The Story of Babe Ruth

The Babe Ruth Story
Base 6
George Herman Ruth, also know as Babe Ruth, was born on February 106 , 124356 in Baltimore
Maryland. He went on to become one of the most famous baseball players that the world has
ever known.
He played first for the Boston Red Sox from 125106 to 125156 and later was traded to the New
York Yankees. Babe Ruth played for the New York Yankees from 125206 to 125426 . Prior to
his being traded to the Yankees, the Boston Red Sox won 56 of the first 236 World Series. After
being traded to the Yankees the Red Sox did not win a World Series until 131406 . This drought
was referred to as the “Curse of the Bambino”.
Babe Ruth had many nicknames including “The Great Bambino”, “The Babe”, “The Sultan of
Swat”, and “The Home Run King”. As an adult he stood 106 feet 26 inches and weighed 5556
pounds. He played several positions including first base, outfield and pitcher. But he is best
known for his ability to hit the baseball. He batted lefty and used a custom made Louisville
Slugger bat that weighed 1106 ounces and was 1006 inches in length.
During his professional baseball career, Babe Ruth played in a total of 153316 games. He was at
bat 1025156 times. He had 211456 hits of which 22046 were doubles, 3506 were triples, and
31506 were homeruns. His batting average was 13306 and he had 141236 runs batted in (RBI).
He scored 140226 runs.
-2The Babe is best known for his record that stood for 1556 years. This is his record for the most
homeruns in a single regular season. Babe Ruth hit 1406 homeruns during the 125316 season.
Babe Ruth ended his career in 125436 after playing one year for the Boston Braves. On August
126 , 130046 , Babe Ruth passed away. To this day, his fans are still trying to have the New York
Yankees retire his jersey – number 36 .
In 131306 , both Sammy Sosa with the Chicago Cubs and Mark Maguire of the Saint Louis
Cardinals broke Babe Ruth‘s record. Sammy Sosa hit 1506 homeruns and Mark Maguire hit
1546 . Mark Maguire currently holds the record.
-3Answer each of the questions using base 10 numbers (unless indicated).
1. What is George Herman Ruth’s date of birth?
2. What are Babe Ruth’s height and weight?
3. How large was his bat (both length and weight)?
4. When did he play for the Boston Red Sox?
5. How many hits did Babe Ruth have?
6. How many doubles, triples and homeruns did “The Great Bambino” hit?
7. How many singles did the “Sultan of Swat” have (both base 6 and base 10)?
8. How long did his homerun record stand and in what year was it broken?
9. Who holds the record for the most homeruns and what is the record?
10. In what year did “The Babe” die?