FEBRUARY - 2014 paynesvillebowls.com.au

Well, another very hot and busy month has
passed and I think we’re all well and truly looking
forward to a good wet spell.....but certainly not
during the Week of Bowls, which has just
successfully concluded...and what a week it was!.
This time five years ago we experienced the
fall-out and devastation from those terrible fires
that ravaged Victoria and a day that reached 46o .
This February we were a little luckier, but I’m sure
we all feel for those who’ve lost homes and livestock in our region.
Our bowling calendar and the District’s also took a bit of a beating
with quite a few cancellations and rescheduling due to the heat
and the fires. We did however manage to keep our Club events
going as scheduled....with a bit of last minute shuffling!
This Pennant Season, our ladies have done particularly well.
Our Div. 1 team however were dealt a very cruel blow... they
made it to the last rounds, only to miss out on their
scheduled play-off due to the heat, and therefore
didn’t get a crack at the finals. Our two ladies’ Div. 3
sides (Blue & Gold) did make it through and played off
for the Flag at Bairnsdale Golf on Tuesday, 11th
February . Though a one-sided game at the start, at
half time things started to pick up and the margin
between the two sides started to close... but despite
their great recovery, the ‘Golds’ were narrowly beaten
by the ‘Blues’. Nice too to see a good crowd of supporters on the
day, and our ladies certainly returned to the Club victorious and
ready to celebrate! So, well done all our pennant ladies and
reserves for trying your hardest for the Club and also to our men
who filled in when required....and thankyou to our hardworking
ladies’ Pennant Selection Committee...the hardest and most
unenviable job of all!
Left to Right Back Row: Jeanette Temple,
Jim Porteous, Marilyn
McGregor & Doreen
Front Row: Helen Seaborne,
Gail Sprakel, Shirley Bowler,
Sandy McDonald &
Judy Martin.
Left to Right –
Back Row: Frances McGrath,
Kate Porteous, Val Davis,
Pat Smith & Lois Haysom
Front Row: Gitta Peters,
Mary Andrews, Lori Smith &
Georgina White
Photos top to bottom:
1. Out on The
Founders Green
2. Trevor Ashby of
Paynesville caught in
3. Norm Trembath up
from The Valley.
Norm started the
Week of Bowls 16
years ago when he
was a member of
Paynesville and each
year it has got bigger
and better.
(If you want copies of
any of the photos
taken during WOB,
please let me know.)
Well, again we were truly blessed with the weather, although
things did look a little dicey on a few occasions....but what a
great tournament we had yet again with many of our old regulars
returning from far and wide. It was certainly a BIG week for
everyone at the Club and by the Friday afternoon, we were all
pretty exhausted. It’s a ‘ big ask’ for many of our older
members particularly, but everyone involved gave 100% - so if
you helped in anyway.... THANKYOU!
and well done
Paynesville again on a great effort all round. While we’re on the
‘thankyous’...most of us appreciate that we cannot run any
competition or tournament without sponsors, and more
importantly, somebody to get this sponsorship. As they say in
show business...”There ain’t no show, without a backer!”
Bob Davis has done, and continues to do, a tremendous job
acquiring and maintaining sponsorship for us and certainly
deserves a big round of applause. Thankyou Bob for what you
do on our behalf.....and to David McGrath for filling our greens
every day!
Wishes to thank the following for their donations of
raffle prizes, goods and services in support of the
February 17th to 21st 2014
------------------------------------------------Alma’s Restaurant Paynesville
AutoBarn Bairnsdale
Bairnsdale Trophy Centre
Bluewater Marine Centre Paynesville
Boathouse Pizza Bar & Grill Paynesville
Bret Ward Real Estate Paynesville
Bulmers Gift Salon Bairnsdale
Captovation Paynesville
Changing Tides Paynesville
Clasiqe Computers Paynesville
Coastcare Pharmacy Paynesville
Collins Bookstore Bairnsdale
Dahlsens Mitre 10 Bairnsdale
Ferry Café Paynesville
Fisherman’s Wharf Restaurant
Gascoignes of Gippsland
House & Gift Bairnsdale
Jac’s Hair Salon Paynesville
Jorjies Boutique Paynesville
Kasama Décor Paynesville
Kelly Flowers Paynesville
King &Heath Real Estate Paynesville
Lakes Krakajak Bairnsdale
L J Hooker Real Estate Paynesville
Members of our Club
Nulluk Day Spa Paynesville
Patties Foods Pty Ltd
Paynesville Bakery
Paynesville Foodworks
Paynesville Joinery
Paynesville Marine Electronics
Paynesville Wine Bar
Paynesville Newsagency
Paynesville Post Office
Paynesville Seafoods
PFD Food Services Pty Ltd Bairnsdale
Phylly’s of Payneseville
Resthaven Caravan Park Paynesville
Ritchies Super IGA Paynesville
Riviera Garden Supplies Paynesville
Riviera Meats Paynesville
Scarfwall Paynesville
Sleek Hair Design Paynesville
Sportsco Bairnsdale
Tham Dynasty Chinese Restaurant Paynesville
The Old Pub Paynesville
Tooheys Victoria
Vintex of Paynesville
Waterview Bakery Paynesville
Top: Pat Ardron & Ron Hanley...long time visitors from
Lake Conjola enjoying a laugh on the Anderson Green.
Bottom: Stewart Moorfield and Gervan Smith admiring
the new metal green- markers kindly made by our local
‘Men’s Shed’....thanks fellas for that....good job!
Ah, being young is beautiful, but being old is
comfortable. First you forget names, then you forget
faces. Then you forget to pull up your zipper... it's
worse when you forget to pull it down .
Ladies’ Section - President Jeanette Temple:
Congratulations to the Blue Pennant team on winning a
close Pennant Grand Final against Gold, it was a well fought
match, which had my heart in my mouth a couple of times.
The ladies’ Pennant luncheon was well attended at ‘Alma’s’ on
the 24th.
Well the Week of Bowls is over for 2014 and, from all
reports, it was a week to be proud of. Well done to everybody
who put the Carnival together and to all the members who
stepped in and helped with all the work that needed to be done
to get this week over the line. Many thanks also to the ladies
who step in and help their mates many times without being
Graeme Mc Cloy has done a great job painting the ladies
toilets. Thanks Graeme.
We now have Ladies Invitation day, Classic Pairs and
Friendship Day to look forward too.
The Corporate Bowlers are going well, 3 weeks to go then
they can have a rest and get their teams together for a longer
season in 2014/2015. They have been a big boost to the club
and we have a few new members from the Friday night players.
The 32 Yacht persons that turned up on the 14th had a fun
time. I heard lots of laughs while I was out there. Many thanks
to those members who loaned us their bowls for the evening.
We had “Mable Syrup” at the Club on Sunday 23rd from the
Music Festival with quite a few visitors coming along... some
Rock and Rollers and some Line Dancing Girls and other
persons who came along just to listen to some great music.
We will be hosting the EGBD Saturday Pennant Grand Final
this Saturday 1st March. Our Gold team in Div 2 will be playing
for a flag. So come along and support the Boys and let us Show
the EGBD what sort of show Paynesville can put on.
Hoping to see all our ‘not so well’ people back at the club
real soon. Good Bowling to all..... Pres. Jeanette
Men’s Section – President Colin Smith:
Our 16th Week of Bowls Carnival staged from 17-21 February
2014 was a resounding success. So many of our members
devoted so much of their own time to ensure the success of this
event – at the risk of leaving someone out I will not even attempt to
name them all but the way in which everyone pitched in and got the
job done was most impressive. More formal recognition of certain
members will no doubt be forthcoming in the near future.
As a further testament to the quality of our greens,
Paynesville has been selected as the venue for all Saturday
Pennant Grand Finals to be played on Saturday 1 March 2014.
Well done to David Seaborne and his crew. Our Division 2 Gold
Team will be playing in the Grand Final against Lakes Entrance.
There are still plenty of bowls coming up right through
March 2014 with the Men’s Club Fours Championships (a drawn
event) commencing on Sunday 2 March, our last Men’s Special
Triples for the season on Thursday 20 March, Club Mixed Pairs
Championships on Saturday and Sunday 22/23 March and our
annual Classic Pairs event on Saturday/Sunday 29/30 March.
Additionally, our hugely successful Friday Corporate
Bowls still has three more Fridays to run including finals – more
information on the format for the finals will be confirmed later.
Good health, good bowling and see you round the greens
.... Pres. Colin.
The latest Week of Bowls has made the Treasurer very
happy. Whilst the final expenses are still to arrive, it is fair to
say that we have recorded our best financial result ever.
Entries were up and thanks to the fine weather, bar sales are
also up, although the non mofility of the outside bar will need to
be reviewed for next year.
Thanks to Harry, Val and Beryl - the Table raffles were an
outstanding success, but the bowls' raffle was only OK.
Sponsorship under the "I can get blood out of a stone"
Davis was also a winner.
The Club has been well served from the week and I expect
that the full year result will be a cracker!!
....... Smiley Pete, Treasurer
from David Seaborne, Greens Mgr.
I wish to thank all the guys who assisted
in the presentation of the greens for the
Week of Bowls. A TOP JOB !! Latest
news is that Paynesville has been given
the GRAND FINAL of all divisions in the
men’s Pennant. We will present a great
day for this occasion I am sure.
The greens handled
the job very well ....the task now is to bring the greens up for the
Grand Final.
The Corporate Bowls has not affected the
greens. Lastly, I would like to remind all bowlers to PLEASE
check the board before commencing practice.
.... Good Bowling, David
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------While on the 'thankyous' for the WOB...a very BIG vote of
thanks to Andrew & Gavin of Clasiqe Computers who came
to our assistance with the projector for the electronic
scoring system we were using... and an even bigger
thankyou from me, as at the time of typing this, I'm using
their equipment at the shop....my PC finally blew a fuse
right on the last page!
The reason Politicians try so hard to get reelected is that they would 'hate' to have to
make a living under the laws they've
THE TOILET SEAT : Charlie's wife, Liz, had been after him for
several weeks to paint the seat on their toilet . Finally, he got
around to doing it while Liz was out . After finishing, he left to take
care of another matter before she returned . She came in and
undressed to take a shower . Before getting in the shower, she sat
on the toilet . As she tried to stand up, she realized that the notquite-dry epoxy paint had glued her to the toilet seat . About that
time, Charlie got home and realized her predicament. They both
pushed and pulled without any success whatsoever. Finally, in
desperation, Charlie undid the toilet seat bolts . Liz wrapped a
sheet around herself and Charlie drove her to the hospital
emergency room. The ER Doctor got her into a position where he
could study how to free her (Try to get a mental picture of this.) Liz
tried to lighten the embarrassment of it all by saying , "Well, Doctor,
I'll bet you've never seen anything like this before!" The Doctor
replied , " Actually, I've seen lots of them .... I just never saw one
mounted and framed!!
Jason McCloy and Ian Roberts competed in the Champion of
Champion Men’s Pairs on the 2nd February at Bairnsdale Golf.
They had a bye in the first round, and led all the way in the
second round, dropping back to 16 all ...only to go down on the
last end. A good effort nevertheless fellas.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------Two elderly women were in a beauty parlor getting
their hair done, when in walked a young chick with
a low-cut blouse that revealed a beautiful rose
tattooed on one boob. One woman leaned over to
the other and said, "Poor thing. She doesn't know
it, but in 50 years she'll have a long-stemmed rose
in a hanging basket."
I received the following message from one of our members, Mel
Dawson, who was happy for me to pass it on to you:
“Hi Judy, I just wanted to drop you a line, to acknowledge the
wonderful support we have had from our club members during the
pennant season, especially the away games. I didn't realise it until it
was mentioned to me by one of our competitors as to how well we are
supported, so a very sincere thanks to all. ............This was all I was
going to write, but after seeing and hearing on the news this morning.
Sunday February 23rd of the suicide of a vivacious and lovely young
lady named Charlotte Dawson due to depression. (No Relation) I had
to mention that if there is anyone in our club or if anyone knows of any
one suffering from this terrible illness, please talk about it and know
that there is help out there. I am not ashamed to admit that I have
suffered from this terrible illness some thirty two years ago, and also
feel no shame in telling other folks if it helps to bring it to the fore. If me
mentioning this assists just on person, it will have been worth it. I only
wish "Beyond Blue" was around when it happened to me. Regards Mel
....and thankyou Mel for your concern.
Granny’s Advice: Yes, our grandmothers still had
genuine knowledge of staying naturally healthy!!! My granny
lectured me about her practical knowledge: “For better
digestion, I drink beer, for loss of appetite I drink white wine, with
low blood pressure, red wine, with high blood pressure, cognac
and whenever I have a cold, I drink Vodka.” “And when do you
drink water?” “I have never been that sick!”
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Due to the cancellation of the men’s Pennant because of the
fires, this event was brought forward and played out on the
Saturday. In the semis, Bruce Andrews defeated Rob Fletcher
and Dennis Moroney defeated Ron Elton. In the Finals, Bruce
Andrews went on to defeat Dennis Moroney in a very close
game of great draw bowls. Well done Bruce and Dennis.
Congratulations to the winning team of Shirley Etherton (S) Val
Truscott, Wilma Fowden and Jo Cotter, and to the Runners-up
- Pat Smith (S), Pam McCloy, Colleen Such, & Carmen Vedder.
According to Faye Thompson, Chair. of the ladies’ Championship
Committee.... “I think it will take a while to wipe the smile off
Carmen's face - she was very happy, it's only her third
championship event. Very special for Jo Cotter as well - it
will be the third time her name will be on the board for the
Fours. We started at approx.9.00am and I would like to
thank the ladies for arriving early so we could get the game
under way and finished before the temperature climbed too
high. It was one of the most exciting finals we have had. There
was no quarter given, with both sides fighting it out for the
whole 18 ends, finally decided by a one shot win. Pat's team
tried hard to force a draw on the 18th end but they just didn't
get there. All in all a great game for the spectators. In
closing, I would just like to say thanks to ladies on the
Committee. It doesn't matter what needs to be done from the
start to the finish of the events - all tasks are taken care of with
confidence... we do it together.... it is a pleasure to work
with you all.”
Congratulations to
Colleen Such –Runner-up
in the recent Champion of
Champions Singles Final.
Colleen was narrowly defeated by
Nance Johnston of Lindenow by
two shots. Again, a great game
of draw bowls to watch and well
done Colleen for representing the
Club so well.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------HAPPY HOUR EVERY FRIDAY EVENING !...
plus your only chance to win the Members’ Draw. Our
BIG RAFFLE ....$500
.... is also drawn at
the end of each
month, and you
don’t have to be
present to win.
There are only 100
tickets at $10 each
these can be purchased from the bar.
Wendy O’Sullivan’s son Paddy was last
month’s lucky winner....good on you
Paddy! and this month , Stan Irvine was
a ‘happy chappy’ when his number was
drawn out during the Week of Bowls.
Steve came home one night and proudly
announced to his poor ageing Dad that
he’d had sex for the first time. "I hope
you took “precautions” then?" said Dad,
a trifle concerned. Steve, thought long
and hard for a moment....”Nah, Dad ......
but I did keep me balaclava on...”
Following a few queries from members recently, I’ve included
the following for your information....
..(& don’t all groan at once!)
Re players standing at the head....Law 36.1.2 states that
players at the head end who are not controlling play should be
behind the jack if their team has possession of the rink, or behind
the jack and away from the head if their team does not have
possession of the rink. If the jack is in the ditch, then all players
should be on the bank, or well clear of the head if it is not possible
to stand on the bank – as often happens with TV games.
old rules used to state a given distance that a player had to stand
i.e. one or two metres etc. behind the jack... but that is no longer
the case in the current rule book.) Remember however that ‘the
head’ means all the bowls at the head end. (...not just the ones
immediately next to the jack.) See Definition 1.3.13 The Head:
the jack and any bowls which have come to rest within the
boundaries of the rink of play and are not dead.
For those players who do not know what ‘possession of the rink’
means.... Law 35.1 states Possession of the rink will belong to
the player or team whose bowl is being played. (That means
the team, or opponent in a Singles game, has full control over
what is going on when it’s their mat.....the opposition should not be
moving about, giving directions,commenting etc. or changing ends
when you are ‘in possession’.) However, 35.2 states that: As
soon as each bowl comes to rest, possession of the rink will
transfer to the opposing player or team, after allowing time for
marking a toucher as soon as it comes to rest. (This last point
is often overlooked....i.e. Thirds are not given enough time to mark
a toucher before the next bowl comes down, or they forget to mark
it in time....and if the toucher is not marked /or nominated
before the next bowl comes to rest...it is no longer a toucher.
Q: Who decides whether a bowl or jack is dead ? (Refer Law
27.3 and Law 30.3)
A: The skips, or opponents in Singles, should decide whether
a jack or bowl is dead or not, as soon as they realise it is
necessary. (If the players do not realise that a decision is
necessary as soon as the jack/bowl come to rest, the decision can
still be made even if a number of bowls have been played after the
jack/bowl came to rest.)
If they cannot reach agreement, they
should ask the umpire to make a decision.
If the jack is dead, the end is a dead end and law 31 will apply.
i.e. the end will be replayed (...or respot in line with law 15.5 on the
1.5 metre mark.)
If the bowl is dead, it should be removed from the rink of play as
soon as it has been declared dead.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------After suffering ill health for quite a while and depression, Bill and
Mary decided to commit suicide together the next day and end it all.
Bill, always the gentleman, said “Ladies first” and strangely enough,
once she killed herself, Bill started to feel a whole lot better. So he
thought ..... “Sod it, I'll soldier on...”
457-463 Princes Highway, Bairnsdale 3875
Tel: 03 5152 0100 Fax: 03 5152 0190
Web: www.pdmg.com.au
Dullard’s voucher with you...they can be obtained from the
bar...then when you have agreed the purchase details, present the
voucher and the Club will also benefit.
“You are not drunk if you can lie on the floor
without holding on.”
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------During my brother's wedding, my mother managed to
keep from crying---until she glanced at my grandparents.
My grandmother had reached over to my
grandfather's wheelchair and gently touched his hand.
That was all it took to start my mother's tears flowing.
After the wedding, Mum went over to my grandmother
and told her how that tender gesture triggered her
outburst. "Well, I'm sorry to ruin your moment dear,"
Grandmother replied, "but I was just checking his
Pete woke to go to the toilet in the middle
of the night and noticed a burglar
sneaking through next door's garden.
Suddenly his neighbour came from
nowhere and smacked him over the head
with a shovel killing him instantly. He
then began to dig a grave with the
shovel. Astonished, Pete got back into
bed. His wife said "Darling you're shaking, what is it?" "You'll
never believe what I've just seen!" he said, "That tosser next
door has still got my bloody shovel."
To those about to
celebrate something
special... best
wishes....and have a good
-----------------------------------------------------"Jesus Loves You." .... Nice to hear in
church, but not in a Mexican prison.
BAIRNSDALE B.C. 6/2/2014
Back Row L to R: Carol Moore,
Heather Lindsay, Chris Kool, Lyn
Johnston, Karen Chenney, Mary
Wyndham Smith & Helen Hobson
Front Row L to R:
Sandra Snow, Linda Gallyot, Marge
Nathan, Pat Bourke, Robyn Kellow,
Margaret Brandhoj & Maureen
-----------------------------------------"Lexophile" is a word used
to describe those that have a
love for words, such as "to write with a broken pencil is
pointless.” A competition to see who can come up with
the best lexophillies is held every year in an undisclosed
location. This year's winning submission is posted at the
very end. (…you’ll enjoy some of these..)
To all those not feeling the best at the moment or
recovering.... we hope you’ll soon be back at bowls.
You can tune a piano, but you can't tuna fish.
When fish are in schools, they sometimes take debate.
A thief who stole a calendar got twelve months.
The batteries were given out free of charge
A dentist and a manicurist married. They fought tooth and nail.
A will is a dead giveaway.
With her marriage, she got a new name and a dress.
When you've seen one shopping Center you've seen a mall.
Police were called to a day care Center where a three-year-old
was resisting a rest.
* A bicycle can't stand alone; it is two tired.
* When a clock is hungry it goes back four seconds.
* The guy who fell onto an upholstery machine is now fully
* He had a photographic memory which was never developed.
* When she saw her first strands of grey hair she thought she'd
* Acupuncture is a jab well done. That's the point of it.
…..and the cream of the wretched crop:
* Those who get too big for their pants will be exposed in the end.
SEX AND GOOD GRAMMAR..... On his 70th birthday, a man
was given a gift certificate from his wife. The certificate was for
consultation with an Indian medicine man living on a nearby
reservation who was rumoured to have a simple cure for erectile
dysfunction! The husband went to the reservation and saw the
medicine man. The old Indian gave him a potion and with a grip on his
shoulder warned, 'This is a powerful medicine. You take only a
teaspoonful, and then say '1-2-3.' When you do, you will become
more manly than you have ever been in your life, and you can perform
for as long as you want." The man thanked the old Indian and as he
walked away, he turned and asked, "How do I stop the medicine from
working?" "Your partner must say '1-2-3-4,' he responded, "but when
she does, the medicine will not work again until the next full moon."
He was very eager to see if it worked so he went home, showered,
shaved, took a spoonful of the medicine, and then invited his wife to
join him in the bedroom. When she came in, he took off his clothes
and said, "1-2-3!" Immediately, he was the manliest of men. His wife
was excited and began throwing off her clothes, and then she asked,
"What was the 1-2-3 for?" ...and that, boys and girls, is why we
should never end our sentences with a preposition, because we
could end up with a dangling participle.....
..... Cheers everyone & good bowling!
..... & rest assured –
there is life after
Monday Open Triples:
Winner: Joe Lapinski, Glenn Hodge, Chris Jeffrey(Milton/Ulladulla)
Runner Up: Mike McKay, Hayley Johnston, Dave Stevenson
(Lakes Entrance)
Third: Kath Beevors, Avril Steere, Pat Steere (Berwick):
Best Last Game: Sep Van Naanen, Ethel Van Naanen, Carsten
Jensen (Narre Warren/Berwick)
Tuesday Mixed Triples:
Winner: Yvonne Huddelston, Clive Beadon, Garry Huddleston
(Malua Bay/Tomakin)
Runner-Up: Don Burgess, Doug Ebsworth, Pat Bill
(Malua Bay)
Best Last Game: Rod Beevors, Kath Beevors, Pat Steere (Berwick)
Wednesday Ladies’ Triples:
Winner: Evelyn Oliver, Ethel Van Naanen, June Woodland
Runner-Up: Vyvian Fisher, Avril Steere, Kath Beevors (Berwick)
Best Last Game: Steph Jeffery, Jo Martin, Cheryle Davies
( Milton-Ulladulla/Paynesville)
Wednesday Men’s Triples:
Winner: Roy Hammond, Bill Clappers, Ken Scammell (Warragul)
Runner-Up: Max Ardron, Ron Hanley, John Humphries
(Lake Conjola/Ulladulla)
Best Last Game: Tony Snow, Geoff Johnston, Don Cameron
(Bairnsdale Golf)
Thursday Men’s Triples:
Winners: John Reid, Ken Waite, John Hollingworth
(Howitt Park)
Runner-Up: Roy Hammond, Bill Clappers, Ken Scammell
Best Last Game: Fred Bromfield, Terry Hickling, Calvin Connell
Friday Mixed Pairs:
Winner: Sandra Snow, Don Burgess
( Ulladulla/Bairnsdale Golf)
2nd: Clive Beadon, Colleen Beadon ( Malua Bay)
3rd: Ann McCauley, Russ McCauley (Shoalhaven Head)
4th: Pat Steere, Avril Steere (Berwick)
5th: Wendy O’Sullivan, John Martin (Paynesville)
Best First Game: Brenda Pfeiffer, Ross Pfeiffer (Temora)
Best 2nd Game: John Taylor, Noleen Taylor (Malua Bay)
For those of you who haven’t got an email facility, I’m
repeating David McGrath’s circular email sent on 23/2/14 for
your information as well :
“ Hi all, Following are some important updates for you:
1.Great news! Paynesville has been announced as the venue for all
EGBD Saturday pennant grand finals this Saturday. We need to
make the most of this opportunity, and put on such a great event
that we remain high on the agenda for the granting of future grand
finals. I know many of you are still recovering from a hectic Week
of Bowls, but we are now asking once again for the support and
assistance of our members. Apart from catering for afternoon tea
for 90 players and officials, we also plan to run a BBQ, outdoor bar,
and afternoon tea availability for supporters, and of course there
are the usual pre-event clean up and preparations, along with set
up and pack up. If you are prepared to offer your assistance in any
way please advise Colin, Jeannette, or Gerv.
2. N.B: Grand Final Day arrangements: (as per EGBD schedule)
-- 11.55 am- all competing teams to assemble on Founders green
for Opening Ceremony & National Anthem. (N.B: We are in the
process of arranging a guest vocalist to sing the anthem to add a
bit of our own Paynesville magic to the Opening.) It would be great
to have most of our large band of supporters here for the Opening
to add to the atmosphere.
-- 12.30 pm: 2-end roll up and bowls inspection.
-- 2.30 pm: Afternoon tea break.
-- On-green presentations to winners of all Divisions at the
conclusion of all games. Winning team photos also taken at this
-- Div 1: Orbost v Bairnsdale Blue
--Div 2: Paynesville Gold v Lakes Entrance
--Div 3: Orbost v Lakes Entrance
--Div 4: Lakes Entrance Gold v Bairnsdale.
3. As Div 2 Paynesville Gold will be contesting the Grand Final we
expect to see a large crowd of supporters, as is always the case
with Paynesville.
4. Commiserations to Div 2 Blue, who unfortunately could not hold
on to their big early lead, being over-run by Lakes in the closing
stages of the Preliminary Final last Saturday, thus spoiling our
hopes of an all Paynesville Grand Final.
5. February $500 raffle- as all tickets had been sold the raffle was
drawn at the Dinner Dance during the Week of Bowls. The winner
was a Stan Irvine family ticket. Congratulations. March tickets are
now on sale.
6. Friday Happy Hour & members draw: The jackpot now stands at
$180 ( Richard Gamble’s name was drawn last Friday, but as he
unfortunately was not present the jackpot has now increased.)
.N.B: As Ray has now retired from catering there will not be regular
Friday night meals, but this may change in the future.
7. Week Of Bowls: Another great team effort by a large number of
our members!. Judging by the numerous positive feedback
comments we received from our visitors we can confidently say the
WOB was once again a great success. Thank you one and all.
8. Week of Bowls Major Raffle: All three prizes were taken out by
Paynesville members. Colin Wells won the bowls; Bob McKenzie
won the bowls bag, and Graeme Hordern won the shoes.
9. There may be still time for last minute entries in Ladies’ 21Up
and Men’s drawn fours Club Championships. Entries for the Men’s
Fours have been slow to come in. Remember, as this is a drawn
event i.e. teams made up from single entries) it is suitable for all
abilities of bowlers, so don’t be shy- have a go.
........ Go Paynesville! Regards David "