The Bean Eaters - msmooresclasses


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Flexible Grouping Tone (1)

Directions: As you read the poem below, stop after each stanza and fill in the box to the side. Highlight the words or phrases in each stanza that helped you identify tone.

The Bean Eaters

Gwendolyn Brooks

They eat beans mostly, this old yellow pair.

Dinner is a casual affair.

Plain chipware on a plain and creaking wood,

Tin flatware.

Two who are Mostly Good.

Two who have lived their day,

But keep on putting on their clothes

And putting things away.

And remembering . . .

Remembering, with twinklings and twinges,

As they lean over the beans in their rented back room that is full of beads and receipts and dolls and cloths, tobacco crumbs, vases and fringes.

Write one or two words that describe the tone of stanza 1:

Write one or two words that describe the tone of stanza 2:

Write one or two words that describe the tone of stanza 3:


Which word below best describes the overall tone of The Bean Eaters? a.

Disheartened b.

Lively c.

Pathetic d.


How to React to Familiar Faces

Umberto Eco

Translated by William Weaver

A n n

A few months ago, as I was strolling in New York, I saw, at a distance, a man I knew very well heading in my direction. The trouble was that I couldn't remember his name or where I had met him. This is one of those sensations you encounter especially when, in a foreign city, you run into someone you met back home, or vice versa. A face out of context creates confusion. Still, that face was so familiar that, I felt, I should certainly stop, greet him, converse; perhaps he would immediately respond, "My dear Umberto, how are you?" or "Were you able to do that thing you were telling me about?" And I would be at a total loss. It was too late to flee. He was still looking at the opposite side of the street, but now he was beginning to turn his eyes towards me. I might as well make the first move; I would wave and then, from his voice, his first remarks, I would try to guess his identity.

We were now only a few feet from each other. I was just about to break into a broad, radiant smile, when suddenly I recognized him. It was Anthony Quinn. Naturally, I had never met him in my life, nor he me. In a thousandth of a second I was able to check myself, and I walked past him, my eyes staring into space.

Afterwards, reflecting on this incident, I realized how totally normal it was. Once before, in a restaurant, I had glimpsed Charlton Heston and had felt an impulse to say hello. These faces inhabit our memory; watching the screen we spend so many hours with them that they are as familiar to us as our relatives', even more so. You can be a student of mass communication, debate the effects of reality, or the confusion between the real and the imagined, and expound the way some people fall permanently into this confusion; but still you are not immune to the syndrome. And there is worse.

I have received confidences from people who, appearing fairly frequently on TV, have been subjected to the mass media over a certain period of time. I'm not talking about Johnny Carson or

Oprah Winfrey, but public figures, experts who have participated in panel discussions often enough to become recognizable. All of them complain of the same disagreeable experience. Now, as a rule, when we see someone we don't know personally, we don't stare into his or her face at length, we don't point out the person to the friend at our side, we don't speak of this person in a loud voice when he or she can overhear. Such behavior would be rude, even—if carried too far— aggressive. But the same people who would never point to a customer at a counter and remark to a friend that the man is wearing a smart tie behave quite differently with famous faces.

My guinea pigs insist that, at a newsstand, in the tobacconist's, as they are boarding a train entering a restaurant toilet, they encounter others who, among themselves, say aloud,

"Look there's X." "Are you sure?" "Of course I'm sure. It's X, I tell you." And they continue their conversation amiably, while X hears them, and they don't care if he hears them: it's as if he didn't exist.

Such people are confused by the fact that a protagonist of the mass media's imaginary world should abruptly enter real life, but at the same time they behave in the presence of the real person as if he still belonged to the world of images, as if he were on a screen, or in a weekly picture magazine. As if they were speaking in his absence.

I might as well have grabbed Anthony Quinn by the lapel, dragged him to a phone booth, and called a friend to say, "Talk about coincidence! I've run into Anthony Quinn. And you know something? He seems real!" (After which I would throw Quinn aside and go on about my business.)

The mass media first convinced us that the imaginary was real, and now they are convincing us that the real is imaginary; and the more reality the TV screen shows us, the more cinematic our everyday world becomes. o t t a t t e H e r r e

Directions: Read each question carefully and choose the best answer.


In the first few sentences, how does Eco create an image to which all readers can relate? a.

He mentions a famous movie star whose name everyone recognizes. b.

He tells about being recognized by someone who talks about him as if he weren’t there. c.

He tells about a celebrity being mobbed by fans. d.

He relates the very common experience of walking along and seeing someone he recognizes.


In the story, the author relates his personal experiences with reacting to familiar faces. How does this affect the tone of the essay? a.

It makes the essay friendly and easy to relate to. b.

It makes the essay seem silly because Eco relates insignificant incidents. c.

It adds excitement because his experiences involved movie stars. d.

His experiences were so personal that they are hard for reader to relate to.


What is the tone of the second-to-last paragraph that begins, “I might as well…”? a.

frustrated b.

thoughtful c.

comedic d.



Explain why you chose your answer to #3:


What purpose does the author have to include the second-to-last paragraph in the essay? a.

to let readers know what he really wanted to do when he met Quinn b.

to point out the absurdity of people’s behavior c.

to give evidence by telling what someone once did to him d.

to relate an incident that he witnessed


What detail supports the author’s purpose? a.

“Afterwards, reflecting on this incident, I realized how totally normal it was.” b.

“I might as well have grabbed Anthony Quinn by the lapel, dragged him to a phone booth, and called a friend…” c.

“I have received confidences from people, who appearing fairly frequently on TV, have been subjected to the mass media over a certain period of time.” d.

“Naturally I had never met him in my life, nor he me.”


How does Eco’s tone shift when he moves from talking about his encounter with Anthony Quinn to talking about the way the mass media affects our responses to famous people. a.

It shifts from humorous to serious. b.

It shifts from apathetic to excited. c.

It shifts from impartial to superior. d.

It shifts from frivolous to uncertain.


Explain your answer to #7 using selections from the text for support:


What effect does the tone have on the overall meaning of the essay? a.

Clearly explains the increasing role of media in a person’s life b.

Hints that the profusion and availability of media cause a person to lose sight of reality c.

Opens discussion of Anthony Quinn’s role in media awareness d.

Discusses the roles of celebrities, whether they are on the silver screen or walking down the street


Based on the descriptions, which group of people—the bean eaters or the celebrity spotters—would Eco rather know? a. The celebrity spotters because they are funny people. b. The bean eaters because they are boring. c. The celebrity spotters because they are really caught up with mass media and celebrities’

lives. d. The bean eaters because they seem like nice people with stories to tell about their lives.


Both authors, Eco and Brooks, could be described as a. Pessimistic b. Obnoxious c. Cynical d. Troubled

Directions: Use the situation “First Day of a New School” to write a short excerpt from the differing tones.
















choose your own tone: _______________________





