Overview of AIS Best Management Practices

Sarah Orlando
Ohio Sea Grant
 Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) overview
 Best Management Practices (BMPs) for AIS  Transport
 Reporting
 Overview of federal and selected state regulations
 Online resources
Aquatic Invasive Species
 What are they?
 A species that is not native and whose introduction causes, or is likely to cause, economic or environmental harm or harm to human health. – National Invasive Species Council.
 Great Lakes Examples
 Zebra/Quagga Mussels
 Round Goby
 Spiny Water Flea
 Rusty Crayfish
 Purple Loosestrife
Credit: Kristin Stanford.
 Eurasian Watermilfoil
 Viral Hemorrhagic Septicemia Virus (VHSv)
Aquatic Invasive Species
 How do they get here?
 Ballast water
 Shipping canals
 Intentional stocking
Credit: L. David Smith, MIT Sea Grant.
 Fishing bait release
 Accidental introduction by nurseries, water gardens, and plant/animal trades
 Intentional release of unwanted pets
Credit: Ohio Sea Grant.
‐Protect Your Waters, www.protectyourwaters.net
Credit: Minnesota Sea Grant.
Aquatic Invasive Species
 How do they spread?
 Boats, trailers, and equipment
 Bait buckets and live wells
 Birds and other animals
 Sea planes
 Scuba equipment
 Currents or by swimming into uninfested waters
– Protect Your Waters, www.protectyourwaters.net
Credit: Michigan Sea Grant.
Aquatic Invasive Species
 Why do we care?
 Environmental impacts
 Economic impacts
 Commercial and Recreational Fisheries
 Shipping
 Public Health impacts
 Disease epidemics
 Parasites
– Aquatic Nuisance Species Task Force.
Credit: USGS.
Transport BMPs
 Become familiar with and adhere to your state’s restrictions on the transport of species.
 See “Great Lakes State Regulations” for information on your state.
 Recommended BMPs
*Disclaimer: These may be REQUIRED in your state. Always consult your state authority for specific regulations.*  DO NOT place a boat, boating equipment, or boat trailer in the water when an aquatic plant is attached.
 DO NOT import or sell exotic species for introduction or release into any body of water that would allow that species to be introduced into public waters.
Reporting BMPs
Credit: Michigan Sea Grant.
 If a boater suspects a new occurrence of an aquatic invasive species, DO provide contacts and resources about aquatic invasive species.
 Report invasive species found at new locations to USGS Nonindigenous Aquatic Species Sighting Report Form
OR call the hotline (1‐877‐STOP‐ANS).
 You should also report the siting to your State.
See “Great Lakes State Regulations” for information on your state.
Federal Regulation
Federal Regulation
Ballast Water
National Invasive Species Act (1996): Mandated regulations to prevent introduction and spread of aquatic nuisance species into Great Lakes through ballast water. http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/PLAW‐104publ332/pdf/PLAW‐
104publ332.pdf Ballast Water Management for Control of Nonindigenous Species in Waters of the United States (2004): Regulations promulgated in 2004 converting the national voluntary guidelines into a national mandatory ballast water management program. http://law.justia.com/cfr/title33/33‐
Boat Cleaning
Clean Boating Act (2008): Enables EPA to regulate recreational vessel discharges though management practices. Regulation will be proposed in 2013. http://epa.gov/cleanboatingact
Lacey Act (1990, ammended in 1998): Regulates the import of any species protected by international or domestic law and prevents spread of non‐native species. http://www.fws.gov/international/laws‐treaties‐agreements/us‐
Nonindigenous Aquatic Nuisance Prevention and Control Act (1990): Established Aquatic Nuisance Species Task Force to develop a program of prevention, monitoring, control, and study. http://anstaskforce.gov/Documents/nanpca90.pdf
Nonindigenous Aquatic Nuisance Prevention and Control Act (1990): Established Federal program to prevent introduction of and to control the spread of introduced aquatic nuisance species. http://anstaskforce.gov/Documents/nanpca90.pdf
Helpful Websites
http://www.invasivespeciesinfo.gov/laws/publiclaws.shtml#.UG3QX1EQdsg NOTICE: The above is a summary of the many current federal regulations regarding invasive species. This list is NOT all‐inclusive. State Regulation – WI, MI, OH
Bilge Water
Must drain all water from boats, vehicles, and equipment before entering the state and after exiting the water.
Boat Cleaning
Helpful Websites
Illegal to Remove all posses/transfer/tran
Illegal to sport certian
plants and introduce a animals and Contact: WI Dept of invasive species Illegal to use a live nonnative drain all water and/or a vehicle, Natural Resources prohibited fish, aquatic plant, http://dnr.wi.gov/topic/Invasives/
from vehicles boat, boat trailer, http://dnr.wi.gov/topic/In invasive species or boat.html; algae, and equipment equipment or gear vasives/ non‐native crayfish cyanobacteria, http://dnr.wi.gov/topic/Invasives/
before entering of any type on a Notify Wisconsin DNR of as fishing bait. Illegal or fish species classification.html;
the state or public highway the escape of a restricted to release any in any water of http://www.legis.state.wi.us/2007/
immediately which has an invasive fish species within unused bait into any the state data/AB‐86.pdf
following aquatic plant or without a 24 hours.
leaving a body aquatic animal permit of water.
attached to the (exceptions).
exterior. Contact: USGS NAS at Placing a boat, Prohibited to http://nas.er.usgs.gov/Sigh
boating possess/transport Prohibited to use http://www.invasivespeciesinfo.go
tingReport.aspx or (877) Illegal to equipment, or certain aquatic nonnative species as v/laws/mi.shtml#.UIfFllH4JN8 STOP‐ANS OR directly to introduce boat trailer in invasive species. fishing bait. http://www.legislature.mi.gov/do
the GLANSIS manager, certain Michigan’s List: Pathogen restrictions cuments/2005‐
Rochelle Sturtevant at nonnative fish water when an www.legislature.mi.
on possession of 2006/publicact/pdf/2005‐PA‐
or aquatic aquatic plant is gov/documents/200
baitfish and roe on 0033.pdf gov or (734) 741‐2287. You plants unless attached is 5‐
certain waters of the http://www.michigan.gov/docum
should also notify the authorized.
considered a 2006/publicact/pdf/
ents/dnr/FO_245.10_317517_7.pdf state. Michigan Department of civil infraction. 2005‐PA‐0077.pdf Environmental Quality.
Contact: See Aquatic Illegal for any person Illegal to Nuisance Species Task to sell as bait fish, or release exotic http://www.dnr.state.oh.us/Home
Illegal to possess Force expert list for who to use as bait any fish species into /wild_resourcessubhomepage/dea
or minnow not notify. exotic species for public waters ling_with_wildlifeplaceholder/Inv
introduction or http://www.anstaskforce.g already established unless asiveSpecieslandingpage/aquatici
release into public ov/experts/expertlist.php? in waters of Ohio authorized by nvasivewildlife/tabid/5827/Defaul
over which the PHPSESSID=25941cfb19d9
permission of t.aspx
41958512eb15183ab923&exp wildlife chief has the chief.
NOTICE: The above is a summary of the many current state regulations regarding invasive species. This list is NOT all‐inclusive. Laws are up to interpretation by the agencies implementing them. Please consult your state authorities for the most accurate and up‐to‐date information.
State Regulation – MN, IL, IN
Bilge Water
Boat Cleaning
Helpful Websites
All prohibited invasive species Drain water from must be cleaned off watercraft, boat, livewell, bilge, and portable trailers, and Illegal to transport Illegal to dispose equipment. bait containers prohibited invasive of unwanted bait before leaving any Associated Illegal to species and ALL in water or on boating water access. Drain Contact: MN DNR. See introduce aquatic plants ground. Illegal to http://www.dnr.state.mn.us/invasives
plugs must be equipment that http://www.dnr.state.m
prohibited without a permit. /index_aquatic.html; take wild animals has been n.us/invasives/contacts.
invasive species MN removed also at the Water from infested http://files.dnr.state.mn.us/eco/invasi
from infested water access, and removed from unless html#aquatic for who to waters must not be ves/infested_waters.pdf
waters for bait or drain plugs and any water body authorized by a contact.
transported on a aquatic farms may not be other water permit.
public road except except under placed in draining devices under permit.
must remain open another water while trailering or body until a transporting boats. minimum of 21 days have passed.
Illegal to release any aquatic life into state Illegal to Contact: Fill out online http://www.iisgcp.org/il‐
possess/transport/tr Aquatic Non‐Native Illegal to use live waters (unless ans/index2.html; IL
ade injurious or Species Reporting Form. injurious species it is released http://www.dnr.illinois.gov/adrules/d
from which it restricted species http://www.iisgcp.org/il
as bait.
came) without without a permit.
authorization by IL DNR.
NOTICE: The above is a summary of the many current state regulations regarding invasive species. This list is NOT all‐inclusive. Laws are up to interpretation by the agencies implementing them. Please consult your state authorities for the most accurate and up‐to‐date information.
State Regulation – IN, PA, NY
Bilge Water
Boat Cleaning
Helpful Websites
Illegal to Illegal to transport http://www.in.gov/dnr/natureprese
transport listed listed species Contact: IN DNR. Call 1‐ Illegal to take Illegal to import rve/files/np‐
Illegal to species on any within any boat 866‐NO‐EXOTIC, or listed species or release into ExoticNuisanceAquaticSpecies.pdf; boat trailer, bait possess/transport/tr
trailer, bait bucket, online: unless killed public waters a bucket, gear and ade listed species http://www.in.gov/dnr/fishwild/file
gear and http://www.in.gov/dnr/638 immediately listed species equipment without a permit.
s/fw‐AIS_PossessionRules.pdf; equipment without 5.htm
upon capture. without a permit.
without http://www.in.gov/dnr/6373.htm
Contact: PA Fish & Boat Illegal to Commission. Fill out possess/transport/tr
online reporting form: ade listed live http://fishandboat.com/ais
invasive species.
No person shall cause listed No person shall Contact: See Aquatic cause listed species species to be Nuisance Species Task to be liberated to liberated to the Illegal to Force expert list for who to the wild or allow wild or allow possess/import/trans
notify. such species to such species to http://anstaskforce.gov/ex
port listed live exist in a state or exist in a state or species without a perts/expertlist.php?PHPS
condition where it condition where ESSID=630c7901cd79af4d4
is likely to escape it is likely to 48707004498f575&expertpr
into the wild.
escape into the wild.
Illegal to release any species of fish in Commonwealth waters unless on http://fishandboat.com/ais.htm
approved list or with written permission from the PA Commisssion.
Illegal to introduce, dispose of, http://www.dec.ny.gov/animals/501
release, or 21.html; transplant http://www.dec.ny.gov/regs/3934.h
prohibited tml
species without a permit.
NOTICE: The above is a summary of the many current state regulations regarding invasive species. This list is NOT all‐inclusive. Laws are up to interpretation by the agencies implementing them. Please consult your state authorities for the most accurate and up‐to‐date information.
Sarah Orlando
Ohio Sea Grant
General Resources for Marinas
Exotic & Nuisance Aquatic Species and Great Lakes Marinas: http://www.in.gov/dnr/naturepreserve/files/np‐ExoticNuisanceAquaticSpecies.pdf
Prohibited Species and Regulations in the Great Lakes Region: http://www.michigan.gov/documents/deq/wrd‐ais‐regulated‐species_390473_7.pdf
Boat Washing Stations – Case Study: http://www.seagrant.umn.edu/downloads/jensen_boatwash.pdf
Boat Bottom Washing – Clean Marina Webinar: http://www.miseagrant.umich.edu/greenmarina/boatwash/index.html
Don’t Move a Mussel – Educational Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4uLKK09TljI
Watercraft Inspection and Decontamination – Training Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JX8TmwTx‐tU&feature=relmfu
Aquatic Invasive Species‐Minnesota Waters At Risk – Documentary: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=IobWB1yZHm8
Great Lakes General Resources
Credit: Michigan Sea Grant.
US States
Credit: Michigan Sea Grant.
Michigan –
Wisconsin –
Minnesota –
Illinois –
US States
Indiana –
Credit: Michigan Sea Grant.
Ohio –
Pennsylvania –
New York –
Great Lakes Canadian Provinces
Credit: Michigan Sea Grant.
Tory Gabriel, Ohio Sea Grant
Josh Gunn, Michigan Sea Grant
Tim Campbell, Wisconsin Sea Grant
Dave White, New York Sea Grant
Tory Gabriel
Tory Gabriel is the Fisheries Outreach Coordinator for Ohio Sea Grant Extension, and is based in the Ottawa County Extension Office in Oak Harbor. His primary responsibilities involve research, education, and outreach associated with the Lake Erie Fisheries and related issues including aquatic invasive species. Stakeholder groups include charter captains and fishing associations, as well as the Lake Erie fishing public. Tory holds his bachelor’s degree in wildlife biology and his master’s degree in life science education from Ohio University in Athens, Ohio. Prior to his current position he worked as a high school science teacher, and then served as a workshop instructor, laboratory assistant, and on fish sampling crews for the Ohio Sea Grant College Program and F.T. Stone Laboratory.
Josh Gunn
Josh Gunn is an Extension Educator with Michigan Sea Grant and focuses on educating boaters and marinas on best practices to reduce impacts on Great Lakes resources. He is currently working on coordinating efforts to share resources with other Great Lakes States who wish to educate boaters and marinas on these impacts. At Texas A&M University, he studied water quality issues as well as coastal habitat restoration methods. Prior to this, he spent eight years in the U.S. Coast Guard working with the boating public to help them understand laws and regulations related to boating safety, environmental protection, and fishing. Tim Campbell
Tim Campbell is an aquatic invasive species (AIS) outreach specialist for Wisconsin Sea Grant. He has been involved in research evaluating the effectiveness of various boat washing protocols in removing AIS from boats, and determining the distribution of the round goby in tributaries of the Great Lakes. In his current position, Tim applies current research and AIS prevention strategies to help coastal communities and stakeholders prevent the spread of AIS.
Dave White
David White is the Recreation/Tourism Specialist and Great Lakes Program Coordinator for the New York Sea Grant Extension Program. Dave has been with Sea Grant since November of 1984 and is located at the State University of New York College at Oswego.
Dave has a master's degree in resource management from the SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry, a bachelor's degree in agriculture education from Cornell University and an associate's degree in natural resources conservation from SUNY Morrisville. Presently, along with being the Great Lakes Program Coordinator, Dave is Sea Grant's Recreation/Tourism Specialist and as such has developed educational programs focusing on recreation/tourism development and use along New York's Great Lakes. www.miseagrant.umich.edu/greenmarina
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