Health Care Core Curriculum Medical Terminology HCCC 1100-01 Fall/Winter 2015-16 Kari Anderson Slade- Roosevelt High School Room: 305 Office Hours: Monday and Wednesday from 3:00-4:00 p.m. Office Phone: 612.668.4858 Email: Semester Credits: elective credit-RHS (college credit through MCTC if eligible) Class: Monday 12:20-1:10, Thursdays 12:20-1:10 p.m. Prerequisites: Health 1, Biology, and interest in pursuing a health careers pathway. Course Description This course focuses on the recognition and understanding of medical terms after students learn the meaning of word parts. A systems approach based on human anatomy is used. The student will also learn to interpret and implement common medical abbreviations and symbols used on healthcare forms and in medical records. Correct pronunciation and spelling of terminology is emphasized. Course Material Medical Terminology Made Easy 4th Edition by J.T. Dennerll. Suggested: A Medical Dictionary, flash cards as study method Class Information 1. No incomplete grades will be given for missed work. Incomplete grades will only be given to students who have completed most of the course satisfactorily and miss the final exam because of an extended, doctor-verified illness. 2. Please turn off cell phones and pagers during class. They are distracting to you and other students, and also against Roosevelt High School & Health Careers policy. 3. Student conduct in the course will follow the RHS Student Handbooks. Attendance Policy Attendance will be taken during lectures. Attendance is recommended for several reasons. Research shows that the best predictor of grades is attendance, which means that students who attend the lectures are more likely to learn the material, do well on exams and receive a good grade. Exam Policies Here are a few key points to be aware of regarding exams. --Class and test cheating or plagiarism will not be tolerated in any form. MCTC and RHS guidelines prevail. --All quizzes will be done in class. If you must miss class on a quiz day for some reason, you have 24 hours to make up the quiz on your own time before it will be counted as a zero. --The quizzes and final exams will be done on paper in the classroom with no book or notes permitted. --Notify the instructor before any class you will not be able to attend. Tentative Lecture Schedule Week 1 Sept. 7 Week 2 Sept. 14 Week 3 Sept. 21 Week 4 Sept. 28 Week 5 October 5 Week offOctober 12 Week 6 October 19 Week 7 Oct 26 Week 9 November 2 Week 10November 9 Week 11 November 16 Unit 1-Introduction to Medical & Anatomical Terms. Unit 1 quiz Thurs Sept. 10 Unit 2- Blood Cells, Cardiovascular, and Lymphatic systems, Quiz Thurs. Sept. 17 Unit 3: Nervous System and Tumors Unit 3 quiz- September 24 Unit 4-Digestive System Unit 4 quiz- Thursday October 1 No new terms- practice/study for oral exam to be given on October 8 & 9 (a list of 30 possible terms) Enjoy a week off of Med Term for Education MN Break! Units 5- Muscles, Bones and Joints Unit 5 Quiz- October 22 Unit 6 & 7- Male Reproductive and Urinary Systems & Female Reproductive System Quiz 6/7- Quiz on both systems October 29 Unit 8- Eye, Ear, Respiratory and Special Senses Unit 8 Quiz- November 5 Unit 9 Directions and Regions of the Body Unit 9 Quiz- Thursday November 12 Final exam-Friday, November 20th from 12:00-1:10, extra time can be given as needed- up to 2 hours. We will do in class review leading up to exam. Note that we will focus on Med Term two days of each week, with a quiz on Thursdays to wrap up each unit. For the remaining 3 days, we will be doing HCCC material. You will also receive a syllabus for the HCCC course. Grading: Passing grades will be determined by your total number of points. Grading scale: A=510-459, B=458-408, C+=408-393 (grade lower than C+ = unsatisfactory progress- I will support and encourage all students to stay above this level ) Weekly homework Unit Quizzes Oral Midterm Final Exam 8 units x 20 = 160points 8 quizzes x 25 = 200 points = 50 points = 100points =510points total Where To Get Help 1. See the instructor during office hours, in class, or email the instructor anytime. 2. Form a study group with other students. 3. Use CD ROM as a tool for learning and studying, it includes games and activities that will help you learn the material in ways that are different from our text and lecture. 3. Refer to lecture notes from each week as a study tool (you may also request copies of ppt.) Model of time management for success in this course: Monday- lecture in class, and read interactive chapter on Monday (1 hour outside class) Tuesday- start homework, at least one hour, and come with questions on Wednesday for our chapter review Wednesday- short in class review of chapter and time for Q and A Thursday: 25 question quiz on chapter of week Friday-Monday- start new chapter You may also want to make flashcards for each week with key word parts on the front and definitions on the back to use as you study for quizzes. The interactive CD-ROM also allows you to study in several different ways. Check it out. Note: Minimum of 3 hours of reading text, homework and study time to be successful in this course- it’s college, right! Learner Outcomes/Objectives Students completing this course should have a broad understanding of the meaning and construction of health care terms. Students should be able to: Develop within the individual, the critical thinking and related skills necessary for the understanding and effective application of health care terminology and Understand facts, concepts, and a technical vocabulary that are critical to understanding both normal and disease processes. Assessment Activities: The best way to prepare for this class is to read over the chapter(s) and do as many of the exercises as you possibly can BEFORE coming to class!!! Have questions ready to ask about things you don’t understand in the chapter. If your questions get answered as I present the material-great. If not, be sure to ask them before the end of class. Whatever question(s) you have, you can be sure other students probably need the same things explained. Never be afraid or shy about asking questions in this class. All questions are welcome if they relate to the material we are covering. Students will be given unit quizzes in this course. Each quiz will assess the students’ understanding of the material covered prior to each quiz. Each unit quiz will have 25 questions. Welcome to Medical Terminology! By the end of the semester you will be speaking the language that health care providers around the world use to communicate with each other about patients and their work in the field of medicine!