Curriculum matrix: o The curriculum undergoes changes periodically. Some electives have changed. o You are held to the curriculum matrix in effect when you started the program. o Each row represents a different semester. Complete all courses in a single row. o You must comply with requisites. Exceptions are only made for graduating seniors whose graduation will be delayed without an exception. Permission is needed (from the Dean) for any exception before the course is taken. Specializations: In your senior year, you will select a specialization from: environmental engineering and water resources, structures, transportation or multidisciplinary. You take the 2 core courses and select electives from the list below. If you chose multidisciplinary, all of your specialization courses come from the list in the core box. If your GPA>2.7, you are eligible to take graduate courses as specialization electives. CE 51001: Periodically we offer a 1 credit course that can be used in leiu of a 1 credit independent study for students who transfer in with Math 202. CE 51003: If you decide to take this 3 credit independent study as a specialization elective, you must have already completed CE 340 and any other courses your mentor identifies. You arrange this by talking to faculty, identifying a mentor and project, writing up a brief summary of the work and milestones, and bringing it to me. CE 40100: If you self study for the FE exam and pass it, you will get credit for this course. Engr elective: ENGR 230 Thermodynamics is more appropriate for students interested in materials, and ENGR 204 Circuits is more appropriate for student interested in sensors. Repeating a course: You may only repeat a course twice, and you will need permission. Minors: Many transfer students and students who end up repeating CE 231 or CE 350 find themselves without a full load in their first year of taking CE courses. If you require a full load (e.g., for financial aid), you may petition the financial aid office to take a reduced load in one semester. If that doesn’t pertain to you or you are unsuccessful in your petition, you may decide to do a minor (e.g., in math, econ, etc). To do a minor, pick up a “change of major” form from the registrar and have the chair of the minor department sign it. Scheduling ‐
The schedule is made at least a semester in advance and CE courses that are on the same row are never scheduled in conflict and all meet the required pre‐requisites. If you find a conflict in the schedule of CE courses, there is a larger chance that we can correct the issue if you tell me about it before registration begins. Our planned offering schedule of core and elective classes is online under “info for students”; particular CE courses are only offered once a year. 1 | P a g e FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS ABOUT THE CE PROGRAM Advisement ‐
You must get advised by a CE faculty advisor every semester. The Dean’s office posts signs and emails students to let them know when. Bring your curriculum matrix and unofficial transcript with you for advisement. Your CE advisor is identified on the CE website under “info for students”/”advisement”. Even if you are on academic probation, you should still get advised during advisement. If you cannot meet with your assigned advisor (e.g., you can’t reach them by email), you may see any other CE professor for advisement. The CE advisor in the Dean’s office (for any non‐advisement questions) is Luis Alicea. Registration ‐
Closed CE courses: If a CE course is closed, overtally for one of the remaining seats. o Details about the process and a link to the online form are on the CE website under “info for students”/”overtally”. It opens after grades have been posted. o Even if you are on academic probation, you should still overtally. Closed other courses: To waitlist for any non‐CE course (e.g., ENGR or Math), contact the instructor or chair of the department to see if they have a waitlist. CUNY First errors: If CUNY First prevents you from registering, contact the Dean’s office. Repeating a course: If this pertains to you, first try to register online using CUNY First, and if that doesn’t work, then you will need to register in person and get special forms from me and from the Dean’s office. If the course is closed, overtally for a seat first. General ‐
Passing CE 231 and CE 332: Don’t get psyched out. Many students pass these classes the first time they take them. Study skills: Even strong students need to adjust to the rigors of college engineering. Study in groups, ask lots of questions in class, go to tutoring if its offered, and go to office hours so that you succeed the first time in these courses. Get involved! The CE program offers several student clubs such as Engineers Without Borders, ASCE, Steel Bridge, and Concrete Canoe. Participating in these clubs can help you get hands on experience with your coursework, provide a means for networking with other students and professionals, and look great on your resume. If you are interested in getting involved in a club, contact the secretary of the club. Contact info for these people is on the CE website under “info for students”. Job listings/internships: We periodically post job and internship listings on the CE website under “info for students”. Email: Check your citymail account! This is the email address that I communicate important matters such as registration, the overtally, and job listings through. CE website: It has a lot of information about advisement, our academic integrity policy, independent studies, student clubs, and taking the FE exam. 2 | P a g e THE CITY COLLEGE – SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING
September 22, 2015
Civil Engineering Curriculum
Fall 2015 – Spring 2016
Math 20100
Chem 10301
Engl 110006
Engr 101006
CSc 10200
Calculus I
Pre: Math 19500 (C min.)
General Chemistry I
Pre: Math 19500 (C min.)
Freshman Composition
Engineering Design
Pre/Co: Math 19500 (min.C)
Introduction to Computing
Pre: Math 19500 (C min.)
or Pre/Co: Math 20100 (C min.)
3 cr.
Math 20200
4 cr.
Chem 10401
3 cr.
Phys 20700
Calculus II
Pre: Math 20100 (C min.)
General Chemistry II
Pre: Chem 10301, (C min.)
General Physics I
Pre/Co: Math 20200
Structural and Site Plans
Pre/Co: CSc 10200
Writing for Engineering
Pre: Eng 11000 or FIQWS
3 cr.
Math 20300
4 cr.
CE 23100
4 cr.
Phys 20800
3 cr.
CE 26400
3 cr.
Liberal Arts4
Calculus III
Pre: Math 20200 (C min.)
Pre: Phys 20700 (C min.),
Math 20200 (C min.)
& CSc 10200
General Physics II
Pre: Phys 20700
Pre/Co: Math 20300
CE Data Analysis
Pre: CSc 10200
Pre/Co: Math 20300 (C min.), Engl 21007
4 cr.
Math 39100
3 cr.
Math 39200
4 cr.
CE 35000
3 cr.
CE 33200
Differential Equations
Pre: Math 20300
Linear Algebra/Vector Ana
Pre: Math 20300
Fluid Mechanics
Pre: CE 23100 (C min.), CSc 10200
Pre/Co: Math 39100 (C min.)
Mechanics Deformable Bodies
Pre: CE 23100 (C min.)
Pre/Co: Math 39100 (C min.) &
CE 26400
3 cr.
CE 34000
3 cr.
CE 36500
3 cr.
CE 33500
4 cr.
CE 32600
3 cr.
CE 37200
Structural Analysis
Pre: CE 33200, CE 20900
Pre/Co: CE 33500
& Math 39200
Hydraulic Engr.
Pre for CE majors:
CE 35000 (C min.).
Pre for ESE majors: CE 35000
or ME 35600 or ChE 34100.
Computational Methods in CE
Pre: Math 39100 (C min.),
CE 26400 & CE 33200,
CSc 10200
Pre/Co: Math 39200
Transportation Planning
Pre: CE 26400
Pre/Co: CE 33500
Environmental Impact Assessment
Pre for CE majors: CE 26400, Chem 10401 (C min.),
& CE 35000 (C min.).
Pre for ESE majors: CE 26400, Chem 10401 (C min.),
& [CE 35000 or ME 35600 or ChE 34100]
3 cr.
CE 34500
3 cr.
3 cr.
3 cr.
Soil Mechanics
Pre: CE 35000 (C min.),
CE 26400 & CE 33200
3 cr.
3 cr.
CE 20900
CE 32700
Reinforced Concrete
Pre: CE 26400 & CE 34000
Transportation Systems Engr.
Pre: CE 26400, CE 33200, CE 20900
Pre/Co: CE 34500
CE 44000: FEA of Structures
CE 44200: Structural Design
6 cr.
CE 50500: Constr. Proj. Man
CE 51003: Indep. Study
CE 52500: Geo. Des. Facil.
CE 52600: Rail Sys Design
CE 54100: Hwy & Airport
CE 54500: Urban Transport.
CE 56600: Engr Hydrology
CE 59000: Foundation Engr
6 cr.
Liberal Arts4
Liberal Arts4
3 cr.
3 cr.
CE 43500
CE 40100
(take two more
courses from this
category above)
Electrical Circuits
Pre/Co: Phys 20800 (C min),
Math 20300 (C min)
Pre: Senior /Graduate
1 cr.
3 cr.
Liberal Arts4
Environment Engineering
Pre: CE 36500 & CE 37200
CE Decision & Systems Analysis
Pre: CE 26400, CE 33500 & Math 39200
(take two courses)
CE 44000: FEA of Structrs
CE 44200: Structl Design
CE 45100: Env Water Rsrcs
CE 48200: Env Engr II
CE 52000: Traffic Eng’ng
CE 54000: Highway Eng’ng
CE 56600: Engr Hydrol.
CE 58300: Air Poll. & Ctrl.
3 cr.
CE 58400: Solid Waste
CE 51003: Indep. Study
CE 53000: Adv Strength
CE 54000: Highway Eng'ng
CE 55000: Adv Reinf Concrete
CE 59000: Foundation Eng’ng
ME 46100: Eng’ng Materials
Pre: Chem 10301 (C min.),
Pre/Co: Phys 20800 (C min.) &
Math 20300 (C min.)
Reviews of Eng’ng
(Take 2 courses from same specialization option selected above)
Multidisciplinary Fundamentals
Bio 35000: Microbiology
CE 48200: Water & Waste
CE 51003: Indep. Study
CE 57100: Water Quality
CE 58300: Air Poll & Ctrl
CE 58400: Solid Waste
Engr 30100: Intro Satellite
Engr 59910: Intro to GIS
Chem 26100: Org. Chem. I
Bio Foundatns. 1
3 cr.
Engineering Science Elective
Engr 23000:
Engr 20400:
CE 31600
Specialization Electives
3–4 cr.
Engl 21007
CE 56600: Engr Hydrol.; and either CE 52000: Traffic Engineering
CE 58300: Air Pollution and Control CE 54000: Highways Eng’ng
or 58400: Solid Waste
Global Environ. Haz.
3 cr.
CE 47400
CE 44100
3 cr.
3 cr.
Specialization Core (select one of the four areas)
1 cr.
Science Elective
EAS 32800:
Bio 10100:
Dynamics of CE Systems
Pre: CE 33200, CE 33500, Math 39200
3 cr.
CE 50900
Senior Design
Pre: senior standing
Pre/Co: CE 32600,
CE 32700,
CE 47400,
& CE 44100.
3 cr.
CE 40500
Civil Engineering
Pre: CE 34000,
CE 31600
3 cr.
3 cr.
Liberal Arts4
(20000 or higher)
3 cr.
Liberal Arts4
(20000 or higher)
3 cr.
1. The latest version of the curriculum sheet supersedes any curriculum and pre-/corequisite information in the
Undergraduate Bulletin or online.
“C” Passing Grade Requirement: Courses in shaded area ( ) require a minimum passing grade of “C”.
Skills tests: Certain students may be required to pass CUNY Assessment Tests in one or more subjects within 1 or 2 years of admission.
Liberal Arts electives: CE students must take six approved courses (18 credits) of which at least two (6 credits) must be at the 20000 level or higher. A list of
approved courses is posted on the School of Engineering web site at and can be viewed at the Office of
Undergraduate Affairs (ST-209) or the Office of Student Programs (ST-2M7).
• Each course falls into one or more general education clusters, specified in the list. The six courses must collectively occupy at least three clusters. The four
clusters are: (f) Professional and Ethical Responsibilities, (g) Communication, (h) Global and Societal Context, and (j) Contemporary Issues.
• Most students must also satisfy Pathways liberal arts requirements. See .
Other Graduation Requirements: Apply for graduation during registration for the last semester. Minimum GPA of 2.00. Minimum QPA of zero. Residency
Requirement: 33 credits of 30000-level or higher Civil Engineering courses taken at CCNY.
Transfer students with credit for Math 20200 are considered too advanced for Engr 10100. They should take the 1-credit design project course CE 51000
(Independent Study) instead. FIQWS 10026 fulfills the requirements for Engl 11000 and Engr 10100.
Program Changes: Substitution of other courses for required courses must be approved by the Chair of the Civil Engineering Department (ST-119), and the
Associate Dean of the Office of Undergraduate Affairs (ST-209).
Total Credits: 134–135.
06/30/2015 BW
Fall even years
ENGR 59910
CE 584/H8400
CE H0700 CE G7100 CE G8100 CE G8400 or CE G8600
CE G9500 Intro to GIS (pre: CE 264)
Solid Waste Management (pre: none)
Advanced Hydraulics (pre: CE 365)
Water & Wastewater Quality (pre: none)
Macro‐Scale Hydrology (pre: none)
Air Quality Modeling (pre: CE H1000)
Air Pollution Measurement (pre: none)
Remote Sensing in WREE (pre: none)
Fall odd years
ENGR 59910
CE 583/H8300
CE H0700 CE H7500 CE G8150 CE G9800 Intro to GIS (pre: CE 264)
Air Pollution and Control (CE 474, Math 391)
Advanced Hydraulics (pre: CE 365)
Drinking Water Treatment
Advanced Macro‐Scale Hydrology
Sustainability in Engineering
Spring odd years
CE 566/H1200 Engineering Hydrology (pre: CE 264, CE 365)
CE G7800 Solid Waste Reuse & Recycling (pre: none)
CE 482
Water & Wastewater Treatmt. Design (pre: CE 474)
ENGR 30100
Intro to Remote Sensing (pre: ENGR 103, Phys 208)
CE G0800
GIS in WREE (pre: none)
CE G4500 Advanced Data Analysis (pre: none)
CE H7600 Biological Wastewater Treatment (pre: CE 571, co: CE H7700)
CE G9700 Numerical Methods & Sim of Fluid Flow (pre: none)
Spring even years
CE 566/H1200 Engineering Hydrology (pre: CE 264, CE 365)
CE G7800 Solid Waste Reuse & Recycling
CE 571
Water Quality Analysis (pre: CE 474)
ENGR 30100
Intro to Remote Sensing (pre: ENGR 103, Phys 208)
CE H0800 Applied Hydraulics (pre: CE 365)
CE G7300 Surface Water Quality Modeling
CE G9100 Water Resources System Analysis
Fall Even years
CE 442
CE 530
CE 550
CE I3500 CE H5200 CE H5700 CE G0200
Structural Design (pre: CE 264, CE 340)
Advanced Strength of Materials (pre: CE 332, CE 335, Math 392)
Advanced Reinforced Concrete (pre: CE 335, CE 441)
Applied Elasticity & Plasticity (pre: CE 530, co: CE H1000)
Bridge Engineering (pre: CE 440, CE 441, CE 442)
Condition Assessment & Rehab. of Structures (pre: CE 340, CE 441, CE 442)
High‐Rise Building Design and Analysis (pre: CE 440, CE 441, CE 442)
Fall Odd years
CE 442
CE 530
CE 550
CE I3500 CE I5400 CE I5600 Structural Design (pre: CE 264, CE 340)
Advanced Strength of Materials (pre: CE 332, CE 335, Math 392)
Advanced Reinforced Concrete (pre: CE 335, CE 441)
Applied Elasticity & Plasticity (pre: CE 530, co: CE H1000)
Linear & Nonlinear Analysis of Structures (pre: CE 440)
Earthquake Engineering (pre: CE I3000)
Spring Odd years
CE 440
Finite Element Analysis of Structures (pre: CE 335, CE 340, Math 392)
CE 590 Foundation Engineering (pre: CE 335, CE 345)
CE I1700
Finite Element Methods in Engr. (pre: CE 440, CE 530)
CE I3000 Structural Dynamics (pre: CE 435, CE 440, co: CE H1000)
CE H5300 Advanced Structural Design (pre: CE 335, CE 442)
CE H5100 Prestressed Concrete (pre: CE 335, CE 441)
Spring Even years
CE 440
Finite Element Analysis of Structures (pre: CE 335, CE 340, Math 392)
CE 590 Foundation Engineering (pre: CE 335, CE 345)
CE I1700
Finite Element Methods in Engr. (pre: CE 440, CE 530)
CE I3000 Structural Dynamics (pre: CE 435, CE 440, co: CE H1000)
CE H5300 Advanced Structural Design (pre: CE 335, CE 442)
CE I5500 Stability of Structures (pre: CE 440, CE 530, co: CE H1000)
Fall odd and even years
CE 520
Traffic Engineering (pre: CE 326, CE 327)
Spring odd and even years
CE 540
Highway Engineering (pre: CE 326, CE 327)
Rev’d: 01/26/16 BW CivilEngineeringAdvisorsList
(from: the CE Website under “Info for students”/”Advisement”) Faculty Advisor * Office Agrawal ST‐193 Allahviranloo Phone E‐mail First Letter of Student's Last Name ** 8442 A, X ST‐134 8516 D, P Bank ST‐103 5413 R Brakewood ST‐122 5217 E, M Conway ST‐195 5372 Transportation MS students Davalos ST‐136 8399 V, Z Devineni ST‐106 8440 B, Q Diyamandoglu ST‐184 8039 G, T Fekete ST‐188 6804 K, H Fillos ST‐179 8010 L, W Ghosn ST‐101 8002 New transfer students Kamga MR‐910 8087 O, Y Khanbilvardi ST‐107 8009 N, I, J Krakauer ST‐180 8003 On sabbatical Lin ST‐192 8001 Structures MS students Piasecki ST‐102 8321 C Tang ST‐127 8006 Environmental MS students Vorosmarty MR‐925 5017 Z Wittig ST‐104 8397 S, U Yazdanbakhsh ST‐110 6569 F, H 650‐# * If you have unsuccessfully attempted to reach your advisor at least a couple times by email, you are free to see any other CE faculty for advisement. ** Underlined letters changed in Spring 2016 to distribute the load across faculty members 