Heat Transfer Experiment-1 - Department of Mechanical

Table of Contents
Pr incip le
Object ive
? Fourier’s la w of Heat Conduct ion
? The Pin F in
? G overning Equat ion and Boundary Condit ions
? Temperat ure Dist r ibut ion
Apparat us
1) Linear heat conduct ion equipment :
• Descript ion of t he Linear Heat Conduct ion Equipment
2) Radial heat conduct ion equipment :
• Descript ion of t he Radial Heat Conduct ion Equipment
• Usef ul inf ormat ion:
3) Ext ended Surf ace Heat Transf er
• Descript ion of t he Ext ended Surf ace Heat Transf er Equipment
• Usef ul inf ormat ion:
Ref erences
Experime nt1
INME 4032
Uni versi ty o f Puer to Rico
Mayagüez Campus
Depar tmen t of Mechanical Engineering
Spring 2004
I nst ructor: G uillermo Ara ya
Experimen t 1: Conduction Heat Transfer Analysi s
A heat source placed in a mat eria l causes t emperat ure changes due t o heat conduct ion.
The relat ionsh ip bet ween t emperat ure and t he dist ance f rom t he heat source must be
linear af t er some t ime in t he case of linear heat conduct ion and it must have a
logarit hm ic dist r ibut ion in t he case of radial heat conduct ion.
Objecti ve
The exper iment demonst rat es heat conduct ion in three dif f erent experiment al models . I t
allo ws us t o obt ain e xper iment ally t he coef f icient of t hermal conduct ivit y of some
unknown mat erials and in t his way, t o underst and t he f act ors and paramet ers t hat af f ect
t he rat es of heat t ransf er.
Four ier’s la w of Heat Conduct ion
A general st at ement of t he Fourier’s law is : The conduct ion heat f lu x in a specif ied
direct ion equals t he negat ive of t he product of t he medium t hermal conduct ivit y and t he
t emperat ure derivat ive in t hat direct ion. I n Cart esian coordinat es, wit h t emperat ure
var ying in t he x direct ion on ly,
q = −k
I n cylindr ical or spher ical coo rdinat es, wit h t emperat ure va r ying in t he r d irect ion on ly,
q = −k
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Fig 1.1. A c ylindr ical shell showing an
element al cont rol vo lume f or applicat ion of t he
energy conser vat ion p rinc iple .
Figure 1.1 sho ws a c ylindrica l she ll of lengt h L, wit h inner rad ius r1 and out er radius r2.
The inner surf ace is ma int ained at t emperat ure T1 and t he out er surf ace is ma int ained at
t emperat ure T2. An e lement al cont ro l vo lume is locat ed bet ween radii r and r+? r . I f
t emperat ures are unchanging in t ime and Q v = 0 , t he energy conser vat ion princ iple
requires t hat t he heat f low across t he f ace at r equal t hat at t he f ace r+? r
Q r = Q r +∆r
That is,
Q r = Constant, independent of r
Using Fourier ’s law
dT 
Q r = Aq = 2πrL − k
dr 
Dividing b y 2π kL and assuming t hat the conduct ivit y k is independent of t emperat ure
= −r
= Constant = C1
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which is a f irst -order ord inar y d if f erent ial equat ion f or T(r) and can be int egrat ed easily:
=− 1
T = −C1 ln r + C2
Two boundar y condit ions are required t o e va luat e t he t wo const ant s; t hese are
r = r1 :
T = T1
r = r2 :
T = T2
Subst it ut ing;
T1 = −C1 ln r1 + C2
T2 = −C1 ln r2 + C 2
which are t wo a lgebraic equat ions f or t he unknowns C1 and C2. Subt ract ing t he second
equat ion f rom t he f irst :
T1 − T2 = −C1 ln r1 + C1 ln r2 = C1 ln( r2 / r1 )
C1 =
T1 − T2
ln( r2 / r1 )
Using eit her of t he t wo equat ions t hen gives
C 2 = T1 +
T1 − T2
ln r1
ln( r2 / r1 )
Subst it ut ing back and rearranging g ives t he t emperat ure dist ribut ion as
T1 − T
ln( r / r1 )
T1 − T2 ln( r2 / r1 )
which is a logar it hmic var iat ion, in cont rast t o t he linear va riat ion f ound f or t he plane
wall. The heat f low is Q = 2πkLC1 or:
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INME 4032
2πkL(T1 − T2 )
ln( r 2 / r1 )
The Pin F in
Simple pin f ins, such as t hose used t o cool elect ronic component s, will be analyzed t o
develop t he essent ial concept s of f in t heory. The f irst law is used t o derivat e t he
govern ing dif f erent ial equat ion, which, when solved subject t o appropriat e boundary
condit ions, g ives t he t emperat ure dist ribut ion along t he f in.
G ove rning Equat ion and Boundary Cond it ions
Fig. 1.2 A pin f in sho wing t he coordinat e
syst em and an energ y ba lance on a f in
element .
Consider t he pin f in shown in F ig. 1 .2. The cross sect ional area is Ac =π R2 where R is t he
radius of t he pin, and t he perimet er P =2π R. Bot h Ac and R are unif orm, t hat is, t hey do
not var y a long t he f in in t he x direct ion . The energ y conser vat ion p rinc iple is applied t o
an element of t he f in locat ed bet ween x and x + ? x. Heat can ent er and lea ve t he
element by conduct ion along t he f in and can also be lost by convect ion f rom t he surf ace
of t he element t o t he ambient f luid at t emperat ure Te. The surf ace area of t he element is
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P ? x; t hus.
qAc x − qAc x +∆x − hc P ∆x( T − Te )
Dividing b y ? x and let t ing ? x à 0 g ives
( qAc )− hc P( T −Te ) = 0
For t he pin f in, Ac is independent of x; using Fourier’s law q = – k dT/dx wit h k const ant
d 2T
kAc 2 − hc P ( T − Te ) = 0
which is a second order ordinar y d if f erent ial equat ion f or T=T( x). Not ice t hat modeling
t he conduct ion along t he f in as one-dimensional has caused t he convect ive heat loss
f rom t he sides of the f in it self , it is appropriat e t o t ake it s base t emperat ure as known;
t hat is,
x =0
= TB
At t he ot her end, t he f in losses heat by Newt on’s law of cooling:
− Ac k
= Ac hc (T
x =L
x= L
− Te )
where t he convect ive heat t ransf er coeff icient here is, in general, dif f erent f rom t he one
f or t he sides of t he f in because t he geomet ry is dif f erent . However , because t he area of
t he end, Ac , is small compa red t o t he side area PL, t he heat loss f rom t he end is
correspondingly s mall and usua lly can be ignored . Then Equat ion becomes
Experime nt1
x =L
INME 4032
Temperat ure Dist r ibut ion
We will use t he last equat ion f or t he second boundary condit ion as a compro mise
bet ween accuracy and simplic it y of the result . For mat hemat ical convenience, let
? = T – Te and ß2=hc P/ kAc ; so
d 2θ
− β 2θ = 0
For ß a const ant , Equat ion has t he solut ion
θ = C1 e β x + C 2 e − β x
θ = B1 sinh βx + B2 cosh βx
The second f orm pro ves more con venient ; t hus, we ha ve
T − Te = B1 sinh βx + B 2 cosh β x
Using t he t wo boundary condit ions, we ha ve t wo algebra ic equat ions f or t he unknown
const ant s B1 and B2,
TB − Te = B1 sinh( 0) + B2 cosh(0) ; B2 = TB − Te
= β B1 cosh β L + βB 2 sinh β L = 0 ;
x= L
B1 = − B2 tanh βL
Subst it ut ing B1 and B2 and rearranging gives t he t emperat ure dist ribut ion as
T − Te coshβ( L − x )
TB − Te
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1/ 2
h P
β =  c 
 kA c 
INME 4032
There are t hree d if f erent experiment al models t o st udy t he heat t ransf er by conduct ion:
1. Linear Heat Conduct ion
2. Radial Heat Conduct ion
3. Ext ended surf ace heat t ransf er
1. L inear Heat Conduct ion Equipment :
Heat transfer module
Linear Heat Conduction Equipment
Fig. 1.3 Schematic Diagram showing the Heat
Conduction Equipment
Descript ion of t he Linear Heat Conduct ion Equip ment :
The heat t ransf er module is cylindr ica l and mount ed wit h it s axis vert ical t o t he base
plat e. The heat ing sect ion houses a 25 mm d iamet er c ylindr ica l brass sect ion wit h a
nominally 60W (at 24 VDC) cart ridge heat er in t he t op end. The t hree f ixed
t hermocouples T1 , T2, T3 , posit ioned along t he heat ed sect ion, are at 15mm int erva ls.
The cooling sect ion is a lso manuf act ured f rom 25mm dia met er brass t o mat ch t he
heat ed t op sect ion and t his is coo led at it s bot t om end by wat er f lo wing t hrough galle ries
in t he mat erial. Three f ixed t hermocouples T6, T7, T8 are posit ioned along t he cooled
sect ion at 15mm int ervals. There are f our dif f erent specimens available t o be placed
bet ween t he heat ed and t he cooled sect ions. These specimens are t he f ollo wing :
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Brass Specimen:
30mm long, 25m m dia met er f it t ed wit h t wo t hermocouples T4, T5 at 15mm int er vals
along t he axis. W it h t his specimen c lamped bet ween t he heat ed and cooled sect ions, a
unif orm 25mm diamet er brass bar is f ormed wit h 8 unif ormly spaced (15mm int erva ls)
t hermocouples (T1 t o T8) .
St ainless St eel specimen
30mm long , 25mm diamet er. No t hermocouples f it t ed.
Aluminum Alloy specimen
30mm long , 25mm diamet er. No t hermocouples f it t ed.
Brass specimen W it h Reduced Diamet er
30mm long , 13mm diamet er. No t hermocouples f it t ed.
NO TE: If t he experiment al session requires t he use of t wo specimens, use f irst t he
specimen wit h t he heat er at no more t han 10V, t hen use t he second specimen wit h t he
heat er at dif ferent volt s according t he inst ruct ions of your inst ruct or. I f more t han 10V
are used f or t he f irst specimen, t he second one will not f it in t he shallo w shou lders of t he
heat ed and cooled sect ions because of the t hermal expans ion.
2. Radia l Heat Conduct ion Equipment :
Radial Heat Conduction Equipment
Fig. 1.4 Schematic Diagram showing the Radial
Conduction Equipment
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Descript ion of t he Radial Heat Conduct ion Equip ment :
The rad ial heat conduct ion equipment allows in vest igat e t he basic la ws of heat
conduct ion t hrough a cylindrica l solid. The heat t ransf er module comprises an insulat ed
solid disc of brass (110mm diamet er) wit h a solid copper core (14mm diamet er), and an
elect ric heat er at t he cent er. The brass disc is wat er cooled around it s circumf erence.
Six f ixed t hermocouples T1 , T2, …, T6 are locat ed at increas ing rad io f rom t he heat ed
cent er.
Usef ul inf ormat ion :
Heat ed disc
Mat erial: brass
Out side diamet er: 0.110m
Diamet er of heat ed copper core: 0.014m
Thickness of d isc: 0 .0032m
Radial posit ion of t hermocouples :
T1 = 0.007m
T4 = 0.030m
T2 = 0.010m
T5 = 0.040m
T3 = 0.020m
T6 = 0.050m
3. E xt ended Surf ace Heat Transf er
Descript ion of t he Ext end Surf ace Heat Transf er Equipment :
The ext ended surf ace heat t ransf er equipment allows in vest igat ion of one-dimensional
conduct ion f rom a f in. A small diamet er met al rod is heat ed at one end and t he
remain ing e xposed lengt h is a llowed t o cool b y nat ural con vect ion and radiat ion .
The equipment comp rises a 10mm d iamet er brass rod of appro ximat ely 350mm
ef f ect ive lengt h mount ed horizont ally. Eight t hermocouples are locat ed at 50mm
int erva ls along t he rod t o record t he surf ace temperat ure. The rod is coat ed wit h a mat t
black paint in order t o pro vide a const ant radiant emissivit y close t o 1.
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Extended Surface Heat Transfer Equipment
Fig. 1.3 Schematic Diagram showing the
Extended Surface Heat Transfer Equipment
Usef ul inf ormat ion
Heat ed Rod Diamet er D = 0.01m
Heat ed Rod Eff ect ive Lengt h L = 0 .35m
Therma l Conduct ivit y of t he Heat ed Rod Mat erial k = 121 W/m K
Allow t he syst em t o reach st abilit y, and t ake read ings and make ad just ment s as
inst ruct ed in t he individual procedures f or each e xper iment . Record t he t emperat ures,
vo lt age and current , wit h t hese dat a; calculat e t he power of t he heat source. Repeat t he
lect ures t hree t imes t o assure t hat t he syst em has reached st abilit y. You should
in vest igat e about how t o use your inf ormat ion in order t o ca lculat e t he t hermal
conduct ivit y coef f icient in all t he cases and you must graph your dat a t o st udy t he
behavior of t emperat ure against dist ance f rom t he heat source. A ll t his e xper iment al
st rat egy must be present ed in t he Task Discuss ion Meet ing.
Re ferences
P. A . Hilt on LTD. “ Expe riment al Operat ing and Maint enance Manual” . Heat Transf er
Service Unit . Nove mber, 2000.
A. Mills, “ Basic Heat and Mass Transf er” , Richard D. I rwin I NC, Los Angeles, USA,
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