PENN VALLEY COMMUNITY COLLEGE NURSING DIVISION PRACTICAL NURSING PROGRAM COURSE SYLLABUS COURSE TITLE: NURSING OF THE CHILDBEARING FAMILY COURSE NUMBER: PNUR 132 COURSE UNIT: MATERNAL AND NEWBORN NURSING UNIT OBJECTIVES: Upon satisfactory completion of this course, the student, through written or verbal communication and/or performance evidenced by at least a 75% final grade will: 1. Match terms associated with obstetrics to their correct definitions 2. Explain the structure and function of the female reproduction system 3. Describe the structure and function of the male reproduction system 4. Discuss the menstrual cycle’s hormonal changes and influences 5. Analyze the distinguishing characteristics of the fetal circulation 6. Differentiate between the stages of growth and development from conception to birth 7. Relate the normal antepartal changes in the expectant mother and the nursing implication of each 8. Discuss the complication of pregnancy 9. Choose appropriate nursing interventions for care of the pregnant woman 10. Describe the physiology of the normal labor and delivery 11. Select appropriate nursing interventions in the care of the laboring, delivering and recovering client 12. Discuss the characteristics of the normal newborn 13. Describe the immediate care of the newborn in the delivery room and during the stay in the nursery 14. Classify medications used in pregnancy, labor and delivery, postpartum care and in the nursery 15. Compare effectiveness of the various forms of birth control TEXTBOOK Liefer, G. (2003). Introduction to Maternity and Pediatric Nursing (4th ed) Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders. REFERENCE BOOKS: Potter and Perry (2001), Fundamentals of Nursing. (5th ed) St. Louis, Mo: Mosby. Thibodeau, G.A., & Stock, K.T. (2000). Structure and Function of the Body (11th ed) St. Louis, Mo: Mosby. Clayton, B. D., Stock, Y. N. (1997). Basic Pharmacology for Nurses. (11th ed). St. Louis: Mosby. TEACHING METHHODS: This course is taught by lecture, discussion, group projects and written assignments. Audiovisual material will supplement lecture. Clinical observation and experience, along with Nursing Arts lab practice will allow students to apply theory to the clinical setting. CLINICAL REQUIREMENTS: The clinical component of the course is graded on a PASS/FAIL basis. The Student must pass the clinical component in order to receive a transcript grade for the course. If the student fails the clinical rotation, the grade for the course will be transcripted as an “F”. The student must meet at least 75% of the clinical with an NI or above to pass the clinical rotation. (SEE ATTACHED CLINICAL OBJECTIVES.) ASSESSMENT MEASURES: Written examinations in the form of quizzes and final examination, projects and group activities along with clinical evaluations may be used to measure success in this course. 1. Written quizzes and final exams will be assessed points. 2. No final grade will be recorded until all written work is completed as assigned. Grading: We feel that the bulk of every student’s grade should be based primarily on exams. However, as we provide other methods of learning such as outlines, vocabulary worksheets, TLC assignments and group work, verbal and written. We will weight your grade for the class. 50% of your grade is from maternal nursing and 50 % is from pedriatic nursing. Exams are weight as 80% of the course value. Pop quizzes and class “unannounced” quizzes or written work, ie assessments or care plans will be worth 10 % of the course value. Pop Quiz Are Not Made up. Written assignments are 5% of the course value. Group work and projects, TLC work is 5% of the course value. Please use black board to view the breakdown. As we go through course the total in grades on blackboard will always reflect the accurate % for your overall grade in this course. The grading scale is as follows: A B C 92 – 100 % 84 – 91 % 75 – 83 % You must have at least 75 % to pass this course and continue on in the program. REFER TO STUDENT HANDBOOK FOR POLICIES: i.e. attendance, grading, testing, expected behavior and program progression, etc The Metropolitan Community College complies with the American With Disabilities Act. If you need any accommodation due to a documented disability, please contact Gretchen Blythe, Campus Center, room 221, (voice) 816-759-4152. SUMMARY OF LESSON CONTACT UNIT I Introduction to Maternal and Newborn Nursing Lesson 1. History and trends in childbirth Lesson 2. Human reproduction-review BSF Lesson 3. Fetal development UNIT 2 The expectant family Lesson 4. Physical/Psychological adaptation to pregnancy Lesson 5. Prenatal care Lesson 6. Complications of pregnancy Lesson 7. Assessment of fetal health UNIT 3 Labor and birth experience Lesson 8 Process of normal labor Lesson 9. Pain management in labor Lesson 10. Complications of labor and birth UNIT 4 The postpartum family Lesson 11. Physical/Psychological adjustments Lesson 12. Nursing care Lesson 13. Complications postpartum Lesson 14. Family planning UNIT 5 The normal newborn Lesson 15. Adjustment to extrauterine life Lesson 16. Assessment and daily care PENN VALLEY COMMUNITY COLLEGE NURSING DIVISION PRACTICAL NURSING PROGRAM UNIT 1 LESSON 1 HISTORY AND TRENDS: Dates to know--- 5th Century Training 1563-1636 17231621—USA 1637 1716 18th & 19th Century 1907 1910 1970’s HOSP ITAL BIRTHS PHYSICIAN THE OB NURSE OB TECH CONSUMERS ‘SAY” LESSON 2 REPRODUCTION I. The Four Basic Functions of the Female Reproduction System. TO PRODUCE OVARIAN HORMONES WHICH ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE FEMALE SEX CHARACTERISTICS AND REPRODUCTIVE FUNCTION TO PRODUCE OVUM AND DELIVER IT TO AREA OF CONCEPTION TO NUTURE AND SUSTAIN THE DEVELOPING FERTILIZED OVUM (PRODUCT OF CONCEPTION) UNTIL BIRTH TO ACCOMPLISH DELIVERY OF THE PRODUCT OF CONCEPTION EXTERNAL GENITALS (SELF REVIEW) VULVA LABIA MAJORA LABIA MINORA PREPUCE CLITORIS BARTHOLIN GLAND HYMEN URINARY MEATUS PERINEUM ANUS INTERNAL ORGANS VAGINA UTERUS STRUCTURE AND DIVISIONS OF THE UTERUS 1. FUNDUS 2. CORPUS 3. ISTHMUS 4. CERVIX BLOOD SUPPLY TO UTERUS OVARIES FALLOPIAN TUBES BONY PELVIS: BREASTS AND MAMARY GLANDS FUNCTION OF THE FEMALE REPRODUCTIVE CYCLE A. MENARCHE B. FEMALE HORMONES 1. HYPOTHALAMUS/ANTERIOR PITUITARY a. HYPOTHALAMUS b. ANTERIOR PITUITARY 2. OVARIES a. ESTROGEN b. PROGESTERONE c. TESTOSTERONE 3. ENDOMETRIUM SECRETIONS THE COMPLEX INTERACTIONS OF HORMONES Glands & Hormones Together are responsible for: OVARIAN CYCLE: FOLLICULAR PHASE OVULATION LUTEAL PHASE SIGNS OF OVULATION THE MENSTRUAL CYCLE: FOUR PHASES EACH MONTH1. MENSTRUAL PHASE 2. PROLIFERATION PHASE 3. SECRETORY PHASE 4. 2 OPTIONS a. ISCHEMIC PHASE b. PREGNANCY PHASE MALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM 1. TESTES A. MALE REPRODUCTIVE GLANDS B. FUNCTION OF TESTES C. TESTOSTERONE 2. EPIDIDYMIS 3. VAS DEFERENS 4. SEMEN LESSON 2. A. HUMAN REPRODUCTION CONCEPTION DEFINE: ZYGOTE CLEAVAGE IMPLANTATION AND DETERMINATION OF SEX CHROMOSOMES: A. MAKE UP CELLULAR DIVISION A. MITOSIS B. MEIOSIS C. D. E. CELLULAR MULTIPLICATION UTERINE ENDOMETRUIM CELLULAR DIFFERENTIATION INTRAUTERINE DEVELOPMENT: EMBRYONIC MEMBRANE 1. CHORION 2. AMNION AMNIOTIC FLUID FUNCTION OF AMNIOTIC FLUIDS PLACENTA CIRCULATION AND FUNCTION OF PLACENTA UMBILICAL CORD LESSON 3. FETAL CIRCULATION FETAL CIRCULATION 3 DIFFERING STRUCTURES: FETAL DEVELOPMENT UNIT 2 The expectant family Lesson 4. Physical/Psychological adaptation/changes to pregnancy INTRODUCTION: DURATION OF PREGNANCY A AND P OF PREGNANCY Uterus Cervix Ovaries Vagina Breasts Cardiovascular changes GI system changes Urinary system changes Skin and hair Musculoskeletal system changes Endocrine system changes SIGN OF PREGNANCY A. B. C. PRESUMPTIVE SIGNS PROBABLE SIGNS OF PREGNANCY POSITIVE SIGNS OF PREGNANCY PSYCHOLOGICAL RESPONSES TO PREGNANCY TASKS OF MOTHER HISTORY OF CLIENT PHYSICAL EXAM OF CLIENT LABORATORY STUDIES EVALUATION OF EMOTIONAL RESPONSES CLIENT TEACHING Lesson 5. Prenatal care DOCTOR’S VISITS: EDC ---NAGELES RULE DANGER SIGNS (REPORTABLE SIGNS) ASSESSMENT OF FUNDUS ADDITIONAL CONSIDERATIONS DURING PREGNANCY MATERNAL NUTRITION Lesson 6. Complications of pregnancy CLASS PROJECT Lesson 7. Assessment of fetal health DEMONSTRATION UNIT 3 Labor and birth experience Lesson 8 Process of normal labor THE 4 “P” OF LABOR 1. PASSAGE 2. PASSENGER 3. POWERS 4. PSYCHE PASSAGEWAY OF BIRTH PELVIC TYPES- 4 ASSESSMENT OF MATERNAL PELVIC A. INLET B. CAVITY C. OUTLET FETAL POSITIONS AND PRESENTATIONS ATTITUDE LIE PRESENTATION POSITION FETUS IDENTIFY FETAL STRUCTURE IMPORTANT IN THE BIRTH PROCESS HEADS PRESENTATIONS RELATIONSHIP OF PRESENTING PARTS TO MATERNAL PELVIS ENGAGEMENT STATION FORCES OF LABOR PRIMARY POWER SECONDARY POWER A & P OF CONTRACTIONS FREQUENCY OF CONTRACTIONS PREMONITORY SIGNS OF LABOR LIGHTENING BRACTION HICKS CONTRACTIONS CERVICAL CHANGES BLOODY SHOW RUPTURE OF MEMBRANES SUDDEN BURST OF ENERGY OTHER SIGNS LABOR STAGES AND PHASES PENN VALLEY COMMUNITY COLLEGE NURSING DIVISION PRACTICAL NURSING PROGRAM COMPUTER ASSIGNMENTS Complete program: SELF-STUDY MATERNITY-NEWBORN DO ALL SECTIONS: LS 2000 directions to be placed on board for you. 90% ATTENTION: YOU MAY NOT PRINT OUT THE STUDY GUIDE OUTLINE! TAKE THE TEST FOR THE PROGRAM AND THAT WILL GET YOU VALIDATION You have to complete this assignment with a 90% to progress to next course. Watch the following films for Maternal Nursing. DATE/INITIALS CESAREAN BIRTH _______ CONCEPTION TO BIRTH _______ MIRACLE OF LIFE _______ HAVING YOUR BABY: PRENATAL CARE _______ HAVING YOUR BABY: LABOR AND DELIVERY _______ HAVING YOUR BABY: NEWBORN CARE _______ HAVING YOUR BABY: POSTNATAL CARE _______ HAVING YOUR BABY: BREAST FEEDING _______ PHYSICAL ASSESSMENT OF THE NEWBORN _______ CHECK IT OUT AND AFTER WATCHING THE MOVIE THEN HAVE THE STAFF SIGN IN THE APPROPRIATE BLANK. PENN VALLEY COMMUNITY COLLEGE NURSING DIVISION PRACTICAL NURSING PROGRAM OB Care Plan assignment: Develop a Care Plan for a normal Laboring and Delivering patient, postpartal patient and newborn infant. Each of the 4 areas of birth will have 4 nursing diagnosis and at least 7 interventions, rationales and evaluations.