A merican M ineralogist, Volume63, pages947-9 55, I 978 Zonedplagioclase andperisteriteformationin phyllitesfrom southwestern Massachusetts GonooN L. Nono. Jn.. JeNe HnlrueRsrnoM ANDE-nN ZsN U.S. GeologicalSuruey Reston,Virginia22092 Abstract Compositionally-zoned micropgrphyroblasts are found in phyllitesfrom of plagioclase southwestern Massachusetts. Rocksfrom the lowestmetamorphicgradeyield unzonedalbite. At slightlyhighergrade,albite constitutesthe core and a thin outer rim with an intervening narrow zoneof An 13-17.At highergrades,plagioclase is complexlyzonedin one of two patterns:either the compositiondrops stepwisefrom an oligoclasecore to an albitic rim, or the compositionof the coregraduallyincreases outwardfrom An l9 to An 24, then abruptly dropsto an albiterim. All of thesepatternsarepresentin rocksat metamorphicgradesbelow the first appearance of chloritoidand garnet.Abovethe garnetisograd,the zoningpatternis simple:a coreof An 13 and a gradualoutwardincrease to the maximumvalueof An 25. Transmission-electron-microscopy core,an An 9-16 intermediate studiesof an oligoclase zone, and an An l-5 outer albite rim show that two sets of lamellaeare presentin the compositionrangeAn 2-25.In the rangeAn 9-16,the (1,18,T)setof lamellaeis strong,hasa periodicityof about 122A,andgivesriseto satellites; the otherset,(20T),is weak.In the range An22-25 both setsare very weak,and diffusestreakingis parallelto [201]*.AII areashave only a single lattice. The strong microstructuresare interpretedas products of spinodal decomposition, and the weak lamellarmicrostructures in the nucleation-only as fluctuations zoneof the peristerite solvus. probably at about 350'C and under at most a few The rocks were metamorphosed kilometers which represents overburden, conditionsconsiderably belowthe peakofthe peristeritesolvus.Metastable crystallization is indicated.Availabledata,however,do not permit grewduringa singleepisodeof an unequivocal conclusion on whetherthe zonedplagioclase metamorphism,or whetherthe albitic rim represents a secondAcadian metamorphism superposed on preexisting Taconianmineralassemblages. Introduction absence of peristerite compositions or by the presence of two coexisting plagioclases.Multiply-zoned The composition and "structural state" of plagio- plagioclaseporphyroblasts in low-grade greenschist clasehave beencommonly used as an indicator of the faciespelitic rocks from southwesternMassachusetts geofogic record in many types of petrologic and geo- and adjacent areas (Zen and Hartshorn, 1966; Zen logic problems. In detail, however, plagioclaseis ex- and Ratcliffe,l97l), however,contain compositional ceedingly complex and contains submicroscopic in- zones that are within the peristerite field (Anr-An,.) tergrowths and domains of distinct compositions or mantled by Ca-free albite rims. Such multiply-zoned structural types even for sampleshomogeneouson an plagioclase is present only in a relatively narrow optical and microprobe scale.Subsolidusdecomposi- north-northeast trending belt, coinciding with or just tion products such as intergrowths in the composi- below the metamorphic zone where garnet makes its tional regions of peristerite (Anr-Anru), Blggild ,,first appearancein rocks of suitable composition. At (Anrr-Anur), and Huttenlocher (An.r-An"o) (Smith, lower metamorphic grade, the porphyroblasts of 1974,p.519) are fairly common in high-temperature plagioclaseare nearly Ca-free albite of uniform comigneousand metamorphic rocks. In low-grade meta- position, whereasat highergradesthey are gradationmorphic rocks, where plagioclaseonly forms with ally zoned, and the An content increasessteadily compositionsin the albite-oligoclaserange, the peri- outward. sterite two-phase field is commonly expressedby the This paper presentsa systematic microprobe study 0003-004x/ 78/09l 0-0947$02.00 947 948 NORD ET AL.: PLAGIOCLASE AND PERISTERITE P l o g i o c l o s eZ o n i n g a O ./\-r1- tr -l<* A \-/ a -'^- i r--v t . probably to the chloritoid zone, and were subsequentlyregionallymetamorphosed again during the Acadiandeformation(Zen andHartshorn,1966) to gradesrangingfrom subchloritoid-subbiotite zone to kyanite-staurolite zone;the metamorphicgrades increaseto the SE and cut acrossthe regionalstructural trend. Interpretationof the Acadianmineralassemblages phase-equilibrium in light of experimental data suggests that rocks of the kyanite-staurolitegrade, southeastof the area shown on Figure l, recrystallizedat a temperature of about 550oCand a pressure in excessof the triple point of the aluminum silicatepolymorphs-at least4 kbar or about l4 km of overburden.Yet only about 35 km to the northwest,at BecraftMountainin New York, Silurianand Lower Devoniansedimentary rocksare unmetamorphosedand probably were not buried under more than about I km of stratigraphicoverburden(Z 50"C). Interpolationof pressureand temperature valuesis uncertain.The mineral-assemblage datafor plagioclase (belowchlothezoneof complexly-zoned ritoid zone),however,suggest temperatures of about Table l. Representative plagioclase analyses from specimen 3-3 3-3 TRAVERSE I into Distance crystal I Fig. l. Geologic map of area in southwestern Massachusetts (seeinset for location), showing sample locations and their relation to the mapped isograds. The various types of plagioclase zoning discussedin the text are given different symbols on the map, and the zoning pattern is schematically shown. The symbols for 45-l and for 693-1 are the same; however, 45-l has an oligoclase core, and 693-l has an albite core. Cev and Ow are the pelitic units. variationsacrossthe plagioclase of the compositional porphyroblasts at differentmetamorphicgrades.We presenttransmission electronmicroscopy(TEM) obon onemultiply-zoned servations sampleand attempt to interpret the results in terms of the plagioclase subsolidusrelationsand the metamorphichistoryof the area. Geologicalsetting The peliticrocksin which the plagioclase porphyroblastsoccur are part of the Taconic allochthon (Fig. l). The rockswereemplacedduring the Taconian deformation, were mildly metamorphosed, sio2 67.7t 67.1O 65.58 66.00 64. lZ bJ. U / A12O3 20.55 20.O4 2r.00 21.63 23.O2 24.OO cao O .1 9 0.78 2.O9 2.43 3.52 4.77 KzO O.r5 0.19 0.0 0.I3 0.16 0.20 Na2O 1I.65 1I.57 10.48 10.45 9.79 8.96 t 100.25 100.28 99.15 r00.54 100.6r r0r.00 si 2.955 2.955 2.902 2.444 2.813 Al. r.056 1.032 1.O95 r.rt3 l.189 2.764 L.234 ca 0.007 0.036 0.099 0.113 0.165 0.224 K 0.007 0.0t0 0.0 0.006 0.009 0.0ro Na 0.985 0.979 o.898 0.885 0.833 0.760 t 5.010 5.015 4.994 5.001 5.009 4.996 rtn pet @nts fot backgtound, d.tift, deadOxide weight cortected Bence-A7bee data teducand matrix effects bg il on-l.ine tire, (l-968). ftq Lake Tabtadotite tion schere stildards: caicic (stewart ft@ the Benson co., ore. et al-., J-966), otthociase (Stewart N.Y. ilal wtight, 1,974) and Mine, Sx- Iawren& Co., (crawford, Peninsufa, caLif. 7956b). afbixe ft@ the Tiburon caxions Opetating ca7@Jated conditions Each e7e@nt in detecxed on the basis 75 kV, .03 of I oxggens uA bee fot cowted 20 secs ot . appreciabie munts pret cutrent 20,000 fonuTa' for countsi 3-3 no Fe analg- ,ftr F i g . 2 . P h o t o m i c r o g r a p h so f p l a g i o c l a s ep o r p h y r o b l a s t s ,s h o w i n g d i f f e r e n tm o d e s o f z o n i n g . ( a ) S p e c i m e n3 - 3 , t w o v i e w s o f t h e s a m e c r y s t a l a t s l i g h t l y d i f f e r e n t e x t i n c t i o n p o s i t i o n s t o b r i n g o u t z o n i n g f e a t u r e s .( b ) S p e c i m e n1 0 3 2 - 1 ,s h o w i n g a s i m p l e t w i n n e d a n d z o n e d c r y s t a l ;t h e c o r e h a s t h e s a m ec o m p o s i t i o n a s t h e r i m b u t a n i n t e r m e d i a t ez o n e ( d a r k b a n d ) h a s a c o m p o s i t i o n o f A n 1 3 .( c ) S p e c i m e n6 9 3 l , s h o w i n g c o n t i n u o u s z o n i n g f r o m c o r e o u t w a r d w i t h i n c r e a s i n gA n c o n t e n t a n d n o a l b i t e r i m . ( d ) S p e c i m e n3 6 0 - 1 ,s h o w i n g m u l t i p l e z o n i n g a s i n 3 - 3 b u t h a v i n g a c o r e l o w e r i n A n c o n t e n t t h a n t h e i n t e r m e d i a t ez o n e . P h o t o g r a p h su n d e r c r o s s e dp o l a r i z e r . 950 NORD ET AL.: PLAGIOCLASEAND PERISTEBITE I 2 3 4 5 e o Ero 9 $ I sc +5-l I I 360-l 3-3 693-l il4-r r -b rI J -1. LI r I Ird.- l-- r-.J t I onolysis 5+ r02-l I o .-r\--lA 5 ro 15 20?5 Zoning Mol% Anorthile Pottern Fig. 3. Microprobe analysesof plagioclaseporphyroblasts. The upper part of the figure shows compositions at points along t r a v e r s e so n l y f r o m p o r p h y r o b l a s t si n s a m p l e 3 - 3 . E a c h d o t i s a n individual analysis and the brackets indicate the positions of optically visible boundarieswhich correspond to compositional breaks in the traverse. The lower part of the figure shows h i s t o g r a m sw h i c h r e l a t et h e n u m b e r o f a n a l y s e st o t h e c o m p o s i t i o n o f a n a l y s e sf r o m p o r p h y r o b l a s t si n e a c h o f t h e s e v e ns a m p l e s .T h e s h a p eo f t h e g e n e r a lz o n i n g p r o f i l e f o r e a c hs a m p l e i s s h o w n o n t h e r i g h t w i t h A n c o n t e n t i n c r e a s i n gu p w a r d s . A l t h o u g h t h e t r a v e r s e s i n 3 - 3 i n t h e u p p e r p a r t o f t h e f i g u r e s h o w t h a t t h e p o s i t i o n si f n o t the widths of the compositional gaps from porphyroblastsin a single rock are reproducible,the histograms show that the gap p o s i t i o n s a r e n o t r e p r o d u c i b l ef r o m s a m p l e t o s a m p l e . :60-+OO"Cat a few kilometersof overburden,compatiblewith a simplestraight-line interpolationof the distancebetweenBecraftMtn. and the kyaniteoccurrence.The temperatureestimatesand the mineral assemblage both conflictwith the temperature for the crestof the peristerite solvus,whichwassuggested by Crawford(1966a)to be well in the staurolitezoneof regionalmetamorphism; Crawfordbasedthissuggestion on study of compositions of discretecoexisting plagioclase crystals. The phyllitesof the EverettFormationcontaining the plagioclaseporphyroblastsare typically green and purplish-greenand show few visible mineral grains in hand specimens.A conspicuous foliation and crenulatedcleavagedue to layersof alignedmuscovite and chlorite are usually present.The porphyroblasts of plagioclase,the only feldspar phasein the rocks, are subequantto crudely elliptic in outline and are interfoliate; the long dimensions of the crystals are aligned with the foliation direction. In general each single crystal forms in a discretearea; porphyroblasts are well separated. Reconnaissancecompositional data on the multiply-zoned plagioclase porphyroblasts showed that the Na-rich oligoclasecoreswere continuously zoned to more Ca-rich oligoclaseand then mantled with Cafree albite. The Na- to Ca-rich zoning of the oligoclasecore could be readily interpretedas a record of a normal regional prograde metamorphic event. The presenceof the reversal to a Ca-free albite rim led Zen (1969) to the interpretation that the albite rim records the Acadian metamorphic event but the oligoclasecore is part of a slightly higher-gradeTaconian mineral assemblage.The detailed microprobe and TEM observationslead to a reevaluationof the earlier interpretation. Optical description and microprobe analysis of the porphyroblasts Severalzoning patterns were discoveredin plagioclase porphyroblasts from seven sample localities shown in Figure l. Plagioclasecompositions were determined by analysisof porphyroblastsin thin sections using an automated ARL microprobe system (Finger and Hadidia cos, 1972). Representativeanalysesare given in Table I for a traversein sample 3-3 in terms of corrected oxide weight percent, calculated cations, and sums. Four representativeporphyroblasts are shown in Figure 2, and Figure 3 provides a Fig. 4. Reflected-light micrograph of a part of a porphyroblast from specimen 3-3 showing two optically distinct boundaries and An content of microorobe ooints. NORD ET AL.: PLAGIOCLASE AND PERISTERITE 951 Fig 5. (a) Electronmicrograph of lamellarmicrostructure in zoneII of part of a porphyroblast from 3-3.e : 201.(b) A selected-area electrondiffractionpattern,showingsatellitesabout each reflection.Inset is a magnifiedview of a reflectionshowingwell-developed satellites. 200 kV. summary of the microprobe data and a schematic drawing of the compositional zoning pattern across each crystal from rim to rim. Three specimensfrom the lowest-gradepart of the s t u d y a r e a , 1 0 3 2 - 1 ,l 1 0 2 - 1 , a n d l l l 4 - 1 , h a v e a l b i t e c o r e s a n d r i m s ( F i g . 3 ) . S p e c i m e nl l 0 2 - l c o n t a i n s slightly rounded plagioclase porphyroblasts which are virtually unzoned (An 0-3). Porphyroblasts in both 1032-l and I I l4-l have a 40- to 70-micron-wide and optically distinct band of peristeritecomposition, which separatesthe albite rim from the albite core (Fig. 2b). Maximum An content in these crystalsis An l3 in the center of this band, and the An content drops off symmetrically towards the rim and core. Plagioclasein specimen 693-1 (Fig. 2c) contains cores of albite (An 1-4). The An content increases outward from the core through peristerite compositions to a maximum of An l5-17 at the crystal margin; no discreterim was observed.Without its albitic r i m , 1 0 3 2 - l w o u l d b e c l o s e l ys i m i l a r t o 6 9 3 - 1 . The areacontainingspecimens 3-3,360-1,and 45-l marks a changefrom porphyroblasts havingalbitic with morecalcic corecompositions to porphyroblasts cores.Specimen 360-l (Fig. 2d) hasa coreof An 18 whichincreases outwardto a maximumof An 23 and then trails off through peristeritecompositionsto a distinctalbite rim. It also has a well-developed rim separated from theinnerpartsofthe crystalbyazone of alteration;the inclusionsare alignedparallelto crystallengthand are moreconcentrated in the core than in the rim. At highergrades,asin specimen45-1, zoningis continuous, typicallyfrom An l3 at thecore to An 25 at the rim. Specimen3-3 has beenstudiedin detail and was also used for the TEM observations. It is a conspicuouslyfoliated chlorite-plagioclase-muscoviteparagonite-quartzphyllite containingoptically- and porphyroblasts (Fig. 2a).The compositionally-zoned boundariesof thecrystalsarelocallycomplex,having jaggedor embayedrims enclosing singleor composite Fig. 6. (a) The coarserlamellarmicrostructurein zone II (Fig. 5) changesto a finer lamellarmicrostructurein zone III. (b) Weak l a m e l l a e i n c e n t e r o f t h i s c o r e a r e a . T h i s f i n e m i c r o s t r u c t u r e g i v e s r i s e t o d i f f u s e s c a t t e r i n g i n t h e d i f f r a c t i o n p a t t e r!n=( i n s e t i n F i g 201,200 kv. 952 NORD ET AL.: PLAGIOCLASE AND PERISTERITE rims tend to have fewer inclusions,and the interface between the rim and the transition zone may show concentrationsof inclusions.The oriented inclusions of the rims could have been inherited from a preexisting mineral fabric originally in the matrix. TEM observations Fig. 7. Stereographic projection of low albite, showing the orientation of the satellite vector which is within the triangular a r e a ;t h e h i g h - c o n t r a s tl a m e l l a en e a r ( l , l 8 , l ) ; a n d t h e l o w - c o n t r a s t l a m e l l a en e a r ( 2 0 1 ) . core crystals.Boundariesbetweenzonesare readily seenbecauseof the differentextinctionpositionsof arenearlyend-member the zones.Rim compositions steadily albite (An 0-5). The An contentincreases acrossthe first optical boundary into a transition zoneof compositionAn 9-16.Numerouspoint analyses,closelyspacedstep traverses,and backscatter imagesfailed to reveal the existenceof any abrupt in the transitionzone.The boundaries compositional An 22oligoclase, coreof the crystalis homogeneous zone by the transition from 25.The coreis separated jump in marks a composiwhich an opticalboundary tion from An 16to 22. In somecrystals,the boundarybetweenthe oligoclasecoreand transitionzoneis partiallyor entirely mixtureof mica, occupiedby a zoneof fine-grained and quartz.Thesemay be zonesof alterazoisite(?), tion, and are most readily explainedif they representeda zoneof maximum anorthitecontent suband if the outer rims are due sequentlyretrograded, to metamorphismat a later time. Such an interpretationwould be compatiblewith the observation of rimming of apparentlyembayedcoresmentioned before.In favor of a singleepisodeof crystalgrowth of mineralinclusions is the fact that the orientations in the crystals(especiallyilmenite)seemto persist throughall the zonesof a givencrystal,althoughthe A l-mm-long porphyroblast was chosen from sample 3-3 for the TEM study, becausethe compositional zones were optically distinct and the crystal was large and relatively unfractured. Three detailed microprobe traverseswere made acrossit. The TEM sampleswere then preparedby ion-thinning two fragments, each containing a microprobe traverse.Figure 4 shows one fragment, with the microprobe analyses indicated, before thinning. The optically-visible boundaries marking compositional breaks divide the crystal into three zones: the rim (I), the transition zone (II), and the core(III). In the TEM, the very albitic edge of zone I is featurelessexceptfor an occasionalmicrotwin. In the part of zone I having the composition of peristerite (An 2-16), a very faint lamellar microstructure is visible, with a wavelength of about 100A. The electron diffraction pattern has only sharp (a) reflections. The compositional gap between zones I and II is unrecognizablein the electron microscope;the only changeis a continued gradual increasein black-white contrast of the lamellar microstructure. Once in the composition range of zone II, however, the lamellar microstructureis easilyimaged (Fig. 5a), and appears to be developedevenly acrossthis zone. The lamella split and recombine,exhibiting a connectiveness. The contrast of the lamellaeis strong for operating Orville(1974) () o o Crowford(1966o) = o o o E o F Studiedby TEM o5r0152025 An Confent Fig. 8. A phase diagram showing the peristerite solvus of C r a w f o r d ( 1 9 6 6 a ) a n d t w o - p h a s ef i e l d o f O r v i l l e ( 1 9 7 4 ) , T h e 3 - 3 porphyroblast compositions studied in TEM are shown between 300'C and 400'C, the estimated temperature of crystallization. NORD ET AL.: PLAGIOCLASE AND PERISTERITE o o o = Spinodol o o o E o F Weoklo Slrong Conlrosl Lomello€ Slrono Conlrdsf Lomelloe Weok Conlrosf Lomellos o5tot52025 An Content Fig. 9. The strain-free solvus and estimated coherent spinodal are shown with the TEM observations from the various portions of p o r p h y r o b l a s t 3 - 3 . S p i n o d a l d e c o m p o s i t i o nc a n o c c u r o n l y u n d e r the spinodal curve whereas nucleation can occur anywhere under the strain-free solvus. Thus both mechanisms comDete within the coherent spinodal. in the planeof the I vectorscontainingcomponents lamellae(201,021,001)and weak for thosevectors containingcomponentsnormal to the plane of the famellae(020)(seealsoMclaren,1974,and Nord e/ al., 1974).In addition,when! : 020 and the strong setof lamellaevisiblein Figure5ais out of contrast,a faint setof lamellaenormalto thestrongsetis visible. The selected-area diffraction pattern for this area (Fig. 5b) showsthat the lamellaehavea high degree of periodicity,because satellitereflections are found about all the main reflections. The averagelamellae wavelengthcan be calculatedfrom the pattern by dividing the satellite-to-main spot spacinginto the appropriatecameraconstantK. The averagerealspacespacing is 122A,althougha diffusestreakconnectsthe satellites and evenextendsslightlybeyond, indicating a rangeof wavelengths.In all diffraction patternstakenof the modulatedstructures, all main reflections weresharpand no splittingwasobserved. This is surprisingbecause 7* is the reciprocallattice parameterthat undergoesthe greatestchangebetweenthe exsolvedphases (1.7obetween in peristerite An 0 and 4n25, Ribbe,1960);evenin a*b* diffraction patterns,only singlediffraction spotswerepresent from all threezones.Satellites werefound only in zoneII. The compositional breakbetweenzonesII and III is manifested as an abruptchangein lamellacontrast from relativelystrong contrastin zone II to weak contrastin zone III (Fig. 6a). The sizeand orientation of the lamellaeappearconstant.Within zoneIIl, weak lamellaecan be observedevenat the centerof the core area (Fig. 6b). Diffuse scatteringseenin 953 Figure6b is parallelto the row [201]*in diffraction patternsfrom zoneIII. Type(e)reflections characteristic of intermediateplagioclasewould, if present, occupythe positionmidwaybetweenthe 201 reflections [20] would be indexed202 for the l4,{ cell and (b) reflections would be l0l, 303,etc.l. The orientation of the two sets of lamellae,one strong and one weak, is shown in Figure 7 in a projectionof the crystallographicaxes stereographic patternswereusedfor of low albite.Many zone-axis the analysis;threewhich nearlycontain the vector (001),(100),and (102),are connectingthe satellites, plotted.The satellitevectorwas locatedat the intersectionof great circlescontainingthe zone Rormal and the vectortrace.Thesatellitevectorfalls6o from (081)(c : 7A) to near(l,l8,l) plottedas a heavy great circle. The orientationof the weak lamellae near (20T)was determinedby traceanalysisfrom the imageplates,as no streakingfrom this lamellarset was in the diffraction pattern. Discussion.and conclusions Peristeritephaserelations The peristeritetwo-phasefield (recentlyreviewed by Smith, 1975)hasbeendescribed aseithera solvus or as a two-phase binary"loop." Both typesof phase relationsare shownin Figure8. The solvusis asymmetrical;Crawford (1966a)estimatedthe low-temperature endmembersfrom a study of coexisting metamorphicplagioclasesto be about An, and Anrn.Sheplacedthe crestof the solvusbetweenthe almandineand stauroliteisogradsat 450'-500oC. More recentdata on staurolitestability suggestthat the stauroliteisogradshould be placedat leastat 550'C (Thompson,1976),raisingthe crestnearerto the high albite-low albite transition (575-625'C, McConnell and McKie, 1960).In contrastto the solvus model, a two-phasefleld consistingof low albiteand high- to intermediate-albite solid solution is preferredby Smith (1972)and Orville (1974).Orville (1974)rejecteda solvus,on the basisof experiideal solution behaviorwhich mentally-determined range An' to Anro-uuat 700oC over the occurred (Orville, 1972)and at 600'C (Orville, 1974). The maximumtemperatureof crystallizationof the porphyroblasts is estimated to be between300oCand 400oC,as discussedpreviously,and this is indicated the compositions in Figure 8 by areasrepresenting found in the porphyroblast 3-3,studiedby TEM. The compositionalbreaks,however,haveno significance, by all the sincethe total compositionsrepresented 954 NORD ET AL.: PLAGIOCLASE AND PERISTERITE analysedporphyroblastsfrom all the samplescompetelyspanthe rangeAnoto Anr' (Fig.3). Thebreaks probablyrepresent polyphase or local metamorphism changesin growth rate or reactingphases. The homogeneousdistribution,diffuseinterfaces, and connective andwavelikemorphologyof the peristeritelamellae,as well as the formation of satellites in the strongcontrastlaabout the main reflections mellae,suggestthat the exsolutionmechanismis This conclusionis consisspinodaldecomposition. tent with thoseof previousauthorswho havestudied peristeritemicrostructures(Christie, 1968;Weber, 1972;Lorimer et al., 1974).lt should be pointedout, however,that the spinodaldecompositionmechanism can only be provenby observingthe progressof with time (Laughlinand Cahn, 1975; decomposition thereYund, 1975b).The peristeritemicrostructure, fore, could possiblyhave formed by homogenous nucleationand growth,but this is unlikely,in viewof the difficulty of forming a critical nucleusin feld(Yund, p. Y-35, at low temperatures spars,especially with ease 1975b),contrasted the relative of spinodal no nucleation. which requires decomposition, Unmixing in the two-phasefield of the binary "loop" model can proceedonly by a nucleationand growth mechanism,since the free energycurvesfor the two phasesare discrete,and thereforespinodal is not possible(Champness and Loridecomposition mer,p. 175,1976).Nucleationandgrowth,aswell as spinodal decomposition,is possiblein the solvus model. Perist erit e microst ructure are summarizedin The types of microstructures Figure9 on a phasediagramshowingan asymmetric strain-freesolvusand an asymmetriccoherentspinodal curve (Christie,1968)(seeYund, 1975a,for a detailed discussionof the curves).In the region differences exist Anr-ruof our sample,compositional betweenthe coherentlamellae,as indicated by the strongimagecontrastobtainedusingoperatingvectors for which the structurefactor differencebetween albite and oligoclaseis large [i.e., for € : 021, : 20l.This area lies Fc(albite): 0, Fc(oligoclase) within the coherentspinodal. Spinodal theory predictsa critical wavelengthtrc whileall other that is amplifiedduringdecomposition decay(Cahn,1968).Oncethe decompowavelengths sitionis complete,the lamellaewill coarsenandother waveformswill grow at the expenseof l,c, eliminating the sinewaveformand periodicquality of the original microstructure.We suggestthat the sharp satellitesin the Anr-,u region and small -122A wavelengthof the lamellae indicate that the microstructure has not coarsenedto any appreciable extent. Therefore, trc is -120A for a composition Anr-t6 at an undercooling of 100 to 200'C (Cahn, 1968). Crosshatched lamellar microstructures which exhibited only weak contrast were also present outside the estimated spinodal curve in the Anrr-ru core (Fig. 7). Mclaren (1974) found similar weak microstructuresin both An,3 and Anru.Although the wavelengths are similar to those in the Anr-t. region, no satelliteis present and the contrast is weak. We suggest that this microstructureis in the nucleation-only field and consists of minor fluctuations (1-2 mole percent An) in composition or structure of variable wavelength.Thesecompositional fluctuationsare the precursorsto decomposition;they can amplify in the spinodal field about trc but can only decay in the nucleation-only field. The diffuse scattering in the diffraction pattern from this region may represent an attempt to form the intermediate plagioclasesuperlattice structure.The two setsof lamellaefound in the porphyroblasts lie very close to the predicted positions of strain energyminima calculatedby Willaime and Brown (1974). Geologic inferences Our data do not permit us to decide whether the zoning pattern of the plagioclaseis the product of a single or two discrete episodes of regional metamorphism. Becausethe TEM observationsshow that the continuous microstructure is superimposed across the already-formed core-rim boundary, the data are compatible with either hypothesis for the formation of the entire porphyroblasts.In any event, however,the various rimmed porphyroblastsindicate a complexity in spatial and sequentialarrangment of metamorphism not revealedby conventional microscopicpetrography. The rocks were metamorphosedprobably at temperatures no higher than about 350'C and under at most a few kilometers of overburden. These conditions are considerably below estimatesof the peristeritesolvus (- 550'C). The areasof peristeritecomposition therefore crystallized metastably, and those compositions within the coherent spinodal subsequently exsolved by spinodal decomposition. The low temperature of formation apparently suppressed coarsening of the microstructure and therefore preservedthe high degreeof lamellar periodicity. 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