Douglas County High School: Sample Scientific Investigation Write-Up Title: The effect of light intensity on the growth of radish plants. Problem: OR To determine if radish plants grow taller in the dark or with sunlight. How does light intensity affect the growth of radish plants? Hypothesis: If the intensity of light is decreased, then the radish plants will not grow as tall because light is necessary for photosynthesis, which allows plants to grow. Independent Variable: Level of light (Watts) Dependent Variable: Height of the plants (cm) Constants (Controlled Variables): * Radish type: Different seeds grow differently * Amount of water: Water affects plant growth * Type of pot: Shape and material can affect plant growth * Type of soil: Soils have different nutrients * Time: Length of experiment can alter plant growth * Temperature: Affects plant growth * Amount of soil: Soil can affect plant growth Control: Radish grown in 100W. Procedure: Materials: • 12 Radish plants • metric ruler • 100 mL graduated cylinder • Light sources: 25W bulb, 60W bulb, 100W bulb Steps: 1. Determine the height of all radish plants (in centimeters) from dirt level to tallest point and record in data table #1. 2. Place three radish plants in the dark. 3. Place three radish plants under 25W bulb. 4. Place three radish plants under 60W bulb. 5. Place three radish plants under 100W bulb. 6. Water each plant with 200 mL of water once a week. 7. Every two days make the following observations: Record the height of all radish plants in Data Table # 1. Record any qualitative observations about general plant appearance in Data Table # 2. 8. Continue watering plants and recording data for fifteen days. Douglas County Scho…, 11/6/09 1:55 PM Comment: Title includes the effect of the IV on the DV Douglas County Scho…, 2/22/10 1:53 PM Comment: The problem includes both the IV and its effect on the specific DV being measured. Scientific Inquiry Funk 2/22/10 1:54 PM Comment: Define the purpose of the investigation. Scientific Inquiry Funk 1/22/10 1:22 PM Comment: Formulate a testable hypothesis and explain hypothesis using scientific reasoning in “because” statement. Scientific Inquiry Funk 1/22/10 1:27 PM Comment: Increases reliability and validity by keeping the same from trail to trial. Douglas County Scho…, 11/6/09 2:13 PM Comment: IV, DV, Constants and Controls are clearly listed following the hypothesis. Scientific Inquiry Funk 1/22/10 1:21 PM Comment: Identifies relevant variables and how to manipulate them. Douglas County Scho…, 11/6/09 2:23 PM Comment: Clearly identify all materials used in the experiment. Scientific Inquiry Funk 1/22/10 1:27 PM Comment: Reliability and validity addressed through multiple trials at each level of IV. Douglas County High School: Sample Scientific Investigation Write-Up Data & Observations: Data Table #1: Radish Plant Height in Varying Amounts of Light (cm) Plant Day 1 Day 3 Day 5 Day 7 Day 9 Day 11 water water Dark #1 13 13.5 14.0 14.5 17.4 20.3 Dark #2 12.2 13.4 15.0 16.1 18.1 19.3 Dark #3 13.2 14.0 14.9 15.7 18.5 21.9 Ave. Dark 12.8 13.6 14.6 15.4 18.0 20.5 25W #1 12.5 12.5 12.9 13.4 13.9 14.5 25W #2 11.8 12.4 12.9 13.3 13.8 14.3 25W #3 12.0 12.3 12.9 13.2 13.8 14.5 Ave. 25W 12.1 12.4 12.9 13.3 13.8 14.4 60W #1 11.5 12.4 12.9 13.7 14.3 15.6 60W #2 12.3 13.0 13.8 14.5 15.2 15.9 60W #3 12.5 13.3 14.2 14.9 15.4 16.2 Ave. 60W 12.1 12.9 13.6 14.4 15.0 15.9 100W #1 10.3 10.5 11.0 12.3 15.3 16.2 100W #2 11.4 11.5 12.2 13.0 14.9 15.8 100W #3 11.5 11.7 12.5 13.4 13.5 15.7 Ave. 100W 11.1 11.2 11.9 12.9 14.6 15.9 Day 13 Day 15 21.9 22.1 23.0 22.3 14.9 14.7 15.1 14.9 16.2 16.7 17.0 16.6 18.2 16.7 17.3 17.4 25.1 24.5 26.3 25.3 15.5 15.0 15.2 15.2 17.3 17.5 18.1 17.6 20.1 19.9 21.7 20.6 Data Table #2: Average Plant Height in Varying Amounts of Light (cm) Plant Day 1 Day 3 Day 5 Day 7 Day 9 Day 11 Day 13 Dark 12.8 13.6 14.6 15.4 18.0 20.5 22.3 25W 12.1 12.4 12.9 13.3 13.8 14.4 14.9 60W 12.1 12.9 13.6 14.4 15.0 15.9 16.6 100W 11.1 11.2 11.9 12.9 14.6 15.9 17.4 Day 15 25.3 15.2 17.6 20.6 Data Table #3: Average Difference in Plant Height (cm) from Day 1 to Day 15 Plant Day 1 Height (cm) Day 15 Height (cm) Difference (cm) Dark 12.8 25.3 12.5 25W 12.1 15.2 3.1 60W 12.1 17.6 5.5 100W 11.1 20.6 9.5 FORMULA FOR CALCULATION: HeightF-HeightI = Difference in Height (cm) Data Table #4: Rate of Growth in Differing Amounts of Light Plant Rate of Growth (cm/day) Dark 0.85 25W 0.21 60W 0.37 100W 0.63 RATE OF GROWTH CALCULATION: HeightF - HeightI = Rate (cm/day) TimeF - TimeI Processing Data Funk 1/22/10 1:55 PM Comment: Organize and record data in a table that is clearly titled, with labels and units. Do NOT graph all of this data. Communication in Sci…, 1/22/10 2:24 PM Comment: Presents data appropriately for the task. Processing Data Funk 2/22/10 1:26 PM Comment: Process data: calculate averages, rates, % change etc. This is the only data that you will graph! •Table 2: Averages or mean of multiple trials •Table 3: Difference in beginning and final data •Table 4: Rate calculation Douglas County High School: Sample Scientific Investigation Write-Up Data Table # 5: Qualitative Data: Radish Plants Under Varying Amounts of Light Day 5 Plant stem has grown longer, color is slightly faded, still turgid Day 7 (water) Plant continues to grow taller, color fading significantly Same Plants under 60W Plant looks healthy, dark green, turgid Plant has grown more, looks healthy, is turgid and dark green Plant has grown more, leaves growing, looks healthy, is turgid and dark green Same Day 9 Plant extremely tall, few leaves, color faded Same Same Day 11 Plant seems to be reaching for any light, still turgid, faded color Same Same Day 13 Long stem, no leaves faded color Same Same Day 14 Plant is light green in color, still turgid, but no overall growth has occurred. Same Same Day 1 (water) Day 3 Graph: Plants in Dark Plant looks healthy, dark green, turgid Plant looks the same – no change Plants under 25W Plant looks healthy, dark green, turgid Plant is growing some, looks healthy, and is still turgid & dark green Same Plants under 100W Plant looks healthy, is turgid and dark green Plant has grown more, looks healthy, is turgid and dark green Plant has grown more, leaves growing, looks healthy, is turgid and dark green Plant has more leaves, broad leaves, growing taller, is turgid and dark green Plant has more leaves, broad leaves, growing taller, is turgid and dark green Plant has more leaves, broad leaves, growing taller, is turgid and dark green Plant has more leaves, broad leaves, growing taller, is turgid and dark green Plant has more leaves, broad leaves, growing taller, is turgid and dark green Processing Data Funk 2/22/10 1:24 PM Comment: Use appropriate graph for the data (qualitative/quantitative = bar graph; quantitative / quantitative = line graph) •Graph processed data, NOT all data •Include best fit lines/curves •Follow all graphing guidelines (title, labels (units), and key) Communication in Sci…, 1/22/10 2:24 PM Comment: Presents data appropriately for the task. Douglas County High School: Sample Scientific Investigation Write-Up Data Analysis: Plants grown with greater intensities of light grow taller than plants with lower intensities. Plants grown in the dark are the tallest, but look the most unhealthy. Conclusion: The purpose of this lab was to investigate varying intensities of light on plant growth. The hypothesis that lower intensities of light would result in shorter plants was partially supported by the data. Looking at Data Tables #2, #3, and #4, the plants grown in the light showed the pattern predicted by the hypothesis. At 25W, the average growth was 0.21 cm per day, while at 60W the plants grew an average 0.37 cm per day and at 100W the plants grew an average of 0.63 cm per day. At greater light intensities, plants undergo greater amounts of photosynthesis, resulting in plants that grow larger. This corresponds to what is known about photosynthesis, that more light results in greater amounts of photosynthesis which means more growth. (Class Notes) However, in the dark, the plants grew an average of 0.85 cm per day. This data does not support the hypothesis. Referring to the research, the plants grown in the dark grew taller because hormones in the plants allow the stems to grow rapidly while leaf growth is suppressed. This occurs so that plants can reach light in order to photosynthesize better. Light triggers a change in the plant cells allowing the stems and leaves to broaden in order to capture light for photosynthesis. ( One possible error was the placement of the plants in relation to the lamps, which may have resulted in burning the leaves or being too far away from the plants and could have been prevented by a predetermined safe placement distance. Another possible error was an accidental exposure to light for the dark plants, which may have resulted in skewed observations and could have been prevented by the teacher locking the closet doors. A possible future investigation would be testing the color of light on plant growth. Resources: Luminous Lessons: Investigating Light (January 22, 2010) Processing Data Funk 1/22/10 2:01 PM Comment: Explain patterns and trends in the data. Processing Data Funk 1/22/10 2:04 PM Comment: This is not necessarily displayed on the graph, but was recorded in qualitative data. Processing Data Funk 1/22/10 2:26 PM Comment: Comment on the reliability of the data. Communication in Sci…, 1/22/10 2:23 PM Comment: Communicates scientific concepts correctly using appropriate language. Communication in Sci…, 1/22/10 2:20 PM Comment: Outside sources must be used and referenced. Processing Data RE-1 2/22/10 1:42 PM Comment: Identify each weakness/error in the lab, discuss how it may have affected the lab, and suggest an improvement. Communication RE-1 2/22/10 1:43 PM Comment: Suggest further investigation for the future.