2015 Syllabus

Advanced Placement (AP) / Dual Credit Biology
Course Syllabus
Instructor: Jay Meyers, Ph.D. - Room 304
Email: jay.meyers@sjsd.k12.mo.us OR jndmeyers@magiccablepc.com
Phone: (CHS) 816-671-4080 (Home) 816-324-5910
Class Time:
• This course is designed prepare students to take the AP Biology exam in May, and/or be the equivalent
of a college introductory biology course usually taken by biology majors during their first year.
Students enrolled in Dual Credit Biology will work to receive credit in Biology 101 at MWSU.
• Molecules and cells (25%), Heredity and Evolution (25%), and Organisms and Populations (50%) are
the three major areas of study. It is the goals of this course to help the learner develop a conceptual
framework throughout modern biology content by emphasizing the integration of the content with the
eight major themes as specified in the Advanced Placement Biology Course Description: Science as a
Process; Evolution (Change through Time); Energy Transfer; Continuity and Change; Relationship of
structure to function; Regulation; Interdependence in nature; Science, technology, and society.
• Students will be required to:
o Read the appropriate sections of the textbook
o Complete and submit online review questions
§ Unit: http://www.sjsd.k12.mo.us/biology/ap/genetics_problems.htm)
o Complete in-class free response quizzes from past AP Biology Exam questions
o Complete the laboratory component which includes 12 required lab activities and additional
laboratory as directed by the instructor
o Complete and submit lab reports
• *AP Biology: Biology, 7/E, © 2005. Neil A. Campbell, University of California, Riverside and Jane B.
Reece, Palo Alto, California. Pearson/Benjamin Cummings (ISBN: 0-8053-7146-X)
o Companion Site:
• *Dual Credit: Essential Biology with Physiology, 2/E, © 2007. Campbell, Reece, and Simon.
Pearson/Benjamin Cummings (ISBN: 0-8053-6841-8)
o Companion Site:
• Cliffs AP Biology, 2/E, © 2001. Phillip Pack, Woodbury University, Burbank, CA. Willey Publishing
(ISBN: 0-7645-8682-3)
• Biology with Computers, 3E, © 2003. David Masterman and Scott Homan. Vernier Software and
Technology: Beaverton, OR. (ISBN: 1-929075-26-X)
• Advanced Placement Biology Lab Manual for Students, © 2001. College Entrance Examination Board
• Laboratory Manual for Introductory Biology, © 1997. Truman State University: Kirksville, MO.
• Biology Labs On-Line, © 2002. California State University and Benjamin Cummings.
• Search for Solutions – DVD, © 2003. National Science Teachers Association. Conoco Phillips.
• Evolution – DVD Series. WGBH Boston Video. Corresponding website: http://www.pbs.org/evolution
• Intimate Strangers – DVD Series, © 1999. The Annenberg/CPB Collection: S. Burlington, VT.
• The Shape of Life – DVD Series, © 2001. Sea Studios Foundation: Monterey, CA.
• Animated Biological Processes – Videodisc Set. Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc.
Master Objectives (Units),
Benchmarks, Unit Problems URL, and Timeline
The Nature of Science: Apply the scientific processes, tools, and techniques in solving
scientific problems in Biology. (~1 week)
• 1-1: Develop, analyze, conduct, and evaluate
testable hypotheses and experimental designs
necessary to explain biological phenomena.
• 1-2: Organize, analyze, evaluate, and
communicate various types of scientific data and
conclusions. (Ongoing)
Chemistry of Life: Recognize how inorganic and organic molecules make life possible on
Earth. http://www.sjsd.k12.mo.us/biology/ap/Unit1.htm (~3 weeks) – EXAM 1
• 2-1: Explain and give examples how the various • Identifying Characteristics of Water
characteristics (cohesion, adhesion, surface
Essential for Life: Capillarity,
tension, high specific heat, high heat of
Specific Heat, Cohesion, Heat of
vaporization, expands when frozen, universal
Vaporization, and States of Matter (1
solvent, neutral pH, etc.) of water make life
Class Period)
possible on Earth.
• 2-2: Organic Chemistry: Classify the various
forms of organic compounds (alkanes, alkenes,
alkynes, cycloalkanes, aromatics, alcohols,
ethers, aldehydes, ketones, organic acids, esters,
amines, amides).
• 2-3: Bio(macro)molecules: Compare and
• Chemistry of Life: Qualitative
contrast the characteristics and formation of the
Identification of Monosaccharides,
various biomolecules (carbohydrates, lipids,
Polysaccharides, Lipids, and Proteins
proteins, nucleic acids) important to life.
(1 Class Period)
• 2-4: Enzymes: Apply the kinetic theory and
• Enzyme Activity*: The Effects of
models of enzyme action (lock and key, induced
Enzyme Concentration, Substrate
fit) to explain the role of enzymes in biochemical
Concentration, and Temperature on
reactions under various environmental conditions
the Tyrosinase Activity (Laboratory
(changes in temperature, pH, etc.).
Manual for Introductory Biology) (1
Class Period)
Cellular Biology: Demonstrate an understanding of cellular biology concepts including cell
theory, types of cells, structure and function of cell organelles, transport mechanisms, and
cellular reproduction. http://www.sjsd.k12.mo.us/biology/ap/Unit2.htm (~4 weeks) –
• 3-1: Types of cells: Compare and contrast
• Types of Cells: Comparing and
different types of cells (prokaryotic and
Contrasting Various Cell Types
eukaryotic, plant and animal).
through Microscopic Analysis (1
Class Period)
• 3-2: Cell Structures: Compare and contrast the
structure and function of cellular organelles
(nucleus, cell membrane, cell wall, mitochondria,
chloroplast, ribosome, vacuole, vesicle,
cytoplasm, endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi
apparatus, microfilament, microtubule, cilia,
flagella, centriole, microtubule organization
center) in different types of cells (e.g., bacterial,
plant, skin, nerve, blood, muscle).
• 3-3: Transport Mechanisms: Compare and
• 02 Limits of Cell Size: Surface Area
contrast ways in which cells transport materials
to Volume Ratio (Biology with
in and out of the cell (diffusion, osmosis,
Computers) (1 Class Period)
facilitated diffusion, active transport, Na+/K+
• 04 Membrane Diffusion: The Effects
pump, cotransport, endocytosis, exocytosis).
of Various Salt Concentrations on
Diffusion (Biology with Computers)
(1 Class Period)
• Osmosis and Water Potential*:
(Advanced Placement Biology Lab
Manual for Students) (2 Class
• 3-4: Cellular Reproduction: Compare and
• Mitosis*: (Advanced Placement
contrast the cellular reproductive processes of
Biology Lab Manual for Students) (1
binary fission, mitosis, and meiosis.
Class Period)
• Crossing-Over in Sordaria*:
(Advanced Placement Biology Lab
Manual for Students) (1 Class Period)
Cell Energetics: Recognize the major biochemical pathways (cellular respiration and
photosynthesis) that are involved in the conversion of energy.
http://www.sjsd.k12.mo.us/biology/ap/Unit3.htm (~4 weeks) – EXAM 3
• 4-1: Demonstrate an understanding of cellular
• 12A Yeast Respiration: (Biology
respiration (anaerobic and aerobic) as a cellular
with Computers) (1 Class Period)
metabolic process by summarizing how the
• Cell Respiration*: (Advanced
stored energy in glucose is used to form ATP.
Placement Biology Lab Manual for
Students) (1 Class Period)
• 4-2: Demonstrate an understanding of
• Plant Pigments and Photosynthesis*:
photosynthesis (light dependent and independent
(Advanced Placement Biology Lab
reactions) as a cellular metabolic process by
Manual for Students) (2 Class
summarizing how sunlight is captured by
pigments and used to form carbohydrates.
Genetics: Demonstrate an understanding of the fundamentals of molecular and Mendelian
genetics. http://www.sjsd.k12.mo.us/biology/ap/Unit4.htm (~5 weeks) – EXAM 4
• 5-1: Apply various biotechnology principles to
• Molecular Biology*: (Advanced
explain the interrelationships that exist between
Placement Biology Lab Manual for
DNA, RNA, Protein, and Trait.
Students) (3 Class Periods)
• 5-2: Apply the basic and advanced principles of • Genetics of Organisms*: Virtual
Mendelian inheritance to synthesize how traits
Fruit Fly (AWL Biology Labs Online)
are passed from parent to offspring.
(3 Class Periods)
Evolution: Demonstrate an understanding of the various processes and mechanisms
concerning evolution as it applies to modern taxonomic systems.
http://www.sjsd.k12.mo.us/biology/ap/Unit5-6.htm (~2 weeks) – EXAM 5
• 6-1: Categorize the various study areas that
• Analysis of Amino Acid Sequences:
provide evidence that populations have changed
Determining the Number of Sequence
over time.
Differences between AA’s in 8
Species for Cytochrome C Oxidase
Subunit 1 (1 Class Period)
• 6-2: Evaluate how the various areas of evidence
provide the framework for Darwin's modern
theory of evolution by natural selection.
• 6-3: Recognize that a change in the
• Population Genetics*: (Advanced
requirements for Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium
Placement Biology Lab Manual for
results in natural selection.
Students) (1 Class Period)
• 6-4: Compare and contrast the processes of
sympatric and allopatric speciation and patterns
of evolution (stabilizing, diversifying,
directional, divergence, convergence, and
Survey of Life: Recognize and apply the key principles that are the basis for the modern
system of biological classification. http://www.sjsd.k12.mo.us/biology/ap/Unit5-6.htm (~2
weeks) – EXAM 6
• 7-1: Recognize the role of evolutionary
relationships in taxonomic classification (3Domain, 6-Kingdom).
• 7-2: Describe the characteristics that
differentiate microbes (viruses, bacteria, protists,
and fungi), the various major groups of plants
(bryophytes, pterophytes, conifers, and
angiosperms), and animals (Porifera, Cnidaria,
Platyhelminthes, Nematoda, Annelida, Mollusca,
Arthropoda, Echinodermata, Chordata).
Plant Physiology: Recognize how plant adaptations (structural/morphological,
physiological, and behavioral) affect function (reproduction, growth, development,
behavior). http://www.sjsd.k12.mo.us/biology/ap/Unit7.htm (~3 weeks) – EXAM 7
• 8-1: Describe the structure and function of the
various levels of plant organization (cells,
tissues, organs).
• 8-2: Compare and contrast the various means of • Transpiration*: (Advanced Placement
bulk transport in plants (sap: pressure-flow;
Biology Lab Manual for Students) (1
water: capillary action, root pressure, and
Class Period)
• 8-3: Trace the pathway for fertilization in
flowering plants.
• 8-4: Compare and contrast the effects of the
various plant hormones (auxins, cytokinins,
gibberellins, abscissic acid, ethylene,
phytochromes) on plant responses (growth,
development, and flowering).
Animal Physiology: Recognize how animal adaptations (structural/morphological,
physiological, and behavioral) affect function (reproduction, growth, development,
behavior). http://www.sjsd.k12.mo.us/biology/ap/Unit8.htm (~3 weeks) – EXAM 8
• 9-1: Describe the structure and function of the
various levels of animal organization (cells,
tissues, organs).
• 9-2: Compare and contrast the physiology of
• Physiology of the Circulatory
organ systems (skeletal, muscle, respiratory,
System*: (Advanced Placement
circulatory, excretory, digestive, endocrine,
Biology Lab Manual for Students) (1
reproductive, sensory, nervous, immune) in
Class Period)
animals (emphasis on humans).
• 9-3: Describe how the different types of
• Animal Behavior*: (Advanced
behavior (innate, learned, foraging, social, and
Placement Biology Lab Manual for
sexual) in animals are influenced.
Students) (1-2 Class Periods)
Ecology: Develop and understanding of the various interrelationships that exist between
organisms and their environment. http://www.sjsd.k12.mo.us/biology/ap/Unit9.htm (~3
weeks) – EXAM 9
• 10-1: Compare and contrast the relationships
(Predator/Prey, Symbiotic, and Competition) that
affect population growth.
• 10-2: Describe the flow of energy through the
• 19 Dissolved Oxygen: (Biology with
biotic (Food Chains, Food Webs) and abiotic
Computers) (1 Class Period)
(Biogeochemical Cycles) parts of the various
• Aquatic Primary Productivity*:
terrestrial (Tundra, Desert, Deciduous Forest,
(Advanced Placement Biology Lab
Coniferous Forest/Taiga, Temperate/Tropical
Manual for Students) (2 Class
Rainforest, Grassland) and aquatic (Ponds,
Lakes, Streams, Wetlands, Estuaries, Oceans)
• 10-3: Relate natural and human-induced
changes in the environment to global issues.