Rate distortion function in betting game system Masayuki Kumon Association for Promoting Quality Assurance in Statistics 1 Abstract Among various aspects of game theoretic probability, when exploring mathematical structure of the optimal strategies in betting games, Kullback-Leibler divergence is naturally derived as the optimal exponential growth rate of the betting capital process. 2 This structure had been obtained by Prof. Takeuchi nearly fifty years ago. Inspired by Claude Shannon’s Information Theory, an optimizing betting strategy was also pioneered by John Larry Kelly Jr. in A New Interpretation of Information Rate. Bell System Technical Journal, Vol.35, 917-926, 1956. 3 The optimalities of Kelly’s strategy • Minimal expected time property • Asymptotic largest magnitude property were investigated by Leo Breiman in Optimal Gambling Systems for Favorable Games. Fourth Berkeley Symposium on Probability and Statistics I, 65-78, 1961. 4 The historical reviews and the recent developments concerning Kelly’s strategy such as T. M. Cover’s Universal Portfolio are presented in L. C. MacLean, E. O. Thorp, W. T. Ziemba eds. The Kelly Capital Growth Investment Criterion : Theory and Practice. Handbook in Finantial Economic Series, Vol.3, World Scientific, London, 2010. 5 In this talk, the following are addressed. • Game mutual information which measures information transmission between betting games is introduced. • Two characteristics Game channel capacity and Game rate distortion function are defined from the mutual information, and these meanings are explained. 6 • The effect of the optimal strategy in conditional betting game is verified by using real stock price data. • As an application of Game rate distortion function, an efficient lossy source coding scheme based on the optimal conditional betting strategy is proposed. 7 1. Mutual information in betting game system 1.1 Definition of mutual information ¥ Mutual information in information theory X ∼ PX (x) Y ∼ PY (y) (X, Y ) ∼ PXY (x, y) H(X) = −EPX [log PX (X)] etc. 8 • Shannon’s source coding theorem : Entropy H(X) is the nearly achievable lower bound on the average length of the shortest description of the random variable X. I(X; Y ) = H(X) − H(X|Y ) = H(Y ) − H(Y |X) = H(X) + H(Y ) − H(X, Y ) = D(PXY kPX PY ) ≥ 0 I(X; Y ) = 0 ⇔ PXY (x, y) = PX (x)PY (y) 9 H(X,Y) H(X | Y) I(X;Y) H(Y | X) H(Y) H(X) 10 ¥ mutual information in betting games A, B ∼ two betting games C ∼ joint betting game of A and B PA , PB , PC : empirical prob. of Reality QA , QB , QC : risk neutral prob. of Forecaster µA := D(PA kQA ) : quantity of the game A µB := D(PB kQB ) : quantity of the game B µC := D(PC kQC ) : quantity of the game C 11 ȝC ȝA I(A;B) ȝB ȝ B|A ȝ A|B 12 I(A; B) := µB|A − µB = µA|B − µA = µC − (µA + µB ) ∵ µC = µA + µB|A = µB + µA|B (additivity) µB|A := µC − µA = D(PB|A kQB|A |PA ) µB|A : quantity of the conditional betting game B|A given A D(PB|A kQB|A |PA ) : conditional K-L divergence between PB|A and QB|A given PA 13 ¥ Decomposition of I(A; B) I(A; B) = I1 (A; B) − I2 (A; B) I1 (A; B) = D(PC kPA PB ) ≥ 0 : usual mutual information between PA and PB · I2 (A; B) = EPC log QC (X, Y ) ¸ QA (X)QB (Y ) QC (x, y) = QA (x)QB (y) ⇒ I2 (A; B) = 0 14 Reality's move b1 1p q a1 A p q p q a2 1p q b2 B b3 Binary symmetricerasure channel 15 Forecaster' s move ȕ1 1r s Į1 s r r A s Į2 1r s ȕ2 B ȕ3 Binary symmetricerasure channel 16 PB|A (y|x) = δxy QB|A (y|x) = PB (y) X =Y ⇒ D(PB|A kQB|A |PA ) X X PB|A (y|x) PB|A (y|x) log PA (x) = Q (y|x) B|A x∈X y∈Y = X PA (x) x∈X =− X X δxy log y∈Y δxy PB (y) PA (x) log PA (x) = H(X) x∈X 17 Reality's move A a1 b1 a2 b2 a3 b3 Entropy channel 18 B Forecaster' s move Į1 A b1 b2 Į2 b3 Į3 Entropy channel 19 ȕ1 ȕ2 ȕ3 B 1.2 Game channel capacity ¥ Channel capacity in information theory C = sup I(X; Y ) : capacity of channel X ⇒ Y PX • Shannon’s channel coding theorem : Capacity C is the supremum of rates R at which information can be sent with arbitrarily low probability of error. 20 ¥ Channel capacity in betting games Cg := sup I(A; B) : PA ,QA =PA capacity of betting game channel A ⇒ B I(A; B) = µB|A − µB = µA|B − µA Cg = sup µA|B = sup D(PA|B kQA|B |PB ) ≥ 0 PA PA 21 Xn W Encoder A Ŵ Decoder Delay k Yn k Cg Yn Channel n n1 P(Yn | X ,Y ) B sup D(PA|B || QA|B | PB ) PA C sup H(Y) H(Y | X) PX Communication channelwith feedback 22 1.3 Game rate distortion function ¥ Rate distortion function in information theory R(D) = inf PX̂|X :EP X X̂ I(X; X̂) : d(X,X̂)≤D Rate distortion function of transmission X ⇒ X̂ • Shannon’s rate distortion theorem : Rate distortion function R(D) is the infimum of rates R that asymptotically achieve the distortion D. 23 ¥ Rate distortion function in betting games Rg (D) := inf PÂ|A :EP A I(A; Â) : d(X,X̂)≤D,QÂ|A :Q =P Rate distortion function of transmission A ⇒  I(A; Â) = µA| − µA = µÂ|A − µÂ Rg (D) = inf µÂ|A = inf D(PÂ|A kQÂ|A |PA ) ≥ 0 PÂ|A PÂ|A 24 X n n X̂ RateR Encoder Decoder Delay A nk R g (D) inf D(PAˆ |A || Q Aˆ |A | PA ) PAˆ |A ˆ) R(D) inf H(X) H(X | X) X PXˆ |X Ratedistortion with feedforward 25  2. Optimal conditional betting strategy 2.1 Optimal limit order strategy (cf. [6]) ¥ Investor selects δ > 0 and sequentially decides the trading times 0 < t1 < t2 < · · · as follows. 26 S(t) > 0 : continuous asset price of Market ti+1 : first time after ti such that S(ti+1 ) 1 = 1 + δ or S(ti ) 1+δ ⇔ log S(ti+1 ) − log S(ti ) = η or − η η = log(1 + δ) 27 0.10 Limit order for dlog S 2 0.04 0.02 0.00 LS 0.06 0.08 1= t2 t1 0 200 400 t3 600 Time 28 t4 800 t5 t6 1000 Embedded Coin-Tossing Game K0 := 1 FOR n = 1, 2, . . . : Investor announces αn ∈ R Market announces xn ∈ {0, 1} Kn = Kn−1 (1 + αn (xn − ρ)) END FOR ρ= 1 2+δ : risk neutral prob. set by Investor 29 • Notations χn1 , χn0 : number of xi = 1, 0 (i = 1. . . . , n) P (xn ) = B(χn1 + c1 , χn0 + c0 ) B(c1 , c0 ) = B(c1 , c0 ) Γ(c1 )Γ(c0 ) xn = x1 · · · xn c1 , c 0 > 0 : Γ(c1 + c0 ) beta binomial distribution modeled by Investor 30 Maximize EP [log Kn ] ⇒ {αi }ni=1 αi = pi − ρ ρ(1 − ρ) pi = P (xi = 1|x i = 1, . . . , n i−1 )= i−1 χ1 + c1 i − 1 + c1 + c0 The optimal capital process of Investor is expressed as the likelihood ratio Kn = P (xn ) Q(xn ) = B(χn1 + c1 , χn0 + c0 )/B(c1 , c0 ) n χ ρ 1 (1 31 − n χ ρ) 0 From the Stirling’s formula 1 log Kn = nD (p̂n kq) − log n + O(1) 2 µ n n¶ χ1 χ0 : empirical prob. by Market p̂n = , n n q = (ρ, 1 − ρ) : risk neutral prob. by Investor D (p̂n kq) : empirical K-L divergence 32 2.2 Optimal conditional limit order strategy (cf. [7]) ¥ Investor determines the betting ratios αn ∈ R of conditional betting game B|A given A as follows. α+ if x = 1 n n α1 = 0, αn = n = 2, 3, . . . α− if xn = 0 n 33 • Notations χnx1 , χnx0 : number of xi = 1, 0 (i = 1. . . . , n) χn11 , χn10 , χn01 , χn00 : number of (xi , yi ) = (1, 1), (1, 0), (0, 1), (0, 0) (i = 1, . . . , n) P + (y n |xn ) = P − (y n |xn ) = B(χn11 + c1 , χn10 + c0 ) B(c1 , c0 ) B(χn01 + c1 , χn00 + c0 ) : B(c1 , c0 ) beta binomial distribution modeled by Investor 35 n Maximize EP [log Kn ] P = P + × P − ⇒ {α± } i i=2 α+ i = + pi p+ i −ρ ρ(1 − ρ) α− i = p− i −ρ ρ(1 − ρ) = P + (yi = 1|xi−1 ) = − i−1 p− = P (y = 1|x )= i i 36 χi−1 11 + c1 i−1 χ11 i−1 + χ10 + c1 χi−1 01 + c1 i−1 χi−1 + χ 01 00 + c1 + c0 + c0 The optimal capital process of Investor is expressed as the likelihood ratio − Kn = K+ × K n n K+ n = K− n = P + (ξ n ) Q+ (ξ n ) P − (ξ n ) Q− (ξ n ) = = ξ n = (x1 , y1 ) · · · (xn , yn ) B(χn11 + c1 , χn10 + c0 )/B(c1 , c0 ) n χ ρ 11 (1 n χ ρ) 10 n χ ρ 01 (1 n χ ρ) 00 − B(χn01 + c1 , χn00 + c0 )/B(c1 , c0 ) 37 − ¡ ¢ log Kn = nD p̂n,y|x kq|p̂n,x ¢ 1¡ n n − log χx1 + log χx0 + O(1) µ 2 µ n n ¶ n ¶ n χ11 χ10 χ01 χ00 p̂n,y|1 = , n p̂n,y|0 = , n : n n χx1 χx1 χx0 χx0 empirical conditional prob. by Market q = (ρ, 1 − ρ) : risk neutral prob. by Investor ¶ µ n n ¡ ¢ χx1 χx0 D p̂n,y|x kq|p̂n,x p̂n,x = , : n n empirical conditional38 K-L divergence ¥ In the following figures SA (t) : daily closing prices of Nikkei 225 SB (t) : daily opening prices of Toyota Sony Nintendo 2003/1/6 - 2007/9/28 Kn : capital process of Investor 39 pn1 = p̂n,1|1 pn0 = p̂n,0|0 : empirical conditional prob. by Market ¡ ¢ MDIV = D p̂n,y|x kq|p̂n,x : empirical conditional K-L divergence mLKn = log Kn : n empirical exponential growth rate of Kn 40 Toyota Opening & Nikkei Closing Prices 15000 03/1/6-07/9/28 5000 10000 Toyota Nikkei 0 200 400 600 Days 41 800 1000 1200 Sony Opening & Nikkei Closing Prices 15000 03/1/6-07/9/28 5000 10000 Sony Nikkei 0 200 400 600 Days 42 800 1000 1200 60000 Nintendo Opening & Nikkei Closing Prices 50000 03/1/6-07/9/28 10000 20000 30000 40000 Nintendo Nikkei 0 200 400 600 Days 43 800 1000 1200 1.0 Capital Process for Toyota 826 rounds 0.8 k = 6.7 a1 = 2 a2 = 2 0.6 p0 = 0.498 0.4 Kn d = 0.01*2^k 0.0 0.2 K(T) = 0.01 0 200 400 Rounds 44 600 800 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Conditional Prob. of Toyota & Nikkei 0.0 0.2 pn1 pn0 0 100 200 300 Rounds 45 400 500 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Conditional Prob. of Sony & Nikkei 0.0 0.2 pn1 pn0 0 100 200 Rounds 46 300 400 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Conditional Prob. of Nintendo & Nikkei 0.0 0.2 pn1 pn0 0 100 200 300 Rounds 47 400 500 600 Toyota & Nikkei 48 Sony & Nikkei 49 Nintendo & Nikkei 50 0.0 e+00 5.0 e+13 1.0 e+14 1.5 e+14 2.0 e+14 2.5 e+14 Capital Process for Toyota & Nikkei 500 rounds k = p1 = 0.71 6.5 p0 = 0.67 Kn d = 0.01*2^k K(T) = 5.64e+13 0 100 200 300 Rounds 51 400 500 50000 60000 Capital Process for Sony & Nikkei 432 rounds k = 30000 40000 p1 = 0.64 6 p0 = 0.62 Kn d = 0.01*2^k 0 10000 20000 K(T) = 14449 0 100 200 Rounds 52 300 400 50 Capital Process for Nintendo & Nikkei 597 rounds k = p0 = 0.53 40 p1 = 0.61 6.4 30 Kn d = 0.01*2^k 0 10 20 K(T) = 20 0 100 200 300 Rounds 53 400 500 600 3. Source coding and betting strategy 3.1 Lossy source coding with feedforward ¥ Source coding model X n = (X1 , . . . , Xn ) ∈ X n : source sequence X̂ n = (X̂1 , . . . , X̂n ) ∈ X̂ n : estimated sequence dn : X n × X̂ n → R+ : distortion measure 54 X n RateR Encoder n X̂ Decoder n i i 1 {g } fn Delay A nk  f n : ȋ n o {1, 2, . . ., 2nR } : encoding function nR g i : {1, 2, . . ., 2 } u X i k ˆ i 1, . . ., n : oX sequenceof decoding functions n ˆ X ˆ , . ˆ ) : reproduction sequence (X . . , X 1 n Sourcecoding system with feedforward 55 • (2nR , n) code with k-delayed feedforward fn : X n → {1, 2, . . . , 2nR } : encoding function gi : {1, 2, . . . , 2nR } × X i−k → X̂ i = 1, . . . , n : sequence of decoding functions fn (X n ) = w ∈ {1, 2, . . . , 2nR } gi (w, X i−k ) = X̂i i = 1, . . . , n £ ¤ n n Dn = EX n dn (X , X̂ ) : distortion associated with the (2nR , n) code 56 (R, D) : achievable ⇔ ∃(2nR , n) code with lim sup Dn ≤ D n→∞ • Rate distortion theorem R ≥ Rfk f (D) ⇒ (R, D) is achievable Rfk f (D) = 1 lim inf Ik (X̂ n → X n ) : n rate distortion function with k-delayed PX̂ n |X n ,Dn ≤D feedforward 57 Ik (X̂ n → X n ) = = I(X̂ n ; X n ) − n X I(X̂ i+k−1 ; Xi |X i−1 ) i=1 n X I(X i−k ; X̂i |X̂ i−1 ) : i=k+1 directed information from X̂ n to X n with k-delayed feedforward n X I(X i−k ; X̂i |X̂ i−1 ) : i=k+1 information quantity obtained for free 58 Reality's move & distortion 0 a1 â1 1 A  1 a2 0 â 2 Binary symmetric transmission 59 Forecaster' s move 1ı Į1 â1 ı A  ı Į2 1ı â 2 Binary symmetric transmission 60 ¥ Binary symmetric transmission Rg (D) = I(A; Â) ⇔ ρ = PA| (x2 |x̂1 ) = PA| (x1 |x̂2 ) = D σ = QA| (x2 |x̂1 ) = QA| (x1 |x̂2 ) = α1 − a1 + D(α2 − α1 ) a2 − a1 Rg (D) = D(PÂ|A kQÂ|A |PA ) = D(ρkσ) − D(a1 kα1 ) 61 QC = QA × QB ⇔ σ = α1 = 0.5 QÂ|A = P Rg (D) = D(PÂ|A kP |PA ) = D(ρk0.5) − D(a1 k0.5) = H(a1 ) − H(D) = R(D) Rg (0) = D(δÂ|A kP |PA ) = D(0k0.5) − D(a1 k0.5) = H(a1 ) = R(0) 62 Rate distortion function Rg(D) in BST 1.0 1 = 0.6 0.5 1 = 0.5 1 = 0.4 0.0 Rg(D) 1.5 a1 = 0.3 0.0 0.1 0.2 D 63 0.3 0.4 ¥ Conditional betting game Â|A given A • Notations χnx1 , χnx0 : number of xi = 1, 0 (i = 1. . . . , n) χnx̂1 , χnx̂0 : number of x̂i = 1, 0 (i = 1. . . . , n) χn11 , χn10 , χn01 , χn00 : number of (xi−k , x̂i ) = (1, 1), (1, 0), (0, 1), (0, 0) (i = k + 1, . . . , n) 64 P± (x̂n |xn ) = PÂ+ (x̂n |xn ) × PÂ− (x̂n |xn ) PÂ+ (x̂n |xn ) = − P (x̂n |xn ) = B(χn11 + c1 , χn10 + c0 ) B(c1 , c0 ) B(χn01 + c1 , χn00 + c0 ) B(c1 , c0 ) : conditional beta binomial distribution modeled by Skeptic 65 Q (x̂n |xn ) = P (x̂n ) = B(χnx̂1 + c1 , χnx̂0 + c0 ) B(c1 , c0 ) beta binomial distribution modeled by Forecaster Maximize EP± [log Kn ] ⇒ ± αi α± i =0 1≤i≤k αÂ+ if x i−k = 1 i = αÂ− if xi−k = 0 i 66 ± n {αi }i=1 k+1≤i≤n : Â+ αi = + P Q pi − qi Q Q qi (1 − qi ) − P Q pi − qi Â− αi = Q Q  qi (1 − qi ) i−1 χ 11 + c1 i−k 1|x ) = i−1 χ11 + χi−1 10 + c1 + i−1 χ01 + c1 i−k 1|x ) = i−1 χ01 + χi−1 00 + c1 + i−1 χx̂1 + c1 i−k + P pi = − P pi = PÂ− (x̂i = Q qi = Q (x̂i = 1|x + P (x̂i = )= 67 i − 1 + c1 + c0 c0 c0 The optimal capital process of Skeptic is expressed as the likelihood ratio n ³ ´ Y ± Q ± P n n K (x̂ |x ) = 1 + αi (x̂i − qi ) i=1 i−k = n Y P ± (x̂i |x  ) i−k ) Q (x̂ |x i  i=1 = PÂ+ (x̂n |xn ) × PÂ− (x̂n |xn ) Q (x̂n |xn ) 68 log K ± P n n ¡ ¢ (x̂ |x ) = nD p̂n,x̂|x kq̂n,x̂ |p̂n,x ¢ 1¡ n n − log χx1 + log χx0 + O(1) 2 ¶ µ n µ n n n ¶ χ11 χ10 χ01 χ00 p̂n,x̂|1 = , n p̂n,x̂|0 = , n : n n χx1 χx1 χx0 χx0 empirical conditional prob. of Reality µ n n ¶ χx̂1 χx̂0 , q̂n,x̂ = : n n empirical risk neutral prob. of Forecaster ¡ ¢ D p̂n,x̂|x kq̂n,x̂ |p̂n,x : empirical conditional69 K-L divergence 3.2 Efficient source coding scheme ¥ Betting strategy and data compression (a variant of the arithmetic coding) • Encoding xn = x1 . . . xn ∈ {0, 1}n ⇒ x̂n = x̂1 . . . x̂n ∈ {0, 1}n such that PX̂ n |X n achieves Rfk f (D) x̂|x(n) = (x̂1 |x1 , . . . , x̂n |xn ) : observed sequence by the encoder 2n sequences {x̂n } : in lexicographical order 70 The encoder calculates the cumulative sum X ± 0 G± (x̂|x(n)) = R (x̂ |x(n))   x̂0 |x(n)≤x̂|x(n):typical ± R (x̂0 |x(n)) = 1 ± P (x̂0 |x(n)) = Q (x̂0 |x(n)) P± (x̂0 |x(n)) K 0 x̂ |x(n) : typical ¯ ¯ ¯1 ¯ ± P 0 k ⇔ ¯¯ log K  (x̂ |x(n)) − Rf f (D)¯¯ < ² n ± G (x̂|x(n)) ∈ [0, 1] as n → ∞ 71 l m ± ` = log KP (x̂|x(n)) + 1 m = dlog ne : specifed numbers of bits j k G± (x̂|x(n)) = .c1 c2 . . . c` ci ∈ {0, 1} :  binary decimal to ` place accuracy χnx1 = d1 d2 . . . dm di ∈ {0, 1} : binary number to m digits c(`) = (c1 , c2 , . . . , c` ) d(m) = (d1 , d2 , . . . , dm ) : code sequences sent to the decoder 72 • Decoding When there exists a feedforward X → X̂ and χnx1 is known, the decoder can also sequentially calculate the cumulative sum X ± 0 (x̂|x(n)) = R (x̂ |x(n)) G±   x̂0 |x(n)≤x̂|x(n):typical until ± G (x̂|x(n)) ≥ .c(`) ⇒ x̂|x(n) : the encoded sequence 73 From the expression log K ± P n n ¡ ¢ (x̂ |x ) = nD p̂n,x̂|x kq̂n,x̂ |p̂n,x ¢ 1¡ n n − log χx1 + log χx0 + O(1) 2 the required number of bits is m l ± ` + m = log KP (x̂|x(n)) + 1 + dlog ne § ¡ ¢¨ = nD p̂n,x̂|x kq̂n,x̂ |p̂n,x + O (log n) 74 The empirical codeword length L∗n = per source symbol is L∗n = `+m n `+m n µ ¶ ¢ ¡ log n ≤ D p̂n,x̂|x kq̂n,x̂ |p̂n,x + O n → Rfk f (D) as n → ∞ 75 References [1] Leo Breiman. 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