School Values: SHIELD

School Values:
Our ideal is Christlikeness, and we are inspired by the values espoused from the life and teachings of Christ.
The purpose of a shield is to guard and protect. We believe that living by our school values – represented by the acronym - SHIELD – will serve to guide and
guard ACSians in their relationships, judgment and decision-making as they navigate through the complexities of life.
Blessed is the man who remains steadfast
under trial, for when he has stood the test
he will receive the crown of life, which
God has promised to those who love him.
What does it mean?
Steadfastness is to be fixed in direction; to be steadily directed;
firm in purpose, resolution and faith. It also refers to an
unwavering spirit.
Our hearts, our hopes, our aims are one. We should be steadfast in
our mission, showing unity in all things.
James 1:12
True humility is not thinking less of
yourself; it is thinking of yourself less.
C.S. Lewis
Humility is the quality of being humble. It is also the modest
opinion of one's own importance or rank.
The emblem of our grand endeavour should first be rooted in humility
and service.
How is it demonstrated?
I demonstrate Steadfastness when I
- carry out any duty entrusted to me with
responsibility and to the best of my abilities.
- face difficult and challenging situations with
endurance and a positive spirit.
- start strong, stay steady and end well in every
I demonstrate Humility when I
- remain polite, respectful and modest in all
- treat others equally without being proud or
arrogant about my abilities, family background or
- win with grace and lose with dignity.
Whoever walks in integrity walks securely,
but he who makes his ways crooked will
be found out.
What does it mean?
Integrity is to live with moral and ethical principles. It also
refers to soundness of moral character; honesty.
We will always uphold integrity and never waver from our
calling as a Beacon of Truth and Light.
How is it demonstrated?
I demonstrate Integrity when I
- show moral courage and fairness in my
judgement and decisions.
- respect and obey all rules in all situations.
- stand up for what is right, pure and good, even
when it is not convenient to do so.
Proverbs 10:9
To see with the eyes of another, to hear with the
ears of another, to feel with the heart of another...
Alfred Adler
You can buy a person's hands but you
can't buy his heart. His heart is where his
enthusiasm, his loyalty is.
Stephen R. Covey
Few things are impossible to diligence and
skill. Great works are performed not by
strength, but perseverance.
Empathy is to identify with or experience, share and understand
the feelings, thoughts or attitudes of another.
We can only stand together for the cause of A.C.S. forever when we
understand and accept one another as members of the ACS
Loyalty is the quality of being faithful to people and
commitments or obligations. It is also being true to the ideals of
institutions that have supported us such as our family, school
and nation.
Loyalty to school refers to our pride in and identification with
the ideals and spirit of ACS which translates into support,
appreciation and efforts to uphold the name of our school, and
all it represents.
When we remain loyal and true to our mission and vision, the
regions round will echo the sound of A.C.S. forever.
Diligence is the constant and earnest effort and care that one
applies to accomplish one’s goals and responsibilities.
I demonstrate Empathy when I
- seek to understand and respect the thoughts,
feelings and experiences of others from their
points of view.
- treat everyone with courtesy and consideration.
I demonstrate Loyalty when I
- remain true to my calling as a worthy
ambassador of the ACS family and heritage.
- demonstrate affection, support and a sense of
duty towards my family, peers, teachers, school
and nation.
- show devotion and commitment to my family
and friends, nation and the global community.
I demonstrate Diligence when I
- persevere and do my best in all activities.
- work carefully and persistently in order to
In days of yore, Oldham our dauntless hero came and today we continue realise my potential in all my endeavours.
to reap the fruits of his diligence and perseverance.
Samuel Johnson
Source: Definitions adapted from
ACS Anthem from Henry Martyn Hoisington ;