ARSENIC Anders Permin, Division Manager, PhD DHI, Centre for Environment and Toxicology ATV MØDE ARSEN I GRUNDVAND OG DRIKKEVAND HELNAN, MARSELIS HOTEL 3. oktober 2007 Background Arsenic is a semi-metal element in the periodic table with number 33. It is widely distributed in the Earth’s crust, and has a steel grey metal-like colour. However, arsenic is usually found in the environment combined with other elements such as oxygen, chlorine, and sulphur. Arsenic combined with these elements is called inorganic arsenic. Arsenic combined with carbon and hydrogen is referred to as organic arsenic. Understanding the difference between inorganic and organic arsenic is important because some of the organic forms are less harmful than the inorganic forms. Most inorganic and organic arsenic compounds are white or colourless powders that do not evaporate. They have no smell, and most have no special taste. Inorganic arsenic occurs naturally in soil and in many kinds of rock, especially in minerals and ores that contain copper or lead. Arsenic is present in more than 200 mineral species, the most common of which is arsenopyrite. When these ores are heated in smelters, most of the arsenic goes up the stack and enters the air as a fine dust1. Smelters may collect this dust and take out the arsenic as a compound called arsenic trioxide (As2O3). It enters drinking water supplies from natural deposits in the earth or from agricultural and industrial practices2. WHO has set the arsenic standard for drinking water at .010 parts per million (10 parts per billion) to protect consumers served by public water systems from the effects of long-term, chronic exposure to arsenic3. Industrial applications About 90% of all arsenic produced is used as a preservative for wood to make it resistant to rot and decay. The preservative is copper chromated arsenic (CCA) and the treated wood is termed as “pressure-treated.” CCA wood still remains widespread in use in many countries. It was heavily used during the latter half of the 20th century as an outdoor building material, where there was a risk of rot, or insect infection in untreated wood. Although widespread bans followed the publication of studies which showed low-level leaching from in-situ wood into surrounding soil, the most serious risk is probably by the burning of CCA wood. In recent years fatal animal poisonings have been seen, and serious human poisonings resulting from the ingestion - directly or indirectly - of wood ash from CCA wood. The lethal human dose is only approximately 20 grams of ash2. During the 18th, 19th, and 20th centuries, a number of arsenic compounds have been used as medicines, including arsphenamine and arsenic trioxide. Arsphenamine as well as Neosalvarsan was indicated for treatment of syphilis and trypanosomiasis. Arsenic trioxide has been used in a variety of ways over the past 200 years, but most commonly in the treatment of cancer. It was also used as Fowler's solution in psoriasis4. In 2000 the Food and Drug Administration approved Arsenic trioxide for the treatment of patients with acute promyelocytic leukaemia. Lead hydrogen arsenate has been used until recently as an insecticide on fruit trees causing brain damage to the workers. A copper arsenate (Scheele's Green) has been used as a colouring agent in sweets in the 19th century. In the last half century, monosodium methyl arsenate (MSMA), a less toxic organic form of arsenic, has replaced lead arsenate's role in agriculture. Copper acetoarsenite was used as a green pigment known under many different names, including 'Paris Green' and 'Emerald Green'. It caused numerous arsenic poisonings of artists. Emerald Green was a pigment frequently used by Impressionist painters. Cezanne developed severe diabetes, which is a symptom of chronic arsenic poisoning. Monet's blindness and Van Gogh's neurological disorders could have been partially due to their use of Emerald Green. Poisoning by other commonly used substances, including liquor and absinthe, lead pigments, mercury-based Vermilion, and solvents such as turpentine, could also be a factor in these cases4. Contamination of groundwater Arsenic contamination of groundwater has led to a massive epidemic of arsenic poisoning in Bangladesh and neighbouring countries. It is estimated that approximately 57 million people are drinking groundwater with arsenic concentrations elevated above the World Health Organization's standard of 10 parts per billion3. The arsenic in the groundwater is of natural origin, and is released from the sediment into the groundwater due to the anoxic conditions of the subsurface. This groundwater began to be used after NGOs implemented a drinking-water program based on wells in the 1970ties and 1980ties. This program was designed to prevent drinking of bacterially contaminated surface waters, but unfortunately the testing for arsenic in the groundwater failed. Arsenicosis was reported in many other countries and districts in South East Asia, such as Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, Tibet and China. These countries are thought to have geological environments similarly conducive to generation of high-arsenic groundwaters as in Bangladesh. Potency The LD50 for pure arsenic is 763 mg/kg body weight (by ingestion) and 13 mg/kg (by intraperitoneal injection). For a 70 kg human, this is about 53 grams. However, compounds containing arsenic can be significantly more toxic. Toxicity Arsenic and many of its compounds are extremely potent poisons. Arsenic disrupts ATP production through several mechanisms. At the level of the citric acid cycle, arsenic inhibits succinate dehydrogenase and by competing with phosphate it uncouples oxidative phosphorylation, thus inhibiting energy-linked reduction of NAD+, mitochondrial respiration, and ATP synthesis. Hydrogen peroxide production is also increased, which might form reactive oxygen species and oxidative stress. These metabolic interferences lead to death from multi-system organ failure probably from necrotic cell death, not apoptosis. A post mortem reveals brick red coloured mucosa, due to severe haemorrhage. Elemental arsenic and arsenic compounds are classified as "toxic" and "dangerous for the environment" in the European Union under directive 67/548/EEC. The IARC recognizes arsenic and arsenic compounds as group 1 carcinogens, and the EU lists arsenic trioxide, arsenic pentoxide and arsenate salts as category 1 carcinogens5. Arsenic is known to cause arsenicosis due to its manifestation in drinking water, “the most common species being arsenate [HAsO42- ; As(V)] and arsenite [H3AsO3 ; As(III)]”. The ability of arsenic to undergo redox conversion between As(III) and As(V) makes its availability in the environment possible. The study of chemolithoautotrophic As(III) oxidizers and the heterotrophic As(V) reducers can help the understanding of the oxidation and/or reduction of arsenic. Human exposure to arsenic can cause both short and long term health effects. Short or acute effects can occur within hours or days of exposure. Long or chronic effects occur over many years. Most cases of arsenic-induced toxicity in humans are due to exposure to inorganic arsenic, and there is an extensive database on the human health effects of the common arsenic oxides and oxyacids. Although there may be some differences in the potency of different chemical forms (e.g., arsenites tend to be somewhat more toxic than arsenates), these differences are usually minor. Exposures of humans near hazardous waste sites could involve inhalation of arsenic dusts in air, ingestion of arsenic in water, food, or soil, or dermal contact with contaminated soil or water. By the inhalation route, the most sensitive effect of inorganic arsenic is an increased risk of lung cancer, although respiratory irritation, nausea, and skin effects may also occur. There are only a few quantitative data on noncancer effects in humans exposed to inorganic arsenic by the inhalation route. However, it appears that such effects are unlikely below a concentration of about 0.1–1.0 mg As/m3. Animal data similarly identify effects on the respiratory system as the primary noncancer effect of inhaled inorganic arsenic compounds, although only a few studies are available. Only limited data on the effects of inhaled organic arsenic compounds in humans or animals are available; these studies are generally limited to high-dose, short-term exposures, which result in frank effects2. Relatively little information is available on effects due to direct dermal contact with inorganic arsenicals, but several studies indicate the chief effect is local irritation and dermatitis, with little risk of other adverse effects2. The database for the oral toxicity of inorganic arsenic is extensive, containing a large number of studies of orally-exposed human populations. These studies have identified effects on virtually every organ or tissue evaluated, although some end points appear to be more sensitive than others. The available data from humans identify the skin as the most sensitive noncancer end point of long-term oral arsenic exposure. Typical dermal effects include hyperkeratinisation of the skin (especially on the palms and soles), formation of multiple hyperkeratinised corns or warts, and hyperpigmentation of the skin with interspersed spots of hypopigmentation. Oral exposure data from studies in humans indicate that these lesions typically begin to manifest at exposure levels of about 0.002–0.02 mg As/kg/day. At these exposure levels, peripheral vascular effects are also commonly noted, including cyanosis and gangrene. Other reported cardiovascular effects of oral exposure to inorganic arsenic include increased incidences of high blood pressure and circulatory problems. In addition to dermal and cardiovascular effects, oral exposure to inorganic arsenic may result in effects on other organ systems. Nausea, vomiting, and diarrhoea are very common symptoms in humans following oral exposure to inorganic arsenicals, both after acute high-dose exposure and after repeated exposure to lower doses; these effects are likely due to a direct irritation of the gastrointestinal mucosa. Acute, high-dose exposure can lead to encephalopathy, with clinical signs such as confusion, hallucinations, impaired memory, and emotional lability, while longterm exposure to lower levels can lead to the development of peripheral neuropathy characterized by a numbness in the hands and feet that may progress to a painful "pins and needles" sensation. A recent study also reported decreases in intelligence scores of arsenicexposed children2. Data on the effects of oral exposure to inorganic arsenic on reproductive end points in humans are not available. Animal data suggest that arsenic may cause changes to reproductive organs of both sexes, including decreased organ weight and increased inflammation of reproductive tissues, although these changes may be secondary effects. However, these changes do not result in a significant impact on reproductive ability. Chronic exposure of humans to inorganic arsenic in the drinking water has been associated with excess incidence of miscarriages, stillbirths, preterm births, and infants with low birth weights, although doseresponse data are not presently available for these effects. Animal studies of oral inorganic arsenic exposure have reported developmental effects, but generally only at concentrations that also resulted in maternal toxicity2. Arsenic is a known human carcinogen by both the inhalation and oral exposure routes. By the inhalation route, the primary tumour types are respiratory system cancers, although a few reports have noted increased incidence of tumours at other sites, including the liver, skin, and digestive tract. In humans exposed chronically by the oral route, skin tumours are the most common type of cancer. In addition to skin cancer, there are a number of case reports and epidemiological studies that indicate that ingestion of arsenic also increases the risk of internal tumours (mainly of bladder and lung, and to a lesser extent, liver, kidney, and prostate)1,2. Non-cancer effects can include thickening and discoloration of the skin, stomach pain, nausea, vomiting; diarrhoea; numbness in hands and feet; partial paralysis; and blindness. Clinical symptoms Symptoms include violent stomach pains in the region of the bowels; tenderness and pressure; retching; vomiting; sense of dryness and tightness in the throat; thirst; hoarseness and difficulty of speech; the matter vomited, greenish or yellowish, sometimes streaked with blood; diarrhoea; tenesmus; sometimes excoriation of the anus; urinary organs occasionally affected with violent burning pains and suppression; convulsions and cramps; clammy sweats; lividity of the extremities; countenance collapsed; eyes red and sparkling; delirium; death. Some of these symptoms may be absent where the poisoning results from inhalation, as of arseniuretted hydrogen. Symptoms of arsenic poisoning start with mild headaches and can progress to lightheadedness and usually, if untreated, will result in death. Arsenicosis - chronic arsenic poisoning from drinking water Chronic arsenic poisoning results from intake of drinking water with high levels of arsenic over a long period. Effects include changes in skin colour, formation of hard patches on the skin, skin cancer, lung cancer, cancer of the kidney and bladder, and can lead to gangrene. Non-carcinogenic chronic effects include liver injury—jaundice and cirrhosis;—peripheral vascular disease involving blueness of the extremities; Raynaud's syndrome; blackfoot disease (a type of gangrene); anemia, resulting from impaired haeme biosynthesis; and hyperkeratosis of the skin. Arsenic in seafood Concerns about the adverse effects of chronic arsenic exposure have focused on contaminated drinking water and airborne workplace exposures; the risks of naturally occurring arsenic in foods have received less attention. About 90% of the arsenic in US diets comes from seafood, of which only a small proportion occurs in inorganic forms; the great majority consists of complex organic compounds that generally have been regarded as non-toxic. However, recent studies of seafood have documented formation of metabolites carcinogenic in some rodents6. Treatment and testing Chemical and synthetic methods are now used to treat arsenic poisoning. Dimercaprol and Succimer are chelating agents which sequester the arsenic away from blood proteins and are used in treating acute arsenic poisoning. The most important side-effect is hypertension. One way to test for arsenic poisoning is by checking hair follicles. If arsenic is in the bloodstream, it will enter hair and remain there for many years. References 1. Anonymous. Arsenic and arsenic compounds. 224 vol., 2001:1-501 2. U.S.DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICESPublic Health ServiceAgency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry. Draft Toxicological Profile For Arsenic. 2005. 3. Anonymous. Arsenic fact sheet. 2007. 4. Anonymous. Arsenic. . 2007. 5. Anonymous. Some Drinking-water Disinfectants and Contaminants, including Arsenic. 2004. IARC Monographs on the Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risks to Humans. 6. Borak J, Hosgood HD. Seafood arsenic: implications for human risk assessment. Regul Toxicol Pharmacol. 2007; 47:204-212