E x p lo r e r s o f A f r ic a P r in c e H e n r y t h e N a v ig a t o r (1394-1460) Portugal G o a l s o f e x p lo r a t io n : establish a Christian empire in western Africa find new sources of gold create maps of the African coast funded by Henry the Navigator led to more Impact: Trips exploration of western Africa B a r t o lo m e u D ía s (1450-1500) Portugal Rounded the southernmost tip of Africa in 1488 G o a l o f e x p lo r a t io n : find a water route to Asia Im p a c t: Led the Portuguese closer to discovering a water route to Asia Vasco d a G am a (1460s-1524) Portugal Rounded the southernmost tip of Africa; Reached India in 1498 find a water route to Asia G o a l o f e x p lo r a t io n : Im p a c t: Found a water route to Asia and brought back jewels and spices, which encouraged further exploration E x p lo r e r s o f t h e C a r ib b e a n C h r is t o p h e r C o lu m b u s (1450-1506) Spain In 1492, Columbus sailed the ocean blue (He sailed again in 1493, 1498, and 1502) G o a l o f e x p lo r a t io n : find a water route to Asia the New World and led to Impact: Discovered exploration of the Americas V a s c o N ú ñ e z d e B a lb o a (1475-1519) Spain Discovered the Pacific Ocean and the Isthmus of Panama in 1513 further exploration of the New World G o a l o f e x p lo r a t io n : the Pacific Ocean and a new Impact: Discovered passage for exploration E x p lo r e r s o f S o u t h A m e r ic a F e r d in a n d M a g e lla n (1480-1521) Spain Magellan's ships completed the first known circumnavigation of the globe. Goal of exploration: find a water route to Asia across the Pacific a new passage between the Impact: Discovered Atlantic and Pacific Oceans F r a n c is c o P iz a r r o (1470s-1541) Spain Conquered Peru and the Incan empire for Spain in 1532-38 seeking gold and silver for Spain G o a l o f e x p lo r a t io n : Impact: Spread Spanish influence in South America E x p lo r e r s o f N o r t h A m e r ic a Ju a n P o n c e d e L e ó n (1474-1521) Spain Explored Florida in 1513 and 1521, but likely thought it was a Caribbean island G o a l o f e x p lo r a t io n : seeking gold for Spain Impact: Explored mainland North America H e rn á n C o rté s (1485-1547) Spain Led by a Spanish castaway, Cortés came into contact with the Aztec empire, which he conquered for Spain in 1521 G o a l o f e x p lo r a t io n : seeking gold for Spain Conquered the Aztec Empire; brought Spanish crops, Impact: animals, language, laws, customs, and religion H e rn a n d o d e S o to (1496/8-1542) Spain Traveled through Florida west into the continent in 1539-42 Goal of exploration: seeking gold, silver, and jewels Impact: First known European to cross the Mississippi River F r a n c is c o V á z q u e z d e C o r o n a d o (1510-1554) Spain Traveled through through modern-day Arizona and New Mexico and into modern-day Kansas “golden cities,” which were actually Goal of exploration: fabled Adobe pueblos up the Southwest of the modern-day US to Impact: Opened Spanish settlement Jo h n C a b o t (1450-1500) England Explored the northeastern coast of North America, 1497-98 a northwest passage through the New World to the Orient G o a l o f e x p lo r a t io n : Impact: Established an English presence in North America G io v a n n i d a V e r r a z z a n o (1485-1528) France Sailed from France up the northeastern coast of North America to Nova Scotia in 1524 G o a l o f e x p lo r a t io n : establish a presence in the New World for France Impact: Helped to establish a French claim in North America Ja c q u e s C a r t ie r France (1491-1557) Explored the St. Lawrence River as far inland as modern-day Montreal in 1534 Goal of exploration: establish a presence in the New World for France to establish a French presence in Impact: Helped modern-day Canada S ir F r a n c is D r a k e England (1540s-1596) Circumnavigated the globe; explored the coast of California, claiming it for England; and returned to Europe through the Pacific, Indian, and Atlantic Oceans G o a l o f e x p lo r a t io n : establish English presence in the New World and assert English dominance over Spain to an increase of tensions between Spain and Impact: Led England