PRACTICAL NURSING DEPARTMENT PN 2002 Nursing of Mother and Infant Credit Hours: Schedule: Two Monday 8:00-10:00 Friday 8:00-10:00 8 weeks Course Instructor: Jennifer Harmon, BSN, RN PN Program Office #: 391-3260 E-Mail: Spring 2014 SYLLABUS ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Course: ___Nursing of Mother and Infant and Clinical II__________ Semester: ___Spring 2014__________________________________ I acknowledge by signing below that I have received the syllabus for the course indicated above. I have reviewed the syllabus and understand the objectives of this course. Further, I understand how my performance will be evaluated and how my final grade will be determined. I am aware of my instructor’s office hours, and I know how to contact him or her for help with and/or clarification of course contents or procedures. _______________________________________________ (Student Signature) _______________________________________________ (Date) PRACTICAL NURSING PROGRAM Course Title: Nursing of Mother and Infant Course Number: PN 2002 Course Credit & Time Allotment: Course Instructor: Course Description: Rationale: Audience for the Course: Course Outcomes: 2 semester credit hours Monday 8:00-10:00 Friday 8:00-10:00 8 Weeks Jennifer Harmon, BSN, RN This course introduces the principles of caring for the child-bearing family. Content includes prenatal, labor, delivery and postnatal care of the mother and infant. Concepts from Basic Nursing, Nutrition and Pharmacology are integrated into the course as related to the nursing care of the mother and infant. January Class Pre-requisites: PN 1012, 1001, 1005, 1010, 1003, BIOL 1434 or 2214 and 2224. Co-requisites for Summer Semester: PN 2004, 2003. August Class Pre-Requisites: PN 1001, 1003, 1005, 1010, 1012, BIOL 1434 or 2214 and 2224. Co-requisites for Spring Semester: PN 2004, 2008, 2012, 2014. The purpose of this course is to introduce the students to the care of the child-bearing family. PN Program students who have successfully completed the first semester of the PN Program including Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology. Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to: 1. Analyze the physiologic, psychosocial and spiritual needs of maternal/child patients with appropriate nursing interventions and expected outcomes by utilizing the nursing process and critical thinking skills. (Measured by analysis of case study and clinical evaluation). Course Outcomes: (continued) 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Course Text: Course Resources: Methods to Facilitate Learning: Course Content: Incorporate cultural and growth and development influences to promote comprehensive care to maternal/child patients. (Measured by case study and clinical evaluation). Evaluate safety aspects to assure a safe environment and effective care of the maternal/child patient. (Measured by case study and clinical evaluation). Distinguish between therapeutic and non-therapeutic communication skills to facilitate effective interactions with maternal/child patients, peers, faculty and health personnel. (Measured by case study, classroom interactions and clinical evaluation). Employ legal and ethical responsibilities to enhance effective decision-making when providing care to the maternal/child patient. (Measured by case study, post-conference discussion and clinical evaluation). Justify the use of caring and professional behaviors to provide comprehensive patient care to the maternal/child patient. (Measured by post-conference discussion and clinical evaluation). Integrate pharmacological and nutritional aspects appropriate to the care of the maternal/child patient. (Measured by case study). Analyze the organization, priority setting, and delegation of patient care assignments in the maternal/child setting to provide safe effective care. (Measured by patient assignment activity and clinical evaluation). Incorporates evidence-based practice to provide effective patient care. (Measured by Patient Assignment Activities and Clinical Evaluation). Introduction to Maternity and Pediatric Nursing by Gloria Leifer. Study Guide to Accompany Introduction to Maternity and Pediatric Nursing by McKinney and Rosner. Northark, Campus Libraries Videos The instructor will utilize a variety of teaching strategies to actively engage the student to enhance learning and critical thinking including Lecture, PowerPoint Presentations, Case Studies, Critical Thinking Exercises, Games, Student response systems (clickers), muddiest point, one minute papers, think-pair-share, fish bowl, etc. Unit I: Overview of Maternity Care Human Reproductive Anatomy and Physiology Prenatal Care Prenatal Development Prenatal Care Complications During Pregnancy 2 Course Content: (continued) Course Evaluation: Unit II: Labor and Birth Process Nursing Care Pain Management Complications During Labor and Birth Unit III: Postpartum Care Family, Mother and Newborn Care Complications Following Birth Unit IV: The Newborn The Term Newborn Pre-Term and Post-Term Congenital Malformations A. Unit Examinations Test I: Chapters 1-4 Leifer Overview of Maternity Care Human Reproductive Anatomy & Physiology Prenatal Care Test II: Chapters 5-8 Leifer Maternity Care Labor and Birth Test III: Chapters 9-11 Leifer Postpartum Care Women’s Health Care Test IV: Chapters 12-14 Liefer The Newborn Test V: Comprehensive Final Exam B. Course Grade: Completion of Miscellaneous Homework and Assignments (pop quizzes, individual and group reports, study guide assignments, etc.) Unit Examinations Homework Assignments Comprehensive Final 35% 15% 50% Refer to the Practical Nursing Student Handbook and semester schedule for policies concerning daily assignments, tardiness, makeup work, dress code, academic integrity, student responsibilities and ADA Statement. 3 Attendance: It is the student’s responsibility to discuss any absences and the possibility of make-up work with the instructor as soon as possible. Students are expected to attend all class meetings and officially withdraw from courses they are no longer attending. Instructors will not withdraw a student from this course. Each tardy or absence from class will be rounded to an hour or hours. A student may miss 4 hours of theory (classroom hours) for PN 2002 – Nursing of Mother and Infant. Final Note: The stated schedule, assignments, and procedures in this course are subject to change in the event of extenuating circumstances. Students will be notified verbally or in writing of changes by the instructor. 4 OBJECTIVES Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to: A. OVERVIEW, ANATOMY & PHYSIOLOGY AND PRENATAL CARE 1. Contrast present-day concepts of maternity and child care with those of the past. CONTENT A. Overview, Anatomy & Physiol- ogy and Prenatal Care 5 1. The Past, Present and Future a. Past 1. Europe 2. United States a) Government Influences b) Children’s Bureau c) White House Conferences d) International Child of the Year e) Public Health Department b. Present 1. Maternity Care a) Cultural Considerations 2. Child Care 3. Health Care Delivery System 4. Advanced Practice Nurse 5. Nursing Process 6. Critical Thinking c. Future 1. Health Care Reform 2. Healthy People 2010 3. Documentation 4. Community-Based Nursing LEARNER ACTIVITIES BEFORE CLASS: Read: Leifer, Chapters 1-4. DURING CLASS: Lecture. Complete and discuss critical thinking questions in study guide, chapters 1-4. Critical Thinking: Caring for an Undernourished Preg nant Woman OBJECTIVES 2. Review the anatomy & physiology of the human reproductive system. 3. Describe the process of gametogenesis in human reproduction. CONTENT LEARNER ACTIVITIES Read: Leifer, Chapter 2. 2. Anatomy and Physiology a. Puberty 1. Male 2. Female b. Male Reproductive System c. Female Reproductive System d. Female Reproductive Cycle and Menstruation e. Physiology of the Sex Act 1. Male 2. Female 3. Cell Division and Gametogenesis 6 4. Explain human fertilization and implan- 4.Fertilization tation. a. Sex Determination b. Tubal Transport of the Zygote c. Implantation of the Zygote 5. Analyze fetal development and matura- 5. Fetal Development tion of body systems. a. Cell Differentiation b. Prenatal Developmental Mile- stones 6. Summarize the development and func- 6. Accessory Structures of Pregnancy tions of the placenta, umbilical cord, a. Placenta and amniotic fluid. b. Umbilical Cord 7. Compare fetal circulation to circulation after birth. 7. Fetal Circulation 8. Differentiate the similarities and differences on the two types of twins. 8. Multifetal Pregnancy Read: Leifer, Chapter 3. OBJECTIVES 9. Investigate prenatal care for a normal pregnancy. 10.Differentiate among the presumptive, probable, and positive signs of pregnancy. 11.Describe the physiological changes during pregnancy. 7 12.Analyze nutritional needs for pregnancy and lactation. 13.Evaluate the importance and limitations of exercise in pregnancy. CONTENT LEARNER ACTIVITIES 9. Goals of Prenatal Care Read: Leifer, Chapter 4. a. Prenatal Care b. Role of the LPN c. Determining the Estimated Date of Delivery 10.Signs of Pregnancy a. Presumptive b. Probable c. Positive 11.Normal Physiological Changes in Pregnancy a. Reproductive System b. Respiratory System c. Cardovascular System d. Gastrointestinal System e. Urinary System f. Integumentary and Skeletal Systems 12.Nutrition for Preganncy and Lactation a. Weight Gain b. Nutritional Requirements c. Recommended Dietary Allow- ances d. Recommended Dietary Intake e. Special Nutritional Considerations f. Nutrition During Lactation 13.Exercise During Pregnancy a. Elevated Temperature b. Hypotension c. Cardiac Output d. Hormones e. Other Factors OBJECTIVES CONTENT 14.Demonstrate patient education includ- 14.Evidence-Based Practice for ing evidence-based practice related to Common Discomforts in Pregnancy common discomforts of pregnancy. 15.Justify the nursing support of emotional changes that occur in a family during pregnancy. 15.Psychological Adaptations to Preg- nancy 16.Apply the nursing process in developing a prenatal teaching plan. LEARNER ACTIVITIES Complete a teaching plan for discomforts of pregnancy, include evidence-based practice for 3. 16.Prenatal Education 17.Calculate the expected date of delivery. 8 B. MATERNITY CARE, LABOR & BIRTH B. MATERNITY CARE, LABOR & BIRTH 1. Explain the use of fetal diagnostic tests 1. Assessmsent of Fetal Health in women with complicated pregnancies. 2. Summarize antepartum complications, their treatment and their nursing care. 3. Analyze the management of concurrent medical conditions during pregnancy. 2. Antepartum Complications 3. Pregnancy Complicated by Medical Conditions a. Diabetes Mellitus b. Heart Disease c. Anemia d. Infections 4. Recognize environmental hazards that 4. Environmental Hazards may adversely affect the outcome of a. Bioterrorism pregnancy. b. Substance Abuse c. Trauma During Pregnancy BEFORE CLASS: Read:Leifer, Chapters 5-8. DURING CLASS: Lecture. Videos: “Normal Labor and Delivery” - 25 “Cesarean Section” - 25 Complete Critical Thinking Questions in Study Guide, Chapters 5-8. Elsevier Case Study - PN Gestational Diabetes OBJECTIVES CONTENT 5. Incorporate psychosocial nursing 5. Effects of a High-Risk Pregnancy on interventions for the woman who has a the Family high-risk pregnancy and for her family. a. Disruption of Usual Roles b. Financial Difficulties c. Delayed Attachment to the Infant d. Loss of Expected Birth Experi- ence 6. Compare the advantages and disad 6. Child Bearing Settings vantages for each type of childbearing a. Hospital setting: hospital, free-standing birth b. Free-Standing Birth Center center, and home. c. Home 9 7. Analyze specific cultural beliefs the nurse may encounter when providing care to a woman in labor. 8. Correlate how the four P’s of labor interrelate to result in the birth of an infant. 9. Categorize the normal processes of childbirth: Premonitory signs, mechanisms of birth, and stages and phases of labor. 10.Determine appropriate nursing care and responsibilities for the intrapartum patient, including the woman in false labor and the woman having a vaginal birth after a cesarean birth (VBAC). 7. Cultural Beliefs 8. Four P’s a. Powers b. Passage c. Passenger d. Psyche 9. Normal Process of Childbirth a. Premonitory Signs b. Mechanisms of Birth c. Stages and Phases of Labor 10.Nursing Care and Responsiblities a. False Labor b. Vaginal Birth c. Cesarean Birth 11.Explain the care of the newborn imme- diately after birth. 11.Care of the Newborn LEARNER ACTIVITIES OBJECTIVES 12.List the common types of classes offered to child-bearing families. CONTENT LEARNER ACTIVITIES 12.Types of Prenatal Classes 10 13.Describe factors that influence a wom- 13.Factors that Influence Comfort Dur- an’s comfort during labor. ing Pregnancy a. Physical Factors b. Psychosocial Factors 14.Evaluate the methods of childbirth 14.Methods of Childbirth Preparation preparation. a. Dick-Read b. Bradley c. Lamaze 15.Analyze nonpharmacological methods 15.Nonpharmacological Methods a. Relaxation Research pain management during labor of pain management using evidencebased practice for labor, including the b. Skin Stimulation using evidence-based practice. nursing role for each. c. Positioning d. Diversion e. Breathing 16.Explain each type of pharmacological 16.Pharmacological pain management, including the nurs- a. Local Infiltration b. Pudendal Block ing role for each. c. Epidural Block d. Subarachnoid Block e. General Anesthesia f. Narcotics 17.Obstetric Procedures 17.Evaluate the nurse’s role in each oba. Amnioinfusion stetric procedure. b. Amniotomy c. Induction or Augmentation of Labor d. Version e. Episiotomy and Lacerations OBJECTIVES CONTENT LEARNER ACTIVITIES 11 f. Forceps and Vacuum Extraction Births g. Cesarean Birth 18.Recognize factors that contribute to an 18.Abnormal Labor abnormal labor. a. Problems with the Powers of Labor b. Problems with the Fetus c. Problems with the Pelvis and Soft Tissues d. The Psyche e. Abnormal Duration of Labor 19.Differentiate: 19.Differentiate premature rupture of a. Premature Rupture of Mem- membranes, preterm labor and probranes longed labor. b. Preterm Labor 1) Signs of Impending Preterm Labor 2) Tocolytic Therapy 3) Stopping Preterm Labor c. Prolonged pregnancy 20.Emergencies During Childbirth 20.Analyze the nurse’s role in caring for a. Prolapsed Umbilical Cord women having emergencies during b. Uterine Rupture childbirth. c. Uterine Inversion d. Amniotic Fluid Embolism C.POSTPARTUM CARE C. POSTPARTUM CARE 1. Adapting Care to Specific Groups 1. Analyze specific cultural beliefs that the nurse may encounter when provid- and Cultures a. Nursing Considerations for ing postpartum and newborn care. Specific Groups of Patients b. Cultural Influences on Postpar- tum Care BEFORE CLASS: Read:Leifer, Chapters 9-11. DURING CLASS: Lecture. Complete Critical Thinking questions in Study Guide, Chapters 9-11. OBJECTIVES CONTENT 12 2. Postpartum Changes in the Mother 2. Recognize postpartum changes in Reproductive System maternal systems and the nursing care a. b. Cardiovascular System associated with those changes. c. Urinary System d. Gastrointestinal System e. Integumentary System f. Musculoskeletal System g. Immune System h. Changes After Cesarean Birth and Adaptation of Nursing Care 3. Emotional Care 3. Explain the emotional needs of posta. Mothers partum women and their families. b. Fathers c. Siblings d. Grandparents e. Grieving Parents 4. Care of the Newborn, Phase 2 4. Describe nursing care of the normal a. Admission Care of the Newborn newborn. to the Postpartum or Nursery Unit b. Hypoglycemia c. Screening Tests d. Skin Care e. Security f. Bonding and Attachment g. Daily Care 5. Integrate appropriate nursing interven- 5. Infant Nutrition Breastfeeding tions to promote optimal infant nutrition a. 1) Choosing Whether to Breastbased on evidence-based practice. feed 2) Physiology of Lactation 3) Assisting the Mother to Breastfeed 4) Preventing Problems LEARNER ACTIVITIES Elsevier Case Study - PN Post-Partum Using evidence-based practice, discuss how to prevent and treat various problems encountered by breast-feeding mothers. OBJECTIVES 6. Plan appropriate discharge teaching for the postpartum woman and her infant. CONTENT 5) Special Breastfeeding Situa- tions 6) Storing and Freezing Breast Milk 7) Maternal Nutrition 8) Weaning b. Formula Feeding 1) Types of Infant Formulas 2) Preparation 3) Feeding the Infant 6. Discharge Planning a. Postpartum Self-Care Teaching b. Newborn Discharge Care 13 7. Identify the six categories of complica- 7. Complications Following Birth tions following birth. a. Shock b. Hemorrhage c. Thromboembolic Disorders d. Puerperal Infections e. Subiivolution of the Uterus f. Mood Disorders 8. Analyze signs and symptoms for each 8. Signs and Symptoms postpartum complication. 9. Identify factors that increase a wom an’s risk for developing each complication. 9. Risk Factors 10.Explain nursing measures that reduce a woman’s risk for developing specific postpartum complications. 10.Nursing Measures LEARNER ACTIVITIES OBJECTIVES 11.Summarize the medical management of postpartum complications. 12.Plan general and specific nursing care for each complication. CONTENT 11.Medical Management 12.Nursing Process 13.Preventive Health Care for Women a. Breast Care b. Vulvar Self-Examination c. Pelvic Examination 14.Menstural Disorders 14.Distinguish each menstrual disorder a. Amenorrhea and its care. b. Abnormal Uterine Bleeding c. Menstrual Cycle Pain d. Endometriosis e. Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder 15.Differentiate each gynecological infec- 15.Gynecological Infections a. The Normal Vagina tion in terms of cause, transmission, b. Toxic Shock Syndrome treatment, and care. c. Sexually-Transmitted Diseases d. Pelvic Inflammatory Disease 16.Compare the various methods of birth 16.Family Planning Temporary Contraception control, including side effects and con- a. b. Permanent Contraception traindications of each method. c. Emergency Contraception 17.Investigate possible causes and treat- d. Unreliable Contraceptive Methods 17.Infertility Care ment of infertility. a. Social and Psychological Implica- tions b. Factors Affecting Infertility c. Factors Influencing Infertility d. Evaluation of Infertility e. Therapy for Infertility 13.Explain aspects of preventive health care for women. LEARNER ACTIVITIES 14 OBJECTIVES CONTENT 15 f. Outcomes of Infertility Therapy g. Legal and Ethical Factors in Assisted Reproduction h. Nursing Care Related to Infertility Treatment 18.Prepare a teaching plan for the woman 18.Hormone Replacement Therapy on hormone replacement therapy. a. Side Effects & Contraindications b. Complementary Regimens c. Therapy for Osteoporosis 19.Explain the medical and nursing care 19.Menopause of women who are nearing or have a. Physical Changes completed menopause. b. Psychological and Cultural Varia- tions c. Treatment Options d. Nursing Care of the Menopausal Woman 20.Analyze the medical and nursing care 20.Reproductive Tract Disorders of women with pelvic floor dysfunction a. Pelvic Floor Dysfunction or problems related to benign growths 1) Vaginal Wall Prolapse in the reproductive tract. 2) Uterine Prolapse 3) Management of Pelvic Floor Dysfunction 4) Nursing Care of the Woman with Pelvic Floor Dysfunction 5) Urinary Incontinence b. Other Female Reproductive Tract Disorders 1) Uterine Fibroids 2) Ovarian Cysts LEARNER ACTIVITIES OBJECTIVES CONTENT D. THE NEWBORN 1. Nursing Assessment 1. Summarize the physical characteristics a. Reflexes Head and nursing assessment of the normal b. c. Visual Stimuli term newborn. d. Hearing e. Sleep f. Pain g. Conditioned Responses h. Neonatal Behavioral Assessment Scale i.Respiratory System j.Apgar Scale k. Circulatory System l.Providing Warmth m. Obtaining Vital Signs n. Musculoskeletal System o. Lengthand weight p. Genitourinary System q. Integumentary System r. Gastrointestinal System 2. Maintaining Warmth 2. Specify four methods of maintaining the body temperature of a newborn. D. THE NEWBORN 16 3. Analyze the cause and appearance of physiological jaundice in the newborn. 3. Physiological jaundice 4. Explain the following skin manifestations in the newborn: lanugo, vernix caseosa, mongolian spots, milia, acrocyanosis, desquamation. 4. Skin Manifestations a. Lunugo b. Vernix Caseosa c. Mongolian Spots d. Milia e. Acrocyanosis f. Desquamation LEARNER ACTIVITIES BEFORE CLASS: Read:Leifer, Chapters 12-14. DURING CLASS: Lecture. Complete Critical Thinking questions in Study Guide, Chapters 12-14. Elsevier Case Study - PN Healthy Newborn OBJECTIVES 5. Investigate methods of preventing infection in newborns. CONTENT 5. Preventing Infections 6. Differentiate between the preterm and the low-birth-weight newborn. 6. Preterm and Low-Birth Weight New- borns 7. List three causes of preterm birth. 7. Causes of Preterm Births 17 8. Analyze problems of preterm birth and 8. Nursing Process the nursing goals associated with each a. Nursing Diagnosis problem. 1) Impaired Gas Exchange 2) Risk of Hypothermia 3) Risk for Impaired Skin Integ- rity 4) Alteration in Nutrition 5) Safety a) Infection b) Bleeding 6) Potential for Complications 9. Feeding Preterm vs. Full-Term 9. Contrast the techniques for feeding preterm and full-term newborns. 10.Explain the symptoms of cold stress and methods of maintaining thermoregulation. 11.Discuss two ways to help facilitate maternal-infant bonding for a preterm newborn. 12.List three characteristics of the postterm infant. 10.Maintaining Thermoregulation a. Incubator b. Radiant Heat c. Kangaroo Care 11.Maternal Child-Bonding a. Provide Stimulation b. Reduce Noise c. Coordinate Care for Discharge 12.Postterm Newborn LEARNER ACTIVITIES OBJECTIVES 13.Explain the classifications of birth defects. 14.Outline the nursing care for the infant with hydrocephalus. 15.Analyze the preoperative and postoperative nursing care of a newborn with spina bifida cystica. CONTENT 13.Classification of Birth Defects a. Malformations Present at Birth b. Metabolic Defects c. Blood Disorders d. Chromosomal Abnormalities e. Perinatal Damage 14.Hydrocephalus Nursing Care a. Preoperative b. Postoperative 15.Spina Bifida Nursing Care a. Preoperative b. Postoperative 18 16.Differentiate between cleft lip and cleft palate. 16.Cleft Lip and Cleft palate 17.Recognize the early signs of dislocation of the hip. 17.Dislocation of Hip a. Limited Abduction 18.Summarize the dietary needs of an infant with phenylketonuria. 18.Phenylketonuria Dietary Needs 19.Analyze the care of the newborn with Down Syndrome. 19.Down Syndrome 20.Outline the causes and treatment of hemolytic disease of the newborn (erythroblastosis fetalis). 20.Hemolytic Disease a. Causes b. Treatment 21.Devise a plan of care for an infant receiving phototherapy. 21.Phototherapy a. Nursing Process LEARNER ACTIVITIES