Secular Book List - The Freethought Society

Tree of Knowledge Ornaments/Book List
Acharya, S.
The Christ Conspiracy,
The Greatest Story Ever Sold
Ali, Ayann Hersi
The Caged Virgin
Alley, Robert S.
The Constitution & Religion
Allen, Norm R. Jr., ed.
African-American Humanism
Antony, Louise M.
Philosophers Without Gods
Armstrong, Karen
A History of God
The Battle for God
Baggini, Julian
Atheism: A Very Short Introduction
Barber, Nigel
Kindness in a Cruel World
Barbera, Donald R.
Black and Not Baptist
Barker, Dan
Losing Faith in Faith
Maybe Right, Maybe Wrong
Just Pretend: A Freethought Book for
Bercholz, Samuel
The Buddha and His Teachings
Berman, Morris
Dark Ages America
Bernstein, R.B.
Thomas Jefferson—Biography
Berra, Tim M.
Evolution and the Myth of Creationism
Bierce, Ambrose
The Collected Writings of…
Boston, Robert
Why the Religious Right is Wrong about
Separation of Church and State
DelFattore, Joan
The Fourth R
Dennett, Daniel
Consciousness Explained
Briggs, Kenneth
Double Crossed: Uncovering the Catho- Breaking the Spell
lic Church’s Betrayal of American Nuns Freedom Evolves
Darwin’s Dangerous Idea
The Conscious Mind
Carrier, Richard
Sense & Goodness Without God
Dershowitz, Alan
Finding Jefferson
Carroll, Robert Todd
The Skeptic’s Dictionary
Devoto, Bernard
New Uncensored Writings by Mark
Chapman, Matthew
40 Days and 40 Nights
Twain; Letters from the Earth
Trials of the Monkey
Dobrin, Arthur
Spelling God with Two O’s
Cicero, Marcus
The Nature of the Gods and on Divina- Ethics for Everyone: How to Increase
your Moral Intelligence
Cohen, Elliot D.
What Would Aristotle Do?
Durant, Will
The Story of Philosophy
Comings, David E.
Did Man Create God?
Ehrman, Bart D.
Misquoting Jesus
Connolly, Brendan
The Natural Religion
Eisler, Riane
The Chalice & The Blade: Our History,
Our Future
Conrad, Jane Kathryn
The Pillars of Religion: Ignorance, Indoctrination, Inadequacy
Dan, Joseph
Darwin, Charles
The Origin of Species
Dawkins, Richard
A Devil’s Chaplain
Climbing Mount Improbable
Growing Up in the Universe
How a Scientist Changed the Way We
River Out of Eden
The Ancestor’s Tale
The Blind Watchmaker
The Extended Phenotype
The God Delusion
The Selfish Gene
Unweaving the Rainbow
Eller, David
Natural Atheism
Atheism Advanced
Ericson, Edward L.
The Humanist Way
Faid, Robert W.
A Scientific Approach to Biblical
Farrell, Paul
Illustrated Stories From The Bible (that
they won’t tell you in Sunday school)
Flew, Anthony
God; A Critical Enquiry
Tree of Knowledge Ornaments/Book List
Flynn, Tom
The Trouble With Christmas
Galactic Rapture
Nothing Sacred
The New Encyclopedia of Unbelief
Forrest, Barbara & Paul R. Gross
Creationism’s Trojan Horse
Frazer, James
The Golden Bough
Fruchtman, Jack Jr.
Thomas Paine: Apostle of Freedom
Gaskin, J.C.A.
Varieties of Unbelief
Goleman, Daniel
Social Intelligence
Johnson, B. C.
The Atheists Debater’s Handbook
Harris, Sam
Letter to a Christian Nation
The End of Faith
Joshi, S.T.
The Agnostic Reader
Harburg, Yip
Rhymes for the Irreverent
James, William
The Varieties of Religious Experience
Harper, Chris
Welcome to Jesusland!
Jacoby, Susan
Freethinkers, A history of American
The Age of American Unreason
Haught, James A.
2000 Years of Disbelief
Honest Doubt
Hayes, Judith
In God We Trust, But Which One?
Gaylor, Annie Laurie
Woe to the Women
Women Without Superstition “No Gods— Hecht, Jennifer Michael
No Masters”
Doubt; A History
Gaylor, Anne Nicol
Lead us not into Penn Station
The World Famous Atheist Cook Book
Gibson, Stephen L.
A Secret of the Universe
Goleman, Daniel
Social Intelligence
Gould, Stephen Jay
Rocks of Ages; Science and Religion in
the Fullness of Life
The Structure of Evolutionary Theory
Time’s Arrow Time’s Cycle
Grafen, Alan and Mark Ridley
Richard Dawkins; How a Scientist
Changed the Way We Think (biography)
Grant, Robert
American Ethics and The Virtuous Citizen
The Blessings of Liberty
Green, Ruth Hurmence
The Born Again SKEPTICS Guide to the
Guillen, Michael, Ph. D.
Five Equations That Changed the World
Hedges, Chris
American Fascists
Helms, Randel
Gospel Fictions
Henderson, Bobby
The Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster
Hines, Terence
Pseudoscience and the Paranormal
Hitchens, Christopher
God Is Not Great
The Portable Atheist
Hopper, William
The Heathen’s Guide to World Religions
Ingersoll, Robert G.
Atheist Truth vs. Religion’s Ghosts
Jacobs, A.J.
Year of Living Biblically
Jacoby, Susan
Freethinkers: A History of American
Jefferson, Thomas
Light and Liberty, Reflections on the pursuit of happiness
Jackson, Ellen
The Winter Solstice
Johnson, B.C.
The Atheist Debater’s Handbook
K., Joe
Being or Nothingness
Kennedy, Sheila Rauch
Faith Shattered
Kertzer, Rabbi Morris N.
What is a Jew?
Kurtz, Paul
Living Without Religion
Humanist Manifesto 2000
Science and Religion; Are They Compatible?
The Transcendental Temptation
Forbidden Fruit: The Ethics of Humanism
What is Secular Humanism?
Toward a New Enlightenment
Kick, Russ
Everything You Know about God is
Kimball, Charles
When Religion Becomes Evil
Kugel, James L.
How to Read the Bible
Tree of Knowledge Ornaments/Book List
LaCourt, M.
The Prize
Menendez, Albert
The December Wars
Onfray, Michel
Atheist Manifesto
Lalli, Nica
Nothing: Something to Believe in
Messadie, Gerald
A History of the Devil
Paine, Thomas
Common Sense
The Age of Reason
Lambert, Frank
The Founding Fathers and the place of
religion in America
Miles, Rosalind
Who Cooked the Last Supper? The
Women’s history of the world
John Allen Paulos
Lamont, Corliss
The Philosophy of Humanism
Yes to Life
Freedom of Choice Affirmed
The Illusion of Immortality
Mill, John Stuart
Philosophy of Scientific Method
Pigliucci, Massimo
Tales of the Rational
Mills, David
Atheist Universe
Power, Margaret
The Egalitarians
Larson, Orvin
American Infidel: Robert G. Ingersoll
Morain, Lloyd and Mary
Humanism as the Next Step
Price, Robert M.
Deconstructing Jesus
Jesus is Dead
Larue, Gerald A.
The Way of Ethical Humanism
Freethought Across the Centuries Toward a New Age of Enlightenment
Ancient Myth and Modern Life
Moreland, J. P.
Does God Exist
Pullman, Philip
The Golden Compass
Liedloff, Jean
The Continuum Concept
Morrow, James
Only Begotten Daughter
Towing Jehovah
Blameless in Abbadon
The Last Witchfinder
The Nature of the Universe
Murray, Jon G.
Essays on American Atheism
Ludemann, Gerd
The Great Deception
Narisetti, Innahiah
M. N. Roy Radical Humanist
Randi, James
The Mask of Nostradamus
The Truth About Uri Geller
The Faith Healers
An Encyclopedia of Claims, Frauds and
Hoaxes of the Occult and Supernatural
Lynn, Barry W.
Piety & Politics
Nasrin, Taslima
Meyebela; My Bengali Girlhood
Reston, James Jr.
Dogs of God
Maccoby, Hyam
The Mythmaker
Newberg, Andrew
Why We Believe What We Believe
Ridley, Matt
The Origins of Virtue
Mackie, J.L.
The Miracle of Theism
Nickell, Joe
Looking for a Miracle
Robinson, George
Essential Torah
Martin, Michael
Atheism; a Philosophical Justification
Nielsen, Kai
Ethics Without God
Rodwell, John
The Koran
McCollum, Vashti Cromwell
One Woman’s Fight
O’Hair, Madalyn Murray
What on earth is an Atheist!
Why I Am an Atheist
An Atheist Primer; Did you know all the
gods came from the same place?
The Atheist World
Atheist Heroes and Heroines
An Atheist Epic
Roy, M.N.
Radical Humanist - selected writings
compiled by Innaiah Narisetti
McGowan, Chris
In the Beginning
McGowan, Dale, Ed.
Parenting Beyond Belief
Radosh, Daniel
Rapture Ready!
Ruchlis, Hy
How Do You Know it’s True?
Tree of Knowledge Ornaments/Book List
Rudin, Rabbi James
The Baptizing of America
Shragg, Karen I.
A Solstice Tree for Jenny
Uhl, Stephen Frederick
Imagine No Superstition
Rushdie, Salman
The Satanic Verses
Simpson, Lyle L.
Why Was I Born? What is my purpose
for being here? A Humanistic View of
Van Buren, Paul M.
The Secular Meaning of the Gospel
Russell, Bertrand
On Ethics, Sex and Marriage
On God and Religion
Why I Am Not a Christian
Singer, Peter
Practical Ethics
Vidal, Gore
Live From Golgotha
Waldman, Mark Robert
Born to Believe
S, Acharya
The Christ Conspiracy: The Greatest
Story Ever Sold
Smith, George
Atheism: The Case Against God
Why Atheism?
Walker, Barbara G.
The Iching of the Goddess
Sagan, Carl
The Demon-Haunted World
Billions and Billions
Smith, Huston
The World’s Religions
Warraq, Ibn
Why I Am Not a Muslim
Smith, Warren Allen
Who’s Who in Hell?
Celebrities in Hell
Watson, James D.
The Double Helix
Sagan, Carl and Ann Druyan
Salm, René
The Myth of Nazareth
Sanford, James C.
Great Freethinkers
Saul, John Ralston
The Doubter’s Companion
Stahl, Philip A.
The Atheist’s Handbook to Modern Materialism
Stanton, Elizabeth Cady
The Woman’s Bible
Steele, David Ramsay
Atheism Explained
Scott, Eugenie
Evolution vs. Creationism
Not in Our Classrooms
Stenger, Victor
God: The Failed Hypothesis
Scott, Eugenie and Glenn Branch
Not in Our Classrooms; Why Intelligent
Design is Wrong for our Schools
Swanson, Diane
Turn it Loose
Nibbling on Einstein’s Brain
Shelley, Percy Bysshe
The Necessity of Atheism and Other
Edward P. Tolley, Jr.
Beach Blanket Atheism
Shermer, Michael
How We Believe
The Science of Good and Evil
Why People Believe Weird Things
In Darwin’s Shadow
Why Darwin Matters
In Darwin’s Shadow
Why People Believe Weird Things
Why Darwin Matters
Tuccille, Jerome
Turner, James
Without God, Without Creed: The Origins of Unbelief in America
Twain, Mark
Letters From the Earth
Twitchell, James B.
Shopping for GOD
Wells, G.A.
The Jesus Myth
Belief and Make-Believe
Whyte, Jamie
Crimes Against Logic
Wilson, Edward O.
The Diversity Of Lie
Wilson, Edwin H.
The Genesis of a Humanist Manifesto
Wine, Shewin T.
Judaism Beyond God
White, Andrew D.
A History of the Warfare of Science with
Theology in Christendom
Wright, Bob
The Moral Animal
Zindler, Frank R.
Thomas Paine: The Age of Reason Part
Three; Examination of the Prophecies
The Jesus the Jews Never Knew