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21/11/07 11:40:26
Communication – Speech ....................................................................................1
Business Communication ......................................................................................................... 6
Communication Theory ............................................................................................................ 7
Gender Communication ........................................................................................................... 9
Intercultural Communication ................................................................................................... 11
Interpersonal Communication .................................................................................................. 5
Interpersonal Conflict ............................................................................................................... 5
Interviewing .............................................................................................................................. 6
Introduction to Communication ................................................................................................. 3
Persuasion ............................................................................................................................... 9
Public Speaking ........................................................................................................................ 1
Research Methods ................................................................................................................... 8
Small Group Communication ................................................................................................... 5
Visual Communication .............................................................................................................. 6
Mass Communication .........................................................................................12
Introduction to Electronic Media ............................................................................................. 16
Introduction to Mass Communication ..................................................................................... 12
Introduction to Mass Communication – Readers ................................................................... 14
Media Effects .......................................................................................................................... 16
Journalism ..........................................................................................................18
Broadcast News Writing and Production ................................................................................ 18
News Writing & Reporting ...................................................................................................... 18
Public Relations & Advertising ................................................................................................ 20
Media, Film & Cultural Studies ...........................................................................21
Cultural Studies ...................................................................................................................... 32
Film & Television Studies ....................................................................................................... 21
Journalism .............................................................................................................................. 30
Media Studies ......................................................................................................................... 25
New Media ............................................................................................................................. 23
Popular Music ......................................................................................................................... 35
Science & Culture ................................................................................................................... 32
Sports Studies ........................................................................................................................ 30 i
New Titles
Communicating in Groups: Applications and Skills, 8e
Seeing is Believing, 4e
A First Look at Communication Theory, 8e iSpeak: Public Speaking for Contemporary Life, 4e
Bridges Not Walls: A Book About Interpersonal Communication, 11e
Communication Matters
Communication Research: Asking Questions, Finding Answers, 3e
Experiencing Intercultural Communication: An Introduction, 4e
Human Communication, 4e
Interviewing: Principles and Practices, 13e
Taking Sides: Clashing Views in Gender, 5e
Interpersonal Conflict, 8e
Taking Sides: Clashing Views in Mass Media and Society: Expanded, 11e Alexander
Introduction to Mass Communication: Media Literacy and Culture, 7e
Broadcasting Cable the Internet and Beyond:
An Introduction to Modern Electronic Media, 7e
Annual Editions: Mass Media 11/12, 17e
Mass Media in a Changing World, 4e
Taking Sides: Clashing Views in Mass Media and Society, 11e
Dynamics of Mass Communication: Media in Transition, 11e
Annual Editions: Mass Media 10/11, 16e
15 ii
Public Relations: The Profession and the Practice, 4e
New Titles
Melvin Mencher’s News Reporting and Writing, 12e
Broadcast News Handbook, 4e
News Culture, 3e Allan
Media And Society, 2e
Children, Media and Culture
New Literacies, 3e
What is Film Theory?
Keywords in News and Journalism Studies
Mediating Politics: Newspapers, Radio, Television and the Internet Washbourne 9780335217595 26 iii
Communication – Speech
Chapter 9. Visual Resources and Presentation Technology
Part Three: Types of Presentations
Chapter 10. Presenting to Inform
Chapter 11. Presenting Persuasive Messages
Chapter 12. Speaking on Special Occasions
Appendix A: Working and Presenting as a Group
Paul E Nelson, North Dakota State University-Fargo
Scott Titsworth, Ohio University-Athens
Judy C Pearson, North Dakota State University-Fargo
2012 / 352 pages
ISBN: 9780078036835
Available: January 2011
[Details unavailable at press time]
Hamilton Gregory, Asheville-Buncombe Technical Community College
2010 / 464 pages
ISBN: 9780077394066
Available: October 2009 www.mhhe.com/gregory9e
Public Speaking for College and Career offers a practical, accessible, and non-intimidating approach to public speaking. Through numerous stories, examples, and techniques, this popular text shows students how to achieve clarity and confidence during the speeches they must give in college, in their careers, and in their communities. The new edition features Connect Public Speaking - a dynamic and powerful web-based learning management system with the student experience at its core. Informed by extensive research conducted with both instructors and students, Connect is designed to help students earn better grades and save instructors valuable time, whether teaching a face to face, online, or hybrid course. want them to be.
I nternatIonal edItIon
Paul E Nelson, North Dakota State University-Fargo
Scott Titsworth, Ohio University-Athens
Judy C Pearson, North Dakota State University-Fargo
2010 / 384 pages
ISBN: 9780073406770
ISBN: 9780071311243 [IE]
Available: January 2009 www.mhhe.com/ispeak2010
For your classes in Public Speaking McGraw-Hill introduces the latest in its acclaimed M Series. The M Series started with your students. McGraw-Hill conducted extensive market research with over 4,000 students to gain insight into their studying and buying behavior. Students told us they wanted more portable texts with innovative visual appeal and content that is designed according to the way they learn. We also surveyed instructors, and they told us they wanted a way to engage their students without compromising on high quality content.
Freedom of speech and public speaking are critical components of a healthy democracy. iSpeak promotes this declaration by using examples that reflect vital personal, social, and political themes that portray campus communities across the country. iSpeak consistently demonstrates that public communication is directly related to what people care about, what people want, and what people do.
More current, more portable, more captivating, plus a rigorous and innovative research foundation adds up to: more learning. When you meet students where they are, you can take them where you
Part One: Preparing Your Presentations
Chapter 1: Getting Started
Chapter 2. Preparing Your First Presentation
Chapter 3. Selecting a Topic and Purpose
Chapter 4. Analyzing the Audience
Part Two: Selecting and Arranging Content
Chapter 5. Finding Information and Supporting Your Ideas
Chapter 6. Organizing and Outlining Your Presentation
Chapter 7. Delivering Speeches
Chapter 8. Choosing Your Words
Connect Public Speaking allows students and instructors to access all course materials including a complete media and research library, study aids and speech preparation and assessment tools from a single place, www.mcgrawhillconnect.com. Connect Plus offers all of this with the addition of an integrated, interactive eBook that immerses students in a flexible, interactive environment.
For more information go to www.mcgrawhillconnect.com
Part 1: Foundations of Effective Communication
Chapter 1. Introduction to Public Speaking
Chapter 2. Controlling Nervousness
Chapter 3. Listening
Part 2: Developing a Focus
Chapter 4. Reaching the Audience
Chapter 5. Selecting Topic, Purpose, and Central Idea
Part 3: Preparing Content
Chapter 6. Finding Information
Chapter 7. Evaluating Information & Avoiding Plagiarism
Chapter 8. Supporting Your Ideas
Chapter 9. Presentation Aids
Part 4: Organizing the Speech
Chapter 10. The Body of the Speech
Chapter 11. Introductions and Conclusions
Chapter 12. Outlining the Speech
Part 5: Presenting the Speech
Chapter 13. Wording the Speech
Chapter 14. Delivering the Speech
Part 6: Types of Public Speaking
Chapter 15. Speaking to Inform
Chapter 16. Speaking to Persuade
Chapter 17. Persuasive Strategies
Chapter 18. Special Types of Speeches
Chapter 19. Speaking in Groups
Appendix: Sample Speeches
End Notes
Communication – Speech
John Hasling, Foothill College
2010 / Softcover / 224 pages
ISBN: 9780073385044
Available: January 2009 www.mhhe.com/hasling8e
This brief, core introduction to public speaking combines a concern with classic rhetoric with a strong focus on ethics, diversity, and the latest technology. The Audience, The Message, The Speaker emphasizes the speaker’s responsibility to convey succinct, meaningful information that is well organized, reliable, and clearly expressed for the relevant audience.
Prologue: Theory of Oral Communication
The Fundamentals of Communication
Part One: The Audience
Chapter 1--Preparing to Meet the Audience
Chapter 2--Preparing to Meet the Audience
Chapter 3--Finding Common Ground
Chapter 4--Listening and Reacting
Part Two: The Message
Chapter 5--The Topic, Purpose, and Content of the Speech
Chapter 6--Organizing and Outlining
Chapter 7--The Speech to Inform
Chapter 8--Thinking and Reasoning
Chapter 9--the Speech to Persuade
Part Three: The Speaker
Chapter 10--The Speaker’s Frame of Mind
Chapter 11--Delivering the Message
Chapter 12--The Power of Visuals
Chapter 13--Meeting Ethical Standard
I nternatIonal edItIon
Stephen E Lucas, University of Wisconsin—Madison
2009 / Softcover / 576 pages
ISBN: 9780077306298
ISBN: 9780071313957 [IE, text only]
Available: November 2008 www.mhhe.com/lucas10e
By far the leading speech textbook of our time, The Art of Public
Speaking has defined the art of being the best for more than 10 million students and instructors. Whether a novice or an experienced speaker, every student will learn how to be a better public speaker through Lucas’ clear explanations of classical and contemporary theory and thorough coverage of practical applications. The new edition includes a completely new digital experience--Lucas-on-thego Portal Website. Bridging the printed page with the spoken word, this revolutionary digital portal will allow students and instructors to access the text, media library, and all teaching and learning tools in a dynamic online environment. Lucas-on-the-go offers even more tools and study options to fit the active lifestyles and diverse study styles of today’s students.
Part One: Speaking and Listening
Chapter 1: Speaking in Public
Chapter 2: Ethics and Public Speaking
Chapter 3: Listening
Appendix: Giving Your First Speech
Part Two: Speech Preparation: Getting Started
Chapter 4: Selecting a Topic and Purpose
Chapter 5: Analyzing the Audience
Chapter 6: Gathering Materials
Chapter 7: Supporting Your Ideas
Part Three: Speech Preparation: Organizing & Outlining
Chapter 8: Organizing the Body of the Speech
Chapter 9: Beginning and Ending the Speech
Chapter 10: Outlining the Speech
Part Four: Presenting the Speech
Chapter 11: Using Language
Chapter 12: Delivery
Chapter 13: Visual Aids
Appendix: Using PowerPoint
Part Five: Varieties of Public Speaking
Chapter 14: Speaking to Inform
Chapter 15: Speaking to Persuade
Chapter 16: Methods of Persuasion
Chapter 17: Speaking on Special Occasions
Chapter 18: Speaking in Small Groups
Appendix: Speeches for Analysis and Discussion
Communication – Speech
12. Organizing and Finding Support for Your Speech
13. Presenting a Speech Confidently and Competently
14. Speaking Informatively
15. Speaking Persuasively
Appendix: Workplace Communication and Interviewing
Kory Floyd, Arizona State University-Tempe
2011 / 512 pages
ISBN: 9780073385112
Available: October 2010 www.mhhe.com/floyd1e
Communication Matters helps students to move beyond an intuitive appreciation of communication to explore core principles of the discipline. By helping students to take personal responsibility for their communication behaviors, by encouraging critical reflection, and by actively applying the key concepts to diverse contemporary challenges, the program fosters an understanding of the many important ways communication matters in daily life.
I nternatIonal edItIon
Judy Pearson and Paul E Nelson,
North Dakota State University-Fargo
Scott Titsworth and Lynn Harter of Ohio
The Dark Side of Communication explores the dark side of communication and promotes discussion of mature, effective ways of dealing with these common communication challenges including topics such as the risks of disclosing HIV-positive status and the serious problem of cyberbullying
Fact or Fiction?
– Selections appearing in every chapter that foster reflective analysis about real-world research and issues related to communication. Ask Yourself questions are included for class discussion or homework
Adaptive Diagnostic Tools – Allows assessment of students’ command of the material and generates a study plan specifically designed to suit each student’s strengths and weaknesses. Consistent use of the diagnostic tools throughout the course will identify areas where students can use more help, so they can go into any test confident in their knowledge of the subject.
The Competent Communicator feature presents a selfassessment of a particular communication skill. Chapter 4’s selection invites students to explore how well they can distinguish opinions from factual claims and Chapter 9’s example quizzes them on whether they are a high or low self-monitor.
Putting Communication to Work selections that profile the diverse careers of former communication majors—such as Chapter
4’s interview with a managing editor at a multimedia publishing company and Chapter 15’s profile of a director of films, music videos, and commercials.
Part One: Communication in Principle
1. Communication: A First Look
2. Communication and Culture
3. Perceiving the Self and Others
4. How We Use Language
5. Communicating Nonverbally
6. Listening Effectively
Part Two: Communication in Context
7. Communicating in Social and Professional Relationships
8. Communicating in Intimate Relationships
9. Communicating in Small Groups
10. Decision Making and Leadership in Groups
Part Three: Communication in the Public Sphere
11. Choosing, Developing, and Researching a Speech Topic
2011 / 480 pages
ISBN: 9780073406800
ISBN: 9780071221665 [IE]
Available: February 2010 www.mhhe.com/pearson4e
The fourth edition of Human Communication is an engaging reflection of the contemporary field of communication studies. The authors’ writing mantra (“Make It Smart; Keep It Real”) leads to a text that strikes a practical balance of definitive content and everyday application. To “make it smart,” the authors read hundreds of articles from mainstream communication journals. To “keep it real,” the authors synthesized their findings so that they resonate with the challenges and goals of today’s typical basic course. Always the goal is to highlight the relevancy of communication to college students by engaging the readers. Every chapter features skill-building, critical thinking, innovative pedagogy, 21st century examples, and lively writing that is respectful of the student reader.
new to this edition
Get Involved boxes guide students to make connections between their introduction to communication course and what is happening in their communities. A Get Involved exercise concludes every chapter, prompting students to discover ways to connect to their communities so that they may have a richer understanding of course content and the goals of their assignments
Sizing Things Up allows student to assess their communication skills and attitudes. After completing the surveys in each chapter, they can compare their results to those of other students or use the results as a starting point for understanding their potential strengths.
New Student Outlines and Samples Speeches written and delivered by students demonstrate how beginning speakers can use vital topics in their speeches
New coverage of “What to Avoid in and Introduction” and
“What to Avoid in a Conclusion” - in addition to showing what should be done while giving a speech students will learn about what they should avoid doing during a speech.
New illustrations of narrating and describing as modes of informing introduce new informative strategies such as the use of imagery and metaphor in speeches
Communication – Speech
Part One: Fundamentals of Communication Studies
1. Introduction to Human Communication
2. Perception, Self and Communication
3. Language and Meaning
4. Nonverbal Communication
5. Listening and Critical Thinking
Part Two: Communication Contexts
6. Interpersonal Communication
7. Intercultural Communication
8. Workplace Communication
9. The Dynamics of Small Group Communication
Part Three: Fundamentals of Public Speaking: Preparation and
10. Topic Selection and Audience Analysis
11. Source Credibility and Using Evidence
12. Organizing Your Presentation
13. Delivery and Visual Resources
14. Informative Presentations
15. Persuasive Presentations
Online Unit: Mediated Communication and Media Literacy: This section is found on the book’s Online Learning Center Web site at www.mhhe.com/pearson4e
I nternatIonal edItIon
Teri K Gamble, College of New Rochelle
Michael Gamble, New York Institute of Technology
2010 / 608 pages
ISBN: 9780073406725
ISBN: 9780071114837 [IE]
Available: October 2009 www.mhhe.com/gamble10e
Written for the introductory communication course, Communication
Works presents communication principles, interpersonal communication, group communication, and public speaking in an engaging and highly interactive manner. Its use of questions in the narrative, margins, boxes, and captions support instructors who prefer to lead a discussion-oriented and engaging course. Recognizing the challenges that our world presents for the communication students of the 21st century, the new edition includes enhanced ESL coverage and coverage of ethical, cultural, and technological issues, while also reemphasizing the focus on skill-building to promote the development of personal and professional relationships in real world and virtual settings.
Part One: The Essentials of Communication
1. Communication: The Starting Line
2. Communicating in a Multicultural Society and World
3. Communication and the Self Concept: Who Are You?
4. Communication and Perception: I Am More Than a Camera
5. Language and Meaning: Helping Minds Meet
6. Nonverbal Communication: Silent Language Speaks
7. Listening and Critical Thinking
Part Two: Interpersonal Communication
8. Understanding Relationships
9. Person to Person: Relationships in Context
Part Three: Communicating in the Small Group
10. Groups and Teams: Strategies for Decision Making and Problem
11. Leading Others and Resolving Conflict
Part Four: Communicating in Public
12. The Speaker and the Audience: The Occasion and the Subject
13. Developing Your Speech: Supporting Your Ideas
14. Designing Your Speech: Organizing Your Ideas
15. Delivering Your Speech: Presenting Your Ideas
16. Informative Speaking
17. Persuasive Speaking
Appendix: Person to Person: Interviewing and Developing
Professional Relationships
Online Chapter: Mass Communication and Media Literacy
Stewart L Tubbs, Eastern Michigan University
2010 / 560 pages
ISBN: 9780073406787
Available: October 2009 www.mhhe.com/tubbshc12e
Intended for the introductory communication concepts course, this text focuses on the principles and contexts of communication studies.
The award-winning author links theory and research with fundamental concepts to create plentiful opportunities for students to apply their understanding and develop practical communication skills. His exposition is seasoned with intriguing case studies and stimulating examples drawn from contemporary life. In addition, Tubbs shows a true sensitivity to diversity--a reflection of his professional interests in gender and cultural issues.
Part One: Principles
1. The Process of Human Communication
2. Person Perception
3. The Verbal Message
4. The Nonverbal Message
5. Listening
6. Conflict and Negotiation
7. Ethics and Communication
8. Relationships in Process
Part Two: Contexts
9. Interpersonal Communication
10. Intercultural Communication
11. Interviewing
12. Small-Group Communication
13. Public Communication
14. Organizational Communication
15. Mass Communication and the New Technologies
Name Index
Subject Index
Communication – Speech
John Stewart, University of Dubuque
2012 / 608 pages
ISBN: 9780073534312
Available: June 2011
[Details unavailable at press time]
Information on preventing conflict is no longer self-contained in a separate chapter, but is now dispersed throughout the relevant sections of the text, more directly relating these techniques and approaches throughout a wide range of conflicts.
New, extended examples of ongoing conflict cases revisits participants through several cycles of conflict, providing a complex description of what parties in conflict actually say, both negatively and positively.
Addition of “coaching” as an intervention technique reflects current approaches and research in the field.
Part One: Conflict Components
Chapter 1: The Nature of Conflict
Chapter 2: Perspectives on Conflict
Chapter 3: Interests and Goals
Chapter 4: Power: The Structure of Conflict
Chapter 5: Styles and Tactics
Part Two: Intervention
Chapter 6: Emotions in Conflict
Chapter 7: Mapping Your Conflicts
Chapter 8: Interpersonal Negotiation
Chapter 9: Third-Party Intervention
Chapter 10: Forgiveness and Reconciliation
Name Index
Subject Index
William W Wilmot, University of Montana
Joyce L Hocker
2011 / 384 pages
ISBN: 9780073385136
Available: January 2010 www.mhhe.com/wilmot8e
Interpersonal Conflict explains the key dynamics of personal conflicts that we all face. Written for courses such as Communication and
Conflict, Interpersonal Conflict, Conflict Management, Conflict and
Negotiation, and Conflict in Personal Relationships, this textbook examines the central principles of effective conflict management in a wide variety of contexts--whether at home on the job. Its combination of up-to-date research and examples gives students a theoretical as well as a practical foundation in conflict management.
new to this edition
Comprehensive updates throughout the text include the latest theory, research, references, studies, and information, keeping the material fresh and relevant.
New chapter on emotion makes this the first conflict book to delve deeply into the important role that emotions play in conflict.
Reorientation of the chapter devoted to “assessment” into one addressing “mapping your own conflicts” changes the perspective from one of research to a conflict participant perspective, showing the reader how to map their own conflicts.
Katherine L Adams, California State University-Fresno
Gloria J Galanes, Missouri State University
2012 / 416 pages
ISBN: 9780073534275
Available: March 2011 www.mhhe.com/adamsgalanes8e
[Details unavailable at press time]
Communication – Speech
I nternatIonal edItIon
Arthur Berger, San Francisco State University
2012 / 288 pages
ISBN: 9780073512020
Available: February 2011
[Details unavailable at press time]
Ronald B Adler, Santa Barbara City College
Jeanne Marquardt Elmhorst, Central New Mexico Community College
2010 / 608 pages
ISBN: 9780073385174
ISBN: 9780071312554 [IE]
Available: October 2009 www.mhhe.com/adler10e
As the leading text in its field, Communicating at Work takes a pragmatic approach that applies scholarly principles to real world business situations. Strong multicultural focus, emphasis on working in teams, and thorough coverage of presentational speaking continue to be hallmark features. The tenth edition features a more streamlined organization, new Technology Tip boxes, new Case Study sidebars, updated coverage of intercultural communication, new communication networks, and more.
Part One:
1. Communicating at Work
2. Communication, Culture, and Work
Part Two:
3. Listening
4. Verbal and Nonverbal Messages
5. Interpersonal Skills
Part Three:
6. Principles of Interviewing
7. Types of Interviews
Part Four:
8. Working in Teams
9. Effective Meetings
Part Five:
10. Developing and Organizing the Presentation
11. Verbal and Visual Support in Presentations
12. Delivering the Presentation
13. Types of Business Presentations
Appendix I: Sample Presentations
Appendix II: Business Writing
Charles J Stewart, Purdue University-West Lafayette
William B Cash
2011 / 448 pages
ISBN: 9780073406817
ISBN: 9780071289610 [IE]
Available: October 2010 www.mhhe.com/stewart13e
Interviewing: Principles and Practices , the most widely used text for the interviewing course, continues to reflect the growing sophistication with which interviewing is being approached, incorporating the everexpanding body of research in all types of interview settings, recent communication theory, and the importance of equal opportunity laws on interviewing practices. It provides the most thorough treatment of the basics of interviewing, including the complex interpersonal communication process, types and uses of questions, and the structuring of interviews from opening to closing.
new to this edition
Revised coverage of a wealth of techniques and considerations-
-including openings, culture and the global setting, probing questions in survey interviews, and comparative advantages and disadvantages of face-to-face, telephone and Internet interviews--shows students how culture affects survey interviews along with the strength and weakness of various methodologies.
Updated consideration of question types and question pitfalls along with the influence of demographic characteristics and culture in questioning and responding demonstrates to students question common question uses and challenges as well as the influence of the global community on interviewing.
Information on the laws governing recording interviews, detecting dishonesty in interviews, and special types of informational interviews-
-including broadcast, oral history, and videoconference--enables students to record interviews lawfully, recognize dishonesty in answers, and adapt to different types of informational interviews.
New material on the focus group interview, the email interview, and the virtual interview introduces students to important changes in how interviews are conducted in the electronic age.
Expanded treatment of applicant self-analysis, the growing problem of dishonesty in the employment process, and face-to-face versus virtual job/career fairs, allows students to better identify goals and possible areas of weakness in preparation for interviews.
Expanded coverage of behavioral-based interviewing of applicants prepares students for both recruiting and applying in the most rapidly growing method of interviewing applicants.
An updated Online Learning Center (www.mhhe.com/ stewart13e) offers a wealth of additional resources for both students and instructors. Study tools are free and open to all students, and instructor material is password-protected. Instructor materials include: an Instructor’s Manual, PowerPoint Presentations, and a Test Bank;
Student resources include: Multiple Choice quizzes, True or False quizzes, and a Glossary.
Communication – Speech
1. An Introduction to Interviewing
2. An Interpersonal Communication Process
3. Questions and Their Uses
4. Structuring the Interview
5. The Informational Interview
6. The Survey Interview
7. The Recruiting Interview
8. The Employment Interview
9. The Performance Interview
10. The Persuasive Interview: The Persuader
11. The Persuasive Interview: The Persuadee
12. The Counseling Interview
13. The Health Care Interview
Author Index
Subject Index
Em Griffin, Wheaton College
2012 / 608 pages
ISBN: 9780073534305
Available: March 2011 www. mhhe.com/griffin8e
[Details unavailable at press time]
Chapter 1. Thinking about Communication: Definitions, Models, and
Chapter 2. Thinking about the Field: Traditions and Contexts
Chapter 3. Thinking About Theory and Research
Chapter 4. Before We Begin...
Part Two. Understanding the Dialogue
Chapter 5. Symbolic Interaction Theory
Chapter 6. Coordinated Management of Meaning
Chapter 7. Cognitive Dissonance Theory
Chapter 8. Expectancy Violations Theory
Chapter 9. Uncertainty Reduction Theory
Chapter 10. Social Penetration Theory
Chapter 11. Social Exchange Theory
Chapter 12. Relational Dialectics Theory
Chapter 13. Communication Privacy Management Theory
Chapter 14. Groupthink
Chapter 15. Structuration Theory
Chapter 16. Organizational Culture Theory
Chapter 17. Organizational Information Theory
Chapter 18. The Rhetoric
Chapter 19. Dramatism
Chapter 20. The Narrative Paradigm
Chapter 21. Cultural Studies
Chapter 22. Cultivation Analysis
Chapter 23. Uses and Gratifications Theory
Chapter 24. Spiral of Silence Theory
Chapter 25. Media Ecology Theory
Chapter 26. Face-Negotiation Theory
Chapter 27. Communication Accommodation Theory
Chapter 28. Muted Group Theory
Chapter 29. Standpoint Theory
Part Three: On the Horizon...
Chapter 30. Moving in New Directions
I nternatIonal edItIon
Richard L West, Emerson College and Lynn H Turner,
Marquette University
2010 / Softcover / 608 pages
ISBN: 9780073385075
ISBN: 9780071276344 [IE]
Available: February 2009 www.mhhe.com/west4e
This text introduces the field of communication to students who may have little or no background in communication theory. Its three overriding goals are to help students understand the pervasiveness of theory in their lives, to demystify the theoretical process, and to help students become more systematic and critical in their thinking about theory.
Part One. Setting the Stage
I nternatIonal edItIon
Em Griffin, Wheaton College
2009 / Softcover / 560 pages
ISBN: 9780073385020
ISBN: 9780071270533 [IE]
Available: March 2008 www.mhhe.com/griffin7
The most widely-used textbook for the communication theory course, A First Look at Communication Theory analyzes the major communication theories at a level that is appropriate for both lower- and upper-level courses. The 33 theories represented in the text reflect a mix of foundational and recent scholarship and strike a balance of scientific and interpretive approaches.
Division One: Overview
1. Launching Your Study of Communication Theory
2. Talk About Theory
3. Weighing the Words
4. Mapping the Territory (Seven Traditions in the Field of
Communication Theory)
Communication – Speech
Division Two: Interpersonal Communication
Interpersonal Messages
5. Symbolic Interactionism of George Herbert Mead
6. Coordinated Management of Meaning (CMM) of W. Barnett Pearce
& Vernon Cronen
7. Expectancy Violations Theory of Judee Burgoon
8. Constructivism of Jesse Delia
Relationship Development
9. Social Penetration Theory of Irwin Altman & Dalmas Taylor
10. Uncertainty Reduction Theory of Charles Berger
11. Social Information Processing Theory of Joseph Walther
Relationship Maintenance
12. Relational Dialectics of Leslie Baxter & Barbara Montgomery
13. The Interactional View of Paul Watzlawick
14. Social Judgment Theory of Muzafer Sherif
15. Elaboration Likelihood Model Richard Petty & John Cacioppo
16. Cognitive Dissonance Theory of Leon Festinger
Division Three: Group and Public Communication
Group Decision Making
17. Functional Perspective on Group Decision Making of Randy
Hirokawa & Dennis Gouran
18. Adaptive Structuration Theory of Marshall Scott Poole
Organizational Communication
19. Cultural Approach to Organizations of Clifford Geertz & Michael
20. Critical Theory of Communication Approach to Organizations of
Stan Deetz
Public Rhetoric
21. The Rhetoric of Aristotle
22. Dramatism of Kenneth Burke
23. Narrative Paradigm of Walter Fisher
Ethical Reflections
Division Four: Mass Communication
Media and Culture
24. Media Ecology of Marshall McLuhan
25. Semiotics of Roland Barthes
26. Cultural Studies of Stuart Hall
Media Effects
27. Cultivation Theory of George Gerbner
28. Agenda-Setting Theory of Maxwell McCombs & Donald Shaw
29. Spiral of Silence of Elisabeth Noelle-Neumann
Division Five: Cultural Context
Intercultural Communication
30. Communication Accommodation Theory of Howard Giles
31. Face-Negotiation Theory of Stella Ting-Toomey
32. Speech Codes Theory of Gerry Philipsen
Gender and Communication
33. Genderlect Styles of Deborah Tannen
34. Standpoint Theory of Sandra Harding & Julia Wood
35. Muted Group Theory of Cheris Kramarae
Division Six: Integration
Communication Theory
36. Common Threads in Communication Theories
Appendix A. Abstracts of Theories
Appendix B. Feature Films that Illustrate Communication Theory
Appendix C. National Communication Association Credo for Ethical
Credits and Acknowledgements
I nternatIonal
Katherine Miller, Texas A&M University – College Station
2005 / 352 pages / Hardcover
ISBN: 9780072937947
ISBN: 9780071238359 [IE] www.mhhe.com/miller2
Part I. Perspectives On Communication Theory
1. Conceptual Foundations: What Is Communication?
2. Philosophical Foundations: What Is Theory?
3. Post-Positivist Approaches on Theory Development
4. Interpretive Approaches on Theory Development
5. Critical Approaches on Theory Development
Part II. Theories Of Communication Processes
6. Theories of Symbolic Organization
7. Theories of Message Production
8. Theories of Message Processing
9. Theories of Discourse and Interaction
10. Theories of Communication in Developing Relationships
11. Theories of Communication in Developed Relationships
Part III. Theories Of Communication Contexts
12. Theories of Organizational Communication
13. Theories of Small Group Communication
14. Theories of Media Processing and Effects
15. Theories of Media and Society
16. Theories of Culture and Communication edItIon
2011 / 432 pages
ISBN: 9780073406763
Available: March 2010
Joann Keyton, North Carolina State
University-Raleigh www.mhhe.com/keyton3e
Communication Research: Asking Questions, Finding Answers covers basic research issues and both quantitative and qualitative approaches to communication research. The text helps students become better consumers of communication research literature by emphasizing effective methods for finding, consuming, and analyzing communication research. Covering the entire research process--how one conceptualizes a research idea, turns it into an interesting and researchable question, selects a methodology, conducts the study, and writes up the study’s findings--provides a path for students who wish to develop and conduct research projects.
Communication – Speech new to this edition
Significantly expanded and reorganized qualitative chapters on qualitative research design, qualitative data collection, and qualitative data analysis achieves greater balance between quantitative and qualitative approaches, allowing instructor to offer both methods or any balance of methods.
A wealth of updated relevant examples from communication research literature demonstrates contemporary use of communication research methods.
Additional research examples of intercultural research, research by international scholars, research about technology or that used technology in data collection, shows current directions of communication study.
Enhanced material on surveys and online surveys provides information for current state of electronic surveys.
An updated Online Learning Center offers a wealth of additional teaching and learning resources, including multiple choice and true-or-false quizzes; chapter outlines; and PowerPoint tutorials for students; as well as an instructor’s manual and PowerPoint lecture notes for instructors.
Part I. Research Basics
1. Introduction to Research in Communication
2. The Research Process--Getting Started
3. Introduction to Quantitative Research
4. Introduction to Qualitative Research
5. Research Ethics
Part II. Quantitative Communication Research
6. Measurement
7. Sampling, Significance Levels, and Hypothesis Testing
8. Quantitative Research Designs
9. Surveys and Questionnaires
10. Descriptive Statistics
11. Testing for Differences
12. Testing for Relationships
13. Quantitative Analysis of Texts
Part III. Qualitative Communication Research
14. Designing Qualitative Research
15. Qualitative Methods of Data Collection
16. Analyzing Qualitative Data
Part IV. Reading And Writing Research Reports
17. Reading and Writing the Quantitative Research Report
18. Reading and Writing the Qualitative Research Report
Appendix A: Personal Report of Communication Apprehension
Appendix B: Formulas and Steps for Statistical Calculation
Appendix C: Random Numbers Table
Appendix D: Sample Protocol for Experimental Study
At the end of each chapter:
Key Terms
2011 / 432 pages
ISBN: 9780078049941
Available: March 2010
Jacquelyn W White,
University of NC-Greensboro
Taking Sides volumes present current controversial issues in a debate-style format designed to stimulate student interest and develop critical thinking skills. Each issue is thoughtfully framed with an issue summary, an issue introduction, and a postscript or challenge questions. Taking Sides readers feature an annotated listing of selected World Wide Web sites. An online Instructor’s Resource Guide with testing material is available for each volume. Using Taking Sides in the Classroom is also an excellent instructor resource. Visit www.
mhhe.com/takingsides for more details.
new to this edition
Correlation Guide: www.mhhe.com/mhcp/CorrelationGuides/TS_Gender_5e.pdf
This convenient guide matches the issues in Taking Sides:
Clashing Views in Gender, 5/e with the corresponding chapters in two of our best-selling McGraw-Hill Psychology textbooks by Yarber et al. and Hyde/DeLamater.
Unit 1 Definitions and Cultural Boundaries: A Moving Target
Issue 1. Is Anatomy Destiny?
Issue 2. Is Sexual Orientation Innate?
Issue 3. Do Sex Differences in Careers in Mathematics and
Sciences Have a Biological Basis?
Unit 2 Different Strokes: The Question of Difference
Issue 4. Are Women and Men More Similar Than Different?
Issue 5. Is Culture the Primary Source of Sex Differences in
Communication Styles?
Issue 6. Do Nice Guys Finish Last?
Unit 3 Violence in the Daily Lives of Women and Men
Issue 7. Gender Symmetry: Do Women and Men Commit Equal
Levels of Violence Against Intimate Partners?
Issue 8. Does Pornography Reduce the Incidence of Rape?
Issue 9. Is Cyberbullying Related to Gender?
Unit 4 From Ozzie and Harriet to My Two Dads: Gender in
Issue 10. Should Same-Sex Marriage Be Legal?
Issue 11. Can Lesbian and Gay Couples Be Appropriate Parents for Children?
Issue 12. Are Fathers Necessary for Children’s Well-Being?
Issue 13. Should Parents Be Allowed to Choose the Sex of Their
Unit 5 From 9 to 5: Gender in the World of Work
Issue 14. Does the “Mommy Track” (Part-Time Work) Improve
Women’s Lives?
Communication – Speech
Issue 15. Can Social Policies Improve Gender Inequalities in the
Issue 16. Is the Gender Wage Gap Justified?
Issue 17. Are Barriers to Women’s Success as Leaders Due to
Societal Obstacles?
Unit 6 Gender and Sexuality: Double Standards, Triple
Issue 18. Should “Abstinence-Until-Marriage” Be the Only Message for Teens?
Issue 19. Is “Gender Identity Disorder” an Appropriate Psychiatric
Issue 20. Should Transgendered Women Be Considered “Real”
Bobby Hutchison, Modestro Jr College
2010 / 272 pages
ISBN: 9780078050527
Available: September 2009 www.mhcls.com/text-data/catalog/0078050529.mhtml
Annual Editions is a series of over 65 volumes, each designed to provide convenient, inexpensive access to a wide range of current articles from some of the most respected magazines, newspapers, and journals published today. Annual Editions are updated on a regular basis through a continuous monitoring of over 300 periodical sources. The articles selected are authored by prominent scholars, researchers, and commentators writing for a general audience. The
Annual Editions volumes have a number of common organizational features designed to make them particularly useful in the classroom: a general introduction; an annotated table of contents; a topic guide; an annotated listing of selected World Wide Web sites; and a brief overview for each section. Each volume also offers an online
Instructor’s Resource Guide with testing materials. Using Annual
Editions in the Classroom is offered as a practical guide for instructors.
Visit www.mhcls.com for more details.
Unit 1: Theoretical and Research Perspectives
1. The Social Construction of Gender
2. Framed Before We Know It: How Gender Shapes Social Relation
3. Gender is Powerful: The Long Reach of Feminism
4. The World, the Flesh and the Devil
5. A Woman Writ Large in Our History and Hearts
6. A Case for Angry Men and Happy Women
7. Ovulatory Shifts in Human Female Ornamentation
8. Beauty, Gender and Stereotypes: Evidence from Laboratory
9. “I’m Not a Very Manly Man”: Qualitative Insights into Young Men’s
Masculine Subjectivity
Unit 2: Gender and Development
10. Gender and Group Process
11. Gender Bender
12. The Secret Lives of Single Women
13. Goodbye to Girlhood
14. Teenage Fatherhood and Involvement in Delinquent Behavior
15. How Many Fathers Are Best for a Child?
16. What Autistic Girls Are Made Of
Unit 3: Gender and Education
17. Learning and Gender
18. When Girls and Boys Play: What Research Tells Us
19. Educating Girls, Unlocking Development
20. Boys and Girls Together: A Case for Creating Gender-Friendly
Middle School Classrooms
21. Dealing with Rumors, Secrets, and Lies
22. Female Faculty in Male-Dominated Fields: Law, Medicine, and
23. Scaling the Ivory Towers
Unit 4: Gender, Work and Health
Gender and Work
24. Gender Issues
25. The Emperor’s New Woes
26. The Media Depiction of Women Who Opt Out
27. Great Expectations
28. Labor Markets, Breadwinning, and Beliefs: How Economic Context
Shapes Men’s Gender Ideology
Gender and Health
29. A Woman’s Curse?
30. Body Dissatisfaction in Adolescent Females and Males: Risk and Resilience
31. Gender Role Conflict, Drive for Muscularity, and the Impact of
Ideal Media Portrayals on Men
32. When Sex Hurts
33. Health Behaviors, Prostate Cancer, and Masculinities: A Life
Course Perspective
Unit 5: Genders and Sexualities
34. (Rethinking) Gender
35. Progress and Politics in the Intersex Rights Movement: Feminist
Theory in Action
36. What Do Women Want?, Daniel Bergner
37. A Sex Difference in Features That Elicit Genital Response
38. Women’s Sexuality as They Age: The More Things Change, the
More They Stay the Same
39. Peer Marriage, Pepper Schwartz, The Communitarian Reader:
Beyond the Essentials
40. State of our Unions: Marriage Promotion and the Contested
Power of Heterosexuality
41. 5 Years on, Gay Marriage Debate Fades in Massachusetts
42. Everyone’s Queer
43. The Impact of Sexual Orientation and Gender Role on Evaluations of Men
44. The Berdache Tradition
45. Children of Lesbian and Gay Parents
Unit 6: Gender and Social Issues
46. Flower Grandma’s Secret
47. Sexual Assault on Campus: What Colleges and Universities Are doing about It
48. Male Rape Myths: The Role of Gender, Violence, and Sexism
49. Effects of Sexual Assaults on Men: Physical, Mental and Sexual
50. Human Rights, Sex Trafficking, and Prostitution
51. Fall Girls
52. Women, Citizens, Muslims
53. Beyond Hillary
Test-Your-Knowledge Form
Article Rating Form
Communication – Speech
2011 / 432 pages
ISBN: 9780073406794
Available: January 2010
Judith N Martin,
Arizona State University-Tempe
Thomas K Nakayama, Northeastern University www.mhhe.com/experiencing4e
This introductory level textbook offers students a framework to begin building their intercultural communication skills. Experiencing
Intercultural Communication: An Introduction provides a number of pedagogical aids to help students achieve fluency in these skills, including chapter outlines, chapter objectives, suggested websites and other resources for further learning, key terms, activities in each chapters, bulleted chapter summaries, and more. As an introductory text, the material is accessible and encourages students to seek out more information. By giving the students a framework to begin understanding the complexities of intercultural interaction, students begin the process of learning about both other cultures and their relationships with their own culture.
Part I: Foundations of Intercultural Communication
Chapter 1: Studying Intercultural Communication
Chapter 2: Intercultural Communication: Building Blocks and
Chapter 3: History and Intercultural Communication
Chapter 4: Identity and Intercultural Communication
Part II: Intercultural Communication Processes
Chapter 5: Verbal Issues in Intercultural Communication
Chapter 6: Nonverbal Communication Issues
Part III: Intercultural Communication in Everyday Life
Chapter 7: Popular Culture and Intercultural Communication
Chapter 8: Culture, Communication, and Conflict
Chapter 9: Intercultural Relationships in Everyday Life
Part IV: Intercultural Communication in Applied Settings
Chapter 10: Intercultural Communication in Tourism Contexts
Chapter 11: Intercultural Communication and Business
Chapter 12: Intercultural Communication and Education
Chapter 13: Intercultural Communication and Health Care
Index new to this edition
Enhanced discussion of religious and ethnic conflict includes new material on the varying boundaries of religious identities, the ways in which religious identities influence attitudes and behaviors, how generational differences in religious beliefs among immigrants play a role in encouraging or discouraging intercultural romantic relationships, and the rising influence of religious educational institutions.
Expanded coverage of political and socioeconomic issues features new information on domestic and international impacts of the recent election of Barack Obama, the first biracial president of the United States, the effects of the worldwide economic downturn on intercultural encounters, and the historical impact of capitalism on contemporary intercultural encounters.
Increased focus on the role of technology intercultural human communication includes new coverage of the “digital divide,” how social class influences young people’s choice of Social Networking
Sites (SNS), and the worldwide impact of SNS on opportunities to develop and maintain intercultural relationships.
An updated Online Learning Center includes a wealth of additional teaching and learning resources. Student material includes multiple choice and true-or-false quizzes, and a glossary. Instructor material includes an instructor’s manual and test bank.
Mass Communication
By Stanley Baran, Bryant University
2012 (January 2011) / 528 pages
ISBN: 9780073526157 www.mhhe.com/baran7e
Part One: Laying the Groundwork
1. Mass Communication, Culture, and Media Literacy
2. Convergence and the Reshaping of Mass Communication
Part Two: Media, Media Industries, and Media Audiences
3. Books
4. Newspapers
5. Magazines
6. Film
7. Radio, Recording, and Popular Music
8. Television, Cable, and Mobile Video
9. Video Games
10. The Internet and the World Wide Web
Part Three: Supporting Industries
11. Public Relations
12. Advertising
Part Four: Mass-Mediated Culture in the Information Age
13. Theories and Effects of Mass Communication
14. Media Freedom, Regulation, and Ethics
15. Global Media
Chapter 9: Television: Reflecting and Affecting Society
Chapter 10: The Internet: Convergence in a Networked World
Part 4: Information And Persuasion Industries
Chapter 11: Electronic Journalism: News in the Age of
Chapter 12: Public Relations: The Image Industry
Chapter 13: Advertising: The Media Support Industry
Part 5: Media Law And Ethics
Chapter 14: Media Law: Understanding Freedom of Expression
Chapter 15: Media Ethics: Understanding Media Morality
I nternatIonal edItIon
Joseph R Dominick, University of Georgia
George Rodman, Brooklyn College
2012 / 544 pages
ISBN: 9780073512013
Available: January 2011 www.mhhe.com/rodman4e
Part 1: Overview
Chapter 1: Introduction: Media in a Changing World
Chapter 2: Media Impact: Mass Communication Research and
Part 2: The Print Industries
Chapter 3: Books: The Durable Medium
Chapter 4: Newspapers: Where Journalism Begins
Chapter 5: Magazines: The First of the Specialized Media
Part 3: The Electronic Industries
Chapter 6: Movies: Magic from the Dream Factory
Chapter 7: Recordings and the Music Industry: Copyright Battles,
Format Wars
Chapter 8: Radio: The Hits Keep Coming
2011 / 512 pages
ISBN: 9780073378886
ISBN: 9780071221467 [IE]
Available: February 2010 www.mhhe.com/dominick11e
Well-known for its balanced approach to media industries and professions, Dynamics of Mass Communication offers a lively, thorough, and objective introduction for mass communication majors and non-majors alike. Dynamics of Mass Communication takes a comprehensive and balanced look at the changing world of mass media. The new edition explores how the traditional mass media are dealing with shrinking audiences, evaporating advertising revenue and increased competition from the Internet. The 11th edition brings students up-to-date on the latest developments in the media world including Facebook, Twitter and other social media; new media business models; e-book readers; online video sites such as YouTube and hulu.com.; the decoupling of advertising from media content, and many more.
new to this edition
New sections and boxes addressing the transitions in media due to new digital trends and current financial conditions including discussion of economic problems of newspapers, changes in the book industry, the modern radio industry, transitions in the movie industry, use of social media, and much more.
New author blog accompanying the text - dynamicsmasscomm.
features up-to-date coverage of current topics in mass media such as ebook vs. print books, Jay Leno’s prime time debut,
Iran coverage on Twitter, and much more
New emphasis on the importance of new social media
(Twitter, Facebook, etc.) for traditional media operation including new boxes discussing the impact of Twitter on news gathering and the ethics of live reporting through Twitter, updated discussion of the use of social media by the movie industry, television networks, and
PR departments, and much more.
Updated career advice moved to the Online Learning Center featuring more up-to-date career and salary information
Mass Communication
Expanded discussion of financial problems facing the media industry including the industry’s transition to digital, their use of social media, a new box on the renaissance of 3-D movies and much more.
New section on how social media shaped the coverage of the post-election violence in Iran through a new box feature:
“The Revolution May Not Be Televised (But It Will Probably Be on
Updated discussion of media’s impact on the book industry
(ie. Amazon’s Kindle) allowing students to see how their everyday devices are shaping how the world communicates
Every chapter has been updated and revised to reflect statistical developments and other changes since the last edition; all tables now include the most recent information available.
Correlation Guide: www.mhhe.com/mhcp/CorrelationGuides/AE_Mass_Media_0910.pdf
This convenient guide matches the units in Annual Editions:
Mass Media 09/10 with the corresponding chapters in three of our best-selling McGraw-Hill Mass Communication textbooks by
Dominick, Rodman, and Baran.
Correlation Guide: www.mhhe.com/mhcp/CorrelationGuides/AE_Mass_Media_1011.pdf
This convenient guide matches the units in Annual Editions:
Mass_Media_10/11 with the corresponding chapters in three of our best-selling McGraw-Hill Mass Communication textbooks by
Dominick, Rodman, and Baran.
Correlation Guide: www.mhhe.com/mhcp/CorrelationGuides/TS_Mass_Media_11e.pdf
This convenient guide matches the issues in Taking Sides:
Clashing Views in Mass Media and Society, 11/e with the corresponding chapters in two of our best-selling McGraw-Hill Mass
Media textbooks by Dominick and Baran.
Part I The Nature and History of Mass Communication
Chapter 1 Communication: Mass and Other Forms
Chapter 2 Perspectives on Mass Communication
Chapter 3 Historical and Cultural Context
Part II Media
Chapter 4 Newspapers
Chapter 5 Magazines
Chapter 6 Books
Chapter 7 Radio
Chapter 8 Sound Recording
Chapter 9 Motion Pictures
Chapter 10 Broadcast Television
Chapter 11 Cable, Satellite and Internet Television
Chapter 12 The Internet and the World Wide Web
Part III Specific Media Professions
Chapter 13 News Gathering and Reporting
Chapter 14 Public Relations Chapter 15 Advertising
Part IV Regulation of the Mass Media
Chapter 16 Formal Controls: Laws, Rules, Regulations.
Chapter 17 Ethics and Other Informal Controls
Part V Impact of the Media
Chapter 18 International and Comparative Media Systems
Chapter 19 Social Effects of Mass Communication
Photo Credits
I nternatIonal edItIon
Stanley J Baran, Bryant University
2010 / 528 pages
ISBN: 9780073378909
ISBN: 9780070169135 [IE]
Available: January 2009 www.mhhe.com/baran6e
This text encourages students to be active media consumers and gives them a deeper understanding of the role that the media play in both shaping and reflecting culture. Through this cultural perspective, students learn that audience members are as much a part of the mass communication process as are the media producers, technologies, and industries. This was the first, and remains the only, universitylevel text to make media literacy central to its approach, and given recent national and global turmoil, its emphasis on media use and democracy could not be more timely.
Building on this tested emphasis, the sixth edition features a complete updating of industry statistics throughout, numerous new examples from the ongoing Iraq war, the Presidential election, and the emergence of wildly popular Internet applications such as massive multiplayer online worlds like Second Life and social networking sites like Facebook and MySpace.
Part One: Laying the Groundwork
1. Mass Communication, Culture, and Media Literacy
2. The Evolving Mass Communication Process
Part Two: Media, Media Industries, and Media Audiences
3. Books
4. Newspapers
5. Magazines
6. Film
7. Radio, Recording, and Popular Music
8. Television, Cable, and Mobile Video
9. Video Games
10. The Internet and the World Wide Web
Part Three: Supporting Industries
11. Public Relations
12. Advertising
Part Four: Mass-Mediated Culture in the Information Age
13. Theories and Effects of Mass Communication
14. Media Freedom, Regulation, and Ethics
15. Global Media
Mass Communication
I nternatIonal edItIon
George Rodman, Brooklyn College
2010 / 544 pages
ISBN: 9780073511955
ISBN: 9780070172739 [IE]
ISBN: 9780077291105 (Update Edition)
Available: February 2009 www.mhhe.com/rodman3e
This engaging text introduces students to the world of media through a unique structure that makes the material easily intelligible and meaningful to their lives. Each chapter is divided into three-part narrative sections: history, industry, and controversy. Mass Media in a Changing World is the story of where the media came from, why they do what they do, and why those actions cause controversies.
The Third Edition features updated statistics and current examples including the selling of the war in Iraq, shock jock Michael Savage, the work being done to save Darfur and much more!
Part 1: Overview
Chapter 1: Introduction: Media in a Changing World
Chapter 2: Media Impact: Understanding Research and Effects
Part 2: The Print Industries
Chapter 3: Books: The Durable Medium
Chapter 4: Newspapers: Where Journalism Begins
Chapter 5: Magazines: The First of the Specialized Media
Part 3: The Electronic Industries
Chapter 6: Movies: Magic from the Dream Factory
Chapter 7: Recordings and the Music Industry: Copyright Battles,
Format Wars
Chapter 8: Radio: The Hits Keep Coming
Chapter 9: Television: Reflecting and Affecting Society
Chapter 10: The Internet: Convergence in a Networked World
Part 4: Information And Persuasion Industries
Chapter 11: Electronic Journalism: News in an Age of
Chapter 12: Public Relations: The Image Industry
Chapter 13: Advertising: The Media Support Industry
Part 5: Media Law And Ethics
Chapter 14: Media Law: Understanding Freedom of Expression
Chapter 15: Media Ethics: Understanding Media Morality
Complete Timeline of Mass Media Milestones
Alison Alexander, University of Georgia
Jarice Hanson, University of Mass-Amherst
2012 / 416 pages
ISBN: 9780078050152
Available: July 2011 www.mhhe.com/takingsides
Taking Sides volumes present current controversial issues in a debate-style format designed to stimulate student interest and develop critical thinking skills. Each issue is thoughtfully framed with an issue summary, an issue introduction, and a postscript or challenge questions. Taking Sides readers feature an annotated listing of selected World Wide Web sites. An online Instructor’s Resource Guide with testing material is available for each volume. Using Taking Sides in the Classroom is also an excellent instructor resource. Visit www.
mhhe.com/takingsides for more details.
Joan Gorham, West Virginia University-Morgantown
2012 / 224 pages
ISBN: 9780078050909
Available: March 2011 www.mhhe.com/annualeditions
The Annual Editions series is designed to provide convenient, inexpensive access to a wide range of current articles from some of the most respected magazines, newspapers, and journals published today.
Annual Editions are updated on a regular basis through a continuous monitoring of over 300 periodical sources. The articles selected are authored by prominent scholars, researchers, and commentators writing for a general audience. The Annual Editions volumes have a number of common organizational features designed to make them particularly useful in the classroom: a general introduction; an annotated table of contents; a topic guide; an annotated listing of selected World Wide Web sites; and a brief overview for each section.
Each volume also offers an online Instructor’s Resource Guide with testing materials. Using Annual Editions in the Classroom is a general guide that provides a number of interesting and functional ideas for using Annual Editions readers in the classroom. Visit www.mhhe.
com/annualeditions for more details.
Mass Communication
Alison Alexander, University
Joan Gorham,
West Virginia University-Morgantown
2011 / 416 pages
ISBN: 9780078049989
Available: February 2010 www.mhhe.com/takingsides
Taking Sides volumes present current controversial issues in a debate-style format designed to stimulate student interest and develop critical thinking skills. Each issue is thoughtfully framed with an issue summary, an issue introduction, and a postscript or challenge questions. Taking Sides readers feature an annotated listing of selected World Wide Web sites. An online Instructor’s Resource Guide with testing material is available for each volume. Using Taking Sides in the Classroom is also an excellent instructor resource.
new to this edition
Correlation Guide: www.mhhe.com/mhcp/CorrelationGuides/TS_Mass_Media_11e.pdf
This convenient guide matches the issues in Taking Sides:
Clashing Views in Mass Media and Society, 11/e with the corresponding chapters in two of our best-selling McGraw-Hill Mass
Media textbooks by Dominick and Baran.
Unit 1 Media and Social Issues
Issue 1. Are American Values Shaped by the Mass Media?
Issue 2. Are Harry Potter Books Harmful for Children?
Issue 3. Do Media Represent Realistic Images of Arabs?
Issue 4. Do Media Cause Individuals to Develop Negative Body
Unit 2 A Question of Content
Issue 5. Do Video Games Encourage Violent Behavior?
Issue 6. Do Copyright Laws Protect Ownership of Intellectual
Issue 7. Is Advertising Good for Society?
Unit 3 News and Politics
Issue 8. Can Media Regain Public Trust?
Issue 9. Does Fake News Mislead the Public?
Issue 10. Will Evolving Forms of Journalism Be an Improvement?
Unit 4 Law and Policy
Issue 11. Should the Public Support Freedom of the Press?
Issue 12. Is Hate Speech in the Media Directly Affecting Our
Issue 13. Has Industry Regulation Controlled Indecent Media
Unit 5 Media Business
Issue 14. Can the Independent Musical Artist Thrive in Today’s Music
Issue 15. Should Newspapers Shut Down Their Presses?
Issue 16. Do New Business Models Result in Greater Consumer
Choice of Products and Ideas?
Unit 6 Life in the Digital Age
Issue 17. Are Online Services Responsible for an Increase in Bullying and Harassment?
Issue 18. Are People Better Informed in the Information Society?
2011 / 208 pages
ISBN: 9780078050619
Available: February 2010 www.mhhe.com/annualeditions
The Annual Editions series is designed to provide convenient, inexpensive access to a wide range of current articles from some of the most respected magazines, newspapers, and journals published today. Annual Editions are updated on a regular basis through a continuous monitoring of over 300 periodical sources. The articles selected are authored by prominent scholars, researchers, and commentators writing for a general audience. The Annual Editions volumes have a number of common organizational features designed to make them particularly useful in the classroom: a general introduction; an annotated table of contents; a topic guide; an annotated listing of selected World Wide Web sites; and a brief overview for each section. Each volume also offers an online
Instructor’s Resource Guide with testing materials. Using Annual
Editions in the Classroom (available in print and online) is a general guide that provides a number of interesting and functional ideas for using Annual Editions readers in the classroom. Visit www.mhhe.
com/annualeditions for more details.
new to this edition
Correlation Guide: www.mhhe.com/mhcp/CorrelationGuides/AE_Mass_Media_1011.pdf
This convenient guide matches the units in Annual Editions:
Mass_Media_10/11 with the corresponding chapters in three of our best-selling McGraw-Hill Mass Communication textbooks by
Dominick, Rodman, and Baran.
Correlation Guide
Topic Guide
Internet References
Unit 1: Living with Media
1. Off Course
2. Tele[re]vision
3. Research on the Effects of Media Violence, Media Awareness
4. True Crime: The Roots of an American Obsession
5. Wikipedia in the Newsroom
6. Journalist Bites Reality!
7. The Future of Reading
8. Are Newspapers Doomed?
9. The Great Wall of Facebook
Unit 2: Telling Stories
10. The News Mausoleum
11. Overload!: Journalism’s Battle for Relevance in an Age of Too
Much Information
12. Don’t Blame the Journalism: The Economic and Technological
Forces behind the Collapse of Newspapers
13. Climate Change: Now What?
14. Whatever Happened to Iraq?: How the Media Lost Interest in a
Long-Running War with No End in Sight
15. Myth-Making in New Orleans
Mass Communication
16. What the Mainstream Media Can Learn from Jon Stewart
17. Double Whammy
18. Charticle Fever
19. Beyond News
20. Maybe It Is Time to Panic
Unit 3: Players and Guides
21. What’s a Fair Share in the Age of Google?: How to Think about
News in the Link Economy
22. Ideastream: The New “Public Media”
23. The Shame Game: ‘To Catch a Predator’ Gets the Ratings, but at What Cost?
24. The Battle over the Battle of Fallujah: A Videogame So Real It
25. Distorted Picture
26. The Quality-Control Quandary
27. Why Journalists Are Not Above the Law
28. What Would You Do?: The Journalism That Tweaks Reality, Then
Reports What Happens
29. The Lives of Others: What Does It Mean to ‘Tell Someone’s
30. A Porous Wall
Unit 4: A Word from Our Sponsor
31. How Can YouTube Survive?
32. Online Salvation?
33. The Secrets of Googlenomics
34. But Who’s Counting?
35. Old Media Strikes Back
36. A Fading Taboo
37. Nonprofit News
38. Open for Business
39. The Massless Media
Test-Your-Knowledge Form
Article Rating Form
I nternatIonal edItIon
Lynne Schafer Gross
2010 / 464 pages
ISBN: 9780073378862
ISBN: 9780071288682 [IE]
Available: May 2009 www.mhhe.com/gross10e
This concise, student-friendly text teaches the essentials of electronic media and telecommunications. Exploring both the background and structure of this ever-evolving industry and the many ways in which media affects our lives, the text is directed at all students as consumers of media, as well as at students who plan to be media producers. The first section focuses on the various media forms (e.g. radio, the Internet), while the second addresses the functions of media
(programming, advertising, etc.). The tenth edition features expanded coverage of contemporary methods and usages of communication, as well as the social significance of media, and how to obtain a job in electronic media.
Part 1--Electronic Media Forms
Chapter 1 The Significance of Electronic Media
Chapter 2 The Internet, Portable Devices, and Video Games
Chapter 3 Early Television
Chapter 4 Modern Television
Chapter 5 Radio
Chapter 6 Movies
Part 2--Electronic Media Functions
Chapter 7 Careers in Electronic Media
Chapter 8 Programming
Chapter 9 Sales and Advertising
Chapter 10 Promotion and Audience Feedback
Chapter 11 Laws and Regulations
Chapter 12 Ethics and Effects
Chapter 13 Technical Underpinnings
Chapter 14 The International Scene
Joseph R Dominick, University of Georgia
Barry L Sherman (deceased)
Fritz J Messere, State University of NY - Oswego
2012 / 384 pages
ISBN: 9780073512037
Available: March 2011 www.mhhe.com/dominick7e
[Details unavailable at press time]
I nternatIonal edItIon
Jennings Bryant and Susan Thompson of University of Alabama—
2002 / Softcover / 384 pages
ISBN: 9780072435764
ISBN: 9780071130073 [IE] www.mhhe.com/bryant
Section 1: Overview and History
Chapter 1: Understanding Media Effects
Chapter 2: Media Effects: A Historical Perspective
Chapter 3: History of the Scientific Study of Media Effects
Section 2: Theory and Concepts
Chapter 4: Social Cognitive Theory
Chapter 5: Priming Effects
Chapter 6: Cultivation
Chapter 7: Diffusion of Innovations
Chapter 8: Uses and Gratifications
Chapter 9: Agenda Setting
Chapter 10: Persuasion
Section 3: Key Areas of Research
Chapter 11: Effects of Media Violence
Chapter 12: Media Effects from Sexual Content
Chapter 13: Reactions to Disturbing or Frightening Media Content
Chapter 14: News Effects
Chapter 15: Communication Campaign Effects
Chapter 16: Media Effects on Health
Chapter 17: Advertising Effects
Chapter 18: Mass-Mediated Political Communication Effects
Chapter 19: Effects of Minority Portrayals
Chapter 20: Media Entertainment Effects
Chapter 21: New Communication Technologies
Mass Communication
Chapter 13: Why We Fight
Chapter 14: Writing for the Web
Chapter 15: So You Want a Job? The Art of the Resume
Appendix A: Word Usage and Grammar Guide
Appendix B: Legal and Privacy FAQs
Appendix C: Producing a Student Newscast from Beginning to End
C A Tuggle, University of NC-Chapel Hill
Forrest Carr, WFLA-TV
Suzanne Huffman, Texas Christian University
2011 / 368 pages
ISBN: 9780073511962
Available: April 2010 www.mhhe.com/tuggle4e
Broadcast News Handbook enables students and professionals to become better writers and better broadcast journalists. Backed by
50 years of combined broadcast journalism experience, the authors provide helpful discussions on crafting language and becoming an effective storyteller. Topics addressed include “Deadly Copy Sins and How to Avoid Them”; “Interviewing: Getting the Facts and the
Feelings”; “Producing TV News”; and “Writing Sports.”
Melvin Mencher, Columbia University new to this edition
Updated accounts of compelling, and sometime humorous, challenges young broadcast journalists face when they enter “the real world” provides students with relevant professional advice.
Enhanced pedagogic support includes new discussion questions, offering students and professors a guide for more detailed discussion and “Do’s” and “Don’ts” sections providing a quick guide to major points in every chapter.
New producer checklist provides a handy step-by-step guide through this complex and multi-faceted process.
Selected updates, revisions, and deletions produce a more concise, accessible text.
Numerous how-to sections lay out in simple terms how broadcast news is made.
An updated Online Learning Center includes a wealth of additional teaching and learning resources. Student material includes student exercises and videos. Instructor material includes an instructor’s manual, professional scripts and professional resources.
Chapter 1: Characteristics of Broadcast News Writing
Chapter 2: Selecting Stories and Starting to Write
Chapter 3: Writing Great Leads and Other Helpful Tips
Chapter 4: Deadly Copy Sins and How to Avoid Them
Chapter 5: Interviewing: Getting the Facts and the Feelings
Chapter 6: Writing Radio News
Chapter 7: Television News Story Forms--The VO
Chapter 8: Television Story Forms--The VO/SOT
Chapter 9: Television Story Forms--The Package
Chapter 10: Writing Sports Copy
Chapter 11: Producing TV News
Chapter 12: The Care and Feeding of Television Live Shots
2011 / 640 pages
ISBN: 9780073511993
Available: February 2010 www.mhhe.com/mencher12e
More than a quarter of a million students have learned the craft and ethics of journalism from Melvin Mencher’s News Reporting and Writing . This classic text shows students the fundamentals of reporting and writing and examines the values that direct and underlie the practice of journalism. The changing nature of electronic media today may make this a scary time for journalism students, but it also presents an opportunity for young journalists to shape the direction of new media.
new to this edition
A heavily revised Chapter 1, On the Job, includes additional instruction and a new section on Culture Wars.
Updated coverage in Chapter 4, The Internet and Other Tools of the Trade, addresses the latest technological devices and software;
Blogs, Facebook, Twitter, Wikipedia, and Social Media; The “Deep
Web” or “Invisible Web”; and information on finding sources online.
New and relevant examples throughout include Barack Obama’s election and Hells Angels.
Greater focus on writing for the web gives students a stronger foundation in this increasingly important skill.
An updated online Student Workbook includes reporting and writing exercises, assignments, quizzes with answers, suggestions for class discussions, and computer-assisted reporting assignments. An interactive map and city directories accompany the writing exercises.
The workbook is accompanied by an Instructor’s Manual available online to instructors.
Part I. The Reporter At Work
1. On the Job
Part II. The Basics
2. Components of the Story
Part III. Writing the Story
3. What Is News?
4. The Internet and Other Tools of the Trade
5. The Lead
6. Story Structure
7. The Writer’s Art
8. Features, Long Stories and Series
9. Broadcast Newswriting
10. Writing News Releases
Part IV. Reporting Principles
11. Digging for Information
12. Making Sound Observations
13. Building and Using Background
14. Finding, Cultivating and Using Sources
15. Interviewing Principles and Practices
16. Speeches, Meetings and News Conferences
17. Hunches, Feelings and Stereotypes
Part V. From Accidents to Education
18. Accidents and Disasters
19. Obituaries
20. The Police Beat
21. The Courts
22. Sports
23. Business Reporting
24. Local Government and Education
Part VI. Laws, Taste and Taboos, Codes and Ethics
25. Reporters and the Law
26. Taste--Defining the Appropriate
27. The Morality of Journalism
Tim Harrower
2010 / 384 pages
ISBN: 9780073378916
Available: September 2009 www.mhhe.com/harrower2e
This text does for reporting what Tim Harrower’s The Newspaper
Designer’s Handbook has previously done for design: make it fun and accessible to newcomers. Harrower is an award-winning editor, designer and columnist who has previously taught at Portland State
University and currently conducts journalism workshops. The second edition of Inside Reporting continues to emphasize the basics but also provides a wealth of information on online reporting and packaging stories in more visual, interactive ways. It also includes more useful information on feature writing--from stories to reviews and columnwriting--than any other text in the field.
Chapter 1. The Story of Journalism
Chapter 2. How Newsrooms Work
Chapter 3. Newswriting Basics
Chapter 4. Reporting Basics
Chapter 5. Covering the News
Chapter 6. Beyond Breaking News
Chapter 7. Law and Ethics
Chapter 8. Online Reporting
Chapter 9. Broadcast Journalism
Chapter 10. Public Relations
The Morgue
I nternatIonal edItIon
Bruce D Itule, Arizona State University—Tempe
Douglas A Anderson, Penn State University-University Park
2007 / 560 pages
ISBN: 9780071275828 [IE]
Available: April 2006 www.mhhe.com/itule7
Part One: The Fourth Estate
Chapter 1: Today’s Media
Chapter 2: Ingredients of News
Part Two: The Rudiments
Chapter 3: Qualities of Good Writing
Chapter 4: Summary Leads
Chapter 5: Organizing a News Story
Chapter 6: Developing a News Story
Chapter 7: Quotations and Attribution
Chapter 8: Special Leads
Chapter 9: Features
Part Three: Gathering Information
Chapter 10: Interviewing
Chapter 11: Computer-Assisted Reporting and Research
Chapter 12: By the Numbers
Part Four: Basic Assignments
Chapter 13: Obituaries
Chapter 14: Speeches and Press Conferences
Chapter 15: Weather and Disasters
Chapter 16: Broadcast Writing
Chapter 17: Multimedia Journalism
Chapter 18: News Releases
Part Five: Beats
Chapter 19: Multicultural Reporting
Chapter 20: Local Government and Public Meetings
Chapter 21: Police and Fire
Chapter 22: Courts
Chapter 23: Sports
Part Six: Advanced Assignments
Chapter 24: In-Depth and Investigative Reporting
Chapter 25: Business News and Other Specialties
Part Seven: Beyond The Writing
Chapter 26: Law
Chapter 27: Ethics and Fairness: Responsibility to Society
Appendix A: Gannett Newspaper Division Principles of Ethical
Conduct for Newsrooms
Appendix B: Associated Press Style Rules
Appendix C: Glossary
Part III: The Publics
Chapter 9. Media Relations
Chapter 10. Employee Communication
Chapter 11. Community Relations
Chapter 12. Consumer Relations and Marketing
Chapter 13. Investor Relations
Part IV: The Practice
Chapter 14. Public Affairs: Relations with Government
Chapter 15. Public Relations in Nonprofit Organizations
Chapter 16. Corporate Public Relations
Chapter 17. Technological, Global, and Organizational Issues in
Public Relations
Appendix 1: Writing A-1
Appendix 2: Speechmaking by Dan Reines
Dan L Lattimore, University of Memphis
Otis W Baskin, Pepperdine University
Suzette T Heiman, University of Missouri-Columbia
Elizabeth L Toth, University of Maryland-College Park
2012 / 448 pages
ISBN: 9780073512051
Available: June 2011 www.mhhe.com/lattimore4e
[Details unavailable at press time]
I nternatIonal edItIon
I nternatIonal edItIon
Dan L Lattimore, University of Memphis, Otis W Baskin, Pepperdine
University, Suzette T Heiman, University of Missouri-Columbia and
Elizabeth L Toth, University of Maryland-College Park
2009 / Softcover / 384 pages
ISBN: 9780073378879
ISBN: 9780071288880 [IE]
Available: November 2008 www.mhhe.com/lattimore3e
Coverage of global markets, new technologies, and multiculturalism throughout make this dynamic text the cutting-edge choice for public relations courses. Accompanied by unique, free online video interviews of leaders in the public relations field, the text presents and explains in a personal, jargon-free style the fundamental tools of public relations practice, providing a multi-disciplinary understanding of the emerging trends within the field. Critical changes in society and technology lend importance to the increasing emphasis in the management function of public relations. While traditional media is still the foundation of public communication, the new social media now provides a much more personal and interactive form of public relations. This book thus provides the user with the ability to create effective messages using both the new social media as well as traditional media.
Part I: The Profession
Chapter 1. The Nature of Public Relations
Chapter 2. The History of Public Relations
Chapter 3. A Theoretical Basis for Public Relations
Chapter 4. Law and Ethics
Part II: The Process
Chapter 5. Research: Understanding Public Opinion
Chapter 6. Strategic Planning for Public Relations Effectiveness
Chapter 7. Action and Communication
Chapter 8. Evaluating Public Relations Effectiveness
Thomas H Bivins, University of Oregon
2008 / Softcover / 400 pages
ISBN: 9780071101837 [IE]
Available: June 2007 www.mhhe.com/bivins6
This text equips students with the essential skills for developing and writing public relations materials, covering all areas of public relations writing--including news releases, backgrounders, newsletter and magazine articles, brochures, print advertising copy, and broadcast scripts. Recent technological changes are also covered to give students an understanding of how technology impacts the public relations industry. In the constantly changing world of public relations, the text continues to stress the need for public relations professionals to communicate more effectively to all audiences.
Chapter 1: Writing for Public Relations
Chapter 2: Planning and Research
Chapter 3: Choosing the Right Message and Medium
Chapter 4: Media Relations and Placement
Chapter 5: Design, Printing, and Desktop Publishing
Chapter 6: News Releases and Backgrounders
Chapter 7: Newsletters, Magazines, and Feature Writing
Chapter 8: Brochures and other Informational Pieces
Chapter 9: Annual & Social Responsibility Reports
Chapter 10: Print Advertising
Chapter 11: Television and Radio
Chapter 12: Speeches and Presentations
Chapter 13: Computer Writing and the Internet
Chapter 14: Ethical and Legal Issues in Public Relations Writing
Media, Film & Cultural Studies
Richard Rushton and Gary Bettison, Both at
Lancaster University, UK
Painting as visual evidence
Showing politics to the people: Cartoons, comics and satirical prints
‘Impressed by nature’s hand’: Photography and authorship
Actuality and affect in documentary photography
Interpreting vernacular photography, finding ‘me’: A case study
Newsreels: Form and function
Documentaries: A gold mine historians should begin to exploit
More than just entertainment: The feature film and the historian
The visual culture of television news
‘What planet are we on?’ Television drama’s relationships with social reality
The privileged discourse: Advertising as an interpretive key to the consumer culture
2011 (February 2010) / 224 pages
ISBN: 9780335234233 (Paperback)
ISBN: 9780335234226 (Hardback)
This essential textbook provides an excellent introduction to film theory. It describes what film theory is; which theories and philosophies have fed in to its existence; and the essential theories that now make up film studies. The book will explore a range of important topics including: semiotics and structuralism, psychoanalysis, formalist film theory, cultural approaches, cognitive approaches and neo-formalism.
It is also packed with accessible features designed for students such as bullet points, boxed case studies and end-of-chapter questions.
Introduction: What is film theory?
Structuralism and semiotics: The foundations of contemporary film theory
Apparatus theory: Jean-Louis Baudry and Christian Metz
Screen theory: Colin MacCabe and Stephen Heath
Feminist film theory: Visual pleasure and identificatory practices
Cinemas of the other: Postcolonialism, race and queer theory
Philosophy and film: Stanley Cavell and Gilles Deleuze
Film as art: Historical poetics and neoformalism
The cognitive turn: Narrative comprehension and character identification / Recent developments: Phenomenology, attractions and audience research.
Richard Howells, King’s College
Robert Matson (eds), University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown
2009 (June 2009)/ 200 pages
ISBN: 9780335228645 (Paperback)
ISBN: 9780335228638 (Hardback)
This comprehensive and insightful edited collection brings together media and cultural theorists, historians and art historians to introduce visual literacy for students of media and cultural studies, film, history and general humanities and social science studies. Taking key visual medias such as painting, cartoons, photography, film, television and documentary the book shows students how to read the visual medium to elicit meaning from the text, as well as exploring the historical aspect of the text or the image.
Alan Lovell, formerly at Staffordshire University
Gianluca Sergi, University of Nottingham, UK
2009 (April 2009) / 140 pages
ISBN: 9780335222513 (Paperback)
ISBN: 9780335222520 (Hardback)
Entertainment is a defining feature of contemporary culture, yet it is often accused of being superficial and even harmful. In this thoughtprovoking book, the authors challenge this negative view and argue for a reconsideration of the value of entertainment and the effect it has on the world in which we live. Taking Hollywood cinema as its central focus, this exciting book explores and critiques the range of debates that the phenomenon of cinema entertainment has provoked.
It is packed with examples from modern, popular films throughout, including a whole chapter on the hugely successful film, The Dark
Knight. The book features interviews with filmmakers involved in creating some of the most successful films of recent years as well as critical discussion of the work and reputation of Steven Spielberg and Alfred Hitchcock, names which have become synonymous with cinema entertainment.
Introduction: Cinema as entertainment
What audiences go for: Elite and mass taste
Sensual pleasure, audiences and The Dark Knight
Alfred Hitchcock: The entertainer becomes an artist Steven Spielberg,
Indiana Jones and the Holocaust Filmmakers as entertainers?
Interviews with Randy Thom and Walter Murch
The entertainment discourse
Bibliographical notes
Appendix 1: Methodology for statistical analysis
Appendix 2a: Walter Murch’s filmography
Appendix 2b: Randy
Thom’s filmography
Appendix 3: Art
Appendix 4: Credits for The Dark KnightDocumentaries online
Media, Film & Cultural Studies
Thomas Austin and Wilma de Jong (eds), Both at the University of Sussex,
2008 / 376 pages
ISBN: 9780335221912 (Paperback)
ISBN: 9780335221929 (Hardback)
The early years of the 21st century have witnessed significant changes in the technological, commercial, aesthetic, political, and social dimensions of documentaries on film, television and the web.
This book rethinks the notion of documentary, in terms of theory, practice and object/s of study. Drawing together 26 original essays from scholars and practitioners, it critically assesses ideas and constructions of documentary and, where necessary, proposes new tools and arguments with which to examine this complex and shifting terrain. Rethinking Documentary is valuable reading for scholars and students working in documentary theory and practice, film studies and media studies.
Key Text Bestseller
Ernest Mathijs, University of British Columbia, Canada
Xavier Mendik, Brunel University, UK
2007 / 576 pages
ISBN: 9780335219230 (Paperback)
ISBN: 9780335219247 (Hardback)
The Cult Film Reader is the first reader of its kind to contain the major essays written on the structure, form, status, and reception of global cult cinema traditions. It includes work from key established scholars in the field, as well as new takes on the gradually developing canon of cult cinema. The book not only presents an overview of ways in which cult cinema can be approached, it also reassesses the methods used to study the cult text and its audience. It dissects some of biggest trends, icons, auteurs and periods of global cult film production. Films discussed include well-known classics like Casablanca, The Rocky
Horror Picture Show, Showgirls and Ginger Snaps.
Part One - Critical perspectives on documentary forms and concepts
Part Two - The changing face of documentary production
Part Three - Contemporary documentary
Part Four – Documentaries online
Rajinder Dudrah, University of Manchester
Jigna Desai (eds), University of Minnesota
2008 / 384 pages
ISBN: 9780335222124 (Paperback)
ISBN: 9780335222131 (Hardback)
This book provides a road map of the scholarship on modern Hindi cinema in India, with an emphasis on understanding the interplay between cinema and colonialism, nationalism, and globalization. It explores issues of capitalism, nationalism, Orientalism, and modernity through understandings of race, class, gender and sexuality, religion, and politics as depicted in Indian popular films. The editors draw on essays that seek to understand the relationship between popular culture, political economy and the social imaginary of the nation-state.
The contributors raise a variety of issues specific to the medium itself, including the development of particular genres, narrative forms, and exegetic and textual elements including musical and dance numbers, as well as questions of spectatorship, audience and institutional formations.
Lea Milic, Producer at Jim Keeshen Productions in Santa Monica,
California, USA
Yasmin McConville, Producer at Yoram Gross/EM TV in Sydney,
2006 / 224 pages
ISBN: 9780335220366 (Paperback)
ISBN: 9780335220373 (Hardback)
Animation is one of the fastest-growing fields in film and television, and it is also integral to video games and web development. Drawing on their extensive experience in the field, the authors offer a systematic overview of the role of the animation producer and the production process. They explain how to develop a concept, pitch it to obtain funding, and find a market. They offer detailed advice on recruiting a team, managing different stages of production (including overseas suppliers), quality control, budgeting, scheduling and outline the key aspects of 2D and 3D production.
Charlotte Brunsdon, University of Warwick, UK
Lynn Spiegel (eds), Northwestern University, USA
2007 / 352 pages
ISBN: 9780335225453 (Paperback)
ISBN: 9780335225446 (Hardback)
This new edition has been completely revised to take account of changes in the television industries, the academic field of television studies, and the culture and politics of feminist movements. The readings offer a detailed analysis of a wide range of specific case studies, while also engaging a series of debates on the main issues for feminist television scholarship. The book investigates how television represents feminism and considers how critics themselves have created feminism and post-feminism as historical categories and political identities. It looks at women who are engaged in various aspects of television production on both sides of the camera and how women respond to and use television in their everyday lives.
Jason E. Squire, University of Southern California, USA, and former film executive at United Artists, Twentieth Century Fox and Embassy Pictures,
California, USA
2006 / 584 pages
ISBN: 9780335220021 (Paperback)
ISBN: 9780335220038 (Hardback)
The Movie Business Book is a comprehensive overview of the film industry from a professional perspective. Edited by Jason E. Squire, it brings together advice and information from industry professionals such as Mel Brooks,William Goldman, Sydney Pollack and David
Puttnam. It’s a sourcebook which gives a good overview of the
Hollywood film system covering such topics as marketing, revenue streams and new technologies.
Media, Film & Cultural Studies
Key Text
Linda Ruth Williams and Michael Hammond (eds), Both at University of
Southampton, UK
2006 / 584 pages
ISBN: 9780335218318 (Paperback)
ISBN: 9780335218325 (Hardback)
“One of the rare collections I would recommend for use in undergraduate teaching – the chapters are lucid without being oversimplified and the contributors are adept at analyzing the key industrial, technological and ideological features of contemporary US cinema.” Diane Negra, University of East Anglia, UK.
Contemporary American Cinema is the first comprehensive introduction to American cinema since 1960. The book is unique in its treatment of both Hollywood, alternative and non-mainstream cinema. Critical essays from leading film scholars are supplemented by boxed profiles of key directors, producers and actors; key films and key genres; and statistics from the cinema industry. It is richly illustrated in colour and black and white with film stills, posters and production images. Designed especially for courses in cinema and film studies, cultural studies and American studies, the book features a glossary of key terms, fully referenced resources and suggestions for further reading, questions for class discussion, and a comprehensive filmography.
ICMS Series
Gill Branston
2001 / 224 pages
ISBN: 9780335200764 (Paperback)
ICMS Series
Chris Barker
1999 / 208 pages
ISBN: 9780335199549 (Paperback)
Catherine Johnson and Rob Turnock (eds), Both at Royal Holloway,
University of London, UK
2005 / 256 pages
ISBN: 9780335217298 (Paperback)
This book is the first to offer a range of new perspectives on the complex and multifaceted history of Britain’s first commercial broadcaster. It explores key tensions and conflicts which have influenced the ITV service and provides an intervention in debates in broadcasting history for academics and researchers, and a critical introduction to the history of ITV for students and general readers.
Jane Arthurs, University of the West of England, Bristol, UK
2004 / 208 pages
ISBN: 9780335209750 (Paperback)
In recent years there has been a marked increase in both the volume and diversity of sexual imagery and talk on television, condemned by some as a ‘rising tide of filth’, celebrated by others as a ‘liberation’ from the regulations of the past. This book questions both these responses through an examination of television’s multiple channels and genres, and the wide range of sexual information and pleasures they provide.
Colin Lankshear, James Cook University
Michele Knobel, Central Queensland University
2011 (July 2011) / 304 pages
ISBN: 9780335242160
New Literacies, Third Edition explores new literacies, knowledge and classroom practices in light of growing electronic information and communication techniques. This edition is thoroughly updated to reflect the rapidly changing nature of this field, with new chapters on
Online Social Networking and Social Learning. It features a substantial examination of social practices, providing a theoretical foundation for the book. Covering key practices, New Literacies is essential for undergraduate and postgraduate students of literacy teaching courses, those pursuing a PhD, literacy educators and academics, and other policy writers and curriculum developers working in digital literacy.
Part 1: What’s ‘new’?
From ‘Reading’ to ‘Digital Literacies’
New literacies and competing mindsets
New literacies: Social practices and participatory culture
Part 2: New literacies in everyday practices
Digital remix: Culture and practice
Everyday practices of online social networking
Blogging and online writing as participatory cultural practices
Part 3: New literacies and social learning
Social learning in theory and practice
New literacies and social learning within formal educational settings
Media, Film & Cultural Studies
Glen Creeber and Royston Martin, Both at the University of Aberystwyth,
2008 / 264 pages
ISBN: 9780335221974 (Paperback)
ISBN: 9780335221981 (Hardback)
From Facebook to the iPhone, from YouTube to Wikipedia, this book explores new media’s most important issues and debates to create a lively and original introductory text for newcomers to the field. With technological change continuing to unfold at an incredible rate, it rounds-up major events in the media’s recent past to help develop a clear understanding of both the theoretical and practical debates that surround this emerging discipline. The authors use case studies to sit along side the main chapters so that there is a balance between the well-trodden and the newly emerging topics within the field as a whole. Topics explored include: digital television, digital cinema, game culture, the World Wide Web, online social networking, music and multimedia, virtual communities and the ‘digital divide’.
Gordon A. Gow, University of Alberta
Richard K. Smith, Simon Fraser University, Canada
2006 / 184 pages
ISBN: 9780335217618 (Paperback)
ISBN: 9780335217625 (Hardback)
The mobile information society has revolutionised the way we work, communicate and socialise. Mobile phones, wireless free communication and associated technologies such as WANs, LANs, and PANs, cellular networks, SMS, 3G, Bluetooth, Blackberry and WiFi are seen as the driving force of the advanced society.
Providing a succinct introduction to the field of mobile and wireless communications, this book:
Begins with the basics of radio technology and offers an overview of key scientific terms and concepts for the student reader
Uses a range of case studies and examples of mobile and wireless ommunication, legislation and practices from the UK, US,
Canada, ainland Europe, the Far East and Australia
Contains illustrations and tables to help explain technical concepts and show the growth and change in mobile technologies
Features a glossary of technical terms, annotated further reading at the end of each chapter and web links for further study and research
ICMS Series
Joost Van Loon, Nottingham Trent University, UK
2007 / 192 pages
ISBN: 9780335214464 (Paperback)
ISBN: 9780335214471 (Hardback)
Using philosophical and historical analysis, this book illustrates how throughout the course of society, different forms of media have helped to shape our perceptions, expectations and interpretations. Drawing on the work of authors such as Heidegger, Benjamin and Baudrillard, it provides a deeper theoretical analysis of the complexity of mediation processes. Illustrated with examples from both old and new media, readers are encouraged to think through complex issues in proactive ways. Using technologies such as television, radio, computer games and domestic appliances, it provides a critical insight into how we understand reality. It discusses the nature of ‘the virtual’ as that which mediates between the ‘real’ and ‘pure imagination’ or fantasy, providing online gaming as an example.
Robert Hassan and Julian Thomas (eds), Both at Swinburne University,
2006 / 352 pages
ISBN: 9780335217106 (Paperback)
ISBN: 9780335217113 (Hardback)
This is an indispensable text for students on new media, technology, sociology and media studies courses. It brings together a number of key readings from international contributors on new media – what it is, where it came from, how it affects our lives, the political economy, and how it is managed. It combines key historical readings on the subject and more recent writings. As well as a general introduction to the book, there is an editors’ introduction to each thematic section.
ICMS Series
Jon Dovey, University of Bristol
Helen W. Kennedy, University of the West of England, UK
2006 / 192 pages
ISBN: 9780335213573 (Paperback)
This book offers an overview of the critical concepts and debates that shape the emerging field of game studies. It analyses computer games as the most popular contemporary form of new media production and consumption. The authors explore games in the context of cultural and media studies and uses them as a critical site for the examination of the impact of new media on established frameworks and concepts.
The book:
Argues for the centrality of play in redefining reading, consuming and creating culture
Offers detailed research into the political economy of games that generates a model of new media production
Examines the dynamics of power in relation to both the production and consumption of computer games
Colin Lankshear, James Cook University
Michele Knobel, Central Queensland University
2006 / 272 pages
ISBN: 9780335220106
The new edition of this popular book examines:
Popular practices and digital communities associated with contemporary phenomena like Flickr and Wikipedia
Wireless communication such as Bluetooth networking, text messaging, e-mailing from a Blackberry, photoblogging from a mobile phone, and podcasting (or telephoning) from a PDA
New writing practices based around online fanfic communities, and manga and animé series
Media, Film & Cultural Studies
Thomas Berker, Norwegian University of Science and Technology,
Maren Hartmann, University of Erfurt, Germany
Yves Punie, Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (IPTS) in
Seville, Spain
Katie Ward (eds), University of Sheffield, UK
2005 / 240 pages
ISBN: 9780335217687 (Paperback)
ISBN: 9780335217694 (Hardback)
The book provides a theoretical and empirical overview on a key concept in media and technology studies: domestication. Theories around domestication shed light upon the process in which a technology changes its status from an outrageous novelty to an aspect of everyday life which is ‘just there’ and taken for granted. The contributors provide insights for both experienced researchers and students looking for an introduction into the concept.
ICMS Series
Robert Hassan, Swinburne University, Australia
2004 / 176 pages
ISBN: 9780335213153 (Paperback)
ISBN: 9780335213160 (Hardback)
The rise of the network society – the suffusion of much of the economy, culture and society with digital interconnectivity – is a development of immense significance. In this innovative book, Robert Hassan unpacks the dynamics of this new information order and shows how they have affected both the way media and politics are ‘played’, and how these are set to reshape and reorder our world. This is a key text for undergraduate students in media studies, politics, cultural studies and sociology.
Uses examples and case studies from the real world
Shows how key concepts can help us understand the relationship between the Media and society
Provides a clear explanation of how critical perspectives on the Media construct thinking about media businesses, texts and audiences
The fully updated new edition features new boxed summaries of critical approaches and key thinkers. Chapters cover the main topics that students are likely to encounter in their studies, including advertising, media and violence, news, politics, young audiences, globalization, sport, popular music and new technology. This book is essential reading for students in Media Studies, Cultural Studies and courses with a media interest, such as Sociology and English. Please visit our supporting website for two additional chapters on Approaches to Film and Gendered Magazines: www.openup.co.uk/burton
Media texts: Features and deconstructions
Media institutions: Key areas and their implications for understanding media
Audiences and effects: Defining audiences and exploring their relationships with texts
Media--audience--influence: Questions of effects: politics, children, violence
Popular music: Questioning the popular, questioning control, questioning the global
The media and new technology: Technologies changing the media and changing consumption
Advertising: Its relationship with media industries and with audiences
News: Different kinds of news: Constructing the world
Sport and representation: Media defining sport; sport as business; sport and meaning
Globalization and the media: Questions of power and cultural exchange
Selected websites
Key Text Bestseller
Máire Messenger Davies, University of Ulster,
Graeme Burton, Visiting Lecturer in Media
Studies, University of Teesside, UK
2011 (May 2010) / 352 pages
ISBN: 9780335227235 (Paperback)
This popular introductory book provides a clear introduction to the key ideas within media studies. The friendly writing style and everyday examples, which made the first edition a favourite with students and lecturers alike, has been retained and updated in this new edition.
2011 (April 2010) / 208 pages
ISBN: 9780335229208 (Paperback)
ISBN: 9780335229192 (Hardback)
This essential book begins by offering insights into children and the media from both historical and contemporary perspectives. Through the use of quotations and examples, contrasting cultural issues are compared and discussed in a thought provoking manner. For example: children using the internet within their bedrooms, to the dangers of children on the street and ASBOs.
This comprehensive text provides a wide-ranging perspective on the Media and:
Section two looks closely at forms of media designed for children.
The concepts are illustrated using engaging case studies including
Cinderella and Harry Potter.
Media, Film & Cultural Studies
Section one: The child and its world(s): Different disciplinary approaches to the study of children and media
The child today – and yesterday
The science of childhood
The economics and politics of children’s culture
Children in media studies
The representation of children in media: the child as ‘signifier’
Section two: Media for children
Children’s traditional culture: playground games & fairytales: Case study Cinderella
Children’s literature and screen adaptations
Children’s news, children’s documentaries
The digital world - ‘new’ media
Conclusion and summary
ICMS Series
Anna Arutunyan, News editor and columnist at The Moscow News, Russia
2009 (August 2009) / 192 pages
ISBN: 9780335228898 (Paperback)
ISBN: 9780335228904 (Hardback)
Providing both a description of the current playing field and an overview of Russian media history, this book serves as a unique introduction, giving a consistent and comprehensive scope of the chief problems faced by the Russian media. It considers the role and power of the government and how the fall of the Communist
Party has impacted on the media. Using vivid examples of the power play between television and the state during the tumultuous 1990s, it describes a country where, even without censorship, media and power are financially intertwined and how this may affect journalists’ ability to act as effective mediators between the people and the state.
There are chapters devoted to various forms of media; print, television, radio and the internet and each of these topics is linked to specific examples of contemporary issues and challenges.
The current media playing field
Media and power: Media ownership in the age of free market
Freedom in the Russian press
The Russian newspaper: then and now
Television and film
The role of radio: A common
Neil Washbourne, Leeds Metropolitan
University, UK
2010 (April 2010)/ 192 pages
ISBN: 9780335217595 (Paperback)
ISBN: 9780335217601 (Hardback)
This book explores the complex interconnections between media, political organization and society. It focuses in particular on the way new technology poses problems, but also offers potentialities and solutions. Particular attention is paid to various political uses of the internet. Using accessible case studies, the author closely analyses how political parties, pressure groups, governments and social movements explore and develop the range of media forms and rhetorics and assesses the consequences this has for political life.
The book argues that key versions of the ‘end of politics’ thesis are simply too pessimistic about what we can hope for from the future and imply an unrealistic nostalgia about the past. Rather it puts the media-politics relationship into the broader context of a culturally complex and changing contemporary information society.
Are we witnessing the ‘end of politics’?
Marketing politics: Parties, leaders and governments in contemporary mediated politics
The media-politics relations in national contexts: Comparing the press, radio and television in the UK, US and India
Mediating governance: Problems of political and cultural representation in a complex world
Exploring the contemporary audiences of mediated politics
The internet, politics and political change
‘Conclusion: The end of the beginning’: They always mediate politics, don’t they?
Michael Higgins, University of Sunderland, UK
2008 / 2087 pages
ISBN: 9780335219292 (Paperback)
ISBN: 9780335219308 (Hardback)
The public is so central to discussions of the role of broadcasting in civil society that it often passes without comment. This book offers a critical insight into this key component of media policy and practice.
. Ideas and activities around public opinion, public interest and public service are introduced and opened to question, as are various routines of framing public voices, representing the public and public advocacy.
Throughout the book, the relationship between media and the public is shown to be central to wider issues of politics, governance, and cultural influence.
Jairo Lugo-Ocando (ed), University of Stirling, UK
2008 / 224 pages
ISBN: 9780335222018
ISBN: 9780335222025
This book provides a comprehensive and critical overview of some of the most important media systems in Latin America. Drawing on original and critical essays from some of the most prominent authors in the field, the author approaches the subject with a countrybycountry analysis, exploring the most relevant aspects of the media in each society. Essays include: media history, organization, the interrelationship of the media and the state, and film, music, advertising and digital media
Media, Film & Cultural Studies
Anita Biressi and Heather Nunn (eds), Both at Roehampton University,
2007 / 400 pages
ISBN: 9780335219315 (Paperback)
This wide-ranging and accessible Reader provides a useful introduction to the historical and contemporary debates about the values, ethics and pleasures of tabloid news, entertainment and culture. Bringing together key writings from both new and leading scholars in the field, it addresses topics ranging from the Sun and
Mirror and men’s lifestyle magazines through to reality TV and talkshows, O.J. Simpson and Big Brother’s Jade Goody, with specially written prefaces to accompany each section.
Key Text
Anne Hill, Southampton Solent University
Mark Joyce, Southampton Solent University
Danny Rivers, West Kent College/University of Greenwich
James Watson, West Kent College/University of Greenwich, UK
2007 / 224 pages
ISBN: 9780335220533 (Paperback)
ISBN: 9780335220540 (Hardback)
This introductory text explores the role of interpersonal communication in the formation of self and social-identity in an age of globalization, social fragmentation and change. Topics include the exploration of the nature of identity; consideration of the main models used to analyze the process of interpersonal communication, and the role of language and non-verbal communication in the display of a range of identities such as ethnic, social class and gender.
ICMS Series
Olga Bailey, Nottingham Trent University
Bart Cammaerts, London School of Economics & Political Science, UK
Nico Carpentier, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium
2007 / 192 pages
ISBN: 9780335222100 (Paperback)
ISBN: 9780335222117 (Hardback)
This clear and concise text offers a one-stop guide through the complex political and economic debates that surround alternative media. It explains what the ‘alternative media’ are and shows the reader how they can be studied. Using case studies from the UK and
Europe, the authors adopt an analytical approach as they look beyond the traditional divide between alternative and mainstream media, and explore those things which cross this divide.
Matthew Hibberd, University of Stirling, UK
2007 / 240 pages
ISBN: 9780335222858 (Paperback)
ISBN: 9780335222865 (Hardback)
In this introductory text, Matthew Hibberd explores the key historical processes and events in the growth and development of Italy’s main media and considers it in the context of the economic, political, socio-cultural and technological movements that have affected Italy.
Featuring a timeline of key Italian events, the book begins with the
Unification - or Risorgimento - of Italy in 1861, and charts the rise of
Italy from a fragmented and rural-based society through to a leading industrialised and urbanised world power.
Key Text
Dan Laughey, Leeds Metropolitan University, UK
2007 / 224 pages
ISBN: 9780335218134 (Paperback)
ISBN: 9780335218141 (Hardback)
“Key Themes in Media Theory is wonderfully wide-ranging and deservedly destined to become a key text for students of Media
Studies.” Professor John Storey, University of Sunderland, UK
This book provides a thorough and critical introduction to the key theories of media studies. It is unique in bringing together different schools of media theory into a single, comprehensive text, examining in depth the ideas of key media theorists such as Lasswell, McLuhan,
Hall,Williams, Barthes, Adorno, Baudrillard and Bourdieu. Using up-to-date case studies the book embraces media in their everyday cultural forms – music, internet, film, television, radio, newspapers and magazines – to enable a clearer view of the ‘big picture’ of media theory. In ten succinct chapters Dan Laughey discusses a broad range of themes, issues and perspectives that inform our Contemporary understanding of media production and consumption.
ICMS Series
Simon Cottle, Cardiff University, UK
2006 / 232 pages
ISBN: 9780335214525 (Paperback)
ISBN: 9780335214532 (Hardcover)
Mediatized Conflict explores the powered dynamics, contested representations and consequences of media conflict reporting. It examines how the media today do not simply report or represent diverse situations of conflict, but actively ‘enact’ and ‘perform’ them.
Media, Film & Cultural Studies
ICMS Series
Chas Critcher (ed), Sheffield Hallam University, UK
2006 / 400 pages
ISBN: 9780335218073 (Paperback)
In this book, Chas Critcher brings together essential readings on moral panics, which he locates in contemporary debates through an editor’s introduction and concise section introductions. The first section discusses moral panic models and the history and intellectual background of the concept. A second section features case studies, including AIDS, Satanism, drugs, paedophilia and asylum seekers.
This is followed by readings that look at themes such as the importance of language, rhetoric and discourse and the idea of the
‘risk society’. This is a valuable resource for students and researchers in media studies, criminology and sociology.
Jessica Evans, The Open University
David Hesmondhalgh (eds), University of Leeds, UK
2005 / 176 pages
ISBN: 9780335218806 (Paperback)
ISBN: 9780335218813 (Hardback)
This book introduces the study of the media in an innovative way using the sustained example of celebrity. The authors take students carefully through the chapters, using readings from important research and providing carefully designed student activities. Across four chapters, the construction of celebrity is examined using four essential concepts in media studies: history, text, production and audiences.
Marie Gillespie and Jason Toynbee (eds), Both at The Open University,
2006 / 160 pages
ISBN: 9780335218868 (Paperback + DVD-ROM)
Combining a book and a unique DVD-ROM, this is an essential guide and resource which introduces the key conceptual tools of textual analysis. It uses lively examples of how students can analyze the media and helps them to apply the conceptual tools to their everyday experiences of media texts. The accompanying DVD-ROM engages students in a series of interactive tasks aimed at developing their skills in textual analysis.
Marie Gillespie (ed), The Open University, UK
2005 / 192 pages
ISBN: 9780335218820
This book offers an engaging and accessible introduction to key debates in audience studies, drawing on a range of historical, contemporary and cross-cultural case studies. The book includes chapters on: different approaches to researching audiences and how they link to policy and political agendas, and media technologies and the shaping of sensory and social experience. Case studies range from the sensational experiences of early twentieth-century film audiences to the practices of reality TV viewers, from the devotional viewing of Hindu epics in India to the politics of interpreting news among families in Israel.
ICMS Series
C. Kay Weaver, University of Waikato, New Zealand
Cynthia Carter (eds), Cardiff University, UK
2006 / 400 pages
ISBN: 9780335218059 (Paperback)
This book brings together a selection of highly influential readings that have helped to shape this area of research. Contributors analyze violence in different media formats, including television, film, radio and the news. They cover a range of perspectives, including social learning, desensitisation and cultivation theories, ‘no-effects’ models, sociological, feminist and postmodern arguments.
David Hesmondhalgh (ed), University of Leeds,
2005 / 160 pages
ISBN: 9780335218844
ISBN: 9780335218851
This book goes behind the scenes to offer an essential introduction to media production. It guides students through the key issues, debates and controversies within the field, including the power and control in media organizations, audience and market research and the experience of working in the media. The author uses readings from key research and contemporary case studies, including The
Simpsons, Silvio Berlusconi, CNN, the BBC and Al-Jazeera, audience measurement devices, war and crime reporting, and rap music.
ICMS Series
Ian Hutchby, Brunel University, UK
2005 / 192 pages
ISBN: 9780335209958
ISBN: 9780335209965
This book introduces linguistic and discursive aspects of broadcast media. It addresses a range of different forms of media talk and describes how talk sets up channels and modes of communication between broadcasters and their various audiences, offering examples of how to analyze media talk.
Media, Film & Cultural Studies
ICMS Series
Justin Lewis, Cardiff University
Sanna Inthorn, University of Portsmouth
Karin Wahl-Jorgensen, Cardiff University, UK
2005 / 224 pages
ISBN: 9780335215553 (Paperback)
This book enters the debate about general decline in civic participation in both Britain and the US. It asks whether the news media have played a role in producing a passive citizenry and, if so, what might be done about it?
ICMS Series
Virginia Nightingale, University of Western Sydney, Australia
Karen Ross (eds), Conventry University, UK
2004 / 320 pages
ISBN: 9780335211661 (Paperback)
ISBN: 9780335211678 (Hardback)
This book brings together some of the important developments in the history of audience and media studies and the significant research which has shaped the field until now. This collection of essays provides students and lecturers in media, film and cultural studies with a better understanding of the rationale, findings and forms of analysis undertaken at different points in the field’s research-based career.
ICMS Series
Donald Matheson, University of Canterbury, New Zealand
2005 / 176 pages
ISBN: 9780335214693
ISBN: 9780335214709
Media Discourses introduces readers to discourse analysis to show how media communication works. Written in a lively style and drawing on examples from contemporary media, each chapter discusses a particular media genre, including the news, advertising, reality television and weblogs. At the same time, each chapter also introduces a range of approaches to media discourse, from analysis of linguistic details to the rules of conversation and the discursive construction of selfhood. A glossary explains key terms and suggestions for further reading are given at the end of each chapter.
ICMS Series
Karen Ross, Coventry University, UK
Virginia Nightingale, University of Western Sydney, Australia
2004 / 208 pages
ISBN: 9780335206919 (Paperback)
ISBN: 9780335206926 (Hardback)
This book looks at the various ways in which ‘the audience’ as a concept has changed and examines the relationships between audiences, texts and technologies. A chronological as well as a thematic approach is used to explore a wide range of topics
ICMS Series
Cynthia Carter, Cardiff University, UK
Linda Steiner (eds), Rutgers University, New Jersey, USA
2004 / 384 pages
ISBN: 9780335210978
ISBN: 9780335210985
A lively and engaging introduction to the field of media and gender research, drawing from a wide range of important international scholarship.
Sheila Brown
2003 / 240 pages
ISBN: 9780335205486 (Paperback)
ICMS Series
Chas Critcher
2003 / 224 pages
ISBN: 9780335209088 (Paperback)
ICMS Series
John Beynon
2002 / 208 pages
ISBN: 9780335199884 (Paperback)
ISBN: 9780335199891 (Hardback)
Media, Film & Cultural Studies
ICMS Series
Keith Tester
2001 / 160 pages
ISBN: 9780335205134 (Paperback)
ICMS Series
Simon Cottle (Ed)
2000 / 264 pages
ISBN: 9780335202706 (Paperback)
Stuart Allan, University of the
West of England, UK
Graham Scambler
2005 / 240 pages
ISBN: 9780335210701 (Paperback)
ICMS Series
David Rowe
2004 / 272 pages
ISBN: 9780335210756 (Paperback)
2011 (March 2010) / 294 pages
ISBN: 9780335235650 (Paperback)
News Culture is an introduction to the forms, practices, institutions and audiences of journalism. It begins with a historical consideration of the rise of ‘objective’ reporting in newspaper, radio and televisual journalism. It explores the way news is produced, its textual conventions, and its negotiation by the reader, listener or viewer as part of everyday life. Fully updated, key features of this edition include:
An expanded introduction to signal a fresh approach to the subject
A new chapter examining the new and the public sphere, including news on the internet and coverage of the political economy
Expanded discussion of online news interwoven throughout the book
Updated research, references, examples and illustration from national contexts other than the UK and the US, including Australia,
Canada and others from the non-western world.
Inclusion of specialist topics such as; radio journalism; citizen journalism; visual culture of journalism; sports reporting and global news culture.
ICMS Series
David Rowe (Ed)
2003 / 384 pages
ISBN: 9780335211500 (Paperback)
ISBN: 9780335211517 (Hardback)
Media, Film & Cultural Studies
Humanitarianism and the changing aid-media field: ‘Everyone was dying for coverage’
Global crisis reporting
Barbie Zelizer and Stuart Allan,
Bournemouth University
2011 (July 2010) / 280 pages
ISBN: 9780335221837 (Paperback)
ISBN: 9780335221844 (Hardback)
This comprehensive glossary offers clear and insightful definitions of the most significant keywords in news and journalism studies. Ranging from ‘above the fold’ to ‘zinger’, and with over 400 terms in between, it covers words associated with newspapers, radio and television news, magazines, photojournalism and internet reporting. Other examples include ‘agenda setting’, ‘libel’, ‘news values’, ‘objectivity,’ ‘scoop’ and
‘tabloidization’. Written by two of the field’s leading scholars, it offers an informed perspective on the key terms. It considers a range of genres, including business, crime, environmental, fashion, lifestyle, investigative, science, sports and war journalism as well as looking at new alternatives such as ‘Wikinews’ and ‘Twitter’. This lively and engaging treatment will provide students, researchers and journalists with a solid grounding in the fast-moving vocabulary of news and journalism studies.
Ranging from ‘above the fold’ to ‘zinger’, and with over 400 terms in between, it covers words associated with newspapers, radio and television news, magazines, photojournalism and internet reporting.
Other examples include ‘agenda setting’, ‘libel’, ‘news values’,
‘objectivity,’ ‘scoop’ and ‘tabloidization’.
Michael Temple, University of Staffordshire, UK
2008 / 232 pages
ISBN: 9780335222971 (Paperback)
ISBN: 9780335222988 (Hardback)
This new book offers a practical introduction to the history, theory, politics and potential future of British newspapers. The first half of the book leads the reader through key historical moments from the
Civil War to Wapping and beyond, while the second half takes an in-depth look at current empirical and theoretical concerns. It argues that throughout their history our newspapers have been vital conduits for public opinion and, on occasion, catalysts for social change.
Meryl Aldridge, University of Nottingham, UK
2007 / 208 pages
ISBN: 9780335221721 (Paperback)
ISBN: 9780335221738 (Hardback)
Most adults in the UK read a local newspaper; regional news bulletins are among the mostwatched on television; and local radio has a loyal following. Even though the majority of political and economic decisions affecting daily life are taken far away and are shaped by global processes, their impact is experienced locally. But despite being both popular and politically important, local media are often overlooked on media-related courses and in discussions of the role of the media in contemporary society. Understanding the Local Media addresses this gap by explaining how regional newspapers and broadcast news are owned, regulated and organized; how these factors produce the outputs we see and hear; what we know of audiences’ attitude to them; and discusses local media as places of work.
ICMS Series
Simon Cottle, Cardiff University, UK
2008 / 208 pages
ISBN: 9780335221387 (Paperback)
ISBN: 9780335221394 (Hardback)
This book examines the media’s involvement in some of the most humanly pressing global crises of our time. Drawing on original research and key scholarship in the fields of media and communications and journalism studies, it seeks to throw light on the dark side of global society as well as the media’s capacity to sustain emergent forms of global awareness, global citizenship and even, perhaps, a global cosmopolitan outlook.
Global crisis, what crisis?
Journalism in the global age
Disasters: From the Calculus of Death to Mediatized Rituals
Ecology and climate change: From silence and sceptics to spectacle and …
Forced migrations and human rights: Antinomies in the mediated ethics of care
The ‘Global War on Terror’ and new(s) wars: On vicarious, visceral violence
The ‘CNN effect’ and ‘compassion fatigue’: Moving beyond commonsense
Stuart Allan, Bournemouth University, UK
2006 / 216 pages
ISBN: 9780335221219 (Paperback)
ISBN: 9780335221226 (Hardback)
“Perhaps most ground-breaking are Allan’s textured dissections of developments in participatory journalism and citizen journalistsin the digital age. This book is a must-read.” John V. Pavlik, Rutgers, The State
University of New Jersey, USA
In this exciting and timely book Stuart Allan provides a wide-ranging analysis of online news. He offers important insights into the key debates concerning the ways in which journalism is evolving on the
Internet, devoting particular attention to the factors influencing its development.
Media, Film & Cultural Studies
Stuart Allan (ed), Bournemouth University, UK
2005 / 408 pages
ISBN: 9780335214754 (Paperback)
ISBN: 9780335214846 (Hardback)
This book explores essential themes in news and journalism studies.
Written in a lively manner designed to invite discussion by identifying key questions around a critical issue, each chapter assesses where journalism is today, its strengths and its challenges, and highlights ways to improve upon it for tomorrow.
ICMS Series
Stuart Allan, Bournemouth University, UK
2002 / 256 pages
ISBN: 9780335206629 (Paperback)
An exciting exploration of key debates on how the media represent science and risk. Themes include:
The role of science in science fiction, such as Star Trek and
The X Files
How the news media portray risks, threats and hazards
News coverage of the environment, HIV/Aids, food scares and human cloning
A highly topical text for cultural and media studies, science studies, journalism, sociology and politics.
ICMS Series
Peter Broks, University of the West of England, Bristol, UK
2006 / 192 pages
ISBN: 9780335215485 (Paperback)
ISBN: 9780335215492 (Hardback)
This book provides a framework to help understand the development of popular science and current debates about it. In a lively and accessible style, Peter Broks shows how popular science has been invented, redefined and fought over. From early nineteenth century radical science to twenty-first century government initiatives, he examines popular science as an arena where the authority of science and the authority of the state are legitimized and challenged. The book includes accounts of the public perception of scientists, visions of the future, fears of an ‘anti-science’ movement and concerns about scientific literacy. The final chapter proposes a new model for understanding the interaction between lay and expert knowledge. It is essential reading for students in cultural studies, science studies, history of science and science communication.
ICMS Series
Joanne Hollows, Nottingham Trent University, UK
2008 / 208 pages
ISBN: 9780335222537 (Paperback)
ISBN: 9780335222544 (Hardback)
This accessible, student-friendly and interdisciplinary introduction to domestic cultures surveys and synthesizes a range of approaches to demonstrate why home is central to media and cultural studies.
Joanne Hollows challenges a range of ideas about domestic culture.
She examines how the meanings of domestic life are produced across a range of discourses and practices, from architecture, lifestyle media and advertising to home decoration, cooking and watching television. Hollows argues that while the values associated with domestic cultures are often seen as the opposite of those associated with the public sphere, this opposition between public and private is never clear-cut.
ICMS Series
David Bell, University of Leeds, UK
2005 / 192 pages
ISBN: 9780335213269 (Paperback)
ISBN: 9780335213276 (Hardback)
What does a cultural studies approach bring to the study of science and technology?
This book introduces students to cultural studies of science and technology. It equips readers with an understanding of science and technology as aspects of culture, and an appreciation of the importance of thinking about science and technology from a cultural studies perspective. Individual chapters focus on topics including popular representations of science and scientists, the place of science and technology in everyday life, and the contests over amateur, fringe and pseudo-science. Each chapter includes case studies ranging from the MMR vaccine to UFOs, and from nuclear war to microwave ovens.
Jo Littler, Middlesex University, UK
2008 / 208 pages
ISBN: 9780335221523 (Paperback)
ISBN: 9780335221530 (Hardback)
The increasingly conspicuous problems of contemporary consumerism, namely social exploitation and environmental destruction, has led to an increase in ‘alternative’ consumer practices. Fair trade, consumer protests, brand backlashes, green goods and boycotts have all become almost mainstream. This book suggests that we can understand this phenomenon as an expanding field of ‘radical consumption’, in which we are increasingly encouraged to shop for change. By examining their practices, precedents and politics, the book asks: just how radical are these forms of ‘radical consumption’? Jo Littler takes an interdisciplinary approach to examining contemporary radical consumption, analysing its possibilities and problems, methods of mediation and its connections to wider cultural formations of production and politics.
Media, Film & Cultural Studies
Kate McGowan, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK
2007 / 224 pages
ISBN: 9780335218035 (Paperback)
Kate McGowan addresses the questions of cultural meaning and value which confront us all today. The book explores the often complex paradigms of critical thinking and discusses the possibilities of engaging and critiquing the cultural values that relate to our present.
Dealing directly with the issues entailed in cultural analysis, the book avoids simply looking at the eminent authors or movements in critical and cultural theory, and instead focuses on why studying culture matters to us today.
ICMS Series
Jim McGuigan, Loughborough University, UK
2006 / 160 pages
ISBN: 9780335219216 (Paperback)
ISBN: 9780335219223 (Hardback)
Modernity and Postmodern Culture critically assesses claims made about the ‘postmodernization’ of culture and society. The author argues that although culture may be ‘postmodern’ in terms of art, entertainment and everyday life, modernity still exists and is pervasive. This new edition is updated throughout using new case studies and examples, to review the effects of postmodernism, update the literature and look at international events through a modernist/ postmodernist gaze.
Paul A. Taylor, University of Leeds
Jan Ll. Harris, independent scholar, UK
2007 / 256 pages
ISBN: 9780335218110 (Paperback)
ISBN: 9780335218127 (Hardback)
This textbook revisits the work of leading critical theorists, explores and explains their work and highlights their thinking in regard to present day issues of mass culture. It:
Responds directly to the criticisms of mass culture raised by key writers
Traces and evaluates the development of work by new thinkers
Reassesses mass culture theories in the changed circumstances of today
Each initial chapter introduces the work of a key critical theorist, such as Benjamin, Kracauer or Marcuse. The alternate chapters introduce a corresponding contemporary theme and writer, explaining how the original work can be considered today, the relevance it has for today’s theorists and how the successors have developed this thinking. This is a key text for students of cultural studies and sociology which shows that critical theory is needed now just as much as it was then.
ICMS Series
David Bell, University of Leeds
Joanne Hollows (eds), Nottingham Trent University, UK
2005 / 224 pages
ISBN: 9780335215508 (Paperback)
ISBN: 9780335215515 (Hardback)
Lifestyle media – books, magazines and television shows that focus on topics such as cookery, gardening and travel – have witnessed an explosion in recent years. Ordinary Lifestyles explores how these media texts bring ideas about taste and fashion to consumers, helping audiences to fashion their lifestyles as well as defining what constitutes an appropriate lifestyle for particular social formations.
The book shows that watching make-over television or cooking from a celebrity chef’s book are significant cultural practices, through which we work on our ideas about taste, status and identity.
ICMS Series
Ramaswami Harindranath, University of Melbourne, Australia
2006 / 192 pages
ISBN: 9780335205691 (Paperback)
ISBN: 9780335205707 (Hardback)
This book explores significant aspects of the cultural and social impact of globalization on the developing world by examining intellectual contributions and cultural expression in Latin America, Africa, and
South and South East Asia. It surveys key debates on the politics of representation and cultural difference, paying particular attention to issues such as subalternity, cultural nationalism, third cinema, multiculturalism, and indigenous communities. It offers an original synthesis of ideas on these topics, and traces the lines of connection between national cultural and political projects during anti-colonial struggles and more contemporary forms of national and transnational cinema and television.
ICMS Series
Michele Henning, University of the West of England, Bristol, UK
2005 / 192 pages
ISBN: 9780335214198 (Paperback)
ISBN: 9780335214204 (Hardback)
This original book explores how historical and contemporary museums and exhibitions restage the relationship between people and material things. It is unique in its treatment of the museum as a media-form, and in its detailed and critical discussion of a wide range of display techniques. It provides an indispensable introduction to some of the key ideas, texts and histories relevant to the museum in the 21st century.
Media, Film & Cultural Studies
Tim Dant, University of East Anglia, UK
2004 / 184 pages
ISBN: 9780335208555 (Paperback)
This book examines the relationships between society and material culture: the interaction between people and things. Using the motor car as a recurring theme, he shows how we confront our society through material interaction with the objects that surround us.
ICMS Series
Jim McGuigan, Loughborough University, UK
2004 / 192 pages
ISBN: 9780335207015 (Paperback)
ISBN: 9780335207022 (Hardback)
This is a distinctive and independent analysis of cultural policy. The ideal introduction to contemporary cultural policy for culture and media studies, sociology of culture, politics, arts administration and cultural management.
Shane J. Blackman, Canterbury Christ Church University College, UK
2004 / 240 pages
ISBN: 9780335200726 (Paperback)
ISBN: 9780335200733 (Hardback)
This book provides a critical map of drugs, including work on drugs as cultural commodities in film, popular music, advertising and tourism, and work on ‘drug normalisation’, subcultural deviance and the politics of drug education.
Peter Ratcliffe
2004 / 208 pages
ISBN: 9780335210954 (Paperback)
ISBN: 9780335210961 (Hardback)
ICMS Series
Bella Dicks, Cardiff University, UK
2004 / 248 pages
ISBN: 9780335206575 (Paperback)
Discussed in a lively and accessible manner, this book offers fresh ways of thinking about tourism, leisure and heritage.
ICMS Series
Chris Weedon, Cardiff University, UK
2004 / 192 pages
ISBN: 9780335200863 (Paperback)
ISBN: 9780335200870 (Hardback)
This book looks at how different cultural narratives and practices work to constitute identity for individuals and groups in multi-ethnic,
‘postcolonial’ societies. The book encompasses issues of class, race, and gender, with a particular focus on the mobilization of forms of ethnic identity in societies still governed by racism.
Antony Easthope, Late of Manchester Metropolitan University
Kate McGowan (eds), Manchester Metropolitan University, UK
2004 / 304 pages
ISBN: 9780335213559 (Paperback)
ISBN: 9780335213566 (Hardback)
The Critical and Cultural Theory Reader is an introduction to key readings in cultural theory which guides students through the tradition of thought. The second and expanded edition of this highly successful
Reader reflects the growing diversity of the field. Divided into six thematic sections: Semiology; Ideology; Subjectivity; Difference;
Gender and Race, and Postmodernism, the Reader features an editors’ introduction to the volume, introductions to each of the thematic sections as well as invaluable summaries of each of the extracts.
Gerard Delanty and Piet Strydom (eds)
2003 / 496 pages
ISBN: 9780335208845 (Paperback)
ISBN: 9780335208852 (Hardback)
ICMS Series
Deborah Stevenson
2003 / 192 pages
ISBN: 9780335208449 (Paperback)
Media, Film & Cultural Studies
ICMS Series
Nick Stevenson
2003 /192 pages
ISBN: 9780335208784 (Paperback)
Tim Dant
1999 / 240 pages
ISBN: 9780335198214 (Paperback)
Shane Homan (ed), University of Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia
2006 / 272 pages
ISBN: 9780335216901 (Paperback)
ISBN: 9780335216918 (Hardback)
This books explores the cultural significance and importance of the tribute band phenomenon. Using case studies from the US, UK,
Northern Europe, Australia and other countries, and looking at artists such as The Bootleg Beatles, NoWaySis, Bjorn Again, Elvis: The
Concert and Shania’s Twin, the book looks at core popular studies music debates including identity, celebrity and fandom, intertextuality, authenticity, media technology, ownership and copyright.
Andy Bennett
2002 / 208 pages
ISBN: 9780335202508 (Paperback)
Richard Middleton
ISBN: 9780335152759 (Paperback)
Access All Eras: Tribute Bands and Global Pop Culture
Analysing Media Texts (With DVD)
Animation Producer’s Handbook, The
Annual Editions: Gender 10/11
Annual Editions: Mass Media 10/11, 16e
Annual Editions: Mass Media 11/12, 17e
Art Of Public Speaking, The, 10e
Audience, The Message, The Speaker, The, 8e
Bollywood Reader, The
Bridges Not Walls: A Book About Interpersonal Communication, 11e
British Press, The
Broadcast News Handbook, 4e
Broadcasting Cable the Internet and Beyond: An Introduction to Modern Electronic Media, 7e Dominick
Children, Media and Culture
Chilling Out: The Cultural Politics of Substance Consumption, Youth and Drug Policy
Cinema and Cultural Modernity
Cinema Entertainment: Essays on Audiences, Films and Film Makers
Cities and Urban Cultures
Citizens Or Consumers? The Media and the Decline of Political Participation
Communicating at Work: Principles and Practices for Business and the Professions, 10e
Communicating in Groups: Applications and Skills, 8e
Communication Matters
Communication Research: Asking Questions, Finding Answers, 3e
Communication Theories: Perspectives, Processes and Contexts, 2e
Communication Works, 10e
Compassion, Morality and the Media
Contemporary American Cinema
Crime and Law in Media Culture
Critical and Cultural: Theory Reader, A 2e
Critical Readings: Media and Audiences
Critical Readings: Media and Gender
Critical Readings: Moral Panics and the Media
Critical Readings: Sport, Culture and the Media
C (continued)
Critical Readings: Violence and the Media
Critical Theories of Mass Culture: Then and Now
Cult Film Reader, The
Cultural Citizenship: Cosmopolitan Questions
Culture on Display: The Production of Contemporary Visitability
Cultures of Popular Music
Digital Culture: Understanding New Media
Domestic Cultures
Domestication of Media and Technology
Dynamics of Mass Communication: Media in Transition, 11e
Electronic Media: An Introduction, 10e
Ethnic Minorities and the Media
Experiencing Intercultural Communication: An Introduction, 4e
Feminist Television Criticism, 2e
First Look At Communication Theory, A, 7e
First Look at Communication Theory, A, 8e
Fundamentals of Media Effects
Game Cultures: Computer Games as New Media
Global Crisis Reporting
Human Communication, 4e
Human Communication: Principles and Contexts, 12e
Identity and Culture: Narratives of Difference and Belonging
Inside Reporting, 2e
Interpersonal Conflict, 8e
Interviewing: Principles and Practices, 13e
Introducing Communication Theory: Analysis and Application, 4e
Introduction to Mass Communication: Media Literacy and Culture, 6e
Introduction to Mass Communication: Media Literacy and Culture, 7e iSpeak: Public Speaking for Contemporary Life, 2009 Edition, 3e iSpeak: Public Speaking for Contemporary Life, 4e
ITV Cultures: Independent Television Over Fifty Years
Journalism: Critical Issues
Key Issues in Critical and Cultural Theory
Key Themes in Interpersonal Communication
Key Themes in Media Theory
Keywords in News and Journalism Studies
Masculinities and Culture
Mass Media in a Changing World, 3e
Mass Media in a Changing World, 4e
Material Culture in the Social World
Materiality and Society
Media and Audiences: New Perspectives
Media and Society, 2e
Media and Their Publics, The
Media Audiences
Media Discourses: Analysing Media Texts
Media in Italy, The
Media in Latin America, The
Media In Russia, The
Media Production
Media Talk: Conversation Analysis and the Study of Broadcasting
M (continued)
Media Technology: Critical Perspectives
Media, Politics and the Network Society
Media, Risk and Science
Mediating Politics: Newspapers, Radio, Television and the Internet
Mediatized Conflict
Melvin Mencher’s News Reporting and Writing, 12e
Mobile and Wireless Communications: An Introduction
Modernity and Postmodern Culture, 2e
Moral Panics and the Media
Movie Business Book, The, 3e
Museums, Media and Cultural Theory
New Literacies, 3e
New Literacies: Everyday Practices and Classroom Learn, 2e
New Media Theory: Reader, The
News Culture, 3e
News Writing and Reporting for Today’s Media, 7e
Online News: Journalism and the Internet
Ordinary Lifestyles: Popular Media, Consumption and Taste
Perspectives on Global Cultures
Philosophies of Social Science
Public Relations Writing: The Essentials of Style and Format, 6e
Public Relations: The Profession and the Practice, 3e
Public Relations: The Profession and the Practice, 4e
Public Speaking for College and Career, 9e
‘Race’, Ethnicity and Difference
Radical Consumption in Contemporary Culture
Rethinking Cultural Policy
Rethinking Documentary: New Perspectives and Practices
Science, Technology and Culture
Seeing is Believing, 4e
Sport and Society
Sport Culture and the Media, 2e
Studying Popular Music
Tabloid Culture Reader, The
Taking Sides: Clashing Views in Gender, 5e
Taking Sides: Clashing Views in Mass Media and Society, 11e
Taking Sides: Clashing Views in Mass Media and Society, Expanded, 11e
Television and Sexuality: Regulation and the Politics of Taste
Television, Globalization and Cultural Identities
Understanding Alternative Media
Understanding Media: Inside Celebrity
Understanding Popular Science
Understanding the Local Media
Using Visual Evidence
What is Film Theory?
Communicating in Groups: Applications and Skills, 8e
Communicating at Work: Principles and Practices for Business and the Professions, 10e
Understanding the Local Media
Taking Sides: Clashing Views in Mass Media and Society, 11e
Taking Sides: Clashing Views in Mass Media and Society, Expanded, 11e
Journalism: Critical Issues
Media, Risk and Science
News Culture, 3e
Online News: Journalism and the Internet
Television and Sexuality: Regulation and the Politics of Taste
Media In Russia, The
Rethinking Documentary: New Perspectives and Practices
Understanding Alternative Media
Introduction to Mass Communication: Media Literacy and Culture, 6e
Introduction to Mass Communication: Media Literacy and Culture, 7e
Television, Globalization and Cultural Identities
Ordinary Lifestyles: Popular Media, Consumption and Taste
Science, Technology and Culture
Cultures of Popular Music
Seeing is Believing, 4e
Domestication of Media and Technology
Masculinities and Culture
Tabloid Culture Reader, The
Public Relations Writing: The Essentials of Style and Format, 6e
Chilling Out: The Cultural Politics of Substance Consumption, Youth and Drug Policy
Cinema and Cultural Modernity
Understanding Popular Science
Crime and Law in Media Culture
Feminist Television Criticism, 2e
Fundamentals of Media Effects
Media and Society, 2e
Critical Readings: Media and Gender
Ethnic Minorities and the Media
Global Crisis Reporting
Mediatized Conflict
Digital Culture: Understanding New Media
Critical Readings: Moral Panics and the Media
Moral Panics and the Media
Material Culture in the Social World
Materiality and Society
Children, Media and Culture
Philosophies of Social Science
Culture on Display: The Production of Contemporary Visitability
Broadcasting Cable the Internet and Beyond: An Introduction to Modern Electronic Media, 7e
Dynamics of Mass Communication: Media in Transition, 11e
Game Cultures: Computer Games as New Media
Bollywood Reader, The
Critical and Cultural: Theory Reader, A 2e
Understanding Media: Inside Celebrity
Communication Matters
Communication Works, 10e
Analysing Media Texts (With DVD)
Media Audiences
Annual Editions: Mass Media 10/11, 16e
Annual Editions: Mass Media 11/12, 17e
Mobile and Wireless Communications: An Introduction
Public Speaking for College and Career, 9e
First Look At Communication Theory, A, 7e
First Look at Communication Theory, A, 8e
Electronic Media: An Introduction, 10e
Perspectives on Global Cultures
Inside Reporting, 2e
Audience, The Message, The Speaker, The, 8e
Media, Politics and the Network Society
New Media Theory: Reader, The
Museums, Media and Cultural Theory
Media Production
Media in Italy, The
Media and Their Publics, The
Key Themes in Interpersonal Communication
Domestic Cultures
Access All Eras: Tribute Bands and Global Pop Culture
Using Visual Evidence
Media Talk: Conversation Analysis and the Study of Broadcasting
Annual Editions: Gender 10/11
News Writing and Reporting for Today’s Media, 7e
ITV Cultures: Independent Television Over Fifty Years
Communication Research: Asking Questions, Finding Answers, 3e
New Literacies, 3e
New Literacies: Everyday Practices and Classroom Learn, 2e
Public Relations: The Profession and the Practice, 3e
Public Relations: The Profession and the Practice, 4e
Key Themes in Media Theory
Citizens Or Consumers? The Media and the Decline of Political Participation
Radical Consumption in Contemporary Culture
Media Technology: Critical Perspectives
Cinema Entertainment: Essays on Audiences, Films and Film Makers
Art Of Public Speaking, The, 10e
Media in Latin America, The
Experiencing Intercultural Communication: An Introduction, 4e
Media Discourses: Analysing Media Texts
Cult Film Reader, The
Key Issues in Critical and Cultural Theory
Modernity and Postmodern Culture, 2e
Rethinking Cultural Policy
Melvin Mencher’s News Reporting and Writing, 12e
Studying Popular Music
Animation Producer’s Handbook, The
Communication Theories: Perspectives, Processes and Contexts, 2e iSpeak: Public Speaking for Contemporary Life, 2009 Edition, 3e iSpeak: Public Speaking for Contemporary Life, 4e
Critical Readings: Media and Audiences
Human Communication, 4e
‘Race’, Ethnicity and Difference
Mass Media in a Changing World, 3e
Mass Media in a Changing World, 4e
Media and Audiences: New Perspectives
Critical Readings: Sport, Culture and the Media
Sport Culture and the Media, 2e
What is Film Theory?
Sport and Society
Movie Business Book, The, 3e
Cities and Urban Cultures
Cultural Citizenship: Cosmopolitan Questions
Bridges Not Walls: A Book About Interpersonal Communication, 11e
Interviewing: Principles and Practices, 13e
Critical Theories of Mass Culture: Then and Now
British Press, The
Compassion, Morality and the Media
Human Communication: Principles and Contexts, 12e
Broadcast News Handbook, 4e
Mediating Politics: Newspapers, Radio, Television and the Internet
Critical Readings: Violence and the Media
Identity and Culture: Narratives of Difference and Belonging
Introducing Communication Theory: Analysis and Application, 4e
Taking Sides: Clashing Views in Gender, 5e
Contemporary American Cinema
Interpersonal Conflict, 8e
Keywords in News and Journalism Studies
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