Mechanical Engineering - Bachelor of Science Curriculum ~ (Catalog Yr 2015-2016) Although this is a suggested outline - All courses listed below are REQUIRED for this degree. Refer to the Undergraduate Catalog for verification Student’s Name: UFID: Today’s Date: The tracking courses for MAE are: MAC2311, MAC2312, MAC2313, MAP2302, PHY2048, PHY2049, CHM2045 & Sci Elec: (CHM2046, BSC2010, PHY3101 or AST3018/3019) *asterisk means that they require a Grade of “C’ or better. All undergraduate students (except those transferring to UF with an A.A. degree from a Florida State/Community College or University) are required to satisfy: 15cr-Humanities/Social Science(H/SS); 3cr-Diversity(D); 3cr-International(N). {Some (D/N) courses will double count with H/SS courses, check the undergraduate catalog for further explanation, under “General Education Requirement”}. Writing Requirement-24,000 words(WR). Summer Requirement-9cr {Must be taken at any State of Florida University not State/Community Colleges}. Upper Division Courses that have an “#” next to them - requires a grade of “C” or better. Course Prefix and Number Semester 1 Cr 3 1 4 3 3 1 4 3 1 3 3 the Writing Program] [offered by ISE Dept] Semester 5 3 3 3 4 3 1 2 S Su S Su S Su S Su F S F S Analytical Geometry & Calculus 2 Physics with Calculus 1 Physics Lab 1 Computer Aided Graphics & Design (Laptop Req’d) Professional Communication for Engineers F F F F S Su S Su S Su S Su F S Chemistry Readiness Assessment Mathematics Placement Exam (ALEKS) ACT/SAT scores do not exempt this requirement All incoming freshmen w/out an AA degree MAC2311 MAC2311 ENC1101 or test score equivalency Social & Behavioral Sciences (Your Choice) F S Su Materials F S Su CHM2046/2096 BSC2010 PHY3101 AST3018/3019 F S Su CHM2045 Check catalog for Pre-requisites Analytical Geometry & Calculus 3 Physics with Calculus 2 Physics Lab 2 Computer Programming for Engineers Matlab F S Su F S Su F S Su MAC2312 MAC2312 & PHY2048 F S Su MAC2312 3 2 Engineering Mechanics - Statics Design & Manufacturing Lab F S Su F S Su PHY2048 EML2023 & ENC3246 & ME/ASE majors only 3 3 3 3 3 Humanities (State Core) Elementary Differential Equations (no substitutions allowed) Intro to Numerical Methods of Eng. Analysis Mechanics of Materials Thermodynamics F S Su F S Su FS F S Su F S Su MAC2312 MAC2313 & COP2271-Matlab EGM2511 & MAC2313 CHM2045 & MAC2313 & PHY2048 Social & Behavioral Sciences (Your Choice) Elements of Electrical Engineering F S Su F S Su MAC2313 & PHY2049 (15cr) GE – H *MAP 2302 #EGM 3344 #EGM 3520 #EML 3100 Semester 6 F F F F (15cr) *MAC 2313 *PHY 2049 PHY 2049L or 2054L COP 2271(Lab is optional) #EGM 2511 EML 2322L General Chemistry 1 / Chemistry for Engineers 1 General Chemistry Lab 1 Analytical Geometry & Calculus 1 Composition-[WR] (Ex: ENC1101 or any composition course) What Is The Good Life (Required) Departmental & Professional Orientation (9cr) GE – SS EMA 3010 *Science Elective (Pick 1) Semester 4 Pre-Requisites (14cr) *MAC 2312 *PHY 2048 PHY 2048L or 2053L EML 2023 ENC 3246 [offered by Semester 3(Summer) Projected Offer (15cr) *CHM 2045 or 2095 CHM 2045L *MAC 2311 GE – C GE - H {IUF1000} EML 2920 Semester 2 Course Title No Substitutions-Degree Audits will be updated to reflect this change (15cr) GE – SS EEL 3003 3 3 (Approved substitution: EEL3111C - Circuits 1 with Lab) #EGM 3401 EGN 3353C EML 3301C Semester 7 GE – H or SS EML 3005 EML 4140 EML 4220 EML 4312 Semester 8 EML 4321 EML 4304C Substitution EML 4314C EML 4502 or MAP 4305 Tech Elective Total Hours Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics Fluid Mechanics Mechanics of Materials Lab (Laptop Req’d) F S F S F S EGM2511 & MAC2313 EGM2511 & MAC2313 & EML3100 EGM3344 & EGM3520 & ENC3254 3 3 3 3 3 Humanities or Social and Behavioral Sciences Mechanical Engineering Design 1 Heat Transfer Vibrations Control of Mechanical Eng. Systems F S Su F S F S F S F S COP2271, EGM3520 & EML2322L (EAS4101 or EGN3353C) & MAP2302 EGM3401, EGM3520, EGM3344, MAP2302 EGM3401, EGM3344 & MAP2302 3 3 3 6 Thermal Systems Design & Lab Mechanical System Design or IPPD 2 Finite Element Analysis & Design F S F S F S (15cr) (15cr) EML 4147C EML 4501 or EML 4912 EML 4507 Tech Elective Semester 9 3 3 3 See back page for some approved courses (others will require a petition) EML3100 & EML3301C & EML4140 EGM3401, EGN3353C, EML2322L & EML3005 COP2271-Matlab & EGM3520 & EGM3344 Check catalog for Pre-requisites (15cr) 3 3 Manufacturing Engineering Specialization Elective: (Choose any 4000, 5000 or 6000 3 3 Dynamics & Controls System Design Lab Design Realization or Differential Equations for Engineers & Physical Scientist (if you’ve already taken EGM4313 it counts for this course) F S F S Su level course with an EAS, EGM or EML prefix) F S F S See back page for some approved courses (others will require a petition) 3 128 EGM3520, EMA3010 & EML2322L Engineering Research, Individual Study, Internship and Co-op credits will not count EML3301C and EML4312 EML4501 or EAS4700 or EAS4710 C or better in EGM3344 Check Catalog for Pre-requisites Revised 10/14/2015 MAE Approved Technical Electives for Mechanical Engineering (BSME) (Check the catalog for the appropriate pre-requisites @ The courses on this page CAN NOT double count for the Science Elective, but they will double count for the Biomechanics Minor If you want to take a course that is not listed on this page, you must complete a “Petition To Substitute For A Required Course” form. COURSE CR BME 5580 EAS 4132 EAS 4101 EAS 4200C EAS 4240 EAS 4300 EAS 4400 EAS 4412 EAS 4510 EAS 4530 EAS 4700 EAS 4710 EAS 4939 EGM 4473 EGM 4590 EGM 4592 EGM 4853 EML 3262 EML 3806 EML 4410 EML 4416 EML 4450 EML 4600 EML 4601 EML 4737 EML 4738 EML 4912 EML 4926 EML 4930 *EGN 4912 *EML 4945 *EAS/EML 4949 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 var 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 var 1 1 COURSE TITLE Microfluids and BioMEMS Compressible Flow Aerodynamics Aerospace Structures Aerospace Structural Composites 1 Aerospace Propulsion Stability and Control of Aircraft Dynamics and Control of Space Vehicles Astrodynamics Space Systems Design Aerospace Design 1 Aerospace Design 2 Special Topics Experimental Optimum Engineering Design Biodynamics Bio-Solid Mechanics Bio-Fluid Mechanics and Bio-Heat Transfer Kinematics/Dynamics of Machinery Geometric Modeling of Robotic Manipulators Combustion Engineering Solar Energy Energy Conversion Refrigeration Air Conditioning Fundamentals Heat & Air Conditioning System Design Hydronics & Pneumatics Hydraulic & Mechanical Power Transmission Integrated Product & Process Design 1 (IPPD 1) Mechanical Consulting Practice Electronic Packaging / Special Topics Engineering Research Internship/Co-op Work Experience 3 cr total combined will count towards degree *Note: A max of 8cr total for 4912/4945/4949 will count towards your degree EAS/EGM/EML ABE 3612C APK 2100C APK 2105C APK 3220C ART 3807C AST 3018 AST 3019 BCH 4024 BSC 2010 BSC 2010L BSC 2011 BSC 2011L BSC 2044L CDA 3101 CGN 4101 CHM 2046 CHM 2046L --4 4 4 3 3 3 3 4 3 1 3 1 2 3 3 3 1 All 5000 and 6000 level courses offered by MAE Heat & Mass Transfer in Biological Systems Applied Human Anatomy with Lab Applied Human Physiology & Lab Biomechanical Basis of Movement Media Experiments in Art & Technology Astronomy and Astrophysics 1 Astronomy and Astrophysics 2 Intro to Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Integrated Principles of Biology 1 Integrated Principles of Biology 1 Lab Integrated Principles of Biology 2 Integrated Principles of Biology 2 Lab Accelerated, Integrated Principles of Biology Lab Intro to Computer Organization Civil Engineering Cost Analysis General Chemistry 2 General Chemistry 2 Lab COURSE CR COURSE TITLE CHM 2054L CHM 2096 CHM 2200 CHM 2200L CHM 2210 CHM 2210L CHM 3120 CHM 3120L CHM 3217 CHM 3218 CHM 4411 EEE 3396 EEL 3112 EEL 3211 EEL 3701C EEL 3744C EEL 5666C EES 4201 EIN 4354 EGN 4641 EGN 4643 EGS 4038 EMA 3123 EMA 4121 EMA 4223 EMA 4714 ENU 4001 ESI 4161 ESI 4221C ESI 4327C MAA 4102 MAA 4211 MAA 4212 MAP 4305 MAS 3114 MAS 4105 MAS 4107 MAS 4156 NSC 2121 NSC 2122 OTH 3413C OTH 4412L PHY 3101 PHY 4550 PHZ 4710 PKG 3001 STA 3032 2 3 3 1 3 1 3 1 4 4 4 3 4 3 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 Accelerated General Chemistry Laboratory Chemistry for Engineers 2 Basic Organic Chemistry Basic Organic Chemistry Lab Organic Chemistry 1 Organic Chemistry 1 Lab Analytical Chemistry Analytical Chemistry Lab Organic Chemistry/Biochemistry 1 Organic Chemistry/Biochemistry 2 Physical Chemistry Solid State Electronic Devices Circuits, Systems and Signals Basic Electric Energy Engineering Digital Logic and Computer Systems Microprocessor Applications Intelligent Machine Design Lab Water Chemistry Engineering Economy Engineering Entrepreneurship Engineering Innovation Engineering Leadership Metallurgical Engineering Interfacial Engineering Mechanical Behavior of Materials Materials Selection and Failure Analysis Nuclear Engineering Analysis 1 Industrial Application of Microprocessors Industrial Quality Control Matrix & Numerical Methods in Systems Eng Intro Adv Calculus for Eng & Phys Scientists 1 Advanced Calculus 1 Advanced Calculus 2 Diff Equations for Eng & Physical Scientists Computational Linear Algebra Linear Algebra 1 Linear Algebra 2 Intro Vector Analysis Naval Ships Systems 2 - Weapons Naval Ships Systems 1 - Engineering Applied Kinesiology Musculoskeletal Anatomy Lab Intro to Modern Physics Cryogenics Intro to Biophysics Principles of Packaging Engineering Statistics Revised 10/14/2015