Forever & Always Piano Voice Music and Lyrics by Taylor Swift Scored by Matthew Graham With Soul q = 120 7 Voice Once u - pon a time, Pno. I be- lieve it was a tues- day when I caught your eyes; We caught 12 Voice on -to some - thing. I holdon - to the night Pno. you looked me in the eyes and told me you loved me. 16 Voice were youjust kid- ding 'cause it seems to me, Pno. this thing is brea- king down we al - most 19 Voice ne-ver speak; Pno. I don't feel wel- come a - ny- more. Pno. and i stare at the phone he still half - way out the door se-cond it was per - fect now you're ba - by what hap - pened please tell me'cause one 22 Voice 26 Voice has- n't called and then you feel so thoughyou can't feel no - thing at all and youflash-back to Pno. Voice said: For - e -ever and Al - ways. Pno. 30 when he Ohh And it rains in your bed - room, eve- 34 Voice - ry thing is wrong, Pno. said Pno. 38 Voice it rains when your here and it rains when you're gone. I was there when you For - e - ver and Al - ways. Was I out of line? 42 Voice Did I say some-thing way to ho- nest, madeyou run and hide? Like ascared lit- tle boy. I looked in - to your eyes, thought I Pno. 46 Voice knew you for a min - ute now I'm not Pno. so sure. So heres to eve - ry- thing, 50 Voice co -ming down to no - thing heres to si- lence, Pno. a - ny - more And I stare at the phone he still 58 Voice knew for a min - ute but I don't Pno. it cuts me to the core. Where is this go - ing? Thought I 54 Voice has -n't called and then you feel so thoughyou can't feel no - thing at all and youflash back to Pno. Pno. And it rains said: For - e -ever and Al - ways. 62 Voice when he in your bed - room, eve- f 66 Voice - ry thing is wrong, Pno. it rains when your here and it rains when you're gone. said For - e -ver and Al - ways. Pno. I was there when you 70 Voice Woa Pno. Wo 79 Voice - - - I don't think so. Pno. You did -n't mean it ba - by, 74 Voice Ah. ah. - Wo ah. - 83 Voice Wo ah. - Oh. Back up, Pno. Voice up. Pno. Did you for - get oh back up. mf Back up, ff ba - by back mf Back- up, ff a - ny - thing? Please back up, up. - Pno. ba - by back 95 Voice Back up, Did you for - get a - ny - thing? up. Pno. 91 Voice ba - dy back 87 ba - by back up. f 100 Voice 'Cause it Pno. Pno. 108 Voice - ways. I was there when you said For - e - ver and Al And I it rains when your here and it rains when you're gone. eve - ry thing is wrong, 104 Voice rains inyour bed - room, stare at the phone he still has - n't called and then you Pno. mf sf 112 feel so thoughyou can't feel Pno. Voice no -thing at all and you flash back to when we said: For - e-ever and Al 116 ways. Pno. 'Cause it rains Pno. I was there when you said For - e-ver and Al 124 Voice when you're gone. rains when your here and it rains it p inyour bed room, eve - ry thing is wrong, 120 Voice Voice ways. Pno. You did - n't mean it You said For - e - ver and Al - ways. Yeah. Pno. 127 Voice ba - by,