Selection Review #1

Selectio n Rev iew # 1
To uchin g Sp i ri t B ea r
C h a p ter s 1 - 6
1. What kind of person is Cole Matthews? Describe his relationship with his parents. Cole
Matthews is an angry, bitter fifteen-year-old. He has been arrested several times. Cole is the
only child of wealthy parents. However, both of his parents drink heavily and Cole feels they do
not care about him. Cole’s father beats him when he has been drinking and his mother has
not protected him. Cole’s parents have recently divorced and they seem to have even less
time for him since the divorce.
2. Tell about Cole’s attack on Peter Driscal. What were its consequences, both for Peter
and for Cole? Cole viciously beat Peter for informing the police that Cole was bragging about
committing a break-in. He smashed Peter’s head on a sidewalk so violently that Peter may
have suffered permanent damage. Months after the beating, Peter is still undergoing therapy
for his injuries. Cole was likely to be tried as an adult for this crime and could have been
sentenced to a prison term.
3. Tell about Cole’s relationship with Garvey. What is Circle Justice, and why does Garvey
think it is a good option for Cole? Garvey is a parole officer who has taken an interest in Cole.
Cole distrusts Garvey, but he thinks he can use Garvey to improve his situation. Garvey tells
Cole about Circle Justice, a Native American way of dealing with offenders that aims for healing
and forgiveness. Garvey thinks Cole should apply for Circle Justice because if he is found
guilty at a regular trial, he will probably be sent to prison. This experience would probably trap
Cole in a life of crime and irresponsibility. If Cole is accepted for Circle Justice, a council of
people will determine a course of action to help Cole change his life. Garvey becomes Cole’s
sponsor for the Circle Justice program.
4. Explain why Cole is banished to the island. What preparations has Edwin made for Cole’s
stay? At Cole’s first hearing for Circle Justice, Peter Driscal’s lawyer insists that Cole is a threat
to society. Even though Cole pretends to be sorry for his crimes, the adults at the hearing
suspect that he is still angry, violent, and dangerous. Garvey is a Tlingit and grew up in
southeast Alaska. He suggests that Cole could spend a year in exile on a desert island. This
would give him time to face himself and address his issues. Edwin, a native elder from a
nearby village, builds Cole a shelter on the island. He and Garvey will visit Cole regularly to
make sure he is all right and to bring him supplies.
5. What does Cole do after Edwin and Garvey leave him on the island? What happens? How
does Cole feel when he sees the white “Spirit Bear”? When Edwin and Garvey leave, Cole
angrily pours fuel over the shelter and supplies and sets them on fire. He plans to escape from
the island by swimming. However, Cole discovers that the current of the incoming tide is too
strong. He is swept back to the shore and falls asleep, exhausted, in the ashes. When he sees
the white “Spirit Bear,” Cole becomes furious. He likes to stay in control by making others
afraid. It angers him that the white bear does not fear him. He wants to kill the bear, but it
disappears into the forest.
Selectio n Rev iew # 2
To uchin g Sp i ri t B ea r
Chapters 7 - 13
1. Describe Cole’s feelings as he waits for his chance to try again to escape the island. Why
does he want to kill the Spirit Bear? Cole feels empty and dull as he waits on the island. Even
though he sees amazing things, they mean nothing to him. He is filled instead with anger and
bitterness. Cole wants to kill the Spirit Bear because it is not afraid of him. He feels that it is
challenging him. He thinks that killing the bear will prove that he is stronger than it and that
he is in control.
2. How badly does the Spirit Bear hurt Cole when he tries to attack it? Why is this ironic?
The Spirit Bear almost kills Cole. It knocks him to the ground, bites his thigh, cracks his pelvis
and ribs, breaks his right arm, and rips open his chest. When it finishes, Cole cannot move and
is in extreme pain. This is ironic because Cole’s injuries remind him of the beating he gave
Peter. The bully has become a victim. However, at this point Cole still sees Peter as a loser, but
considers himself a tough guy.
3. What causes Cole’s first epiphany? What does he suddenly realize? What shows his
change in attitude? Cole’s first epiphany comes when lightning strikes a tree nearby. He
suddenly realizes that he is not in control of anything. Instead, he is a very small person in a
very big and frightening world. We see evidence of Cole’s change in outlook when he shows
concern for the baby birds that lived in the tree. This is the first time in the novel that Cole
has shown concern for anyone besides himself.
4. What does Cole have to do in order to live? How is his attitude toward the Spirit Bear
changing? Cole knows that he must eat in order to live. He forces himself to eat whatever he
can reach: grass, worms, a mouse, bugs, and scraps of vomited fish. He no longer hates the
Spirit Bear. At first, he still tries to spit at it, but later he reaches up and touches the bear’s fur.
He sees its beauty and in a strange way trusts it.
5. What is Cole’s second epiphany? How does it help him feel ready for death? Cole’s second
epiphany is his moment of trust and wonder in the Spirit Bear’s presence. He suddenly sees
how much beauty is around him and feels sorrow for destroying so much beauty throughout
his life. He feels that one moment of trusting and being trusted have mede his life worthwhile.
6. Describe Cole’s rescue. What long-term consequences of his choices does he face? How
does he feel about this? When Cole already feels his life is ending, Edwin and Garvey find him
and take him back to the mainland for medical care. However, he may never regain the use of
his broken arm. He will also probably face jaill time. Still, Cole accepts all of this calmly. He
tells Garvey that he is “okay.”
Selecti on Rev i ew # 3
To uchin g S p i ri t B ea r
C h a p te r s 14 - 20
1. Describe Cole’s relationship with his mom and dad when he returns to Minneapolis. What
does he learn from his mom? When Cole returns to Minneapolis, his dad never even comes
to see him. However, his mom visits him in the hospital every day. When he gets out of the
hospital, she tells him that she has stopped drinking. She also explains that Cole’s dad was
himself abused as a child. She asks Cole to forgive her for not protecting him from his dad’s
anger. She says she hopes that she and he can start over after Cole gets out of trouble.
2. Why does Edwin come to the Circle Justice meeting? Describe the plan that he and Garvey
propose for Cole to return to the island. Garvey asks Edwin to come to the meeting because
most of the Circle members want to return Cole to the court system so he will be sent to
prison. Edwin and Garvey believe that the experience on the island may have truly changed
Cole. Edwin helps Garvey convince the Circle to consider another plan. Their new plan is for
Cole to invest his own labor and resources to return to the island. His belongings are sold to
buy building materials and supplies. He will have to build the new shelter himself.
3. What lessons do Garvey and Edwin try to teach Cole soon after they arrive on the island?
How do they illustrate those lessons? Garvey and Edwin try to teach Cole to celebrate the
good things in life and to focus on happiness instead of anger. Garvey tries to teach him
about celebration by making a special feast of a hot dog and then sharing it. Edwin tries to
teach him about focusing on happiness using a stick as an example. He tells Cole that the
left end of the stick is his anger and tells him to break it off. He points out that no matter
how often Cole breaks the stick, there will always be a left end. In the same way, in life there
will always be things that make him angry. The important thing is to focus on his happiness
instead of his anger.
4. How does Cole deal with building the shelter by himself and following Garvey and Edwin’s
directions? What is Garvey’s response? Cole feels bitter and angry about having to build the
shelter by himself and take orders from Edwin and Garvey. He is back to blaming others for his
problems. He grumbles about preparing the meals and going to the pond with Edwin. On the
second full day, he flatly refuses to make supper. Garvey says they will return to Minneapolis.
He says that Cole’s bad attitude has returned, and they cannot work with it.
5. How does Cole try to prove to Garvey and Edwin that he really wants to change? List
some of the things he realizes as he follows their instructions on his own. To prove that
he really wants to change, Cole fixes Edwin and Garvey the nicest supper he can. He dances
a wolf dance by himself. In the morning he goes to the pond and soaks, then carries the
ancestor rock, by himself. As he performs these tasks, Cole realizes how much he needs
Edwin and Garvey’s support. He realizes that despite his mistakes, he has already learned a
lot from them. He also realizes how much he needs to let go of his anger and stop blaming
others in order to succeed in changing his life.
6. List three types of conflict that Cole faces in this section. Which conflict is the most
important one for him to resolve? In this section, Cole faces conflict with others, with nature, and with himself. His conflict with others occurs because he does not want to take
orders from Garvey and Edwin. He is in conflict with nature because he has to build a strong
shelter to protect him from the cold and the animals, even though his right arm is weak and
almost useless. He also has a heavy rock to carry and a freezing pond to face each morning.
FInally, his internal conflict has to do with the attitude he chooses to take. He can either let
his bitterness and anger control him, or he can accept direction from Edwin and Garvey,
even when he doesn’t like what they tell him to do. This internal conflict is the most important one for him to resolve. When he decides to let go of his anger, his conflict with Edwin
and Garvey disappears. He even finds peace and new wisdom in sitting in the pond and
carrying the rock.
Selecti on Rev i ew # 4
To uchin g S p i ri t B ea r
C h a p te r s 21 - 28
1. What is Cole tempted to do with the big log? What does he do instead? Cole is tempted to
use the big log to carve a dugout canoe. This would enable him to escape the island. However,
he realizes that even thinking about escape makes him angry. Instead, he decides to carve
the log to make a totem pole.
2. What does Cole do in the hope of seeing the Spirit Bear again? Describe the anger dance
that he performs after the bear appears to him. In order for the bear to appear to him, Cole
tries to make himself invisible. This means he has to clear his mind and become part of the
landscape, mentally and physically. After he sees the bear again, Cole feels ready to dance
the anger dance. He shouts and screams, threatening a tree. Then he acts out his near-death
experience with the Spirit Bear. He begs for forgiveness and physically attacks the tree, then
expresses shame and regret. Finally, he says aloud, “I forgive you.”
3. After the anger dance, what does Cole realize he still needs to do? Why does he think
Peter should come to the island? After his dance, Cole realizes he still needs to find a way
to help Peter. He learns from Edwin that Peter is very depressed, and that he even tried to
commit suicide. Cole believes that coming to the island could help Peter face himself again
and overcome his fear and anger. He thinks that the things that have helped him deal with his
own past would help Peter too.
4. What plans do Edwin and Garvey make to help Peter and his parents feel safe? How does
Peter respond to these plans? The plan is for Garvey to stay with the boys so that Peter will
feel safe. Peter’s parents come with him to the island, and Cole tells them the whole story of
his own time on the island. Edwin brings a tent so that Cole can sleep away from the cabin.
However, Peter is still very fearful. He tells Cole to stay away from him and does not want to
stay on the island at all. He refuses to help Cole and Garvey with chores. He tries to get back
at Cole in sneaky ways, like throwing stones at him or pushing him in the water when Garvey
is not looking.
5. What happens after Peter lets Cole begin sleeping in the cabin again? How does the
boys’ relationship change when Peter has his own pole to carve? After Peter lets Cole
come back to the cabin, he still does sneaky, mean things to him. The worst thing occurs
when he ruins the bear carving on Cole’s totem pole. However, when Peter gets his own
pole to carve, the boys’ relationship improves. Peter dances a mouse dance with Cole and
Garvey. He is better at carving than Cole is, and he carves a new bear totem on Cole’s pole
to replace the one he destroyed.
6. Describe the climax and denouement of this section. How do Cole and Peter symbolize
their new relationship? The day after the boys begin carving together, Peter suggests that
he and Cole should go to the pond without Garvey. On the way to the pond, Peter suddenly
attacks Cole. Cole refuses to fight back, even when Peter continues hitting and kicking him.
This confrontation is the novel’s climax. Finally Peter begins to cry and Cole comforts him.
As the boys embrace, they see the Spirit Bear watching them. In the denouement, Cole gives
Peter the at.óow as a symbol of trust, and the boys work together to carve a circle at the
bottom of Cole’s totem pole.
L itera tu r e Te st # 1
To uchin g S p i ri t B ea r
C h a p te r s 1 - 6
1. Cole Matthews blames his anger on his parents. Why? What does he complain about?
2. What did Cole do to Peter Driscal? Why does Garvey suggest Cole apply for the Circle Justice
3. Explain why Cole is sent to the island. What preparations are made for his stay there?
4. Describe Cole’s actions after Garvey and Edwin leave. What is his attitude at this point in the
L itera tu r e Te st # 2
To uchin g S p i ri t B ea r
C h a p te r s 7 - 13
1. Explain what happens when Cole tries to kill the Spirit Bear. What is ironic about his situation?
2. How does the lightning strike change Cole’s thinking? (Use the literary term for this change.)
What shows readers that he has changed?
3. Describe Cole’s last experience with the Spirit Bear. How does it affect him? How has his attitude changed when he realizes he is close to death?
4. What consequences does Cole face as a result of his poor choices on the island? How do you
think Garvey will handle this situation?
L itera tu r e Tes t # 3
To uchin g S p i ri t B ea r
C h a p te r s 14 - 20
1. What do the Circle Justice members want to do with Cole’s case after he is released from the
hospital? What do Garvey and Edwin persuade them to do instead? Why?
2. What do Garvey and Edwin want Cole to understand when they return to the island with him?
Describe at least one practical illustration they use to teach this lesson.
3. Explain why Cole is so angry with Garvey and Edwin. How does he handle this anger? What
does Garvey do?
4. Cole fixes a special dinner and dances the wolf dance alone; in the morning, he goes to the
pond alone to soak and carries the ancestor rock alone. Why? How do these solitary experiences help Cole resolve his internal conflict?
L itera tu r e Tes t # 4
To uchin g S p i ri t B ea r
C h a p te r s 21 - 28
1. List three important events that occur after Garvey and Edwin leave Cole alone on the island.
2. Explain why Cole suggests that Peter should come and stay on the island with him. List at
least two things Edwin and Garvey do to help Peter feel safe.
3. Inthe left column of the chart below, list at least two ways that Peter expresses his fear, distrust, and anger toward Cole. In the right column, list two ways that he shows he is trying to
be more open to Cole.
Signs of Peter’s Fear, Distrust, and Anger
Signs That Peter Is Trying to Be Open
4. Describe what happens when Peter and Cole go to the pond alone. What specific actions
symbolize their new relationship afterward?
Vocabu la r y Tes t # 1
To uchin g Sp i ri t B ea r
C ha p te r s 1 - 6
Vocabu la r y Tes t # 2
To uchin g Sp i ri t B ea r
C h a p te r s 7 - 13
Vocabu la r y Tes t # 3
To uchin g Sp i ri t B ea r
C ha p te r s 7 - 20
Vo cabular y Te st # 4
To uchin g Sp i ri t B ea r
Ch a p te r s 21 - 28