Name SEQ Account PARID District PrevAcct RealValue ImprValue PersValue Vets TotalValue Levy GeneralTax SpAmt1 SpCode1 SpAmt2 SpCode2 SpAmt3 SpCode3 TotalTax Name Name2 Addr1 Addr2 Addr3 Legal1 Legal2 Legal3 propaddr CPNumber CPCode CRNumber Comment BillStatus RefundDate Refund RefundCk MaintDate PdFlag1 PdFlag2 Example 1 to 4 digits 7 or 8 mixed characters 4 to 14 digits 3 digits 1 to 4 digits Whole Dollar amount Whole Dollar amount Whole Dollar amount Whole Dollar amount Whole Dollar amount 2 digit w/ 2 decimal places Currency Currency "11" or "20" Currency 2 digit Currency 2 digit Currency Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text 4 digit Text Text Text Text Date/Time Currency Text Date/Time 1 Digit 1 Digit $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 1234 R0008442 29670610001100 101 Blank in 2008 1,359.00 1,359.00 1,042.00 3,000.00 18,944.00 70.30 526.76 547.85 11 Blank in 2008 Blank in 2008 Blank in 2008 Blank in 2008 526.76 RIETZ JAMES CLAY C/O MARSHALL DORIS 418 KITTELL RD PO BOX 1166 WHEATLAND WY 82201 NORTH FERTIG ADDITION TRACT A 1.9 A Blank in 2008 Blank in 2008 418 KITTELL RD 8513 Y, I, P 7188 Description Type Size A unique bill reference # that changes every year, required for electronic payments Assessor assigned account #, starts with an alpha letter, follows the property from year to year May not be a unique #, can only be used for further reference for electronic payments The district of the property determines what mill levy is charged for tax assessment Prior years bill #, blank in 2008 but will be populated in 2009, used for history research Assessed value of all real property (land) Assessed value of all improvements (buildings, mobile homes, sheds, barns) Assessed value of all personal property (tools, machinery and other equipment) This is a deduction for qualifying veterans - taken off the total value prior to mill levy being applied This is a sum of the RealValue plus ImprValue plus PersValue minus Vets Based on property location, sum of all levies charged for that property, 70.3 = $0.073 charged for $1 of TotalValue Total tax for calendar year = TotalValue multiplied by Levy divided by 1,000 This is either an irrigation tax or a street assessment tax 11 = Irrigation assessment 20 = YO Street Assessment May be used in the future if we add another special assessment May be used in the future if we add another special assessment May be used in the future if we add another special assessment May be used in the future if we add another special assessment This equals the GeneralTax except for irrigation or YO Assessment then this field equals SpAmt1 Property owner as of January 1st of the calendar year that the taxes are being billed for, no commas separating name Additional Owner field as well as name of those buying on contract Mailing address where tax bill is being sent Mailing address where tax bill is being sent - used when Addr1 is being used for addtl owner information City, State, and Zip Code where the tax bill is being sent An abbreviated legal description - left blank on personal property and state assessed property Long Integer Text Double Long Integer Double Currency Currency Currency Currency Currency Single Currency Currency Integer Currency Integer Currency Integer Currency Text Text Text Text Text Memo Text Text Text Long Integer Text Long Integer Memo Text Date/Time Currency Long Integer Date/Time Integer Integer 4 20 8 4 8 8 8 8 8 8 4 8 8 2 8 2 8 2 8 255 255 255 255 255 Street address of the property or location of the mobile home as assigned by the Assessor's Office Indicates there was past due taxes on the property, if there is no CRNumber, delinquency is outstanding Notes whether it is yearly, personal, or individual Indicates that the past due taxes have been paid Internal comments from the County Treasurer's Office Blank or "C" If the field has a "C", the bill has been cancelled and will not be collected for this calendar year. Blank in 2008 Blank in 2008 Blank in 2008 9/1/2008 Changes each time the record is changed whether for payment, add a comment, or cancel Blank or "1" 1 indicates the 1st installment has been paid either by owner, agent or CP holder. Check for CPCode & CRNumber Blank or "1" 1 indicates the 2nd installment has been paid either by owner, agent or CP holder. Check for CPCode & CRNumber 60 60 255 4 1 4 2 8 8 4 8 2 2