Voters: Obama and Clinton to Blame for Benghazi - Katie Pavlich Page 1 of 4 INSIDE FEB • Married to the State • Chris Christie: Born to Run? Search • Get it Now! Home Columnists Tipsheet Cartoons Election Results Poll Tracker News Video Photos Bearing Arms Finance Townhall Magazine Greg Abbott Responds to Vicious Townhall | Tipsheet | Katie Pavlich COLUMNISTS Voters: Obama and Clinton to Blame for Benghazi A Finger On the Scales | Kevin Glass Katie Pavlich | Jan 24, 2014 Recommend this article Recommend 427 Tweet 152 5 Horrific Examples of Cultural Decay in America | John Hawkins 0 Obama's UnReality TV is Creepy | John Ransom We Need “Poverty Porn” on American TV | Daniel J. Mitchell The Fight for Principle in the GOP | Ken Blackwell POLITICAL CARTOON OF THE DAY According to a Fox News poll released late yesterday, American voters place the blame for the 9/11 Benghazi terror attack on President Obama and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Sixty percent of voters blame Clinton for what happened, according to a Fox News poll released Thursday. That includes 28 percent who blame her “a great deal” and another 32 percent who say she deserves “some” blame. Essentially the same number -- 59 percent -- blames Obama (26 percent “a great deal” and 33 percent “some”). One voter in five says that the leaders are “not at all” responsible. About four Democrats in 10 blames each: 41 percent blame Clinton, and 38 percent blame Obama. Twice as many Republicans blame the former secretary (80 percent) and the president (80 percent). JerryHolbert A Democrat lawyer’s view of just where Bieber went wrong | Jazz Shaw Quotes of the day | Allahpundit California: Another state ObamaCare success story that wasn’t | Mary Katharine Ham mhtml:file://C:\All\com\oshnock\tx-2014\images\Benghazi - Katie Pavlich.mht 1/25/2014 Voters: Obama and Clinton to Blame for Benghazi - Katie Pavlich Among independents, about six in ten think Clinton (62 percent) and Obama (64 percent) are at least somewhat responsible. When voters were asked about why they thought the Obama administration falsely blamed the attack on a YouTube video, most said it was to protect President Obama politically. At the time of the attack, President Obama was running for reelection against former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney and repeatedly stated on the campaign trail that al Qaeda, whose terror affiliates carried out the attack, was "on the run." About half think it was to protect Obama politically (49 percent). The rest split between saying the White House just made a “mistake” (22 percent) and that they did it to protect America (19 percent). Page 2 of 4 Business activity shrinks in Socialist France; still waiting on Hollande to make moves | Erika Johnsen SCOTUS extends stay on Little Sisters case | Ed Morrissey Anthony Weiner: Let’s face it, Hillary’s arguably the most qualified presidential candidate in U.S. history | Allahpundit Test Booster Takes GNC By Storm Shocking Spanish Video Home Tipsheet The End of Obama? Earlier this week, a Rasmussen Report came up with similar results. Respondents said they believe Benghazi will hurt Clinton should she choose to run for president in 2016 and an overwhelming majority said it is important to find out what happened. A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 46% of Likely U.S. Voters think the circumstances surrounding the murder of the U.S. ambassador and three other U.S. Embassy employees in Libya will hurt the former secretary of State if she runs for president in 2016. Just 28% now rate the administration’s explanation of the events surrounding the murder of the ambassador and the others as good or excellent. That’s down nine points from a high of 37% in October. Fortyfive percent (45%) give the administration poor marks for the Benghazi matter, the highest level of dissatisfaction to date. Columnists Cartoons Greg Abbott Responds to Vicious Townhall | Tipsheet | Katie Pavlich Voters: Obama and C to Blame for Bengha Seventy-eight percent (78%) think it is at least somewhat important to find out exactly what happened in the events surrounding the murder of the four Americans in Libya, with 47% who say it is Very Important. Katie Pavlich | Jan 24, 2014 Recommend this article Recommend Nineteen percent (19%) view getting to the bottom of the Benghazi incident as unimportant, but that includes just four percent (4%) who say it’s Not At All Important. Yesterday marked the one year anniversary of Clinton infamously declaring during Congressional testimony, "What difference does it make!" when pressed on how and why four Americans, including U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens, were killed. Patricia Smith, mother of U.S. Foreign Service Officer Sean Smith who was killed in the Benghazi terror attack, told Fox News' Neil Cavuto yesterday that she is still seeking answers and that Clinton is the person who has them. Topics: HILLARY CLINTON Recommend BARACK OBAMA 427 Tweet 152 TOWNHALL VIDEOS Sixty-nine percent (69%) of Republicans and 51% of voters not affiliated with either major party think it is Very Important to find out what happened in Benghazi, but only 27% of Democrats agree. Recommend this article 427 0 BENGHAZI TOWNHALL READERS SAY mhtml:file://C:\All\com\oshnock\tx-2014\images\Benghazi - Katie Pavlich.mht Sochi Olympics May Be The "Riskiest" and "Most Perilous" in History Former Top Hill Staffer Found Dead in Apparent Suicide U.S. Naval Academy Head Set To Testify In Sexual Assault Case Feds Nail Blank Credit Card Vendors With $34 Million Fraud Charges Gov. Rick Perry Advocates to Decriminalize Pot 1/25/2014 Voters: Obama and Clinton to Blame for Benghazi - Katie Pavlich IMPORTANT AWESOME RIDICULOUS SMART INSANE SURPRISING WOW 19 1 1 1 0 0 0 Katie Pavlich Page 3 of 4 WATCHDOG.ORG Chicken conservation plan likened to mafia extortion | Travis Perry | Follow @twitterapi Katie Pavlich is the News Editor at Follow her on Twitter @katiepavlich. She is also the author of Fast and Furious: Barack Obama's Bloodiest Scandal and the Shameless Cover-Up. “ABSOLUTELY DEVASTATING! Intrepid investigative journalist Katie Pavlich rips the lid off Team Obama’s murderous corruption and antiSecond Amendment zealotry" says Michelle Malkin. 55 Stop on red: Ohio courts rule against speed, traffic cameras "Katie Pavlich draws back the curtain on a radical administration that put Mexican and American lives at risk for no discernible reason other than to advance an ideological agenda." - David Limbaugh Home | Maggie Thurber | Buy Katie's book today and help us keep the pressure on Obama and his attorney general Eric Holder and expose the Columnists cover-up. 42 Week in Review: Whistle-blowers, farms and bikes | Bre Author Photo credit: Jensen Sutta Photography Payton | 9 TOPICS CONTRACEPTION MANDATE BRISTOL PALIN SUPREME COURT ABORTION BARACK OBAMA MEDIA AND CULTURE OBAMACARE WENDY DAVIS FOX NEWS EDUCATION AND SCHOOLS RUSH LIMBAUGH TAXPAYERS TEXAS RASMUSSEN REPORTS GREG ABBOTT GUNS PIERS MORGAN OKLAHOMA BENGHAZI Explore Misc. 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