Individual, Population, Community, and Ecosystem Consequences of a Fish Invader in New Zealand Streams COLIN R. TOWNSEND Department of Zoology, University of Otago, 340 Great King Street, Dunedin, New Zealand, email Abstract: Knowledge of the population biology of invading species will often be necessary to develop effective management procedures and policies. But because invaders can have unexpected indirect effects in food webs, invasion ecologists need to integrate processes at the population level and other ecological levels. I describe a series of coordinated studies in New Zealand streams that address the effect of an exotic fish on individual behavior, population, community, and ecosystem patterns. Such case studies are important as an aid to the formulation of policy about invasions that are especially likely to become problematic. At the individual level, grazing invertebrates showed changes in behavior as a result of the introduction of brown trout (Salmo trutta), a predator that exerts a very different selection pressure than do native fish. At the population level, trout have replaced nonmigratory galaxiid fish in some streams but not others, and have affected the distributions of crayfish and other large invertebrates. At the community level, trout have suppressed grazing pressure from invertebrates and are thus responsible for enhancing algal biomass and changing algal species composition. Finally, at the ecosystem level, essentially all annual production of invertebrates is consumed by trout (but not by galaxiids), and algal primary productivity is six times higher in a trout stream. This leads, in turn, to an increased flux of nutrients from the water to the benthic community. The trout invasion has led to strong top-down control of community structure and ecosystem functioning via its effects on individual behavior and population distribution and abundance. Particular physiological, behavioral, and demographic traits of invaders can lead to profound ecosystem consequences that managers need to take into account. Consecuencias de un Pez Invasor sobre Individuos, Poblaciones, Comunidades y Ecosistema en Arroyos de Nueva Zelanda Resumen: Para desarrollar procedimientos y políticas de manejo efectivos a menudo será necesario conocer la biología de la población de especies invasoras. Sin embargo, debido a que los invasores pueden tener efectos indirectos inesperados en las redes alimenticias, ecólogos de invasión necesitan integrar procesos en la población y otros niveles ecológicos. Describo una serie de estudios coordinados en arroyos de Nueva Zelanda que enfocan el impacto de un pez exótico sobre los patrones de comportamiento individual, de la población, la comunidad y el ecosistema. Tales estudios de caso son importantes como un auxiliar para la formulación de políticas sobre invasiones que pueden ser especialmente problemáticas. Al nivel individual, los invertebrados que pastorean mostraron cambios de conducta como resultado de la introducción de la trucha café (Salmo trutta), un depredador que ejerce una presión de selección muy diferente a la de los peces nativos. En el nivel de población, las truchas han reemplazado a peces galaxídos no migratorios en algunos arroyos pero no en otros y han afectado las distribuciones de cangrejos de río y otros invertebrados mayores. Al nivel de comunidad, las truchas han suprimido la presión de pastoreo por invertebrados y por lo tanto son responsables del incremento de la biomasa de algas y del cambio en la composición de especies de algas. Finalmente, a nivel de ecosistema, la producción anual de invertebrados esencialmente es consumida por las truchas (pero no por galaxídos), y la productividad primaria de algas es seis veces mayor en arroyos con truchas. A su vez, esto conduce a incrementos en el flujo de nutrientes del agua hacia la comunidad béntica. La inPaper submitted January 16, 2002; revised manuscript accepted September 13, 2002. 38 Conservation Biology, Pages 38–47 Volume 17, No. 1, February 2003 Townsend Multilevel Effects of a Fish Invader 39 vasión de truchas ha conducido a un fuerte control de arriba hacia abajo de la estructura de la comunidad y del funcionamiento del ecosistema por medio de sus efectos sobre la conducta individual y la distribución y abundancia de la población. Las características fisiológicas, de conducta y demográficas particulares de los invasores pueden llevar a consecuencias profundas en los ecosistemas que los administradores necesitan tomar en consideración. Introduction A robust theory of invasion biology should provide a basis for rational decisions about which species are safe to import and which accidental species introductions should take priority in eradication efforts ( Townsend 1991). Understanding the population biology of invaders will often, but not always, be a prerequisite for devising appropriate management actions (Simberloff 2003 [this issue]). However, our understanding of the effects of exotic species is still rudimentary. Not surprisingly, we know most about the direct and dramatic consequences of invaders, although indirect consequences at the community level have been the subject of recent work (Culver & Kuris 2000; Louda 2003 [this issue]). Studies of the ecosystem consequences of invaders have been especially rare (but see, for example, Vitousek et al. 1987; Heath et al. 1995). Ecology deals with individual organisms, populations of organisms of a single species, communities of cooccurring species populations, and ecosystems, where the focus is on the flux of matter and energy. It is unusual for ecological studies to encompass more than one or two of these four levels. For most of this century, physiological and behavioral ecologists, population dynamicists, and community and ecosystem ecologists have tended to follow separate paths and ask different kinds of questions. Individuals, populations, and communities all exist in ecosystems, however, and our understanding can be expected to be enhanced considerably when the links between the levels are made clear ( Jones & Lawton 1994). This is especially important in the case of invasions because the population biology of the exotic species represents only a small part of the story. Population consequences might, in some cases, provide little cause for concern, whereas a more detailed knowledge would point to far-reaching changes to ecosystem functioning. I reviewed a decade-long series of studies on the effects of brown trout (Salmo trutta) in New Zealand streams to throw light on the way an exotic fish can influence every aspect of the ecology of the ecosystem it invades. A sustained effort was made by acclimatization societies to introduce brown trout for angling into almost every accessible water body. The species was introduced to the South Island of New Zealand beginning in 1867, and self-sustaining populations are now found in many streams, rivers, and lakes in the region (McDowall 1990; Townsend 1996). Compared with many other invaders, few would make the case that the brown trout has negative economic effects. On the contrary, the recreational salmonid fishery in New Zealand, of which the brown trout is the prime component, is conservatively valued at more than U.S.$300 million per year (N. Watson, personal communication). We do not know whether trout have had a significant impact on New Zealand’s economically important native freshwater fisheries (principally eels and whitebait, the latter consisting of juveniles of various diadromous species of Galaxias). From the point of view of biodiversity, there is no evidence of a global extinction resulting from the introduction of the trout to New Zealand, but it has been responsible for local extinctions of native fishes (Minns 1990; Crowl et al. 1992) and invertebrates (Whitmore et al. 2000). No systematic records exist of a brown trout invasion in action. Our approach takes advantage of the fact that trout have colonized some streams but not others. Thus, the current ecology of streams containing trout, as opposed to the previous occupants—nonmigratory (nonwhitebait), native fish in the genus Galaxias—allows us to infer much about the impact of the trout invasion. Our studies have been carried out in tributaries of the Taieri River and the nearby Shag River in the south of New Zealand’s South Island. When work began in 1989, only one species of nonmigratory galaxiid, Galaxias vulgaris, was considered to occur in these rivers. Recent studies in the Taieri River, using isozyme electrophoretic and mtDNA analyses, have led to the reinstatement of G. anomalus (Allibone et al. 1996), previously synonomized with G. vulgaris (McDowall 1970), and the establishment of the new species G. depressiceps and G. eldoni ( McDowall & Wallis 1996; McDowall 1997 ). G. vulgaris is present in the Shag River but not in the Taieri River. Almost invariably, only a single species of Galaxias occurs at a site (only a single tributary is occupied by two species, G. depressiceps and G. anomalus ; Allibone & Townsend 1997a). All the nonmigratory species are closely related and have similar morphologies, behaviors, and habitat requirements (Allibone & Townsend 1997b, 1998; Moore et al. 1999), and their relationships with brown trout are usually indistinguishable. In this review, I identify the actual species now known to have been present in the earlier studies. My aim is to highlight the way that details of the physiology, behavior, and life history of an invader may ac- Conservation Biology Volume 17, No. 1, February 2003 40 Multilevel Effects of a Fish Invader Townsend count for effects at the individual, population, community, and ecosystem levels of the habitats they invade. I also present evidence consistent with evolved responses of native species that may be partly responsible for an ecosystem-level impact of brown trout. Impacts at the Individual Level The arrival of trout has affected invertebrate feeding behavior. Nymphs of mayflies in the genera Nesameletus and Deleatidium commonly graze on microscopic algae growing on the beds of New Zealand streams. Observations of the diurnal activity of nymphs from galaxiid and trout streams have revealed some striking differences. Nesameletus ornatus collected from a trout stream and placed, without fish, in small, artificial laboratory stream channels were less active during the day than at night, in contrast to those collected from a G. eldoni stream (McIntosh & Townsend 1994; Fig. 1a). Deleatidium from the Shag River (where both trout and G. vulgaris occur) were also more nocturnal when trout, rather than G. vulgaris, were present (Fig. 1b). A field-based study of Deleatidium provided further evidence of a profound behavioral difference in five matched pairs of streams containing trout or galaxiids (G. eldoni or G. depressiceps) (McIntosh & Townsend 1995a). A gutfluorescence technique revealed that the mean ratio of algal pigments in night and day mayfly gut samples from galaxiid streams was not different from unity (0.968 0.085), expected if the mayflies forage equally during day and night. In contrast, the ratio in trout streams was significantly greater than unity (1.483 0.21). In a further experiment, records were made of Deleatidium visible during late afternoon on the surface of cobbles in artificial channels placed in a tributary of the Shag River (McIntosh & Townsend 1996). The daytime activity of Deleatidium, which occurred at similar densities in all channels, was significantly reduced in the presence of either fish species, but to a greater extent when trout were present (Fig. 1c). In this experiment, six algacovered cobbles were introduced into each channel to provide patches rich in food, and other cobbles were scrubbed to create patches poor in food. Two days later in the G. vulgaris channels, Deleatidium were 2.5 times more abundant on rich than poor patches, whereas in the trout channels abundance was the same on rich and poor patches. The reluctance of mayflies to move when trout are present prevents expression of an aggregative response and further restricts foraging by Deleatidium. Other researchers have shown that Deleatidium, as well as snails and certain caddisfly larvae, have a lower propensity to enter the drift in a trout stream than a G. eldoni stream ( Williams 2000), and Drinnan (2000) has reported reduced nocturnal drift by Deleatidium in response to trout chemical cues. Conservation Biology Volume 17, No. 1, February 2003 Figure 1. Mean number (SE) of (a) Nesameletus ornatus mayfly nymphs collected either from a trout stream or a galaxiid stream that were recorded by means of video as visible on the substrate surface in laboratory stream channels during the day and night (in the absence of fish) (after McIntosh & Townsend 1994); (b) Deleatidium mayfly nymphs in the camera’s field of view during laboratory trials with different fish predators during day and night (after McIntosh & Townsend 1996); and (c) Deleatidium nymphs observed on the upper surfaces of cobbles during late afternoon in channels (placed in a real stream) containing no fish, G. vulgaris, or trout (after McIntosh & Townsend 1996). Townsend Multilevel Effects of a Fish Invader 41 Impacts of Brown Trout at the Population Level Trout have affected the distributions of native fishes, crayfishes, and macroinvertebrates. For example, in a multitributary study (December 1989 to March 1990), Taieri sites were classified as containing (1) no fish, (2) Galaxias only, ( 3 ) trout only, or (4) both Galaxias and trout (Townsend & Crowl 1991). Multiple discriminant-functions analysis was used to determine which of several physical variables could reliably discriminate between the four fish classes. Trout occurred almost invariably below waterfalls that were large enough to prevent their upstream migration (at least 3 m high) and at low elevations, because sites without waterfalls downstream tended to be at lower elevation. Sites containing G. depressiceps, G. eldoni, or G. anomalus (or with no fish) were always upstream of one or several large waterfalls. Re-analysis of this 1990 database showed that, in allopatry, trout generally attained lower densities than galaxiids (Fig. 2). Despite lower densities, trout often had higher biomasses than the galaxiids they replaced ( Fig. 3). On average, Figure 3. Biomass (SE), assessed by successive electrofishing until no more fish were taken, of brown trout and Galaxias spp. in allopatry and in sympatry. The histogram labeled galaxiids represents all Galaxias streams and species combined. Figure 2. Density (SE), assessed by successive electrofishing until no more fish were taken, of brown trout and Galaxias spp. in allopatry and in sympatry. The histogram labeled galaxiids represents all Galaxias streams and species combined. Densities in all cases (except G. eldoni) were significantly higher in allopatry than sympatry (t tests, p 0.05). trout achieved a biomass of 0.70 g ash-free dry weight (AFDW )/m 2 in allopatry, whereas galaxiids achieved 0.39 g AFDW/m2. There is much variation, and these means (t test) are not significantly different, but trout were almost twice as likely as galaxiids to achieve a biomass of 0.75 g AFDW/m2 (C. J. Arbuckle & C.R.T., unpublished data). In sympatry, both trout and galaxiid biomasses were lower (significantly so in the case of galaxiids). The mean biomass of trout in sympatric populations was significantly higher than that of galaxiids. The few sites that contained both trout and galaxiids occurred below waterfalls and at intermediate elevations, and they had cobble beds. The unstable nature of these streambeds may have promoted coexistence, but at much-reduced densities (Fig. 2). Brown trout are aggressive competitors, and G. vulgaris are excluded from preferred microhabitats when trout are present ( McIntosh et al. 1992). Galaxiids also make fewer successful predation attempts when trout are in the vicinity (Edge et al. 1993). Thus, competition may be partly responsible for the negative relationship in the distributions of trout and native fish. The most probable reason for the restriction of galaxiid populations to sites upstream of waterfalls, however, is direct predation by trout on the native fish below the waterfalls. One small trout in a laboratory aquarium consumed 135 Galaxias fry in a day (C.R.T., personal observation). In a study further north in the South Island, in which brown trout and rainbow trout (Onchorhynchus mykiss) were grouped for analyses and their distributions compared with a different set of galaxiid species, McIntosh (2000) reported that trout and galaxiids did not coexist where trout were longer than 150 mm (length from nose Conservation Biology Volume 17, No. 1, February 2003 42 Multilevel Effects of a Fish Invader to tail fork). His results indicate that exclusion of these galaxiids depended on trout size and reflected the particular dominance of large trout as predators and/or competitors. Re-analysis of the 1990 Taieri River database, however, reveals that the few sites where brown trout and galaxiids were found together contained brown trout whose maximum size was not significantly smaller than that found at sites where trout occurred alone (mean of maximum lengths [SE ]: 110.5 16.4 mm and 127.2 7.2 mm fork length for trout in sites with and without galaxiids, respectively; C. J. Arbuckle & C.R.T., unpublished data). Moreover, in two streams galaxiids co-occurred with trout larger than150 mm, something that was never recorded by McIntosh (2000). The different patterns may reflect the different ecologies of the species involved or the details of the frequency of waterfalls or the nature of the bed-disturbance regime in the Taieri and rivers farther north. An apparent negative relationship between trout and native freshwater crayfish was first suggested years ago ( Thompson 1922). In the Taieri River, the presence of trout is negatively correlated with distribution of the crayfish Paranephrops zealandicus, both on a catchmentwide basis ( Whitmore et al. 2000) and at a local scale within a single tributary ( Usio & Townsend 2000). Shave et al. (1994) showed that these crayfish were unable to detect trout but used chemical cues to detect native eels. Among the macroinvertebrates eaten by brown trout, large, slow swimmers, including the mayflies Ameletopsis, Oniscigaster ( Hudson 1904), and Nesameletus ( McIntosh & Townsend 1994), and large carnivorous invertebrates may be particularly vulnerable to trout predation. In a channel experiment in the Shag River, Flecker and Townsend (1994) found that large carnivorous invertebrates, including Archechauliodes diversus, are rarer when trout rather than G. vulgaris are present. Similarly, in a survey of two Taieri tributaries, Huryn (1998) reported that 9 of the 10 largest invertebrate species, including N. ornatus and A. diversus, are represented by smaller individuals in the trout stream than in the G. eldoni stream, presumably a result of strong size-selective predation. Townsend [McIntosh & Townsend 1996]), three treatments (no fish, G. vulgaris present, or trout present) were established in each of several randomized blocks separated by 50– 100 m in a 500- to 800-m stretch of the stream. Fish sizes ( 75–120 mm), densities, and biomasses fell toward the high end of the natural range recorded in streams in the region and were selected to provide identical densities and similar biomasses of the two species in the channels. Algae and invertebrates were allowed to colonize the natural substrate within the channels for about 12 days before the fish were introduced. After another 12 days or more, invertebrates and algae were sampled (Fig. 4). The general patterns were similar in all three experiments, but there were some subtle differences. In the first two experiments, a significant trout effect on invertebrate biomass was evident (analysis of variance; p 0.007 and 0.026, respectively), but the presence of Galaxias did not depress invertebrate biomass in comparison with the no-fish control. In the third experiment there were no significant differences in invertebrate biomass in any of the treatments. Algal biomass achieved its highest values in the trout treatments of all the experiments, but this was statistically significant only in the second ( p 0.02) and third ( p 0.008) experiments. Why should essentially the same experiment produce variable results? The most probable answer is that both Impacts of Trout at the Community Level The basal trophic level in these streams consists mainly of periphyton that is grazed by various insect larvae, which in turn are prey to carnivorous invertebrates; fish are top predators. Experiments involving artificial, flowthrough channels placed into the Shag River have been used to determine whether trout affect the stream food web differently from G. vulgaris. In experiments performed on three occasions ( January 1992 and March 1992 [Flecker & Townsend 1994 ]; and February 1993 Conservation Biology Volume 17, No. 1, February 2003 Figure 4. Total invertebrate biomass and algal biomass (chlorophyll a) (SE) for experiments performed on three dates in a small New Zealand stream. In the first two experiments, algal biomass was estimated from scrapings from the complete surface of cobbles, whereas in the third experiment it was estimated by scraping algae from the sides of cobbles (not bottoms or tops)( after Flecker & Townsend 1994; McIntosh & Townsend 1996.) Abbreviations: N, no fish; G, Galaxias present; T, trout present. Townsend abiotic conditions (e.g., temperature, nitrate concentration in the water) and biotic conditions (algal and invertebrate species available to colonize the channels) differed between experimental periods. When the findings are taken together, however, it is clear that trout do have a more pronounced effect than G. vulgaris on invertebrate grazers and, consequently, on algal biomass. The indirect effect of trout on algae occurred partly through a reduction in invertebrate density (Fig. 4) but also because trout restricted the grazing behavior of the invertebrates that were present (Fig. 1c; results gained as part of the experiment in February 1993). Evidence from film records of grazing behavior (McIntosh & Townsend 1994), the width of grazing scars (Flecker & Townsend 1994 ), and the distribution of algae on the sides and tops of stones in experimental channels (McIntosh & Townsend 1996 ) all confirm that grazing invertebrates spend less time out in the open and feed closer to refuges when trout are present. The reduced invertebrate densities in two of the experiments may be a result of higher predation rates by trout than galaxiids and/or a greater tendency of invertebrates to leave (or not settle in) channels containing trout (cf. Diehl et al. 2000). These results constitute strong evidence of a trophic cascade, with biomass of the plant trophic level increasing significantly when a key top predator (trout) is present. In theory, this result is what is expected where there are three (or some other odd number) trophic levels (Oksanen et al. 1981; Biggs et al. 2000). In fact, our stream community has four trophic levels—fish, carnivorous invertebrates, grazing invertebrates, and algae—but it functions as a three-trophic-level system because trout are direct exploiters of the grazing invertebrates (and carnivorous invertebrates, which are also their prey, have little quantitative effect on grazing invertebrates). In an attempt to confirm these patterns in natural situations, we assessed three pairs of streams, one containing trout and the other a galaxiid, for algal standing crops and algal species composition (Biggs et al. 2000). In two of the pairs of streams, the general rule applied, with the biomass of trout being much higher than that of galaxiids (G. eldoni in one case and G. depressiceps in the other). In the third pair of streams the biomass of the two species was similar (uncharacteristically high for G. depressiceps and somewhat low for trout). In all three pairs of streams, the ash-free dry mass of the biofilm of periphyton was, as predicted, greater in the trout stream than the galaxiid stream. Moreover, the relative abundance of prostrate algae was highest in the galaxiid streams. These algal species, including Cocconeis sp. Cymbella aspera, and Epithemia spp. are considered less vulnerable to grazing invertebrates (Steinman 1996) and can be expected to be more prominent in streams where grazing is intense (i.e., as predicted for the galaxiid streams). The relative abundance of erect algal species (including Audouinella hermanii, Gomphoneis herculeana, and Multilevel Effects of a Fish Invader 43 Synedra ulna), considered more vulnerable to grazing, was higher in the trout case in two pairs of streams but was similar in the third pair, where trout and galaxiid biomasses were similar. These results provide further support for the cascading influence of invading trout, but they also indicate that the consequences of the invasion may depend, at least in part, on the tendency for trout to establish a higher biomass in the streams than the galaxiids they replace. The negative effects of trout on crayfish deserve some comment. This is because the crayfish Paranephrops zealandicus can be considered a keystone species, influencing physical processes, such as sedimentation, and biotic processes through consumption and bioturbation (Usio & Townsend 2000; Whitmore et al. 2000; Hollows et al. 2002). Both descriptive and experimental studies in the Taieri River have shown that crayfish are responsible for a trophic cascade involving negative effects on carnivorous invertebrates ( Tanypodinae midge larvae) and consequent positive effects on their prey (Chironominae) (Usio 2000; Usio & Townsend 2000). In addition, the omnivorous crayfish have strong direct effects on the abundance of algae and particulate organic matter through direct consumption and bioturbation (Usio & Townsend 2000, 2001). Crayfish can be considered ecosystem engineers ( Jones et al. 1994), and any impacts of trout on crayfish are likely to have profound knock-on effects in the community. Impacts of Trout at the Ecosystem Level A strong trophic cascade, such as that produced by the introduced brown trout, may be expected to have consequences at the ecosystem level, but this has not been documented before, for two likely reasons. First, it is difficult to find two communities with contrasting predation regimes but the same physical settings. Second, a particularly large effort and expense is required for such studies (with the added problem that replication of treatments is usually not feasible). The sequence of studies described above provided the impetus for a detailed energetics investigation of two neighboring tributaries of the Taieri River with very similar physicochemical conditions, one occupied only by trout and the other (because of a waterfall downstream) only by G. eldoni ( Huryn 1998). No other fish were present in either stream. As predicted, net primary production in the trout stream was consistently higher throughout the year than in the G. eldoni stream (Huryn 1998), and annual net primary production was six times greater in the trout stream ( Fig. 5). Secondary production—the rate at which consumers produce new biomass per unit area per unit time—by grazing invertebrates in the trout stream was about 1.5 times the rate in Conservation Biology Volume 17, No. 1, February 2003 44 Multilevel Effects of a Fish Invader the galaxiid stream, whereas trout themselves produced new biomass at roughly nine times the rate of G. eldoni (Fig. 5). The results suggest that G. eldoni consumed only about 18% of available prey production each year, whereas the grazing invertebrates consumed about 75% of primary production in the galaxiid stream. In stark contrast, trout consumed virtually 100% of annual invertebrate production in their stream, whereas the grazing invertebrates consumed only about 21% of primary production ( Fig. 5). This is precisely what was predicted: strong topdown control of invertebrates by trout and release of the algae to produce and accumulate biomass at a fast rate (presumably limited only by available nutrients and the rate at which algal cells are sloughed off during flow disturbances). In other words, there was an annual surplus of algal production (in excess of demand of grazing invertebrates) in the trout stream which was almost 20 times as great as the estimated surplus in the galaxiid stream. One can assume that the surplus dies and is sloughed off from the surface of the streambed as fine particulate organic matter to be consumed, at some distance downstream, by microorganisms and detritivorous invertebrates. Thus, the ecosystem effect of the trophic cascade may be felt at some distance from the location of the trout. The densities of trout and galaxiids in the two streams were similar, but the biomass of brown trout was six times as great as that of galaxiids. Regardless of the various underlying mechanisms leading to a trophic cascade, the difference in biomass will contribute further to a large trout effect. In another pair of streams, one containing trout and the other ( because of a downstream waterfall) containing G. depressiceps, a higher rate of uptake of ammonium, nitrate, and phosphate from stream Figure 5. Annual production estimates for primary producers (algae), invertebrates, and fish in a G. eldoni stream (G) and a neighboring trout stream (T) (after Huryn 1998). The proportion of annual production needed to satisfy the demand of consumers at the next level is shown by shaded histograms. Conservation Biology Volume 17, No. 1, February 2003 Townsend water was recorded in the trout stream, as is to be expected if algal production is enhanced in the presence of trout (K. Simon and C.R.T., unpublished data). Discussion Community and Ecosystem Consequences that Depend on the Novel Behavior of an Invader The native nonmigratory galaxiid species in the Taieri and Shag rivers can cause a weak trophic cascade (perhaps better termed a trophic trickle; Strong 1992). In our experiments, there was sometimes an increase in algal biomass in the presence of galaxiids compared with situations without fish, but brown trout had much more profound and predictable effects. Brown trout forage from positions in the water column, rely principally on vision, and are more likely to capture prey during the day. The galaxiid species, on the other hand, forage at the streambed, seem to use mechanical cues to detect prey, and consume similar numbers of prey during day and night (McIntosh & Townsend 1995b, 1998). It may be that visual predators are generally more likely to cause a trophic cascade because they not only have the potential to reduce the density of their prey but also to limit their activity. Such an effect will be particularly marked if an invader that is a visual predator is introduced to a native community that has historically lacked such predators, such as in New Zealand. The magnitude of the trophic cascade, and its clear consequences for ecosystem productivity and nutrient flux, also depend on the rapid response of algal primary producers to variations in grazing pressure caused by the invader. Studies of salmonid invaders of previously fishless lakes provide an intriguing contrast to brown trout in New Zealand streams. Salmonid introductions may lead to declines in large-bodied zooplankton populations in lakes (McNaught et al. 1999) and shifts in their distributions to less vulnerable locations in deeper water (Gliwicz & Rowan 1984), effects that parallel the individual and population consequences of brown trout in streams. The consequent reduction in grazing is also no doubt partly responsible for increases to phytoplankton biomass and productivity in previously fishless North American lakes (Leavitt et al. 1994; Schindler et al. 2001). But the tendency of invading salmonids such as rainbow trout (Onchorhynchus mykiss) to feed on benthic and littoral invertebrates and to excrete nutrients in the pelagic zone leads to the enhancement of phosphorus flux to the latter. Schindler et al. (2001) argue that this is the principal mechanism for increased phytoplankton productivity. Salmonid introductions to lakes provide a further example where understanding of the ecosystem consequences of an invader depends on knowledge of individual behavior and population-distribution patterns. Townsend Evolutionary Consequences among Native Species Resulting from an Invasion The arrival of brown trout in some streams but not others is associated with inflexible, presumably evolved, differences in the behavior of the mayfly (Nesameletus ornatus), believed to be particularly vulnerable to trout because of its large size and tendency to swim slowly in the water column. The inflexible nature of this strategy, even in the complete absence of all physical and chemical cues from the predator, indicates that it may have become fixed or canalized (Sih 1987; Stearns 1989). On the other hand, there is no indication that the positioning response of Deleatidium to trout is fixed. In the field experiments in the Shag River, for example, where both trout and G. vulgaris occur, Deleatidium were more likely to remain in their refuges during the day when trout were in the vicinity. Such a flexible response is characteristic of other parts of the world where native salmonid fish occur (e.g., Cowan & Peckarsky 1993; Douglas et al 1994; Tikkanen et al 1996; McIntosh et al. 1999 ). Whether fixed or flexible, the response of grazers contributes to the strength of the trophic cascade induced by the invader. In the case of the crayfish P. zealandicus, a much larger native species with a longer generation time, the animals are apparently unable to detect trout chemically but can detect and respond to a native predator, the eel Anguilla dieffenbachii (Shave et al. 1994). The lack of an evolved ability to detect the invading trout may be a contributory factor in the local extinction of crayfish. Community and Ecosystem Consequences of an Invader’s Life-History Traits Although trout characteristically achieve lower densities than the galaxiids they have replaced, they often achieve a higher biomass. This doubtless contributed to the size of their impact in Huryn’s (1998) energetics study. Huryn’s two streams were chosen for study because they both held excellent populations of fish and were located in adjacent and physically similar catchments. From experiments in which fish density and biomass were controlled, we know that trout nevertheless cause a strong trophic cascade, but the ability to achieve a higher biomass is a further factor of importance. A physiological contribution to achieving high biomass would occur if trout were to have higher assimilation and/ or net growth efficiencies than galaxiids. Whether trout are more efficient than galaxiids at assimilating food and converting assimilate into body tissue is worthy of investigation. At the level of the individual organism, both physiological and behavioral characteristics have the capacity to strengthen the impact of an invader. Other life-history features may also contribute to trout attaining a higher biomass. It may be that recruitment by Multilevel Effects of a Fish Invader 45 trout is more regular than by galaxiids, or trout mortality from one year-class to another is lower, or recolonization of sites by trout after disturbance is faster. Huryn (1998) collected stream data for 5 years. During this period there was a steady decline in G. eldoni population size associated with high spring and summer discharge, which seemed to remove many of the “pelagic” young of the year. This was reversed only by 1 year of massive recruitment when flow conditions were less extreme ( A.D. Huryn, personal communication). The vulnerability of these nonmigratory galaxiids to high discharge during the recruitment period may be a ghost of diadromy past: their ancestors migrated as pelagic larvae to estuaries and oceans ( Waters et al. 2000; Waters & Wallis 2001). Trout hatch later, are probably less vulnerable in their redds to high-flow events, and generally show more consistent recruitment from year to year (A.D. Huryn, personal communication). An invasion by brown trout of galaxiid streams provides a stark contrast to the invasion by mosquitofish (Gambusia affinis) of Arizona desert streams containing native topminnows (Poeciliopsis occidentalis) (Meffe 1984). Mosquitofish typically eliminate topminnows from native habitats by predation within about 3 years. In streams subject to frequent floods, however, the topminnow persists because it is better fitted to survive the floods than the mosquitofish, which evolved in lowland drainages with very different hydrological regimes. In the Arizona streams, the invader fares less well than the native fish in the typical disturbance regime. Ironically, brown trout seem better fitted to withstand high-discharge events in the New Zealand streams than the native galaxiids. The prediction of invader effects requires understanding of the species’ response to both “normal” environmental conditions and to prevailing disturbance regimes. Mortality data for brown trout in our streams is lacking, but it is of interest that the practice of importing trout as ova is apparently responsible for the fact that only 17 parasites are associated with trout in New Zealand as opposed to 63 in the United Kingdom (Boustead 1982 ). Perhaps trout mortality is lower as a result of lower parasite burdens. However, levels of productivity achieved by trout in New Zealand appear to be only as high as those recorded in productive situations elsewhere in the world (Huryn 1998). We lack comparative data on recolonization potential, but in their headwater fastnesses above waterfalls galaxiids are likely to be slower than trout to recolonize after a population decline. Trout also may be able to achieve a higher biomass because they are longer lived and grow to a larger size. Whatever the precise mechanism, trout seem consistently able to build populations to the point where food limitation occurs, whereas galaxiids do not (Huryn 1998). A thorough knowledge of the life histories and population dynamics of invaders and native species seems to be a prerequisite for appropriate conservation decisions. Conservation Biology Volume 17, No. 1, February 2003 46 Multilevel Effects of a Fish Invader Conclusions These unusually comprehensive studies of brown trout provide an example of how the “natural experiments” provided by invaders can be used to elucidate fundamental ecological questions (Simberloff 2003 [this issue]). The applied significance of our results is limited, partly because brown trout are so highly valued but also because of the intractable problem of removing them from most locations. Nevertheless, managers need to identify and protect native fish refuges above migration barriers. This requires that landowners and anglers be made fully aware of the impact of trout on vulnerable native species and of the need to prevent their further spread. Some migration barriers have been breached in the past when trout were deliberately introduced to upstream locations. Such situations provide opportunities for the local removal of brown trout and the reintroduction of nonmigratory galaxiids. From another point of view, my synthesis provides the necessary underpinning for importation decisions: the New Zealand government decided not to import channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) for aquaculture partly because of our knowledge of brown trout and of the similar risks posed by the catfish (Townsend & Winterbourn 1992). When deciding whether to introduce a potentially beneficial invader or to eradicate or contain an unwanted invader, managers need to beware of invaders whose ecological role is novel, those that are likely to interact with keystone native species or to influence key ecosystem processes, and those that are likely to establish higher densities or biomasses than the native species they may replace. Progress in invasion ecology also requires that we pay attention not only to the current ecologies of invading species and native communities (Lodge 1993) but also to the potential consequences of natural selection acting on invaders and natives to reshape the outcome (Townsend 1996). In the final analysis, however, even profound ecological effects may prove to be economically insignificant if the introduced species is valued and the functioning of the native ecosystem is not. Acknowledgments The body of work I reviewed is the product of a series of dedicated researchers with a single long-term objective. Particular thanks goes to T. Crowl, A. Flecker, A. McIntosh, A. Huryn, B. Biggs, K. Simon, and C. Arbuckle. Literature Cited Allibone, R. M., and C. R. Townsend. 1997a. Distribution of four recently discovered galaxiid species in the Taieri River, New Zealand: the role of macrohabitat. Journal of Fish Biology 51:1235–1246. Allibone, R. M., and C. R. Townsend. 1997b. 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