1 Brief CV Ph. 03009432067 Dr. Muhammad Saeed DR. MUHAMMAD SAEED Father’s Name: Date of Birth: Domicile: NIC No: Official Address: Muhammad Siddique 15-06-1961 Lahore (Pakistan) 35202-2549056-5 Associate Professor & Chairman Department of Research & Assessment, Institute of Education & Research, University of the Punjab, Quaid-e-Azam Campus, Lahore-54590, Pakistan. 9-C, Judicial Employees Coop. Housing Society (Phase-2), Lahore, Pakistan. Mobile: 0092 (0)300 9432067 drsaeed1961@hotmail.com saeed.ier@pu.edu.pk Permanent Address: Phone Contact: E-mail Contacts: CAREER OBJECTIVES To equip with leadership, management and research skills To share experiences on research, teacher training and assessment with professionals MAJOR AREAS OF WORK/INTEREST Research methodology Curriculum, instruction and assessment Professional development of teachers and managers Science education AWARDS/DISCTINCTIONS Sr.# Title Year Awarding Institution 1. Best Research Paper 2010-11 2013 Higher Education Commission Pakistan (co-author) 2. Best Resource Person Award 2013 FAME Education in collaboration with Cambridge Education & Govt. of Punjab 3. Performance Evaluation Award 2013 University of the Punjab, Lahore. 4. Performance Evaluation Award 2012 University of the Punjab, Lahore. 5. Incentive Award on Research Publication 2010 University of the Punjab, Lahore. 6. Post Doctoral Fellowship 2006 HEC for University of Bradford, UK 7. Supervised 9 PhD, 20 MPhil & 60 master 2003-15 AIOU, University of Education, theses University of the Punjab 2004-todate 8. Approved PhD Supervisor (social sicences) Higher Education Commission Pakistan 9. PhD Fellowship under Cultural Exchange 1993 State Scholarship Foundation, Greece. Programme of Govt. of Pakistan 10. Merit Scholarship on 2nd position in BSEd 1983 University of the Punjab AFFILITATION WITH JOUNRALS AS MEMBER EDITORIAL BOARD/REVIEWER OF PAPERS 1. International Journal of ‘Research in Education’ University of Manchester, UK (Member EB) 2. Journal of Mixed-Method Research (CGPublishers, UK) 3. The International Journal of Science in Society (CGPublishers, UK) 4. Educational Management, Administration and Leadership (UK) 5. Bulletin of Education and Research (University of the Punjab) 6. Journal of Research and Reflections in Education (University of Education) 7. Journal of Educational Research (Islamia University of Bahawalpur) 8. Literacy, Information & Computer Education Journal (UK) 9. Science Journal of Psychology, a Science Journal Publication 10. Global Research Journal of Education (USA) 11. Journal of Social Sciences (Benazir Bhutto Shaheed Women University, Peshawar) 12. Open Journal of Education (USA) 2 Detailed CV Ph. 03009432067 Dr. Muhammad Saeed UNIVERSITY QUALIFICATIONS Degree BSEd MA Economics M.Ed Ph.D Education Post Doc. Year 1983 1986 1989 1997 2007 Major Subjects/Area of Specialization Botany, Zoology, & Chem. + subjects of BEd Statistics, Agri. Eco,. Eco. Planning of Pakistan Secondary (Science Curriculum) Teacher Education Teacher Education OTHER QUALIFICATIONS/TRAININGS AT CREDIT Sr.# Title of certificate Month/ Year 1. Certificate in modern Greek language Jan.-Dec. 1995 2. Certificate in conducting qualitative research Aug.-Sept. 1996 3. Certificate in early childhood education September 2004 February 2008 March 2008 4. Certificate in pre-service and in-service teacher training 5. Certificate in pre-service and in-service teacher training THESES/RESEARCH REPORT Sr.# Title Level 1. Errors, omissions and misconceptions in Biology textbook for 9th class recommended by Punjab Textbook Board 2. The pre-service training of primary school teachers in Pakistan & Greece: An empirical approach from comparative angle 3. Developing mentoring models for BEd students of University of Education and Elementary School Educators of Punjab Experience (from latest to first) MEd PhD Post Doc Board/University Punjab University, Lahore Punjab University, Lahore Punjab University, Lahore Aristotle University, Greece University of Bradford, UK Awarding institutions School of Philosophy, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece. University of Leuven, Belgium in collaboration with University of Warwick, UK funded by EuropeanUnion School of Nursing, Aga Khan University, Karachi. University of Technology Management, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia University of the East, Manila, Philippines Awarding university Year of completion University of the Punjab, 1989 Lahore School of Philosophy, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece. University of Bradford, UK. 1997 2007 Total: 28 Years (including about 17 years Post-PhD in HEIs) Institution Institute of Education & Research, Punjab University Lahore Position Associate Professor & Chairman Key assignments Period Supervise Department of Research & April 8, 2015 Assessment to-date Chairman Purchase Committee IER Teaching to MA, MPhil & PhD classes Supervision of master, MPhil & PhD theses Chariman Purchase Committee Other assignments by the Chairman & Director Institute of Education & Research, Punjab University Lahore Associate Professor Chairman Academic Affairs (2011-12) Sept.2009 to Teaching to MA, MPhil & PhD classes March 2015 Supervision of master, MPhil & PhD theses Chariman Purchase Committee Other assignments by the Chairman & Director 3 Detailed CV Ph. 03009432067 Provincial Institute of Teacher Education (PITE) Lahore Director (Also Acting Program Director DSD for some period) University of Education, Lahore Associate Professor (on deputation) University of Bradford, UK Division of Education, University of Education, Lahore Post Doc Research Fellow Associate Professor (on deputation) Division of Education, University of Education, Lahore University of Education, Lahore/ Directorate of Staff Development (DSD), Punjab Directorate of Staff Development, Punjab, Lahore Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece Govt. HSS Muridke/ Jandiala Sher Khan, Distt. Sheikhupura Dr. Muhammad Saeed Exercise leadership and mentoring role to ensure quality in teacher education Develop learning materials for teachers and trainers and conduct training and research Provide support to DSD and other agencies in training of teachers and educational managers. PhD research supervision of five HEC and three non-HEC Ph.D scholars of UE/AIOU National Resource Person in teaching skills for college/university teachers at HEC Member Subject Committee in National Testing Service (NTS) Pakistan. Member National Curriculum Review Committee in Education at HEC. Pursue post doc on teacher mentoring Teaching to M.A & M.Phil Education Program Advisor, M.Phil and PhD (Edu.) National Resource Person in teaching skills for college/university teachers at HEC. PhD research supervision of two HEC and two non-HEC PhD scholars of UE/AIOU Acting Director Administration of the Faculty/Division. Division of Teaching to B.Ed and M.Sc Education classes Education/ Secretary Ph.D Committee. Associate Coordinator UNICEF funded activities on Professor teacher training, ECE and assessment. (on deputation) Member Inter University Faculty Board to develop curricula from B.Ed to Ph.D Programs under Chancellor Reforms in Higher Education Member Modules Review Committee at HEC Additional Supervision and management of PEACE Director Training of teacher educators at DSD/UE in (Provincial teaching methodology, research & assessment Education Training of paper setters and examiners in test Assessment construction and administration Centre) Teaching to M.Sc. Education & Ph.D classes Supervision of M.Sc. & Ph.D research Coordinator UNICEF funded activities on teachers training and assessment at UE Member Core Team of Examination Reforms (2002) in Punjab & Coordinator model papers development team at primary/secondary levels Subject Coordinator for 36 Govt. Colleges of Specialist/ Senior Elementary Teachers (GCETs) for training Subject Specialist in research methodology and assessment Evaluation & monitoring of training workshops Development of learning modules & manuals PhD Research Pursue PhD at the School of Philosophy, Fellow Department of Philosophy & Education Subject Specialist Teaching economics & education to class XIXII, Controller in-house examination and Member Admission Committee August 2008 to Sept. 2009 June 2007 to August 2008 October 2006 to June 2007 June 2005 to Oct. 2006 May 2004June 2005 June 2002May 2004 Jan.1994Oct. 1997 Jan.1994Oct. 1997 March 1987Dec. 1993 4 Detailed CV Ph. 03009432067 Divisional Public School and Inter. College, LHR. Science Teacher Dr. Muhammad Saeed Teaching science and mathematics to lower secondary/middle classes Oct. 1983 to Jan. 1984 IT SKILLS Words, Excel, Power point EXPERIENCE IN TEACHER TRAINING, ASSESSMENT AND EXAMINATION National resource person HEC in teaching and assessment skills under Faculty Development Program Worked as resource person at DSD, LCWU, GCU Lahore and Faisalabad, Punjab University, University of Agriculture Faisalabad, Punjab Group of Colleges, SBKWU (Quetta), BISEs in Punjab, AJK, Govt. College of Home Economics, Kinnaiard College Lahore etc. Worked as Examiner and Head Examiner in BISE Lahore (1987-1992) Paper setter in University of the Punjab, AIOU, IUB, UE, Gomal University etc. External examiner of theses at MA, MPhil, and PhD levels at UE, AIOU, IUB, PU etc. Advisor/Subject Expert for interview candidates in Education by Punjab Public Service Commission, Lahore. COUNTRIES VISITED Belgium, Canada, Greece, Malaysia, Netherlands, Philippines, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Turkey, UK, USA PUBLISHED BOOKS/UNITS/MANUALS 1. Reporting Test Scores. Unit for BEd (Hon) for the course on Assessment and Evaluation in Education at the Department of Secondary Teacher Education, Allama Iqbal Open University, Islamabad. (2013) 2. Professionalization in adult and lifelong education. Unit for PhD for course on Adult Education and Lifelong Learning (Course Code 4771) at the Department of Distance, Non-formal & Continuing Education, Allama Iqbal Open Unviersity, Islamabad. (2010) 3. Knowledge Management, Ch. Ghulam Rasul & Sons, Urdu Bazar, Lahore. (2003) 4. Training Materials in the training of Head teachers under Science Education Project/Department of Staff Development, UE, Lahore (2002-03). 5. Instruments for Internal/Continuous Assessment under Examination Reforms (2002) of the Punjab Education Department 6. Training Manual: A Guide for Master Trainers and Administrative Directors, (2001) Directorate of Staff Development, Punjab, Lahore. 7. Booklets on various aspects of assessment and evaluation (model papers, assignments, projects, training manual, teaching methodology and assessment techniques etc.) (2001-02). A. RESEARCH PAPERS PUBLISHED IMPACT FACTOR JOURNALS IN HEC RECOGNIZED/INTERNATIONAL HAVING IMPACT FACTOR Sr # 2 2014 2011 Name of the Author / Authors Muhamamd Saeed Uzma Perveen Title of Paper Complete name of the journal & address Impact Vol # Factor Issu e # Page No. From To Exploring problems and feedback on teaching practice of prospective teachers in Institute of Education & research, University of the Punjab European Academic Research 3.1 2 1 1293 1317 Ensuring textbook quality through evaluation: An issue in Pakistan Literacy Information & Computer Education Journal, Infonomics Society, UK Awaited 2013 1 Year 2 4 503 512 Khalid Mahmood Muhammad Saeed 5 Ph. 03009432067 3 2010 4 2009 5 2007 6 2005 7 2002 8 2000 9 1999 Year S# Shafqat Hussain Muhammad Saeed Detailed CV Teaching and Teacher Education, ELSEVIER. Shafqat Hussain Assessing performance of Educational Muhammad Saeed secondary school head teachers: A ManagementA survey study based on teachers’ dministration views in Punjab & Leadership Naseer Ahamd Salfi International Muhammad Saeed Journal of Relationship among school size, Educational school culture and students Management, achievement at secondary level in Emerald MCB Pakistan UP Limited, Bradford, UK. Muhammad Saeed International Assessing achievement of primary M. Bashir Gondal Journal of grader students and factor affecting Bushra Educational achievement in Pakistan Management. Muhammad Saeed International Assessing competency of Pakistani Khalid Mahmood Journal of primary school teachers in science, Educational mathematics and pedagogy Management Khalid Mahmood International Muhammad Saeed Status of Higher Secondary Journal of Schools Scheme in Punjab Educational Management Muhammad Saeed A survey study of the opinions of International Directors and Vice Directors of Journal of regional in-service training centres Educational in Greece Management OUT OF PAKISTAN WITH NO IMPACT FACTOR Name of the Author / Authors Evaluating the quality of BEd programme: Students’ views of their college experiences. Dr. Muhammad Saeed Title of Paper 1.26 26 - 760 766 0.4 37 6 766 783 1.33 21 1 606 620 1.33 19 5 486 499 1.33 16 4 190 195 1.33 14 6 246 254 1.33 13 4 180 186 Complete name of the journal & address with HEC allocated category Vol # Issu e # Page No. Fro m 1 S# 2011 Effect of teacher and parent-related The International factors on Pakistani secondary Journal of Science in 2 2 51 grade students’ achievement in Society, Physics CG Publishers UK IN PAKISTAN WITH NO IMPACT FACTOR, BUT PUBLISHED IN HEC RECOGNIZED JOURNALS Year Khalil ur Rehman Muhammad Saeed Name of the Author / Authors Title of Paper Complete name of the journal & address with HEC allocated category Vol # Issu e # 2 3 2014 2013 2012 Muhammad Saeed Sehar Rasheed Naheed Azher Samia Kalsoom Muhamamd Saeed Naheed Azher Muhamamd Saeed Alignment between chemistry curriculum & textbooks at secondary level Arthritis impairment: Need assessment, designing and effectiveness of adaptive clothing for females Adaptive clothing for females with arthritis impairment The Sindh University Journal of Education Journal of University Medical & Dental College (JUMDC), University of Faisalabad Journal of University Medical & Dental 71 Page No. From 1 To To 43 20 14 29 46 20 6 938 947 3 2 52 58 6 Detailed CV Ph. 03009432067 Samia Kalsoom 4 5 6 2012 2011 2010 Comparison of treated and untreated cotton fabric with antimicrobial finish Azhar Mumtaz Saadi Muhammad Saeed Perceptions of students, educators and principals about quality assurance of elementary teacher education A meta-analysis of primary teachers mentoring 2009 Muhammad Saeed 8 2009 Khalid Mahmood Muhammad Saeed 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 2009 2009 2008 2007 2007 2007 2006 2006 2003 College University Faisalabad Shama Sadaf Muhamamd Saeed Samia Kalsoom Muhammad Saeed Khalil ur Rehman 7 Shafqat Hussain Muhammad Saeed Muhammad Saeed Ivan Reid Shafqat Hussain Muhammad Saeed M. Tanir Afzal Tariq Mahmood M. Naved Khalid Muhammad Saeed M. Iqbal Majoka Muhammad Saeed Tariq Mahmood Muhammad Saeed Muhammad Saeed Samina Salamat Muhammad Saeed Mushtaq A. Malik Textbook evaluation through quality indicators: the case of Pakistan Effectiveness of pre-service teacher education program (BEd) in Pakistan: Perceptions of graduates and their supervisors An empirical study on mentoring B.Ed students in Pakistan Assessing teachers’ performance at higher education level in Pakistan, Criterion referenced setting performance standards with an emphasis on Angoff method Effect of cooperative learning on academic achievement and retention of secondary grader mathematics students Education system in Pakistan and the UK: Comparisons in context to inter-provincial and inter-countries reflection Evaluation of in-service training programme and its impact on head teachers’ performance at secondary level Impact of video programmes developed by AIOU for supplementary textbooks at secondary level Muhammad Saeed 2001 Khalid Mahmood Abdul Ghafoor Ch quality of (JUMDC), of Science International Status of physical facilities in government schools of Punjab Assessing learning 18 Dr. Muhammad Saeed student Impact of INSET imparted through Asian Development Bank (ADB) Journal of Research & Reflections in Education, University of Education, Lahore. Journal of Educational Research, Islamia University of Bahawalpur (IUB). Journal of Educational Research, IUB. Bulletin of Education and Research, Institute of Education and Research (IER), University of the Punjab, Lahore. Bulletin of Education and Research, IER, University of the Punjab, Lahore. Journal of Research and Reflections, University of Education, Lahore. Journal of Research and Reflections, University of Education, Lahore. Journal of Research and Reflections, University of Education, Lahore. Journal of Educational Research, Islamia University of Bahawalpur (IUB). Bulletin of Education and Research, IER, University of the Punjab, Lahore. Journal of Educational Research, Islamia University of Bahawalpur (IUB) Bulletin of Education and Research, IER, University of the Punjab, Lahore. Journal of Educational Research, Islamia University of Bahawalpur (IUB) Journal of Educational Research, Islamia 24 3 293 297 5 2 105 127 13 1 92 104 2 2 224 238 31 2 1 27 31 1 83 98 3 1 85 103 2 1 13 32 1 1 65 86 10 1 41 53 29 2 43 57 9 1 49 52 27 1 41 53 6 1-2 4 9 20 27 7 Ph. 03009432067 Muhammad Saeed 19 1997 Detailed CV assisted Project in Pakistan Muhammad Saeed Aristotle’s views on memory and learning 20 1997 Muhammad Saeed Job satisfaction among Pakistani secondary and higher secondary school teachers in comparison to other international countries Dr. Muhammad Saeed University of Bahawalpur (IUB) Pakistan Philosophical Journal, Pakistan Philosophical Congress, University of the Punjab. Bulletin of Education and Research, IER, University of the Punjab, Lahore. 29 - 37 44 19 2 37 58 B. RESEARCH PAPERS PUBLISHED IN NON-HEC RECOGNIZED JOURNALS Sr # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Year 2014 2013 2012 2012 2011 2007 2006 Name of the Author / Authors Title of Paper Shafqat Hussain Muhammad Saeed Evaluation of lesson presentation skills of graduates of pre-service teacher education institutions in real classroom situation Sana Malik Muhammad Saeed Sulman Malik Shafqat Hussain Muhammad Saeed M. Zafar Iqbal Muhammad Saeed Farrukh Abbas Muhammad Saeed Uzma Perveen M. Naveed Khalid Muhammad Saeed Khalid Mahmood Muhammad Saeed 8 2005 Muhammad Saeed 9 2003 Muhammad Saeed 10 2003 Muhammad Saeed Complete name of the journal & address Journal of Educational Sciences & Research (UOS) International Journal of Medical & Health Sciences SMC, Uni. of Sargodha (a biannual of The Barins Society. Vol # Issue # Page No. From To 1 1 69 78 1 2 52 59 International Researcher 1 4 76 88 International Researcher 1 3 3 13 A meta-analysis on assessing learning achievement of primary grade students in Pakistan. Academic Research International 1 1 Differential item functioning: A case study of first University Qualifying Examination of University of Education, Lahore. Pakistan Education Review 2 2 16 1 21 1 Role of applied behavior analysis in behavior modification of autistic children Comparative evaluation of the internal efficiency of teacher education institutions in Pakistan Problems in public sector universities in Punjab: Views of PhD scholars Journal of Elementary Education A review of elementary teacher Taleemi education in Punjab Zawaye Techniques and principles of the Taleemi development of objective type Zawaye items Quality of education: National Journal of and international perspective Elementary Early childhood education: How to start mathematics learning 8 Detailed CV Ph. 03009432067 Dr. Muhammad Saeed Education 11 2002 12 2002 13 2002 14 2002 Muhammad Saeed Muhammad Saeed Muhammad Saeed Muhammad Saeed 15 2001 Muhammad Saeed 16 2001 Muhammad Saeed 17 2000 Muhamamd Saeed 18 1998 19 1998 Muhammad Saeed Muhammad Saeed Impact of 5-day teaching skills development course on primary school teachers in Punjab Continuous assessment under Examination Reforms (2002) in Punjab Evaluation of increasing trend of admission in private educational institutions Experiment of Professional Development Seminars for PTC Teachers in Gujranwala Division Head As Instructional Supervisor Problems of Female Education in Pakistan Initial and in-service teacher education in U.K, France and Germany A survey study of the opinions of teacher educators about teacher education in Pakistan Pre-primary and primary education in Greece under New Constitution Reforms Journal of Elementary Education Journal of Elementary Education 12 1-2 11 1-2 Taleemi Zawaye 13 2 Taleemi Zawaye 13 1 Taleemi Zawaye Taleemat Amozish 1 Journal of Elementary Education 8 1 Taleem-oTehqiq RESEARCH & TRAINING PROJECTS /CONSULTANCIES UNDERTAKEN Sr. # 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Title of Project/Institution Alignment between national curriculum (2006) and textbooks of grade X science subjects in Punjab Impact assessment of project’s intervention to improve quality of education Alignment between national curriculum (2006) and textbooks of grade IX science subjects in Punjab Survey on Non Salary Budget of Govt. Primary/Elementary Schools of Punjab Sponsoring/ Organising agency University of the Punjab, Lahore. My Role Pak Canada Debt Swap Project (PCDSP) in collaboration with DSD & FAME Consultants University of the Punjab, Lahore. Member Research Team Completed in March 2015 Principal Investigator Completed in August 2014 Completed in Oct.2014 Completed in 2014 Cambridge Education, PMIU, SED & FAME Effectiveness of the School Council Cambridge Education & Mobilization Programme & implementation PMIU, School Edu. Deptt. Principal Investigator Survey Research Specialist Principal Investigator Status/ Year In progress of School Council Policy 2013 6. Alignment between science curriculum and textbooks in Punjab 7. Stakeholder feedback survey on School Report Card (SRC:Rapid assessment of SRC effectiveness 8. Development of critical reflections in BEd (Hons) students: A case study at University of the Punjab, Lahore. Cambridge Education & PMIU, School Edu. Deptt. Principal Investigator Survey Supervisor Completed in 2013 Completed in 2013 Pre-STEP, USAID in collaboration with IER Member Research Team Completed in Aug. 9 Detailed CV Ph. 03009432067 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. IER Awareness Compaign for Improvers Bonus Programme in District Rahimyar Khan, Attock & Mandi Bahauddin & Jhelum (2012-13) Integration of HIV-AIDS in Secondary School Curricula (2011) Using portfolio to assess implementation of national professional standards for teachers in primary schools of Punjab Training of Punjab district education management Training of university/college teachers under FDP Establish professional association in curriculum and research at national level Conduct of Quality Assurance Tests 2010 16. Research studies on educational programs about national Lok Virsa 17. Assessing learning achievement of primary grader students in Punjab and factors affecting learning Dr. Muhammad Saeed Punjab Education Sector Programme, Cambridge Education & FAME Education International. UNESCO UNICEF/ Punjab Examination Commission GCU Lahore/DFID NAHE/HEC CIDA-Canada-Pakistan Basic Education Project Punjab Education Foundation,Govt. of Punjab National Institute of Lok Virsa, Islamabad/ University of Edu. Lahore UNICEF/Provincial Edu. Assessment Centre, UE. Team Leader 2013 Completed in Nov. 2013 Coordinator/ Co-Investigator Member Research Team/ Administrative Coordinator Lead Trainer in professional skills Coordinator/ Resource person Teacher Education (Research) Consultant Coordinator/CoInvestigator Completed in 2011 Completed in 2011 Principal Investigator/ Focal Person Principal Investigator/ Team Leader Completed in 2008 Completed in 2010 Completed in 2010 Completed in 2010 Completed in 2010 Completed in 2004 RECENT RESEARCH PAPERS REVIEWED (2010-15) Sr. # Title of paper Name of journal/publishing agency/Code No. Journal of Social Sciences SBBWU (formerly Frontier Women University), Peshawar (code: FJWU-9-1/135) Date of Review March 2015 1. The Effect of Training in Time Management Areas, School Level, Locality and Complexity on Principals’ Time Management Practices 2. Comparison of value added and contextual value added measures on children achievement in Math and Science Journal of ‘Research in Education’ University of Manchester, UK Code: 2015.07 March 2015 3. Readiness of Pakistani University Teachers and Students for M-Learning: Survey results from a Public University Journal of Research & Reflections in Education, UE, Code 150115048 March 2015 4. Analysis of Mathematics Anxiety and its Effects on Mathematics Achievements in Male and Female Students Studying at 10th Grade Journal of Social Sciences SBBWU (formerly Frontier Women University), Peshawar (code: FJWU-9-1/90) February 2015 5. Preparedness of Foundation Phase educators to teach Numeracy and Science: An evaluation of current training Journal of ‘Research in Education’ University of Manchester, UK Code: 2014.26 February 2015 6. Students opinion regarding developed countries Journal of Research & Reflections in Education, UE, Code 1614016. January 2015 7. Impact of Continuous Professional Development (CPD) Program on Teachers’ Professional Development Journal of Social Sciences SBBWU (formerly Frontier Women University), Peshawar (Code: 9-1/60) December 2014 higher education in 10 Ph. 03009432067 Detailed CV Dr. Muhammad Saeed Journal of ‘Research in Education’ University of Manchester, UK Code: 2014.21 Journal of Social Sciences SBBWU (formerly Frontier Women University), Peshawar (Code: 8-2/156) Journal of ‘Research in Education’ University of Manchester, UK Code: 2014.18 October 2014 11. The effect of activity-based teaching method on Journal of ‘Research in Education’ students’ achievements on Electric Circuits concepts University of Manchester, UK Code: 2014.19 among first year university students October 2014 12. School Excellence: Principals’ Students’ Expectations July 2014 19. Effect of Leadership Behaviour on Students’ Academic Achievement at Secondary Level: A Comparison of the Leaders & Teachers Perceptions 20. Mathematics teachers efficacy: reasoning for the use of mixed-method Journal of Social Sciences Frontier Women University, Peshawar (Code: 8-2/160) Journal of ‘Research in Education’ University of Manchester, UK Code: 2014.12 Journal of ‘Research in Education’ University of Manchester, UK Code: 2014.9 Journal of ‘Research in Education’ University of Manchester, UK Code: 2014.2 Journal of Social Sciences Frontier Women University, Peshawar (Code: 8-1/57) Journal of Social Sciences Frontier Women University, Peshawar (Code: 7-2/142) Journal of Research & Reflections in Education, University of Education (Code 201) Journal of Research & Reflections in Education, University of Education (Code 204) Journal of Mixed-Method Research JMMR-13-139 (Sage, Leeds, UK) 21. Determining the contribution of components of spiritual intelligence, gender and education level in explaining of social problem-solving skills Psychology and Social Behavior Research, 1(X), 2013, Sciknow publications. USA. January 2014 22. Disseminating effective use of mapping techniques in Integral Calculus Journal of ‘Research in Education’ University of Manchester, UK , Code: 2013.26 Journal of Educational Research, Islamia University of Bahawalpur October 2013 Journal of Educational Research, Islamia University of Bahawalpur June 2013 Journal of ‘Research in Education’ University of Manchester, UK Code: 2013.7 April 2013 8. An evaluation of the edo state junior school certificate mathematics examination for item bias 9. Interrelation of Multiple Intelligences and their Correlation with Students’ Academic Achievements: A Case Study of Southern Region 10. Probable Answers for the Doubts of Taiwanese Parents: Relationships among Children’s Computer Game Use, Academic Achievement and Parental Governing Approach Perceptions and 13. School Activities-Time Mix of Head-Teachers in public primary schools in Nigeria 14. Investigating the Impacts of College Background Academic Performance Students 15. Teachers’ appraisal and its impact on their perceived effectiveness and efficacy beliefs: The case of primary teachers in Israel 16. Students’ Perceptions regarding Teaching Effectiveness in Online Learning vs. Traditional face to face Learning Environment 17. Self-estimated multiple intelligences of urban & rural students 18. Anxiety prevalence among university students 23. Perceptions of Speech Language Therapists about Integration of Technology into Speech and Language Therapy of Children with Mental Retardation 24. Relationship of Students’ Perceptions about Teacher’s Personality with Academic Achievement of Students 25. Assuring quality assessment mechanisms in the teaching of social studies education in Nigerian colleges of education October 2014 October 2014 May 2014 May 2014 May 2014 March 2014 March 2014 February 2014 February 2014 January 2014 June 2013 11 Ph. 03009432067 Detailed CV Dr. Muhammad Saeed 26. The importance of regional languages in ‘O’ level education: A case study of pashto language Open Journal of Education, UK. February 2013 27. An Assessment of the Quality of Final Year Students’ Project Reports of the Federal College of Education, Obudu. Journal of ‘Research in Education’ University of Manchester, UK Code: 2012.34 January 2013 28. Do experts’ views of specification demands correspond with established taxonomies? Journal of ‘Research in Education’ University of Manchester, UK Code: 2012.24 November, 2012 Journal of Research & Reflections in Education, University of Education (Code 151) Oct. 2012 Parvarish-e-Itifaal: A Curriculum Framework for Madrasah Education in Pakistan Global Journal of Education (USA) Paper Code: GRJE-12-097 Sept. 2012 Science Journal of Psychology, a Science Journal Publication August 2012 Journal of ‘Research in Education’ University of Manchester, UK Code: 2012.8 July 2012 How is a service development simulation exercise useful? A student-centred approach Journal of Research & Reflections in Education, University of Education (Code 87) May 2012 Countrywide daily stressors of university teachers: development and validation of a scale Journal of ‘Research in Education’ University of Manchester, UK Code: 2012.10 May, 2012 The effect of past draw learning strategy of the teaching on academic achievement and attitudes towards math Journal of ‘Research in Education’ University of Manchester, UK Code: 2012.4 March, 2012 Science teaching self-efficacy and outcome expectancy beliefs of secondary school teachers in UAE Understanding a text from the 1980s unrest in South Africa: a teacher-led reading of a novel at a rural school Journal of ‘Research in Education’ University of Manchester, UK Code: 2012.3 February 2012 Journal of Research and Reflections in Education (JRRE-Code 102) February 2012 Journal of ‘Research in Education’ University of Manchester, UK Code: 2011/37 December 2011 International Journal of Innovative Technology and Creative Engineering. Code M1211 (UK) December 2011 SAGE Open Code: SO-11-0026 September 2011 Journal of Research and Reflections in Education (JRRE-Code 114) Journal of Research and Reflections in Education (JRRE-Code 113) September 2011 September 2011 29. 30. Communication styles of academic managers of higher education in Pakistan: A gender-based analytical study 31. The role of socio-cultural dynamics in relation to HIV/AIDS spread with specific reference to Uganda 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. Enhancing content knowledge of in-service teachers through model and modeling 38. Factors influencing primary achievement in Bangladesh 39. students learning Higher level education teacher’s attitude to teaching and their perception of teaching quality 40. A case study of the common difficulties experienced by high school students in chemistry classroom in GilgitBaltistan 41. An investigation into the role of teacher as mentor at university level 42. Classroom interaction in ELT classes at primary level: A case study of teachers’ perceptions and practices 12 Detailed CV Ph. 03009432067 43. A novel approach for finding impact factor of e-book using webmetric analysis 44. Confucius Philosophy & Islamic Teachings of Lifelong Learning: Implications for Professional Development of Teachers 45. Devolution in education: literature review 46. Review and improvement of elementary science program 47. Assessment model: How to assess students learning 48. Investigating pupils images of science teaching with the use of drawing 49. Emotional leadership: Change through selfunderstanding. 50. A content analysis of articles in Educational Evaluation Journal: A comparison of multi-methods and mixedmethods. 51. Exploring gender disparities in citizenship education in Bostwana Colleges of Education 52. Relationship between socioeconomic status and academic achievement of grade 9 science students 53. Perceptions of Pakistani university students about roles of academics engaged in imparting development skills.. 54. Needs analysis: A case study of an Arab research student 55. Validation of procedures of identification of children with specific learning difficulties in mainstream classrooms 56. Capacity building through foreign aided project: An evaluation study Dr. Muhammad Saeed International Journal of Innovative Technology and Creative Eng. Bulletin of Education & Research, University of the Punjab, Lahore. (Code 114) Journal of Research and Reflections in Education (JRRE-Code 108) Journal of Research and Reflections in Education (JRRE-Code 99) CommonGround Publishers CommonGround Publishers August 2011 Bulletin of Education & Research, University of the Punjab, Lahore. BER/33/1-2/011. Journal of Mixed-Methods Research, CommonGround Publishers (ID-JMMR-10-071) Journal of Educational Research, a biannual of IUB (JER-13-2-0029) Journal of Educational Research, a biannual of IUB (JER-13-2-0028) Bulletin of Education & Research, University of the Punjab, Lahore. Bulletin of Education & Research, PU, (BER: Code 77) Bulletin of Education & Research, University of the Punjab, Lahore. March, 2011 Bulletin of Education& Research, University of the Punjab, Lahore. November 2010 June 2011 April, 2011 April 2011 April, 2011 April 2011 February, 2011 January, 2011 January, 2011 January, 2011 December 2010 November 2010 Ph.D RESEARCH SUPERVISED Sr. Name of Student # 1 University Year of AIOU Islamabad Tanvir-ulAIOU Hassan Malik Islamabad Khawar Khurshid AIOU 2008 Azhar Mumtaz Gillani (HEC Arawdee) Nasir Mahmood (HEC Awardee) UE, Lahore 2011 UE, Lahore 2011 6 Shafqat Hussain 2012 7 Naseer Ahmed Salfi Mr. Khalil Ur Rehman (HEC UE, Lahore UE, Lahore UE, Lahore 2 3 4 5 8 Topic Status of work Completion Amtul Hafeez 2008 2009 2014 2014 Development of a model for students support services at AIOU in Pakistan. Developing a computer based teacher training model for AIOU An investigation into the learning difficulties at intermediate level courses at AIOU Development of an instructional supervision model for the improvement of science teaching. A comparative study of contractual and regular teachers’ professional attitude toward their job satisfaction and job performance. Comparative analysis of internal and external efficiency of UCEs in Punjab Developing a leadership model for school improvement at sec. level. Development of a standardized test in physics at secondary level. Completed Completed Completed Completed Completed Completed Completed Completed 13 Detailed CV Ph. 03009432067 9 Awardee) Noor Muhammad (HEC Awardee) UE, Lahore Expected in 2015 Dr. Muhammad Saeed A comparative study of heuristic and Submitted/ traditional style of teaching at elementary Evaluation is in level progress. M.PHILTHESES SUPERVISED/CO-SUPERVISED* Sr. Name of Student # 1 Mushtaq Ahmed Malik University 2 Saeed Ahmed 3 Muhammad Khokhar AIOU, Islamabad AIOU, Islamabad 4 Saeeda Nasreen 5 Tahira Arshad 6 Shahida Bashir 7 Shama Sadaf 8 Umme Farwah 9 Komal Shamoon 10 Huma Tariq 11 Sana Maqsood* 12 Naheed Azher* 13 Sunia Malik* 14 Memoona Khalid 15 Sana Malik 16 Afnan Bakhtawar 17 Khadija Rafi Asghar AIOU, Islamabad AIOU, Islamabad AIOU Islamabad AIOU Islamabad College of H.Eco/PU College of Home Eco./ Punjab Uni. College of Home Eco./ Punjab Uni. College of Home Eco./ Punjab Uni. College of Home Eco./ Punjab Uni College of Home Eco./ Punjab Uni College of Home Eco./ Punjab Uni College of Home Eco./ PU College of Home Eco./ PU College of Home Eco./ PU College of Year of Topic Completion 2003 Impact of video programmes developed by AIOU for supplementary textbooks at secondary level 2005 Developing a practicable audioinstructional model for AIOU 2006 An investigation into admission problems faced by students in elementary teacher training programmes in AIOU 2007 Role of AIOU in educational uplift in district Bhakkar and Layyah 2007 Evaluation of basic NFE in Punjab. 2008 2011 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 Developing distance learning material at intermediate level Comparison of treated and untreated antimicrobial finish on cotton fabrics Emotional intelligence and working memory as predictors of academic achievement in secondary grade students Relationship between self-regulated learning strategies and academic achievement of young adults Diagnosing antimicrobial properties of selected natural dyes Relationship of teachers’ personal and professional abilities with students achievement Adaptive clothing for females with arthritis impairment 2012 Effect of industrial washing on the physical properties of denim fabric 2013 Development and validation of nutrition education programme for elementary schools Impact of ABA therapy on behavior modification of Autistic children 2013 2013 2014 Relationship between test anxiety, study habits and academic achievement of secondary grade students Assessing performance of Mild Mentally 14 Detailed CV Ph. 03009432067 18 Fatima Khalil 19 Shazma Basharat 20 Abdul Qayyum Home Eco./ PU College of Home Eco./ PU College of Home Eco./ PU IER, PU 2014 2014 2015 Dr. Muhammad Saeed Retarded students of Special Education and Inclusive Education in real classroom Treatment of Selected Apparels with Natural Mosquito Repellents and their Characterization Evaluating the Colour Fastness of Natural Dyes Relationship between elementary grader students’ attitudes, working memory and performance in math *co-supervisor Ph.D THESES SUPERVISION IN PROGRESS Sr. Name of # Student/Level 1 Shama Sadaf University Year of Registration CHE./ PU 2014 Punjab University 2013 HEC PhD scholar 2 Hina Gull PhD scholar Topic Status of Research Effect of eco-friendly antimicrobial Data finish on textiles for controlling micro- collection organisms Impact of reflective practices on Data classroom management of prospective colelction teachers during teaching practice stage MA/MSc EDUCATION / M.Ed THESES SUPERVISED (1999-2015) Sr Name of Student .# 1 Abid Hussain 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 University Year of Topic Completion AIOU, 1999 An analysis of the problems of co-education faced by Islamabad female students at secondary level. Samina Salamat UE, 2004 Evaluation of secondary & higher secondary level head Lahore teachers’ in-service training program under SEP Narjis Naz UE 2004 Evaluation of chemistry textbook for class IX and X Maliha Batool UE, 2004 Identification of effective instructional strategies and Lahore development of assessment standards in English. Muhammad Asif UE 2004 Evaluation of instructional strategies employed at primary level Fouzia Kausar UE 2004 An analysis of enrollment test of Punjab Bar Council Azhar Mahmood UE 2004 Evaluation of Biology textbook for class IX recognized Khan by Punjab Textbook Board Muhammad Hanif UE 2004 A study about the difficulties faced by teachers and Butter educational managers in implementation of continuous assessment in govt. elementary schools Sadia Nazir UE 2004 Evaluation of M.Sc Education assessment and evaluation programme at University of Education Muhammad UE 2005 Hurdles faced by teachers in implementation of Nasrullah Zahid continuous assessment system at secondary in Punjab Tayyaba Kalsoom UE, 2005 A study of the problems and prospects of teacher education in Punjab. Abdul Sattar Aziz UE 2006 Teaching as a Career M. Imran Ahmad UE 2006 A study of the effectiveness of computer-based technology Arfah Asif UE 2006 A study of the relationship between school environment and academic achievement of students Saqib Hamid UE 2006 Emerging changes in A-level Programme 15 Detailed CV Ph. 03009432067 16 17 Farkhanda kanwal Ghulam Husnain UE UE 2006 2006 18 Abdul Qadeer UE 2006 19 Haroon Mahmood UE 2006 20 Samina Mustafa UE 2006 21 22 23 Shafia Hafeez Tahira Shafi Nosheen Ajmal UE UE UE 2008 2008 2008 24 Hina Rahim UE 2008 25 Faiza Riaz UE 2008 26 Amira Nuzhat UE 2008 27 28 Nusrat Tahira Irma Zainab Hasiba Dilshad Iffat Yousaf Sadaf Hameed Naveeda Khanum Sadia Yaquab UE IER/PU 2008 2010 IER/PU 2010 IER/PU 2010 IER/PU 2011 IER/PU 2011 IER/PU 2011 IER/PU 2012 IER/PU 2012 IER/PU 2012 IER/PU 2012 IER, PU 2012 38 Tooba Saleem Madiha Zahid Zahida Perveen Hina Asghar Zirva Mehmood Khadija Muhammad Kamran Saira Rasid Saira Fatima Aneeza Anwar Yasmin Jabbar Hina Fatima Sadia Saif Syeda Saher Shahnawaz Nida Almas Shoaib IER, PU 2012 39 Mafia Rashid IER, PU 2012 40 Shumalia Anwar Shahida Mansha Bushra Mehboob Khair un Nisa Rahat Ashfaq IER, PU 2012 IER, PU 2013 IER, PU 2013 29 30 31 32 32 33 34 35 36 37 41 42 Dr. Muhammad Saeed A study of evaluation of M.Sc Education Program at UE A study of working relationship between heads of institutions and teachers Attitudes of teachers towards contract system in education A study of evaluation of A-Level mathematics curriculum An investigation into the reasons of high dropout in science subjects at intermediate level A case study of Lahore museum in educational context Exploring role of meal chiraghan in educational context Identification of the causes of students’ absenteeism at higher secondary level and remedial strategies Effect of grouping pattern in a cooperative learning environment on students’ academic achievement. A study of the relationship between socio-economic status of students and their achievement at sec. level Impact of classroom interaction on students’ achievement at primary level. A case study of GCET Kot Lakhpat Lahore Assessing personal, professional and social competencies of secondary school teachers in Lahore. Identification of problems faced by secondary school heads and remediation strategies A comparative study of implementation of teacher education reforms under national education policies 1978, 1992 & 1998-2010. Identification of gaps between national curriculum of 9th grade Biology and classroom instructional strategies Perceptions of student teachers & their supervisors about collaboration between schools &teacher edu. Institutions Developing a mentoring framework for secondary school teachers in Punjab Job satisfaction among college administrators: A survey study of government colleg es A survey of stduents’ perceptions about the intake criteria in different departments of Punjab University Identification of gaps between Pakistan Studies (Grade IX-X) curriculum and classroom instruction A study of professional ethics and values for teachers at secondary level Role of public school heads in enhancing teacher professionalism A study on students’ attitudes towards learning mathematics and science at secondary level A study on the prevailing practices of teaching Pakistan Studies at secondary level A study on stduents’ attitudes towards learning English at secondary level A comparative study of MA Education curriculum offered by PU and UE Perceptions of students, teachers and curriculum 16 Detailed CV Ph. 03009432067 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 Asma Murtaza Abdul Waheed M. Ramzan Samina Kausar Bushra Asma Khalid Madiha Farooq Aisha Kokab Farah Shafiq Rahat Ashiq Sundus Mobeen Kaneez Ilyas Rehana Arif Adeela Ijaz Hina Asghar Atia Shaheen Nafisa Murtaza Iqra Tufail Mehwish Butt Shahid Qayyum Abid Hussain Ayesha Aslam Safia Qadir Maria Batool Sadaf Noreen Tahira Parveen Iffat Lal Khan Nazish Iqbal Sobia Farhat Jabeen Saadia Islam Maryam Butt Nida Saddique Irfan Shahzad Hamid Mahmood Waqar Ahmad IER, PU 2013 IER, PU 2013 IER, PU 2013 IER, PU 2013 IER, PU 2013 IER, PU 2014 IER, PU 2014 IER, PU 2014 IER, PU 2014 IER, PU 2014 IER, PU 2014 IER, PU 2014 IER, PU 2014 IER, PU 2014 IER, PU 2014 IER, PU 2014 IER, PU 2014 IER, PU 2014 Dr. Muhammad Saeed developers about curriculum development by provinces Relationship between school climate, job satisfaction and job performance of secondary school teachers Effect of teachers’ teaching style on students’ achievement in Islamiat at secondary level Role of formative assessment in developing prospective students’ personal and social skills A study on use of library resources by students at IER Alignment between national curriculum 2006 and textbook of Islamiat at Pak. Studies at secondary level Attitude of headteachers and teachers towards parental involvement in school improvement A survey study on effective functioning of school councils in Lahore Students’ perceptions of teachers’ behavior as motivating and de-motivating factors at secondary level Students’ perceptions of teachers’ behavior as motivating and de-motivating factors at university level Exploring factors affecting quality of education in University of the Punjab Lahore Practices and concerns of public sector female teachers and headteachers regarding their posting and transfers Perceptions of secondary grade students & their parents about growing tuition culture in Lahore A study on students’ satisfaction with library resources at University of the Punjab Perception of students about their teachers’ professional competency at IER, University of the Punjab A study of English language anxiety among students at University of the Punjab The prevailing facilities & their use in government secondary schools of Lahore. Effect of socio-economic status on students’ academic achievement at secondary level Professional support by supervisors to master level students in pursuing thesis in University of the Punjab Published Material (Books/Manuals) by Govt. of Pakistan/Punjab Sr.# Title of book/manual Year of Publishing agency publication 1. Manual on Minimum Quality Standards for training of college administrators in Pakistan 2. Assessment and examinations – a manual for teacher educators and teachers 3. Training manual for trainers at elementary level 4. Examination, continuous assessment and teaching learning process 5. Knowledge management 2012 6. Examination Reforms 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 HEC in collaboration with The World Bank, Islamabad Directorate of Staff Development (DSD), Punjab. DSD, Punjab. PEACE, DSD Punjab. Ch. Ghulam Rasul & Sons, Urdu Bazar Lahore Education Department, Govt. of the Punjab, Lahore 17 Ph. 03009432067 Detailed CV 7. Model papers, assignments and projects for class I, 2 and 3 8. Model papers at for class IX in the subject of Chemistry 9. Model papers at for class IX in the subject of Biology 10. Model papers at for class IX in the subject of Computer Science 11. Model papers at for class IX in the subject of Math 12. Model papers at for class IX in the subject of Physics 13. Model papers at for class IX in the subject ofIslamiat 14. Model papers at for class IX in the subject ofHistory 15. Model papers at for class IX in the subject of Education 16. Training manual for heads of high and higher secondary schools 17. Training manual for heads of community models schools Dr. Muhammad Saeed 2003 PEACE, DSD Punjab 2003 PEACE, DSD Punjab 2003 2003 PEACE, DSD Punjab PEACE, DSD Punjab 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 PEACE, DSD Punjab PEACE, DSD Punjab PEACE, DSD Punjab PEACE, DSD Punjab PEACE, DSD Punjab DSD in collaboration with SEC, Govt. of Punjab. DSD in collaboration with GPEP, Govt. of the Punjab. 2003 Unpublished Reports and Learning Material Sr.# Title of book/learning booklet/report 1. Report on 3-day training workshops of coordinators & papersetters of BISEs in Punjab & AJK on developing quality papers 2. Report of the four-day Professional Competency Enhancement Program for Teachers (PCEPT) 3. Report on “from early childhood education to human development: integrating perspective” Year of completion 2010 2010 2004 4. Learning outcomes for class 5 in all subjects 2004 5. Learning outcomes for class 3 in all subjects 2004 6. Report on finalization of test items and training of test administrators for pilot testing 7. Monitoring and evaluation instruments for DEOs/Deputy DEOs/AEOs/LCs 8. Strategy plan – training and assessment activities 2004 9. Report on training workshop on right-based approach to programming in six UPE districts of Punjab 10. Report of training material on teaching methodology & learning assessment for teachers & teacher educators at elementary level 11. Report of training material on teaching methodology & learning assessment for AEOs/LCs/PSTs 12. An analysis report of PEACE (2003) Project 2003 13. Report on dialogue on key issues in education – curriculum reforms and review 14. Report on dialogue on key issues in education – achieving quality in education 15. Training manual for master trainers & principals of 2003 2004 2004 2003 003 2003 2003 2001 Institution/s involved BISE Lahore Pre-STEP/USAID in collaboration with HEC School of Nursing, Aga Khan University Karachi, USAID, UNICEF & AKEF PEACE in collaboration with UNICEF, Punjab PEACE in collaboration with UNICEF, Punjab NEAS, Ministry of Education, Islamabad. University of Education in collaboration with UNICEF University of Education in collaboration with UNICEF University of Education in collaboration with UNICEF PEACE Punjab in collaboration with UNICEF PEACE Punjab in collaboration with UNICEF PEACE, University of Education IED, The Aga Khan University Karachi. IED, The Aga Khan University Karachi. DSD Punjab, Lahore 18 Ph. 03009432067 Detailed CV Dr. Muhammad Saeed GCETs:14+1 in-service training of Graduate English Teachers Participation/Presentation in Key National Conferences/Seminars/Workshops Sr. # 1. 2. 3. 4. Title of Conference/Seminar National Workshop on Educational Assessment Organizing Agency(ies) and Venue UNICEF Punjab in collaboration with IER, University of the Punjab, held at Ambassador Hotel Lahore. Dates/ Year Oct. 17-23, 2001 National Workshop on Test Administration for GCETs Educators National Workshop on Test Item Development Dialogue on Key Issues in Education – Curriculum Reforms and Review Directorate of Staff Development Punjab in collaboration with NEAS, MoE and UNESCO, at DSD Lahore NEAS in collaboration with The World Bank, held at De’Papa Hotel, Islamabad Institute for Educational Development Aga Khan University in collaboration with DFID, UK, held at Pearl Continental Hotel, Peshawar. Institute for Educational Development Aga Khan University in collaboration with DFID, UK, held at Hotel Holiday Inn, Lahore. Govt. of Punjab, Literacy and NFE Dept. in collaboration with NIPA & UNESCO held at NIPA, Lahore. Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education, Mirpur, AJK. March 2830, 2002 5. Dialogue on Key Issues in Education – Achieving Quality in Education 6. Seminar on Adult Literacy 7. 4-Day Workshop on Test Item Development for Examiners/Paper Setters 4-Day Workshop on Test Item Development for Examiners/Paper Setters From Early Childhood Education to Human Development – Integrating Perspectives. May, 2002 (3 days) January 2003 (2 days) March 2003 (2 days) Contribution Presentation on UNICEF’s Role in promoting assessment of students learning. Key Trainer/ Facilitator for UNESCO Participated as Coordinator of PEACE. Presented paper on BISE Reforms and Assessment of Students Learning Read paper on Continuous Assessment System in Punjab Sept. 8-9, 2003 Represented University of Education 2003 Conducted workshop along with PEACE staff Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education, Mirpur, AJK. 2004 Conducted workshop along with PEACE staff Aga Khan University Karachi in collaboration with UNICEF and USAID, UNICEF and AKES, held at School of Nursing, Aga Khan University. Sept. 6-24, 2004 Medical College, Aga Khan University, Karachi. September 20-21, 2004 Dept. of Learning Innovation, Higher Education Commission, Islamabad. April 4-16, 2005 Academy for Educational Development, USAID Islamabad in collaboration with AKES and DFID, UK at Serena Hotel Islamabad. IED, Aga Khan University in collaboration with DFID, UK, and USAID held at IED, AKU September 2005 (3 days) Attended Graduate Seminar under foreign trainers - Dr. Irvine & Ms. Griffin from Australia/NewZealand Participated for learning experiences of foreign countries. Participated to become work as HEC National Resource Person. Presented paper on Emerging developments in teacher education in Pakistan & role of UE Represented the Division of Education/ University of Education 14. One Day Workshop on Logframe Analysis and writing research proposal The British Council Lahore-HEC Joint venture held in Avari Hotel Lahore. May 27, 2006 15. Seminar on Guidelines on Research Thesis at PhD/MPhil level. 16. International Conference on Division of Education, University of Education, Lahore. August 13, 2007 Pearl Continental Hotel Lahore. November 5- 8. 9. 10. International Health Sciences Research Symposium on Reproductive Health 11. Faculty Development Programme in Teaching Skills at Higher Level 12. National Conference on Teacher Education 13. International Conference on Quality in Education: Teaching and Leadership in February 2325, 2006 Represented University to develop research linkage with Leicester University, UK. Delivered presentation to post-graduate research students Presented paper on 19 Ph. 03009432067 quality in teacher education: Practices and promises Detailed CV Dr. Muhammad Saeed The conference was sponsored by CPBEP/ CIDA, HEC and University of Education, Lahore. Pearl Continental Hotel Lahore. The conference was organized by CPBEP / CIDA Lahore. 6, 2007 18. Summer conference in Mathematics 19. Training workshop for paper setters/coordinators of BISEs 20. Training workshop for paper setters and coordinators of BISEs 21. Workshop on using software on plagiarism in research 22. Workshop on professional competency enhancement program for teachers 23. International conference on Achieving Quality in teacher education through MDG 24. 3rd International conference on Education in Pakistan: Issues, challenges and reforms Lahore University of Management Sciences, Lahore. BISE auditorium Lahore July 27, 2009 Nov. 23-25, 2009 BISE auditorium Lahore Dec. 25-27, 2009 Main Library, University of the Punjab, Lahore. January 21, 2010 Assessing teachers performance at HE in Pakistan Presented paper on ‘developing a mentoring model for BEd students of University of Edu. Math anxiety: Myths, causes and remediation Designing papers for class 10th in core subjects Designing papers for class 10th in core subjects Participated to use software on plagiarism Hotel Holliday Inn Lahore. It was organized by Pre-STEP/USAID and HEC Feb. 15-18, 2010 Participated and represented PU Hotel Pearl Continental Lahore. The conference was organized by University of Education in collaboration with HEC and CPBEP. IER, University of the Punjab in collaboration with HEC, PEP Foundation, and PARE September 21-22, 2010 25. 2-day training workshop for paper setters and coordinators of BISEs 26. 2-day training workshop for paper setters and coordinators of BISEs 27. 3rd international conference on Assessing quality in higher education BISE auditorium Lahore November 2010 BISE auditorium Lahore November, 2010 ICAQHE, University of the Punjab, Lahore in collaboration with HEC, UMT, NTU, and December 68, 2010 28. Two-day workshop on Integration of HIV-AIDS in Secondary School Curriculum Faculty of Education in collaboration with UNESCO Islamabad March 2122, 2011 29. Three-day workshop on developing researchproposal 30. One day preparatory seminar for senior management and academicians 31. Two day workshops for school/college teachers on awareness about HIV/AIDS 32. Four-day national seminar on re-searching pre-service teacher education Pre-STEP in collaboration with HEC at IER, University of the Punjab, Lahore. Sindh Education Reforms-Technical Assistance (SERTA) in collaboration with The British Council at SERTA Karachi sponsored by European Union University of the Punjab and UNESCO Islamabad Aug. 11-13, 2011 October 1, 2011 HEC in collaboration with Pre-STEP Islamabad January 1013, 2012 Presented paper on missing facilities in Punjab: A barrier to achieving MDG - Secretary Conference -Presented paper on perceptions of PSTs about their professional competence, expectation & needs Designing papers for class 9th, 10th in core subjects Designing papers for class XI & XII in core subjects Co-presenter paper on Problems and issues regarding QECs: Views of university HoDs Coordinator/Resource person ‘Guidelines on integration HIV-AIDS in secondary school curriculum’. Participated as member of research team Presented paper on Comparison of Education System in Pakistan and UK Coordinator/ Focal Person to conduct trainings inPunjab Member research team 17. International Conference on Transforming Teacher Education March 2628, 2008 October 2123, 2010 December 2011 20 Ph. 03009432067 33. Three day workshop on developing research proposal 34. Understanding of Holy Quran using symbols 35. Dialogue on Continuous Professional Development 36. Workshop on Research Ethics, Turnitin and EndNote 37. Workshop on SPSS Programming 38. Workshop on APA style Detailed CV Directorate of Staff Development Punjab Lahore. February 79, 2012 Resource person Prime Banquet Hall Township Lahore organized by Bait-ul-Quran, Shadman, Jail Road Lahore Hotel Park Plaza Lahore organized by DSD in collaboration with GIZ Int. Dept. of Library & Information Science, University of the Punjab. (organized for PU teachers). USAID in collaboration with COMSATS Head Office Islamabad Kinnaird College for Women, Lahore June-July 2012 (Sundays) August 16, 2012 Sept. 25-26, 2012 Attended course as a participant. December 37, 2012 February 9, 2013 February 9, 2013 March 27, 2013 Attended as member research team Resource person 39. Seminar on Rersearch Proposal Writing 40. 3rd Post-graduate students conference on Educational Research Govt. College of Home Economics, Lahore IER, University of the Punjab, Lahore. 41. Workshop on Item Development and Analysis 42. One day Annual Meeting/seminar of PASS Virtual University of Pakistan, Lahore. 43. Two day international conference on “Education in Pakistan: Practices & challenges” 44. Training of External Academic Evaluators 45. B.Ed in Technical Education: Towards a new generation of TVET teachers in Pakistan 46. Two-day workshop on Thesis writing Dr. Muhammad Saeed Punjab Association of Subject Specialists. Venue: Govt. Ausia HSS Bhurban, Murree. University of Education in collaboration with HEC at UE Bank Road Campus Lahore May-July 2013 August 12, 2013 January 6-7, 2014 National Accreditation Council for Teacher Education at HEC Islamabad. University of the Punjab in collaboration with Virtual University and Technical University of Kaiserslautern, Germany June 17-19, 2014 October 15, 2014 Institute of Research Promotion in collaboration with University of Lahore January 30, 2015 Attended as a participant Attended as participant Guest speaker Conf. Organizer and copresented of paper on Students’ attitudes towards leanring science and math at sec. level Resource person Presented paper on Role of teacher associations in global context Presented paper on ‘Evaluation of lesson presentation skills of graduates of pre-service TEIs in real classroom situation’ Participant Participant Resource Person Participation in Foreign/International Conferences/Seminars/Workshops Sr. # 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Title of Conference/ Seminar International Congress on “Educators, Sex and School Practice” Failure in schools – learning difficulties (Scientific Dialogue) Seminar “Mass media and educational TV in Europe” Summer School on “Conducting Qualitative Research” International Conference on Organizing Agency(ies) and Venue Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece Department of Paedriatics, Akhepa Hospital, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece. GOETHE Institute, French Institute, The British Council and Department of Pedagogy, Aristotle University, Greece. European Union/CEDAR, University of Warwick, UK, held at University of Leuven, Belgium. Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Dates/ Year April 2-4, 1996 May 2, 1996 Contribution Participated for learning Participated in discussion May 7-8, 1996 Participated for learning Aug. 27-Sept. Participated as a 2, 96 graduate student of Ph.D. Sept. 1-4, Participated for learning 21 Detailed CV Ph. 03009432067 Aristotle and Contemporary Science” 6. International Symposium on “Aristotle Metaphysics” 7. International Pedagogical Congress on ‘School failure and social exclusion: causes, consequencies, confrontation’ 8. National Conference on “Environment and Education” 9. Second National Congress on “Sociological Research and School Practice” 10. National Conference on “Literature and Education” 11. Seminar on “GreecePakistan Cultural Relations: from Antiquity to Present Day” 12. One day workshop on “Metalib: the library’s subject resources portal” 13. One day workshop on MS Excel for Researchers 14. One day workshop for internal and external examiners of M.Phil/PhD 15. One day workshop on Research Report Writing 16. One day workshop on Creating and Inserting Graphics in MS Words 17. Seminar on Teacher Education in Pakistan: Recent Initiatives 18. One day seminar on international collaborations &review of research projects 19. One day seminar on university research vision 20. Seminar on Teacher education and research culture in Pakistan: Problems and prospects 21. One day workshop on Code of Practice for Ethics in Research 22. Discussion meeting with Pro-VCs, supervisor and heads of departments on University challenges 23. Workshop on Introduction to statistics and its application in research 24. Workshop on Introduction Greece. Dr. Muhammad Saeed 1997 Department of Philosophy and Pedagogy, Oct. 9-10, Aristotle University, Greece. 1997 Pedagogic Society of Greece and Faculty Oct. 17-19, of Science, University of Ioannina, 1997 Greece Participated for learning Participated as a graduate student of Ph.D. Organization of Regulating Plan and Nov. 10, Participated for learning Protecting Environment, Thessaloniki. 1997 Hellenic Republic of Greece, Department of Primary Education, Nov. 15-17, Participated as a Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 1997 graduate student of Ph.D Greece. Department of Philosophy and Education Oct. 30- Nov. Participated for learning and Department of Journalisn and Mass 2, 1997 Media, Aristotle University Greece. Society for the Promotion of Modern Nov. 28, 1997 Read a paper on “The Greek Language, University of Athens Hellenistic influence on and Pak-Greek Friendship Association, Pakistani Culture and and SIHCC of Athens, held at Hall of Architecture in Ancient Letters, Visual and Performing Arts. Times” Seminar Room, J.S Priestley Library, Nov. 7, 2006 Attended as Post Doc. University of Bradford, UK. Research Fellow Seminar Room, J.S Priestley Library, University of Bradford, UK. Seminar Room, Richmond Building, University of Bradford, UK. Nov. 9, 2006 Department of Environmental Studies University of Bradford, UK. Seminar Room, J.S Priestley Library, University of Bradford, UK. Dec. 1, 2006 Participant Dec. 7, 2006 Participant Seminar Room, School of Lifelong Education and Development, (Cobden Building) University of Bradford, UK. Centre for Youth and Childhood, University of Sheffield, UK. Presentation by Dr. James, Director Nortcraft Building, University of Bradford, UK. School of Education, University of Leicester, UK January 30, 2007 DO 10, Horton Building, University of Bradford, UK. Resource Person: Prof. Tony Fell Board Room, Richmond Building, University of Bradford, UK. April 2, 2007 Delivered presentation at SLED, followed by discussion. Participated in annual review meeting on courses and future plans Participation in 5th PhD Research Forum Delivered presentation to faculty and research students, followed by discussion. Participated in the workshop. DO 10, Horton Building, University of Bradford, UK. April 3, 2007 Participated in discussion meeting on University problems and future vision. Participated for learning purpose Seminar Room, J.S. Priestley Library, April 3, Participated for learning Nov. 20, 2006 March 6, 2007 March 22, 2007 March 23, 2007 April 2, 2007 Attended as Post Doc. Research fellow Participant 22 Ph. 03009432067 Detailed CV Dr. Muhammad Saeed to SPSS (afternoon) 25. Seminar on Developing primary teachers mentoring models for Punjab 26. International conference on education-2011 University of Bradford, UK. C8 Richmond Building, University of Bradford, UK. 2007 May 30, 2007 University of Toronto, Canada in collaboration with other agencies April 4-7, 2011 27. National Conference on Education: Teacher Recruitment, Preparation & Policy Karachi University organized by USAID Teacher Education Project. August 2021, 2013 28. International conference on Leadership & Learning in the Asian Century ELLTA – 2014 in collaboration with University Sains Malaysia, Penang, Malaysia. November 17-19, 2014 REFERENCES: 1. Prof. Dr. Ivan Reid (Post Doc Supervisor) Director, Unit for Educational Research and Evaluation, School of Lifelong Education and Development University of Bradford, BD7 1DP, UK. E-mail: i.reid@Bradford.ac.uk 2. Prof. Dr. G. Mustafa Habibullah (Ex-Employer) Ex-Vice Chancellor, University of Education, Lahore, Pakistan. E-mail: mustafa1941@yahoo.com Mobile: 0092 (0)322 4353387 3. Prof. Dr. Rizwan Akram Rana Chairman Department of Science Education Institute of Education & Research University of the Punjab, Lahore-54590, Pakistan. Email: drrarpk@gmail.com Mobile: 0092 (0)300 4202966 purpose. Delivered presentation on post doc research work. Presented paper on Textbook eval. at primary level in Pakistan’. Presented paper on Developing Prospective Teachers as Reflective practitioners: A case of New BEd Class Presented paper on ‘Relationship between school climate, job satisfaction and job performance of sec. school teachers