Curriculum Vitae - Queen's University

Department of Psychology, Queen’s University
Humphrey Hall, 62 Arch Street, Kingston, Ontario, Canada K7L 3N6
(613) 533-3276; Fax: (613) 533-2499; E-mail:
Educational History and Awards
Sept. 2008-date
PhD, Clinical Psychology, Queen’s University
Dissertation: A randomized comparison of individual cognitive-behavioural therapy and pelvic floor
rehabilitation in the treatment of provoked vestibulodynia (Supervisor: Dr. Caroline F. Pukall)
Comprehensive Examination Paper Topic: Sexual, Personality, and Relationship Correlates of Sexual
Boredom (in collaboration with Dr. Terry Humphreys, Trent University, Peterborough, ON)
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SHHRC)
Joseph-Armand Bombardier Canada Graduate Scholarship
Tri-Council Recipient Recognition Award
Ontario Graduate Scholarship—declined
Sept. 2006-Aug. 2008
MSc, Clinical Psychology, Queen’s University
Thesis: The effectiveness of pelvic floor physiotherapy in women with provoked vestibulodynia
(Supervisor: Dr. Caroline F. Pukall)
Ontario Women’s Health Scholars Award
Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) Health Professional
Student Research Award
Ontario Graduate Scholarship—declined
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC)
Canada Graduate Scholarship
Graduate Entrance Tuition Award
Ontario Graduate Scholarship—declined
Sept. 2002-Apr. 2005
Specialized Honours BA, Psychology, York University
Thesis: The mediating role of empathy in attitudes toward same-sex marriages among university
students (Supervisor: Dr. Paul Kohn)
Graduated Summa cum laude
York University Psychology Undergraduate Book Prize
Metro Toronto Lodge B’nai Brith Prize in Canadian Jewish Studies
York University Continuing Student Scholarship
2003, 2004
Dean’s Honour Roll
First year of a BSc, Life Sciences, University of Toronto
Sept. 2001-Apr. 2002
Additional Professional Training and Activities
Motivational Interviewing for Anxiety; Dr. Henny Westra, Toronto, ON
Nov. 2011
Anxiety Traps: CBT Antidotes; Dr. Christine Padesky, Toronto, ON
Oct. 2011
Rorschach Beginning Program for the Rorschach Comprehensive System; Drs. Barry
Ritzler and Anthony Sciara, Rorschach Training Programs, Brooklyn, NY
Jun. 2011
Emotion Focused Therapy: Level 1; Dr. Les Greenberg, York University Psychology
Clinic, Toronto, ON
Jul. 2010
Why we Worry: Understanding and Treating Anxiety Disorders; Dr. Martin M.
Antony, Institute for Brain Potential, Markham, ON
May 2010
Queen’s University Health Care Team Challenge; Participated in an interprofessional
team case conceptualization and treatment plan competition
Nov. 2009
From Chaos to Clarity: A Step-by-Step Model for Complex Cases; Dr. Christine
Padesky, Toronto, ON
Oct. 2009
Forgiveness and Letting Go: Helping Individuals and Couples Resolve Emotional
Injuries with Emotion Focused Therapy; Dr. Les Greenberg, York University
Psychology Clinic, Toronto, ON
May 2009
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy: An Introduction; Hotel Dieu Hospital Collaborative
Interprofessional Team, Kingston, ON
Jan. 2009
Gottman Method Couples Therapy Level 1: A Research-Based Approach; Drs. John
Gottman and Julie Schwartz Gottman, Leading Edge Seminars, Toronto, ON
May 2008
Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training; Providence Care Mental Health
Services, Kingston, ON
Apr. 2008
Mindfulness Meditation and Psychotherapy: A Practical Guide for Clinicians;
Providence Care Mental Health Services, Kingston, ON
May 2007
Clinical Experience
Formal Practica
Practicum Student, Health, Counselling, and Disability Services
Queen’s University, Kingston, ON
Supervisors: Dr. Chuck Vetere, Ph.D., C.Psych. & Dr. Mike Condra, Ph.D.,
Practicum Student, Kingston Family Health Team
Kingston, ON
Supervisor: Dr. Judith Davidson, Ph.D., C.Psych.
Practicum Student, Saint Mary’s of the Lake Hospital
Kingston, ON
Supervisor: Dr. Debra Kowalik, Ph.D., C.Psych.
Practicum Student, Regional Assessment and Resource Centre
Kingston, ON
Supervisor: Dr. Allyson Harrison, Ph.D., C.Psych.
Practicum Student, Private Practice
Kingston, ON
Supervisor: Dr. Leonard Harris, Ph.D., C.Psych.
Sept. 2009Apr. 2010
Jan. 2009Aug. 2009
Sept. 2008Dec. 2008
Jan. 2008Aug. 2008
Sept. 2007May 2008
Other Clinical Work/Informal Practica
Graduate Student, Private Practice
Kingston, ON
Supervisor: Dr. Irwin Altrows, Ph.D., C.Psych.
Graduate Student, Sex Therapy Service, Psychology Clinic
Queen’s University, Kingston, ON
Supervisor: Dr. Caroline Pukall, Ph.D., C.Psych.
Graduate Student, Group Therapy Course
Queen’s University, Kingston, ON
Supervisors: Dr. Kevin Parker, Ph.D., C.Psych. & Dr. Melanie Edwards, Ph.D.,
Graduate Student, Psychology Clinic
Queen’s University, Kingston, ON
Supervisors: Dr. Marjory Phillips, Ph.D., C.Psych. & Dr. Kevin Parker, Ph.D.,
Sept. 2010date
Jun. 2009Aug. 2011
Sept. 2009Apr. 2010
May 2007Jun. 2010
Clinical Employment
Psychometrist and Case Manager, Regional Assessment and Resource Centre
Kingston, ON
Supervisors: Dr. Allyson Harrison, Ph.D., C.Psych. & Dr. Melanie Edwards,
Ph.D., C.Psych.
Sept. 2008Aug. 2009 &
Sept. 2010date
Pre-Graduate School Volunteer Clinical Work
Recreational Group Leader, Women’s Inpatient Unit
Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, Toronto, ON
May 2006Aug. 2006
Physical Rehabilitation Assistant, Lyndhurst Centre
Toronto Rehab, Toronto, ON
Sept. 2002Sept. 2003
Research Experience
Masters and PhD Student, Sexual Health Research Laboratory
Queen’s University, Kingston, ON
Supervisor: Dr. Caroline F. Pukall
Master’s thesis research investigating the effectiveness of pelvic floor
rehabilitation (PFR) in the treatment of provoked vestibulodynia (PVD; type of
painful sexual intercourse) and dissertation research comparing the effectiveness
of PFR and CBT in the treatment of PVD. Designed and implemented treatment
outcome studies.
Sept. 2006date
Women’s Health Student Experience
Centre for Research in Women’s Health, Toronto
Research Assistant
Social Equity and Health Research Department, Centre for Addiction and Mental
Health, Toronto
Supervisor: Dr. Lori Ross
Coordinated research projects related to postpartum depression; health and mental
May 2005Aug. 2005
Sept. 2005Aug. 2006
health service needs of LGBT women who were trying to conceive, pregnant,
parenting, in the process of adopting, or who had recently adopted. Involved
ethics applications, recruitment, data collection, interviewing women regarding
their experiences, quantitative and qualitative data analysis, literature reviews,
writing manuscripts, and dissemination of results.
Research Assistant
Private practice, Toronto
Supervisor: Dr. Joe Garber
Involved a literature review on chronic pain: disability, treatment, cognitive and
emotional sequelae.
Sept. 2005Dec. 2005
David Kelley Services, Family Service Association of Toronto, Toronto
Supervisor: Rachel Epstein
Transcribed focus groups investigating the experiences of queer-identified
parents, children with queer-identified parents, and teachers with queer-related
school issues.
Sept. 2005Jan. 2006
Honours Student
Department of Psychology, York University
Supervisor: Dr. Paul Kohn
Undergraduate thesis research investigation the mediating role of empathy in
attitudes toward same-sex marriages among university students. Involved
development of research questions, design of study methodology, collection of
survey data, data analysis, and preparation of written thesis.
Sept. 2004Apr. 2005
Selected Publications and Presentations
Refereed Publications
1. Sutton, K. S., Boyer, S. B., Goldfinger, C., Ezer, P., & Pukall, C F. (in press). To lube or not to
lube: Personal lubricant use in women with and without dyspareunia. Journal of Sexual Medicine.
2. Gentilcore-Saulnier, E., McLean, L., Goldfinger, C., Pukall, C. F., & Chamberlain, S. (2010).
Pelvic floor muscle assessment outcomes in women with and without provoked vestibulodynia and
the impact of a physical therapy program. Journal of Sexual Medicine, 7, 1003-1022.
3. Ross, L. E., Epstein, R., Goldfinger, C. & Yager, C. (2009). Policy and practice regarding
adoption by sexual and gender minority people in Ontario. Canadian Public Policy, 35, 451-467.
4. Goldfinger, C., Pukall, C. F., Gentilcore-Saulnier, E., McLean, L., & Chamberlain, S. (2009). A
prospective study of pelvic floor physical therapy: Pain and psychosexual outcomes in provoked
vestibulodynia. Journal of Sexual Medicine, 6, 1955-1968.
5. Ross, L. E., Epstein, R., Goldfinger, C., Steele, L. S., Anderson, S. & Strike, C. (2008). Lesbian
and queer mothers navigating the adoption system: The impacts on mental health. Health Sociology
Review, 17, 254-266.
6. Steele, L. S., Ross, L. E., Epstein, R., Strike, C. & Goldfinger, C. (2008). Correlates of mental
health service use among lesbian, gay and bisexual mothers and prospective mothers. Women &
Health, 47, 95-112.
7. Ross, L. E., Steele, L., Goldfinger, C. & Strike, C. (2007). Perinatal depressive symptomatology
among lesbian and bisexual mothers and prospective mothers. Archives of Women’s Mental Health,
10, 53-59.
Book Chapters
1. Boyer, S. C., Goldfinger, C., Thibault-Gagnon, S., & Pukall, C. F. (2011). Management of sexual
pain disorders. In: R. Balon (Ed.), Advances in Psychosomatic Medicine: Vol. 31. Sexual
dysfunction II: Beyond the brain-body connection (pp. 83-104). Detroit: Karger Publishing House.
2. Goldfinger, C. & Pukall, C. F. (2011). Sexual pain disorders. In: J.P. Mulhall, L. Incrocci, I.
Goldstein, & R. Rosen (Eds.) Cancer and Sexual Health (pp.163-182). New York: Springer
Science and Business Media.
3. Ross, L. E. & Goldfinger, C. (2007). “Insémination artificielle, grossesse et expériences parentales
de lesbiennes vivant en regions peu habitées.” In: D. Julien & J.L. Levy (Eds.), Homosexualités:
Variations régionales (pp.185-197). Montreal: Presses de l'Université du Québec, Coll. Santé et
Non-Refereed Publications
1. Goldfinger, C., Gentilcore-Saulnier, E., Pukall, C., McLean, L., & Chamberlain, S. (2009, Spring).
Treating vulvar pain with pelvic floor physiotherapy. Current Directions in Women’s Health: A
Division of the Canadian Physiotherapy Association, 10-11.
2. Gentilcore-Saulnier, E., McLean, L., Goldfinger, C., Pukall, C., & Chamberlain, S. (2008, Fall).
Study summary: Pelvic floor muscle dysfunction in women with vulvar pain. Current Directions in
Women’s Health: A Division of the Canadian Physiotherapy Association, 10-11.
3. Pukall, C. F., Bergeron, S., & Goldfinger, C. (2008). Vulvodynia: A review of pathophysiological
factors and treatment options. Basic and Clinical Medicine, 28, 421-436.
Oral Presentations
1. Thibault-Gagnon S., McLean L., Pukall C. F., Goldfinger C., & Chamberlain S. (2011, April).
Ultrasound imaging: A new assessment tool for evaluating and comparing pelvic floor muscle
morphology in women with and without provoked vestibulodynia. Paper presented at the Ontario
Physiotherapy Association Annual Conference, Ottawa, ON.
2. Thibault-Gagnon S., McLean L., Pukall C. F., Goldfinger C., & Chamberlain S. (2011, February).
Differences in levator hiatal dimensions and puborectalis muscle length in women with and
without provoked vestibulodynia evaluated using 3D/4D transperineal ultrasound imaging. Paper
presented at the International Society for the Study of Women’s Sexual Health Annual Meeting,
Scottsdale, AZ.
3. Thibault-Gagnon, S., Goldfinger, C., Pukall, C. F., McLean, L., & Chamberlain, S. (2010,
September). A randomized comparison of individual cognitive behavioural therapy and pelvic floor
physical therapy in the treatment of provoked vestibulodynia: Preliminary results. Paper presented
at the Canadian Sex Research Forum Annual Meeting, Toronto, ON.
4. Thibault-Gagnon, S., McLean, L., Pukall, C. F., Goldfinger, C., & Chamberlain, S. (2010,
September). Pelvic floor muscle anatomy and function in women with provoked vestibulodynia.
Paper presented at the Canadian Sex Research Forum Annual Meeting, Toronto, ON.
5. Dargie, E., Goldfinger, C., Blair, K., & Pukall, C. (2010, September). Long distance dating
relationships: The role of gender and sexual orientation. Paper presented at the Canadian Sex
Research Forum Annual Meeting, Toronto, ON.
6. Gentilcore-Saulnier, E., Goldfinger, C., Pukall, C. F., Chamberlain, S., & McLean, L. (2009,
May). Controlled study of the superficial and deep pelvic floor muscles in women with vulvar pain.
Paper presented at the Annual Congress of the Canadian Physiotherapy Association, Calgary, AB.
7. Goldfinger, C., Pukall, C., Gentilcore-Saulnier, E., McLean, L., & Chamberlain, S. (2009, April).
A prospective examination of the effectiveness of pelvic floor physical therapy in treating physical
and psychosexual components of provoked vestibulodynia. Paper presented at the 34th Annual
Meeting of the Society for Sex Therapy and Research, Arlington, VA.
8. Gentilcore-Saulnier, E., Goldfinger, C., Pukall, C. F., Chamberlain, S., & McLean, L. (2009,
February). Controlled study of pelvic floor muscle dysfunction in provoked vestibulodynia. Paper
presented at the International Society for the Study of Women’s Sexual Health Annual Meeting,
Florence, Italy.
9. Gentilcore-Saulnier, E., Goldfinger, C., Pukall, C. F., Chamberlain, S., & McLean, L. (2008,
October). Pelvic floor muscle assessment in provoked vestibulodynia: Preliminary findings of
electromyographic and manual evaluation. Paper presented at the Canadian Sex Research Forum
Annual Meeting, Montreal, QC.
10. Goldfinger, C., Gentilcore-Saulnier, E., Pukall, C. F., McLean, L., & Chamberlain, S. (2008,
October). Pelvic floor physiotherapy: A prospective examination of its effectiveness for provoked
vestibulodynia. Paper presented at the Canadian Sex Research Forum Annual Meeting, Montreal,
11. Gentilcore-Saulnier, E., Goldfinger, C., McLean, L., Pukall, C. F., & Chamberlain, S. (2008,
June). Pelvic floor muscle response to a pressure pain stimulus in women with provoked
vestibulodynia. Paper presented at the XVII Congress of the International Electrophysiology and
Kinesiology, Niagara Falls, ON.
12. Goldfinger, C., Gentilcore-Saulnier, E., Chamberlain, S., Pukall, C. F., & McLean, L. (2008,
April). A prospective study of the effectiveness of pelvic floor physiotherapy in women with
provoked vestibulodynia: Preliminary results. Paper presented at the James A. Low Research Day,
Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Queen’s University, Kingston, ON.
13. Goldfinger, C., & Gentilcore-Saulnier, E. (2008, February). Exploring and understanding down
under: Keeping a healthy vulva and pelvic floor. Paper presented at the Sexual Health Resource
Centre FemHealth Fair, Queen’s University, Kingston, ON.
14. Ross, L. E., Steele, L., Goldfinger, C., Epstein, R., & Strike, C. (2006, September). Mental health,
social support and experiences of discrimination among lesbian and bisexual mothers and
prospective mothers. Paper presented at the Marce Society International Biennial Scientific
Conference, Keele University, UK.
Poster Presentations
1. Goldfinger, C., Bergeron, S., Pukall, C. F., & Ezer, P. (2011, June). The application of cognitivebehavioural therapy to dyspareunia. Poster presented at the 72nd Annual Canadian Psychological
Association Convention, Toronto, ON.
2. Goldfinger, C., & Humphrey, T. (2011, June). Sexual and relationship correlates of sexual
boredom. Poster presented at the 72nd Annual Canadian Psychological Association Convention,
Toronto, ON.
3. Sutton, K. S., Boyer, S., Goldfinger, C., Blair, K., & Pukall, C. (2010, April). To lube or not to
lube: Experiences and perceptions of lubricant use in women with PVD and healthy controls.
Poster presented at the 35th Annual Meeting of the Society for Sex Therapy and Research, Boston,
4. Gentilcore-Saulnier E., Goldfinger C., Pukall C. F., Chamberlain S., & McLean L. (2010, April).
Pelvic floor muscle responsiveness in women with vestibulodynia. Poster presented at the 35th
Annual Meeting of the Society for Sex Therapy and Research, Boston, MA.
5. Gentilcore-Saulnier E., Goldfinger C., Pukall C. F., Chamberlain S., & McLean L. (2010, April).
Physical therapy effectiveness for women with vestibulodynia: An investigation of pelvic floor
behavior. Poster presented at the 35th Annual Meeting of the Society for Sex Therapy and
Research, Boston, MA.
6. Dargie, E., Blair, K., Goldfinger, C., Pukall, C., & Caird, S. (2010, April). Are long distance
dating relationships doomed to fail? Poster presented at the 35th Annual Meeting of the Society for
Sex Therapy and Research, Boston, MA.
7. Goldfinger, C., Pukall, C., Gentilcore-Saulnier, E., McLean, L., & Chamberlain, S. (2009,
August). Are pelvic floor treatments effective for treating genital pain? Poster presented at the
117th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Toronto, ON.
8. Gentilcore-Saulnier, E. Goldfinger, C., Pukall, C. F., Chamberlain, S., & McLean, L. (2009, May)
Physiotherapy effectiveness: Pre- and post-treatment assessment findings in women with
vestibulodynia. Poster presented at the Annual Congress of the Canadian Physiotherapy
Association, Calgary, AB.
9. Goldfinger, C., Gentilcore-Saulnier, E., Chamberlain, S., Pukall, C. F., & McLean, L. (2009,
April). Does less pain mean better sex?: Treating provoked vestibulodynia by treating the pelvic
floor muscles. Poster presented at the James A. Low Research Day, Department of Obstetrics &
Gynaecology, Queen’s University, Kingston, ON.
10. Gentilcore-Saulnier, E. Goldfinger, C., Pukall, C. F., Chamberlain, S., & McLean, L. (2009,
February). Physical therapy treatment for provoked vestibulodynia and its impact on the pelvic
floor muscles. Poster presented at the International Society for the Study of Women’s Sexual
Health Annual Meeting, Florence, Italy.
11. Goldfinger, C., Pukall, C., Gentilcore-Saulnier, E., McLean, L., & Chamberlain, S. (2009,
February). A prospective study of the effectiveness of pelvic floor physical therapy for provoked
vestibulodynia. Poster presented at the International Society for the Study of Women’s Sexual
Health Annual Meeting, Florence, Italy.
12. Gentilcore-Saulnier, E., McLean, L., Goldfinger, C., Pukall, C. F., & Chamberlain, S. (2008,
May). Pelvic floor muscle response to painful vulvar pressure in health women. Poster presented at
the Annual Congress of the Canadian Physiotherapy Association, Ottawa, ON.
13. Gentilcore-Saulnier, E., Goldfinger, C., McLean, L., Pukall, C. F., & Chamberlain, S. (2008,
March). Pelvic floor muscle response to vulvar pain in women with provoked vestibulodynia.
Poster presented at the 33rd Annual Meeting of the Society for Sex Therapy and Research,
Chicago, Il.
14. Goldfinger, C., Smith, K. B., Pukall, C., Blair, K., & Dargie, E. (2008, March). Sexual esteem and
body image as predictors of sexual functioning and sexual satisfaction among heterosexual and
queer-identified individuals. Poster presented at the 33rd Annual Meeting of the Society for Sex
Therapy and Research, Chicago, Il.
15. Ross, L., Steele, L, Goldfinger, C., Epstein, R., & Strike, C. (2006, June). Predicting perinatal
depression in lesbian and bisexual mothers and prospective mothers: Social support and
experiences of discrimination. Poster presented at the 32nd Annual Harvey Stancer Research Day,
Department of Psychiatry, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON.
16. Goldfinger, C., Ross, L., Steele, L., Epstein, R., & Strike, C. (2006, May). Mental health, social
support and experiences of discrimination among lesbian and bisexual mothers and prospective
mothers. Poster presented at the 3rd Annual Women’s Mental Health Research Day, Department of
Psychiatry, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON.
17. Goldfinger, C. (2005, April). The mediating role of empathy in attitudes toward same-sex
marriages among university students. Poster presented at the Ontario Psychology Undergraduate
Thesis Conference, Trent University, Peterborough, ON.
Journal Reviewer (number of reviews in parentheses)
Archives of Sexual Behavior (2; with C.F. Pukall)
Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy (2; with C.F. Pukall)
Journal of Sexual Medicine (2)
Pain (1; with C.F. Pukall)
Teaching and Supervising Experience
Head Teaching Assistant, Department of Psychology, Queen’s University
Course: Introductory Psychology (Online Course; PSYC 100)
Instructor, Department of Psychology, Queen’s University
Course: Abnormal Psychology (Online Course; PSYC235)
Staff Training, Come As You Are, Toronto
Topic: Female Genital Pain
Teaching Assistant, Department of Psychology, Queen’s University
Course: Human Sexuality (PSYC 333)
Guest Lecturer: Sex Work (Fall 2009), Sexual Coercion (Winter 2011)
Undergraduate Thesis Supervisor, Sexual Health Research Lab,
Department of Psychology, Queen’s University
Co-supervised five Honours students
Sept. 2011-date
May. 2011-Jul. 2011
May 2010
Sept. 2009-Dec. 2009
Jan. 2011-Apr. 2011
Sept. 2007-date
Teaching Assistant, Department of Psychology, Queen’s University
Course: Introductory Psychology Correspondence (PSYC 100)
Sept. 2007-Apr. 2009
Teaching Assistant, Department of Psychology, Queen’s University
Course: Introductory Psychology (PSYC 100)
Sept. 2006-Apr. 2007
Statistics Tutor, York Undergraduate Psychology Student’s Association,
Department of Psychology, York University, Toronto
Sept. 2004–Apr. 2005
Department Involvement and Committee Membership
Department Representative for the Society of Graduate and Professional
Students, Queen’s University
Co-development of a clinical supervisor evaluation program, Department of
Psychology, Clinical Program, Queen’s University
Treasurer for the Association of Graduate Students in Psychology,
Department of Psychology, Queen’s University
Professional Memberships
Canadian Psychological Association, Student Affiliate (2007, 2010, 2011)
Canadian Sex Research Forum, Student Member (2006, 2010)
Ontario Psychological Association, Student Affiliate (2009)
Society for Sex Therapy and Research, Student Member (2008-2010)
Sept. 2010-Jun. 2011
Fall 2008
Jul. 2007-Jun. 2008 &
Jul. 2009-Jun. 2010