Single Subject Lesson Plan Format 1. TITLE OF THE LESSON: August 29-30 Setting the Stage: Unit 1 Greetings and Introductions 3A. STUDENT INFORMATION: English Language Learners 1.) Readiness Level: N/A 2.) Learning Profile: N/A 3.) Interest: N/A 2. CURRICULUM AREA & GRADE LEVEL: Grades 9-11, Spanish 1 3B. STUDENT INFORMATION: Students w/ Special Needs 1.) Readiness Level: Alexis prepared homework, has difficult time being put on the spot. 2.) Learning Profile: Alexis is enrolled in English classes according to her grade level. This is her second time taking Spanish 1. 3.) Interest: Alexis loves Sports, anything related to sports will get her motivated 4. RATIONALE A. Enduring Understanding: Students will be able to tell the time, temperature, count money, and any other skill involving numbers 1-100 B. Essential Questions: What connection to the real life will this learning have? C. Reason for Instructional Strategies and Student Activities: Students will practice numbers in small groups and with the whole classroom, to master pronunciation, spelling and memorization 5. CA CONTENT STANDARD(S) 1.1 Students address discrete elements of daily life, including i: school, classroom, schedules, subjects, numbers, time, directions 6. CA ELD STANDARD(S): Vocabulary and concept development: Produce simple vocabulary (single words or short phrases) to communicate basic needs in social and academic settings (locations, greetings) 7. LEARNING GOAL(S) - OBJECTIVE(S) A. Cognitive: Students will be able to answer the question when someone asks what time it is, the temperature, phone numbers, and other quantitative answers. B. Affective: Students will try to stump their partner with difficult numbers and discuss those numbers that give the class trouble and the possible reasoning behind their struggles. C. Psychomotor: Origination: Students will create a dialogue using facial expressions and hand movements to cue their partner of new vocabulary words. Each time students introduce themselves, they automatically shake hands. Each time they ask the time, they will look at their watch (real or imaginary) 8. ASSESSMENT(S) A. Diagnostic/Entry Level: Students will be introduced to vocabulary words of the numbers 1-100 and write them down in a notebook. They will practice pronunciation, and listen to recording of native Spanish speakers conversation. B. Formative-Progress Monitoring: Students will be asked to quiz their peers on numbers to check for progress and understanding. Teacher will monitor class and answer any questions about pronunciation and spelling. C. Summative: Teacher will call on students at random to answer a question about numbers to check for individual acquisition of numbers 1-100 D. Language Development: Students will increase their vocabulary and understanding of cognates to help them communicate in a colloquial fashion 9A. EXPLANATION OF DIFFERENTIATION FOR ENGLISH LANGUAGE LEARNERS ● Content/Based on Readiness, Learning Profile or Interest : N/A ● ● Process/Based on Readiness, Learning Profile or Interest: N/A Product/Based on Readiness, Learning Profile or Interest: N/A 9B. EXPLANATION OF DIFFERENTIATION FOR STUDENTS WITH SPECIAL NEEDS ● Content/Based on Readiness, Learning Profile or Interest: Since Alexis has already taken this class once, she knows the basics of greetings and numbers. Therefore, she is starting off the semester ahead of her peers. She needs to sit in the front of the class, and always have extra time to answer questions or perform her mini-skit. The class is patient with her and allows her to take her time during her Greetings skit with a partner. 10. INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES (Describe what the teacher does. Include differentiation strategies.) A. Anticipatory Set/Into: Teacher will tell students which pages in the text book they can find vocabulary words to gain acquisition of numbers 1-100. (15 mins) 11. STUDENT ACTIVITIES (Describe what the students does. Include differentiation activities.) B. Instruction/Through:Teacher A. Anticipatory Set/Into: Students will will review yesterdays introduction turn to the page in the textbook with the list dialogues and how to incorporate of numbers and vocabulary for chapter one. numbers into an introduction dialogue. Students will obtain brief introduction of Teacher will model correct pronunciation pronunciation from the teacher (15 mins) with an audio CD of a native Spanish speakers dialogue between two people. B. Instruction/Through: Students will (30 mins) parter up with classmates and review dialogue about introductions and create a C. Guided Practice/Through: Teacher mini skit including greetings and time of the will ask students to repeat correct day (numbers) (45 mins) pronunciation as a whole class. Teacher will switch between L1 and L2 so that C. Guided Practice/Through: Students students can learn code switching and will listen while teacher plays audio cd of make connections with cognates. (10 conversation between native speakers and mins) recognize cognates in the dialogue. (30 mins) D. Independent Practice/Through: Teacher will tell students to partner D. Independent Practice/Through: up and give instruction orally, written Students will work with their peers to instructions will also be posted on white practice pronunciation and quiz each other board to groups to begin practicing new on numbers 1-100. (20 mins) and reviewed vocabulary terms (45 mins) E. Closure: Students will raise hand when the teacher asks who may be having E. Closure: Teacher will be sure difficulties with numbers and obtain to ask those students who are having information on how to get extra help (5 mins) trouble with the numbers and let them know that she is available during lunch F. Beyond: Students will create and after school to help students (10 flashcards at home in color and bring them mins) to the next class meeting (20-30 mins) F. Beyond: Teacher will assign students to make a set of flashcards for numbers 1-100 in color and have them ready to play games with their flash cards prepared for the following class. 12. RESOURCES Graphic Organizer Goal Flow Chart, Numbers worksheet Self Assessment: My lesson plan was designed for a class in the first few days of the school year. At this point, students are already aware of classroom rules and teacher expectations. I attached that Goal flow chart as a graphic organizer. I can post this goal chart on the overhead so that students can see the reasons behind the lesson plan or unit. In this case, the main goal is to get students proficient with meeting and introducing themselves to strangers. They will learn “What is your Name?” and “My name is”, this is a huge goal is Spanish one, as they can now travel and introduce themselves to peers and professionals. They can also ask “How are you?” this will get them to learning a large list of adjectives and cognates which is another chunk of the California Standard for World Languages, year one. I think that as I go on, these lesson plans will get easier and will become more automatic. I am still getting to know the student with special needs in our class, and how to differentiate the material to suit her needs. I have also attached the worksheet I typed up for students to work on while their partners are doing their mini-skits. This will prevent students from getting bored by seeing the same mini-skit over and over again. I followed the rubric to the best of my ability with my novice skills in lesson planning Single Subject Lesson Design Rubric Design Component & Criteria Approaching Meets (includes the criteria for Approaching) Exceeds (includes the criteria for Approaching & Meets) Title, Curriculum Area & Grade Level 5% Provides a title that is related to the lesson activity & addresses the unit it belongs to and in what curriculum area and grade & describes where it fits within a unit plan. Student Information 10% Identify the names of the students that need differentiation (both ELL & Students w/ Sp Ed needs) & describe each of the students readiness level, learning profile and interests & includes prior successful differentiation strategies for each student. Describes the rationale for teaching this lesson (big ideas, enduring understandings, essential questions) … & addresses how the instructional strategies and the student activities are suited to meet the standard and objective of the lesson… & explains how the assessment is a valid and reliable way to assess student learning. Both CA Content and ELD Standards are identified and each is addressed in an objective that contains a condition, verb, and criteria & each objective is labeled by the type (cognitive, affective, psychomotor or language) and the number of the standard it addresses & identifies which of the six facets of understanding it is designed to address. Rationale 10% Standards and Objectives 20% Assessment 10% Provides an assessment for each objective and articulates if it is diagnostic, entry-level, formative or summative assessment & clearly communicates to students about the expectations (rubric) & provides a sample of student work. Differentiation 10% Describes the students differentiation strategy for the individual students… & labels the strategy (lesson content, process or product) and the way it addresses the students identity and developmental needs (readiness, interest or learning profile)… & provides how the strategy will be assessed for effectiveness and altered if needed. Instructional Strategies 15% Provides an into, through and a beyond activity for lesson… & describes in detail the steps the teacher will take to implement the lesson and any need materials (i.e. graphic organizer, ppt, model, rubric)… & provides script for teacher and times for each activity. Student Activities 15% Describes what the students will do during the into, through and beyond activity of the lesson… & each activity is student centered with multiple opportunities for the instructor to check for understanding… & provides times for each activity. Resources 5% All instructional materials needed to implement the lesson are listed/described. All instructional materials that are needed to implement the lesson are provided, such as power point, graphic organizer, sample student work, assignment rubric, quiz... & all materials listed for the unit are listed and/or provided. Provides a copy of the rubric with the lesson plan… & highlights or circles the evaluated criteria for each lesson component… & provides evidence for each criteria marked. Self-Evaluation (10% will be deducted if not included)