Overview of China Semiconductor Industry Allen Lu, Ph.D., SEMI China President April 23, 2015, Invest Penang Agenda • Global and China Semiconductor Market • Challenges and Opportunities of China Semiconductor Industry • Recent Government IC Initiatives SEMI: global & professional Semiconductor Industry Association SEMI member HQ region India About 2000 members globally Japan 23% 1% Korea Europe CHINA 9% 320 Companies 14% China 12% 16% JAPAN Americas 27% EUROPE T aiwan 12% 414 Companies Singapore 2% AMERICAS KOREA 255 Companies 203 Companies 476 Companies Total Members by Size $5M - $25M 22% $25M - $100M 6% Under $5 M 67% $100M - $500M 3% $500M - $1B 1% $1B - $2B 1% Over $2.5B > 1% TAIWAN 215 Companies INDIA 25 Companies SINGAPORE 33 Companies Global and China Semiconductor Market Semiconductor Industry: Powered by the Applications Mobile Phone PC Mobile Computing, Internet of Things Semiconductor /Electronic Industry Supply-Chain 2013 $1,412B Electronic End Equipment $306B Semiconductors Materials $45B Equipment $32B Source: WSTS/SIA, SEMI, and IC Insights Forecast 2014 $38B $47B $325B $1,488B Global semiconductor market closely correlated to GDP 1990-2014F Semiconductor Industry Growth versus Worldwide GDP Growth WW 4.6% Semi Industry Growth Global GDP Growth 4.7% 5% 50% 4.6% 42% 32% 29% 3% 2% 1% 40% 3.7% 34% 28% 3.3% 2.3% 10% 1.5% 2.1% 18% 1.7% 1% 9% 7% 7% 4% 4% 2% -9% -10% -8% 10% 0% -3% -5% 0% 30% 2.8% 2.7% 20% 2.6% 19% 4% 3.4% 3.2% 2.5% 2.0% 4% 3.9% 3.4% 3.6% 2.5% 8% 4.0% 37% Semi Industry Change Worldwide GDP Change 4.1% 4.1% 3.7% 4% 4.3% -10% -20% -1% = Global Recession Threshold -30% -32% -1.9% -2% -40% 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14F Year Source: IC Insights 7 Capacity Increase Slowing Down Recent Equipment Spending Driven by Upgrading Micron Feb 2014: Industry bit supply growth slowing: DRAM: 49% in 2010 to 24% in 2015 NAND: 74% in 2010 to 45% in 2015 SEMI World Fab Forecast: Since downturn the industry spends more money on upgrading existing facilities Average change rates 2003 – 2007 2011-2015* Fab Equipment 18% 5% Fab Capacity 17% 3% * 2011-2015: excluding 2010 because fab equipment growth was unusual high Global Frontend Equipment Spending TSMC Dominates Foundry Fab Investment Source: SEMI World Fab Forecast, August 2014 Global Semiconductor Equipment Market (Including A&T Equipment) 2014F $B 2015F $B % Change Europe 2.49 3.68 48% China 4.98 5.06 2% North America 7.15 7.33 3% South Korea 6.94 7.98 15% SEA 1.66 2.05 23% Japan 3.65 4.22 16% Taiwan 11.57 12.27 6% Total Regions 38.44 42.59 11% Region SEA 4% China 13% Europe 6% Japan 10% North America 19% Taiwan 30% Korea 18% 2014F = $38.4 Billion Totals may not add due to rounding Source: SEMI Global Semiconductor Material Market (Including A&T Material) 2014F $B 2015F $B % Change Europe 3.13 3.24 4% Japan 17% China 5.77 6.09 6% N orth America 4.93 5.11 4% North America 11% South Korea 7.17 7.64 7% SEA 6.77 7.12 5% Japan 7.40 7.47 1% T aiwan 9.58 10.02 5% T otal Regions 44.75 46.69 4% Region SEA 15% China 13% Taiwan 21% Europe 7% Korea 16% 2014F = $44.7 Billion Totals may not add due to rounding Source: SEMI Materials Market Data Subscription August 2014 China Semiconductor Industry: Challenges and Opportunities Coexist 2014 Leading Imports to China 集成电 路芯片 2313 原油 2197 1057 铁矿石 液晶面 板 496 0 500 1000 Unit:$100M USD 1500 2000 2500 Source: China’s Customs 15 China’s Electronic Products Manufacturing Drives Huge IC Consumption Example of China’s Electronic Product Output in 2013 Output (Million units) Growth Rate % of World Output Export (Million units) Cell Phone 1456 23.2% 81.1% 1190 LCD TV 122.9 7.2% 56.9% 54.6 Notebook & Tablet 273 7.9% 70% 326.7 Digital Camera 46.8 -33.1% 74.5% 41 Source –CVIA, Ministry of Information Industry of China, SEMI, May 2014 China Semiconductor Industry Continuous to Grow China IC Industry Revenue 45 40.5 IC P&T (USD Billion) 40 35 30 IC Manufacture (USD Billion) 34.2 IC Design (USD Billion) IC Industry (Design+Manufacture+P&T) 16.4 25 21.3 20 16.4 12.6 8.6 10 0 17.9 15.1 16.2 9.7 9.3 15 5 17.7 29.9 6.7 2.4 3.3 4.3 3.0 3.4 2.2 8.9 3.9 2.3 7.9 7.3 6.4 4.2 2.8 1.5 8.3 6.7 6.6 5.2 3.0 5.7 3.4 5.0 4.0 5.4 8.1 9.8 13.0 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Source: CSIA, SEMI, SICA Expanding 300mm Capacity in China Company Location Tech-node Capacity (nm) (K/month) Products Status Huali Shanghai 55 25 Foundry Will add capacity to 35K/M SK Hynix Wuxi 29 130 DRAM Production & Upgrade Intel Dalian 65 15 Chipset Production Total plan for Xi’an 1st phase: 100K/month Production Samsung Xi’an 20 40 NAND Flash SMIC Beijing 40 36 Foundry SMIC Beijing 40-20 - Foundry SMIC Shanghai 40 14 Foundry WXIC Wuhan 45 9 NOR Flash, Foundry (Planned) Construction. 5K-6K/M in end of 2014 Production and expand to 14K/M in 2014 Production Source: SEMI China, Oct. 2014 Key Local Semiconductor Equipment Suppliers Equipment Company Exposure & Write Equipment SMEE Photoresist Processing Equipment Kingsemi Etch Equipment AMEC, NMC Surface Conditioning Equipment Thermal Process Equipment Sevenstar, Kingsemi, ACM Sevenstar Ion Implant Equipment ZKX Thin Film Deposition Equipment (CVD/ Sputter/Electroplating/electro deposition) NMC, Piotech Inspection & Measurement Equipment Grand,Raintree CMP Equipment Tianjin Hwatsing Key Local Semiconductor Material Suppliers Material Company Wafer Gritek, JRH, Simgui, Waferworks Lithography related materials (photoresist, developer, etc.) Kempur, Ruihong Sputtering Targets KFMI, Grikin CMP Slurry Plating solution Anji Sinyang Chemicals Runma, Jingrui, Huayi Special Gas Huategas, Jinhong, Creditchem Through government policy, special project funding, and efforts of the industry, China’s equipment & material companies covered all major process sectors Global Semiconductor Industry Highly Consolidated Top 20 Semiconductor Companies by 2013 Revenue 2013 Rank Company HQ 2013 Revenue (in US Million) 2013 Rank Company HQ 2013 Revenue (in US Million) 1 Intel U.S. 48,321 11 Renesas Japan 7,975 2 Samsung Korea 34,378 12 AMD** U.S. 5,299 3 TSMC* Taiwan 19,850 13 Infineon Europe 4,862 4 Qualcomm** U.S. 17,211 14 Sony Japan 4,869 5 Micron U.S. 14,360 15 NXP Europe 4,815 6 SK Hynix Korea 12,970 16 MediaTek** Taiwan 4,587 7 Toshiba Japan 11,958 17 GlobalFoundries* U.S. 4,261 8 TI U.S. 11,474 18 Freescale U.S. 4,007 9 Broadcom** U.S. 8,219 19 UMC* Taiwan 3,959 10 ST Europe 8,014 20 Nvidia** U.S. 3,898 * Foundry **Fabless Source: IC Insights, 2014 Global Semiconductor Industry Highly Consolidated Top 20 Semiconductor Companies by 2013 Revenue 2013 Rank Company HQ 2013 Revenue (in US Million) 2013 Rank Company HQ 2013 Revenue (in US Million) 1 Intel U.S. 48,321 11 Renesas Japan 7,975 2 Samsung Korea 34,378 12 AMD** U.S. 5,299 3 4 5 6 Revenue:Top 20 account for 75% of worldwide. TSMC* Infineon 19,850 Taiwan 13 Europe Spending:Tope 5 account for 66% of all Qualcomm** Sony 17,211 Japan R&D:Top U.S. 10 R&D expense 28.614 billion USD,more than Micron NXP 14,360 U.S. rest companies. 15 Europe sum of all the ** SKCapacity:Samsung, TSMC, Micron, Hynix, Toshiba, Intel Hynix MediaTek 12,970 Korea 16 Taiwan account for 43% of global capacity. * 4,862 4,869 4,815 4,587 Toshiba Japan 11,958 17 GlobalFoundries U.S. 4,261 8 TI U.S. 11,474 18 Freescale U.S. 4,007 9 Broadcom** U.S. 8,219 19 UMC* Taiwan 3,959 10 ST Europe 8,014 20 Nvidia** U.S. 3,898 7 * Foundry **Fabless Source: IC Insights, 2014 Top 10 Semiconductor Equipment Suppliers Main Product Areas 2013 Revenue ($B) 2013 Market Share (%) Applied Materials Thin film, Dry etch, CMP, ion implant, metrology and inspection 5.46 16.2 2 ASML Lithography 5.30 15.7 3 Lam Research Dry Etch, Thin film, wafer clean 3.16 9.4 4 Tokyo Electron Thermal processing, coat/develop Track, dry etch, wafer clean 3.06 9.1 5 KLA-Tencor Inspection & measurement 2.16 6.4 1.22 3.6 0.86 2.6 2013 Ranking Company 1 6 7 Dainippon Screen Coat/develop track, wafer clean Manufacturing Hitachi HighDry etch, metrology & inspection, assembly Technologies 8 Advantest Test 0.85 2.5 9 Teradyne Test 0.82 2.4 10 Nikon Lithography 0.64 1.9 10.24 30.3 Others 23 Source: Gartner, 2014 China’s Equipment Company Revenue and Global Market Share Equipment Category 2013 Market Size ($B) 2013 Chinese Suppliers Sales (Company 2013 Revenue:$M) Market Share Exposure & Write 6.3 SMEE (Total 19): 19 0.3 % Photoresist Processing 1.51 KINGSEMI(Total 27.4): 21.9** 1.8 % Etch Equipment 4.00 AMEC(Total 51.9): 51.9 NMC (Total 32): 16** 1.7 % Surface Conditioning Equipment 1.84 ACM(Total: 15.8): 15.8 Sevenstar(Total 138.7): 4.1 KINGSEMI(Total 27.4): 5.5** 1.4 % Thermal Process Equipment 0.79 Sevenstar(Total 138.7): 6.4 0.8 % Ion Implant Equipment 0.81 CETC Beijing Electronic Equipment Co. - TF:CVD 2.83 Piotech (Total 12.9): 12.9** 1.53 NMC (Total 32): 16** 0.5 % 1.1 % Other 1.24 / - CMP 0.74 Tianjin Hwatsing - Inspection & measurement 37.7 Raintree(1) 0.03 % Sputter Source: SEMI & Public information, 2014. **: Estimation 24 Global Semiconductor Equipment Industry Consolidation Speedup Mobile Internet brings explosive growth of computing and communication terminals Who can make money in the new business model? 10X 50B connected devices by 2020 Source: Samsung # of connected devices exceeds population Fewer and Fewer semiconductor manufacturers can afford the cost of leading edge fab. Challenges of China semiconductor industry • Global industry consolidation creates higher entry-barrier for new comers. • China semiconductor industry started late, lack of scale & core competencies. • Advanced IC manufacturing requires huge funding. • Technology, talent, market, supply-chain all global for Semiconductor industry. • Semiconductor industry is no longer a regional industry. What is China’s positioning? • Chinese companies’ capability to go global (technology, marketing, business practice, decision process, …). • Reliance on government initiatives and funding hinders competitiveness. • Need to establish solid business model & core competencies, avoid competing on pricing only. Opportunities of China semiconductor industry • Government resolve and resources to scale up China’s IC manufacturing. • Semiconductor industry entering mature phase with narrower margin. Electronic device manufacturing continue to transfer to Asia from US, Japan and Europe. • Semiconductor no longer favored by investors in US. Almost NO US VC funding to equipment and materials companies in the last 10 years. • China’s economy scaled up: capital and talent no longer the “show-stoppers”. • Electronic product eco-system established in China: products increasingly being defined and developed in China (especially in mobile and consumer sectors). • Culture, language, eco-systems, of the application market increasingly replace cost become the new advantages. • Abundant engineer & science graduates coming to industry. • Cost advantage still exists. Recent Developments of China’s Semiconductor Industry China IC Industry Policies Summary “Document No. 18” (2000) “Science and technology development program” (2006) 2000.06: Policies on 2006.02: Circular of State Council on Supporting further encouraging the Policies of Implementing Outline of Long and development of Medium-Term National Scientific and Technological software and integrated Development Program (2006-2020). Define 01 project: circuit (IC) industry. core devices, high end general chips, and basic software & 02 project: VLSI Equipment & Material Manufacturer and Process “Document No. 4” (2011) “National Guideline” (2014 ) 2011.02: A Basket of Measures to 2014.06.24: National Further Boost the Guideline for Software and IC Development of the Industry. IC Industry. Technology R&D. 2000 2006 Year 2011 2014 • 2014.07.29 Shandong Province issued document “ About implementation of Document No. 4 to speed up IC industry development” • 2014.07.31 Gansu Province issued “About Gansu Province’s implementation of National Framework for Development of the IC Industry” • 2014.08 Anhui Province issued document “About to speed up IC industry development” • 2014.08 Sichuan Province has worked out IC industry development implementation policies, and set up IC industry investment fund. (From news, not confirmed.) • ……… Developing Target of 2014 Guideline 2015 2020 Total Revenue >350 Billion RMB >870 Billion RMB (CAGR > 20%) IC Manufacture 32/28nm mass production 16/14nm mass production IC Design Part of key area technologies approach international first class level (e.g. mobile smart terminal, network communication) Key area technologies achieve international leading edge. (e.g. mobile smart terminal, network communication, cloud computing, IOT, big data, etc) Packaging & Test Mid- to high-end revenue > 30% revenue Technology to achieve international leading edge Material 12 inch silicon wafer into production line. Enter global supply chain Equipment 65-45nm key equipment into production line. Enter global supply chain Key words: Scale, Fund, Market, M&A, Global collaboration, … Revenue Target of 2014 Guideline (China IC industry new policy) China IC Industry Revenue and Projection $ Billion Notes: 1. The Revenue number is the sum of China IC companies’ sales, including IC Fabless, Foundry, IDM & OSAT; 2. Revenue Target (2015) : >$57.5 Billion (RMB 350Billion); 3. Y2015~Y2020 CAGR Target: >20% 143 57.5 40.5 2.4 Source: CSIA, SEMI National IC Fund Structure China Development Bank Capital Shanghai Guosheng China Tobacco CETC China Mobile UNIS SINO IC Capital Initiators Financing Institution Increase In National IC Industry Investment Fund Co.,Ltd E-TOWN Capital Large Scale Enterprises Capital and Share Social Capital Responses from International Players • TSMC: intent to produce 28nm chips in China? – Dec 2014, TSMC has plans to produce a small volume of mobile chips in China made on its mature 28-nanometer manufacturing technology. Chairman Morris Chang said “We are always expanding our capacity and have plans to move a small part of our expanded capacity to (China)…If we don't go there, Samsung will”. • UMC: got approval for 12-inch Fab in Xiamen. – Jan 2015, UMC got approval from Taiwan's Investment Commission to invest in a 12-inch wafer plant in mainland China. UMC will spend US$450 million of its own funds and more than US$260 million assigned by mainland-based Hejian Technology (Suzhou). In the future, UMC is expected to invest even more in the mainland plant, up to about US$1.35 billion. • GF: Exploring opportunities in China. • …… Active M&A in IC Design Segment • Dec. 2013, Tsinghua Unigroup completed the merger of Spreadtrum (US$1.7 billion ) • Jul. 2014, Tsinghua Unigroup closed acquisition of RDA(US$907 million) • Aug. 2014, Montage announced shareholder approval for acquisition by Shanghai Pudong Science and Technology Investment Co. Ltd. in a deal valued at about $600 million. • Aug. 2014, OmniVision received a preliminary acquisition proposal from a group of investors led by Beijing-based Hua Capital Management Ltd., worth about $1.64 billion. • Sep. 2014, Intel invested up to RMB 9 billion (about US$1.5 billion) for a minority stake of approximately 20 percent of the holding company under Tsinghua Unigroup, which will own Spreadtrum and RDA. M&A and CAPEX Investment in A&T Segment May 2013, ASE acquired Toshiba’s Wuxi plant (US$11 million ) Dec. 2013, Texas Instruments acquired UTAC facility in Chengdu. Jun. 2014, Siliconware started 3rd phase facility in Suzhou, and will add advanced packaging in Suzhou. Apr. 2014, Nepes(Korea) signed agreement for wafer package JV in Huai’an Jiangsu. Aug. 2014, SMIC and JCET established a Joint Venture in Jiangyin, to setup 12-inch wafer bumping and CP testing production line. Sep. 2014, Wafer Level CSP Co., Ltd. mergered Gerad Suzhou. Nov. 2014, TI announces to open 300mm wafer bumping facility in Chengdu. Nov. 2014, JCET is purchasing STATS ChipPAC ($780 million). 37 M&A and CAPEX Investment in A&T Segment May 2013, ASE acquired Toshiba’s Wuxi plant (US$11 million ) Dec. 2013, Texas Instruments acquired UTAC facility in Chengdu. Jun. 2014, Siliconware started 3rd phase facility in Suzhou, and will add advanced packaging in Suzhou. Apr. 2014, Nepes(Korea) signed agreement for wafer package JV in Huai’an Jiangsu. Aug. 2014, SMIC and JCET established a Joint Venture in Jiangyin, to setup Semiconductor Eco-system will grow in China Sep. Level CSP Co., Ltd. mergered Gerad Suzhou. as2014, the Wafer region becomes the center of: Nov. 2014, TI announces to open market, 300mm wafer application bumping facility in manufacturing, 12-inch wafer bumping and CP testing production line. Chengdu. Nov. 2014, JCET is purchasing STATS ChipPAC ($780 million). 38 SEMI China activities SEMICON China 2015 Highlights • The largest global trade show and Semiconductor industry gathering, cover complete IC supply-chain. • 10 plus Theme Pavilions and 30 plus technology and investment conferences reflecting the latest technical trends, market demand and Capital flows. • 90% visitors have purchasing authority • Market, Technology, Investment, Networking http://www.semiconchina.org March 17-19, 2015, Shanghai SEMICON China 2015 Highlights • The largest global trade show and Semiconductor industry gathering, cover complete IC supply-chain. • 10 plus Theme Pavilions and 30 plus technology and investment conferences reflecting the latest technical trends, market demand and Capital flows. March 17-19, 2015, Shanghai http://www.semiconchina.org • 90% visitors have purchasing authority • Market, Technology, Investment, Networking SEMI China Committees • • • • • • • • • • • • SEMI China Advisory Board Package & Test Committee Equipment & Material Committee LED Committee Logistics Committee Secondary Equipment Committee Wearable Device Committee PV Advisory Committee PV Standard Committee HB-LED Standard Committee Touch Screen Committee …… Let us help your business in China 2014 SEMI China Member Activities Time Program March SEMI China Logistics Committee Xi'an Sumsung Programme Communication Meeting March SEMI China PV Standards TC Spring Meeting 2014 March SEMI China HB-LED Standards TC Petition Meeting April April May May SEMI China Logistics Committee meeting with Xi’an Hi-Tech Industries Development Zone CBZ Custom officials SEMI China/ICMTIA Business Mission Japan Tour SEMI China HB-LED Standards TC Kick-off Meeting 2014 The Sixth Working Meeting of SEMI China Packaging and Testing Committee June SEMI China Logistics Committee Summer Meeting June SEMI China PV Standards TC Summer Meeting 2014 June SEMICON West 2014 China Night Venue Venue SEMI China HB-LED Standards TC Autumn Meeting 2014 Harbin Sept. SEMICON Europa "Innovation Village" First Show Grenoble, France San Jose Sept. 2014 Beijing International Microelectronics Symposium Beijing Xi'an September “SEMI China Smart Wearable Device Exhibition Area” Chengdu on 15th Western China International Fair Japan September SEMI China Intelligent Wearable Industry Seminar SEMI FPD Forum on 15th Western China October International Fair Shanghai Guiyang NMC Co. Ltd., Beijing October Shanghai October Baoding, Hebei October July July SEMI China Intelligent Wearable Devices Seminar July July SEMI China PV Standards TC Autumn Meeting 2014 SEMI China Logistics Committee Xi'an Meeting Program July Shanghai San Francisco, USA Erdos InnerChina OLED Industry Forum and Grassland Gathering Mongolia SEMI China IC Summer Camp Shanghai, China June Time November SEMI China PV Monocrystalline Committee The Seventh Working Meeting of SEMI China Packaging and Testing Committee SEMI China Touch Screen Committee Preparatory Meeting The 29th International Technology Partners Conference(ITPC) December 2014 India New Energy Industry Investment Promotion/Communication Conference SEMI China PV Standards TC Winter Meeting 2014 Shanghai, China December 2014 China FPD Winter Industry Gathering Dalian, China Xi'an, China December China Equipment and Material Committee December Chengdu Chengdu Shanghai Suzhou Shanghai Hawaii, USA Shanghai, China Changsha Kunshan Beijing SEMI China Equipment and Material Delegation visit Japan 2014.4 China equipment companies meet ST Micro 2014.10 “China Night” in San Francisco 2014.7 SEMICON China Supplier Search Program 2014. 3 SEMI China: Build a “Global Industry Community” in China Thank you! alu@semi.org