Department of Kinesiology
Office Phone:
Cell Phone:
Susan Ganz
A.T. Clinic
(619) 849 - 2704
(619) 701 - 2567
PED 148
Section 1:
M, W 11:00 – 11:50
Fall 2012
Golden Gymnasium
Description: Aerobics is a workout combine the use of the cardiovascular, musculoskeletal
and neuromuscular systems.
Student Outcomes:
The student will understand the principles necessary for an aerobic workout.
The student will develop an understanding for lifelong fitness.
General Education Program: This course is one of the components of the General Education
Program at Point Loma Nazarene University, under the category of “Exploring an Interdependent
World. By including this course in a common educational experience for undergraduates, the
faculty seeks to inform healthy behavioral practices to prevent disease, and seeks to establish and
reinforce, through physical activity, habits that result in a healthy lifestyle.
Requirements: 1.
Attendance - 5 points per class meeting (5pts/31
class times =155 points). In order to be present, you must participate
(sitting and watching does not count as participation). You are allowed 2
absences, after that you will lose 5 points per absences.
Target Heart Rate & Heart Rate Chart/Analysis - You will learn how
to calculate your Target Heart Rate using the Karvonen Formula and be
able to apply it in this aerobics class. Due: Wednesday September 3rd.
Pre and Post fitness testing will be done. Also during the semester the
Heart Rate Chart will be used to track your cardiovascular fitness. The
Reflection/Self Assessment is a brief analysis of your physical, mental,
emotional and spiritual progression during the semester. Due:
Wednesday December 7th. There is NO FINAL in this class.
Abstract – Journal article pertaining to cardiovascular fitness.
Due: Wednesday October 17th.
Academic Honesty: The Point Loma Nazarene University community holds the highest
standards of honesty and integrity in all aspects of university life. Academic honesty and
integrity are strong values among faculty and students alike. Any violation of the university’s
commitment is a serious affront to the very nature of Point Loma’s mission and purpose. If a
situation involving academic dishonesty has been detected the professor may assign a failing
grade for a) that particular assignment or examination, and/or b) the course.
Acceptable behavior: 1. Make sure cell phones are turned off and put away (no texting or
making/receiving calls during class).
2. Even if you don’t always agree, you will have respect for each
others’ opinions as to what is being discussed in class.
3. Everyone learns skills at a different rate; at no time should you
make other’s feel inadequate.
Adding/Dropping: It is the student’s responsibility to maintain his/her class schedule.
Should the need arise to drop this course (personal emergencies, poor performance, etc.), the
student has the responsibility to follow through (provided the drop date meets the stated
calendar deadline established by the university), not the instructor. Simply ceasing to attend this
course or failing to follow through to arrange for a change of registration (drop/add) may easily
result in a grade of F on the official transcript.
Attendance Target Heart Rate
Reflection/Self Assessment
155 points
25 points
25 points
25 points
230 points
All students should be aware of the inherent risks of aerobic dance. These risks
include muscle soreness, ankle and knee injury, and cartilage and ligament damage. There is
also the possibility of cardiovascular arrest. Students with pre-existing cardiovascular conditions
must clear their enrollment in aerobics before class begins. Students are required to follow all
safety guidelines and instruction as introduced by the instructor.
Abstract Guidelines: The purpose of the assignment is to increase the student’s knowledge of
cardiovascular fitness and the importance of incorporating fitness into your daily life style. The
student will be responsible for researching a cardiovascular fitness article in a peer-reviewed
journal. Please do not copy the article; read, analyze, and react to the clinical findings
The student will be graded on:
1. Source (e.g. author(s), title of the article, etc)
2. Purpose of study/article
3. Methods and materials
4. Summary of results/conclusion
5. Critique of the study/article
6. Clinical applications of the study/article
Sources – library journals, proquest, world wide web (www.scholar.google.com, etc)
What to bring to class:
Mat (yoga) – can be purchased at Target, big 5, etc
Dumbbells – 3-5 pounds
Clothing - Appropriate dress includes:
o T-shirt, tank top, sport top
o Shorts, bike shorts, sweats, tights.
Important Dates:
Classes Begin
Last Day to Add 15-Week Classes
Labor Day (No Class)
Fall Break
Last Day to Drop 15-Week Course
Thanksgiving Break (No Class)
Classes End
August 28th
September 7th
September 3rd
October 19th
November 2nd
November 21-23rd
December 7th