RECENT LIBRARY ACQUISITIONS LA SIERRA UNIVERSITY LIBRARY NOVEMBER & DECEMBER 2015 PLEASE NOTE. The titles below are classified into general subject areas based on the Library of Congress classification system, which does not always reflect the university’s departmental divisions. Please direct any questions concerning this list to David Ramos, Cataloging Assistant, at extension 2404. PHILOSOPHY B945.R284 R39 2015. Rawls and religion. BD436 .B755 2015. On romantic love: Brogaard, Berit. PSYCHOLOGY BF181 .C73 2012. Understanding the new statistics: Cumming, Geoff. BF441 .T45 2015. Thinking theologically: BF636.6 .A45 2014. Counseling in the family law system: Allen, Virginia B. BF637.C6 P264 2014. Assessing and treating culturally diverse clients: Paniagua, Freddy A. BF698 .L545 2014. Me, myself, and us: Little, Brian R. BF724.55.C63 R33 2015. The aging mind: Rabbitt, Patrick. BF1283.F7 S78 2005. The reluctant spiritualist: Stuart, Nancy Rubin, 19441 BF1576 .S35 2015. The witches: Schiff, Stacy, author. ETHICS BJ1251 .O3634 2014. Finding and seeking. O'Donovan, Oliver. RELIGION BL1238.52 .J35 2015. Selling yoga: Jain, Andrea R., author. Thesis.BM496.9.H4 L46 2011. Hell under construction: Leno, Michael L., 1954Her. BP605.N48 H69 2014. Meet it: Howard, Rick. BR99.74 .W55 2000. The internet church. Wilson, Walter P., 1938Thesis.BR195.W6 H6 1993. The leap of faith. Hodge, Sandra S. BR1719.W5 W5. Pioneer prophetess: Wisbey, Herbert A. (Herbert Andrew), 1919BS449 .G5. The translation debate: Glassman, Eugene H. BS476 .K545 2004. Introduction to biblical interpretation. Klein, William W. (William Wade). BS511.3 .W758 2015. Writing theologically. BS575 .L56 1967. All the women of the Bible: Lockyer, Herbert. BS592 .M64 1982. Living messages of the books of the Bible. Morgan, G. Campbell (George Campbell), 1863-1945. 2 Her. DVD.BS649.A68 F57 2005. The Final battle. BS651 .F67 2015. Genesis versus Darwinism: Ford, Desmond. Her.BS651 .G45 2015. The Genesis Creation account and its reverberations in the Old Testament. BS658 .W5 1961. The Genesis Flood; Whitcomb, John Clement, 1924BS680.M57 R34 2014. The legacy journey: Ramsey, Dave. BS680.S63 V37 2015. Beyond apathy: Vasko, Elisabeth T., author. BS1186 .A8713 2015. The Jews and the Bible. Attias, Jean-Christophe, author. BS1203 .P48 2002. The message: BS1325.2 .P65 1989. Samuel and the Deuteronomist: Polzin, Robert. BS1415.53 .S46 2013. Job 1-21: Seow, C. L. (Choon Leong). Her.BS1556 .W56 2003. Daniel: Wilson, Larry W. BS2325 .C63 1992. The quest for the original text of the New Testament. Comfort, Philip Wesley. BS2575.2 .C38 1987. When Jesus confronts the world: Carson, D. A. BS2615.2 .C37. The farewell discourse and final prayer of Jesus: Carson, D. A. 3 BS2665.3 .H78 1991. Romans: Hughes, R. Kent, 1942BS2695.4 .H84 1990. Ephesians: Hughes, R. Kent, 1942Her.BS2825.2 .W552 2009. A study on the seven trumpets, two witnesses, and four beasts. Wilson, Larry W. BS2825.52 .H34 2015. Worlds at war, nations in song: Valentine, Kendra Haloviak, author. Thesis.BT83.595 .B87 2013. Christ and His church: Burdette, Matthew. BT121.2 .L62 1995. All about the Holy Spirit. Lockyer, Herbert. BT160 .S367 2015. Pathways in theodicy : Scott, Mark S. M., author. BT220 .L63 1995. All about God in Christ. Lockyer, Herbert. Her.BT304 .W55 2014. Jesus, the Alpha and the Omega. Wilson, Larry W., author. BT380.3 .L86 2015. Jesus' Sermon on the Mount: Lundbom, Jack R., author. BT746 .F35 2012. A faith embracing all creatures: Thesis.BT836.2 .L46 2010. Who invented hell?: Leno, Michael L., 1954Her.BT876 .V26 2005. An innovative approach to holy history: VanDenburgh, John L. BT885 .L62 1998. All about the second coming: Lockyer, Herbert. 4 BT966.2 .L63 1995. All the angels in the Bible. Lockyer, Herbert. Thesis.BV6 .M43 1997. Change and continuity in early Christianity: Mead, James. BV176.3 .W48 2000. Introduction to Christian worship. White, James F. BV230 .G47 2015. The disciples' prayer: Gibson, Jeffrey B. Thesis.BV2625 .D37 1999. Children of the East: Darnell, Karen Coy. BV4501.2 .S8965 1990. Stress fractures. Swindoll, Charles R. BV4526.2 .G37 1990. The family blessing. Garborg, Rolf, 1943BV4596.M3 I57 1996. Whole marriages in a broken world: Inrig, Gary. BV4801 .S64 1986. Spiritual awakening: BV4905.2 .L63 2001. All God's comfort. Lockyer, Herbert. BV4935.L43 A3 1995. Surprised by joy: Lewis, C. S. (Clive Staples), 1898-1963. BX5199.P56 A35 1984. The price of success: Phillips, J. B. (John Bertram), 1906-1982. Her.BX6111.5 .B67 2004. Born to die. White, Ellen Gould Harmon, 1827-1915. Her.BX6111.5 .E96 2014. Exodus: White, Ellen Gould Harmon, 1827-1915. 5 Her.BX6111.5.Z4 M67 2013. White lie soap: Morgan, Kevin L. BX6125.O7 W66 2015. Women and ordination: BX7343.C2 L6 2001. The life of Selina Campbell: Long, Loretta M. (Loretta Marie), 1971HISTORY CN350 .C66 1987. Greek inscriptions. Cook, B. F. HISTORY—OLD WORLD D16.14 .Y68 2015. Recording oral history: Yow, Valerie Raleigh, author. fD117 .M364 2014. The medieval world complete. fDS79.74 .I73 1993. The Iraqi invasion of Kuwait: DS79.764.A63 W55 2015. Extreme ownership: Willink, Jocko, author. DS288.3 .S73 2013. Lost enlightenment: Starr, S. Frederick. DT87.15 .C66 2014. The woman who would be king. Cooney, Kara. HISTORY, AMERICA & UNITED STATES E176 .A232. The Adams family, Adams, James Truslow, 1878-1949. E187.97 .W4 A3 1963. Up from slavery, Washington, Booker T., 1856-1915. E335 .K55 2015. Thomas Jefferson and the Tripoli pirates: Kilmeade, Brian, author. 6 E457.52 .H63 2015. Mourning Lincoln. Hodes, Martha Elizabeth, author. fF868.S156 Q35 1989. The Quake of '89: F869.R5 K55 1985. Adobes, bungalows, and mansions of Riverside, California. Klotz, Esther. F1923 .T85 1989. The Black Jacobins: James, C. L. R. (Cyril Lionel Robert), 1901-1989. FOLKLORE GR550 .W39 2014. Once upon a time: Warner, Marina, 1946- author. RECREATION GV715 .G83 2015. Fanaticus: Gubar, Justine. GV862.5 .S87 2014. Understanding baseball: Strecker, Trey, 1966DVD.GV1438 .B76 2012. Brooklyn castle. SOCIAL SCIENCES H61 .S4435 2015. The SAGE dictionary of qualitative inquiry. Schwandt, Thomas A., author. H61.8 .M56 2015. Crafting scholarship in the behavioral and social sciences: Milardo, Robert M. ECONOMICS & BUSINESS HB171 .C655 2015. Economics: Cleaver, Tony, 1947HB615 .K58 1989. Discovery, capitalism, and distributive justice. Kirzner, Israel M. 7 HC79.E5 S2155 2015. The age of sustainable development. Sachs, Jeffrey, author. HC110.P6 D86 2014. Worlds apart: Duncan, Cynthia M., author. HF1414 .P67 2008. On competition. Porter, Michael E., 1947HF5386 .C735 2004. Built to last: Collins, James C. (James Charles), 1958HG179 .B234 2004. The automatic millionaire: Bach, David. HG179 .R3149 2011. Dave Ramsey's complete guide to money: Ramsey, Dave. HG4910 .C728 2013. Jim Cramer's get rich carefully. Cramer, Jim. SOCIOLOGY HM291 .T42 1994. Theories of deviance. HN90.R3 B79 2015. Days of rage: Burrough, Bryan, 1961- author. HQ518 .S63 1990. The two sides of love: Smalley, Gary. HQ759.4 .E74 2015. On becoming a teen mom: Erdmans, Mary Patrice, author. HQ778.63 .P35 2014. In our hands: Palley, Elizabeth. HQ792.U5 H27 2014. The African American child: Harris, Yvette R. 8 HQ1413.S675 A3 2015. My life on the road. Steinem, Gloria, author. HT863 .J67 2010. Slavery in the Roman world. Joshel, Sandra R. (Sandra Rae), 1947HV699 .M85 2013. Multicultural perspectives in social work practice with families. HV1451 .Y68 2014. Clinical gerontological social work practice. Youdin, Robert, author. HV3198.A2 T73 2014. Transnational Pacific Islander Americans and social work: Her.HV5227 .W6 1883. Woman and temperance, or, The work and workers of the Woman's Christian temperance union. Willard, Frances Elizabeth, 1839-1898. HV5760 .N53 2015. Lighting up: Nichter, Mimi. HV6030 .C667 2015. Key concepts in crime and society. Coomber, Ross, author. HV7436 .C657 2014. The gun debate: Cook, Philip J., 1946HV9475.C2 C295 2015. Appealing to justice: Calavita, Kitty, author. POLITICAL SCIENCE JC596 .P747 2014. Privacy, big data, and the public good: JF51 .E218 2000. Today's isms: Ebenstein, Alan O. JK468.S4 U8 2015. U.S. national debate topic, 2015-2016. 9 EDUCATION LB880.F73 D37 2015. Freire and education. Darder, Antonia. LB1028.3 .C54 2014. Personal electronic device usage, learning styles, and academic achievement of college students in Taiwan. Chen, Ru-Shan. LB1033 .K533 2014. Authority and the teacher. Kitchen, William H., author. LB1044.87 .M275 2014. Massive open online courses: LB1590.5 .B44 2015. Teaching for creativity in the common core classroom. Beghetto, Ronald A., 1969LB2331 .V36 2015. From the Confucian way to collaborative knowledge co-construction. LB2331.6926.N6 G4 2014. Navigating the pathway to leadership: George, Pamela J. LB2343.6 .U82 2015. Understanding and addressing commuter student needs. LB2810.4.C2 S47 2014. Accreditation follow-up: Serafin, Marsha Jean. DVD.LB2820 .N49 2015. The new public. LB3013 .H59 2013. Fostering grit: Hoerr, Thomas R., 1945DVD.LC146.6 .G72 2013. The graduates = LC586.S48 N86 2014. Parental perceptions of Seventh-day Adventist early childhood education and carecenters in Southern California. Nwosu, Edith E. LC2781 .E96 2015. Exploring diversity at historically black colleges and universities: 10 DVD.LC3726 .I2 2013. I learn America. LC5219 .T66 2015. Transnational migration, social inclusion, and adult education. MUSIC fM22.B11 W658. The well-tempered clavier. Bach, Johann Sebastian, 1685-1750. M2117 .C44 1997. The celebration hymnal: ML172 .P68 2013. The art of grafted song: Plumley, Yolanda, 1962- author. ML390 .N46 1986. The New Grove French Baroque masters: ML390 .N4667 1986. The New Grove Russian masters. ML390 .N467 1985. The New Grove turn of the century masters: ML390 .N47 1986. The New Grove twentieth-century English masters: ML390 .N48 1986. The New Grove twentieth-century French masters: ML410.B4 K49 1983. The New Grove Beethoven. Kerman, Joseph, 1924-2014. ML410.H13 D375 1983. The New Grove Handel. Dean, Winton. ML410.H4 L323 1983. The New Grove Haydn. Larsen, Jens Peter, 1902-1988. ML410.V4 L36 2014. Verdi: Lederer, Victor. ML419.P4 H34 2013. Bird: Haddix, Chuck. 11 ML420.S672 A3 2015. M train. Smith, Patti, author. DVD.ML700 .H578 2013. The history of the pianoforte: ML3003 .A53 2014. St. Anne in Renaissance music: Anderson, Michael Alan, 1975- author. ML3545 .W67 2009. Worlds of music: ML3550.5 .D66 2014. "I hear America singing": Donaldson, Rachel Clare, author. ML3795 .K47 2003. "Aria ready": Kirkpatrick, Carol. MT6.5 .A55 1986. Anthology for musical analysis. fMT6.5 .E37 1969. Eighteenth-century imitative counterpoint: MT35 .M72 1994. Learning to sight-read jazz, rock, latin, and classical styles. Montgomery, Bob. MT50 .O924 1983. Elementary harmony: Ottman, Robert W. MT825 .W18 1995. Adventures in singing: Ware, Clifton. MT870.B485 N5 1986. A new approach to sight singing. Berkowitz, Sol. FINE ARTS Her.N6537.M45 A4 2014. I am still an artist: Mejia-Krumbein, Beatriz. NC965.85 .M38 2008. A picture book primer: Matulka, Denise I. 12 APPLIED ARTS NK4623.5.G7 L668 1985. Greek vases. Williams, Dyfri. LANGUAGE & LITERATURE P117 .E46 2002. Language, cognition, and the brain: Emmorey, Karen. DVD.P117 .W67 2005. A world of gestures. PL782.E3 P45 1998. The Penguin book of Japanese verse. PN1707 .M535 2014. Acting on the script. Miller, Bruce J., author. PN1992.4.R46 A3 2015. Troublemaker: Remini, Leah, 1970- author. Her.PN1992.5 .W34 2008. I will lift up my eyes. Wagner, Evelyn. PN1993.5.I8 J673 2015. Bollywood's India: Joshi, Priya. PN1995.9.A8 Z33 2014. Flicker: Zacks, Jeffrey M. PN1996 .S38 2014. Screenwriting. PN2061 .T525 2015. Why acting matters. Thomson, David, 1941- author. PN3171 .J6 1989. Impro: Johnstone, Keith. PN4756 .E815 2015. Ethics for digital journalists: PN4867.2 .B38 2015. Engaged journalism: Batsell, Jake. 13 PN6069.W65 W625 1994. Women of words: PN6725 .B37225 2015. Funnybooks: Barrier, J. Michael, author. PN6727.J573 I53 2008. Incognegro. Johnson, Mat. ENGLISH LITERATURE PR4303 .D83 1999. Robert Burns: Burns, Robert, 1759-1796. PR6023.E926 P5 2014. The Pilgrim's regress. Lewis, C. S. (Clive Staples), 1898-1963. PR9265.9.J358 B75 2014. A brief history of seven killings: James, Marlon, 1970- author. AMERICAN LITERATURE PS509.U52 P37 2003. A patriot's handbook: PS688 .B47 2005. The best American essays 2005. PS3515.E37 A6 1997. The short stories. Hemingway, Ernest, 1899-1961. PS3559.R8 A95 2015. Avenue of mysteries. Irving, John, 1942PS3568.E28 C5. City of night. Rechy, John. PS3569.M5375 E847 1996. Eternally yours. Smith, Jack, 1916-1996. PS3569.O6547 B45 1963. The benefactor, Sontag, Susan, 1933-2004. 14 JUVENILE LITERATURE Juv.PZ7.S4654 Mar 2015. The Marvels. Selznick, Brian, author, illustrator. MATHEMATICS & COMPUTER SCIENCE QA10.5 .S74 2014. Female mathematics teachers' perceptions of how their life and educational experiences influenced academic and career choice. Stewart-Ximines, Sandra. PHYSICS QC125.2 .F74. Newtonian mechanics. French, A. P. (Anthony Philip), 1920QC793 .K73 2014. CERN: Krause, Michael, 1956- author. QC793.28 .F49 1987. Elementary particles and the laws of physics: Feynman, Richard P. (Richard Phillips), 1918-1988. QC925 .B315 2015. Rain: Barnett, Cynthia, 1966CHEMISTRY QD462 .T43 2014. Quantum chemistry: Thakkar, Ajit J., author. GEOLOGY QE523.L25 W58 2015. Island on fire: Witze, Alexandra, author. NATURAL HISTORY DVD.QH91 .L58 2015. Living waters: QH366.2 .K326 2014. Understanding evolution. Kampourakis, Kostas, author. QH528 .D84 2009. Mr. Jefferson and the giant moose: Dugatkin, Lee Alan, 196215 BOTANY QK495.G74 S623 2014. Field guide to grasses of California. Smith, J. P. (James Payne), 1941ZOOLOGY QL76.5.N7 B73 2012. Zooland: Braverman, Irus, 1970- author. ANATOMY & PHYSIOLOGY QP141 .W378 2013. Contemporary nutrition. Wardlaw, Gordon M. MEDICINE RA645.O23 C64 2014. A big fat crisis: Cohen, Deborah (Deborah Ann). RC523.2 .K68 2015. The theft of memory: Kozol, Jonathan, author. RD592.8 .M37 2015. Do no harm: Marsh, Henry, 1950- author. RG852 .Z58 2010. Postpartum mood disorders: Zittel, Kimberley. RJ503 .P35 2015. Understanding the mental health problems of children and adolescents. Painter, Kirstin, 1963- author. AGRICULTURE SF140.L58 F332 2013. Factory farming. HOME ECONOMICS TX357 .S265 2015. Food ethics: Sandler, Ronald L. TX392 .P88 2008. Sins of the flesh: Preece, Rod, 193916 BIBLIOGRAPHY Z1003.2 .S58 2014. The slow book revolution: Z1037.A2 H36 2014. Reading the art in Caldecott Award books: Hammond, Heidi K., 1953- author. 17