For this reason the present
policy of the administration is
also dangerous. The present
pplicy does not secure our
faith and commitment, but in
a fundamental way denies it
and undercuts it. The manifest
unreasonableness and injustice of the administration of
this policy injures our reputation as a college, places us in
legal jeopardy, and may therefore convince many that the
only solution is an abandonment of our Christian identity.
And that is the greatest
'It Is my understanding that the way the
Lord works through his community is by
drawing people to him through the power
of his love and not by drawing lines
around and saying *We don't let people
in who are not already followers of
Christ before they come h.'And it seems
to me that that's what we really end up
doing, if we maintain this policy.'
Professor of Political Science Pat Edmondson
"If Davidson finally gives
up its church relationship, it
will not be because there are
non-Christians on the faculty,
but because a stubborn resistance brings us to the point
where we have to choose
between being a religious enclave or an institution of
"But this is unnecessary. A
faculty generally, (even overwhelmingly) committed to the
Christian faith can be achieved
without the present policy of
exclusion. And I therefore call
upon the President.
"1) To move immediately to
open some faculty positions to
'...this refusal to admit non-Christians to the
tenured ranks of the faculty is both tragic
and dangerous.lt is tragic because it
contradicts the very faith it would defend...'
Professor of Religion Alexander McKelway, Jr.
admit non-Christians to the
tenured ranks of the faculty is
both tragic and dangerous. It
is tragic because it contradicts
the very faith it would defend.
It is precisely in a Christian
college that one ought to find
an openness and cordiality to
instruction from a non-Christian perspective.
"The Christian man is not
called to a life of pious
isolation, nor is the church,
nor is an institution which
identifies itself with the Chris^iSin iuWu. An institution
which tries to secure its own
"First, I think we did
extend an offer to Ron Linden
with the full understanding
that he was a non-Christian.
And I think there's a limit to
how much we can expect him
to support a religious tenure
policy that implies that he
should be something other
than he is.
"Consequently, if we extended the invitation to him, as a
non-Christian, I do not'think
we are entitled to withdraw it
for that reason.
"On the broader issue of the
principle, I would love to see
Davidson become a viable
Christian community It is my
understanding that the way
the Lord works through his
"2) To develop procedures
for the interviewing and hiring
of faculty which will avoid the
needless embarrassment of the
present situation.
"3) To reopen negotiations
with Professor Linden to see if
an agreement can be reached
which would allow him to
teach at Davidson."
[Editor's Note: Linden has
since accepted a position at
the University of PftUbnrg.]
Senior Mark Rabil, one of
the leaders of the boycott,
then introduced Professor nf
Political Science Pat Edmond-
community is^Ey° drawing
people to him through the
power of his love and not by
drawing lines around and saying 'We don't let people in who
are not already followers of
Christ before they come in.'
"And it seems to me that
that's really what we end up
doing, if we maintain this
policy. For that reason, I'd
like to see barriers lowered."
Mark Rabil read a prepared
statement which had been r
drawn up by the leaders of the
boycott and distributed the
preceding evening. The statement explained the major
facts of the Linden case.
The statement closes:
"Therefore, as a protest to the
irresponsible and unethical actions of the college administration we strongly urge students and faculty to boycott
"By uniting in this common
goal students and faculty will
maintain the spirit of Convocation and assume that moral
leadership which the administration has rejected."
Professor of Religion R.
David Kaylor said he was torn
between attending or boycotting the Convocation.
, "I believe in what is symbolized by the occasion inside...
(but) I also support that which
is symbolized by what you are
doing here, and my conscience
tells me I should support that
in which I believe.
"To me what is symbolized
out here is an openness which
rejects a dosemindedness born
out of yesterday's perceptions:
*—a freedom, *»f^tho";'»*
firmed in Davidson's State-
ment of Purpose, that it would
set no limits to the adventures
of the mind in the pursuit of
— a faith that affirms the
humanity of every person
rather than a feer that rejects
those whose integrity prevents
their subscription to our
—an affirmation of the Statement of Purpose concerning
the liberation of mankind
physically, mentally and spiritually;
—a reject on of the notion that
Davidson's self-understanding
in terms of its Christian
purpose necessitates a narrow
through restrictive clauses;
—an affirmation that Davidson's own Statement *of Purpose demands the removal of
policy that does not express
but rather contradicts the
heart of that stated purpose."
Kaylor also opposes Christian tenure.
"That restrictive clause distinguishes Davidson not only
from secular institutions but
also from every other Presbyterian-related college I know
"It is an embarrassment
from both an academic and a
theological standpoint;' it
gives rise to injustice and misunderstanding; it does not
insure that Davidson is more
'Christian' than other Presbyterian colleges, but rather
shows an unwillingness to
change a policy which is
anachronistic and which has
become in our situation morally repugnant, at least to many
of us who take Davidson's
commitment seriously. For
these and other reasons I will
continue to work for a change
of policy."
He encouraged those who
attended the boycott saying,
"I hope you will continue what
you have begun, in ways that
will lead to positive change."
Professor of Philosophy
Earl MacCormac, who has
continually supported efforts
to change the Christian Tenure Policy, spoke next.
"What I'd like to talk to you
"To pursue the truth, one
must have a free atmosphere.
One must be able to debate
various points of view. This
means conflicting ideas.
"John Stuart Mill said in
his famous essay 'On Liberty':
'If all mankind, minus one,
were of one opinion, they
would be no more justified in
silencing that one opinion than
he would be justified if he had
the power to silence mankind.'
"It seems to me that in a
college or university, this is
one of the precious places in
society where you can have
some degree of objectivity in
order to pursue the truth.
Various opinions can be
heard—no restraints should be
put upon professors or students upon their beliefs or
"Sincerity and honesty
should be reinforced, stressed,
and valued. In a situation in
which a man's employment is
jeopardized by his religious
beliefs, or bis political beliefs,
academic freedom is not possible. The purpose of tenure is
to protect the right of the
professor and the right of the
student to pursue the truth
and to speak their minds.
"Now what does this have to
do with a church-related college? How can we be churchrelated and still pursue the
truth without encumbrance?
7 want Davidson College to be a Christian institution
in the sense that academic freedom is genuinely
possible: that ideas can be pursued wherever they
lead, that the Church has a presence here, but not
a presence that inhibits the truth and the education
of youth.'
Professor of Philosophy Earl MacCormac
about is the nature of a college
and a church-related college.
One of the great confusions
over the sixteen years that
I've been here at Davidson has
been between what is a
church-related college and
what is a church.
"It seems to me that there
are two purposes for a college
or university; they're very
simple, we all know them. One
is the pursuit of th& tr"**1 <u*<i •
the other is the education of
"It seems to me that the
church has the responsibility
of providing an atmosphere
where free injury is possible.
It has the responsibility of
maintaining the Christian
filth and its presence on the
"It can do so in the religion
department, it can do so in the
chapel, and it can do so in the
very atmosphere, the counsel- * • * , the lives of **•» r j
April 2&, 1977
Convocation boycott
are in our present predicament
Steve Peoples, a senior and nothing here's ever been swept
is that we are taking ourselves another leader of the Boycott under the rug, nobody's ever
too seriously.
effort, offered a brief state- tried to block out an issue, and
It seems to me that in the ment.
I think that's being exempliOld Testament, the prophets
"I would like to express my
fied here today.
very often used humorous sincere appreciation to all the
"I am here to talk to you
techniques—street theatre— students and faculty who suptoday not because I am angry
to bring to issue very serious ported this boycott. Someone at Davidson College, but beconcerns. In some of His said that our tactics are wrong cause I love Davidson College,
parables, Jesus himself used and that convocation is not and I care about Davidson
humor. And it seems to me the time or place to make a
College, and Davidson College
that the second Psalm talks statement about Christian
for me, has been an experience
about God sitting in his tenure.
that says it's worth working
heavens and laughing at the
for to correct something that's
"To this, I respond that
pride of humans.
wrong, and that's what hapwhen an official policy of this
"And so, with this spirit, I' institution is ethically repugpened to Ron Linden, and not
would like to present two nant to us, it is perfectly
just Ron Linden in particular.
awards here, since there are fitting to be here. The ugly im"The idea that a non-Christgoing to be some awards plications Christian tenure
ian can't come and teach—
presented on the inside. This transcend events here at Conwell, I'm a non-Christian, and
I came here and studied, and
church has a Presence here,
"It cannot do so by restricones
I'll attest to the fact that it
but not a presence that inhiting the beliefs, thoughts,
four of the most satisfying
bits the truth and the educaideas and aspirations of its
tion of youth."
students or its faculty without
"For me, one of the high 'First of all, lam here at this
Although Minister to Studestroying itself as a college.
points of the convocations
dents Rush Otey was schedThis is not a church. We do
every yea; is the awarding of time because I believed that, as a community,
not select students on the
the Gladstone Award. Out
the ceremony inside, he decibasis of their beliefs. We do
here, today, we are going to we have takent taken the rigors of the law
ded to boycott the Convocanot require that students parpresent the Tombstone Awtion and remain outside.
ticipate in religious ceremontoo seriously, and the freedom and the bve and
"Since I'm a good old boy
"This year, I have taken it
and enjoy laughing and hav"In such an atmosphere, it
upon myself in good Davidson the Grace of the Gospel not seriously enough.'
ing a good time together, I
seems to me the theological
fashion to be a committee of
want to begin by echoing the
propositions, the beliefs that I
Minister to students Rush Otey
one, and I would like to
personal statements of others
have, need no institutional
present the Tombstone Awthat this has been a difficult
protection. I am proud of my
ard, which is presented to that
years of my life, and the proin this building, I would be
decision for me to make to be
Christian faith, I am proud of
Davidfessors I've met here, tht
my beliefs.
exemplifaculty I've met here, the
"I do not think they have to
students I'vis met here—I
be institutionally protected
think that I'll ever have
that, as a community, we have
from the beliefs of other discidepartment
which will paralJewish
taken the rigors of the law too
plines, of other religions, of
seriously, and the freedom and
any other critics that want to
ately, Dr. Linden is not pre"And so I ask you to join all
unfortunate situation with
the love and the grace of the
debate them. This is the idea
us and correct a situation
Gospel not seriously enough.
of a Christian community. The
which I think is very wrong.
"And now there's also the
"After winning an award
And if this situation is like
Tombstone Award for the
like this, it's hard to come out
To me what is symbolized out here is an
situations at Davidson,
students, presented to the
and say something that's releI
it is going to be corgraduating
Davopenness which rejects a cbsedmindedness
vant, but I've been at Davidrected."
idson College wishes to award
son College for four years, and
bom out of yesterday's perceptions...'
with a one-way ticket to
in that four yean at Davidson
Rabil thanked all those who
Jerusalem, courtesy of E1A1
College, I have developed a
attended. A number of stuProfessor of Religion R. David Kaylor
airlines. The recipient this
deep respect for the student
dents and faculty and staff
year is Marc Menchel, class of
body and the way of life here.
members remained outside to
"Secondly, I am here be- 1977."
love of Jesus Christ and His
"As far as I can tell,
discuss the issue.
cause the one whom his disfreedom is expressed in such a
ciples called Rabbi said, 'Ye
way that voluntary admission,
shall know the truth, and the
voluntary acceptance, and
truth shall make ye free.'
voluntary commitment is exFOOT LONG HOTDOG
"Thirdly, I am here not only
"So first of all, I want to
maintain that on the educaissues such as Christian tentional side, you cannot have a
ure, but also because in this
college or university where
instance, I have been convicyou restrain the pursuit of
ted of my conscience by the
faith and the hope of students
"And I want to maintain
with whom I am proud to
also that in our society, this is
a very, very difficult thing to
"And fourthly, I am here
do. Colleges and universities
because I think that every
are the few places left where it
situation needs a bit of humor.
is possible for people to speak
And one of the reasons that we
their beliefs, even where they
are unpopular.
"There's no way that you
can squelch an idea. You can
try, you can keep out believers, you can keep out
Your Gift Headquarters
advocates of that idea, you
"Gifts for all ages
can burn books—you can do
all these things and the idea
will still survive. This is what
motivates man.
Hours: 10—5:30 pm
"I want Davidson College to
be a Christian institution in
the sense that w*<**"»te freePlaza Shopping Center
dom is genuinely possible:
that i/iee* can. be pursued
Moqrejyille 663-15Q3
wherever they lead, that the
• **
April 29,1977
v> .*r•'•'•'• v
Vereen Bell Winners
8 women and 23 men have yet to find housing
Nicholls sees few problems
"There are fewer people
without room assignments
this year than last year," said
Director of Student Housing
Scotty Nicholls after the housing lottery last week.
Eight rising sophomore women and 23 rising sophomore
men did not receive rooms,
in the lottery. Problems still
exist because a number of
juniors and seniors have not
contacted Nicholls to tell her
their living plans for next
year. In addition, some stu- in the fall," said Nicholls.
dents have not paid their $200
There is a normal attrition
deposit and therefore were not of students between April and
allowed to participate in the September, according to Nichdrawing.
"Some people who get
Nicholls will solve these
problems before school ends rooms in the lottery don't
come back, and others are
and during the summer.
The eight girls will probably looking for a place off-campus
live in basement Cannon next but took part in the drawing
year if the basement is not as a safety measure."
Nicholls said, "At this point
filled by freshmen women.
we couldn't let additional girls
"We didn't have enough go off-campus, and we probrooms for everyone, but then ably can't let more men offwe don't want to, because we campus, or we would have
don't want to have emptv beds empty rooms in the fall."
1st ptaqe&teve Peepies
2nd place: Cathy Landis
3rd place: Chip Crawford
Honorable Mention: Gary Hart
Roger Brown
Nancy McNair
PIRG cansreturnable^
On Wednesday, May 4,
Davidson students are being
invited to temporarily part
with their books in return for a
showing of their support.
The Citizens for Returnable
Beverage Containers has
asked NC PIRG and other
coalition groups to mobilize
their members at a public
Summer can be fun if you know a few common things to avoid
1 . Do not swim at any beach where they have loudspeakers
playing the soundtrack from "Jaws!1
2. Do not, under any circumstances, try to pick up a cow.
3. Do not answer any want ad for a summer job that sounds
too good to be true —unless you enjoy selling steak knives.
4. Do not tell your parents that, after graduation, you have
decided on an exciting career in motel management.
5. Do not accept a date from anyone wearing a green leisure
suit and roller skates.
6. Do not, under any circumstances, attempt to feed your pet
gerbil a boa constrictor.
7. Do not forget the one word for beer. As your Dean of Beer,
I can think of nothing more important for you to remember.
So have fun, have Schlitz, and I'll see you next fall.
Dean of Beer
legislative hearing in Raleigh
that would influence the outcome of the returnables legislation.
Otherwise known as the
"bottle bill", the measure (HB
697) would prohibit all non-returnable cans and bottles as
well as flip-top containers
while placing, a minimum returnable deposit of $.06 on
returnable cans and bottles so
as to encourage their reuse.
A study made by NC PIRG
found that adoption of this
proposal would result in less
litter, energy savings, an increase in jobs, resource conservation along with solid
waste reduction and a cheaper
product to both producers and
Faculty members are also
being approached to support
this act by doing whatever
they can to encourage students to exercise their democratic rights. Students are
presently scheduled to testify
before this hearing which begins at 10 am in the Legislative Building.
The group will be leaving
from the back of CHnningham
Fine Arts Building at 6:30 am
due to the early hearing and
are scheduled to return later in
the afternoon.
Davidson College will
initiate a new entertainment
tradition beginning with next
year's Homecoming. A student talent night with a very
special slant is slated.
This show will be comparable to the "Gator Growl" at
the University of Florida or
the "Tigerama" night at
Clemson. The idea is to have
quality student acts, especially satirical skits aimed at
those things that Davidson
venerates; i.e. grades, fraternities, non-fraternities, Slater,
The suggested name is
"Wildcat Whoopee", but the
hopes to do better than that.
So the Committee is sponsoring a contest to Name That
Night. Think of an applicable
name for this new annual
event and submit it.
The contest begins this
Thursday and runs through
Friday, May 6. Submit suggestions at Mrs. Archie's desk
in the Dean of Students'
The Committee will decide
which name, is the best and
pward its creator $25.
Apr^l 29,1977
Bet you can't understand English
To test your understanding of the
English language see how much sense
you can make out of the following
paragraph of "Britlish":
"From the underground{l] we went
to queue[2] up for his lorry[3]. He
lifted his bonn*t\4[, ehecking underneath with his torch[5] for any defects
with his biro[6], dropping his rubber[7\ accidentally as he did so. Inside
he sat on his ice lolly[8) and used a
serviette[9] to wipe off the mess from
his trousers[10). Now he was off,
behind a ca9avan[ll], round the
roundabout[12). On his way, he went
past a solicitor[13] in a waistcoat[14]
and bowler[15\, eating a Wimpy[16).
Beside him was a child in nappies[17]
with a bag of sweets[18] which he
threw into the dustbin[19\. They
were heading toward the Big Dipper[20], where he could get some
candy floss[21].
One cannot help but feel that Mark
Twain was right when he wrote
"Britain and America are two countries separated by a common language". Experiences of the Rusk
Scholars bear witness to this fact and
the differences in the language have
caused quite a few problems for some
of them.
Patrick Macaskie, for example,
walked casually into the Student
Store and asked the lady at the
counter for a "rubber". At first, she
pretended not to have hard him, but
could not hide her obvious embarrassment. Patrick persisted, however,
pointing to the erasers under the
counter and the poor lady eventually
saw what he meant, just as Patrick
himself realized what he had said.
Lucy Carlisle had an equally, if not
more, embarrassing experience on the
tennis courts, when she innocently
asked her opponent whether he
wished to "knock up" before their
game. The poor guy in question,
realizing she could not have meant
what she said, timidly attempted to
explain the meaning of an expression
which in England simply means to
practice or rafljjt. The misunderstanding waa finally clawed up, but not
before tharewara eeveralred faces on
and around the court!
Nick Bitel epent five minutes
trying to gat aoaa French friea in the
Snack Bar having again coma up
against the language barrier. Quite
naturally, he aakad for "chips", but of
course the guy serving did not have
the slightest idea what he was talking
about. "You know, those!," said
Nick, pointing to the fries. "Oh, you
want French fries," said the waiter.
"Yes, replied Nick, that's what I
said, a bag of chips!"
I have managed to overcome the
problem to a greater extent, owing to
the fact that I was in California for
two months before coming to Davidson and so had a chance to learn the
language! However. I still continue to
confuse people by asking for a
"biscuit" instead of a "cookie" and by
saying that I'm going to the "loo", a
common Engliah colloquial term for
the lavatory. Believe me, I get the
strangest looks from people!
Not content with asking for "rubbers" in tha Student Store, Patrick
told me of another equally hilarious
incident which occurred at the beginning of the term. Seeing someone with
a cigarette, he asked them if they had
a fag in theujTmouth. The American
student, unaware that fag means
cigarette .in England, looked at him
with amazement. Unable to understand his astonishment, Patrick repeated the question and it was some
time before the poor American knew
what he was talking about and
fortunately an international incident
was avoided!
Philippa Keil said she had had
the most trouble with her name. Her
first bank statement waa addr
d to
"Philryapa Keil", and aha says most
Americans find it simpler to call her
"Pippa". However, she also had a lot
of trouble with clothes. Great confusion 'ensued when ahe told her
American roommate aha waa going to
put on a "jumper". "Jumper" in
England means a "sweater", while it
means what we call a "pinafore" in
America which in turn is called an
"apron" in England. Just to add to
the confusion, "overalls" in this
country are known as "dungarees" in
England which apparently just mean
jeans or pants over here.
Neil Howlett, who has been to the
States several times before, remarked
that he has learned to avoid such
pitfalls, but pointed out that this is
his first visit to this country when he
has not been asked whether he has
personally met either the Beatles or
the Queen (in that order!).
TOO qsurj (61
Xptnw (si
aradmp (LI
ui^deu (g
apiedod (g
uad (9
pooq (f(Z
Tuesday, May 3rd
5:00-6:30 pm
Richards House and lawn
charcoal hamburgers and hotdogs
baked beans
com on the cob
potato chips
cole slaw
iced tea
A different kind of meal
from your food service staff.
Remember Mom!
Sunday, May 8
. . . with a Hallmark card and gift!
Tii f nun
Taylor and Irene Black well. Ownen
The I
A refreshed perspective, increased
relationshdkw and a greater understanding of
thamsefv— were among some of the
benefits that Davidson s t u d e n t s Leslie Jacobs, Betty Parks, John
Umhau, Bob Grizzard, Karl Schlotterbeck, and Sally Bondurant—saw
as resulting from their experiences
away from cottage.
—J Furthermore, time away from DavTjJ Kbon often cleared up student career
^ confusions. While some students fear
^ ieadjiis<nniiit to Davidson when they
returned, it was not very difficult for
CO most when they weighed the advanmm9 tages of increased experience against
the minor problems of reorientation.
Most of the students knew what
they would do outside of school before
they left it. The Office of Experiential
Learning helped them with job arrangements, places to stay, and
dently, but to get back to the places
and people I'd been with in a much
more objective way.
"I was very confused as to what" my
own goals were as opposed to otters'
expectations of me. I wanted to maka
sure I was following my own purposes. It's rather selfish I suppose,
but I want other people to stop
mucking us over, preaching this unselfishness business: we've got to sort
ourselves out before we have a firm
basis to give anything to anybody.
And unfortunately anything having
to do with ourselves is labelled as
selfish and seen negatively."
Karl Schbtterbeck
This past winter term, Karl Schlot
, -.^
people who a n into art, who like to
dance, who are not sitting around
reading, who may be into a whole
non-verbal type communication • People like words here. That's one thing I
got out of, being with the children."
terback got three independent studie&Qett/ftQ back into
courses through the Honors College
and a job through the Office for
Experiential Learning. He worked in
Durham, N.C., in a service agency
dealing with the problems of the aged.
This supplements his interdisciplinary major on aging. He came back on
the weekends to confer with his
He lived in the office building in
which he worked and described his
existence there as very quiet and
tedious. "While I was able to cope
quite well with the demands of my life
there, it's real nice to be back. T
John Umhau
appreciate the chance to interact with
John Umhau visited the Koinonia people on all different levels. Out in
LJJ Communes of Americus, Georgia,
the 'Real World' I felt I had to
during fall term 1975. The organiza- establish myself with a person. There
tion is a farm commune located six is more of a time period you have to
miles from Plains, Georgia, and has spend to get comfortable with them,
long been instrumental in fighting to trust each other, to be intimate.
racism in its area.
It's nkje to have organized things to
Umhau worked in a peanut factory. do—movies, lectures, plays, etc. This
"I met whole segments of the
people I wouldn't have
otherwise; there is no way for me here
to meet fanners as another farmer."
LJJ He summarized how his perceptions
American society had changed.
CC of
"Through the media we've created in
LU ourselves expectations for high lifeQ_ styles, high living, beautiful women,
Betty Parks worked winter term
happiness all the time without any
hard work. I think we've degraded the 1976-76 hi Philadelphia as a part of
joy we get out of a hard day's work." the Great Lakes College Association.
Getting' full credit for her work, she
Bob Grizzard
spent four days a week in the Center
Bob Grizzard left spring term 1976 for Preschool Services with developLL to work in a food processing factory in mentally delayed children, and one
Jamaica. He recalls feeling like "a fish day a week in seminars studying
in a bowl" when he first arrived, urban problems.
because he was one white man among
She found she enjoyed being on her
"Whatever got done I did it. I
Q_ wanting time to himself and curiosity
myself wanting to do much
as the two major reasons for leaving more. Here you've got a paper due
CO Davidson in the first place. The Office Friday. There it was more like I
for Experiential Learning (then the wanted it done by Friday. It was
Office under Randy totally different not having all the
LU Career-Service
helped him set up external pressures. It really made you
Q the job and living space
in Jamaica. grow up in a hurry...here at Davidson
Grizzard commented, "I got a lot we are very sheltered."
of it, realizing how minute
CO out
Leslie Jacobs
Davidson is. It makes it easier to be
content here—not complacent—but
Leslie Jacobs also worked in Philahappy here, because you do realize it delphia through the GLAA with kids.
is a small place, and that it has its She decided on a hospital setting,
limitations. By seeing its smaUness working with convalescent children
you see its qualities; you can take it trying to make the hospitalization
for what it is. It's when you ask less traumatic. "A lot of the kids had
Davidson to be something it's not parents who worked and couldn't
that it gets frustrating."
visit. When a child can't move around
much, and he can't see his own
Sally Bondurant
Sally Bondurant <went JYA-Eng- parents he really needs something to
land for a year and then extended her keep his mind occupied. Our task was
leave for two more terms to work as a to gain the child's trust and give him
barmaid and play semiprofessional something fun to do."
When asked why she left Davidson,
basketball. "I'd never been out of the
Southern traditional culture, and it she said, "I was just sick and tired of
no$ onjy gave majgctaapu to feel s~»«* Hii« ,nJpc/» There are other, kind* of,
about myself and operate indepen- people in the world, and sometimes
April 29,1977
knowing a lot <H freshmen." Grizzard
came back after a spring and a
summer away to be a hall counselor.
"That really helped me reorient
myself to campus life."
Parks and Schlotterbeck noted that
rwfationshipt hadn't changed much.
Bondurant noted, "Even if you go
through straight in four years the
number of people you know and
associate with diminishes after freshman year. Freshman year is the
critical year when you know all the
upperclassmen and your own class;
thereafter it gets more and more
difficult to meet underclassmen. As
the upperclassmen graduate the number of active friendships you have
" they say
academics? When asked whether they would
borne students find it hard or
undesirable to adjust to the. academics at Davidson. Leslie Jacobs neatly
summarized, "Academics meant little
before I left and means less now."
Betty Parks said, "It was the realization of how much more there is to
learn besides what is in books.
"The importance of grades has
dropped for me," said Sally bondurant. "Not that I am less concerned
with mastery of the content. I am
simply less success-oriented in the
academic field than I had been."
On the other hand Bob Grizzard
didn't find it hard to orient himself to
academics. "I knew more of what I
had to do and I did it." John Umhau
found that academics had become
easier for him he had gotten most of
his premedical course work out of the
way before leaving. Karl Schlotterbeck took three independent studies
while working in Durham, N.C., and
found less difficulty when he dropped
hisjob and returned to canlpus.
Vague plans crystallized
Most felt very strongly that leaving
had helped them dear up vague career
objectives. Betty Parks was torn
between a business career and her
desire to work with children. Her
experience in Philadelphia working
with developmentally delayed children decided her for business.
John Umhau was a pre-med before
he left. "I wanted to make sure that
my education didn't steer me in one
track. A lot of people go into med
school without really thinking 'Am I
going to be useful as a doctor? Do I
need to boost my ego, or is it going to
help other people?' You don't admit
that you do things for status."
Umhau is planning to attend Bowman
Grey Medical School next year.
Bob Grizzard said, "I was thinking
about pre-med, and decided to take
some time off to make a strong
commitment either way—to that or to
an English major." Grizzard now has
plans to teach English in a Charlotte
high school beginning next September.
Leslie Jacobs found play therapy
tremendously exciting in her work in
Philadelphia. She had never heard of
it before leaving to look for a job.
make recommendations or give advice
to students considering leaving, four
of the six simply said, "Do it!" and
then said no one should attempt to
stay at Davidson for four years
Jacobs and Bondurant recommended their trips very highly, but felt it
was not necessary for everyone to
leave, particularly those who "are
able to maintain a strong sense of
their selfhood already." "I think a lot
more people should drop out," Bondurant said. "If you drop out and
return to Davidson, do not be
egotistically fooled into the idea that
you are the only one who has changed
and grown in the period. Because in
spite of all the restricting forces in
Davidson, the same thing happens to
those who stay behind as the ones
who go. They just do it in a different
way, and they've done it here."
Friends draw them back
Every person questioned said that
one of the most important reasons he
dame back was because of friends.
"I'm not sure you can really make a
correlation, a cause and effect, but for
some reason Davidson has the unique
ability to attract exceptional people to
it. I don't know how, but I value the
opportunity I have here for making
really honest relationships. The double edge to that is being able to stay
above all the gossip and murk which
stays around the base of these honest
relationships. A sense of perspective
can prevent you from getting really
too upset over that—the murk just
isn't that important," Bondurant
"The people are what Davidson is
to me now, rather than some name
and the associations that come with
that name," Jacobs said.
Other reasons were also listed for
coming back: parental guidance,
pragmatism, wanting to finish what
had already been begun, not wanting
go through the hassles of trans.
f e m n g to a n o t h e r
sum it up
What people gained most from the
experience can be summed up in a
single word: perspective. "I began a
much healthier, but detached, feeling
What about social life? toward Davidson," Bondurant said.
Social readjustment to Davidson
"I'd definitely get away from this'
was easy for most, but difficult for place, just so you can get your
some. Those who were away for only bearings on life. I am so high now,"
one term found it reasonably easy to Umhau commented.
come back and feel comfortable.
Jacobs summarized, "I don't want
Jacobs said living off-campus made to fit in what Davidson is supposed to
it easier to come back because, "You be about. And yet I feel most of the
aren't packaged into the dorms that people here feel that way, too—they
way." Umhau said, "Fall term is the don't want to fit in either. So what is
sais»,people get t^Juytw one »nrtth«i^J}avidaon, thi* outride tw»™
missing fall term last year I've missed people are feeling?"
April 2<M977
This applies to students who transfer, decide to take some time out. or are
determined to q»rit school:
1. Vtett Dean of Students
2. Conference to clarify:
a. reason for leaving
b. explanation about how to return
c. the check-out form which is filled by various offices
1. Write letter to dean of Admissions*
2. Payment of $200 tuition deposit due usually on or before April 1
When a student plans to take courses at another school, he should get
clearance from the registrars.
A student who withdraws after acid-drop period receives an F in each
course unless he receives an authorized withdrawal from the Dean of
The manner in which a student leaves (more than/th&jreasons for leaving)
affect the recommendations he may later request in order to return.
*The^ooner this letter is sent to the Dean of Admissions, the better the
students' chances of readmittance for the desired acjdynafr
1. Early in the term preceding participation in the«
students discuss heeds, desires and ideas concerning theiifoff-<
experience. This is done through Ken Wood. Director of the Office for
Experiential Programs.
2. Overseveral weeks a plan is worked out by the student and Kan Wood for
the period of time that ha intends to be off-campus, whether one tens or
3. If the plan calls for earning of academic credit m connection with the
experience, students will make arrangementa with members of the faculty
and the registrar's office.
4. When a plan has been devised a special form is obtained from the
registrar to complete the process. This is signed by the student. Ken Wood
and the registrar's office in that order. Copies are circulated and the student
is billed $75.00 for administrative costs covering any period off-campus.
1. Write a letter to the Registrar's office to confirm time of return.
2. Payment of $200 tuition deposit due usually on or before April 1.
Registrar explains readmission difficulties
Most Davidson students at one
time or another contemplate taking
time off from school. The process is
quite simple and those on official
leave seldom have problems being
readmitted, into the college. Students
on official leave are guaranteed a
place when they return. Any difficulties that could arise can be easily
taken care of before the student leaves
the college.
Dr. Richard Burts, Registrar, explained the reasons for previous
difficulties with the process of readmitting students.
"Many students who take time off
are under the misconception that
when they leave, they create a
vacancy that will not be filled until
they return. However, this is not
true. The college attempts to fill every
vacancy, except those for which a
student is guaranteed a spot upon his
When a student drops out of school
all together, Tony Boon, Admissions
Counselor explains, "The best thing
for a student to do before he leaves is
to stop by the Admissions Office and
let us know that they are planning to
leave. If they take the time to do this,
and they seem to have a legitimate
reason for leaving, then they have
little trouble in being readmitted. We
encourage-people4o take time of if
they feel it will help.
What about those students who
didn't stop by the Admissions Office
first? Are their chances of readmission diminished because of this? Dr.
Burts explained the readmission
policy for these people.
No one who has dropped out is
guaranteed a spot when they desire to
return. "But if they inform the
Admissions office first, it makes
things much easier for them. The
biggest problem are those students
who suddenly reappear."
"We first question them as to their
reasons for leaving, and then about
what benefits they feel they received
from their exDeriences. We look at
their past record at Davidson. If they
performed well in the past, they
probably won't encounter many problems concerning readmissions. If,
however, the student la considered^
'high-risk' student, his chances are
diminished considerably. If he per-
formed poorly in the past, then we
would try to fill his vacancy with a
better student.
Finally, we consider how long they
have been gone. If we don't feel that
the student would fit in the atmosphere here, then that diminish— their
chances for readmission. But this
really is the least of our considerations.
"For those students who did not
previously give us an approximate
date of return, timing is also crucial.
We very rarely have any open spaces
in the fall. However, uue's
readmission increase considerably the
later in the year he applies.
Physicist Price to speak
P. Buford Price, a renowned physicist and Davidson alumnus whose
search for the elementary unit of
magnetism got him a 1975 front-page
story in the New York Times, will
speak tonight and tomorrow morning.
Price and his associates announced
they had found this unit, called the
magnetic monopole, from experiments they did with detectors carried
aloft by giant balloons. Unusual
tracks left by rapid particles were
detected which at the time Price
believed were the monopoles.
According to Davidson Physics
Professor Locke White, if Price was
correct he will undoubtedly get ^e
Nobel Prize for his work. But
Price's announcement several important physicists have denied his findings suggesting that the rapid particles might be anti-nuclei from antistars.
"The man has a lot of appeal and
interest for non-scientific folks. The
last time he spoke at Davidson, the
non-scientific people were raving about what a tascinating account he
gave," said White.
Price will speak tonight, Thursday,
at 8 pm in the 900 Room on
"Magnetic Monopoles: An Unfinished Scientific Whodunit". Friday at
10 am he will speak in the Morrison
Room on his discovery.
"THE MADWOMAN OF CHAILLOT" get* studtht appraisal.
Oil Exec, talks to students
Mr. William Barnes, long-time oil
executive working in many different
areas of the world, will hold an
informal conversation on oil, energy,
and associated politics tomorrow,
Friday, April 29.
From 1949-1955, Barnes worked as
a supervisor in several East Coast
Refineries. He managed activities
including producing, refining, marketing and governmental negotiations
in Peru and Colombia from 1955-1966.
Barnes was responsible for all of
one company's petroleum activities
from Mexico to Panama during
Lee Knight,
folklorist will be
on campus Tuesday, May 3, to
Thursday, May
5, offering public
performances &
1966-1968. Since then he has served
as an executive in Madrid, Spain, and
Copenhagen, Denmark.
Now located in London, Barnes
manages three large refineries and a
fleet of crude oil carriers and tankers.
He is chairman of a North Sea
pipeline construction company.
Those who attend the conversation
Friday night at 8 pm in the Morrison
Room will, according to Union Director C. Shaw Smith, will be able to
determine the direction of the conversation by their questions.
the godfather
I FRIDAY 8:00 & 11:00
LOVE $1.00
April 29,1977
Ruggers outmaneuver refs, Wofford
fullback, somehow always
managed to return Woflbra's
deep kicks before getting
The Davidson Rugby Club killed.
closed its spring season this
Soon the momentum turned
past Saturday with one of the to the 'Cats favor, as they
best efforts of the year as they penetrated deep into Wofford
swept past Wofford College territory. But a seemingly
sure try by Pete Johnson was
Intermittent rain and a disallowed by the ref in a
turfless, rocky field »ewned to controversial call. The half
promise sloppy play, yet the ended with Wofford still
Davidson ruggers overcame leading 3-0.
these advene conditions with
But Davidson was not to be
excellent play.
denied in the second half, as a
Wofford jumped off to an series of deep kicks and some
early lead as they made good snappy passing put them back
on a 26-yard penalty kick, and in Wofford territory..
it looked like a long afternoon
Then Mike Merworth (who,
for the 'Cats as the Terriers incidentally, displayed true
swept up and down the field macho as he played most of
seemingly at will with good the game with strained ankle
backfleM play and some long, ligaments) alertly pounced on
well-placed kick*.
a loose ball in Wofford's end
But the Davidson defense, zone, making the score 4-3.
ted by the bone-jarring tackles Wofford came roaring back,
of John Lovett, Mike Merworth, however, and re-took the lead
and Bucky Banks, soon on a beautiful broken-field run
stiffened, and Tim "Heart by their outside center. Their
Attack" Wilkins, playing conversion Idck failed, making
Staff Writer
it 7-4.
From then on, it was all
Davidson as Chip Crawford
eluded the Wofford backs for a
picture-perfect 60-yard try.
Not 80 seconds later th«
'Cats were knocking on
Wofford's door again, and
Pete Johnson, not to be denied
this time, bulled his way over
for another four points.
John Lovett, having
previously been frustrated due
to poor kicking angles, finally
split the uprights with a
conversion kick and thus put
the game out of roach. 14-7
With 2 minutes remaining,
Davidson maintained a
defensive strategy, never
threatening again yet keeping
the ball out of trouble with
deep kicks and sure-fire gang
Due credit must be given to
the Davidson forwards, as
they displayed excellent
pursuit defensively, and
moved the ball well as a unit,
throughout the game, passing*
Let this sink in.
These days a blood transfusion that's given to save a life can cause
a death.
Because. Though there are many reputable commerciaHlood banks,
blood from commercial sources is, unhappily, ten times more likely to
be the cause of hepatitis than is blood from the American Red Cross
and other community blood banks that depend on volunteer blood—
Shocking? Of course.
So, you ask, why doesn't all blood in American hospitals come from
volunteer donors?
A mere three percent of all Americans are donating one hundred
percent of all the blood that's freely given in America. It's not enough.
So, you see, if you're healthy, fit our easy criteria for donors, and
yet don't give blood regularly- well, you're part of the blood scandal in
By default.
One more thing: if you think the Red Cross "gets money" for the
blood you donate, you're wrong. The only charge that's ever made is
to help meet the, cost of processing the blood.
So call the Red Cross- then roll up your sleeves. Please.
To keep people you know alive and well.
off to the open man just before!
getting hit.
The set scrums were
dominated by the 'Cats, as
consistently good surges made
the hooker's job easy.
Davidson's seniors, playing
in their last game, went out in
a blase of glory as Lovett,
Armstrong collectively sent
two Wofford players to the
hospital. Steve Peoples ran the
ball well, and almost always
managed to break through on
lineouts to harass the Wofford
Crawford's try was without a
doubt the prettiest of the
However, loss of these
seniors leaves many gaps to be
filled on next year's team. So
if you have a latent masochistic urge... well, we hope to see
you in the fall.
Undercat netters
host SC Tourney
Sports Editor
Davidson is hosting the
Southern Conference Tennis
Tournament for the eighth
time in 24 years.
The Wildcats (1611) have
won six of the eight they have
hosted, but this year they
rank as the darkhorse.
Furman (17-12) and Appalachian (20-6) are the favorite
in the tournament, which began today and will run
through Saturday.
' Other teams competing are
The Citadel, East Carolina,
William and Mary, VMI, and
newcomers Western Carolina
and Marshall.
Singles play was scheduled
to begin Thursday and Friday
mornings at 8:30 and Satur-
day at 9:30. Doubles were
scheduled for 2:00 pm each
Davidson coach Jeff Frank
commented, "We play much
better on clay than we do on
hard courts. We lost to both
Furman and Appalachian in
the regular season, but that
was on hard courts. I think we
have as good a chance as
anyone to win it.
"For us to win the championship this year would require three things: 1) for the
match to be on clay, 2) for
each of the entries to play up
to his capability, and 3) a large
and vocal group of fans to be
out at all these matches to
make the homecourt advantage really a homecourt advantage," said Frank.
THURS.& FRI. 8-10:30
(at old bike shop location )
People like you, helping people like VOU.SJASJ
Your opportunity is coming soon!
Wednesday, May 4th
Student Union
Donor time: 10:00-3:30
Hours: 10-4 Mon.- Fri.
9-1 Sat.
Delivery available for Mother's Day
May 8th
April 29,1977
Staff Writers
This week the courageous
combo of Bad Bernie and
Hogman has a special one-part
series on girls' softbatt for all
of you. Our team feature is on
those gorgeous goons better
known as KUler Watts.
After a long IMAC season,
it appears as if those young
ladies from 3rd Watts have
finally gotten over the hump
and have successfully climaxed their year. The beauties swept the basketball tourney, came in second in
ball and now have captured
the Softball crown as well as
the hearts of many a young
Davidson lad.
We realize that these girls
are not just typical D.C.
coeds, because after seeing
them m action, we can testify
just to how fast they are. They
had moves and positions that
Hogman never even knew
It became clear that every
time these girls went down on
the IMAC fields (during the
day) they were ready for busiWe wpuld like to honor as
of the Year:
AFTER SWEEPING the basketball court and nearly
clipping the fllckerball field, Killer Watts has polished
off the Softball crown.
(Irv Wilson)
Track team snags
impressive victory
Lynn, BT, Banita, Ginger, the
Anns, Cent, Cybil.'MG,
Cathy, and Beth W., the •tars
of Killer Watts, for the <
tional way they played around
this year.
Back in the real world now,
there were some major upsets
this past, week in softball and
of course, some that were not
too major.
Our #1 team last weak, the
Gozinyas, approached the
softball diamond last Thursday with the ^wmnym disease
of the "Big HaMK*. Granted
they may all be big heads, but
this disease refers to their inflated egos.
This was quickly cured,
however, as Your Face prescribed an eight-run first inning, and the young boys could
not recover.
We have taken back our
Athlete of the Week award we
presented to Soto last week,
and at this very moment Bad
Bernard is in his room confiscating the plaque he was
presented. Bernard is very
good at taking things from
people's rooms.
Your Face remained smooth
and won the game, 14-12.
The Flaming A's, led by
Dave Thomas' grand slam, set
fire to Presto's Grill and
knocked them from our second
spot, 7-5.
Off Again, did a number on
the Longest Yard as they
inched by them, 8-1. It was
reported that Dave Ellison
played exceptionally poor in
this game.
Jungle Queen has now come
out of the bushes and has
emerged as our #2 team this
week. They closed down
Buck's Truck Stop, 14-0. We
knew they were good all along.
The rumor is that Tenafly
might have pitched the first
IMAC no-hitter in that game.
The dashing young studs
from Cannoniua Basementhis
proved themselves worthy as
they clubbed the Goodwinites,
15-1. Tim Bowker now leads
all sluggers with 27 home runs
this year.
Baby Rick's Bar and Unu
third in the high jump and liO
high hurdles.
Staff Writer
Other winners included
The Davidson Track team
scored an impressive victory Jerry Taylor with a throw of
last Saturday against Emory 129T' in the hammer, Miller
McClintock with a jump of
and Henry 81V*-71 tt.
Davidson was led by many 5'10" in the high jump and
stars, but the efforts of Carl John Lewis with a vault of
McPhail, Doug Horn and Phil 11'6" in the pole vault. Virgil
Gilbert stand out as each of Fludd, Steve Justus and Jeff
these men won more than one Morrow also had strong performances to win points for
Doug Horn won the 800 m., Davidson.
Davidson will be competing
1500 m., and 5000 m. with
the Southern Conference
smart races. Hom stayed close
Field championships at
to his opponent during most of
this weekend.
the races and then kicked it
home at the end, beating his
opponent by no more than two
seconds in each race.
He commented on his 5000
m. race, "I just leached on his
back until about a mile left
and then I blew him out."
Horn's times were 2:02.65 for
the800m., 4:12.1 for the 1500,
and 16:23.1 for the 5000.
Gilbert came on strong to
win the long jump and 200 m.
dash. The long jump was an
especially close event with
3/4ths of an inch separating
first and third person. The
winning jump was 2O'2V4 ".
Gilbert had to finish fast to
guarantee a victory in the 200
m. His time was 23.5.
But it was McPhail who
stole the show,. He won the
Triple Jump, 400 m. interEARLY ABORTION
mediate hurdles, and the 100
m. dash. McPhail also placed
z&atnA in the 200 re. jfch -±£-.
walloped the Fiji's, 11-1, and
then molested Wood's Hole,
22-4, before dropping a heartbreaker to the KA's, 4-8.
The KA's jumped back into
our terrific Ten after a weslps
absence. They abuse? One
Track Mind, 21-11, and then
clamped down on Wood's
Hole, 21-5.
Our "Sleeper" of the year is
Porky Pig and the Quarter
Pounders. After going unnoticed almost all year, they
have emerged with an unbeaten record. They nipped both
Chocolate Speedway and the
SAE's last week. Do it, Dr.
One interesting note from
this past week is that 4th
Richardson, after showing up
on the wrong field, played a
pick-up game among themjse^rcrs and won their first
game of the year.
Terrific Ten
1. Your Face
2. Jungle Queen
3. Flaming A's,
4. Gozinyas
6. Off Again
6. Presto's Grill
7. Porky Pig and the Quarter
8. Cannonballs
9. Baby Rick's Bar & Grill 6-1
10. KA #1
Please don't forget about
the Berta and Bernie Backgammon Tourney. The signup deadline is April 30th and
play begins on May 2nd. Stay
surreal Sam and Spot. Earlier.
P.E. department
changes directors
Staff Writer
Sterling Martin will be
taking over the directorship of
the physical education department from Chip Stone, effective this fall.
The college decided earlier
this year not to renew Stone's
contract, and is presently
trying to find a person to
coach both soccer and track.
Martin will be giving up the
track position to concentrate
on his duties in the area of
phys. ed., IMAC sports, club
sports, and director of the
lake campus. He will remain
as cross country coach.
Martin is returning to the
position he held before Stone
was hired in 1972. He does not
foresee making any major
changes in the policies and
programs of the department.
is Sunday May 8th
Come to John Mack's and
let us help you select that
special gift for Mom.
Whether your wish Is for
a very modest remembrance
or something extra special
we have a good selection
for your choosing.
Only 6 mites North - Mooresvtfe
The Davfctsoruar:
April 29.
Hey... What's going on out there?
Through May 15: Exhibit by Ffeiffer College art students, Goode Hall
Gallery, Pfeiffer College, Misenheimer, N.C. Hours are 9 am to 4 pm
weekdays. Details: 463-7343.
Weekends: Mint Hill Dinner Theatre presents "Boeing, Boeing", w
McEwen Shopping Center, Lawyers Road, Mint Hill. Buffet begins at ;
7:15 pm, play at 8:15 pm. (Prices are a bit high.! Reservations: 545-5725, Qor 847-9902.
April 29, 30, May 1: "Bad Habits", a comedy produced by the Actors .
Contemporary Ensemble. 8:15 pm through April 30, then matinee at 2:30 •
pm on May 1. Entertainment Place, Spirit Square. Tickets $2.75 (it's §"
still cheaper than a movie). Details: 364-3393 or 366-1865. Dinner 3
available before the show.
Through May 22: Cotton panels sewn by the Cuna Indian women of the
San Bias Islands, Main Gallery of the Cone University Center,
University of North Carolina at Charlotte. Hours are 8 am to 10 pm,
weekdays; 10 am to 10 pm, Saturday; 1 to 10 pm, Sunday. Details:
Continuing: Block prints by Cynthia Henick, in the gallery at Spirit
Square, 110 E. 7th Street, Cnarlotte. Hours are 9 am to 11 pm, Monday
through Saturday; 12:30 to 5:30 pm, Sunday. Details: 536-1444.
April 29, 30, May 5-7, 12-13: "The Lark", Jean Anouille's treatment of '_^
the Joan of Arc story, 8 pm. Mint Museum Theatre Guild, Circle —
Theatre, 501 Hempstead Place, Charlotte. $2 for students. Details: 3
April 30: Charlotte Choral Society Pops '77 Concert with guest star John
Raitt. Charlotte Civic Center, 8 pm. Tickets $6. Details: 372-3600.
Staff Writer
May 12-15, 17-21: "The Royal Hunt of the Sun" by Peter Shaffer, author =2
of "Equus", presented by the North Carolina^School of the Arts, 8:15 3
pm, Agnes deMille Theatre, Winston-Salem. Students $2. Details: (919f 9*
May 2: Festival of Choirs, Belmont Abbey College Church, 8:30 pm.
May 2: Neil Diamond. Charlotte Coliseum. 8 pm. Tickets $10, $7.50, and
$5. Details: 372-3600.
May 1: "Summer Interlude", directed by Ingmar Bergman (Sweden, Y*
1950), Dana Auditorium, Queens College, 8 pm. Students $1.50.
May 7: The Spinners. 3 pm and 8 pm, Carowinds Paladium, 20 miles
south on I 77. $8 at the gate. Details: 588-2600.
May 7: "The Red Balloon", 2:30 pm. Covenant Presbyterian Church, 3
1000 E. Morehead Street. Charlotte, FREE.
May 7: Oratorio Singers of Charlotte present "Te Deum" by Antonin
Dvorak and Belshazzar's feast by Sir William Walton, 8 pm. $2 for
students. Ovens Auditorium. Details: 332-8151.
Now Playing: "Murder by Death", Carolina Mall, Concord, 7:15 and —
9:15 pm.
Showing: "Exit the Dragon, Enter the Tiger", Carolina Mall, ^
Concord, 6:45 and 8:45 pm. Discount tickets available at. the Union.
Now Playing: "The Last Tycoon", Southpark Cinema. Shows at 2:30, .
5:15, 9:30 pm. Starring Robert DeNiro.
May 14: "Giselle", presented by the Charlotte Regional Ballet, Dana
Auditorium, Queens College, 8:15 pm. $3 for students. Details
\:<>n- Playing: "Islands in the Stream", Southpark or Regency Cinemas, Z3
starring George ('. Scott (starts Friday).
.\'o;r I'lavnii': "The Abduct ion of Lorelei". Fox Drive-In. Old State:-, vilie ^
Road, show at 9 pm.
Thursday, April 28, 1977
All Day
H pm
H:If, pm
9 pm
Let ters to1 Trustees
•' I i p m
Southern Conference Tennis Championships Tennis Courts
Buford Price: "In Search of the Magnetic
900 Room
Spring Major Drama Production:
I lodson Hall
"Madwoman of Chaillot"
CBS Special: "When TV Was
Big Screen in TV Loungt
Friday. April 29, 1977
10 a m
! :i()
1 pit1
"> pm
H<t 1 I pm
Buford Price: " T r a c k E t c h i n g s "
D r a m a Auction and B a k e Sale
Track: S o u t h e r n Conf. O u t d o o r C h a m p
T e n n i s : S o u t h e r n Conf. C h a m p .
Modernization Seminar
S c u l p t i n g Class
William B a r n e s : Open End on t he
Energy C r i s i s "
D r a m a P r o d . : " M a d w o m a n of Chailloi
Pop Film: " T h e G o d f a t h e r "
HI am
2:-If) pm
'1 7 pm
.'' pm
H pm
9:30 pm
All Day
All Day
H: 15 pm
9 12 midnite
Monday, May 2. 1977
Morrison Room
Heik Quad
Fur man
Phi Hall
Oiiice Complex
Morrison Room
Hodson Hall
Love Auditorium
7 pm
8 pm
H:15 pin
9 pm
;! pill
9-4 pm
11 am
12:30 pm
2:30 pm
9 pm
Belk Quad
Traffic Court,
CROP Hunger Relief Meal
Worship Service
World Hunger Discussion Group
Student Recital
('logging Class
Lee Knight, Folklorist
Senate Meeting: Collection of Pe! it ions
Chambers 121
900 Room
Conference Room
Hodson Hall
Love Auditorium
900 Room
Conference Room
Humanities Film: "Martin Luther
King: We Have a Dream"
Wednesday Lunch
Lee Knight, Folklorist
Lee Knight, Folklorist
College Union
Perkins Auditorium
900 Room
Union Patio
900 Room
Thursday, May 5, 1977
10 am
2:30 pm
Morrison Room
Fine Arts Center
Wednesday, May 4, 1977
P' n
H pm
M 1 5 pm
•' Pn>
Love Auditorium
10 am
12:30 pm
Southern Conf. Tennis Champs.
Lake Campus
Drama Prod.: "Madwoman of Chaillot"
Hodson Hall
Campus-Wide Dance: Live Band and Free Beer Belk Quad
D.C. Jazz Ensemble
Davidson Christian Fellowship
Annual Juried Student Show
Perkins Auditorium
("onierence Room
Sunday, May 1, 1977
3 pni
6:30 pm
College GalleryMorrison Room
Lake Campus
Love Auditorium
Love Auditorium
Tuesday, May 3, 1977
S a t u r d a y , April 30, 1977
Navarane: South Asian Studies
Yoga Classes
Humanities Picnic
Fine Film: "Ulysses"
College Committee Meeting
Navarane: Indian Philosophy Art
and Literature
Fine Film: "Ulysses"
Coffee and Cokes
Lee Knight, Folklorist
Trustee Forum
Rediscovering American Movies:
"Citizen Kane"
brass Quinte.t Recital
T r u s t e e Reception
College Gallery
Morrison Room
Union Patio
Chambers Gallery
Love Auditorium
900 Room
. 9m
& dn--6uiujoo pue dn--6uiuioo pue dn -"6uiuio3 pue drvbmiuoo pue drv 6uiiuoo pue