Development Control Ref No Fl201210212 Applicant Location Proposal TY~e PS Category Officer No weeks on day of committee 16113 Parish Ward Listed by: Finchampstead Wokingham Without Cllr HeliarSymons Mr Freeman Fairway, Devils Highway, Crowthorne Postcode RG45 6BJ Proposed erection of 12 no. apartments with associated parking, amenity space and landscaping plus demolition of existing dwelling. Major 7 (Major Residential development) Ashley Smith FOR CONSIDERATION BY REPORT PREPARED BY Planning Committee on 17110112 Head of Development Management SUMMARY The site is located on the Southern side of the Devil's Highway on the site of an existing large detached dwelling in well landscaped grounds. The site area extends to 0.3 hectares and is generally level. The southern side of the Devil's Highway is made up of predominantly large detached dwellings in substantial plots, the northern side of the Road abuts a golf Course. The applicant proposes to demolish the existing dwelling in order to allow the erection of 12 Flats and ancillary facilities. The application is brought before the Committee as it has been listed by Cllr HeliarSymons and the reasons for refusal below differ from Cllr Heliar-Symons' reasons for listing. Although the built form of the host building is considered by officers to be acceptable it is considered that the intensified use type and associated development to facilitate this will detract from the rural and low density feel of the locality and as such the proposal is recommended for refusal. A holding reason with regards impact upon bats has also been raised, however this may be overcome as further information has been received from the applicant, the Borough ecologists consideration of this will be reported in the member's update. PLANNING STATUS Modest Development Settlement Adjacent site of archaeological interest CAA Adjacent to footpathlpublic right of way 5km and 7km SPA Wind turbine safeguarding Zone RECOMMENDATION I That Planning Permission be REFUSED fqr&he following reasons: f" 1. The proposed development would result in an uncharacteristic high density form of development which fails to reflect local character. The layout and appearance of the development would appear uncharacteristic when viewed in the context of the surrounding development patterns due to features such as the substantial hardstanding, vehicle parking, and bin & cycle stores required to deliver the development would urbanise an area of semi urban character. As such the proposal fails to respect the prevailing character of the surrounding neighbourhood and streetscene. This is considered to be contrary to polices CP3 of the Wokingham Borough Core Strategy and the Borough Design Guide. 2. It has not been demonstrated that the proposed development would satisfy the Local Planning Authority with respect to the impact upon the protected species of bats. As such the proposal is contrary to the NPPF with regards its impact upon biodiversity. 3. The proposal fails to make satisfactory provision of adequate s e ~ i c e s amenities , and infrastructure needs and consequently would have an unacceptable adverse impact upon the amenities of the area. As such the proposal is contrary to policy CP4 of the Wokingham Borough Core Strategy. 4. The proposal fails to make adequate provision for affordable housing either on site or through an off site financial contribution. As such the development would be contrary to CP4 of the Core Strategy. PLANNING HISTORY 0/2005/6607 - Outline application for the erection of 4 dwellings with garages and demolition of existing dwelling. (Means of access and siting to be considered). (Withdrawn - 04/04/2006) 0/2005/4967 - Outline application for the proposed erection of 4 dwellings (Access and siting of be considered). Demolition of existing dwelling. (Refused - 18/08/2005) SUMMARY INFORMATION For Residential Site Area Existing units Proposed units Number of bedrooms per unit Proposed parking spaces 0.3 Hectares One detached dwelling 12 residential flats 2 x I bedroom units, 10 x 2 bedroom units 20 Spaces CONSULTATION RESPONSES Object- overdevelopment of site, out of character & keeping with Parishrrown area, concerns re traffic and safety with increased movements on Council: a very narrow and unlit access road with considerable pedestrian activity. Is Devils Highway PROW? (Officer note: Yes, Wokingham Without Foofpafh 13) Ravenswood Ave is -ocal Members: unadopted. All three ward members expressed their concerns in relation to this scheme. Cllr Helliar-Symons offered the following comments which were supported by Cllrs Ross and Sleight: "I write as the local borough councillor for this area which, whilst being in Finchampstead Parish, is in Wokingham Without ward. I write to object on a number of accounts to this development. I wish to 'List' the application if you are minded to approve it, or to refuse it without Highways and Local Character reasons. It is the effects of these two aspects on which I mainly put fonvard as reasons for my Listing. The Devil's Highway is a Private Street, narrow (3-3.5m) and without easy ability to pass oncoming traffic. The proposal to put in a passing place on the opposite side of the road can surely not be agreed as: a. It is a Private Street and agreement of all residents required. b. The area proposed for this passing place is outside the 'red line' for the development and therefore cannot be secured? c. This will add safety considerations as the road is also a public footpath. Whilst the nearby houses are in the main substantial individual dwellings, the proposed scale, massing and bulk of the proposed building is totally out of character for the area, clearly in contravention of current adopted policies and this concern is strongly supported in the emerging Borough Design Guide SPD which has completed its consultation. Whilst the parking provision may technically meet the new proposed standards, it does not take into account that no on-street parking is available for other visitors. Previous applications along this road, including one on this site, were found to generate excessive traffic increases along Devil's Highway. Any further development of this or the larger site next door (Talavera) would seriously affect safety and reasonable access along this street. The recent developments at Rookwood and Lane End (both 4 for 1) has reached a point of saturation for access along this private road and footpath. To the local members a scheme for flats is totally unacceptable in this location. The only other flatted development nearby (Ardwell House) accesses onto public highways along a much wider street and is built on a much larger plot, but this was only secured on Appeal and was against the strong opposition of local residetns and councillors. For these reasons I submit that this application is seriously flawed and should be refused. This is submitted in concert with my two ward colleagues." .. - . -. -. -..- I 1 Environmental Health "No objections 1 comments regarding this application" Rights of Way No objections Affordable Housing Gave advice on potential breakdown of affordable unit provision at the site. Natural England No objection, subject to compliance with the Rooks Nest Sang Mitigation scheme. Landscapes officer Has no objection to the above proposal as the development would have little effect on the local and wider landscape and all trees on site can be protected throughout the build. Planning Policy Offered general planning advice on the proposal Archaeology Highways Ecology No objection subject to conditions No objection, Subject to conditions. Raised an objection on bat protection grounds. Thames water No obiection with regards infrastructure . REPRESENTATIONS Correspondence received from 76 residents to the initial consultation (and 27 providing revised and additional comments on the revised proposals) the letters objected to the application on the grounds of: -o The development is entirely out of character/unacceptable mass and scale The character of the road is semi rural Potential for significant highway problems and congestion. Potential conflict at junctions and golf club Potential for conflict between cars and pedestrians Possibility of noiselwaste and environmental issues from intensified use Parking provision is inadequate Housing is not necessary or suitable Owner may not be able to implement permission due to ownership issues of highway (not a planning matter) Potential damage caused by construction (not a planning matter) Transport data and parking data unsatisfactory or misleading Pressure on existing infrastructure Could create an undesirable precedent Potential for overlooking Juiliet balconies are unsatisfactory Overdevelopment of site Development could conflict to use of the golf course (including golfers and HGVs) Devils Highway has already been overdeveloped by developers Associated paraphernalia such as car park, footpaths, bin stores will add to urbanising impact. Proposal will devalue properties (not a planning issue) / A number of letters noted that the redesigned proposal was significantly better that the previous proposal however all still concluded that they found the scheme unsatisfactory for other reasons. PLANNING POLICY Government Policy National Planning Policy Framework Adopted Core Strateqy CP1 - Sustainable development CP3 - General Principles for Development CP4 - lnfrastructure Requirements CP5 - Housing mix, density and affordability CP6- Managing Travel Demand CP7 - Biodiversity CP9 - Scale and location of development proposals CP17 - Housing Density Wokingham Borouqh Local Plan WBE3 -Accessibility WBE4 - Landscape and Planting WBE5 - Trees and New Development WHlO -Variety of Housing WR7 - Provision of Public Open Space in New Residential Development WCC3 -The Central Berkshire Forest South East Plan CC1 - Sustainable Development CC2 - Climate Change CC4 - Sustainable Design and Construction CC6 - Sustainable Communities and Character of the Environment CC7 - lnfrastructure and Implementation CC8 - Green lnfrastructure NRM5- Conservation and Improvement of Biodiversity NRM9 -Air Quality NRMI 0 - Noise NRMI 1- Development Design for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy H I - Regional Housing Provision 2006-2026 H2 -Managing the Delivery of Regional Housing Provision H3 -Affordable Housing H5 -Housing Design and Density T2 - Mobility Management T4 - Parking T5 -Travel Plans and Advice BE1 - Management for an Urban Renaissance S1 -Supporting Healthy Communities Supplementan/ Documents The Wokingham Borough Council Design Guide Planning Advice Note: lnfrastructure Impact Mitigation November 2010 Sustainable Design and Construction SPD Companion Document to the Sustainable Design and Construction SPD Wokingham Highway Design Guide November 2006 PLANNING ISSUES Principle of Development: 1. The site is located within a settlement boundary and as such the development should be acceptable providing that it complies with the principles stated in the Core Strategy. Core Strategy policy CP3 provides general principles for all development, with the primary remit that development should be appropriate to the surrounding street scene and without detriment to the amenity of neighbouring residents. The Wokingham Residential Design Guide (adopted July 2007) provides recommendations for residential schemes. I 2. The NPPF requires that proposed dwellings should be well integrated with, and complement local buildings in relation to scale, density, layout and access. Policy CP3 of the Core Strategy outlines that development should be appropriate to the surrounding streetscene, and without detriment to the amenity of neighbouring residents. The current position with regards planning policy encourages character led development. The Borough Design guide provides substantial advice on layout best practice. Impact on the Character of the Area: 3. The proposal has been subject to revised plans during the planning process and these have been put out to full public consultation. The initial design featured large harsh gables which gave a very urban appearance to the front elevation of the proposed block of flats, this has been redesigned to remove much of the gabling and front facing brick work and the redesign has incorporated much of the accommodation into the roof space to soften the appearance of the building and give it a semi rural appearance, 4. The building now appears semi rural in line with the semi rural character of the lane (though this is a settlement location) and provides an interesting and varied frontage which is reflective of the informal character of the lane, which is something that the previous design lacked before. This is considered to give the block visual interest and make the host building not stand out as an obvious addition to the streetscene and make a more positive contribution. 5. The width of the building provides space to either side of the building and the main block retains a sense of spaciousness that is relatively characteristic of the streetscene. The building will be ?Om in height at its highest point however drops across the building. The existing building is over 8m in height and due to its set back appearance and the fact that it will be of a similar height to the higher points of the adjacent building (according to the site survey) this is acceptable. 6. The physical design of the main building is therefore considered to strike a balance between responding to the surrounding context, as well as providing a development which has its own individuality, which is acceptable in design terms. 7. The provision of a block of flats in this locality will however impact negatively upon character. Although the built form of the host building is considered to be attractive and I locality. The NPPF requires thai'proposed dwellings should be well integratid with, and complement local buildings in relation to scale, density, layout and access. 8. The character of this part of the Devil's Highway is dominated by rural feeling semi rural large dwellings in substantial plots. Although the host structure is acceptable the provision of a substantial level of parking and features such as the large and prominent bin store would identify the property as an uncharacteristic departure from the wider established pattern of development. The public areas to the front of the dwelling would appear primarily hard landscaped, with the access road and parking areas dominating the site and this visual impact would be accentuated when the car park is full and this would urbanise the semi rural locality and detract from local character. 9. Although some reasonable provision of soft landscaping has been provided into the remaining undeveloped areas, features such as the bin store and car parking would remain obvious and reflective of an intensified use. This is not characteristic to the area and is not considered to not reflect the density and layout of surrounding schemes and repetition of this form of development could lead to significant degradation of the streetscene. 10. For these reasons, the overall character and layout represents a departure from the semi rural appearance of the area. On this basis, the scheme is considered unacceptable on character grounds. 11. In terms of the buildings design, the design of the proposed building is traditional in its appearance and this element would be considered acceptable by officers as the design is not a significant departure from what one might expect from a large hose in such a location. Impact on Neighbours: Loss of Light & Overbearing. 12. The proposals are unlikely to result in any significant loss of light or overbearing. The only nearby property in reasonable proximity to the affected elevation is Rushton Lodge which has a side to side relationship with the applicant site. The neighbouring property is currently located approximately 9m from the is side elevation of the existing building and this will be reduced to 7m in the current proposal which is still considered to be a significant separation distance in excess of the separation distances at many sites. The proposal does not project forwards of Rushtons Lodge and only projects by 1.5m to the rear with a 7m separation distance this is considered acceptable and no loss of light, overbearing or significant change in relationships with amenity spaces or existing fenestration will arise. 13. Due to the suitable length of the proposal, the side to side relationships and the lack of insignificant change in relationship with amenity areas and fenestration it is considered unlikely that the proposals will lead to any significant loss of light or overbearing to the detriment of Rushton's Lodge or Talavera. All other properties are. located a significant distance away well in excess of minimum separation distance guidance contained in the Borough Design Guide and as such the proposals are considered to accord with CP3 of the Wokingham Borough Core Strategy with regards loss of light and overbearing. Overlooking: 14. The proposals are three storey in nature, however no clear windows are proposed in the side elevations at first floor level or above facing Rushton's Lodge, the only window in this side elevation is an en-suite bathroom window which would be conditioned to be obscure glazed and as such is acceptable. All rear and front facing windows comply with Borough Design Guide recommendations relating to separation distances and as such are considered acceptable. 6 Windows in the eastern elevation facing 'Talavera' are proposed, however the separation distance to this dwelling is approximately 50m and benefits from a tall vegetative screen and as such would be considered acceptable. The windows in this side elevation are secondary in nature and could be conditioned to be obscure glazed if necessary to protect Talavera. As such, the proposals will only offer views of the applicant's garden and oblique views of other properties that are common place in residential areas. As such no conflict with CP3 of the Core Strategy will arise with regards overlooking. Intensification of use o f the site as flats: 15. Blocks of flats are fairly common features in residential settings and are not considered to impact unduly upon residential amenity with regards noise or other impacts. There are no policies against blocks of flats within residential areas and there is nothing unusual about this block which would suggest that any out of the ordinary impacts would arise; as such no conflict with regards policy CP3 of the Core Strategy arises. Highway Issues: 16. The Highway Authority has been consulted on this proposal and does not object to the scheme with regards parking or highway safety matters. Highway Safety & Road Design 17. The Highway Authority considers that the capacity of the single track access road is acceptable for the existing and proposed vehicle movements. This section of road is straight and with the proposed width increase (proposed as per the revised drawing number AP.0200 Rev J) across the site frontage would have adequate and inter-visible passing places. 18. The sight lines on The Devils Highway turning south into Ravenswood Avenue have been assessed using Manual for Streets principles and are acceptable taking the speed survey details and the layout of the junction into consideration. A condition would be required for the access to be constructed in accordance with specification details to be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. These details would need to show the Devils Highway widening works across the site frontage, turning head and footway all as depicted on the revised site layout plan. 19. During the application process the application was subject to a revised red line plan which was subject to full public consultation. All works which need to be carried out by the applicant that would be subject to condition would be incorporated within this red line and as the private road is in existing use and is operational, the red line is suitable for planning purposes. In the revised plans the proposed passing place has on the side of the road closest to the dwelling - and is considered acceptable as a highway solution. 20. The level of parking provision (20 spaces) to be made is consistent with the emerging Borough Car Parking standards (17 spaces) and makes provision for additional visitors parking (3 spaces). Accordingly, this element is considered complianl with CP6 of the Core Strategy. Traffic Impact & Sustainability 21. The proposal is likely to generate 72 daily vehicle movements with 12 of these being (AM) peak hour movements. A traffic survey undertaken on 13 October 201 1 shows thal the Devils Highway carried 131 vehicles daily between 0700-1900 hours with 12 01 these movements being within the AM peak period (0800-0900 hours). The site itself is located in an established residential area with the primary means of access to facilities, shops and public transport being via Ravenswood Avenue. Crowthorne Railway Station, situated off Dukes Ride is located some 600 metres from the site. A contribution is sought to further enhance transportation infrastructure improvements in the area and the applicant has indicated willingness to provide the necessary contributions should the scheme be approved. There is no objection to the development on transport or sustainability grounds. Archaeoloqy: 22. The Borough Archaeologist forwarded recommendations for the outline permission sought in 2005 as this site lies in an area of archaeoloqical potential. The site is located adjicent to and may incorporate part of the Roman ~ i a d'Investigations . near by have returned varying results, with some investigations recording the presence of archaeology and some not. 23. Medieval features were recorded during an archaeological evaluation at Lane End on the Devils Highway that are likely to relate to different activities and timescales within a 12-14th century timeline. While the Archaeologist has an understanding of the significance of the Roman Road and potential associated activity, the Medieval activity requires further understanding. Further information would assist in future decision making and would benefit the local residents in understanding more about the heritage of their area. 24. Given the potential to impact on archaeology of Roman and Medieval date, the archaeologist recommends archaeological investigation conditions for the site. Ecology 25. The submitted bat survey found evidence of roosting bats in this property and was undertaken at a time when bats are not active. Consequently the applicant will need to submit a full survey (including emergence and dawn re-entry surveys) of the building in the bat breeding season (May- August inclusive) and an outline bat mitigation strategy (including drawings to show any specific modification to the replacement dwelling to accommodate bats). In line with the recommendations of the NPPF and established ecological principles this information should be made available prior to the granting of planning consent and not simply attached as a condition. Additional information has been submitted and a holding reason for refusal on this basis is recommended which may be withdrawn at the members update should the ecologist find the mitigation measures satisfactory. 26. The application site appears to support suitable reptile habitat and the area around the site is known to support populations of native reptiles which are protected species. However the scale of the development proposed is unlikely to have a significant adverse impact on the local reptile population and consequently a reptile protection condition would be required at this site. Services, Amenities and Infrastructure requirements: 27. The applicant has suggested in their planning statement that they would be willing to provide contributions to mitigate against the impacts caused by the development. In accordance with Core Strategy Policy CP4 new development is expected to make arrangements for the improvement or provision of infrastructure, services, community and other facilities. Under policy CP5 the development must include a range of housing including .affordable housing. The Borough has adopted a Planning Advice Note on Infrastructure Impact Mitigation - Contributions for New Development (PAN). 28. The catchment Oaklands Infant & Junior I St Sebastian's schools are currently oversubscribed and the development needs to contribute towards additional mainstream primary education in the area. The catchment secondary school is currently oversubscribed however the proposal is only for 1 & 2 bed units so secondary contributions are not attracted. The highway authority has identified the need for local highway and public transport improvements to accommodate increased traffic in the area. In accordance with the PAN the development would necessitate contributions as follows: Education Leisure, recreational and sports facilities Country parks, access and biodiversity Libraries Highways Air quality monitoring and assessment Thames Basin Heathlands SPA Monitoring fee Legal costs (minimum) £37,278.00 £28,037.14 £6,358.00 £2,521.97 £26,000.00 £0.00 £24,387.24 £750.00 £ 1,000.00 TOTAL: £126,332.35 & affordable housing As the application is recommended for refusal, there will be no S106 agreement to secure infrastructure mitigation and this therefore constitutes a reasons for refusal. 1 Affordable Housing: 29. The threshold for affordable housing for this type of development is 5 dwellings or more on residential sites of 0.16 hectares or larger. The site exceeds these thresholds and therefore there is a requirement for provision of affordable housing. - 30. To meet the requirements of Policy CP5 of the Core Strategy, a minimum of 20% of the total number of units should be provided on-site as affordable housing. The applicant is proposing 3 units for affordable housing, which is acceptable. All of the affordable housing units should be built to Homes and Communities Agency Design and Quality Standards and be transferred to one of the Council's preferred Registered Provider (RP) partners for a price that will enable the RP to deliver the affordable housing without the need for public subsidy. The Council is also willing to consider a commuted sum in-lieu of some on site provision, should the applicant wish to put forward such a proposal for negotiation. As the application is recommended for refusal, there will be no S106 agreement to secure affordable housing and this therefore constitutes a reasons for refusal. CONCLUSION The proposal is considered not to comply with development plan policies by reason of the development being out of character with the locality and is therefore recommended for refusal by the committee. CONTACTDETAILS Service Development I Management 1 Email Telephone 01 18 974 6428 / 6429 1 Page 1 o f 1 Ashley Smith From: Liz Penn [] Sent: 02 October 2012 14:OO To: Ashley Smith Subject: F/2012/0212 HI Ashley As per earlier telecom Object- overdevelopment of site, out of character & keeping with area, concerns re traffic and safety with increased movements on a very narrow and unlit access road with considerable pedestrian activity Is Devils Highway PROW? Ravenswood Ave is unadopted. Regards Liz Penn Assistant Clerk (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, 9am - 2pm) Wokingham Without Parish Council 01344 771425 DISCLAIMER You should be aware that all e-mails received and sent by this Council are subject t o the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and therefore may be disclosed t o a third party. (The information contained in this message or any of its attachments may be privileged and confidential and intended for the exclusive use of the addressee). The views expressed may not be official policy but the personal views of the originator. If you are not the addressees any disclosure, reproduction, distribution, other dissemination or use of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you received this message in error please return it to the originator and confirm that you have deleted all copies of it. All messages sent by this organisation are checked for viruses using the latest antivirus products. This does not guarantee a virus has not been transmitted. 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