4 English and Literature at GCSE.pages

GCSE English Language and English Literature at Key Stage 4
English Language and English Literature at KS4, hereafter described as
Language and Literature, is a complicated course to describe.
The Edexcel Course.
The GCSE course combines Language and Literature and at the end of two
years the student will receive two grades. It has become a ‘linear’ course,
which basically means that the students sit all the examinations in the
summer after two years of study. During the two years, there are reasonably
regular controlled assessments – these are essays, sat in the classroom, under
supervised conditions, a bit like an examination. The grades or bands count
towards the final result.
With controlled assessments, students know the question beforehand and
can prepare to answer it at home. They are allowed to bring in planning and
notes – handwritten – but not draft essays / paragraphs. If appropriate they
can use a blank copy of the text. Sometimes they are allowed access to
dictionaries and thesauruses – ICT is also allowed. Some students can have
extra time if they have special examination needs.
Now let’s look at the order of the course:
Knowing what order the course is taught in can help you support your
children with their studies. Sometimes some rearrangement is necessary, but
it can give you a flavour of what the students are required to do and when
assessments can happen. This is, of course, a simplified overview. It is also
worth noticing that the ability to use correct written spelling, grammar and
punctuation is tested as part of some controlled assessments and
Spring Year 9 Understanding
The Writer’s
Students will begin
the study of a prose
text which will very
likely be ‘Of Mice
and Men’ by John
Steinbeck –
although others are
available at the
discretion of the
class teacher.
Spring Year 9 Spoken
The students
develop skills in
speaking and
Summer Year
An anthology is
supplied by the
examination board
and students will
study a batch of
themed poems and
another selection
• Unnamed
• Themed
This will be assessed
by examination as
one half of a two part
examination lasting 1
hour 45 minutes. !
There will be a choice
of one from two
extended essay style
questions where
students are invited
to explore the craft of
the writer in
presenting a different
culture and use
Worth 25%
Three speaking tasks
comprising of
discussion and drama
will be set.
Two sections, one
unseen poem - essay
style questions
1 Hour 45 Minutes
One response to two
poems from a theme
such as poems about
love, comparing the
two poems
They will develop
the skills of writing
about poetry and
how to approach a
poem they have not
yet read.
It is worth 25%
Autumn Year
Autumn Year
Modern Drama An Inspector Calls
by JB Priestley or
similar text.
The focus is on the
whole story, then an
extract and the
student prepares an
interpretation of an
aspect of the play –
say a character
Romeo and Juliet
The focus is on the
whole story, then an
extract and the
student prepares an
interpretation of an
aspect of the play –
say a character –
then compares this
to a performed
version – say a film.
They are assessed for
interpreting the text,
looking at the craft of
the writer, exploring
the dramatic effects.
Assessment for
2 Hours in the
They are assessed for
interpreting the text,
looking at the craft of
the writer, exploring
the dramatic effects
and making
These two units add
up to 25% of
Spring Year
English Today The students study
English in the daily
world – a range of
onscreen or paper
texts which will help
them develop the
skills of analysis. This is a Controlled
Assessment for
Language and it is
worth 20% of the
overall grade. !
Students will
complete a reading
They also write to
task and writing tasks
express information set by the
and ideas clearly
Examination Board
and with accuracy. and have four hours
to do these tasks.
Spring Year
Summer Year
The Writer’s
The students will
improve writing
skills in preparation
for the examination
Understanding Students will study a
prose text and it will
Prose text from very likely be
the literary
‘Animal Farm’ by
George Orwell –
although others are
available at the
discretion of the
class teacher.
Summer Year
Year 10 Trial
Autumn Year
The students
develop skills in
speaking and
Students have an
examination which
assesses writing skills
in the June series
This will be assessed
by examination as
one half of a two part
examination lasting 1
hour 45 minutes. !
There will be an
extract and students
will answer a four
part question linked
to this extract.
Worth 25%
This is a Controlled
Assessment for
Language and it is
worth 20% of the
overall grade.
They develop skills
in analysing the
spoken language we There will be two
use and hear
written responses to
spoken language and
They develop skills students have four
in writing spoken
hours to complete
Autumn Year
Year 11 Trial
Spring Year
Spring Year
Prose Text
From Other
Revision and
Catch Up
Students will begin
the study of a prose
text which will very
likely be ‘Of Mice
and Men’ by John
Steinbeck –
although others are
available at the
discretion of the
class teacher.
This will be assessed
by examination as
one half of a two part
examination lasting 1
hour 45 minutes. !
There will be a choice
of one from two
extended essay style
questions where
students are invited
to explore the craft of
the writer in
presenting a different
culture and use
Worth 25%
The course should
be completed by
this term so time is
given over to
Course Texts
Students will study one text from each list.
Literary Heritage
A choice of one text from the following:
• Animal Farm – George Orwell
• Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde – Robert Louis Stevenson
• Felicia’s Journey – William Trevor
• Great Expectations – Charles Dickens
• Pride and Prejudice – Jane Austen
• The Hound of the Baskervilles – Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
Different Cultures and Traditions
A choice of one text from the following:
• Anita and Me – Meera Syal
• Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress – Dai Sijie
• Heroes – Robert Cormier
• Of Mice and Men – John Steinbeck
• Rani and Sukh – Bali Rai
• Riding the Black Cockatoo – John Danalis
• To Kill a Mockingbird – Harper Lee
And: A Selection of Poetry
Students will study one text on which to focus their study from the list below.
A non-fiction text:
• Touching the Void – Joe Simpson
A choice of one text from the following Different Cultures
And Traditions texts (which are shared with GCSE English
• Anita and Me – Meera Syal
• Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress – Dai Sijie
• Heroes – Robert Cormier
• Of Mice and Men – John Steinbeck
• Rani and Sukh – Bali Rai
• Riding the Black Cockatoo – John Danalis
• To Kill a Mockingbird – Harper Lee
And: A Selection of Non Fiction Texts / Extracts and Spoken Word Texts
Speaking and Listening Top Tips
Encourage your child by listening supportively when they are practising their
speaking assessments
Encourage listening to talk radio as opposed to television e.g. Radio 5 Live –
because the techniques used interest the audience through voice work alone
and they have to respond to the spoken word.
Successful speaking includes teamwork and group discussion.
Successful speaking includes adopting a role or seeing things from another
They do not have to be a comedian!
Encourage students to vary pitch and tone of voice, use irony, use rhetorical
devices, involve the audience by asking them questions.
Encourage the use of gesture and a relaxed but confident posture.
Support the school in encouraging them, even if they are shy, it is a life skill
Reading Top Tips
Regular reading of magazines, newspapers, articles, Webpages – follow the
development of the writing and the language used for impact. Consider
purpose and intended audience
Explore and collect creative images: - captions, headings, fonts, colour
palettes – denotations, connotations, conventions and codes. Annotate
• Explore / read about the writer’s / poets’ cultures and backgrounds and
compare to own culture. Help them to develop understanding values different
to their own
• Explore the way poets uniquely use language as art – especially the feelings
displayed and how poetic devices enhance the impact
• Themes, ideas and sometimes the context or genre of the writer is good to
think about. Structure is often important in a novel as is the language used for
Writing Top Tips
The more the student reads, the better they will write – it develops
vocabulary and internalises conscious crafting as well as accuracy.
• Nonfiction writing is a process of analysis to synthesis – reading persuasive
texts and deconstructing them (for example) will aid in their construction. An
understanding of rhetorical technique is a good thing as is clear structure so
that the writing develops logically from paragraph to paragraph. Practise
• Writing prose is also improved through practice. Encourage risk taking with
structure – start with the ending, for example. Shorter more concise pieces
demonstrate disciplined and effective writing – plot exposition is dull –
students can often write in a role play gaming style. Writing dialogue and
punctuating it is also something that they often struggle with.
• Read reviews regularly and listen to Mark Kermode on Radio 5 every week –
download the podcast – it internalises media language and fluent review
Practical Top Tips and Helping Us to Help Them.
• Find out when they have self-study/ homework and check the
planner regularly
• Get in contact with the English Faculty if it appears that self-study
has not been set.
• Read their work through and comment on the positives but
remember, particularly with coursework, they have to do it alone.
Coursework is usually done at school to avoid plagiarism.
• Encourage them to work where you can see them – away from
distractions such as TV and computers.
• If possible, encourage them to use the computer as a learning tool
trying web-sites and the on-line learning facility Moodle.
• Contact us with your worries and concerns.
• Support us if we need to give your child extra help after school.
• Persuade your child to come to school dressed correctly, with a
positive learning attitude, with correct equipment and a bag that is
fit for purpose.
Mr P PEARCE: 01872 274737 or ppearce@penair.cornwall.sch.uk
Useful Websites
Edexcel Page: http://www.edexcel.com/quals/gcse/gcse10/english/Pages/
BBC Online Language: http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/gcsebitesize/english/
BBC Online Literature: http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/gcsebitesize/
English Biz: http://www.englishbiz.co.uk/
The Student Room: http://www.thestudentroom.co.uk/showthread.php?
Of Mice and Men: http://revisionworld.co.uk/gcse-revision/english/miceand-men-john-steinbeck
An Inspector Calls: http://freedownloadb.com/pdf/an-inspector-callssparknotes
And there are plenty of other sites out there as well as on YouTube. Students can also access the Student Shared Area from home.