Diss. ETH No. 14853 Comparative approach with to and molecular identify genetic genes associated "Congenital progressive in spastic paresis" ataxia and pigs A dissertation submitted to the SWISS FEDERAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY ZÜRICH for the degree of Doctor of Natural Sciences presented by ANTKE KRATZSCH med. vet. born December citizen of accepted 1970 Germany the recommendation of on Prof. Dr. G. Stranzinger, examiner Vögeli and Bertschinger, co-examiners Prof. Dr. P. Prof. Dr. H.U. 29, 2002 We shall not cease And the end of all from our Will be to arrive where And know the exploration exploring we started place for the first time. T.S. ELLIOT Contents Table of contents i vii Summary Zusammenfassung ix List of xi figures List of tables xiii Abbreviations 1 xv Introduction 1.1 1.2 1.3 1 Congenital progressive ataxia and 1.1.1 Congenital splayleg 1.1.2 Myasthenia gravis spastic paresis disease 2 2 How to get from the marker to the gene ? positional candidate 1.2.1 The 1.2.2 The pure gene approach positional cloning approach Candidate genes 1.3.1 1.3.2 1 2 3 5 5 Ion channels 6 calcium channels Voltage-gated Calcium Voltage-gated Na+ channelopathies 10 Inwardly rectifying potassium channelopathies 11 Cholinergic receptor channelopathies Spastin diseases 7 8 12 13 i Contents ii 1.4 2 Objectives of this study 14 Methods 2.1 2.2 15 Animals and samples 2.1.1 Breeding 2.1.2 Tissue 2.1.3 Blood 15 studies 15 samples 15 samples 16 Clinical examinations 16 2.2.1 Clinical, neurophysiological, biochemical, and pharmaco¬ observations logical 2.2.2 16 Neuropathology 17 2.3 Primers 17 2.4 DNA methods 20 2.5 2.4.1 Isolation of genomic DNA from tail biopsies 20 2.4.2 Isolation of genomic DNA from blood samples 21 2.4.3 Isolation of PAC DNA 2.4.4 Isolation of 2.4.5 Quantification of DNA 2.4.6 Polymerase 2.4.7 Restriction enzyme 2.4.8 Gel 2.4.9 DNA extraction from agarose 2.4.10 Genescan 2.4.11 Sequencing 2.4.12 Sequence analysis 2.4.13 Gene 2.4.14 Fluorescence 2.4.15 Library screening 25 2.4.16 Ligation 26 2.4.17 Transformation A-phage DNA 21 22 chain reaction electrophoresis 22 digestion 22 of DNA 23 gel 23 analysis 23 23 24 mapping by using 2.4.18 Organization 2.4.19 Screening 2.4.20 Single in situ somatic cell of the PAC 24 25 27 library 27 library stranded conformation RNA extraction hybrids hybridization of the PAC RNA methods 2.5.1 21 27 polymorphism analysis . . 28 29 29 Contents 2.6 3 iii 2.5.2 Quantification of RNA 2.5.3 Gel 2.5.4 Reverse 2.5.5 Rapid amplification of cDNA ends 30 2.5.6 Northern blot 30 2.5.7 Slot blot 29 of RNA electrophoresis 29 29 transcription analysis analysis 30 Statistics 32 Results 3.1 3.2 3.3 33 Phenotype approach 33 3.1.1 Clinical examination 33 3.1.2 Consanguinity 34 3.1.3 Neurophysiological 3.1.4 Hematology and chemical parameters 35 3.1.5 Pathological and 36 3.1.6 Clinical Assignment studies 34 histological examination of CPA diagnosis 36 of CPA 37 3.2.1 Mode of inheritance 3.2.2 Genetic 3.2.3 CPA mapping 37 of the CPA phenotype 37 diagnostics 42 Candidate genes 3.3.1 44 Calcium channel ß± subunit Regional 3.3.3 45 pigs Expression study Drug Chromosomal assignment 50 of other ion channel genes Chromosomal assignment of alpha subunit cluster Chromosomal Chromosomal Spastic paraplegia 47 treatment 44 Characterization of the cDNA of affected and unaffected 3.3.2 44 localization 4 a . . sodium channel 51 assignment of KCNJ3 assignment 52 of CHRNA1 53 SPG4 Mapping of SPG4 by 53 somatic cell Characterization of the and unaffected pigs 51 hybrids ... 53 SPG4 cDNA of affected 54 Contents iv Histological 3.4 PAC 58 3.4.1 Contig 3.4.2 Single around microsatellite SW902 nucleotide 58 polymorphism 59 SNP in A340D12-SP6 59 SNPs in A78G1-SP6 61 Linkage analysis and fine 61 mapping Discussion 4.1 4.2 4.3 65 Diagnosis of CPA 65 picture of CPA 4.1.1 The clinical 4.1.2 Microsatellite SW902 and CPA Chromosomal cluster of assignment a 65 67 sodium channel (SCN1A-SCN3A), KCNJ3, and CHRNAl 4.5 68 69 4.3.1 Chromosomal 4.3.2 Mutation 4.3.3 CACNB4 expression 70 Comparison of CPA with the clinical picture of lethargic epilepsy and ataxia in humans 70 69 assignment screening of the cDNA mice and 4.4 alpha subunit CACNB4 The candidate gene 4.3.4 5 58 contig 3.4.3 4 examination The candidate gene SPG4 71 4.4.1 Chromosomal 4.4.2 Mutation 4.4.3 Comparison of CPA with The PAC 69 71 assignment screening of the cDNA pure HSP 71 72 72 contig 4.5.1 General aspects of 4.5.2 Discrepancies generating in the Conclusions and further contig perspectives a contig 72 73 75 Bibliography 76 Appendix 90 A Materials 91 A.l Equipment 91 A.2 Substances/chemicals 93 Contents A.3 Media/Solutions v 96 Curriculum Vitae 101 Acknowledgment 103 Summary In 1996, the Congenital progressive ataxia and spastic paresis (CPA) was observed for the first time in Switzerland. in pigs The disease manifests itself shortly after birth as a severe neuropathy. Affected animals show spastic gait, incoordination, and rapidly progressive ataxia in the hind limbs. Clinical and neurophysiological observations, as well as biochemical and pharmacological studies did not reveal any an significant abnormalities. The CPA is inherited as autosomal recessive trait. In the first part of this project a genome scan revealed that in our family size in bp), located on pigs the microsatellite SW902189 allele (189 Sus scrofa chromosome 3 (SSC3) co-segregated 100% with the recessive allele of 206 = involved in the disease , while the SW902197, SW902'20i, or SW90221i alleles co-segregated 100% with the normal allele. SW902 is genetically mapped in close proximity to the IL1 locus on SSC3ql3-q21. Comparative maps predict correspondence of this region to HSA2ql-q2, where a sodium channel a subunit cluster (SCNA), a calcium channel ß subunit gene (CACNB4), a potassium (KCNJ3) and a cholinergic receptor a subunit mapped. Epilepsy, ataxia and paralysis seem to be caused by mutations in these genes. Physically, SW902 was mapped to SSC3q21-q27 which is equivalent to HSA2pl3-p24, where the spastin (SPG4) gene is local¬ ized. Mutations in SPG4 may be responsible for Hereditary Spastic Paraplegia (HSP). As ataxia, paralysis and Spastic Paraplegia resemble the phenotypical inwardly-rectifying gene (CHRNAl) channel gene are appearance of CPA in the In a pig, these second part, the genes of chosen were SCNA, KCNJ3, to SSC15 and therefore excluded to genes as as candidate genes. and CHRNAl candidate genes. CACNB4 were was mapped mapped SSC3ql4-q21 and SPG4 to SSC3q21-q27. Sequence analysis of the cDNA porcine CACNB4 did not reveal any mutation in the amino acid sequence in affected CACNB4 pigs. Northern blotting revealed with ethosuximide did not analysis no in brain and muscle of affected and of the cDNA of difference in the healthy pigs. expression of Drug treatment improve the condition of affected animals. Sequence porcine SPG4 mutation in the amino acid sequence. No VII in affected degeneration pigs did not reveal any of motor axons, which is Summary vm suffering from HSP, was observed in affected piglets. findings, the hypothesis that CACNB4 or SPG4 is identical CPA gene was rejected. found in humans of these In the a third part, a region harboring around SW902 was out that the pure positional cloning approach responsible for CPA the the gene started. Altogether, five clones was initiated. To isolate creation of were Because with the a PAC arranged. contig It turned starting clone containing SW902 was a chimeric clone with two co-ligated deriving from SSC3 and SSC4. Additionally, it was confirmed by linkage analysis, and genetically and physically mapping of STSs and SNPs found in the contig that a gap between the starting and the subsequent clones inserts existed. Zusammenfassung Die erblich bedingte progressive Ataxie und spastische Schweines wurde 1996 erstmals in der Schweiz beobachtet. tome dieser Krankheit, die Parese (CPA) Die ersten des Symp¬ lassen, zeigen sich kurz spastischem Gang, Inkoordina- ein Nervenleiden vermuten nach der Geburt. Betroffene Tiere leiden unter tion und Ataxie der Hintergliedmassen, die sich innert weniger Tage verschlim¬ neurophysiologische, sowie biochemische und pharmakolo¬ gische Untersuchungen weisen keine signifikanten Veränderungen auf. Die CPA mert. Klinische und wird autosomal rezessiv vererbt. ersten Teil dieses Projekts wurde eine Genomanalyse durchgeführt. zeigte, dass bei allen 206 Tieren unserer Familie das Allel 189 (189 Basenpaargrösse) des Mikrosatelliten SW902, welcher auf dem Schweinechro¬ mosom 3 (SSC3) lokalisiert ist, zu 100% mit dem rezessiven Allel, welches mit der Krankheit assoziiert ist, segregiert. Die anderen Allele, SW902197, Im Diese SW90220i oder SW90221i segregieren = zu 100% mit dem normalen Allel. SW902 genetisch in der Nähe des IL1 Locus kartiert, der auf SSC3ql3-q21 lokalisiert wurde. Vergleichende Genkarten zeigen eine Übereinstimmung dieser Region mit dem Abschnitt ql-q2 des menschlichen Chromosomes 2 (HSA), wo Gene für eine Natriumkanal-ct-Untereinheit (SCNA), eine Kalziumkanal-/3-Untereinheit ist (CACNB4), einen einwärtsgleichrichtenden Kaliumkanal (KCNJ3) und eine Cholinrezeptor-a-Untereinheit (CHRNAl) kartiert sind. Mutationen in diesen Genen scheinen für einige Formen von Epilepsie, Ataxie und Paralyse verant¬ wortlich zu sein. SW902 wurde physikalisch auf SSC3q21-q27 lokalisiert. Diese Region entspricht dem HSA2pl3-p24, wo das Gen Spastm (SPG4) lokalisiert ist. Mutationen in diesem Gen scheinen für die Krankheit Hereditäre Spastische Paraplégie (HSP) verantwortlich zu sein. Da Ataxie, Paralyse und Spastische Paraplégie dem Krankheitsbild der CPA ähneln, wurden diese Gene als Kan¬ didatengene ausgewählt. In einem zweiten Teil der Studie wurden die Gene CHRNAl dem Schweinechromosom 15 SCN2A, KCNJ3 und zugeordnet und daher als Kandidaten¬ gene ausgeschlossen. CACNB4 wurde dem SSC3ql4-q21 zugeordnet, während SPG4 auf SSC3q21-q27 kartiert wurde. Die Sequenzierung des CACNB4 Gens ix Zusammenfassung X gesunder Schweine zeigte keine Mutation auf, die zu einer Aminosäuresequenzänderung führte. Es wurde kein Unterschied in der Ex¬ pression des CACNB4 Gens im Gehirn und Muskel von erkrankten und gesun¬ den Tieren mit Hilfe der Northen Blot Technik festgestellt. Eine Behandlung mit dem Medikament Ethosuximid zeigte keine Verbesserung des Krankheits¬ bildes. Die Sequenzierung des SPG4 Gens erkrankter und gesunder Schweine zeigte keine Mutation, die zu einer Aminosäuresequenzänderung führte. Eine Degeneration der motorischen Axone, wie bei Menschen zu beobachten ist, die an HSP leiden, wurde nicht gefunden. Aufgrund dieser Ergebnisse wurde die Hypothese, dass die Gene CACNB4 oder SPG4 identisch mit dem CPA Gen erkrankter und sind, verworfen. In einem dritten Teil versuchten Klonieren zu charakterisieren. wir, das CPA Gen mittels positionellem Um die Region zu isolieren, die das CPA Gen PAC-Kontigs um den Marker SW902 begonnen. Insgesamt angeordnet. Es zeigte sich dass sich bei dem der den Marker SW902 enthält, es Ausgangsklon, jedoch, umfasst, wurde mit dem Aufbau eines herum wurden fünf Klone entait, die sowohl von SSC3, Kopplungsanalysen und und der STSs und SNPs, die im Kontig genetischer physikalischer Zuweisung Lücke zwischen dem eine Ausgangsklon und den nachfolgen¬ gefunden wurden, den Klonen nachgewiesen. um einen chimären Klon handelt, der als auch SSC4 stammen. zwei Inserts Zusätzlich wurde mittels List of 1.1 Figures Comparative (HSA2) porcine (SSC3 and SSC15) and human of map chromosomes 4 Ca2+ channel 1.2 Subunit structure of 1.3 Locations of mutations in 1.4 Subunit structure of 1.5 Putative membrane 1.6 Putative 2.1 topology Alignment Needle an 3.2 3.3 3.4 a 8 CACNB4 9 Na+ channel 10 topology of KCNJ channel a 11 of the nAChR channel 13 of deduced amino acid sequences of four neuronal calcium channel 3.1 a ß subunits 31 electromyography (EMG) pig infraspinatus muscle of of the affected and Physical mapping genetic linkage map 35 (sex-averaged) of SSC3 and of CPA gene 40 Electropherogram of microsatellite family affected by CPA Fluorescence situ in SW902 alleles on SSC3 of a 41 hybridization (FISH) analysis of porcine CACNB4 3.5 45 Nucleotide (cDNA) porcine CACNB4 3.6 A 3.8 47 gene comparison of the porcine, human, rat, bovine and calcium channel 3.7 and deduced amino acid sequence of the Northern blot Slot blot ß\ subunit (CACNB4) analysis analysis of for Regional porcine CACNB4 mRNA expression localization of SCN2A matic cell . porcine CACNB4 mRNA expression. bellum and muscle of affected and 3.9 mouse amino acid sequence. hybrids by in analysis 49 cere¬ healthy pigs PCR 48 50 on porcine so¬ 51 xi xii List 3.10 Chromosomal cell 3.11 assignment hybrid panel Chromosomal somatic cell assignment hybrid panel of porcine KCNJ3 using the somatic of porcine CHRNAl 52 using the INRA 53 assignment of porcine SPG4 using the INRA hybrid panel 3.12 Chromosomal matic cell 3.13 Nucleotide (cDNA) porcine SPG4 3.14 A of Figures so¬ and deduced amino acid sequence of the 56 gene comparison of the porcine, human and mouse spastin amino acid sequence 57 3.15 The sequence tagged region deriving from site (STS) contig map for the chromosomal microsatellite SW902 58 3.16 PCR-SSCP pattern of STS A340D12-SP6 of four tropherogram of STS A340D12-SP6 flanking pigs and elec¬ the identified mu¬ tation 3.17 60 Polymorphism M143 of STS A78G1-SP6 resulting fragment polymorphism in a restric¬ tion 3.18 Genetic some 3 54 mapping of SNP A78G1_SP6_M143 on porcine 62 chromo¬ 64 List of Tables 2.1 Sequence information of the primers used 2.2 Primer matic cell 3.1 study 17 pairs, annealing temperature Ta(°C), fragment size and GenBank Accession of the genes used for 2.3 in this mapping with the so¬ hybrid panel Components 25 of the SSCP gel 28 Quantitative Electromyography (EMG) and Electroencephalog¬ of two affected and one unaffected pig raphy (EEG) 3.2 Motor nerve 3.3 nerve conduction Clinical chemistry 3.5 one pigs of the venous 35 plasma of and marker located different SSC3 in phenotype offspring, produced by of CPA and Two-point linkage analysis bination fraction Assignment (9) of the and lod binary 6 unaf¬ 36 Transmission patterns of CPA on seven estimation of scores sex SW902, mating pairs. averaged recom¬ (Z) code for the 38 chromosome 3- 43 polymorphism in STS A340D12-SP6 3.7 34 peroneal piglet at rest specific marker loci used for 3.6 amplitude unaffected data determined in fected and 13 affected 3.4 latency of two affected and and 61 Two-point linkage analysis of A78G1-SP6JVI143, seven chromo¬ 3-specific marker loci and the CPA locus used for estima¬ of sex-averaged recombination fractions (0) and lod scores some tion (Z) 63 xm Abbreviations AAA ATPase associated with diverse cellular AD-HSP autosomal dominant HSP AMP adenosine AMV avian monophosphate APS myeloblastosis virus ammonium peroxodisulfate AR-HSP autosomal recessive HSP AS Andersen ASAT aspartate aminotransferase BAC bacterial artificial chromosome bp base BSA bovine serum °C degree Celsius Ca2+ calcium ion CACNB4 calcium channel cDNA activity syndrome pair albumin ß± subunit DNA derived from mRNA CHRNA1/4 complementary cholinergic receptor, nicotinic, CK creatine kinase a polypeptide 1/4 Cl¬ chloride ion em centimeter cM CTAB centimorgan Congenital Progressive Ataxia and Spastic cetyltrimethylammonium bromide DA Dalton DEAE diethylaminoethyl diethyl pyrocarbonate deoxyribonucleic acid deoxyribonucleotide triphosphates 2'-deoxyuridine 5'-triphosphate CPA DEPC DNA dNTPs dUTP EDTA EEG EMG ethylenediaminetetraacetic electroencephalography electromyography XV acid Paresis Abbreviations XVI EtBr ethidium bromide FISH fluorescence FITC fluorescein FSHR in situ hybridization isothiocyanate follicle-stimulating hormone receptor g gram GULOP acceleration of gravity gamma-aminobutyric acid Genetics Computer Group generalized epilepsy with febrile seizures plus type guanidine isothiocyanate L-gulono-7-lactone oxidase L-gulono-7-lactone oxidase pseudogene h hour HCl HE hydrochloric acid haematoxylin and H20 water x g GABA GCG GEFS+2 GITC GULO eosin HSA Homo sapiens chromosome HSP hereditary spastic paraplegia Hz Hertz IL1(A/B) interleukin 1 INRA Institut National de la Recherche K+ potassium ion kbp kilo base kDA kilo Dalton KCNJ3 potassium channel, inwardly-rectifying, Kir subfamily J, member 3 inwardly rectifying potassium 1 liter LB Luria Bertani LCT Ih lactase-phlorizin hydrolase lactate dehydrogenase lethargic LMN lower motor LDH LOD (alpha/beta) Agronomique pair channel neuron of the odds MgS04 logarithm molarity (= mol/liter) magnesium sulfate min minute MOPS 3-(N-morpholino)propanesulfonic mRNA messenger RNA mi milli-x jJLX micro-x Na+ sodium ion (n)ACh(R) (nicotinic) acetylcholine (receptor) M acid (= 10"3) (= 10-6) 2 NaCl sodium chloride NaOH sodium NCBI National Center for NCS OD OD o/n ORF hydroxide Biotechnology study osteogenic disorder locus in pig optical density over night open reading frame Information conduction nerve PAC Pl-derived artificial chromosome PCR RN polymerase chain reaction plaque forming units phase lock gel plate pool protein kinase, AMP-activated, noncatalytic, 7-3 pico-x (= 10-9) Q-bands by fluorescence using quinacrine or quinacrine mustard rapid amplification of cDNA ends restriction fragment length polymorphism Rendement Napole pfu PLG PP PRKAG3 px QFQ-banding RACE RFLP RNA ribonucleic acid rpm rounds per minute r.t. room RT reverse SCN1A sodium SCN2A sodium temperature transcription SCN3A channel, neuronal type I, a subunit channel, voltage-gated, type II, a subunit sodium channel, neuronal type III, a subunit SDS sodium sec second SNP single nucleotide SP super pool SPG4 spastic paraplegia SSC saline-sodium citrate buffer SSC Sus dodecyl sulfate polymorphism gene 4 (Spastin) SSP scrofa chromosome single strand conformation polymorphism super/super pool STS sequence SUISAG public SSCP tagged site company for pig breeding services in Switzerland TBE Tris-borate-EDTA buffer TE Tris-EDTA buffer TEMED N,N,N',N'-tetramethylethylenediamine 0 recombination fraction Abbreviations xvm TNE Tris-natrium-EDTA U unit 5'/3' UTR 5'/3' untranslated UV ultraviolet V Volt VDCC voltage-dependent v/v w/v volume per volume region calcium channel X-Gal weight per volume xylene cyanol FF 5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl /3-D-galactopyranoside X-HSP X-linked HSP YAC yeast artificial chromosome Z lod XCFF score Chapter 1 Introduction Congenital progressive paresis 1.1 In 1996, a previously ataxia and undescribed neuromuscular disease was spastic observed for the first time in two litters of pigs. The animals were derived from two dams and one sire, all of Large White origin. The dams were cousins and not related to the sire, referring to the last two generations. One third of the offspring were affected while the other two third appeared normal. The severity of the symp¬ toms varied within the litters and occurred in both showed sexes. Affected animals spastic gait, incoordination, progressive distal weakness and atrophy of the limbs leading to an inability to walk. Due to this disability the severely piglets died due to starvation or they were crushed by the sow. The observed ratio of approximately 3:1 (healthy:affected) pigs suggested that the disease may be controlled by a recessive allele. The disorder was named "Con¬ genital progressive ataxia and spastic paresis (CPA)". affected A whole genome scan relatively high although not between CPA and SW1066 was mapped to performed in our institute revealed statistically significant linkage (Z=1.81, 0=0.00) of these 26 animals (Gmür, 1997). The microsateUite locus SW1066 porcine chromosome 3 by Rohrer A disease similar to CPA et al. (1996). Finland, called "Progres¬ pigs" (Rimaila-Pärnänen, 1982). The newborn pigs showed the first clinical signs at the age of 10 days to 2 weeks. The etiology of the disease is unknown. Any specific chromosomal changes could not be found (Veijalainen and Rimaila-Pärnänen, 1978). The possible hereditary nature of this disease was investigated on one specific farm, where the suspected boar produced 37 litters totally. In one third of the litwas sive ataxia and incoordination described in 1982 in syndrome 1 in Yorkshire Chapter 2 ters, ataxia and incoordination an was noticed. Rimaila-Pärnänen autosomal recessive mode of inheritance. were no further (1982) showed investigations made. Congenital splay leg 1.1.1 The disease "Congenital splayleg to CPA. Affected animals are in disease piglets" severe cases the fore legs exhibits are also affected similar clinical picture properly due hind legs are splayed sideways and (Curvers et al, 1989). If the hind not able to stand and to muscular weakness of the hind limbs. The in However, Introduction 1. a can not walk distance, the animals recover from the disease and legs bandaged Landraces are more frequently affected than other breeds and develop normally. the incidence in male piglets is reported to be up to twice as high as in females (Van der Heyde et al., 1989). Several investigations indicate an immaturity of the skeletal muscle of the hind legs at birth with subsequent compensatory hyperplasia (Ducatelle et al., 1986). Defects of the cholinergic system and/or to 5 are cm delayed maturation of motor nerves may furthermore be involved (Le Hong et al., 1990). Nevertheless, the pathogenesis of this disease is still not fully understood. Analyses of the mode of inheritance favor a two locus model but a polygenic inheritance can not be excluded (Stigler et al., 1991). Myasthenia gravis 1.1.2 Specific muscle weakness, which increases with exercise is the main clinical symptom in myasthenia gravis in humans and dogs. This weakness is due global disturbance of the function of the neuromuscular end plate: the density of the subsynaptic acetylcholine receptors is reduced and therefore, the transmitter acetylcholine, released in normal quantity can bind only to a few receptors. Additionally, the patients develop antibodies against their own acetylcholine receptors which leads to a complement-mediated lysis and an in¬ creased rate of receptor degradation. Consequently, the end plate potentials are substantially reduced in amplitude, which in turn leads to muscle weak¬ ness (Ito et al., 1978; Vincent, 1980). Myasthenia gravis can be treated with anticholinesterase drugs (such as Konstigmin®), which inhibit the breakdown of acetylcholine. to a 1.2 How to get from the marker Once the chromosomal known, a strategy to position of identify to the gene ? a certain disease is the disease gene would be the positional cloning a marker linked with 1.2. How to get from the marker to the gene ? 3 approach. Positional cloning implies identifying a gene on the basis of its chro¬ (Collins, 1992, 1995). The positional cloning approach can be divided into the positional candidate gene approach and the pure positional cloning approach. mosomal location The 1.2.1 The positional positional candidate candidate gene gene approach relies approach on a three-step process: (1) localizing a disease gene to a chromosomal subregion, generally by using tradi¬ tional linkage analysis; (2) searching databases for an attractive candidate gene within that subregion; if no suitable gene can be found comparative gene maps of other species can be used, and (3) testing the candidate gene for diseasemutations. causing For the identification of L-gulono-gamma-lactone oxidase deficiency in pigs, the positional can¬ didate gene approach was used. These pigs manifest deformity of the legs, multiple fractures, osteoporosis, growth retardation and haemorrhagic tenden¬ cies. The trait is controlled by a single autosomal recessive allele designated as od (osteogenic disorder). Hasan et al. (1999) showed by linkage analysis that the OD locus is located in the subcentromeric region of SSC14 and mapped the GULO gene to Sus scrofa chromosome (SSC) 14ql4 by FISH. This region cor¬ responds to an evolutionary conserved segment on human chromosome 8 where the non-functional human pseudogene GULOP has been mapped (Nishikimi et al., 1994). Sequencing analysis of the genomic DNA in deficient od/od pigs identified a frameshift deletion leading to a truncated protein where the partial C-terminal was altered. In addition, the expression of the deficient od allele is less compared to the normal OD allele (Hasan et al., 2002). These find¬ ings may explain the absence of GULO activity in the liver microsomes where GULO usually is produced. a deletion in the GULO gene, which leads to vitamin C on Initial mapping of the CPA locus showed possible linkage to marker SW1066 porcine chromosome 3. On this chromosome SW1066 is mapped in close to the interleukin 1 (ILl) locus. ILIA is mapped to SSC3ql2-ql3 al, 1992; Mellink et al, 1994; Johansson et al, 1994), while IL1B is located on SSC3qll-ql4 (Krull et al, 1992; Mellink et al, 1994; Rohrer et al, 1996). The human ILIA and IL1B loci were mapped to HSA2ql3-q21 by Webb proximity (Krull et al et (1985) and Lafage conserved segment on (CACNB4), the 3Ä), the potassium subunit gene (SCN1A - the nicotinic which were result in a et al (1989) as shown in sodium channel channel cholinergic receptor chosen as Fig 1.1. The evolutionary /?4 human chromosome 2 contains the calcium channel ct\ phenotype (Werderlin, 1986; subunit type I subfamily J, (CHRNAl), candidate genes. a - member 3 gene and the spastin III genes (KCNJ3), (SPG4) gene Mutations in these genes in humans Meisler et al, 2001) which shows high Chapter 4 1 Introduction IL1B I IL1A SSC3 Figure HSA2 Comparative 1.1: of porcine (SSC3 and SSC15) and hu¬ of (under¬ ßn subunit, CHRNAl, cholin¬ FSHR, follicle-stimulating hor¬ ergic receptor, nicotinic, a polypeptide 1, ILIA 1 & interleukin mone receptor, a & ß, KCNJ3, potassium chan¬ B, member nel, inwardly-rectifying, subfamily J, 3, LCT, lactase-phlorizin hy¬ drolase, SCN1A & SCN3A, sodium channel, neuronal type I & III, a subunit, SCN2A, sodium channel, voltage-gated, type II, a subunit, SPG4, Picture adapted from INRA-Toulouse spastic paraplegia gene 4 (Spastin) toulouse mra http //www fr/Ige/pig/compare/HSA htm man lined) (HSA2) map SSC15 is chromosomes shown CACNB4, The localization calcium channel the candidate genes Candidate genes 1.3. to the CPA similarity 1.2.2 5 phenotype in pigs. positional cloning approach The pure If the positional candidate gene approach fails, another possibility to charac¬ responsible for CPA is the positional cloning process. After a is localized to a chromosomal region by linkage studies, multipoint map¬ terize the gene gene ping with additional polymorphic loci can be used to pinpoint the site of the disease gene and identify the closest flanking marker site. At best, the level of resolution between marker sites is 1 cM, which spans about 1 x 106 bp. On the average, this amount of DNA contains 20 1999). 50 different genes (Pasternak, cloning approach is to discover which of genes between two marker sites is actually the disease gene. A physical map of the region containing the disease gene is generated by retrieving clones with overlapping segments from a genomic DNA library. On the basis of the overlaps and other positional information, a continuum of The of the objective the possible positional - gene Sets can be established for this chromosome region (Pasternak, 1999). contiguously ordered clones (contigs) have been generated from YAC, BAC, PAC, PI, and cosmid libraries. A contig can be assembled from as few as two clones, as long as both clones share an overlapping DNA region within their inserts (Coulson et al, 1986; Olson et al, 1986). clones of The identification of PRKA G3 was as the causative gene for the RN phenotype positional cloning approach in a farm animal species The dominant Rendement Napole (RN~) allele occurs the first successful (Milan al, 2000). Hampshire pigs and increases the glycogen content in white skeletal mus¬ cle by about 70% (Estrade et al, 1993; Enfält et al, 1997). Törnsten et al. (1998) mapped the RN locus to SSC15q25. Comparative mapping showed that the RN region shares homology with parts of human chromosome 2q and et in mouse chromosome 1. Since construction of with RN~ a were no obvious candidate genes were identified in these positional cloning project including the markers that showed Two complete association contig. clones. Of clone a shotgun two on one present overlapping chromosome segments, a was initiated BAC constructed and more than l'OOO individual sequences were deter¬ library mined, including the PRKAG3 gene. Milan et al (2000) demonstrated that the RN phenotype is due to a missense mutation in this gene encoding a novel isoform of the regulatory 7 subunit of AMP-activated protein kinase. was 1.3 Candidate genes As described in genes chromosomal in diseases which exhibit simi- chapter 1.2.1, the candidate position and their involvement were chosen due to their Chapter 6 lanties to CPA different ion In the 1 following chapters an overview is given coding for spastin Introduction over both the channel genes and the gene Ion channels 1.3.1 Inherited movement and the molecular However, etiology seizure remains disorders are a major clinical burden of which undefined for the most part of the diseases studies have indicated that mutations recent channels in neuronal major contributors to these conditions are gated ion Jan, 1999, McNamara, 1999) Ion channels are voltage- (Cooper and membranous structures formed contain aqueous central pores (Celesia, 2001) by aggregated proteins and They either produce action po¬ graded potentials, the basis for communication among neurons The channel specific properties are summarized by Siegelbaum and Koester (2000) as follows (1) they conduct ions, (2) they recognize and select among specific and (3) they open and close in response to specific electrical, mechanical ions, These changes generate either 'all or none' action poten¬ or chemical signals tials or graded potentials causing an increase or decrease in cell membrane polarization The resting membrane potential as well as the activation of the membrane potential depends on a variety of ion channels and other membrane tentials or transporters The expression of the channel proteins can be observed in the system (Koester, 2000) as well as in the neuromuscular junction and in the muscle membrane (Aidley and Stanfield, 1996), and also in external and internal membranes of almost all cells (Lehmann-Horn and Jurkat-Rott, 1999) cell soma, dendrites, axons and at the synapses of the nervous In cell membranes, three types of channels can be classified non-gated, di¬ rectly gated and second messenger gated channels In comparison to non-gated channels, which open or close in relation to simple ion concentration gradients, the gated channels require a 'key' to open the gate of the channel Among the important directly gated channels are voltage-gated (Na+, K+, Ca2+, Cl~) and hgand-gated (ACh, glutamate, GABA, glycine) channels (Celesia, 2001) Ligand-gated channels mediate local increases in ion conductance at chemical thereby depolarize or hyperpolanze the subsynaptic area of the In contrast, voltage-sensitive ion channels mediate rapid, voltage-gated cell changes in ion permeability during action potentials in excitable cells and also modulate membrane potentials and ion permeability in many mexcitable cells synapses and (Catterall, 1988) The channels brane and has a 1999) units are are macromolecular protein complexes within the lipid divided into distinct protein units called subunits by different genes (Hille and Catterall, principal subunit and 3-4 auxiliary subal, 1997, Hille and Catterall, 1999) The principal subunit specific function and is encoded Most of the channels contain (Fontaine et mem¬ Each subunit a Candidate genes 1.3. 7 a subunit which is capable of carrying out channels, while the auxiliary subunits, according to Hille and Catterall (1999) 'improve expression and modulate physiological proper¬ ties'. Furthermore, there are several isoforms of each protein subunit and each in the voltage-gated channels is the the functions of the isoform is encoded channel subunits In neuronal by are another gene. Until (Hille known signaling, and channels have today, more than Catterall, 1999). a 50 genes encoding fundamental role. Gene mutation can produce aberration in channel given function. Thus, channel dysfunction may result in a variety of neurological disorders that span from myopathy to epilepsy (Celesia, 2001). Disorders of channel function are called channelopathies (Ashcroft, 2000; Lehmann-Horn and Jurkat-Rott, 1999). easily alter the structure of Here, each ion we will channel, They ter from a short introduction about the function and structure of its genes and the known Voltage-gated Ca2+ ions play tions. give a channel and channelopathies. calcium channels regulation of a variety of cellular func¬ contraction, trigger the release of neurotransmit¬ terminals and of hormones from secretory cells, regulate gene the cell cycle, and mediate cell death (Ashcroft, 2000). The an important role in the initiate muscle nerve expression and intracellular Ca2+ concentration ([COg+]) is much lower than that of outside the cell. A transient rise in internal Ca2+ acts as a second messenger receptor activation to many cellular processes. This increase in diated coupling [Ca2+] by voltage-gated Ca2+ channels that regulate Ca2+ influx is across me¬ the plasma membrane. Voltage-dependent Ca2+ channels (VDCCs) are heteromeric complexes plasma membrane of almost all cell types (Walker and De Waard, 1998). Distinguished by their sensitivity to pharmacological blockers, singlechannel conductance, kinetics and voltage dependence they have been classified as L-, N-, T-, P/Q- and R- types (Perez-Reyes and Schneider, 1994; Ashcroft, 2000; Catterall, 2000a). found in the Associated a VDCC is illustrated in Figure 1.2. pore-forming ct\ subunit are the membrane anchored, largely extra¬ cellular (X2-Ö subunit, the cytoplasmatic ß subunit and sometimes a transmem¬ brane 7 subunit (Isom et al, 1994). The a\ subunit is functionally the most important as it acts as the channel pore, the voltage sensor, and the receptor for many drugs. The other subunits have auxiliary roles: when co-expressed with the «i subunit they enhance the current magnitude and alter its kinetic properties (Ashcroft, 2000). Channel kinetics are modulated by the several functional domains of the N- and C-terminal portions of the a.\ and ß subunits (Walker et al, 1999). Walker et al (1998) proposed that the C-terminus of the The subunit structure of with the Chapter Ca w 1 1 1 w rssn^ ! 8 J ! ^ i oc-i Introduction 2+ w Y 1. oc2 -r-T 1111 m membra ne / / é) ß Subunit structure of Ca2+ channel, modified from Figure 1.2: (1994). The arrangement and biochemical properties a of probable N-linked glycosylation; P, protein phosphorylation; -S-S-, mter-subunit disulfide trated. ^, site of Isom et al. the subunits site are illus¬ of cAMI'-dependent bond. ßi subunit interacts directly with the C-terminus of the cï\a subunit (Fig 1.3) and is required for a proper regulation of channel inactivation. eight genes are known, four genes ß subunits ß\-ß\ (Lehmann-Horn and JurkatRott, 1999). The amino acid sequences of the four mammalian ß subunits differ by approximately 20%. Expression of ß\ is predominant in muscle, ßi is the major subunit of the heart, while ß$ and ß± are mainly expressed in brain, with high concentration of ß± in the cerebellum (Castellano and Perez-Reyes, 1994). While for the major a.\ subunit at least have been identified that encode Calcium channelopathies Mutations in the a, ß and 7 calcium channel subunits have been associated example, mutations in the «1^4 subunit of the voltage-gated Ca2+ channel cause three human diseases: spinocerebellar ataxia type-6 (Zhuchenko et al, 1997), episodic ataxia type-2 and familial hémiplégie migraine (Ophoff et al, 1996). with different diseases. In the mouse and For human, two diseases were associated with mutations in ßi subunit (CACNB4): an autosomal recessive neurological disorder in the mouse mutant lethargic (Burgess et al, 1997) and idiopathic generalized epilepsy and episodic ataxia in human (Escayg et al, 2000a). CACNB4 is mapped to human and mouse chromosome 2 (Chin et al, 1995; Taviaux et al, the Candidate genes 1.3. 9 COOH of mutations in CACNB4- In the mouse Ih mutant, the of the a.\ binding site. In human, the mutation R482X causes a protein truncated in the middle of a domain that interacts with the C-termmus of the a.\ subunit. Figure 1.3: Locations protein is truncated upstream 1997; Escayg et al, 1998). lethargic (Ih) exhibits ataxia, episodic dyskinesia, and generalized epilepsy. Burgess et al (1997) identified a four base pair insertion into a splice donor site within the CACNB4 gene. The mutation results in aberrant pre-mRNA splicing and translational frameshift and is predicted to encode a severely truncated ß\ protein missing 60% of the C-terminus rela¬ tive to wild type, including the essential ct\-ß interaction domain (Fig. 1.3). ß subunits expressed with deletions of this domain are unable to modulate Thus, the absence of «i subunit function in vitro (De Waard et al, 1994). detectable wild-type transcripts by RT-PCR of lethargic brain RNA suggests that the mutation represents a null allele of the CACNB4 gene. McEnery et al (1998) demonstrated that neither full-length nor truncated ß± protein is expressed in Ih/lh mice using /^-specific antibodies. The mutant mouse Escayg et al (2000a) identified a premature-termination mutation R482X CACNB4 gene in a patient with juvenile myoclonic epilepsy. The R482X protein lacks the 38 C-terminal amino acids containing part of an interaction in the domain for the a\ subunit (Fig. 1.3). truncated Xenopus laevis oocytes demonstrated crease protein R482X in The results of functional tests of the a small de¬ in the fast time constant for inactivation of the cotransfected a.\ subunit. Additionally, with generalized epilepsy and praxis-induced family with episodic ataxia, a missense mu¬ tation C104F was found (Escayg et al, 2000a). This mutation does not alter channel kinetics, but the replacement of cysteine with a large hydrophobic seizures and in a a German family French Canadian Chapter 10 1. Introduction Na+ w w \|/\|/ rs sn w i i i a ß2 ßl Figure 1.4: mpmhranp Subunit structure of a Na+ channel. The arrangement and bio¬ site of probable N-linked glycosylation; P, site of c AMP-dependent protein phosphorylation; -S-S-, mter-subunit disulfide bond. The drawing is modified from Isom et al. (1994). chemical property phenylalanine of the subunit illustrated. is ^, residue in the C104F mutation could of this domain. Walker and De Waard disrupt the conformation (1998) reported that the evolutionary phenylalanine residue is thought to be involved in interaction with proteins. Such interactions could be important to channel clustering or conserved other targeting without affecting the channel gating. Voltage-gated Na+ channelopathies Voltage-gated Na+ channels are responsible for the Na+ current that underlies the rapid upstroke of the action potential in nerve and muscle fibers. Membrane depolarization of excitable cells causes sodium channel activation in a positivefeedback mechanism field. The resulting ciated with further along both the concentration gradient and the electric increase in sodium conductance of the membrane is depolarization and The channels' intrinsic inactivation repolarization of the membrane asso¬ activation of further sodium channels. occurs within a few milliseconds and leads in the absence of any voltage-gated potential, the cell membrane is inexcitable for a short period of time. The duration of this period of time is regulated by the kinetics of recovery of the channels from inactivation and is the limiting factor for the firing rate of the cells (Lehmann-Horn and Jurkat-Rott, 1999). to potassium channel. After an even action Brain Na+ channels have two unrelated and auxiliary subunits designated ß\ ßi, while the skeletal muscle Na+ has only a single ß subunit (Catterall, Candidate genes 1.3. 11 outside COOH Figure 1.5: Putative membrane topology of a KCNJ channel. The locations of identified Andersen syndrome mutations in Kir2.1 are identified by dots. 2000b). Morgan et al (2000) identified an additional subunit, /53, which is most ß\. closely pore-forming ß subunits (Fig. 1.4) is sufficient for functional expression, but the kinetics and voltage dependence of channel gating are modified by the ß subunits (Goldin et al, 2000). related to Until The a eleven different genes today, in the humane genome that subunit which is associated with the (SCN1A-SCN11A) known to encode have been identified subunits of voltage-gated al, 2000). A cluster of genes on human chromosome 2q21-q24 encodes the following three neuronal voltage-gated sodium channel a subunits: SCN1A, SCN2A and SCN3A (Plummer and Meisler, 1999). sodium channels Generalized (Goldin epilepsy are a et with febrile seizures tosomal dominant disorder characterized plus type 2 (GEFS+2) is an au¬ variable phenotype combining febrile seizures, afebrile generalized seizures (tonic-clonic, absence, myoclonic or atonic) and partial seizures (Scheffer and Berkovic, 1997). GEFS+2 has been mapped to human chromosome 2q21-q33 (Baulac et al, 1999; Moulard et al, 1999). order Mutations in the SCN1A gene by Escayg et al (2000b), Escayg The mutations are located in channel, which are known to have It was suggested highly a by were a described in families with this dis¬ at al (2001), and Wallace et al (2001). conserved transmembrane segments of the role in channel gating (Wallace et al, 2001). that these mutations may reduce the rate of inactivation of SCN1A and therefore result in a more depolarized membrane potential and hyperexcitability. Inwardly rectifying potassium channelopathies Inwardly rectifying potassium channels (Kir) are important in maintaining the resting potential and in controlling the excitability of a cell by allowing K+ influx with little K+ outflux through a nonvoltage-gated mechanism (Kubo et Chapter 12 al, 1993; As Ho et shown 1. Introduction al, 1993). in Fig. 1.5 membrane domains linked Kir by channels a possess only two putative loop which dips back down into the trans¬ mem¬ (Ashcroft, 2000). Until today, 15 (http://bioinfo.weizmann.ac.il/cards- brane to line the outer part of the pore (KCNJ) are known bin/cardsearch.pl?search=-S_*kcnj*). The KCNJ3 gene, encoding Kir3.1, is located on human chromosome 2q24 (Stoffel et al, 1994). It is expressed in cardiac atrial myocytes as well as various neuronal cell types (Schoots et al, 1997). Kir channel genes (2001) Plaster et al. identified nine different mutations in the KCNJ2 gene in syndrome. Andersen syndrome (AS) by periodic paralysis, cardiac arrhythmias, and dysmorphic features. Expression of two of these mutations in Xenopus oocytes revealed loss of function and a dominant-negative effect in Kir2.1 current as assayed by voltage-clamp. Therefore, they concluded, that AS is caused by mutations in Kir2.1. Moreover, the findings suggest that Kir2.1 plays an im¬ portant role in developmental signaling in addition to its function in controlling different families is a rare cell suffering from Andersen disorder characterized excitability in skeletal muscle and heart. Cholinergic receptor diseases acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) are ligand-gated ion channels change in conductance is regulated by its binding to the neurotransmitter acetylcholine (ACh). They are expressed in both muscle and nerve and play a key role in fast synaptic transmission both at neuronal-neuronal synapses within the nervous system and at the neuromuscular junction (Ashcroft, 2000). In contrast to voltage-gated channels that are allowing either Na+ or K+ influx, the AChR as it opens becomes permeable to Na+, K+ and Ca2+ (Hille and Catterall, 1999). The nicotinic whose The nAChR is ring around a central comprises 2ct\, ß\, e, ö (Fig. 1.6). subunits, while that of embryonic and denervated muscle is composed of 2cti, ßi, 7, ö (Mishina et al, 1986). The ACh-binding pocket is found in the extra¬ a pentamer of subunits arranged in cellular domains at the interface between 2000). a (Ashcroft, (cholinergic re¬ and the other subunits a (1989, 1990) assigned polypeptide 1) to human Beeson et al ceptor, nicotinic, a The adult muscle nAChR channel ion pore the CHRNAl gene chromosome 2q24-q32. Myasthenia gravis is an autoimmune disorder in which the body creates antibodies against its own nicotinic AChRs (Vincent, 1980). The disease is characterized by muscular weakness and fatigability. The symptoms tend to fluctuate throughout the day and under different environmental and physiolog¬ ical conditions (see also chapter 1.1.2). Autosomal dominant nocturnal frontal lobe epilepsy is a syndrome where 1.3. Candidate genes B outside inside Figure 1.6: (2000). (A) topology of the nAChR channel. Modified from Ashcroft topology of a single nAChR. (B) Subunit pentamer: m the 7 subunit is replaced by an e subunit. Putative Membrane adult skeletal muscle motor seizures with tonic or hyperkinetic (CHRNA4) was occur exclusively at night. A acetylcholine receptor 0:4 subunit (Steinlein et al, 1995). features missense mutation in the neuronal nicotinic associated with this disease Spastin 1.3.2 Spastin is a member of the AAA activities) protein family and is gene (Hazan et al, 1999). The the presence of homology one or more (ATPases encoded by members of this highly as molecular spastic paraplegia family are 4 (SPG4) characterized by conserved AAA motifs that contain Walker- domains and harbor the ATPase considered to act associated with diverse cellular the chaperones activity. The AAA ATPases are assembly, function, and disas¬ in the sembly of protein complexes and play essential roles in a wide variety of cellular activities, including protein degradation, vesicle-mediated protein transport, cell-cycle regulation, organelle biogenesis, and gene expression (Patel and Latterich, 1998). The SPG4 gene, which maps to human chromosome 2p21-p22 (Hazan et al, 1994; Hentati et al, 1994), has been shown to account for ~40% of all autosomal hereditary spastic paraplegia (AD-HSP) (Casari and Rugarli, 2001). group of neurodegenerative disorders characterized by progressive and bilateral spasticity of the lower limbs. Age of onset is generally between 10 and 40 years. HSPs are classified according to their symptoms and mode of inheritance into 'pure' and 'complicated' forms (Werderlin, 1986). In pure HSP spasticity occurs in isolation, while for the complicated form additional features dominant HSPs are a Chapter 14 Introduction 1. such as mental retardation, dementia, epilepsy, ataxia, ichthyosis, deafness, and optic atrophy are known. The pure AD-HSP is the most common form of the disease, however autosomal recessive (AR-HSP) and X-linked (X-HSP) forms of transmission are also known. Neuropathological analyses indicate that HSP is characterized by axonal de¬ generation involving the more distal portions of the longest motor and sensory axon of the central nervous system (McDermott et al, 2000). published reporting the spectrum of SPG4 muta¬ et al, 2000; Lindsey et al, 2000; Santorelh et al, 2000; White et al, 2000; Hentati et al, 2000; Burger et al, 2000). Missense, nonsense, and splice-site point mutations as well as deletions or insertions have been observed in the spastin gene, and almost all seem to affect the AAA Several papers have been tions in HSP patients (Fonknechten motif-encoding region Until recently, of the gene. the cellular pathways in which spastin operates and its role causing degeneration of motor axons were unknown. Now, Errico et al (2002) suggested that spastin interacts dynamically with microtubules and that this association is regulated through the ATPase activity of the AAA domain. Microtubules are highly dynamic polymers of a- and /3-tubulin subunits. Errico in et al (2002) the AAA further showed that all the domain, previously identified to microtubules and lead to a spastin missense mutations located in HSP redistribution of the microtubule Therefore, they suggested that HSP due to SPG4 mutations an impairment of microtubule dynamics in long axons. 1.4 Objectives Besides providing study aims of this a of this the to describe the CPA disease • to more analysis of the by clinical and genome, the pathological examinations, linkage between CPA and matings of the type SW1066194 confirm informative porcine following: • statistically cytoskeleton. depend on may study contribution to the were in patients, bind constitutively SW1066 x by producing SW1066194, analyze all available microsatellites located close to SW1066 to strengthen the location of CPA on SSC3ql-q2 and to narrow the region harboring the disease locus, • to • to find and analyze candidate genes for CPA by comparative mapping, and • if the gene a pure causing the disease has not been characterized positional cloning approach will be initiated. in any species Chapter 2 Methods 2.1 Animals and Breeding 2.1.1 The disease samples studies pigs, derived from two dams and sire, Large origin (family 1, matings 1 and 2, Table 3.4). The dams were cousins and not related to the sire, referring to the last two gener¬ ations. From these two litters two males and five females, all phenotypically normal animals were mated to each other and produced 167 progeny. Of the 167 descendants, 35 animals showed ataxia and paresis syndromes. The ani¬ mals were bred and kept at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the University of Zürich under supervision of Dr. E. Bürgi. was first observed in two litters of all of one White Additionally, ilies which Altogether, while 156 2.1.2 the of the disease occurrence was confirmed in five other fam¬ originate from different farms (families 2-6, Table 3.4). pigs 206 animals were Tissue were examined: 50 showed the typical signs of CPA, healthy. samples (Table 3.4), cm was taken from every piglet days after birth. Affected piglets were euthanized, when their condition progressively worsened. Portions of the brain, specifically of cerebrum and cerebellum were collected, as well as portions of M. quadriceps femoris, M. triceps brachii and M. biceps brachii. Samples were taken also from healthy control animals. The tissues were frozen in liquid nitrogen and stored at 80°C until RNA isolation was performed. In family 1 for microsateUite a analysis tail of 0.5 biopsy within three — 15 Chapter 16 Blood 2.1.3 Blood samples crosateUite Methods samples were taken from animals of families 2-6 From the Vena analysis. containing vacutainer a 2. jugularis (Table 3.4) 10.0 ml of blood was for mi¬ taken with EDTA and stored at —20°C until DNA extraction. Clinical examinations 2.2 Clinical, neurophysiological, biochemical, macological observations 2.2.1 and phar¬ observations, all affected and unaffected piglets from matings 3-12 (Table 3.4) were examined in the stable under supervision of Dr. E. Bürgi, Department of Veterinary Internal Medicine, University of Zurich. The devel¬ opment and phenomenology of the movement disorder was videotaped. For clinical The neurophysiological studies were performed at the Institute of Animal Neurology, University of Bern, under supervision of Dr. S. Cizinauskas. Two affected and one healthy piglet were examined. The NeuroScreen Plus system (TOENNIES) was used for electromyography (EMG) and motor nerve con¬ duction studies (NCS), for electroencephalography (EEG) the Medelec Profile Multimedia EEG (Oxford) was applied. For EMG, the animals were positioned in lateral right ined: M. recumbency. supraspinatus, M. The following muscles of the left side were exam¬ infraspinatus, M. triceps brachii, M. biceps brachii, carpi radialis, M. extensor digitalis longus, M. flexor carpi radi¬ alis, M. flexor digitalis longus, M. glutaeus, M. quadriceps femoris, M. biceps femoris, M. semitendinosus, M. semimembranosus, M. gastrocnemius and M. tibialis cranialis. NCS were performed of the left peroneal nerve. For EEG, five subdermal recording needle electrodes were placed over the scalp. M. extensor Hematology and blood chemistry parameters were determined by the Unit Laboratory Diagnostics, Department for Farm Animals, University of Zurich. Blood was drawn from the jugular vein from 13 affected and 6 unaffected piglets both at rest and after physical exercise, i.e., animation of the animals to get up and walk around if possible. of In the pharmacological studies, Neostigmin, an anitcholinesterase agent and Ethosuximide, an anticonvulsant, were evaluated. Neostigmin (Konstigmin®, Chassot AG) is used for diagnosis and symptomatic treatment of myasthenia gravis. In three newborn affected piglets 1.0 ml Konstigmin® was injected subcutaneously. Ethosuximide (Suxinutin®, Parke-Davis) is a calcium current blocker and has been indicated by calcium channel involvement in human pa¬ tients with epilepsy (Escayg et al, 1998; CapoviUa et al, 1999). A daily dose of 15 mg/kg for one week and 20 mg/kg for another week was administered 2.3. Primers parenterally 17 in one affected treated. The animals the animals follows. as were were piglet, while another affected derived from the same observed for at least 30 min and After 10 min, the piglets were piglet remained un¬ drug application, litter. After drug effects were evaluated stimulated to get up and move in order to judge the effect of treatment on locomotion. Skeletal muscle tone was judged by palpation during recumbency and standing. All behavioral alter¬ ations observed after drug treatment were noted. The time interval between two drug applications was at least 24 h. Neuropathology 2.2.2 Histological examination were performed at the Institute of Veterinary Pathol¬ University of Zurich, under supervision of Dr. P. Ossent. All affected piglets were euthanized. The brain, spinal cord, parts of M. biceps brachii, M. triceps brachii and M. quadriceps femoris as well as N. radialis and N. ischiadicus were fixed in 10 % formalin and processed for paraffin embedding. Sections of cerebellum, midbrain, pons, medulla, parietal cerebrum, muscles and nerves ogy, stained with haematoxylin and staining, respectively. were (HE) and Luxol Fast Blue for primers used in this study are shown in Table 2.1. The forward each microsateUite is labeled at its 5'-end with marker FAM * = myelin Primers 2.3 All eosin cross (blue), JOE (green), HEX (yellow) one or primer of of the four fluorochrome TAMRA (yellow). species primer (human) Table 2.1: Sequence information of the primers used Name in this Sequence 5'—> 3' study. Remarks Microsatellites SW1066-Y -GCAGGATGAACCACCCTG- SW1066-R -CTCTTGAGGCAACCTGCTG- S0216-F -TCCACCACTGCCAGTCACTT- S0216-R -CTGGGCTTTGAACCCACA- SW2618 -F -GCTTTTTCCTGTAGTCACTAGATTG- SW2618 -R -ATGTTCTCAAAGACTCTGACAAACC- fluorochrome marker JOE1 FAM1 HEX1 Chapter 18 Table 2.1: Remarks JOE1 SW902 -F -ATCAGTTGGAAATGATGGCC- SW902 -R -CTTGCCTCAAAGAGTTGTAAGG- S0094 S0094 -F -AGTTCTCAGGGAGTTCCCTCATGC- -R -CGAGCTCGCCTATCTATCAATTCC- SW460 SW460 -F -ATTGCACACCTATCTCTATGCG- -R -AATCTCCATGTGCCGCAG- GACT-F -CATCTTCCTCTTCCCTTCCC- GACT-R -TGTGGACTCAAGGCTGTAAGC- Anchored TAMRA1 JOE1 JOE1 transcription primer reverse T(17)VX-R Methods (continued) Sequence 5'—> 3' Name 2. -T(17)VX- V=A/C/G X=A/C/G/T Calcium channel ß± CACNB4.1 CACNB4.1 -F -TGAAAGAATCTTTGAGTTGGCG- -R -AACAATAATTGGTGCTAAGGAG- CACNB4.2 CACNB4.2 -F -GATGAAAACCAGCTGGAGGATGAG- -R -AGCCCAAATTCCTTCCCAGCAGC- CACNB4.3 CACNB4.3 -F -GCATCTCTGCATACTGTGTCCCG- -R -GTTCAATTGGTGAGTTCTCTGTGG- CACNB4.4 CACNB4.4 -F -CAGCGAATGAGGCACAGCAACC-2 -R -GTAAGTGTCCTGGTATGAGTCAG- 2 CACNB4.5 -F CACNB4.5-R -CGGAGGAGCAGGTTGAAAAGATCC-2 (rat) -GTTTGGGCAGCCTCAAAGCCTATGTCG-2 (rat) CA CNB4.6 -F -CCTCCTTACGATGTTGTACCGTC-2 CA CNB4.6 -R -TCTGCATCAAGAACAACCAGTTGC- CA CNB4.7 -F - CA CNB4.7 -R - ATTTGGGCTCC ACGGC ACTCTC- 2 2 AG AGGGTA ATG ATCTCGGCTATGC- 2 Calcium channel ß4 SP1 -TGTCCCAGATACCATTTCTCCAAG-2 2 cross - RACE species primer (human) 2.3. Primers 19 Table 2.1: (continued) Sequence 5'- Name SP2 -AAAGGAGATAGCTGTGCTTGGAACAGG- SPS -TGCTTGCTGTTCTCTCTCCTGTCG-2 Cholinergic receptor ol\ CHRNAl. 1 -F -AAGCGACCAGCCAGACCTGAGC-2 CHRNAl. 1 -R -GAAGGAGAAGAGCAGGCAGGGG-2 PAC primer T7 -TAATACGACTCACTATAGGG- SP6 -CGATTTAGGTGACACTATAG- F150093-T7-F -TGTTCCTTGCAGGCAAAAGC- F150093-T7-R -TTTTGAATGCAGTTCCCTCC- F150093-SP6 -F -GTATACCGATAGACCGACTATGGG- F150093-SP6 -R -CAGCAGCTAGGGATCACTGAATGG- A78G1-T7-F -TTGATACCCCTGCAGTACTGAGC- A78G1-T7-R -TTGCCTGCTGCCTACATGGCCC- A78G1-SP6-Y -CCAGGAGGGAGGATGGACTCGT- A78G1-SP6-R -CTGCACCTGGAGATCCAGGAGG- A276A1-T7-F -TGACCCCTAGTCTAGGAACTTCC- A276A1-T7-R -AGTTTCAGAATCCCTTAACCCCCC- A276A1-SP6 -F -CCATTGCTTTAAGAAGGATGAATCC- A276A1-SP6 -R -TGTCCATCCAGTCAACCATCTACC- A340D12-T7 -F A340D12-T7 -R -GAGACACGGATTGACATACGGGG- A340D12-SP6 A340D12-SP6 -F -AACAAACACACTAAGTATAAACACCC- -R -ACCCCTGTATGTGTGCTTATTAGC- -AAGTGACCCTATAAGTGGAAATAGG- D60036-T7-F -AAAAATCTGTGCGAAGTCTTCCC- D60036-T7-R -GAGGGTTTCCTAATGGTTCACCC- D60036-SP6 -F -GATCCTGGGAGGAATCTGGGC- D60036-SP6 -R -AACTGAGGCTCAAGGAGTGGC- Potassium channel J3 KCNJ3.1 -F -CACTCCGAAGGAAATTTGGGGACG-2 KCNJ3.1 -R -TTGATGAACATGCAGCCGATGAGG-2 Remarks Chapter 20 Table 2.1: (continued) Sequence 5'- Name Methods 2. Remarks KCNJ3.2 -F -CTCTCGGACCTCTTCACCACC- KCNJ3.2 -R -TAGACATTGGCCACGCAGGGC- Sodium channel la SCN2A.1 -F -AAATTACAACCTCTGCTGGCTGGG-2 SCN2A.1 -R -ATGTACATGTTCACCACCACCAGG-2 SCN2A.2 -F -TCTGCTGGCTGGGATGGACTGC- SCN2A.2 -R -AAAATCCCAACAGATGGGTTCCCG- Spastin SPG4.1 SPG4.1 -F -TGCTGTGGCTCGAGAACTTCAGCC-2 -R -TACAAGCCCTGTGTCATCTCCAGC-2 SPG4.2 SPG4.2 -F -TGCTGTGGCTCGAGAACTTCAGCC-2 -R -AAAGGCCAAGCTATATGAGTCACC- SPG4.3 SPG4.3 -F -ACACACTAGTAATTCACTGCCTCG-2 -R -CTTATGAGTGGTAGGAGCAGGACC-2 SPG4-4 SPG4.4 -F -AACAGGCCTTCGAGTACATC- -R -TCTTCTACTCTTTGCTGTCTCTGG- SPG4.5 SPG4.5 -F -GCTTCGCGCTGCTGCGTTTGG- -R -CTTTCTCGTCCTCGTCGATGCG- SPG4.6 SPG4.6 -F -TGATATAGCTGGTCAAGAATTGGC- -R -GGCCTCAGAGAAGGAAGAATGAC- SPG4.7 SPG4.7 -F -TGCTACATTACATAGAACTTAGAG- -R -AACTTTTCTTCACTGCCACTATGG- 2.4 2.4.1 The tail DNA methods Isolation of biopsy was genomic biopsies immediately after collection to 0.5 ml of lysis agitation at 55°C overnight the tubes were centrifuged transferred buffer. After continuous DNA from tail DNA methods 2.4- 21 a firm pellet. The supernatant was then poured into prelatubes, each containing 0.5 ml isopropanol. The samples were mixed until precipitation was completed. The DNA was recovered by lifting the precipitate with a pipette, excess liquid was dabbed off and the DNA was dispersed in an Eppendorf tube containing 0.5 ml 10 mM TE, pH 8.0. for 10 min to obtain beled Isolation of 2.4.2 For of the hemolysis 35.0 ml of 10 mM leukocytes had was and incubated with 50.0 Proteinase K into a /A (20 mg/ml) color. at 50°C for 12-14 h. 4°C. fil 500.0 2.4.3 10 mM same The tube The DNA supernatant precipitate the DNA, washed mixed with was 250.0 ml 10% SDS and 50.0 ml (10 mg/ml), RNase milky suspension appeared. at prewarmed blood centrifugation at l'300g for 10 min at This step was repeated until the pellet of The pellet was resuspended in 5.0 ml TNE PLG tube and mixed with the a samples After removed. white/beige a 5.0 ml of erythrocytes, NaCl/EDTA. 4°C the supernatant DNA from blood genomic was The solution volume of centrifuged was at 4'000g until for 15 min 100% ethanol in 20.0 ml of poured two times in transferred was phenol/chloroform to 70% ethanol and resuspended in TE, pH 8.0. Isolation of PAC DNA B. Phage artificial chromosome (PAC) clones were obtained from Prof. DNA The extracted the was QiagenBrenig (Göttingen, Germany). using The protocol is based on tip 500 Plasmid Purification Kit (Qiagen®). modified alkaline lysis procedure, followed by binding of PAC DNA a to an anion-exchange resin under appropriate low-salt and pH condi¬ tions. RNA, proteins, dyes and low-molecular-weight impurities are re¬ moved by buffer and The a medium-salt then isolation was wash. concentrated and PAC DNA eluted high-salt by isopropanol precipitation. the manual provided with the is in a desalted performed according to (http://www.qiagen.com/literature/handbooks/plk/VeryLowCopyPlasmid Cosmid.pdf). Nevertheless, before centrifugation the cells were divided into kit two 250 ml tubes instead of sion. centrifuging the whole 500.0 ml of cell 100.0 /xl was resuspended in 70.0 After precipitation the DNA Tris-HCl, pH 2.4.4 - suspen¬ 10 mM 8.5. Isolation of A-phage DNA A-phage DNA was obtained with a pig cDNA brain library from Prof. B. Brenig. The DNA was extracted using the Stratagene Lambda DNA Purifica¬ tion Kit (Stratagene®). The procedure uses diethylaminoethyl (DEAE) resin Chapter 22 2. Methods contaminating polyanions prior to phage particle disruption. The lysed with ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) and pronase and the lambda DNA was then selectively precipitated with the cationic de¬ to remove phages were (CTAB). Following an exchange re¬ chloride, the highly purified A-DNA was precipitated with ethanol. The isolation was performed with plate lysate according to the manual provided with the kit (http://www.stratagene.com/manuals/200391.pdf). tergent cetyltrimethylammonium bromide action with sodium 2.4.5 Quantification of DNA DNA concentration was determined with a spectrophotometer measuring the optical density (OD) at a wavelength of 260 nm and 280 nm. An OD26o of 1 corresponds to 50 /xg/ml of double stranded DNA (Sambrook et al, 1989). The OD260 and OD280 of the diluted DNA sample (2.5 /A DNA, diluted 1:200) was measured. Pure DNA has The DNA concentration DNA concentration was (/xg/ml) a ratio of calculated = OD26o/OD28o as measured of approximately 1.8. follows: OD26o x x 1 dilution factor OD26o or very small sample volumes, DNA concentration using the ethidium bromide (EtBr) plate assay. Diluted A-DNA standards (5, 10, 25, 50, 75 and 100 ng//d) and the unknown samples were spotted on the surface of an EtBr plate. The brightness of the spots of the unknown samples and the diluted A-DNA were compared using an UV-light With diluted solutions was estimated box and the DNA concentration 2.4.6 was estimated. Polymerase chain reaction Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was performed in a final reaction volume of 25.0 iA. The reaction medium consisted of 10 200 ng DNA, lx PCR buffer, 200 /xM dNTP's, 0.4 /xM upstream and downstream primers and a variable amount of DNA polymerase, as indicated in the respective product descriptions. After a denaturation step of 95°C for 5 min, the PCR was performed in 25 40 cycles with denaturation at 95°C for 30 45 sec, annealing at the primer specific - - - temperature followed 2.4.7 by a (56 — final 66°C) for 30 - 45 elongation step sec and elongation at 72°C for 30 - 90 sec at 72°C for 7 min. Restriction enzyme digestion Digestion was carried out according to the suppliers recommendations. For the digestion of 1 ßg of DNA 10 U of the respective enzyme were used. The volume of the enzyme should not exceed more than 10% of the total reaction volume. DNA methods 2.4- Gel 2.4.8 23 electrophoresis of DNA According to the expected size of the DNA fragments, gels were poured con¬ taining between 0.8% (w/v) agarose in 0.5x TBE for genomic DNA or A-DNA and 1.5 2% (w/v) for PCR fragments. Staining was performed in ddH20 - containing 0.4 /xg/ml UV-light box. EtBr for 20 min. The DNA could be detected mapping of the porcine CHRNAl used. For this gel SYBRGold® (1:10'000) For 2.4.9 gene, was a used DNA extraction from agarose Fragments were cut from the gel and extracted Spreadex as ® using EL 600 gel staining solution. an was gel using the Qiagen II Gel Extrac¬ Qiagen® (http://www.qiagen.com/literature/handbooks/qexII/ qiaexII_agarose.pdf). Purification of DNA fragments with the QIAEXII system tion Kit from on solubilization of agarose and selective adsorption of nucleic acids QIAEX II silica-gel particles in the presence of chaotropic salt. DNA was quantified using the ethidium bromide plate assay. is based onto Genescan 2.4.10 To map the CPA analysis SW2618, S0094, SW902, SW1066, PCR amplified and their size was analyzed SW460, GACT, using the ABI PRISM 377 DNA Sequencer, the GeneScan and Genotyper software. The forward primer of each microsateUite was labeled with either phenotype, microsatellites and S0216 were FAM (blue), dye. The color red Standard (green), HEX (yellow) or TAMRA (yellow) color fluorescent (ROX) was reserved for the GeneScan Internal Lane Size 350-P (GS ROX). This size standard is used for precise size calling. JOE Sequencer automatically analyses DNA molecules labeled with multiple dyes. After samples are loaded onto the system's vertical gel, they undergo electrophoresis, laser detection, and computer analysis. The fluorescent 2.4.11 Sequencing Automated sequencing was carried out according to the manual supplied with sequencing kit. A total of 1.0 fig of A-DNA (1.5-2.5 fig of PACDNA) was added to 4.0 fi\ (8.0 fil) of Big Dye Mix, 10 pmoles (30 pmoles) of primer in an 10.0 fA (11.0 /A) reaction volume. After a 3 min denaturation step at 95°C, templates were subjected to 35 (99) cycles of 30 sec at 95°C, 20 sec at 55°C, and 4 min at 60°C. The amount of target DNA in ng derived from PCR products was determined by calculating for every 100 bp of fragment length 5 ng of template. the ABI PRISM Chapter 24 Methods 2. Sequence analysis 2.4.12 A systematic search of homologous sequences was performed by using the pro¬ gram BLAST 2.0 (Altschul et al, 1997) for screening the NCBI nucleotide database (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov). cessed with the GCG sequence Gene 2.4.13 For the The sequences were analysis package (Devereux mapping by using et somatic cell further pro¬ al, 1984). hybrids mapping of the porcine sodium channel a subunit type II (SCN2A) gene, porcine potassium channel subfamily J, member 3 (KCNJ3) gene, the nico¬ cholinergic receptor a\ (CHRNAl) gene, and the spastin SPG4 gene as the sequence tagged sites (STSs) obtained from the PAC library, the INRA somatic cell hybrid panel, containing 27 pig x rodent cell hybrids was used (Yerle et al, 1996). For the candidate genes, porcine specific or The gene specific annealing cross species primers in exons were designed. tinic as well temperatures, the fragment length and the GenBank Accession numbers are performed on genomic DNA ex¬ As a positive con¬ tracted from each of the 27 hybrid cells of the panel. trol, genomic DNA from porcine spleen cells was used. Genomic DNA from mouse and Chinese hamster parental cells were used as negative controls. The amplified products were separated on a 2% agarose gel and stained with shown in Table 2.2. ethidium bromide. PCR reactions PCR results were evaluated were using the interpreting web http://www.toulouse.inra.fr/lgc/pig/hybrid.htm al, 1997). page at INRA (Chevalet et mapping of the porcine SCN2A gene, the primer pair SCN2A.1, which amplifies a 190 bp fragment corresponding to nucleotides 23 to 212 of human For SCN2A (GenBank mouse To map the a Accession M55662) screening. As with pig, hamster, bp detected, each fragment fragment was purified from the gel, sequenced and new pig specific primers for SCN2A (SCN2A.2) were designed. and DNA porcine KCNJ3 fragment corresponding was used for of 190 a gene, was primer pair KCNJ3.1 was used to amplify to nucleotides 1368 to 1909 of the human sequence (GenBank Accession U39196). A fragment of 541 bp was obtained with pig, hamster, and mouse DNA. After sequencing of these fragments, pig specific primers (primer pair KCNJ3.2) were derived. Primer pair CHRNAl.1 amplified corresponding Accession For a 199 bp fragment only with pig DNA to nucleotides 591 to 789 of the human CHRNAl gene (GenBank S77094). mapping of the porcine SPG4 gene, primer pair SPG4-1 was designed primer in exon 10 and the reverse primer in exon 12 according with the forward to the human sequence (GenBank Accession AJ246001). A fragment of ~1'200 DNA methods 2.4- Table 25 Primer pairs, 2.2: GenBank Accession of annealing temperature T„(°C), fragment size and for mapping with the somatic cell hybrid the genes used panel. Primer bp was SPG4-2) Ta(°C) size (bp) Ace. No SCN2A.1 60 190 M55662 SCN2A.2 62 125 AF540390 KCNJ3.1 58 541 U39196 KCNJ3.2 66 182 AF540391 CHRNAl 66 199 S77094 SPG4.1 64 ~1'200 AJ246003 SPG4.2 64 253 AF540392 obtained and was primer pair sequenced. Within the forward sequence, an intron reverse previous forward primer (primer pair 253 bp product, which amplified from only porcine genomic created and used with the to obtain a DNA. Fluorescence in situ 2.4.14 hybridization mapping of the porcine calcium channel ß\ subunit gene ( CA CNB/) with the hybrid panel was not possible, the fluorescence in situ hybridiza¬ A A-genomic DNA fragment carrying the tion (FISH) technique was used. was CACNB4 gene (chapter 2.4.15) subjected to FISH on porcine metaphases. As somatic cell Q-banded and photographed to define the chromosomes and chro¬ hybridization. The genomic probe was labeled with biotin-16-dUTP by random priming. Signal detection and amplification were performed using the complex avidin-FITC and biotinylated anti-avidin. The These were mosomal segments before chromosomes relative were positions counter-stained with of the signals were 4,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole, and the as described by Toldo et al. determined (1993). 2.4.15 For FISH, Library screening a porcine liver A-genomic library derived from was screened with the PCR product primer pair CACNB4-1. For the first screening in each of the 20 falcon tubes 50'000 pfu were incu- Chapter 26 2. Methods fi\ XLl-BLue MRA (OD600=0.5 in 10 mM MgS04) at 37°C Immediately, 7.0 ml of melted LB top agarose was added to the cell suspension and the mixture was poured onto a 150 mm LB agar plate. After incubation at 37°C for 7 h and chilling at 4°C for at least 1 h, the bated with 600.0 for 15 min. phages were transferred to a nylon immersed afterwards for 5 min in tion. After rinsing with membrane for 2 min. Each membrane denaturing 2x SSC the DNA at 80°C for 2 h. solution and was was solu¬ crosslinked to the membrane then prehybridized in a 150 hybridization solution (3.0 ml/membrane) at 50°C for 4 h. Meanwhile PCR products (25.0 ng) were randomly primed with [a—32P]dATP using the Prime-It II Random Primer Labeling Kit from Stratagene® (http://www.stratagene.com/manuals/300385.pdf). Hybridization was carried out with 2.0 ml hybridization solution per membrane for 20 h. The membranes were washed with 2x SSC, 1% SDS, starting from r.t. up to 65°C until the ratio signal to background was acceptable. X-ray films were exposed to the membranes at —80°C at least o/n until positive clones could be identified. The plaques which gave a positive signal were picked with the thicker end of For the a Pasteur pipette and transferred into 1.0 ml of lx A-dilution buffer. secondary screening 200 pfu and 20'000 pfu of each isolate were replated on 90 The positive clones were picked mm plates and screened as described above. from the agar plate with the thinner end of a Pasteur pipette and transferred into 1.0 ml of lx A- dilution buffer. For isolation of DNA 30'000 pfu were plated on a 90 mm plate as described above. After incubation at 37°C o/n the plates by baking mm petri were The membranes neutralizing were dish with overlayed The buffer with 3.0 ml of lx A-dilution buffer and incubated at r.t. for 4 h. was removed, 1/50 volume of chloroform was added, vortexed for for 10 min. After centrifugation the supernatant 1 min and incubated at r.t. was stored at 4°C. screening of the cDNA library, Y1090r~ cells instead of XLl-Blue MRA were plates, each containing 30'000 pfu, two replicate filters were which were hybridized with labeled fragments derived from primer prepared and CACNB4.4 (Table 2.1), respectively. After DNA purifica¬ pairs SPG4.3 For used. From 12 tion (chapter 2.4.4) restriction enzyme 2.4.16 isolated clones digestion and were characterized by means of sequencing, subcloning. Ligation Ligation of PCR products was performed with the pGEM(r)-T Easy Vector System (Promega) according to the supplier's manual. Vector DNA (25.0 ng) was incubated with 2x Rapid Ligation Buffer, 3 Weiss units of T4 DNA Ligase and the prepared insert (molar ratio insert:vector 3:1) at 4°C o/n. Addi¬ tionally, control DNA provided with the Kit was used to determine whether = the ligation was proceeding efficiently, while vectors without inserts were used DNA methods 2.4- 27 to determine the number of For blue colonies. Transformation 2.4.17 fi\ background transformation, the TOP10 One Shot of One Shot cells thawn mixed gently and incubated on on (Invitrogen) Kit was ice, 5.0 fi\ of ligation reaction After ice for 30 min. used. To 50.0 was heating at pipetted, 42°C for pre-warmed SOC medium was added and the vials were shaken at 37°C for 1 h at 225 rpm in a shaking incubator. From each vial, 20.0 /A and 200.0 fA were spread on agar plates containing the appropriate antibiotic and incubated at 37°C o/n. For blue-white selection, the agar plates 30 sec, 250.0 were fi\ of covered with 4 mg/ml plasmids appear white while the background as X-Gal before the lac-Z gene plating the cells. The recombinant expression is disturbed by the insert, colonies appear blue due to the from the lac-Z gene. The white colonies were /3-galactosidase expression picked and incubated in 5.0 o/n at 225 rpm in a shaking incubator. DNA was extracted using the NucleoSpin® Plasmid Kit (Macherey Nagel) according to the protocol (http : / /www. macherey-nagel. de). ml LB at 37°C Organization 2.4.18 The of the PAC library porcine Pl-derived artificial chromosome (PAC) library of Landrace consists of 90'240 clones with described pig by Al-Bayati (1999), a male German average insert size of 120 kb. As the PAC organized as follows: plates and 95 384-well microtiter plates. From each microtiter plate, DNA is pooled into ten plate pools (PP). Ten PPs are combined in one super pool (SP). Five SPs are pooled into one super/super pool (SSP). The identification of a positive PAC in a microtiter plate is done by screening 8-row and 12-column pools. The 90'240 clones 2.4.19 are Library screening were was library is stored in 560 96-well microtiter Screening the 13 SSPs et al an of the PAC library performed by PCR as described in chapter screened with microsateUite SW902 which showed 2.4.6. no First, recombi¬ nation with CPA. Then the five SPs to determine the round of comprising the positive SSP were screened positive PPs. Once the appropriate PP was identified, a final amplification of the intersection of the 8-row and 12-column appropriate row and column fied the correct clone. Genomic DNA of control. control. a on pools was performed. The plate identi¬ the microtiter Large White pig A PCR reaction mixture without any DNA was was used used as as a positive negative Chapter 28 Table 2.3: : Methods Components of the SSCP gel. Quantity (ml) Components Acrylamid 2. bisacrylamide (49:1) End concentration 8.75 10 % 3.5 10 % 3.5 1% 40% stock Glycerol (100%, water free) (10x) TBE H2Q fill to 35 ml Total volume 35 positive PAC clone The was isolated 79% 100% as described in of the 5' and 3' ends of the PACs done chapter DNA 2.4.3. described in chap¬ sequencing using the standard sequencing primers SP6 and T7 (Table 2.1). After obtaining approximately 500 bp of each end sequence, primers were designed for each end of the clone in order to amplify sequence tagged sites (STS). These PCR primers were used to rescreen the PAC library to find overlapping PAC clones. This strategy was repeated several times. The amplified STSs were screened for SNPs using the SSCP technique (chapter 2.4.20) and mapped us¬ ing the somatic cell hybrid panel (chapter 2.4.13). was as ter 2.4.11 2.4.20 Single ysis stranded conformation polymorphism anal¬ Single stranded conformation polymorphism (SSCP) analysis was performed to identify single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the sequence tagged sites (STSs) obtained from the PAC contig harboring microsateUite SW902. The amplified STSs were purified with spin columns (Millipore) and eluted in 10 mM Tris-HCl (pH 8.0). Before loading the samples on the SSCP gel, 5.0 fA of DNA were mixed with 8.0 fi\ of formamide and denatured at 95°C for 5 min. The gel was prepared according to the instructions in Table 2.3. The polymer¬ ization of the gel was initiated by adding 128.0 fA APS (10 % stock) and 32.0 fA TEMED. After 1 h the gel was fixed into the gel apparatus (DCode TM, Univer¬ sal Mutation Detection System) and the samples were loaded. Electrophoresis was performed in lx TBE buffer at 23 V/cm at 20°C for 8 h. Afterwards, the = gel was stained in 25.0 ml 1:10'000 diluted SYBRGold® solution. Pictures taken with a Polaroid apparatus exposure time with f-stop using at 5.6 and a a 667 black and white yellow filter. film, one were second RNA methods 2.5. 29 RNA methods 2.5 RNA extraction 2.5.1 Total RNA was isolated from 0.5 g of cerebellum, heart, muscle and fat tissue using the Qiagen RNeasy Maxi Kit (Qiagen®). This kit combines the selec¬ tive binding properties of a silica-gel-based membrane with the speed of spin technology. A specialized high-salt buffer system allows up to 6.0 mg of RNA longer than 200 bases to adsorb to the RNeasy silica-gel membrane. The tissue samples are first lysed and homogenized in the presence of a highly denaturing guanidine isothiocyanate (GITC) containing buffer, which immediately inacti¬ vates RNases to ensure isolation of intact RNA. Ethanol is added to provide appropriate binding conditions, and the sample is then applied to the RNeasy column where the total RNA binds and contaminants away. High-quality RNA Diluted RNA tometer at (10.0 fA RNA, OD26o and OD280. diluted An single stranded RNA DNA concentration Pure RNA has 2.5.3 Gel Before loading a (Birren 1:50) OD26o was of 1 (/xg/ml) ratio of = et measured OD26o/OD2go electrophoresis on a measured in the corresponds al, 1997). calculated using the following equation: of washed efficiently of RNA Quantification 2.5.2 are is then eluted in RNase-free water. OD26o to 40 spectropho¬ /zg/ml solution The RNA concentration x x 1 was dilution factor OD26o between 1.9 and 2.1. of RNA 1.25% formaldehyde-agarose gel, 3.0 fig of RNA were de¬ containing MOPS, formamide and formaldehyde, and cooled on ice. The RNA was separated by electrophoresis in lx MOPS. In order to visualize the 18S and 28S rRNAs, the gel was stained natured at 60°C for 15 min in with methylene a mixture blue and destained in H20 until the rRNA bands 28S ribosomal RNA bands should be present with an were visible. intensity approximately twice that of the 18S RNA band. 2.5.4 Reverse transcription fA. A mixture containing 2.5 fig RNA, 3.0 fiM Poly-A specific T(17)VX primer (Table 2.1) and DEPC treated ddH20 up to 12.7 fA was incubated at 70°C for 5 min Reverse transcription was carried out in a total volume of 25.0 Chapter 30 and cooled down to Methods 2. The following substances /xM dNTP's, 25 U of RNasin, 4 mM Na-Pyrophosphate and 15 U of AMV-reverse transcriptase. The mixture was incubated for 1 h at 42°C, 10 min at 55°C and stopped for 10 min at 72°C. For the following PCR, 5.0 /xl were used as template. were added: room temperature for 10 min. 5x RT reaction buffer, 250 Rapid amplification 2.5.5 of cDNA ends Rapid amplification of the cDNA end (RACE) of the CACNB4 gene was per¬ using a 5' RACE Kit (Roche Molecular Biochemicals). First strand cDNA is synthesized from total or poly(A)+ RNA using a gene specific primer SP1 (Table 2.1), AMV reverse transcriptase and the deoxynucleotide mixture. The cDNA is purified from unincorporated nucleotides and primers by the High Pure PCR Product Purification Kit. Terminal transferase is used to add a homopolymeric A-tail to the 3' end of the cDNA. The tailed cDNA is then amplified by PCR using the gene specific primer SP2 (Table 2.1) and the oligo dT-anchor primer, followed by a second PCR using the nested, specific primer SPS (Table 2.1) and the PCR anchor primer. The obtained fragment was subcloned and sequenced. formed Northern blot 2.5.6 For the Northern blot cerebellum of trophoresed as healthy analysis analysis, 20.0 /xg of total RNA from heart, fat and animals and cerebellum of affected animals described in chapter To bind the RNA the membrane 2.5.3 and transferred to a nylon were elec- membrane. baked at 80°C for 2 h. The blot was hy¬ product of pig cerebellum, specific for CACNB4 (primer pair CACNB4-7). In Figure 2.1, the alignment of deduced amino acid sequences of four neuronal ß subunits (ßi-n) is shown. Primer pair CACNB4-7, amplifying a fragment corresponding to nucleotides 1228 to 1437 of the human CACNB4 gene (GenBank Accession AF038852) was chosen in a was bridized with the radio-labeled RT-PCR region where the The probe amino acids showed was stripped of O.lx SSC and 1% sisting porcine 18S ribo probe. 2.5.7 For and the Slot blot a low similarity. from the membrane with SDS, and the membrane boiling solution con¬ was rehybridized with a a analysis quantifying mRNA expression of the CACNB4 healthy animals, the slot-blotting technique was gene of several affected used. The total RNA of following tissues was chosen: cerebellum of six affected and two healthy animals, M. quadriceps of an affected and a healthy animal and as negative RNA methods 2.5. 31 Cab4hum KVTEHIP Cab3rat -QA--V- Cab2Arat PFF-K T- CablBrat -S V- Cab4hum GRISITRVTA Cab3rat PYDVVPSMRP VVLVGPSLKG YEVTDMMQKA LFDFLKHRFD 243 2 09 E II DISLAKRSVL 261 NNPSKRAIIE -L 258 G--T RSNTRSSLAE --SA VQSEIERIFE 1-- 2 93 259 Cab2Arat H 308 CablBrat HI 311 Cab4hum LARSLQLWL Cab3rat --K Cab2Arat T CablBrat T DADTINHPAQ A- Cab4hum SQSKHLNVQL VAADKLAQCP Cab3rat --M T--M M-Y Cab2Arat --A M CablBrat 1 Cab4hum ATHTTSSTPM LIKTSLAPII VHVKVSSPKV -A -F -S -Y--I 358 -S -YI-IT 361 P EMFDVILD V R ENQLED -S D- -Q-S A-SE 1 - TPLLGR N L G S LQRLIKSRGK TA 343 309 LGEYLEAYWR 392 -A 358 V -AD K 408 -A K 410 PYPTAIS 423 S AGGA ~ Cab3rat -S--P 377 Cab2Arat HPAPGPP--NLP N S- T -ATS P LS--LA- 439 CablBrat PP-R--P N N- T M A VS-APV- 441 Cab4hum GLQSQR Cab3rat N-Q GM-- _ A T A DENYHNERAR KSRNRLSSSS 470 -ASE S--QAWTG-- 418 MRH SNHSTENSPI ERRSL MTS LL GERGE-H--L --D-- -P- - Cab2Arat NS-GSQGDQR TDR-APR-AS QAEEEPCLEP VKKSQHRSSS ATHQNHR-GT 489 CablBrat N--GPY EHA-VHEYPG ELGQPPGLYP SNHPPGRAGT 490 Cab4hum Q LVS H S GDQPLDRATG R D H Y P L VEE DYPDSYQ 489 CA Cab3rat - S R - L-- --A-A-- 434 Cab2Arat G R G L S R Q E T FDS ETQE-RD 508 CablBrat L W A L S R Q D T FDA -T-G-RN 509 - Alignment of deduced ammo acid sequences of four neuronal cal¬ ß subunits. Shown is the partial alignment of the deduced ammo acid sequence of human brain ß± (Cab4hum, GenBank Accession AF038852), rat brain ß% (CabSrat, GenBank Accession M88751), rat brain /52a (Cab2Arat, GenBank Accession M80545) and rat brain ßn> (CablBrat, GenBank Accession X61394). Regions of sequence identity are indicated by dashes, dots represent Figure cium gaps and 2.1: channel m the sequence. Shaded nucleotides 471-479 indicate the specific primer corresponding to ammo acids 409-416 pair for CACNB4 (CACNB4-7). Chapter 32 control heart and fat tissue of a healthy animal. with 5 M NaOH and DEPC-treated water. The of Whatman paper paper was placed were on soaked in 20x SSC for The manifold nylon a Methods 2. was membrane and was closed and the slots a sheet few minutes. The Whatman the lower part of the manifold and the membrane onto it. The manifold cleaned were was laid rinsed twice with 500.0 of lOx SSC. Of each tissue 1.0 fig, 3.0 fig, 6.0 fig and 9.0 /xg were fi\ denatured SSC, 7% formaldehyde (vol/vol) and 50 % The samples were put on ice, 60.0 /xl of 20x SSC were added and the samples were loaded into the slots of the filtration manifold. Using a vacuum pump the sample load was pulled through until no liquid was in the wells. After the slots were rinsed twice with 500.0 fi\ lOx SSC, the membrane was baked at 80°C for 2 h and hybridized as described in chapter 2.5.6. in a final volume of 30.0 formamide 2.6 (vol/vol) /xl in lx at 68°C for 15 min. Statistics Linkage analysis was performed by sequential insertion FIX, and FLIP options. sis were performed al, 1990). Multipoint analy¬ of the microsatellites with the BUILD, and calculation of recombination fractions with the CRI-MAP version 2.4 program (Green et Chapter 3 Results Phenotype approach 3.1 Congenital progressive ataxia (CPA) and spastic paresis in pigs is a new hereditary movement disorder, recently identified in Switzerland. To charac¬ terize the phenotype of affected pigs more precisely, clinical, pharmacological, neurophysiological, biochemical, and pathological studies were carried out. The Clinical examination 3.1.1 The movement disorder birth or birth require can be observed in both within the first three days. Those sexes piglets either affected immediately immediately after after prolonged time to get up and reach the udder. Characteristics of affected piglets are lying on one side, paddling, and trying to rise. If they are standing they show a spastic gait and incoordination. Usually, they are willing and able to suckle. If the ataxia a can piglets develop symptoms after the first day, slight weakness and drifting to one side after walking and remain in lateral recumbency, be observed in the hind limbs with for a while. Finally, they fall on their sides attempting to rise and raising their heads. After rest their condition is strik¬ ingly better than after walking or suckling. These animals are eager to drink and always go to suckle with the normal siblings. When the piglets were Their average life span unable to stand up anymore, was 8.7 ± 8.3 were euthanized. = animals) days in there differences in other clinical features between affected and unaf¬ fected were no pigs. family All animals 1 (see they 35 (mean ± standard deviation for n 3.4). Despite these severe impairments, were Table alert and 33 reflexes, skin sensitivity and muscle Chapter 34 3. Results Table 3.1: Quantitative Electromyography (EMG) and Electroencephalogra¬ phy (EEG) of two affected and one unaffected pig. Duration, amplitude, and frequency was equal m all three animals. For EMG, no frequency and for EEG no duration was measured. Amplitude Duration EMG 1-5 EEG tone were The imide 20-200 ms 15-95 - normal. Tilted heads, nystagmus, Frequency /xV fiX or 15-35 Hz convulsions were not observed. therapeutic application of Neostigmin (Konstigmin®) and Ethosux¬ (Suxinutin®) exerted no effect in the affected animals on their movement disorder. 3.1.2 Consanguinity by CPA were compared. All families had boar, which generated the K7 line. This boar was imported from the United Kingdom in 1978. A close relationship was found between families 1, 3 and 4 (Table 3.4). In the pedigree of family 1, the mother of the boar of matings 1 and 2 is a sister of a boar which is grandfather of the sows of family 3. Moreover, this boar is a great-grandfather of the sow of family 4. The the pedigree of the families affected same common 3.1.3 ancestor Neurophysiological Neurophysiological piglet. studies were studies performed with two affected and one healthy Electromyography (EMG) of the muscles of the left front and hind limb re¬ prolonged insertion activity which outlasted the cessation of the needle movement (no data available). The fibrillation potentials ranged from 20-200 /xV with durations of 1-5 ms (Table 3.1, Fig. 3.1), which is in the range con¬ sidered normal (S. Cizinauskas, personal communication). The motor nerve conduction (NCS) of the left peroneal nerve was examined (Table 3.2). No vealed difference The latency between affected and unaffected animals. amplitude of the recorded compound muscle action potential seemed to be was found in the lower in the affected animals. Nerve conduction velocity was not determined. Phenotype approach 3.1. 35 (\*4?A<-r~f*~ 100 200 U.V •4—1 ms Figure 3.1: Needle electromyography (EMG) of the infraspinatus muscle of Fibrillation potentials are in the range considered normal. an affected pig. Table nerve Motor 3.2: of two conduction nerve affected and one latency unaffected piglet. Animal and Amplitude Latency unaffected pig amplitude of the peroneal 3.7 ms 19.1 mV affected pig 2.9 ms 5.7 mV affected pig 3.7 ms 10.9 mV Electroencephalography (EEG) recorded a high voltage fast activity pattern fiV and 95 fiV in all three animals (Table 3.1). between 15 3.1.4 Hematology and chemical parameters Hematology parameters were in the range considered normal in pigs (BauerPham et al., 2001). In blood samples taken at rest, levels of LDH, CK, and ASAT in 6 unaffected pigs (Table 3.3) were in the range considered normal in swine (Bauer-Pham et al, 2001). In 13 affected pigs, the levels of CK and ASAT were not increased (Table 3.3). animals than in unaffected in pigs (Bauer-Pham et LDH levels pigs, but are al., 2001). Physical seem to be higher in affected still in the range considered normal exercise resulted in comparable Chapter 36 Table 3.3: Clinical and 13 fected affected Unaffected (U/liter) ASAT CK m Affected pigs 6 unaf¬ pigs L353.33 ± 226.06 93 ± 26.22 38.46 ± 10.61 445 ± 209.83 198.76 ± 112.04 (U/liter) increases in lactate levels in both groups, while CK activity was not altered by pigs (not illustrated). Pathological 3.1.5 plasma of 1'046.23 ± 221.68 (U/liter) exercise in affected venous Results pigs at rest. Parameter LDH data determined chemistry S. histological and examination brain, spinal cord, muscles and staining methods (HE and Luxol Fast Blue) were carried out. No macroscopical or histopathological alterations were detected in any brain region, spinal cord or nerve tissue. In two affected, but also in one healthy animal chronic-inflammatory alterations Detailed nerves neuropathological examinations animals, including of the blood vessels in the muscle be confirmed in the The CPA can be diagnosed, sexes are were are if the two different observed. These observations could not 13 affected diagnosis clinical symptoms both • remaining Clinical 3.1.6 • of the of 15 affected piglets. of CPA following symptoms can be observed: observed within the first three days after birth; involved, the affected animals show ataxia in the hind spastic gait, incoordination, and progressive limbs, observed, • no healing • no pathological changes process is in other organs a can in the be found. brain, spinal cord, nerves, and muscle, nor Assignment of 3 2 37 of CPA Assignment 3.2 Mode of inheritance 3.2.1 The disease was ings 1 and 2), The dams were (69 6%) first observed two litters of pigs in derived from two dams and cousins Of the 23 generations 16 CPA were (Table and not related to the sire, offspring, normal seven 3 4, family 1, mat¬ sire, all of one (30 4%) were Large White origin referring to the last two found to be affected and The observed ratio of approximately 1 3 suggested allele Therefore, affected ani¬ that the disease may be controlled by a recessive homozygous for the recessive allele ( cpa/cpa), and normal animals either heterozygous for the recessive allele (CPA/cpa), or homozygous (CPA/CPA) To confirm the autosomal recessive inheritance, two males and mals considered were five females of the 16 produced animals (19 4%) phenotypically normal animals were mated Each dam Of these 144 descendants, 28 3 4, matings 3-15) (Table two litters showed signs of ataxia and paresis The x2-test, calculated data, showed that the observed ratios of the cpa vs CPA 2 37, deviate significantly from the expected 1 3 ratio (\2 from the segregation alleles did not 0 1<P<0 2, 1 = df) The ratio of 1 3 of cpa which CPA occurred Based on autosomal 3.2.2 these recessive Genetic vs (Table 3 CPA could also be observed in other families in 4, mating 16, 19, 20) observations, the CPA is assumed to be inherited as an disease mapping of the CPA phenotype A panel of 38 microsatelhtes was screened for linkage with the unknown gene responsible for CPA in family 1, matings 1 and 2 (Table 3 4) From each chromosome one to three microsatelhtes according to the length of the chro¬ The genome scan revealed a not significant but rela¬ mosome were analyzed tively high linkage (Z=l 81, 6=0 00) between CPA and SW1066 (Gmur, 1997) locus phenotype more precisely, six additional markers (S0216, SW2618, SW902, S0094, SW460 and G ACT, Table 2 1) m close proximity to SW1066 were selected for further genotypmg in order to generate a multipoint size in bp), located map The analysis revealed that the SW902189 allele (189 on pig (Sus scrofa) Chromosome 3 (SSC3), co-segregated 100% with the reces¬ sive allele involved in the disease, while the SW902197, SW902204, or SW902214 To map the CPA = co-segregated 100% study have already (Kratzsch et al, 1999) alleles with the normal allele of this been published based (Table on a 3 4, Fig 3 3) smaller family Parts material Chapter 38 Table 3.4: SW902, 3. Results Transmission patterns of CPA located on SSC3 in phenotype and marker offspring, produced by different mating pairs. No Deduced Family Mating No No 1 1 CPA,SW902 haplotypes F x 2 cpa,l89/CPA,204 M Affected (CPA/CPA, (cpa/cpa) cpa/CPA) 4(189/189)2 5(189/204) cpa,189/CPA,204 cpa,189/ CPA, 204 x Not affected Total 10 1(204/204) 3(189/189) cpa,189/ CPA, 197 4(189/197) 13 5(189/204) 1(197/204) 3 cpa,189/C/M,204(Ml) x 5(189/189) cpa,189/C/M,197(M2) 2(189/197) 13 2(189/204) 4(197/204) 4 cpa,189/ CPA, 204(M2) x 5 2(189/204) CPA,204/ CPA,204(M1) 4(204/204) cpa,189/C/M,204(Ml) x 1(189/204) CPA, 197/CPA,204(M2) 3(197/204) 2(204/204) 6 cpa,189/ CPA, 204(M2) x 7 cpa,189/C/M,204(Ml) x 8 9 3(189/189) 3(189/204) 3(189/189) cpa,189/C/M,204(M2) cpal89/C/M,197(M2) 5(189/204) 10 2(204/204) 5(189/204) CPA,204/CPA,204(M1) cpa,189/C/M,204(Ml) x 13 7(204/204) cpa,189/C/M,204(M2) x 10 7(189/204) cpa,189/C/M,204(Ml) cpa,189/C/M,204(M2) x 2(189/189) cpa,189/C/M,204(M2) 4(204/204) 2(189/189) 5(189/197) 14 6(189/204) 1(197/204) 11 cpa,189/C/M,204(Ml) x CPA,197/CPA,204(M2) 4(189/197) 14 5(189/204) 4(197/204) 1(204/204) alleles CPA and alleles 189, 197, 204, 214; F, paternal haplotype; M, cpa; SW902: haplotype; (Ml): offspring from mating 1; (M2): offspring of mating 2, ?: unknown 2 Genotype of SW902 maternal 3 2. Assignment of CPA 39 Table 3.4: (continued) No Deduced Family No Matmg No 12 CPA,SW902 haplotypes cpa,189/C/M,204(Ml) x 13 14 (CPA/CPA, cpa/CPA) 2(189/189 8(189/204) Total 13 3(204/204) 3(189/189 cpa,189/C/M,204(Ml) cpa,189/C/M,204(M2) x Affected (cpa/cpa) cpa,189/C/M,204(Ml) cpa,189/C/M,204(M2) x Not affected 7(189/204) 11 1(204/204) 4(189/189 cpa,189/C/M,197(M2) 2(189/197) 11 3(189/204) 2(197/204) 15 cpa,189/C/M,204(M2) x 2 16 cpa,189/C/M,204(M7) cpa,189/CPA,214 x 4(189/189 9(189/204) 15 2(204/204) 3(189/189) cpa,189/CPA,204 2(189/204) 8 1(189/214) 2(204/214) 3 17 x 18 19 20 6 21 22 Total ? 1 2(189/189) 4(189/204) 7 1(204/204) 3(189/189) 6(189/204) 11 2(204/204) 2(189/189) cpa,189/CPA,204 1(189/204) 3 ? 1(189/189) ? x 1(189/189) cpa,189/CPA,204 cpa,189/CPA,204 x 8 2(204/204) cpa,189/CPA,204 cpa,189/CPA,204 x 3(189/204) cpa,189/CPA,204 cpa,189/CPA,204 x 5 cpa,189/CPA,204 ? x 4 3(189/189) ? ? 1 cpa,189/CPA,204 50 156 206 Chapter 40 8 Marker -SIJ2618 cM cM1 0.0 0.0 -IL1-E 3. Results AlogL 2.9 15.3 0.02 0.02 -80094 13.4 7.0 -SU902, CPA 15.2 7.6 -SU1066 17.0 9.7 -SW460 19.3 10.2 -GRCT 20. S 11.8 0.02 0.02 4.0 6.4 9.7 3.4 27.5 q2 3-2 5 SSC3 1-50216 Figure 3.2: mapping of Physical CPA gene and genetic (cM: by inversion Rohrer et map 35.3 (sex-averaged) of of adjacent loci). estimated genetic distances SSC3 and cM; 9: cM1 : multipoint from analysis; genetic dis¬ al. (1996); A log L: differences m likelihood against the estimated recombination rates tances linkage 46.0 the m Kosambi 3.2. Assignment of Heterozygous boar, CPA earner 41 (189/204) -6000 -4000 -2000 „^X"1 Heterozygous sow, earner „A-- (189/204) -6000 -4000 -2000 Homozygous offspnng, affected (189/189) -6000 -4000 -2000 Homozygous offspnng, healthy (204/204) -4000 -2000 „A-J Figure 3.3: Electropherogram of microsateUite SW902 alleles on SSC3 of a family affected by CPA. The size of the alleles is given m bp. The numbers at the vertical scale display the fragment quantity m terms of peak height. Chapter 42 Pairwise lod scores 3. Results CPA and the and recombination fractions for seven presented in Table 3.5. High lod scores of 23.18, 16.91, and 11.40 were obtained for linkage of CPA with markers SW902, SW1066, and S0094, respectively. The markers achieve a lod score of 66.50 for SW902 and SW1066 and 40.12 for SW902 and S0094. Recombination was estimated to be 0.03 between SW1066 and CPA, 0.02 between S0094 and CPA, while no marker loci are recombination occurred between SW902 and CPA. computationally not feasible to perform a multipoint linkage analysis considering all eight loci jointly with n!/2 possible locus orders. Thus, the order SW2618-SW902-GACT-S0216 was fixed according to the genetic map of Rohrer et al (1996), and the loci SW460and SW1066 were inserted sequentially with the CRI-MAP "build" option. The most likely order SW2618-SW902SW1066-SW460-GACT-S0216 fitted the data best, in accordance with Rohrer It (1996). et al a was factor of The likelihood of six other loci orders did not differ 1000, and Similar results they were were, therefore, not considered obtained when other loci were by more than significantly different. assumed to be in a fixed order, and subsequently two additional loci were inserted. The marker or¬ der described by Rohrer et al (1996), that is SW2618-S0094-SW902-SW1066SW460-GACT-S0216, was never rejected by our data. Therefore, this order subsequent analyses. As expected, the estimated genetic distances are not completely in accordance with the data of al (1996) (Fig. 3.2), probably owing to the different family material used in was and recombination rates Rohrer et and limited number of meiosis. The two orders of CPA in In both cases, CPA showed gle best fitting order no adjacent intervals to SW902 fit the data recombination with coinciding equally. SW902, thus revealing a sin¬ with SW902 and CPA of CPA in the SW902 chromosomal (Fig. 3.2). 3.2.3 CPA was reinforced The location significant al¬ lelic association found between CPA and SW902. The genotype SW902189/189 was found in all 50 affected animals (Table 3.4), whereas no healthy animal possessed this marker genotype. region by the diagnostics currently the genotype SW902189/189 has been found no healthy animal possessed this genotype. There¬ we put forward the hypothesis that a positive test result (genotype SW902189/189) leads to clinical CPA. Now CPA should be diagnosed by means of the clinical phenotype (chapter 3.1.6) and analysis of the genotype. Still, it Our studies revealed that only fore, in affected animals and = has to be taken into consideration that all animals examined in this related. Therefore, the hypothesis can be valid only in this Moreover, the knowledge of the genotype makes it also possible guish between homozygote healthy and carrier animals in study are family. our to distin¬ family. Fig. 3.3 3.2. Assignment of Table 3.5: cific CPA Two-point linkage analysis of CPA and marker loci used and lod 43 scores (Z). Locus pair for estimation of sex averaged seven chromosome recombination 3-spefraction (9) 6 Z S 0216 SW1066 0.27 5.34 SW2618 S W1066 0.11 13.81 SW2618 S 0216 0.25 2.56 SW902 S W1066 0.02 66.50 SW902 S 0216 0.26 4.70 SW902 SW2618 0.13 9.08 SW460 S W1066 0.04 17.04 SW460 S 0216 0.25 1.14 SW460 SW2618 0.14 2.53 SW460 SW902 0.03 20.12 S0094 S W1066 0.03 42.51 S0094 S 0216 0.22 4.42 S0094 SW2618 0.12 12.09 S0094 SW902 0.02 40.12 S0094 SW460 0.03 19.62 GACT S W1066 0.03 41.81 GACT S 0216 0.22 4.16 GACT SW2618 0.13 10.95 GACT SW902 0.04 33.65 GACT SW460 0.02 21.99 GACT S0094 0.07 35.79 CPA S W1066 0.03 16.91 CPA S 0216 0.24 0.57 CPA SW2618 0.17 1.44 CPA SW902 0.00 23.18 CPA SW460 0.05 3.35 CPA S0094 0.02 11.40 CPA G ACT 0.04 9.84 Chapter 44 shows 3. Results electropherogram of a family with two heterozygous parents, a ho¬ homozygous healthy offspring (mating 1, Table 3.4). The affected animal showed the genotype SW902189/189, while the healthy an¬ imal had the genotype SW902204/204. This healthy sow was mated to a carrier boar twice, but never gave birth to affected piglets (Table 3.4, matings 4 and 9) as anticipated. an mozygous affected and SW902189/189 To determine the distribution of the boars which derived from the K7 line and SUISAG, SW902189/204. at the were tested. Only one are allele in Switzerland, the used for artificial insemination boar out of 83 revealed the genotype Candidate genes 3.3 physically and genetically mapped ql3-q21 (Fig. 3.2). This region is likely to correspond to human 2ql-q2 region (Rettenberger et al, 1995; Pinton et al, 2000), where ion channel genes (Ca2+, Na+, K+) and a cholinergic receptor gene are mapped. SW902 is mapped in close ILl locus in band to the proximity of SSC3 These ion channels epilepsy and ataxia in humans. Furthermore, we mapped SSC3q21-q27 using a somatic cell hybrid panel. This region corresponds to human chromosome 2pl3-p24 (Pinton et al, 2000). To this region, the gene spastin (SPG4) was mapped (Hazan et al, 1994; Hentati et al, 1994). Mutations in the SPG4 gene may be responsible for Spastic Paraplegia (Hazan et al, 1999). Epilepsy, ataxia and Spastic Paraplegia resemble the phenotypical appearance of CPA in the pig. seem to be involved in the marker SW902 to 3.3.1 Calcium channel Regional /?4 subunit localization mapping of the porcine calcium channel /?4 subunit (CACNB4) gene, hybrid panel was used. Primers were designed based on the corresponding human sequence (GenBank Accession AF038852). The panel was screened with three different primer pairs (CACNB4-1, CACNB4-2, CACNB4-3). All three primer pairs showed positive signals of the expected size For the somatic cell in cell lines sults by fluorescence the shown). The reliability of these re¬ high error risk ( > 5%). Therefore, the hybridization technique was additionally used for mapping 5, 12, 22, 23, and 24 (data statistical evaluation showed m CACNB4 situ not a gene. Representative, Q-banded metaphase spreads from a normal pig were probed with a A-genomic DNA fragment carrying the CACNB4 gene. After hy¬ bridization, the chromosomes were compared with the previous photographed Candidate genes 3.3. 45 t «t» t 1» # 1**1/ ## •• * ait JHP tl&B A Figure 3.4: Fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) analysis of porcine CACNB4-' QFQ-banded metaphase (A) prior to FISH (B) with the fragment containing the porcine CACNB4 gene. Arrows indicate the hybridization region at SSC3ql4-q21. metaphases to determine the location of the signals. In Fig. 3.4A, a porcine metaphase q-band painting is indicated, with dark and light bands defining chromosomal segments. Fig. 3.4B shows the fluorescence signal, mapped to the ql4-q21 region of chromosome 3. Characterization of the cDNA of affected and unaffected pigs CACNB4 cDNA was amplified from cerebellar RNA using primer pair CACNB4-5. A fragment of about 1'400 bp was obtained which corresponded to the predicted length of 1'491 bp in the rat. The fragment was sequenced using primer pairs CACNB4-5 and CACNB4-6. An open reading frame (ORF) of 1'491 bp was confirmed which corresponded exactly to nucleotides 284-F774 of the rat CACNB4 sequence (GenBank Accession L02315). As neither the start nor the stop codon were found in this sequence, a porcine brain cDNA was screened using primer pair CACNB4-4- Positive clones were sequenced and the 3' UTR could be identified. To determine the 5' UTR of the porcine CACNB4 gene, a rapid amplification of the cDNA end (RACE) was performed. Thus, the missing start codon was obtained. Finally, an ORF of 1'509 bp was iden¬ Porcine tified. The sequence has been submitted to GenBank The nucleotide and amino acid sequence with the Fig. 3.5. exon (Accession AF540878). boundaries is shown in Chapter 46 3. ATGGATGTGGTGGCCCAAGAAACCA.CGACCCA.GAAGAGCA.GGTTGAAAAGATATGATGGC Results 6 0 MDVVAQETTTQKSRLKRYDG \Exon2 AGCACCACTTCGACCAGCTTCATTCTCA.GACA.GbGTTCAGCGGATTCCTACA.CGAGCAGG 12 0 STTSTSFILRQGSADSYTSR CCGTCTGACTCCGATGTCTCTTTGGAAGAGGATCGGGAAGCGATTCGGCAGGAGAGAGAG 180 PSDSDVSLEEDREAIRQERE \Exon3 CAGCA.GGCCGCCA.TCCA.GCTTGAGAGAGCAAAGbcCAAACCCGTAGCA.TTTGCTGTGAAG QQAAI 24 0 QLERAKSKPVAFAVK ACGAATGTGAGCTACTGTGGTGCCTTGGACGAGGATGTCCCTGTTCCAAGCA.CGGCCATC 300 TNVSYCGALDEDVPVPSTAI \Exon4 TCCTTCGACGCCAAGGACTTTCTCCACA.TTAAAGAgIaAATATAACAATGATTGGTGGATA 36 0 SFDAKDFLHIKEKYNNDWWI GGAAGGCTGGTAAAAGAAGGCTGCGAGATTGGCTTCATCCCAAGTCCA.CTTAGGTTGGAG 42 0 GRLVKEGCEIGFIPSPLRLE \Exon5 AACATACGGATTCAGCAAGAACAAAAGAGAGGACGTTTTCACGGAGGbAAATCCAGTGGA 480 NIRIQQEQKRGRFHGGKSSG AATTCTTCTTCAAGCCTTGGAGAAATGGTATCAGGAACATTTCGAGCAACTCCCACATCG 54 0 NSSSSLGEMVSGTFRATPTS I Exon 6 \Exon7 ACAQCAAAACAGAAGCAAAAAGTGkcGGAGCA.CATCCCCCCTTACGATGTTGTGCCATCG TAKQKQKVTEHI 600 PPYDVVPS I Exon 8 ATGCGTCCA.GTGGTGTTAGTGGGGCCGTCACTGAAGGGTTATGAGGTCACAGACATGATG 66 0 MRPVVLVGPSLKGYEVTDMM \Exon9 CAGAAAGCCCTCTTTGATTTCCTGAAGCACAGGTTTGATGGGAGbATATCAATAACGAGA 72 0 QKALFDFLKHRFDGRISITR GTGACAGCTGACA.TTTCTCTTGCTAAGAGGTCTGTCCTAAATAATCCCAGCAAGAGAGCA. VTADI 780 SLAKRSVLNNPSKRA \Exon10 ATAATTGAACGTTCGAACACTCGGTCCA.GCTTAGbGGAAGTACAAAGTGAAATTGAAAGA 84 0 IIERSNTRSSLAEVQSEIER ATCTTTGAGTTGGCGAGATCTTTGCAACTGGTAGTTCTTGATGCAGACACCA.TCAATCAC I 900 FELARSLQLVVLDADTINH CCAGCACAACTTATAAAGACCTCCTTAGCACCAATTATTGTTCA.TGTAAAAGTCTCATCT PAQLI KTSLAPI 96 0 IVHVKVSS \Exon11 ccaaag|gttttacagcggttgattaaatctagaggaaagtcccaaagtaaacacttaaat 102 0 pkvlqrliksrgksqskhln \Exon12 GTTCAACTGGTGGCAGCTGACAAACTCGCACAATGTCCCCCcbAGATGTTTGATGTTATA 1080 VQLVAADKLAQCPPEMFDVI CTAGATGAAAACCAGCTGGAGGATGCGTGTGAACATTTGGGAGAGTACCTGGAGGCCTAC 114 0 LDENQLEDACEHLGEYLEAY TGGCGTGCCACTCACACGGCCAGCAGCA.CCCCCATGACCCCGCTGCTGGGAAGGAATTTG 1200 WRATHTASSTPMTPLLGRNL I Exon13 GGCTCAACA.GCACTCTCGCCA.TATCCCA.CAGCCATTTCTGGGTTACAGkGTCAACGCATG GSTALSPYPTAISGLQSQRM 126 0 Candidate genes 3.3. 47 AGGCACGGCAACCA.CTCCACAGAGAACTCA.CCAATTGAACGACGAAGTCTAATGACCGCC 1320 RHGNHSTENSPI ERRSLMTA GATGAAAATTATCA.CAATGAAAGGGCGCGAAAGAGTAGGAACCGCTTGTCTTCCAGTTCC 13 80 DENYHNERARKSRNRLSSSS CAGCATAGCCGAGATCACTACCCTCTGGTGGAAGAAGATTACCCTGATTCCTACCAGGAC 1440 QHSRDHYPLVEEDYPDSYQD ACTTACAAACCCCA.CAGGAACCGAGGATCGCCCGGGGGATACAGCCATGACTCTCGACAT 1500 TYKPHRNRGSPGGYSHDSRH AGGCTTTGA R L 1509 * Figure 3.5: Nucleotide and deduced ammo acid sequence of the porcine CACNB4 gene. The initiator ATG codon and the stop codon TGA are shown m bold letters. The The 12 vertical lines represent the porcine CACNB4 sequence boundaries. exon analyzed using was the BLAST 2.0 pro¬ (Altschul et al, 1997) of the National Center of Biotechnology Infor¬ mation (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov) as well as the Pileup program of the GCG sequence analysis package (Devereux et al, 1984). Figure 3.6 shows the gram comparison between the porcine CACNB4 amino acid sequence displaying 99% (GenBank Accession AF038852), 98% simi¬ rat sequence (GenBank Accession L02315), 96% similarity to the bovine sequence (GenBank Accession AF273332) and 96% similarity to the mouse sequence (GenBank Accession AF039417). similarity to larity to the the human sequence screening of the cDNA of three affected animals was performed by RT-PCR, subcloning and sequencing. A transition of cytosine (C) to thymine (T) at position 1'398 (termed M1398) in exon 13 (Fig. 3.5) of the CACNB4 Mutation ORF was identified in resulted in the of this same of the animals. one amino acid histidine SNP, primer pair CACNB4-4 animals of different CPA genotypes was This alteration of the DNA codon (H). To determine the used to amplify (CPA/CPA, CPA/cpa, cpa/cpa). Sequenc¬ ing of these sequences did not confirm the M1398 silent including the affected, were homozygous M1398GIG. carried out. Northern while Slot mutation. All animals, Expression study To characterize the mRNA were polymorphism the target sequence in blotting was tissues of affected and expression, Northern blot and Slot blot analyses blotting used to was performed to determine the RNA size, the CACNB4 expression in different measure healthy pigs. The Northern blot with polyA+ RNA from heart, fat, and cerebellum of a Chapter 48 MDV pig VAQETTTQKS RLKRYDGSTT human NGT ADGPHSPTSQ --RG RR- S rat MSSSYAKNGA ADGPHSPSSQ --RG RR- S Results STSFILRQGS bovine pig 3. RA ADSYTSRPSD SDVSLEEDRE AIRQEREQQA AIQLERAKSK PVAFAVKTNV SYCGALDEDV PVPSTAISFD AKDFLHIKEK YNNDWWIGRL VKEGCEIGFI 150 PSPLRLENIR IQQEQKRGRF HGGKSSGNSS SSLGEMVSGT FRATPTSTAK 200 human rat bovine pig SH human rat bovine pig human rat T bovine pig QKQKVTEHIP PYDVVPSMRP VVLVGPSLKG YEVTDMMQKA LFDFLKHRFD 250 GRISITRVTA DISLAKRSVL NNPSKRAIIE RSNTRSSLAE VQSEIERIFE 300 LARSLQLVVL DADTINHPAQ LIKTSLAPII VHVKVSSPKV LQRLIKSRGK 350 SQSKHLNVQL VAADKLAQCP PEMFDVILDE NQLEDACEHL GEYLEAYWRA THTASSTPMT PLLGRNLGST ALSPYPTAIS GLQSQRMRHG NHSTENSPIE 450 YPDSYQDTYK 500 human rat pig human rat pig human rat mouse pig human rat pig human T rat S V mouse S V pig S RRSLMTADEN human S rat S mouse S pig PHRNRGSPGG S YHNERARKSR YSHDSRHRL* F S NRLSSSSQHS RDHYPLVEED 519 human rat mouse 3.6: A comparison of the porcine (GenBank Accession AF540878), (GenBank Accession AF038852), rat (GenBank Accession L02315), bovine (GenBank Accession AF27332) and mouse (GenBank Accession AF039417) calcium channel ßn subunit (CACNB4) ammo acid sequence. Iden¬ Figure human tities m ammo (M) represent acid sequences the start codon, are indicated asterixes (*) by dashes. The bold methionines indicate stop codons. 3 3 Candidate genes 49 28S 18S < CACNB4 -4 28S -4 18S (~9 0 kb) 18S Figure 3.7: Northern Blot Tissues were collected analysis for from and from porcine CACNB4 mRNA (lane 1), cerebellum (lane 3) of heart cerebellum (lane 2) expression and fat (lane 4) an affected animal healthy animal RNA blue stained separated electrophoretically on a 1 25% methylene formaldehyde agarose gel before hybridization B Northern blot analysis with a cDNA radiolabeled probe specific for CACNB4 shows a transcript of ~P 0 kb for CACNB4 m cerebellum, none m heart nor fat C hybridization with an 18S probe as correction for the variation m the total of a A RNA amount The arrows indicate the size of the 18S (~1 9 kb) and 28S (~4 7 kb) rRNA Chapter 50 3. Results analysis of porcine CACNB4 mRNA expression m cere¬ of affected and healthy pigs A- Hybridization with a radiolabeled porcine CACNB4 cDNA probe B- Hybridization with a radiolabeled porcine ß-actme probe as internal control. Lanes 1-8, cerebellum; lane 9-10, M quadriceps; lane 11, fat; lane 12, heart Affected animals are indicated by asterixes (*) Figure 3.8: Slot blot bellum and muscle healthy animal as well as polyA+ RNA from cerebellum of an affected animal was hybridized to a labeled CACNB4 specific cDNA probe. A single transcript of approximately 9.0 kb was only present in the cerebellum (Fig. 3.7 B). No transcripts were detected in heart and fat tissue. expression of CACNB4 healthy animals, blot, containing polyA+ mRNA tissue (Fig. 3.8). Affected and healthy animals showed a hybridization signal only with cerebellum. The signal inten¬ sity corresponding to CACNB4 mRNA was corrected for the amount of RNA loaded by hybridization with the housekeeping gene /5-actin. Hybridization signals were equal in affected and healthy pigs. To determine the the cDNA probe hybridized from cerebellum, muscle, heart, and fat was Drug also were seizures treated with a day in affected and Slot calcium current blocker, which is indicated in al, 1998; CapoviUa et al, 1999). Affected animals dose of 15 mg/kg twice a day parenteral for one week. As as (Escayg a the condition of the twice a treatment Ethosuximide is known myoclonic to piglets a et improve, the dose was increased to 20 mg/kg Nevertheless, no improvement in comparison to did not for another week. affected untreated animals could be observed. 3 3. Candidate genes 51 • 4* Regional localization of SCN2A by PCR analysis on 125 bp) could hybrids Specific PCR fragments (size lines 2, 4, 5, 6, 12, 16 and 23. Pig (P), hamster (H) and Figure 3.9: matic cell m cell DNA, = (W) and water were used as positive and negative controls so¬ porcine be detected mouse m- (M) 50 bp marker Chromosomal 3.3.2 assignment of ion other channel genes Chromosomal assignment of a sodium channel alpha subunit cluster porcine SCN2A gene, primers were designed (SCN2A 1) corresponding human sequence (GenBank Accession M55662). The resulting PCR product was sequenced and the obtained sequence, exclud¬ ing the primer sequence (GenBank Accession AF540389) was submitted to the In order to map the based on the BLAST program. An identity of 92% was found with the human SCN2A2 and SCN3A cDNA, while identities of 88% and 89% were found with the human SCN2A1 and SCN1A sequence, termine which respectively. From our porcine sodium channel alpha subunit data was we could not de¬ sequenced. As the clustered (Malo et. al, 1991), we presume that these isoby the same chromosome in the pig. Thereupon, pig specific primers (primer pair SCN2A 2) were designed and a fragment of the expected size of 125 bp was obtained. PCR revealed amplification products in cell lines 2, 4, 5, 6, 12, 16, and 23 of the somatic cell hybrid panel (Figure 3.9). Statis¬ tical evaluation predicted the gene to map to chromosome 15 with a maximal correlation (1.0) and a probability of 0.88 for region ql5-q22. Probabilities for murine subunits forms are are encoded Chapter 52 250bp— m 250bp-».f| m ^ Results ^#B-<—182bp Üt iDemm 3. m p ^_182bp Figure 3.10: Chromosomal assignment of porcine KCNJ3 using the somatic cell hybrid panel. Fragments of the expected size of 182 bp could be found in cell lines 2, 4, 5, 6, 12, 16 and 23. Pig (P), hamster (H) and mouse (M) DNAs and water controls, other (W) m: regions 50 on were run in the corresponding porcine chromosome 15 less than 0.011 for were below P qll and q23-q26, respectively. porcine sodium channel alpha subunit cluster lanes as positive and negative bp marker. Chromosomal assignment on on ql2-ql4 and We therefore mapped the = 0.097 SSC15ql5-q22. of KCNJ3 porcine KCNJ3 gene, primers (KCNJ3.Î) were designed based corresponding human sequence (GenBank Accession U39196). A PCR product of 541 bp was obtained with these primers with porcine DNA, hamster and mouse genomic DNA. The fragments were sequenced and submitted to the BLAST program. The porcine sequence (excluding the primer sequences, GenBank Accession AF540391) showed 96% identity with the human, 93% with the rat, and 92% with the mouse KCNJ3 gene. Moreover, an identity of 71% was found with another porcine sequence, representing a cardiac-type inwardly rectifying K+ channel. A pig specific primer pair was designed (KCNJ3.2), with which the hybrid panel was screened (Figure 3.10). Only hybrid cell lines 0.88, error risk < 0.1%) showed harboring the region SSC 15ql5-q22 (P amplification products of the expected size of 182 bp. Conclusively, the gene could be mapped to this segment. To map the on the = Candidate genes 3.3. M3 201 H 1 « bp 201 4 5 6 7 8 9 M 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 P Figure 3.11: somatic cell m 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 of porcine CHRNAl using the INRA fragments of the expected size of 199 bp were MS: marker; H: hamster background cell line Chromosomal assignment hybrid panel. 2, 4, 5 and lanes PCR 16. mouse background (negative control); genomic DNA (positive control). M: M3 W- «? bp found 3 j|| fit M3 2 53 Chromosomal assignment cell line (negative control); P: porcine of CHRNAl mapping of the porcine CHRNAl gene, primer pair CHRNAl.1 was used was designed based on the corresponding human sequence (GenBank Accession S77094). A fragment with the expected size of 199 bp was only obtained with pig genomic DNA (no amplification with hamster and mouse For which genomic DNA). The porcine sequence (GenBank Accession AF540391), ex¬ cluding the primer sequences, showed 93% identity with the bovine, 92% with the dog and 91% identity with the corresponding mouse and human CHRNAl The PCR results from the rodent-porcine hybrid cell lines (Fig¬ sequences. ure 3.11) were submitted to the statistical analysis program supplied for the hybrid panel. The probability of CHRNAl being located on the q23-q26 re¬ gion of chromosome 15 was high (P=0.97) with an error risk lower than 0.5%. Therefore, we mapped the porcine CHRNAl gene to SSC15q23-q26. 3.3.3 Spastic paraplegia Mapping of SPG4 by 4 SPG4 somatic cell hybrids mapping of the porcine SPG4 gene the somatic cell hybrid panel was used. Corresponding to the human sequence (GenBank Accession AJ246001) primer For Chapter 54 3. Results PI 0'<-CMco^rincD„t- <- CT-cNco'srm<oh-coo)'«-T-T-T-T-T-T-a. 250bp— *wn*# » < ., mm, «•* mm Et-t-t-C\|C\|C\|C\|C\ICM<MC\|Q-IS> 250bp— - 3.12: E 4—253bp PI «tif Figure *» £ *— * Chromosomal 253bp assignment of porcine SPG4 using the INRA so¬ hybrid panel. Fragments of the expected size of 253 bp were detected in lane 1, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 14, 16, 19 and 23. m: 50 bp marker; P: porcine genomic DNA, positive control; H: hamster background cell line; M: mouse background cell line; W: water, negative control. matic cell PCR pair SPG4-1 designed with the forward primer in exon 10 and the reverse A fragment of ~1'100 bp was obtained and sequenced. Within the forward sequence an intron reverse primer was created and using this primer with the previous forward primer (primer pair SPG4-2) for PCR, a product of 253 bp was obtained with porcine genomic DNA, but not with ham¬ ster and mouse DNA. The porcine sequence (GenBank Accession AF540392) excluding the primer sequences, showed an identity of 87.5 % with the human SPG4 gene (GenBank Accession AJ246003). Screening the somatic cell hybrid panel showed amplification products in cell lines 1, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 14, 16, 19, and 23 (Figure 3.12). Statistical analysis revealed an error risk lower than 0.1% with a probability of P 0.8 for a chromosomal location on SSC3q21-q27. primer in was exon 12. , = Characterization of the fected SPG4 cDNA of affected and unaf¬ pigs screening of the porcine brain cDNA library, a primer pair (SPG4-3) in exon corresponding human SPG4 sequence (GenBank Accession AJ246001) A fragment with the expected size of 151 bp was obtained. was designed. Analysis of the sequence without the primer sequences using the BLAST pro¬ gram (Altschul et al, 1997) showed high similarity to the human and mouse SPG4 gene, 85% and 77%, respectively. This fragment was used for screening For 5 of the Candidate genes ATGGCCGCCAAGAGGAGCTCCCGGGCTGCGCCGGCCCCGGCCTCGGCCTCGCCCCCGGCG 60 MAAKRSSRAAPAPASASPPA CCGGTGCCAGGCGGGGAGGTCGAACGAGTACGAGCCTTCCACAAACAGGCCTTCGAGTAC 12 0 PVPGGEVERVRAFHKQAFEY \Exon2 ATCTCCGTTGCCCTGCGCATCGACGAGGACGAGAAAgItAGGACAAAAGGAGCAAGCTGTG 18 0 ISVALRIDEDEKVGQKEQAV GAATGGTATAAGAAAGGTATTGAAGAACTAGAAAAAGGAATTGCCGTTGTAGTTACAGGA 24 0 EWYKKGIEELEKGIAVVVTG \Exon3 CAAGGTGAACAGTGTGAAAGAGCCAGACGCCTTCAAGCTAAAATGATGACTAATTTGGTT 300 QGEQCERARRLQAKMMTNLV \Exon4 ATGGCAAAGGACCGTTTACAGCTATTAGIAGAAGCTGCAACCAGTTTTGCAATTTTCCAAG 360 MAKDRLQLLEKLQPVLQFSK TCACAGATGGACGTCTATAATGATAGTACTAACTTGACATGCCGCAACGGACATCTCCAG 42 0 SQMDVYNDSTNLTCRNGHLQ \Exon5 TCAQAAAGTGGAGCTGTTCCTAAAAGAAAAGACCCCTTAACACACCCTAGTAATTCACTG 48 0 SESGAVPKRKDPLTHPSNSL CCTCGTTCAAAAGCGATTATGAAAACTGGATCCACAGGTCTTTCAGGCCACCACAGAGCA 54 0 PRSKAIMKTGSTGLSGHHRA CCTAGCTGCAGCGGTTTATCCATTGTTTCTGGAATGAGACAGGGGCCTGGTCCTACAACT 60 0 PSCSGLSIVSGMRQGPGPTT \Exon6 GCCACTCATAAgIaGTACACCAAAAACAAATAGAACAAATAAACCTTCCACTCCTACAACT 66 0 ATHKSTPKTNRTNKPSTPTT GCTCCCCGTAAAAAGAAAGACTTGAAGAATTTTAGGAATGTGGACAGCAACCTTGCTAAC 72 0 APRKKKDLKNFRNVDSNLAN \Exon7 TTTATAATGAACGAAATTGTGGACAATGGAACAGCTGTTAAATTTGATGATATAGCTGGT 78 0 FIMNEIVDNGTAVKFDDIAG CAAGAATTGGCAAAACAAGCATTGCAAGAAATTGTCATTCTTCCTTCTCTGAGGCCTGAG 84 0 QELAKQALQEIVILPSLRPE \Exon8 FTGTTCACAGGTCTTAGAGCTCCTGCCAGAGGATTGTTACTCTTTGGTCCACCTGGAAAT 90 0 LFTGLRAPARGLLLFGPPGN \Exon9 GGGAAAACAATGCTGbcTAAAGCAGTAGCTGCAGAATCTAATGCAACCTTCTTTAATATA 96 0 GKTMLAKAVAAESNATFFNI \Exon10 AGTGCTGCAAGTCTAACTTCAAAATATGTAGGAGAAGGAGAAAAATTGGTGAGAGCTCTT 102 0 SAASLTSKYVGEGEKLVRAL \Exon11 TTTGCTGTGGCTCGAGAACTTCAGCCTTCTATAATTTTTATAGATGAAGTTGATAGCCTT 108 0 FAVARELQPSIIFIDEVDSL TTGCGTGAAAGAAGAGAAGGAGAACATGATGCCAGTAGACGTCTAAAAACTGAATTTTTA 114 0 LRERREGEHDASRRLKTEFL \Exon12 ATAGAATTTGATGGTIGTACAATCTGCTGGAGATGACAGAGTGCTTGTAATGGGTGCAACT 12 0 0 IEFDGVQSAGDDRVLVMGAT lExon 13 AACAGGCCACAAGAGCTTGATGAGGCTGTTCTCAGbcGTTTCATCAAACGGGTATATGTG NRPQELDEAVLRRFIKRVYV 12 6 0 Chapter 56 3. Results \Exon 14 TCTTTGCCAAATGAGGAGkcACGACTACTTTTATTAAAAAATCTATTATGTAAACAAGGA 13 2 0 SLPNEETRLLLLKNLLCKQG \Exon 15 AGCCCACTGACCCAAAAGGAACTGGCACAACTTGCTAGkTTGACCGACGGATACTCAGGA 13 80 SPLTQKELAQLARLTDGYSG \Exon16 AGTGATCTAACAGCTTTGGCAAAAGATGCAGCCCTGGGTCCTATCCGAgIaACTGAAACCA 1440 SDLTALAKDAALGPIRELKP \Exon17 GAACAAGTGAAGAATATGTCTGCCAGTGAgIaTGAGAAATATTCGATTATCTGACTTCACT 15 00 EQVKNMSASEMRNIRLSDFT GAATCCTTAAAAAAGATAAAACGCAGCGTGAGCCCTCAGACCTTAGAAGCATACATACGT 15 60 ESLKKIKRSVSPQTLEAYIR TGGAACAAGGACTTTGGAGACACCACTGTTTAA 1593 WNKDFGDTTV* Figure gene. 3.13: Nucleotide and deduced ammo acid sequence of the The initiator ATG codon and the stop codon TA A letters. The 16 vertical lines represent the exon are porcine shown SPG4 m bold boundaries. phages of the cDNA library by m situ hybridization. clones, three were sequenced with the 5' and 3' insert screening amplimer of the A-gtll vector as well as gene specific primers until of approximately 400'000 Of the twelve identified the sequence was determined in both strands (Figure 3.13). SPG4 sequence was submitted to GenBank (Accession compared to the human homolog using the GCG sequence analysis package (Devereux et al., 1984). Figure 3.14 shows a comparison be¬ tween the porcine SPG4 amino acid sequence displaying 96% similarity to the The porcine AF540879) and human sequence mouse sequence (GenBank Accession AJ246001) (GenBank Accession AK00793) in and 95% the similarity coding region. to the For the characterization of the cDNA of affected animals, RT-PCR was performed with mRNA of the cerebellum of three affected animals using primer pair SPG4-4 and SPG4-5. The two fragments were subcloned and sequenced. A transition of thymine (T) to cytosine (C) at position 802 (termed M802) in exon 7 (Fig. 3.13) of the SPG4 ORF was identified in one animal. This change of the triplet TTG to CTG results in the same amino acid leucine (L). To determine the polymorphism of this SNP, a PAC clone containing the SPG4 gene was sequenced with primer pair SPG4-6. A new primer pair (SPG4-7) was designed, the forward primer in intron 6, the reverse primer in intron 7, harboring exon 7. The target sequence was amplified in animals of different CPA genotypes (CPA/CPA, CPA/cpa, cpa/cpa). Sequence analysis did not confirm the M802 mutation. All animals, including the affected, were homozygous M802TIT. 3.3. Candidate genes 57 PGGRGKK pig human • KGSGGPSSPV NS PPRPPPPCLA A-N-- SSRPAPRPAP PPQSPHKRNL PAP--AG --E RFSRAL-AAK RSSRAAPAPA 51 100 pig YYFSYPLFLG human V- pig SASPPAPVPG human A FALLRLVAFH KGIEELEKGI GEVERVRAFH A- A-S--V-- 1- E--A- CERARRLQAK MMTNLVMAKD AWVTGQGEQ mouse --I VLQFSKSQMD --P T- pig AIMKTGSTGL human TV mouse TVL-S--A-- 100 QKEQAVEWYK 150 RLQLLEKLQP 200 M-Y VYNDSTNLTC T- mouse LRIDEDEKVG I- --I pig KQAFEYISVA V-- human human LGLLFVWLCQ G --A mouse pig 50 RNGHLQSESG AVPKRKDPLT A- HPSNSLPRSK 250 -T E -A SGHHRAPSCS A-- KKDLKNFRNV GPGPTTATHK STPKTNRTNK M VK- -S--APT G M A-P AAT G GLSIVSGMRQ Y- DSNLANFIMN EIVDNGTAVK 300 P pig PSTPTTAPRK human T-- L mouse V-- L pig KQALQEIVIL PSLRPELFTG LRAPARGLLL FGPPGNGKTM LAKAVAAESN 400 ATFFNISAAS LTSKYVGEGE KLVRALFAVA RELQPSIIFI DEVDSLLRER 450 FDDIAGQELA 350 D-- human mouse pig human C mouse C-- pig - - REGEHDASRR LKTEFLIEFD GVQSAGDDRV LVMGATNRPQ ELDEAVLRRF 500 IKRVYVSLPN EETRLLLLKN LLCKQGSPLT QKELAQLARL TDGYSGSDLT 550 KIKRSVSPQT 600 human mouse pig human M M mouse pig ALAKDAALGP IRELKPEQVK LEAYIRWNKD FGDTTV NMSASEMRNI RLSDFTESLK human mouse pig human • mouse A comparison Figure 3.14: human (AJ246001) quence. Identities methionines 617 • m and of mouse ammo (M) represent (GenBank Accession AF540879), (AK007793) spastin (SPG4) ammo acid se¬ the porcine acid sequences start codons, are indicated asterixes (*) by dashes. The bold indicate stop codons. Chapter 58 F150093-T7 SW902 57 57 57 A340D12-T7 A276A1-SP6 57 57 Results F150093-! 57 57 3. A276A1-T7 ^7__ 57 „ A340D12-SP6 D60036-T7 57 57 „ D60036-SP6 Figure 3.15: The sequence tagged site (STS) contig map for the chromosomal region deriving from microsateUite SW902. All STSs were localized to SSC3 except F150093-SP6 which was mapped to SSC4- Therefore, the assembly of the contig at this side was Histological not continued. examination As described by Reid (1999) the main characteristic in hereditary spastic para¬ plegia (HSP) families is an axonal degeneration involving the terminal ends of the longest fibers of the corticospinal tracts and dorsal columns. The spinocere¬ bellar tracts are involved to a lesser degree. In all piglets histologically exam¬ ined no axonal degeneration could be found. 3.4 PAC contig Contig 3.4.1 PAC library with microsateUite SW902 identified clone starting point of the contig (Fig. 3.15). Both ends of the clone were sequenced with SP6 and T7 primers and new primers were designed (Table 2.1). This primers were named after the clone of which they descend from and after the primer of which the clone was sequenced. The se¬ quence tagged sites (STS) amplified with these primers were named F150093SP6 and F150093-T7, respectively. F150093-T7 determined the clone A78G1. Both STSs of this clone, A78G1-SP6 and A78G1-T7, respectively, could not be Screening F150093, of the around microsatellite SW902 which is the identified in clone F150093. is larger This could mean than the insert of clone F150093. could not be identified in clone A78G1, it is that the insert of clone A78G1 But as more SW902 and F150093-SP6 likely that clone F150093 is PAC contig 3.4- 59 recombinant. Screening of the PAC clones A340D12 and library with A78G1-SP6 A276A1, respectively. The STS and A78G1-T7 identified A276A1-SP6, A276A1A78G1, while the frag¬ ment A340D12-SP6 of clone A340D12 was identified in clone A78G1. Screening with primer pair A340D12-T7determined clone D60036, the STS D60036-SP6 of T7 and A340D12-T7 could not be determined in clone being also localized in clone A340D12. The boundaries of this S0094, which show and contig are marked by the two microsatelhtes SW1066 0.03 and 0.02 recombination with CPA, respectively (Table 3.5, Fig. 3.2). As the gene responsible for CPA lies between these two all clones analyzed so far were screened with these two microsatel¬ markers, htes to determine the flanking clones. Yet, in none of the clones a signal was detected. SW902 and all STSs chromosomally assigned using the somatic cell are located on SSC3q21-q27, while STS F150093-SP6 has been assigned to SSC4q21-q24. This indicates that clone F150093 is a chimeric clone with two co-ligated inserts deriving from SSC3 and SSC4. Therefore, the PAC library was not screened further with STS F150093SP6. Chromosomal assignment of all other STSs revealed location on SSC3ql2. hybrid panel. were SW902 and STS F150093-T7 far, the assumed arrangement of PAC clones F150093, A78G1, A276A1, A340D12, and D60036 is shown in Fig. 3.15. So Single 3.4.2 nucleotide polymorphism For the detection and identification of SNPs in the STSs of the PAC contig, polymorphism (SSCP) technique was used. This method allows to detect mutations in DNA fragments as the mobility of singlestranded DNA in which mutations occur varies considerably in nondenaturing Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Each STS was analyzed with the animals of mating 7 (Table 3.4). Polymorphism was found in STSs A340D12-SP6 and the single strand conformation A78G1-SP6. SNP in A340D12-SP6 Primer pair A340D12-SP6 (Table 2.1) amplified STS A340D12-SP6. different In this STS one SNP was a fragment of 254 bp called Fig. 3.16A shows the found. migration pattern of STS A340D12-SP6 of four animals in the SSCP fragments were designated A and B, respectively. The slow and fast gel. Sequencing of these fragments revealed a transition of adenine (A) to (G) at position 115 (termed A115G, Fig. 3.16B). All 206 animals nine gua¬ were Chapter 60 A 1 2 3 4 AB AB AA BB xx.GG'xxGCI 3. Results II"1 (a) Homozygous animal rTTGGas.TTGCTATTAa.rt Homozygous animal rr rcT ga t tac tattaaa ! I ! I I I I I I I I ! I I I I ! I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I mAACCTAACGATAATTT AAAC C TA AÏ GA T AATT T Heterozygous animal TTIGG^TTGCTATTÄÄ- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I mAA ^ATAACGATAATTT Figure 3.16: PCR-SSCP pattern of STS A340D12-SP6 of four pigs and electropherogram of STS A340D12-SP6 flanking the identified mutation. (A) PCR-SSCP pattern of STS A340D12-SP6 of four pigs. Fast and slow frag¬ Lane 1: father, ments were designated as A and B alleles, respectively. CPA carrier, AB; lane 2: mother, CPA carrier, AB; lane 3: offspring, CPA healthy, AA; lane 4: offspring, CPA affected, BB. (B) Electropherogram of STS A340D12-SP6 flanking the identified mutation. The nucleotide sequence from two healthy (CPA/CPA and CPA/cpa,) and one affected animal (cpa/cpa,) The arrow indicates the location of the SNP. a: homozygous (G) are presented. animal, healthy; b: homozygous (A) animal, affected; c: heterozygous (A/G) animal, healthy. PAC contig 3.4- 61 Assignment of A340D12-SP6. Table 3.6: the SSCP alleles change polymorphism m STS SNP A115A BB homozygous G/G (C/C) G115G AB heterozygous A/G (T/C) A115G A78G1-SP6. were revealed segregation analysis. The assigned binary codes termed A340D12J3P6-M115. was a In this STS two SNPs visible but they fragment (A) to a of 282 bp called STS On the SSCP reliably interpreted. guanine (G) at position (M143), respectively (Fig. 3.17A). and 143 fragments were a found. could not be transition of adenine 143 eliminates SP6 115 pair A78G1-SP6 (Table 2.1) amplified Primer M131) bp at the SNPs in A78G1-SP6 bands for homozygous A/A (T/T) shown in Table 3.6. This SNP are code AA for this transition for typed binary gel several Sequencing 131 (termed This transition at position restriction site for BsiRKAI. resulted in a restriction Digestion of amplified A78G1fragment length polymorphism (RFLP). 3.17B shows the RFLP pattern obtained from four animals of mating 7 137-bp 282-, heterozygous parents (M143A/G) (Table 3.4). fragments. The homozygous healthy offspring (M143A/A) shows only a 282-bp fragment, while the affected homozygous offspring (M143G/G) shows 145- and 137-bp fragments. The M143 mutation was typed by PCR-RFLP in all 206 animals for segregation analysis. This SNP was termed A78G1-SP6JVI143. Fig. The reveal Due to the small distance of 12 that no M143 was analyzed Linkage analysis Pairwise M131 and M143 it recombination occurred between these two loci in Therefore, only 3.4.3 bp between linkage analysis in our 145- and our was assumed 206 animals. family. and fine to estimate the lod mapping scores and recombination fractions for A340D12J3P6-M115 and A78G1_SP6_M143, respectively, with the seven chromosome 3 microsatelhtes (SW2618, S0094, SW902, SW1066, SW460, As the lod G ACT, S0216) and the disease locus (CPA) were performed. score values and recombination fractions of SNPs A340D12_SP6_M115 and A78G1_SP6_M143 shown in the were identical, only the SNP A78G1_SP6_M143 results two-point linkage analysis in Table 3.7. are Chapter 62 (A) 121 OGTQCCCÄGG 'iTTGGGCCl GJLCACCCAC 3. Results 150 (B) 2S2 145 _ m» ^ mm» 137 Figure Partial 3.17: SNPs M131 and BsiHKAI. to (A) guanine (G) sequence of STS A78G1-SP6 harboring the two M143 and digestion of amplified A78G1-SP6 fragments with Partial sequence transitions at of STS A78G1-SP6 revealed two adenine position 131 bp and 143 bp, respectively. The (A) se¬ of DNA at which BsiHKAI cuts the DNA (GAGCA7 C) is underlined. (B) Digestion of amplified A78G1-SP6 fragments with BsiHKAI results in a The M143A'G genotype results in 282-, restriction fragment polymorphism. 145-, and 137-bp restriction fragments (lane 1 and 2, parents), while the two homozygous M143A'A (lane 3, healthy offspring) and M143G'G (lane 4, affected offspring) genotypes generate a 282-bp fragment, and two 145- and 137-bp frag¬ ments, respectively. M: 50-bp ladder. quence PAC contig 3.4- Table 3.7: 63 Two-point linkage analysis of A78G1SP6-M143, marker loci and the mosome 3-specific sex-averaged recombination fractions (0) Locus CPA and lod locus used scores pair for seven chro¬ estimation of (Z). 9 Z A78G1SP6-M143 SW2618 0.10 6.50 A78G1.SP6.M143 S0094 0.06 18.56 A78G1.SP6.M143 SW902 0.03 52.03 A78G1.SP6.M143 CPA 0.02 19.01 A78G1SP6-M143 SW1066 0.04 46.47 A78G1SP6-M143 SW460 0.07 5.79 A78G1.SP6.M143 G ACT 0.05 20.41 A78G1.SP6.M143 S0216 0.22 3.46 According to the contig assembly, both SNPs (A340D12.SP6-M115 and A78Gl_Sp6_M143) were expected to be located in close distance (<1%) to SW902. Instead, a recombination frequency of 3% between A78G1-SP6JVI143 and SW902 was calculated (Table 3.7). It was not feasible to insert the SNP computationally with the CRIMAP "build" A78G1-SP6JVI143 option into the fixed order SW2618-S0094-SW902- SW1066-SW460-GACT-S0216 or S0094-SW902-SW1066, respectively. There¬ fore, three of the seven microsatelhtes were fixed and SNP A78G1_SP6_M143 This revealed the following orders: SW2618-S0094-SW1066was inserted. A78G1.SP6.M143A78G1_SP6_M143, SW902-A78G1SP6MU3-SW460, SW460-GACT-S0216, SW2618-S0094-SW902-A7&G1SP6-MU3-SW460. The order SW2618-S0094-SW902-SW1066-A7&G1SP6JAU3-SW460-GACTIn Fig. 3.18, the relative genetic S0216 was never rejected by our data. position of A78G1.SP6_M143 between SW1066 and SW460 is shown. This alignment of the loci STS A78G1_SP6_M143 differs from the expected between SW1066 and SW460. was alignment to lie between shown in The Fig 3.2. S0094 and SW1066, not Chapter 64 Marker -SW1066 3. Results cM 0.0 0.04 —FÏ78G1_SP6_M143 3.9 0.05 -SN460 Figure some 3 8.5 of SNP A78G1SP6JÂ143 on porcine chromo¬ by 3-pomt analysis. Sex-averaged map distances are given m Kosambi 3.18: Genetic mapping cM. 0: estimated recombination rate. Chapter 4 Discussion In the search for genes associated with CPA we have mapped the CPA pheno¬ region of microsateUite SW902, which is located on SSC3. Comparative mapping revealed the candidate genes CACNB4, SCN2A, CHRNAl, KCNJ3 and SPG4, as mutations in these genes lead to diseases, type to the chromosomal phenotype of CPA. Only the genes SSC3ql4-q21 and SSC3q21-27, re¬ spectively, while the other three ion channel genes were mapped to SSC15. Mutation screening of the ORF and the RNA expression study of the porcine CA CNB4 gene did not reveal any differences between healthy and affected ani¬ mals. Mutation screening of the SPG4 ORF did not reveal any modifications in affected piglets. Moreover, axonal degeneration in the corticospinal tract which whose clinical appearance resembles the CACNB4 and SPG4 could be mapped to found in humans suffering from HSP could not be observed in affected pigs. Therefore, the hypothesis that CACNB4 or SPG4 is identical with the CPA gene was rejected. To isolate the region harboring the gene responsible for CPA the creation of a PAC contig around SW902 was started. Altogether, five clones were arranged. However, the starting clone containing SW902 was a chimeric clone with two co-ligated inserts deriving from SSC3 and SSC4. Additionally it was confirmed through linkage analysis, genetical, and physical mapping of was STSs and SNPs found in the subsequent clone 4.1 4.1.1 contig that Diagnosis gap between the starting and the The clinical of CPA picture of CPA picture was defined by clinical examinations, therapeutic applica¬ drugs, neurophysiological, electromyographical, electroencephalograph- The clinical tions of a exists. 65 Chapter 4- 66 ical, well as clinical pathological as findings and discussed and are by spastic gait most severe cases a movement disorder which is character¬ and ataxia in the hind limbs with the piglets first disease symptoms can Here, the histopathological examinations. compared to splayleg disease. The clinical examinations revealed ized Discussion drifting to fall down and remain in lateral one side. In the recumbency. The be observed within the first three weeks after birth. The congenital splayleg disease is also characterized by incoordination within days after birth, but this incoordination is due to splayed hind limbs (Bergmann, 1976). In comparison to CPA, animals with weak symptoms will the first while recover affected seriously piglets may be treated with between the hind limbs to prevent the limbs 1984). For CPA, no enzymes controversial a loose outwards coupling (Bickhardt, treatment is known. In animals affected was splaying by CPA, activity of muscle specific and further pigs while for splayleg animals described. Kolb et al. (1981) reported an increase the in the range considered normal for findings were splayleg pigs in contrast to Tucek et al. (1985) who found no the activity of CK in the blood plasma of healthy and affected in CK levels in difference in pigs. Histological brain, nerves and splayleg pigs incomplete development of mus¬ legs could be observed (Bergmann, 1976; Curvers examinations revealed alterations in the no muscles of CPA animals while in cle fibers in the front and et rear al, 1989). On the basis of these results genital splayleg we concluded that CPA is different from con¬ disease in swine. To exclude an involvement of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, a thera¬ peutical dose of Konstigmin® was applied to three affected animals. As the condition of the pigs did not improve an involvement of acetylcholine could be excluded (Forth et al, 1992). To measure NCS, and EEG the electrical were activity in the muscle, brain and nerves, EMG, carried out. Electromyography (EMG) is the science concerned with the study of electri¬ activity in muscle. The basic physiological unit of a normal skeletal muscle function is the motor unit, which consists of a lower motor neuron (LMN) and a finite number of muscle cells (fibers). In the EMG, prolonged insertion potentials were found in piglets affected by CPA. When a needle electrode is inserted into a normal healthy muscle, electrical activity called insertion poten¬ tial is induced. This is caused by mechanical stimulation of the muscle fibers. Insertion potentials may be prolonged, if the muscle is denervated, inflamed or degenerated (Vandevelde and Fankhauser, 1987). cal The nerve conduction the rate at which an study (NCS) is impulse electrical a useful moves diagnostic tool along a nerve. that measures It is used to Diagnosis of CPA 4-1. diagnose 67 disorders of the peripheral and muscles. The nerves between stimulation and appearance of muscle potentials) was latency (the time equal in all three animals, while the amplitude seemed to be lower in the affected animals. amplitude suggests that axons may be damaged. A low The electrophysiological deviations measured in muscle and nerves sug¬ gested a myopathy and/or a nerve/nerve cell disorder which could not be confirmed by the pathological examinations. It has to be mentioned that the patient sample was too small to detect the statistic significance of deviations. Moreover, in the literature normal values for EMG, NCS, and EEG for pigs are missing, as these techniques are reserved to humans and dogs so far. Brain waves are attributed to electrical activities of the brain which alternating potential quired through scalp electrodes, manifest differences at the as scalp surface. When are ac¬ potential differences result in timecontinuous signals termed electroencephalogram (EEG). In the human, brain waves show a characteristic pattern of development from infancy and early childhood through adulthood with regard to EEG maturation (Alvarez-Amador et al, 1989). In the three animals examined, a high voltage fast activity pattern was recorded. This pattern differed from records in humans and in dogs. Data from pigs were not found in the literature. Moreover, the interpretation of this finding was difficult examined animals as was such the stage of maturation of the cerebral cortex in the not known. To our knowledge pigs. there are no publications about the different stages of maturation in 4.1.2 MicrosateUite SW902 and CPA revealed that the SW902189 allele co-segregated 100% with the beginning study, the disease was in observed our experimental family (Table 3.4, family 1) and therefore it only remains to be determined whether this association was due only to a founder effect in this family or whether a linkage disequilibrium could also be observed in other populations. Linkage analysis recessive allele involved in CPA. In the Due to the collaboration with the of this Department of Farm Animals, Univer¬ sity of Zurich and the Institute of Animal Neurology, University of Berne the knowledge about the existence and the phenotype of CPA was more propa¬ gated. Thus, further litters affected by a neuromuscular disorder which could not be assigned to any disease known until this day, were examined in our in¬ stitute. In five out of six cases CPA could be diagnosed according to the typical phenotype and the genotypic test (Table 3.4, families 2-5). Are these five affected families rium can be found in other families affected analyzed in this now an populations as linkage disequilib¬ pedigree of the Thus, all the animals indication that the well? Analyses of the by CPA revealed a common ancestor. study belong to one family. To date, the genotypic test is only Chapter 4- 68 significant in these animals. It is which exhibit another genotype Discussion possible that there might be affected animals healthy animals showing the SW902189/189 or genotype in unrelated families. 4.2 Chromosomal assignment channel subunit alpha SCN3A), KCNJ3, of a cluster sodium (SCN1A- and CHRNAl alpha subunit genes (SCNA) is lo¬ (1991) mapped the SCN2A1 gene to HSA2q22-q23, Lu et. al. (1992) mapped the SCN2A2 gene to HSA2q23-q24, the SCN1A gene was localized to HSA2q24 by Malo et. al (1994a) and the SCN3A gene was mapped to HAS2q24-q31 by Malo et. al. (1994b). In the mouse, Malo et. al (1991) demonstrated that the SCN2A and SCN3A are physically linked and separated by a maximum distance of 600 kb. Furthermore, also the genes SCN1A and SCN2A are tightly linked in the mouse and separated by a distance of 0.7 cM. Thus, the 3 isoforms of the brain sodium channel alpha subunit are In the cated human, on a cluster of sodium channel human chromosome 2. Han et al. encoded by both conservation of amino acid sequence similarities and by 3 distinct genes that share a common ancestral origin as revealed by chromosomal encoded by the same presumed that these isoforms are pig. The porcine sodium alpha channel subunit cluster was SSC15 with a high probability for region ql5-q22. Comparative location. We therefore chromosome in the mapped to mapping data showed conserved synteny groups of human chromosome 2 on porcine chromosomes 3 and 15 (Rettenberger et al, 1995), more precisely the human region 2q22-q24 corresponding to SSC15q21-q22 (Pinton et al., 2000). We therefore mapped the porcine sodium channel alpha subunit cluster on SSC15ql5-q22. Only cell hybrids harboring the region SSC15ql5-q22 showed amplification products with the primer pair used for mapping the porcine KCNJ3 gene. In the human, the KCNJ3 gene was mapped to HSA2q24.1 by Stoffel et al. (1994). Pinton et al. (2000) showed correspondence between the human 2q24q37 and the porcine 15q21-q26 region. Thus, there is additional evidence that the KCNJ3 gene maps to SSC15ql5-q22. The human CHRNAl gene was mapped to human chromosome 2q24-q32 by al., 1990). In this study, the porcine CHRNAl gene was localized to SSC15q23-q26. This location on porcine chromosome 15 is in agreement with Rettenberger et al (1995) and Pinton et al (2000), who showed correspondence (Beeson et between human 2q24-q37 and porcine 15q21-q26 region. As the porcine sodium channel KCNJ3 gene, and the alpha subunit cluster genes, the porcine porcine CHRNAl gene are located on SSC15, they were The candidate gene CACNB4 4-3. excluded as candidate genes and 69 therefore, The candidate gene 4.3 The four calcium channel tivity of subunit no investigations were made. CACNB4 ß subunits (CACNB1-CACNB4) modulate the calcium channels in voltage-gated further proteins is highly conserved with neurons > ac¬ and muscles. Each of the 95% amino acid orthologs in different mammalian species (Williams et al., 1994; Escayg et al., 1998). Yet, no calcium channel ß subunit characterized for the pig. between the Collin et 4.3.1 Chromosomal In the mouse, ß identity al., 1992; sequence is assignment encoding the voltage-gated Ca2+ channel ß\ subproximal mouse chromosome 2 by Chin et CACNB4 gene was mapped to chromosome 2q22-q23 the gene al (CACNB4) (1995). The by Taviaux et al on HSA2 is divided into two groups in the unit localized to was human (1997) and Escayg et al (1998). A syntenic group located pig located on SSC3ql3-q27 and SSC15qll-ql4/q22-q26 as described by Pinton et al (2000) and al (1996). The porcine CACNB4 gene was therefore expected to Goureau et be localized pig chromosome 3 or 15. The A-genomic DNA fragment carrying the porcine CACNB4 gene was mapped to SSC3ql4-q21 by FISH. We can clearly exclude CACNB4 being located on chromosome 15, as the porcine chromosome 15 is telocentric in comparison to the sub-metacentric SSC3. on either 4.3.2 Mutation Analysis a of protein the of screening porcine 502 amino of the cDNA CACNB4 acids gene with (http://www.expasy.ch/tools/pi_tool.html). a revealed molecular In the rat, that it encodes mass of 63-kDa the ß± subunit contains an open reading frame encoding for a 519-amino acid protein, with a predicted molecular mass of 58-kDa (Castellano et al, 1993), while the human ß\ subunit encodes a 512-amino acid protein, which predicts also a 58-kDa protein (Escayg et al., 1998). The difference to the human and rat ß± protein, respectively, to does not alter the al., 1993; Walker CACNB4 gene is genes contain 13 In the mouse, the protein phosphorylation sites that are thought regulation of calcium channel function (Castellano et et al, 1998). The intron/exon organization of the porcine similar to that of the human (Escayg et al, 1998). Both contribute to the /?4 subunit is coding exons, all of them identical in length. Burgess et al (1997) demonstrated that a null mutation in responsible for an autosomal recessive neurological disorder Chapter 4- 70 Discussion lethargic. Escayg et al (2000b) identified a prematurea patient with juvenile myoclonic epilepsy as well as a missense mutation both in a German family with generalized epilepsy and praxis-induced seizures and in a French Canadian family with episodic ataxia. in the mouse mutant termination mutation in In the pig, only one of the twelve C to G transition in exon determine if this transition is (Saiki et al, 1988; Bracho animals (8.3%) exhibited a a silent possible to misincorporation that occurred during PCR al, 1998) or a genetic mutation. CACNB4 expression 4.3.3 The et analyzed From this limited data it is not 13. expression of the CANB4 gene in various porcine tissues is in agreement findings (1993): brain, while no expression can be detected in script of approximately 9.0 kb is similar in length to the previously described transcripts in rat, mouse and human brain (Castellano et al., 1993; Burgess et al, 1997; Escayg et al, 1998). with the Burgess in brain of et al. (1997) lethargic the CACNB4 mRNA expression is reduced Comparison of the expression of this gene in the described that mice. cerebellum of affected and 4.3.4 ß± subunit is expressed in the muscle, heart or fat. The tran¬ of Castellano et al healthy piglets did not show any differences. Comparison of CPA with lethargic mice and epilepsy the clinical picture of and ataxia in humans Comparison of the phenotype of lethargic mice (Burgess et al, 1997) and pigs suffering from CPA revealed both a few similarities and some differences. In contrast to the lethargic mice (1) no spontaneous focal motor seizures; and (2) increasing age could be observed in the CPA pigs. In agree¬ ataxia, the lethargic behavior and the finding that no pathological changes (Dung and Swigart, 1972) can be observed. no recovery with ment are the Escayg gene with et al (2000b) episodic showed ataxia and an association of a in humans. epilepsy brief spells mutation in the The CACNB4 patients experienced of loss of consciousness, ataxia and sporadic typical absences with in the shoulders and after arms myoclonic jerks awakening. In comparison, the CPA pigs never had absences and their condition was always better after rest. Above these differences the ethosuximide provoked it et al, 1998; CapoviUa et therapeutic application of the antiepileptic drug in the condition of the affected piglets (Tsakiridou et al, 1995) and the human (Escayg improvement described for the rat as was no al, 1999). The candidate gene SPG4 4-4- 71 SPG4 The candidate gene 4.4 SPG4 The (1994) assignment Chromosomal 4.4.1 was gene mapped to human chromosome (1994). high probability (P and Hentati et al SSC3 with a 0.8) being = q-arm. This observation coincides with the al (2000). The human chromosome end of the q-arm of Mutation 4.4.2 The porcine SPG4 mass porcine spastin porcine spastin located et al gene on the distal end of the on gene map of Pinton et comparative 2pl3-p24 region corresponds to the distal chromosome 3. screening gene encodes a of the cDNA protein of 530 amino acids with (http://www.expasy.ch/tools/pi_tool.html). of 58-kDa human 2pl3-p24 by Hazan We localized the gene contains 616 amino acids with a a molecular The ORF of the molecular mass of 67- (Hazan et al, 1999). Apart from a length difference of 86 amino acids (14%) in exon 1, the porcine amino acid sequence differs only 4% from the kDa human sequence. Most important, this difference does cassette between human amino acids 342 and 599 conserved ATPase minimal consensus, domains, including Walker motifs A and were The association between ATPase not alter the AAA (Beyer, 1997). The three B and the AAA (Hazan et al, 1999). spastin and microtubules is regulated through the located in this AAA cassette activity of the AAA domain (Errico et al, 2002). All spastin missense mutations located in the AAA domain bind to microtubules and lead to a redistribution of the microtubule cytoskeleton which impairs the microtubule dynamics in long axons (Errico et al, 2002). Also, the exon organization of porcine SPG4 is similar to that of human spastin: both contain 17 exons, similar in length. Until now, 88 mutations in the spastin located in the AAA cassette gene have been described. (Hazan Most of al, 1999; Burger et al, 2000; Fonknechten et al, 2000; Hentati et al, 2000; Lindsey et al, 2000; McMonagle et al, 2000; Santorelh et al, 2000; White et al, 2000; Svenson et al, 2001; Sauter et al, 2002a). The mutation we identified in 1 (8.3%) out of 12 analyzed them are animals lies in the AAA cassette, but (leucine) it is a silent mutation. As as the amino acid remains the already is difficult to determine if this transition is during PCR (Saiki et al, 1988; Bracho et et a same chapter 4.3.2, it misincorporation that occurred mentioned in al, 1998) or a genetic mutation. Chapter 4- 72 hereditary spastic paraplegia (HSP) The pure with "clumsiness" of 5 of CPA with pure HSP Comparison 4.4.3 years) or (25% of cases may in HSP families may not appear until adult life observed in newborn Discussion begin in early symptomatic are (Reid, 1999), childhood at an while CPA is age only The severity of the symptoms varies in both HSP, piglets affected by CPA have an increased tone of the lower limb and weakness of the limbs simultaneously. Hyperreflexia 1 of the limbs and a positive Babinski reflex are another diagnostic hint (Sauter et al., 2002b). In the pig, neurological examinations and their interpretations are difficult as pigs are not used to be handled. piglets. diseases. As described for pure spinal cord atrophy, particularly regions (Reid, 1999). The major neuropathological feature is axonal degeneration in the terminal portions of the longest descending (corticospinal tracts) and ascending (dorsal column pathways) tracts within the spinal cord (McDermott et al, 2000). Demyelination and gliosis can accompany the axonal loss. A connection between the mutations in the spastin gene and Pathological reports for pure HSP describe in the cervical and thoracic the degeneration of motor axons has currently been shown by Errico et al As this degeneration of motor axons could not be found in the pigs affected by CPA, we assume HSP does not seem to be similar to CPA. (2002). The PAC 4.5 contig General aspects of 4.5.1 generating a contig sequencing results were obtained when the PAC DNA was extracted with Qiagen-tip 500 Plasmid Purification Kit as described in chapter 2.4.3. Though with minipreparation of plasmid DNA as described in Sambrook et al. (1989) high concentrations of DNA were obtained, this yield is ascribed Best the to the contaminating bacterial DNA. Usually, from a single inoculated in 500 ml of LB medium 70.0 fig DNA colony template amount of 1.5 sufficient. If into the more gel. cycles are 500 bp of not 2.0 fig of pure PAC DNA per - DNA is taken, the amplified isolated bacterial can be expected. A sequencing reaction is DNA is too viscous for loading cycles of amplification, as the usual 30 amplification. Following the here described protocol, We also recommend 99 enough for the insert sequence should be readable. 1The Babinski reflex is where the great toe flexes toward the top of the foot and the other toes fan out when the sole of the foot It is normal in children under 2 years is firmly stroked old, but it disappears as the child ages and the nervous system becomes more developed In people more than 2 years old, the presence of a Babinski reflex indicates damage to the nerve paths connecting the spinal cord and the bram (the corticospinal tract) The PAC contig 4-5. 73 Discrepancies 4.5.2 in the contig The chromosomal assignment of the STSs of the clones of the contig already discrepancy. In clone F150093, STS F150093-T7 and microsatellite SW902 have been localized on SSC3q21-q27, while STS F150093-SP6 was mapped to SSC4q21-q24. Moreover, the adjacent clones seemed to be located more proximal, on SSC3ql2. According to Robic et al (1996), porcine chro¬ mosome 3 is divided into nine small regions in the somatic cell hybrid panel, which can be discriminated only by one or two PCR results. Therefore, the localizations have to be considered very carefully. To verify these results, the showed contig some was analyzed for SNPs. No recombination was and A78G1_SP6_M143. found between the two SNPs A340D12_SP6_M115 According between the two SNPs and to the recombination SW902, there seems frequency to be a of 3% found gap between clone F150093 and A78G1. If the two loci would be 1 cM apart, there would be chance of recombination between these loci. On the average, 1 cM to 1 million base pairs (Brem two clones would have a et al, 1991). In our size of about 3 million case bp. a 1% corresponds the gap between the Additionally, from our expected SNP A340D12_SP6_M115 to be either localized between microsatelhtes S0094 and SW902 or between microsatelhtes SW902 contig assembly and SW1066 we (Fig. 3.2). Yet, SNP A340D12_SP6_M115 was localized between SW460. Thus, it is assumed that the contig assembly is not correct. From our analyses, clone F150093 seems to be chimeric and is therefore not to be considered as a good starting clone. SW1066 and False-positive and false-negative PCR screening results in the PAC library obtained them for clone A78G1 are a common problem (Hall et al, 2001). Although Al-Bayati et al (1999) concluded that the PAC library harbors no or at least negligible amounts of chimeric clones, clone F150093 seemed to be chimeric. Its T7 end was mapped to SSC3q21-q27 while its SP6 end was mapped to SSC4q21-q24. Therefore, this clone is not considered as a good as we starting clone for generating a contig. Unfortunately, microsateUite SW902 only found in clone F150093 of the PAC library. It is advisable to obtain a clone containing SW902 from another library. was Chapter 5 Conclusions and further perspectives The present study investigated the phenotypic appearance of "Congenital pro¬ gressive ataxia and spastic paresis in pigs" (CPA), mapped the disease locus to the porcine genome, analyzed several candidate genes, and as no candidate gene was found to be the causal gene for the disease, explored the possibility of a positional cloning approach to identify the gene causing CPA. The following conclusions could be made: • CPA and • to characterize the disease as splayleg electron disease in microscopy pigs are two different diseases. additional examinations such precisely more and immunohistochemical methods should be en¬ forced. • it remains to be determined if only CPA affected animals exhibit the SW902189'189 genotype. • the genes were • the fore SCN2A, therefore KCNJ3 and CHRNAl ineligible porcine CACNB4 a as gene were mapped to SSC15 and candidate genes. was candidate gene for CPA. mapped to SSC3ql4-q21 and was there¬ However, mutation screening, expression studies, and drug treatment did not confirm the assumption, that porcine CACNB4 gene may be responsible for CPA. a mu¬ tation in the • the was porcine spastin mapped to gene (SPG4) SSC3q21-q27. was a Mutation 75 candidate gene for CPA screening did not as it reveal any Chapter 76 differences between affected and rophy, which is diagnostic Conclusions and 5. • • in the The spinal cord at¬ by mutations in the spastin affected pigs. Therefore, no further healthy animals. for HSP caused gene, could not be confirmed in the investigations spastin gene were made. as no other suitable candidate genes for CPA could be found, a pure positional cloning approach was started by generating a contig around microsateUite SW902. Unfortunately, the generated contig showed some irregularities. A new clone harboring SW902 should be obtained from an¬ other library. To avoid new irregularities, each clone should be mapped to the porcine chromosome by somatic cell hybrids. If the result is doubtful the assumed localization should be proven by FISH. to speed be used The up contig as new construction microsatelhtes comparative candidate tify disease-causing of the pathogenic mechanism and proach no S0094 and SW1066 should entry points. gene approach is a genes in animals. 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Nat. Genet. 15: 62-69. Appendix A Materials A.l Equipment Company (Article number) Description A.Kühnert AG Bacterial shaker (Lab-Therm-Shaker) (426.694) Schleicher & Schuell (439.387) Schleicher & Schuell filter paper Blotting Blotting membrane, Cellulose Nitrate Blotting membrane, Nylon Blotting membrane Colony 137 82 Stratagene (420101) lift Duralon (420102) (420103) Heraeus (Cryofuge 8000) Heraeus (Biofuge B) Hettich (Microliter Typ 2042) mm Duralon mm Centrifuges DCode TM Biorad gel apparatus Sequencer 377 A DNA Thermocycler Hybaid DNA Thermocycler Electrophoresis Maxiphor DNA Electrophoresis Mighty small Falcon polypropylene tube, 50 Falcon tube, 14 ml Foto Developer Neutol liquid Applied Biosystems MWG-Biotech Perkin Elmer Cetus LKB (2012-001) (SE 245) Fakola (9150) Falcon (2059) Hoefer ml Agfa Agfa B&W fixer Foto Fixer Agefix B&W fixer 91 Gevaert Gevaert AG, AG, Leverkusen Leverkusen Appendix 92 A. Materials Company (Article number) Description Hybond-XL, nylon membrane Amersham Biosci. (RPN119S) Incubator Heraeus Labor shaker Bühler Medelec Profile Multimedie EEG Oxford Microcon®-PCR centrifugal Millipore (UFC7 RC250) filter devices Gilson Micropipettes Microsyringe, Pasteur pipet 50 Hamilton fi\ WU Mainz, BRD TOENNIES, Erich Jäger GmbH Falcon (1029) Sarstedt (28 1184) Falcon (1008) Perkin Elmer (UV-VIS 550) Omicron-Labotec (RC10) Treff (96 1702 6 02) Treff (96 1701 4 02) Cambridge, MA, USA NeuroScreen Plus dish, 100 mm dish, 150 mm Petri dish, 60 mm Photospectrometer Petri Petri Pipet tips, 1-10 fi\ Pipet tips, 100-1000 fi\ Pipet tips, 20-200 fA Polaroid camera Polaroid film 667 Power Polaroid supply (agarose gels) Desaga Heidelberg Bio-Rad (165-60) PowerPac 3000 Reaction tubes 0.5 1.5 1.7 ml, Polypropylene ml, Polypropylene ml, chloroform-safe Biozym (170912) (96 7246 9 01) Brunschwig (MCT-175-A) Mettler (PE3600) Amersham Biosci. (80-6095-58) Millipore Treff Scale Slot Blot manifold Spin columns Sterile filter unit (0.2 fim), 150 ml Nalgene (125-0020) Temperature controlled gel apparatus Ultracentrifuge Ultracentrifuge Ultracentrifuge DCode Kontron Kontron TST 28.38 rotor tubes TM, Bio-Rad (Centnkon T-2070) Polyallomer 13.5 ml Beckman 38.5 ml Kontron UV-Transilluminator Vacuum concentrator Vortex X-ray films, Kodak X-OMAT X-ray films, Fuji New RX (32-6814) (9190196) MWG-Biotech AG Bachofer (BA-VC-300H) (K-550-GE) Sigma (F-5513) Fuji (03E250) Scientific Industries A. 2. Substances/chemicals 93 Substances/chemicals A.2 Company (Article number) Description /3-Mercaptoethanol A-DNA 1 kb Basepair ladder 5'/3' RACE Kit 50 Basepair ladder 100 Basepair ladder 5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl/5-D-galactosidase (X-Gal) ABI Prism Dye Terminator Cycle Sequencing Ready Reaction Kit Acrylamide Agar Agarose Ammonium peroxide sulphate (APS) AMV reverse transcriptase Fluka (63689) Boehringer-Mannheim (745782) Gibco BRL (10381-010) Invitrogen (1734792) Pharmacia (27-400501) Pharmacia (27-400101) Boehringer-Mannheim (651745) Perkin Elmer (401384) Fluka (01699) (30391-023) Gibco BRL (1551-027) Fluka (09915) Promega M (5101) Gibco BRL & reaction buffer BamHI & reaction buffer Pharmacia Boric acid Bovine serum (27-0868-04) (15660) Sigma (A-9647) Fluka (18030) BioConcept (R0570S) Difco (0230-15-5) Fluka (21079) Fluka (84100) Pharmacia (27-2025-01) Fluka albumin (BSA) Bromphenol blue BsiHKA I & reaction buffer Casamino acids / Casein hydrolisate Chloroform D(+)-Sucrose Deoxyribonucleotide dATP/dCTP/dGTP/dTTP sulphate Diethylpyrocarbonate (DEPC) Dextran EcoRl Ethanol Ethidium bromide (EtBr) Ethylenediamintetraacetic acid Pharmacia (17-034-01) (32490) Pharmacia (27-0854-03) Merck (1 00983) Sigma (E-8751) Sigma (E-5134) Fluka (EDTA) Ficoll Formaldehyde Formamide Gelatine Glycerol 100%, water free Guanidine thiocyanate Sigma (F-4375) Fluka (47629) Fluka (47670) Merck (4078) Fluka (49780) Fluka (50990) Appendix 94 A. Materials Company (Article number) Description High Fidelity Taq DNA-Polymerase Boehringer-Mannheim (1 732 650) & reaction buffer HinaTlI & reaction buffer Hydrochloric Isopropanol acid (HCl 32%) Kanamycin Pharmacia (27-0860-02) (1 00319) Fluka (59300) Biochrom KG (A 2512) Merck Konstigmin® Chassot AG Lambda Fix® II library Magnesium chloride (MgCL?) Magnesium sulphate Morpholinopropanesulfonic acid Stratagene (097001b) Fluka (63064) Fluka (63140) Fluka (69949) (MOPS) N, N'-methylene-bisacrylamide NucleoSpin® Plasmid Orange (crist.) G Paraffin (lOx) PCR-buffer pGEM®-T Easy Vector System I Polyvinyl pyrrolidone Phenol-chloroform-isoamylalkohol Prime-it II Random Primer labeling Fluka (66669) Macherey-Nagel (740588 250) Chroma Gesellschaft (1A116) Fluka (76233) Boehringer-Mannheim Promega (A1360) Sigma (PVP-40) Biosolve (16973243) Stratagene (300-382) Kit Proteinase K Qiagen II Gel Extraction Kit Qiagen Plasmid Maxi Kit Qiagen RNeasy Maxi Kit RNase A Salmon sperm DNA Sodium acetate (ssDNA) trihydrate (NaAc) Sodium chloride (NaCl) Sodium citrate dodecyl sulphate (SDS) hydroxide (NaOH) SpreadEX®EL 600 gel Sodium Sodium Standard GeneScan -350 ROX Stratagene Lambda DNA Sigma (P-0390) Qiagen (20051) Qiagen (12263) Qiagen (75162) Fluka (83832) Eurobio (017543) Fluka (71190) Merck (1 06404 5000) Fluka (71497) Fluka (71729) Fluka (71690) Elchrom (3428) ABI PRISM (401735) Stratagene (200391) Purification Kit Suxinutin® SYBR Gold Taq DNA-Polymerase & reaction buffer Parke-Davis Juro Supply (11494) (270 799 03) Pharmacia A. 2. Substances/chemicals 95 Company (Article number) Description TEMED (Tetramethylendiamine) TOP10 One Shot Kit Trichloroacetic acid (TCA) Trizma base Trizma hydrochloride Tryptone (Bacto tryptone) Urea Xylene cyanol Yeast extract FF Standard (XCFF) IBI (IE 2850) Invitrogen (C4040-10) Fluka (91228) Sigma (T-1503) Sigma (T-3253) Difco (0123-01-1) Fluka (51459) Fluka (231305) Gibco BRL (30393-029) Appendix 3 A. Media/Solutions Acrylamide:bisacrylamide 49:1, 40% Acrylamide N, N'-methylene-bisacrylamide 39.2% 0.8% (w/v) (w/v) Agarose gel TBE 0.5x 0.75% Agarose Ethidium bromide 0.1 to 2% /xg/ml Bromphenolblue loading dye for DNA 0.25% Bromphenolblue 40% D(+)-Sucrose DNA (w/v) (w/v) Denaturing solution NaCl 1.5 M NaOH 0.5 N lOOx Denhardt's Ficoll 2% Polyvinyl pyrrolidone 2% BSA Dextran sulphate stock solut ion Dextran sulphate (w/v) (w/v) 2% (w/v) 20% (w/v) in Formamide DNA loading dye XCFF 0.25% (w/v) (w/v) 40% (w/v) XCFF Orange 0.26% G D(+)-sucrose Ethidium bromide Agarose plate 0.8% TE Ethidium bromide (w/v) lx 1 fig/ml Materials A. 3. Media/Solutions 97 Hybridization mix SSC 4x Denhardt's 5x 1% SDS Dextran sulphate stock solution heat to 50° C before use add denatured ssDNA 50% (v/v) and /xg/ml 100 lOx A-dilution buffer NaCl 100 mM MgS04 8 mM Tris-HCl (pH 7.5) Gelatin 50 mM 0.01% (w/v) LB medium Tryptone 10.0 Yeast extract 5.0 NaCl 5.0 g/L g/L g/L pH 7.0 with NaOH LB plate LB medium add MgS04 Agar 2.4 15.0 g/L g/L LB top agarose LB medium add MgS04 Agarose 2.4 g/L /L 15.0 g Lysis buffer Tris-HCl EDTA pH 8.5 pH 8.0 100 mM 5 mM 0.2% SDS NaCl Proteinase K 200 mM 100 /xg/ml Appendix A. Methylene blue 0.02% Methylene blue Tris-HCl (pH 7.5) 10 mM lOx MOPS MOPS 0.4 M Sodium acetate EDTA 0.1 M 10 mM pH 8.0 pH 7.0 with NaOH NaCl/EDTA NaCl 10 mM EDTA 10 mM Neutralizing solution NaCl 1.5 M Tris-HCl (pH 8.0) (stock solution) Proteinase K Proteinase K in RNA loading 0.5 M dd^O 20 mg/ml buffer MOPS lx 16.6% (v/v) 50% (v/v) Formaldehyde Formamide incubate 15 min at 60° C and cool ice before RNA on adding loading dye loading dye Bromophenol blue 0.04% EDTA 1 mM pH 8.0 Glycerol 50% Materials A. 3. Media/Solutions 99 Solution D Guanidinium thiocyanate Sodium acetate 4 M 25 mM just before use add /3-Mercaptoethanol 0.72% (v/v) 20x SSC NaCl 3 M Sodium citrate 0.3 M pH 7.0 with NaOH lOx TBE Trizma base 0.9 M Boric acid 0.88 M EDTA 20 mM TE pH 8.0 pH 7.5/8.0 Tris-HCl EDTA 10 mM pH 1 mM 8.0 adjust pH by choosing the proper Tris-HCl stock solution TNE Tris-HCl pH 8.0 NaCl EDTA 10 mM 100 mM 1 mM pH 8.0 Triple loading dye XCFF 0.25% Bromphenol Blue Orange G 0.25% D(+)-Sucrose (w/v) (w/v) 0.25& (w/v) 40% (w/v) Curriculum Vitae Name Antke Christine Kratzsch Date of birth December Place of birth Erlangen, Germany Nationality German Profession Veterinarian 1977 1981 Primary school, Wintersdorf, Germany 1990 High school, Dietrich-Bonhoeffer-Gymnasium Oberasbach, Germany 1994 Veterinary school, Justus-Liebig-University Giessen, Germany 1997 Veterinary school, University of Zurich, Switzerland 1981 1991 1994 - - - - 29, 1970 Graduation June Employee 1997 1998 - 2002 in a 1997, Title: med. vet. veterinary mixed practice, Switzerland PhD studies and research assistant in the group of Prof. Dr. G. at the Institute of Animal Stranzinger Swiss Federal Institute of Thesis supervisor: Prof. 101 Technology (ETH) Zurich, Dr. P. Vögeli Science, Switzerland Acknowledgments I am very grateful to all those people who contributed to the outcome of this thesis. all, First of I want to thank Prof. "open door" for of my thesis and his was P. Many, having He genetics, encouraged I to work me am support grateful to my subject with which very on a to be my co-examiner I am many ideas to solve any me into the different to Prof. especially grateful many thanks also to Dr. Stefan Neuenschwander who introduced his Vögeli. constant not very familiar before. For accepting Bertschinger. of any Stranzinger for his kind of problems. my interest in molecular For arousing supervisor, Prof. I G. problem which arose strategies of molecular during biology was never H.U. tired my thesis. and never He lost patience and enthusiasm. I would like to thank Dr. Bürgi for taking care of our pigs and her good co-operation, performing the histological examina¬ tions and the Animal Neurology Group, University of Bern for the realization of the neurological examinations of our piglets. Dr. For providing me Esther Pete Ossent for always in time with PAC clones I Alexandra Deppe and Prof. B. am very grateful to Brenig. Gerda, Dagmar, Kathelijne, Elisabeth, and Susanna for their administrative help and the coffee. Many thanks Many, library. It had a to many, many was a special thanks to Bozena for helping me with the PAC long way, but together we managed! Whoopy and I hard and wonderful time with you in the office and For editing the text of this thesis I am very we will miss grateful you! to Mika. to all (ex-) colleagues and friends here at the Institute. Adriforget our lunch walks with Whoopy in any kind of weather! Toshi and Stefan for organizing the bowling nights they were just great! Dasha, Adriana, Bozena, Lara, Mika, Spela, Simone, Toshi, Pascal, Frederic, and Sem, Special thanks ana, I won't - 103 Acknowledgments 104 I enjoyed working and partying with afterwards; also special thanks Finally, you, we had great times in the to Adriana for the library and photo from STUZ. I would like to thank my parents for their support in my education. My biggest and most special thanks go to Dr. Peter Messmer. I enjoyed DTpjX and I appreciated your constant help. Many thanks also for your friend¬ ship and support. This project has been financed by the Swiss Federal Institute of Technol¬ (ETH), research project No. 0-20-481-98. The contribution of the Krämer Foundation of Department VII, ETH Zurich to the printing costs is appreciated. ogy Zurich