Joy of Reading and Writing: Superman and Me

Superman and Me
Eng. 11/ Wagner
May 12-13, 2014
Unit 5: Contemporary Issues
• Focus Activity
• Vocab
• Read Superman
and Me
• Create/discuss
leveled questions
Reading lit. circle
book and doing
written role work.
Meeting #1 next
May 13, 2014
Please prepare for class by doing the following:
• Turn in concept map. Staple a scoring guide to the front. Make
sure both names are on it (if you have worked in pairs) Large
ones, use back table.
Focus Activity:
Silent writing: This last unit of the year is called
"Contemporary Issues". What issues do you see as part
of our society today? What issues are you concerned
with? What does America mean to you? What is YOUR
American dream?
Learning Targets:
1. Define vocabulary
2. Categorize and create questions according to their
3. Explain the message in Sherman Alexie's essay, The
Joy of Reading and Writing: Superman and Me by
creating and answering leveled questions.
Superman and Me
May 13, 2014
Pass your writing to the person sitting next to you. Respond
to what that person wrote.
Superman and Me
May 13, 2014
To subvert- verb
subversive (adj.)
p.17 We were Indian children who were expected to be stupid.
Most lived up to those expectations in the classroom but
subverted them on the outside.
verb (used with object) overthrow (something established or
existing). cause the downfall, ruin, or destruction of.
3. to undermine the principles of; corrupt.
Target: Define vocabulary
Superman and Me
May 13, 2014
p.17: If he'd been anything but an Indian boy living on a
reservation, he might have been called a prodigy.
I learned to play Beethoven and Bach on the piano at
age seven and my parents thought I was a prodigy.
a person, especially a child or
young person, having
extraordinary talent or ability
Target: Define vocabulary
Superman and Me
May 13, 2014
submissively (adv.)
submissive (adj.)
To submit (verb)
17: They submissively ducked their heads when confronted by a
non-Indian adult but would slug it out with the bully who was ten
years older.
1. tractable, compliant, pliant, amenable.
2. passive, resigned, patient, docile, tame,
Target: Define vocabulary
Superman and Me
May 13, 2014
The Joy of Reading and Writing: Superman and Me
What does the title tell you? What do you think
Sherman Alexie's essay will be about?
Superman and me
Superman and Me
May 13, 2014
Pair Reading:
While reading aloud to one another: Highlight
any sentences or words that strike you.
Anything you notice. Something that stands
out or something that makes you think or
wonder. Anything you like or dislike.
Anything you agree with or disagree with. Be
ready to share.
If you are done before other groups, read through the questions
and see if you can answer any of them.
Reading Directions
Superman and Me
May 13, 2014
2 silent minutes to read through handout
on Leveled Questions and other side:
Good vs. Bad questions.
Goal: To be able to write good questions
that make us think deeper about text and
generate good discussion.
May 13-11:11 AM
Superman and Me
May 13, 2014
Questions: Level 1 ➾ Literal
Literal: Answer is right there. You can point to
it. Clarifying.
Example: What is Superman doing in the comic book panel
Alexie remembers?
Ans: Breaks through a door (¶ 4)
What did Alexie become later in life (what is his "job"?)
Ans: a writer
Target: Categorize and create questions according to their levels.
Literal Qs
Superman and Me
May 13, 2014
Questions: Level 2 ➾ Interpretive
You need to think and search to find the answer. Answer can be
supported with T.P. and by answering level one Qs.
Example: Compare/contrast Alexie's learning experience with
that of the Indians who "stare out the windows" in ¶8.
Differentiate between Alexie and those kids (what is the
Role: Character Examiner
Compare/contrast your learning experience with those
Alexie describes in ¶ 8.
Role: Connector
Target: Categorize and create questions according to their levels.
Explain the message in Sherman Alexie's essay, The Joy of Reading and Writing:
Superman and Me by creating and answering leveled questions.
Level 2 Qs
Superman and Me
May 13, 2014
Questions: Level 3 ➾ Evaluative
Answer depends on opinions and evidence beyond text
Alexie thinks that the best solution to success is _____________.
Do you agree?
Role: Summarizer
Evaluate Alexie's use of the repetition of the verb "read" in ¶7.
Was it effective or was it simply overused?
Evaluate the symbolism/metaphor of "Superman breaking down
the door." Is it effective? Why/why not?
Target: Categorize and create questions according to their levels.
Level 3 Qs
Role: Illustra
picture of Su
a door.
Superman and Me
May 13, 2014
Questions: Level 3 ➾ Evaluative
Answer depends on opinions and evidence beyond text
Essential Unit Questions are these
What does it mean to be an American? How does the literature
reflect the evolution of American society?
What are the concerns reflected in Alexie's piece? How do these
concerns compare to the concerns Americans faced in the past as
reflected in the readings we have done?
Target: Categorize and create questions according to their levels.
Level 3 Qs
Superman and Me
SYMBOLISM- Definition
May 13, 2014
Symbolism allows people to communicate beyond the limits of
language. A symbol is a person, place, or object that stands for
something beyond itself.
Target: Explain the message in Sherman Alexie's essay, The Joy of Reading and
Writing: Superman and Me by creating and answering leveled questions.
abstract idea
concrete object/person
breaking down door
door →
barrier →
letting in/
letting out
doors of the heart
going somewhere/
symbolism definition
Superman and Me
May 13, 2014
Repetition in Sherman
Alexie: "Superman..."
I was smart. I was
arrogant. I was lucky.
the verb "read"
I was trying to save my life.
They are trying to save their lives.
I am trying to save our lives.
Sep 30-9:52 AM
Superman and Me
May 13, 2014
Ticket out the door:What is Alexie's
message? What is he trying to tell us in
The Joy of Reading and Writing:
Superman and Me?
Target: Categorize and create questions according to their levels.