Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology 1. Students graduating

Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology
1. Students graduating with a BSK degree will be able to effectively present
information orally and in writing and demonstrate proficiency in the use of
information technology. (All coursework)
1.1. Present information in an organized, clear and concise manner.
1.2. Use acceptable paragraph and sentence structure, with minimal grammar,
punctuation, and spelling errors, and demonstrate appropriate word choice, tone, and
1.3. Demonstrate acceptable presentation skills
1.4. Demonstrate acceptable use of visual aids to present information in an appropriate
and sophisticated manner, including design templates, color and animation schemes,
custom animation, and importation of relevant charts, tables, and graphics.
1.5 Formulate and define an information need clearly.
1.6. Use the Internet to conduct effective and efficient information search using public
library web sites and Internet search engines such as Google.
1.7. Use electronic communications such as MS Outlook to send, receive, and organize
information in a manner that increases both individual and group productivity.
1.8 Understand the ethical, legal, and social issues surrounding the use of information,
and access and use information ethically and legally.
2. Students graduating with a BSK degree will be able to identify muscle and
bone structure of the human body and how they work together to create
movement. (BIO 153 Anatomy and Physiology I, KIN 264 Movement Anatomy, KIN 274
Applied Movement Anatomy)
2.1. Identify the location of specific muscles and bones.
2.2. Describe the function of specific muscles and bones.
2.3. Analyze the biomechanical principles of human movement.
3. Students graduating with a BSK degree will be able to analyze current issues
that relate to the health and wellness of individuals, families, and communities.
(KIN 302 Contemporary Health Issues)
3.1. Identify health and wellness issues that are specific to individuals, families, and
3.2. Create a behavior modification plan for altering lifestyle habits that have a negative
4. Students graduating with a BSK degree will be able to integrate the
historical, philosophical, sociological, and scientific foundations of Kinesiology.
(KIN 303 Foundations of Kinesiology)
4.1 Develop a critical view of the nature and spectrum of the discipline.
4.2 Create a career project for long term goals in the field of kinesiology.
5. Students graduating with a BSK degree will be able to interpret physical
growth and development of humans and how it interacts with and influences
motor learning and performance. (KIN 332 Lifelong Motor Development)
5.1 Identify the stages of human growth and development.
5.2 Apply the stages of human growth and development to motor learning and
6. Students graduating with a BSK degree will be able to identify common
methods of treatment for typical athletic injuries/illnesses. (KIN 353 Care and
Prevention of Athletic Injuries)
6.1 Develop an understanding of the epidemiology of common sport injuries.
6.2 Identify common methods of treatment for typical athletic injuries/illnesses.
7. Students graduating with a BSK degree will be able to identify the
physiological principles of exercise. (KIN 383 Exercise Physiology)
responses and adaptations of the neuromuscular system to exercise.
responses and adaptations of the endocrine system to exercise.
responses and adaptations of the cardiorespiratory system to exercise.
role of bioenergetics in relation to exercise.
8. Students graduating with a BSK degree will be able to identify the
psychological impact of sport and exercise participation. (KIN Sport and Exercise
8.1 Describe the impact of sport and exercise participation on the psyche.
8.2 Describe the influence of the psyche on sport and exercise participation.
9. Students graduating with a BSK degree will be able to apply elementary
statistics to kinesiology. (KIN 473 Measurement and Evaluation in Kinesiology)
9.1 Demonstrate a mastery of experimental and quasi-experimental research methods.
10. Students graduating with a BSK degree will be able to describe the physical
development and needs of K-12 students. (KIN 363 Movement Experiences for
Children, KIN 403 Methods of Teaching Sport Activities I, KIN 413 Methods of Teaching
Sport Activities II)
10.1 Develop and implement appropriate physical activities for children in grades K-6.
10.2 Develop and implement appropriate physical activities for children in grades 7-8.
10.3 Develop and implement appropriate physical activities for children in grades 9-12.
11. Students graduating with a BSK degree will be able to identify possible
administrative challenges in departments of physical education. (KIN 423
Organizations and Administration of Physical Education)
11.1 Demonstrate an understanding of the concepts relevant to successful management
and administration of physical education.
11.2 Describe the principles that should be followed in establishing an effective
organization for physical education programs.