Response-to-Literature outline for parents

Response to Literature Essay
Prompt: Choose one of the stories that we have read The Tail or Dragon, Dragon and write a 5
paragraph essay. The essay will include a summary, a critique of the author’s theme and
technique, and relate the story to something that you know (an experience in your own life or a
similar story).
This is the order of activities that will take place for the Reader’s Response Essay. If you would
like a more detailed explanation of this kind of Essay please see the Grammar and Writing
textbook chapter 12 – specifically pages 247-50.
Step 1 – Pre writing {all pre-writing will be done IN CLASS}
1. Choose a story
a. The Tail by Joyce Hanson
b. Dragon, Dragon by John Gardner
2. Focus (page 252) – will be completed in class
a. Who
b. What (what happens)
c. When, where
d. How
e. Why (What is the purpose or theme of the story)
3. Details- these will help define your essay topic and paragraphs
a. Short summary
b. Theme – reason for the story – purpose – moral – lesson
c. Technique of the author – what kind of story was used (fantasy, real life story,
d. Related experiences in your life*
e. Similarities – other stories (3 pigs, Beowulf)*
f. Evaluate/react – what you liked and didn’t like – reasons
*Students can focus their essay on either section “d.” or “e.” they ARE NOT required to do both.
Outline Due: Tuesday, December 1, 2015
Step 2 – Draft {in class and at home – draft should be typed Times New Roman 12 point font}
4. Draft (pg. 256)
a. Introduction
b. Body
c. Conclusion
First Draft Due: Monday, December 14, 2015
Peer Editing Activity in class
5. Editing (p. 257) At the end of each paragraph: circle the main point and ask if you
answered each of the following questions:
a. In what way did I explain the main point?
b. What sentences support the point?
The essay should be organized in the following order:
a. A catchy topic sentence
b. 3-4 sentences describing YOUR theme – introducing the essay
Summary of the story you choose
Theme of the story / author’s technique (fable/ fairy tale / real life story)
Your theme of the story:
a. A related experience
b. Comparing the story to another story
a. Did you like the story? Why or why not? Use examples from the story.
Second Draft Due: Thursday, December 17, 2015
Step 3 – Revise – In January, the teacher will return the rough draft to students for the students to
6. Revise
a. Purpose – Did I make my purpose clear?
b. Organize ideas – Are ideas logically ordered
c. Details – supporting ideas well chosen
d. Sentence and Word variety
e. Spelling and grammar corrected