Introduction to International Marketing (Erasmus)

Course Code: MARK-1084
Course Title: Introduction to International Marketing (ERASMUS)
Pre & Co Requisites
Introduction to Marketing and Marketing Communications
To provide students with an understanding of marketing in an international
context. To develop a critical understanding of the theories, models and
concepts pertaining to international marketing. To provide students with a range
of skills necessary to conduct business in an overseas market, including the
integration of the use of new technologies.
Learning Outcomes
A. Knowledge and understanding of: The student will be able to understand the
range of environmental influences on a company engaged in business overseas,
and know how to identify the most important factors for a company marketing
its products or services overseas. B. Intellectual Skills: B1. Breadth of Outlook
The student will be able to take an academic approach to the solving of problems
in an international context, and understand the connections between academic
study and its application in business. B2. Wisdom The student will be able to
make rational and informed decisions between conflicting sets of data and
evaluate the sources of information to support international marketing planning
B3. Personal Effectiveness The student will be able to develop the skills
necessary to become an effective teamworker C. Subject Practical Skills: The
student will know how to apply the knowledge gained to improve the
international marketing performance of companies. D. Transferable Skills D1.
Critical Thinking The student will be able to conduct a situation analysis, analyse
information and data and develop a management response appropriate for an
International marketing manager. The student will be able to develop a critical
approach to the published material available to the international marketing
manager. D2. Information Management The student will be able to identify, find
and synthesise the range of academic sources available to the international
marketing manager D3. Communication Skills The student will be able to
recognise the dynamics of group behaviour and reconcile conflict with a group
Indicative Content
Analysis - Weeks 1-8 will focus on the analysis of the information needed to
support an International Marketing Plan, which will be tested through a seminar
presentation, and through the group assignment. N.B. The impact and use of
new technologies in International Marketing will underpin all sessions.ns. Weeks
1-2 International Marketing Planning- students will be introduced to a framework
for developing International marketing plans. Students will need to understand
the importance of the planning process, and know how to compile an
International marketing plan. Marketing Objectives- the session will enable
students to recognise the importance of setting SMART objectives. Control
mechanisms - the session will cover the control mechanisms necessary in
international planning. Week 3 The Trading Environment - towards an
understanding of the current business climate in international markets, and the
role of government in International business.. Students will learn how to size
markets, and will be introduced to the budgets necessary in planning.
Euromonitor market information will be introduced to the sessions. The
Marketing Pocket Books will also be introduced in order to assist students in
sizing overseas markets. Weeks 4-6 Social and Cultural considerations - this will
highlight the importance of the consumer in International markets and will cover
some of the work of Hofstede, and Douglas and will be covered in depth
Consumer Behaviour in International markets - The students will learn a basic
understanding of how to compare consumer behaviour across cultures. Market
Segmentation - students will learn how to recognise market segments both in
international markets and across international boundaries. Weeks 7-8
International Market Research - building on the skills developed in Introduction
to Marketing, students will be introduced to the problems encountered in
developing International research activities, and will include practical activities.
Marketing Information Systems - students will be introduced to a basic
Marketing Information System (MIS) that can be used as a framework for
collecting data for the group assignment. Week 9 International Organisation This will be a basic overview of the structures of International and multinational
corporations. Weeks 10-11 Market Entry Strategy - Students will need to
understand how companies are able to enter overseas markets, and understand
the criteria used to determine the most appropriate entry strategy.
Teaching & Learning Activity
A. Knowledge and understanding of: Lecture, class exercises, essay, on-line test
and assignment B. Intellectual Skills: B1. Breadth of Outlook: Seminar
presentations and tested through main assignment, On-line assessment B2.
Wisdom: The analysis of data will be tested through the essay B3. Personal
Effectiveness: The students will complete peer assessment forms for
presentation work in groups and the main assignment C. Subject Practical Skills:
Primary research - tested through essay D. Transferable Skills D1. Critical
Thinking : Essay, seminar presentation and on-line test D2. Information
Management: Referencing in essay and in class exercises and evidence of a visit
to the Export Library in Victoria D3. Communication Skills: Peer assessments for
group exercises
Seminar Presentations (20%) Presentation of journal articles and/or case
studies. Essay (80%) An essay dealing with contemporary issues.