1 - Secretaria de Estado da Educação do Paraná

Proposta de Produção Didático-Pedagógica
apresentado à SEED – Secretaria de Estado
da Educação, como parte integrante do PDE
– Programa de Desenvolvimento Educacional.
Orientadora: Prof. Rosangela A.Alves Basso
INSTITUÇÃO DE ENSINO SUPERIOR– UEM - Universidade Estadual de Maringá
Professor Orientador IES: Rosângela A.Alves Basso
Professor PDE: Marina Aparecida Marques
Área PDE: LEM – Inglês
NRE: Loanda
Educar hoje é mais difícil porque a nossa sociedade com todo o avanço
tecnológico existente, se tornou mais complexa (MORAN, 2004). No entanto faz
parte do nosso papel como educadores buscar o aprimoramento necessário para
que possamos atuar com eficiência frente a este novo desafio.
As DCEs de LEM (2006) propõem que as aulas de Língua Estrangeira,
representem um espaço de construção para o aluno, através do qual ele possa
reconhecer e compreender a diversidade lingüística e cultural existente. Além de
compreender que a língua como prática discursiva não é neutra. Tal proposta
apóia-se nas Teorias do Círculo de Bakhtin que propõe o ensino através dos
gêneros discursivos.
Devido ao reduzido espaço de tempo para a aplicabilidade do projeto na
escola, optamos por utilizar apenas o gênero discursivo música (clips), que
normalmente já faz parte da rotina diária da maioria dos estudantes, que gostam
de realizar diversas atividades ouvindo música, o que acaba resultando numa
empatia conjunta por este gênero, o que vem de encontro ao nosso principal
objetivo que é estimular o interesse dos alunos, do Curso de Formação de
Docentes, do Colégio Estadual Guilherme de Almeida-EFMN, pela aprendizagem
de LEM - inglês.
Ao elaborarmos o presente material levamos em conta ainda, a
necessidade de oferecer subsídios à prática pedagógica do professor de LEM
dentro da nova proposta, auxiliando-o não apenas na sua compreensão, mas
principalmente incentivando a utilização dos recursos tecnológicos existentes na
própria escola, uma vez que além de utilizar a TV Multimídia, o material oferece a
oportunidade para a utilização do Laboratório de Informática da Escola, para
acessar os clips selecionados , todos do site http://www.youtube.com .
Cabe ressaltar ainda, que a escolha do gênero discursivo música, foi devido
a sua relevante importância como forma de expressão cultural, que veicula valores
estéticos, ideológicos, morais, religiosos, lingüísticos, etc. Além disso, ao
trabalharmos com a música, através de “clips”, temos ainda a oportunidade de
explorar a riqueza imagética existente nos mesmos, além de podermos analisar a
relação de tal recurso visual com a letra da música, o que segundo as DCE/LEM ,
p.40), é muito importante no trabalho pedagógico, na medida que auxiliam os
alunos a interferir sobre o tema e sentidos dos textos.
Para a elaboração deste material utilizamos ainda como base teóricometodológica o Interacionismo Sócio-discursivo de Bronckart e Dolz Schneuwly,
que ancorou toda a estruturação das seqüências didáticas utilizadas.
Enfim , esperamos que este material consiga atingir todos os objetivos
didático-pedagógicos propostos, servindo de instrumento para a melhoria do
processo de Ensino -aprendizagem de LEM- Inglês .
Do you like music?
What kind of music do you like?
Do you think that it is possible to learn English through music?
What musical genre do you consider easier to learn English Language ?
Pre reading Activities
1) Read the box below and complete according to the genres:
Reggae, Pop, Soul R&B (rhythm & blues), Country .
It combines rhythm and blues and gospel music, Soul R&B
originating in the United States . According to the Rock and
Roll Hall of Fame and Museum , it is "music that arose out of
the black experience in America through the transmutation
of gospel and rhythm & blues . .Some big names from this
genre are: Brian Mcknigt, Whitney Houston, Diana Ross,
Aretha Franklin, entre outros.*
It was originated in Jamaica in the late 1960s. It’ s a
mixture of traditional African and Caribbean music, as
well as by American rhythm and blues. The biggest names
this genre is Bob Marley, other big singer is: : Jimmy Cliff.
Then the S.O.J.A. Band (Soldier of Jah Army).*
Since the 1950s, the term has been used to designate a Pop
musical genre, originally characterized as a lighter
alternative to rock & roll.. * The big names this genre are:
Westlife Band, Celine Dion, Mandy Moore, Mariah Carey,
Brian Adams, Cyndi Lauper, entre outros.
It is a blend of popular musical forms originally found in Country
the Southern United States and the Appalachian
Mountains. It has roots in traditional folk music, Celtic
music, gospel music, and old-time music and evolved rapidly
in the 1920s. Others big names of this genre are: Kenny
Rogers, Bob Dylan e mais recentemente Shania Twain,
Billy Ray Cyrus, Tracy Lawrence entre muitos outros. *
*fonte - http://pt.wikipedia.org
Some Musical Genres!!!
Let us watch the clips and match the columns: (Choose the correct genre for
each song/singer)
(a) Heavy Metal
(b) Country
(c) Reggae
(d) Soul R&B
(e) Rock
(f) Gospel
(g) Jazz
(h) Pop
(i) Hip Hop
) Back At One - Brian Mcknight
) Flying without wings - Westlife
) África Unite - Bob Marley
) Achy Braky Heart - Billy Ray Cyrus
) Forever - Chris Brown
) What a wonderful world - Louis Armstrong
) Different world - Iron Maiden
) I Believe I can Fly - Yolanda Adams
) November in the Rain - Scorpions
Toda música é um texto, e como tal não é isento de sentido. As músicas
transmitem mensagens e defendem pontos de vista. Elas são carregadas de
ideologias, traços pessoais, culturais e sociais de quem as produziu. Por esta razão
é interessante conhecermos não apenas as letras das músicas, mas todo contexto
de sua produção, além é claro, de compreender a mensagem que ela quer passar.
Learning More About Music
3) Match the words with their meaning:
(1) refrain
(2) verse
(3) strophe
(4) rhyme
( 4 ) It`s a repetition of identical or similar sounds in two or
more different words and is most often used in poetry and
songs. It
also serves
powerful mnemonic
device, facilitating memorization.
( 2 ) It is a group of the verses.
( 3 ) It is generally considered to be a single line in a metrical
composition or in poetry.
( 1 ) From Vulgar latim refringere, "to repeat", and later from
Old French refraindre is the line or lines that are repeated in
music or in verse; the "chorus" of a song.
O termo “pop” num sentido
mais abrangente é usado para
qualquer estilo de
música popular, ou seja, música
que atinge a maior parte da
O termo “pop”
portanto pode se referir a
qualquer gênero popularmente
difundido de música (rock,
hip.hop, country, funk, soul, etc
How much do you know about pop music?
Do this questionnaire and find out!
a. Score your points: 1 for each yes and 0 for each no.
1. Have you ever dreamt of becoming a pop star?
2. Do you admire any pop singer or groups ?
3. Do you know what is the first step to becoming a pop star?
4. Do you have a favorite pop music radio station or TV
Programme pop music?
5. Do you have a favorite pop music style (country, rock,
heavy metal, hip-hop, rap, techno, house, dance, soul, etc)?
6. Do you have a favorite group or sole singer?
7. Do you like the clothes or the hair style of a particular
8. Do you play any instrument or sing at parties or bars ?
Questionnaire results
If you answered 8 yes,
yes you love pop music !!! You want to know all about pop music., certainly.
If you answered 6-7 yes,
yes you are interested in pop music as a fan.
If you answered 3-5 yes,
yes you will enjoy receiving informations about pop music.
If you answered 0-2 yes,
yes you may not be interested at all in pop music itself, but you will probably
enjoy knowing a little about pop music.
You are going to read a text about “A pop star’ s life”. Before that, match the
words to their translation:
a. hits
. além disso
b. efforts
. gravação
c. to perfect
. aperfeiçoar
d. to create
. esforços
e. besides
. sucessos
f. jetting off on tour
. criar
g. shooting
. viajando em turnês
Creating hits is not easy. In fact, only a part of a pop star’ s
job is singing or playing. Lots of time and efforts are spent
finding the right song, perfecting the final sound in the studio,
having new ideas…
Besides, you must think about promotion: jetting off on tour,
being interviewed on TV or radio programmes, shooting clips,
making people want to buy your CDs…
Being talented it isn’ t the guaranty of success.
However, there are compensations for this hard work! Many groups or sole singers
are successful and appear in magazines, on TV, posters, live shows, etc.
3) Mark T (true) or F(False) according to the text a pop star’s life :
a. The importance of pop stars depends on success themselves .( T )
b. It’ s not easy to create a hit. It requires lots of time and work, but there are many
success stories. ( T )
c. If you are a talented singer, you ‘ ll always achieve success.( F )
d. There is no hit if nobody buys the record. ( T )
e. A pop star’ a job is only singing/playing and jetting off on tours. ( F )
The best way of you learn about “Pop Music” is studying the
lyrics and the characteristics of a pop music. Then, you go know
now a successful Pop Band , the “Westlife”.
Westlife is an Irish pop band that was formed on July 3, 1998. They
were born in the Republic of Ireland. Over the years, Westlife's music has
evolved from teen pop to an adult contemporary sound, with an emphasis
on ballads. Their musical genres are : Pop, Teenpop, Adult Contemporany,
Pop Ballad and Big Band.
The members of the band are: Kian Egan,
Mark Feehily, Shane Filan, Nicky Byrne, e Bryan McFadden (de 1998 a
2004). One of the biggest success of the Band in the country was "Flying
Without Wings". "Flying Without Wings" was also included on the
soundtrack of the Warner Brothers film, "Pokemon 2000".
Reflect and answer these questions about Westlife’s a success song, in
A) One of the biggest success this Band is “Flying without wings” . What
can you infer from the title of this song?
B) This song says about the differents things that make people happy . What
about you? What does it make you happy? Make a list.
o Compare your list with a partner.
o Find in the class the top 10 things
Understanding the context
through images
Now, we are going to watch the “Flying without wings” clip. Pay attention to
everything on the clips:
• Clothes;
• Gesture;
• Scenery;
• People/Relationship.
6) Answers these questions with your own words in Portuguese:
a. O “clip” inicia com todos de preto caminhando por um corredor, iluminado por
estreitas frestas na parede, e após a metade da música o cenário muda
completamente. Você acredita que tal mudança representa algum tipo de mudança
na vida daquelas pessoas? Quais? O que as cores das roupas e a iluminação do
cenário demonstram?
b. Ainda no início do “clip” tem um menino sentado sozinho, surge então uma
figura feminina (aparecem apenas as pernas) que oferece a mão para a criança,
quando esta se levanta ocorre uma mudança. Que mudança é esta? O que esta
cena representa no contexto da música?
c. Aparece novamente uma criança sozinha, logo a seguir surge uma figura
feminina completa . Você acredita que seja a mesma criança ou são crianças
diferentes em contextos diferentes?
d. No final, algumas pessoas começam a flutuar, isso não ocorre ao mesmo tempo
para todas e nem com todas as pessoas que estão no ambiente. Por que você
acredita que isto ocorra?
Improving Your Vocabulary
7) The words below are from the song “Flying without wings”. Match the words with
their corresponding translations.
1. deny ( v.)
2. sharing (v.)
3. deepest (adj.)
4. cherish (v.)
5. sunrise (n.)
6. joy (s.)
7. begin (v.)
8. laugh (n.)
8) Now,
) começar
) alegria, prazer
) partilhando , dividindo
) riso, gargalhada, rir
) negar
) nascer do sol
) mais profundo
) acariciar, querer bem
(v.) - verb
(adj.) - adjective
(n.) - noun
watch the “clip” again , to complet the blanks.
Letra pesquisada no site www.vagalume.uol.com.br
a.Complete the verses with the words at side.
Everybody's _____________ for that something
One thing that makes it all complete
You find it in the strangest _________
Places you never knew it could be
Some find it in the face of their __________
Some find it in their lover's _________
Who can deny the joy it brings
When you've found that _________ thing
You're flying without wings
You'll _______ it in the deepest friendship
The kind you cherish all your life
And when you know how ______ that means
You've found that special thing
You're flying without wings
So, impossible as they may seem
You've got to ______ for every dream
‘Cause* who's to ______ which one you let go
Would have made you complete
Well for Me, It's waking up beside _____
To watch the sunrise on your face
To know that I can say I _____ you
In any given time or place
* ‘cause = ‘cos = because
b.Complete this strophe with one of the line in the box
1. And that’s the joy you take
2. Those are the things that make you mine
3. Cause you're my special things
And you're the place where my life begins
and you'll be where it ends
I'm flying without wings
I'm flying without wings
What do You
9) Answer these questions:
a. Which strophe(s) better describes what make the singer happy? Why?
b. Did you find any of the things pointed out in your list? What?
c. Does “ happiness” exist ? What is it?
d. Which statements best describes the message of this song?
a- Happiness can be found everywhere. It depends on you.
b- Finding a true love is the only way to be happy.
c- Not everybody can find happiness.
e. Do you believe that it’s possible to be happy alone? Why?
O uso do ing no final do verbo pode ter múltiplas aplicações.
Um uso comum é quando um verbo é colocado depois de uma preposição
Ex:She was accused of stealing (Ela foi acusada de roubo)
Há também verbos que obrigam o uso do ing no verbo
Ex. He enjoys dancing (Ele adora dançar).
Outro uso comum é no present continuous. Ex: He is dancing (Ele está
Present x Present Continuous
The Present Continuous is used to express:
1. An activity happening now
Ex.: They’re playing football in the garden.
2. An activity happening around now, but perhaps not at moment of speaking.
Ex.:She’s studying maths at university.
3. A planned future arrangement.
Ex I’m meeting Jane at 10 a.m. tomorrow.
Pode ser usado com : now, at this moment, at present (time adverbs)
ü Geralmente is verbos não sofrem modificações ao receber a terminação ing.
Ex. work - working
ü Se os verbos terminam em um único e, perdem o e ao receber a terminação ing.
Ex. love - loving
ü Verbos terminados em ie, mudam o ie para y ao receber a terminação ing..
Ex. die - dying
ü Se os verbos terminam em Consoante + vogal + consoante, dobra-se a última
consoante e acrescenta-se ing se a última sílaba for tônica.
Ex: swim - swimming
Forms : Afirnmative - Dad is working in his office at this moment.
Negative - My computer is not working now.
Interrogative - Are the boys running? Yes, they are/ No they aren’ t.
Contractec forms: isn’ t ( is not), aren’ t (are not).
The Present Simple is used to express:
1. A habit
Ex.: I get up at 7:30.
2. A fact which is always true.
Ex.: Vegetarians don’t eat meat.
3. A fact which is true for a long time.
Ex.: I live in Oxford.
Geralmente usado com : always, often, usually, frequently, sometimes, never,
seldom, every day, on Mondays , etc. (adverbs and locutions of frequency) .
ü A maioria dos verbos formam a 3ª pessoa do singular com o acréscimo de s.
Ex: work - works
ü Se o verbo termina em ss, sh, ch, x, z ou o, acrescenta-se es.
Ex: Kiss - kisses
wash - washes
fix - fixes
do- does
ü Se o verbo termina em y precedido de consoante, troca-se o y por ies.
Ex: try - tries
Forms : Afirnmative - I use the computer every day.
Negative - He doesn’ t have coffee in the morning.
Interrogative - Do Y]you use the computer every dau? Yes, I do. /No,I don’1 .
Contractec forms: don ‘ t (do not) , doesn’ t (does not)
10) What are the tenses in these two sentences? What is the difference between
a. Everybody's looking for that something
Present Continuous_- Uma ação que está acontecendo, mas talvez não
especificamente no momento da fala.______________________________
b. One thing that makes it all complete.
Present_Simple __- A fato que é sempre verdade ____________________
11) Complete using verbs in the parentheses in the correct verb
Virginy _____________ _____(smoke) too much. smokes
Kian ____________(play) guitar every day. plays
Marcy________________(play) violin now. is playing
We ________________(wake) up late every Sunday. wake up
My computer ______________(work negative) at the moment. is not working
I___________________ (begin) a new course in March. am beginning
Let’ s learn a new genre!!!
Warm up
Do you know these soundtracks?
Watch this clips and tick de correct alternative:
Pay attention!!!
1 . The song “ My heart will go on “ is soundtrack of the film/ series:
a. Smallville
b. Titanic
c. A Walk to Remember
2 . The song “ I have nothing “ is soundtrack of the film/ series:
a. O Guarda Costas
b. Ghost
c. Titanic
3 . The song “ Unchained Melody “ is soundtrack of the film/ series:
a. Smallville
b. Ghost
c. O Guarda Costas
4 . The song “ Only Hope “ is soundtrack of the film/ series:
a. A Walk to Remember
b. Batman Begins
c. Iron Man
5.The song “ Same Mistake “(James Blunt) is soundtrack of the short story :
a. A Favorita
b. Duas Caras
c. Caminhos do Coração
6.The song “ The Game of Life “(Scorpions) is soundtrack of the short story :
a. Malhação
b. Duas Caras
c. Caminhos do Coração
Soundtrack - The term refers to three related concepts: recorded music
accompanying and synchronized to the images of a motion picture,
television program or video game; a commercially released soundtrack
album of music as featured in the soundtrack of a film or TV show; and the
physical area of a film that contains the synchronized recorded sound.
Did you know that...
Amanda Leigh "Mandy" Moore (born April 10, 1984) is
an American pop singer, songwriter, actress, and fashion
designer. Moore became famous as a teenager in the early
2000s, after the release of her teen-oriented pop albums So
Real, I Wanna Be with You, and Mandy Moore. She has since
branched out into a film career, starring in 2002's A Walk to
Remember . The songs “Cry” and “Only Hope” are part of the
soundtracks of the film”A Walk to Remember”.
Giving Your Opinion
1) Did you watch the film “A Walk to Remember”?
What kind of film is this?.
We are going to watch the clip of the song “cry” (soundtrack this film), it shows a
little bit this love story.
1- Read part of the first and third strophes of the song and answer this questions
about them, in portuguese:
Verses of the strophe 1
It lasted forever (Durou para sempre)
And ended so soon (e terminou muito rápido)
You were all by yourself (você estava completamente sozinho )
Staring up at a dark gray sky (Brilhando em um céu cinzento)
Verses of the strophe 3
You were always the cold one (Você sempre foi frio)
But I was never that sure (mas eu nunca estive certa)
a. É possível algo durar para sempre e terminar muito rápido, conforme é
citado nos versos da primeira estrofe? Como você interpretaria isso?
b. Para a maioria das pessoas estar completamente sozinho ou pelo menos
se sentir assim, é uma situação muito difícil de superar. Você já se sentiu
desta forma? O que fez para resolver a situação?
c. Nos dois versos apresentados, da 3ª estrofe, a garota fala da aparente
frieza do rapaz. E ela parece não acreditar que ele seja realmente frio. Por
quê? E quanto a você, acredita que as pessoas podem mudar? Qual (is)
razão (ões) faria(m) com que você mudasse seu modo de ser e de agir?
d. O que significa na canção brilhar em um céu cinzento (verso 6, da 1ª
a) enfrentar adversidades e permanecer firme;
b) resolver problemas somente a luz do sol;
c) é possível brilhar mais que a luz do sol.
Teaching Vocabulary
2) Before watching the song’ s clip
1. feelings
2. to hold
3. soon
4. go away
“Cry”, match the words with their corresponding
5. staring up
6. deep inside
] depressa, logo, rápido, em breve
] ir embora
] escondidos, profundamente dentro
] sentimentos, sensações
] brilhando , resplandescendo
] agarrar, segurar, reter, manter
Play the clip again and circle the words you hear.
Letra pesquisada no site www.vagalume.uol.com.br
Singer - Mandy Moore
Writer - J. Renald
Strophe 2
Repeat Chorus
In places no one will mind/find
All your feelings so deep inside (deep inside)
It was now that I realized
That forever was in your eyes
The moment I saw you cry
The moment that I saw you laugh/cry
It was late in September
strophe 4
I wanted to hold you
I wanted to make it go away/way
I wanted to know you
I wanted/want to make your everything, all right....
strophe 5
I'll always remember...
It was/were late afternoon...
In places no one will find...
strophe 6
In places no one will find/mind
All your feelings so deep inside (forever was in your eyes)
It was now that I realized/ resolved
That forever was/were in your eyes
The moment I saw/see you cry
Thinking About...
4) Make an analysis about images and lyrics of this song and mark T for True
or F for False.
All youngster’s feelings were deep inside him eyes. (T)
When he cried, she understood that his feelings were inside of his eyes. (T)
She didn’ t want to know him. (F)
She was sure that he was very cold. (F)
She never forgot that afternoon in September (T)
She felt in love with him. (T)
He didn’t fall in love with her. (F)
They were happy for a very long time. (F)
They got married on the film. (T)
The young Jammie Sullivan was sick on the film. (T.)
The film ended with the young couple together. (F)
5) Complete the phrases:
a. The writer of this song is______________________________________
b. The writer’s intention in this song is______________________________
c. The song´s Message is _______________________________________
Let’ s learnTHE
Em inglês, "gospel", derivada do Inglês antigo "God-spell" que
significa good tidings, ou Good News, em Português, "boas
novas," aludindo ao Evangelho Bíblico que nos narra as "boas
novas ao mundo",ou seja, a vinda de Cristo ao Mundo.
Gospel music is a style of religious music that uses strong rhythms and
people singing in harmony. It is specially popular among black Christians in the
Southern USA. A common theme of most Gospel music is praise, worship or thanks
to God, Christ, or the Holy Spirit. Big names of the gospel music are: Aretha
Franklin, Ray Charles etc. Elvis Presley sang gospel music too, during all twenty
century. Several big singers of gospel music become singing in the church. *
* Fonte http/wikipedia.org
Teaching Vocabulary
1) Match the columns according to the meaning of the words:
Holy Spirit
propósito, intenção
culto, adoração, adorar
agradecimentos, graças
Espírito Santo
Céline Dion
Background information
Birth name
Years active
Céline Marie Claudette Dion
March 30, 1968 (age 40)
Charlemagne, Quebec,
Pop, rock,
adult contemporary
Celine is the youngest of
fourteen children born to
Adhémar Dion and Thérèse
Tanguay, both of French
Canadian descent. Celine
becoming a big sucess in her
City, with only 11 years old,
singing in français.
Celine learned English
only in 1989. In 1990, with
her first album (in English)
“Unison”, she was the top on
the hits parade. Although
Celine normally doesn’t sing
gospel music , her song “I
characteristics of this genre.
Fonte http/wikipedia.org - Informations about Celine Dion
2) Try to complete the lyrics replacing the pictures to words.
Pay Attention!!!
I Am your Angel
Celine Dion
too high, for you to
mountains /
All you have to do is have some climbing faith, oh yeah
too wide, for you to make it across rivers
All you have to do is believe it when you pray
And then you will see, the morning will come
And everyday will be bright as the
All of your fears cast them on me
I just want you to see...
I'll be your cloud up in the
I'll be your shoulder when you
I'll hear your voices when you call me
I am your
And when all hope is gone, I'm here
No matter how far you are, I'm near
It makes no difference who you are
I'm your angell
I am your angel
I saw the teardrops, and I heard you
All you need is time, seek me and you shall find
You have everything and you're still lonely
It doesn't have to be this way, let me show you a better day
And then you will see, the morning will come
And when it seems as if your end is drawing near
Don't you dare give up the fight
3) Check the meaning of the words in bold in phrases below:
So all of your fears, just cast them on me.
a. medos/lance, entregue
b. medos, perceba
c. medos, corra
2. All you have to do is believe it when you pray
b. pedir
c. sonhar
3. And when all hope is gone, I'm here
a. desilusão
b. esperança
c. medo
4. You have everything and you're still lonely
a. preocupado
b. feliz
c. solitário, sozinho
5. And when it seems as if your end is drawing near
a.está ainda distante
b. está aqui
c. está se aproximando
4) Read and reflect about lyrics of these songs and then answers these personal
a- Você classificaria esta canção como gospel? Porquê?
Levando em conta o contexto da vida real.Como você analisa os versos :
“E quando parecer que seu fim está próximo/Não se atreva a desistir da luta/Apenas coloque
sua confiança nos céus.” ...
c- Você acredita na afirmação feita logo no início da canção? Justifique.
“Nenhuma montanha é tão alta para que você escale/Tudo que você tem que fazer é
encontrar fé na escalada.
d- Analisando os comentários sobre a cantora Celine Dion e a letra da canção,
você acredita que esta canção tem a ver com a vida da cantora?Justifique
Future Tense
Usado para expressar ação ou previsão quanto ao futuro.
É usado com advérbios ou expressões que indiquem tempo futuro:
tomorrow, next, in July, on Monday, etc.
Ex.:We will study hard next year.
Para dar idéia de pedido.
Ex.: Will you open the door, please?
Pode ser usado shall ao invés de will para as 1ª s pessoas do singular e do
plural (I,we)
Afirmative Paul will travel tomorrow.
Negative Paul will not travel tomorrow.
Interrogative -Will Paul travel tomorrow? Yes, he will./No, he won’ t.
Contracted Forms - ! will (I’ll) , I will not (won’ t)
The Simple Past Tense
Expressa hábitos passados
Ex.:I walked to school when I was a child.
Expressa ações terminadas ou ocorridas em
um momento definido.
É geralmente usado com yesterday, last...,
ago, in..., etc.
Ex.: She arrived late yesterday.
Regular Verbs
Acrescenta-se d/ed ao verbo.
Ex.: Work - worked
play - played
Verbos terminados em y precedido de
consoante trocam o y por ied.
Ex.: Study - studied
cry - cried
Verbos terminados em consoante +
vogal+consoante, cuja sílaba forte é a
última, dobram a consoante antes do
acréscimo de ed.
Ex.: stop - stopped occur - occured
Afirm. - He worked hard yesterday.
Neg. - He did not work hard yesterday.
Int. - Did he work hard yesterday?
Yes, he did./ No, he didn’ t.
Irregular Verbs
Nas formas em que se usa ao
auxiliar did o verbo principal fica no
infinitivo sem to.
O auxiliar did não tem tradução.
O Verb “to be” é um verbo auxiliar,
faz as próprias formas interrogativas
e negativas.
Eles são irregulares porque não
seguem regras, portanto para
sabermos o passado e o particípio
passado de um verbo irregular,
precisamos consultar a lista de
verbos irregulares constantes dos
Afirm. - He went to the club yesterday.
Neg. -He did not go to the club
Int. - Did he go to the club yesterday?
Yes, he did./ No, he didn’ t.
5) Observe the words and write the verb form each
of them.
(These words are in the song)
Will see_______________________
saw __________________________
‘ m ___________________________
Shall find_______________________
Is drawing______________________
to see ________________________
‘ ll be ________________________
doesn´t have___________________
6) Choose the best alternative
to complete the sentence:
1. you _____ the place where my life _________.
a. are, begin
b. are, begins
c. is, begin
2. They ___________without wings now..
a. are fly
b. fly
c. are flying
3. Jammie _______________forever that late afternoon.
a. remembered
b. will remember
c. remember
4. He ______________the teardrops her last night.
a. see
b. saw
c. sees
Tick the correct alternative: (short answers)
1. Did you see he cry last night ?
a. yes, I see
b. No, I didn’ t. c. yes, I saw.
2. Will Jammie come home after 10:00?
a. yes, Jammie come.
b. yes, she will .
c. No, Jammie won´t come.
3. Does my brother work hard every day?
a. No, my brother doesn’ t work. b. Yes, he does.
4. Is the singer looking for that something?
a. Yes, the singer is looking.
b. No, he isn´t .
C. No, she doesn´t.
c. No, he isn´t looking.
8) Make questions to the answers given.
a. _____________________________________________________________
Yes, she’ll sing tomorrow night.
b. _____________________________________________________________
No, she won’ t play the guitar next Sunday.
c. _____________________________________________________________
Yes, they will travel in January, on a tour.
Putting your hands on
“Probably, conditions for hapiness have not been the same at
all times and at all places”.
9) Final Production :
a) Discuss the sentences below with your classmates, in Portuguese:
b) In groups of four or five students make the activities about the topic below to
present the conclusion in a Seminary in Portuguese:
1- Research the music genre and subgenres (each group will choose only one
genre, without repeating);
2 -Interview neighbors, friends and relative about preferred genre music;
3- Elaborate a graphic about musical preferences researched;
4- Prepare a video clip with the preferred music of the group (didactic video)
You can research material at home, but the video will be prepared at the
Laboratory, at school. Don’t forget!!! The images need to refer itselves the
music and it will have English legends.
5- Watch the film “Walk to Remember” at home, Compare the film and the clip.
After that discuss about both.
ADAMS, Yolanda. I Believe I can Fly. Disponível em:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jBPBfNlCHio. Acesso. Em 09.12.2008.
AMOS, E.; PRESCHES, Elizabet; PASQUALIN, Ernesto. Challenge. São
Paulo:Moderna, 2005.
ARMSTRONG, Louis . What a Wonderful World. Disponível
em:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vnRqYMTpXHc. Acesso. 09.12.2008.
BEATO-CANATO, Ana Paula Marques; CRISTOVÃO, V.L.L. O Desenvolvimento
de Material Didático com Base no Interacionismo Sociodiscursivo: Propostas,
Dificuldades e Contribuições. Londrina, UEL, 2007. Acesso em
20.07.2008 Disponível em www.Maxwell.lambda.ele.puc-rio.br/cgiin/PRG_0599.EXE/11980.PDF?NrOcoSis= 38945&CdLinPrg=pt.
BLUNT, James. Same Mistake. Disponível em
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b3c32wBYdU0. Acesso em 27.10.2008.
BROTHERS, The Righteous . Unchained Melody. Disponível em
:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pLxuT3ofg40. Acesso em 09.12.2008.
BROWN, Chris. Forever. Disponível em :
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hqogMy_50tU. Acesso em 09.12.2008.
CYRUS, Billy Ray. Achy Braky Heart. Disponível em
:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3EebObs-vC0. Acesso em 09.12.2008
DION, Celine Marie Caudette. My Heart Will Go on. Clip - disponível em:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ipMNbf4hb28 Acesso em 25.10.2008.
DION, Celine Marie Caudette; KELLY, R. I am your Angel. Letra - disponível em
www.vagalume.uol.com.br. Acesso em 23.07.2008. Clip - disponível em
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qNfQ-BYz9tg.com. Acesso em 25.07.2008.
HOUSTON, Whitney. I Have Nothing. Disponível em:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nm8KkmL5XeQ. Acesso em 26.10.2008.
MAIDEN, Iron. Different World. Disponível em :
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EgLuMQnnBKs. Acesso em 09.12.2008.
MARLEY, Bob . África Unite. Disponível em:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vnqGyzWPpp4. Acesso em 09.12.2008.
MCKNIGHT, Brian. Back At One. Disponível em :
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o7NLHFTchyk. Acesso em 09.12.2008.
MOORE, Amanda Leigh. Cry. Letra - disponível em www.vagalume.uol.com.br.
Acesso em 25.07.2008. Clip - disponível em http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wtbD3pv8Gk. Acesso em 26.07.2008. Trailer - disponível em
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bAF9VAcqW5Q. Acesso em 08.12.2008.
MOORE, Amanda Leigh. Only Hope. Clip - disponível em
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ofeDruIwTM. Acesso em 30.10.2008.
SCORPIONS. The Game of Life. Disponível em
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ycK9UAed8lY. Acesso em 09.12.2008.
SCORPIONS. November in the Rain. Disponível em
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bwu7ixmQk0c. Acesso em 09.12.2008.
WESTLIFE, Band. Flying without wings. Letra - disponível em
www.vagalume.uol.com.br. Acesso em 30.07.2008. Clip - disponível em
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h5l1G0wgiVY. Acesso em 02.08.2008.