7 EXERCISES TO HELP YOU DISCOVER YOUR UNIQUE LANGUAGE WITH GOD INTRODUCTION "UNIQUENESS IS GOD'S GIFT TO YOU. CREATIVITY IS YOUR GIFT BACK TO GOD.” - MARK BATTERSON Every year, Vinelife Church has the privilege of hosting a beautiful worship and arts gathering called Resound. It's a chance for those in our community and others around the Colorado region to spend an entire weekend drawing near to Jesus and being inspired through fresh teaching. As men and women come away from this event, our prayer is that they are able to discover a fresh glimpse of their unique "sound" in Christ. Through teaching about the importance of "capturing your history with God", there are many who walk away challenged and inspired to be diligent in recording the words and promises of God over their life. We've found that so much 2 of this discovery is the ability articulate with fresh language how we are uniquely created and loved. This starts with trusting that the Holy Spirit still speaks, and that we have the ability to hear His voice. We pray this e-book is a helpful step for you to enter into a meaningful conversation with God and that these exercises help you step into new language to describe your unique identity in Christ. For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago. - Ephesians 2:10 (NLT) It's difficult to wrap our minds around this - that we are each a masterpiece in the eyes of God. Somewhere in your being is inscribed the numbers: 1/1 YOU ARE A WALKING MASTERPIECE Have you ever stepped foot in a museum or art gallery that left you speechless? It's an awe-inspiring experience to be in a single place where the best work of human artistry is collected to be appreciated and known by generations hundreds of years later. In that space, you discover paintings, sculptures, and design intentionally crafted out of the vision, heart, and handprint of the presiding artist. A subtle glance reveals, often in an inconspicuous place on each work, the signature of the maker. This is usually a scribble and a number. This number isn't a barcode or serial number for manufacturing purposes. It's an indication of how unique each creation is. It shows how many others were made exactly like the one you are looking at. The lower the number, the more rare and scarce each work is. And what sets a masterpiece apart from another? They are all one out of one - never replicated since the first original. It was never made before, and will never be made again. With that picture in mind, let's read Paul's encouragement to the believers in Ephesus: YOU WERE AN IDEA IN THE MIND OF GOD BEFORE YOU EVER TOOK YOUR FIRST BREATH - BEFORE ANYONE TOOK THEIR FIRST BREATH. You are fearfully and wonderfully made with intricacies, quirks, perspectives, gifts, talents, and experiences that speak of the inexhaustible creativity of our Maker. You were an idea in the mind of God before you ever took your first breath - before anyone took their first breath. Ephesians tells us that Jesus was overflowing with love for you before the foundations of the world were laid. But the purpose of your uniqueness has multiple layers. Not only should this truth solidify your experience of the depth and richness of God's love for you, but it should lead you to another place. The second part of this passage in Ephesians describes to us that we were uniquely fashioned - not as an end in itself - but for the purpose of stepping out into the good things He planned for us. Growing in your awareness that your heavenly Father affectionately 3 fashioned you out of the overflow of His heart, you become fueled to partner with the good works He destined you to display as you walk this earth. WHAT IF I’M NOT CREATIVE? You might feel uncomfortable with describing yourself as "creative". Maybe you don't feel creative, or don't consider yourself one of those "artsy" people that dress funny and seem to be overly in touch with their emotions. It's ok, you don't have to be like that. It's important that we understand the difference between "creative" and “artistic." While you may not be an artist, you are inherently creative because you were made by the Creator. Whether you know it or not, you are creating something with your life. Your words, your actions, your work ethic, and your love are all shaping the lives of the people around you. This is how God designed us to live - to partner with him as co-laborers or co-llaborators in displaying His goodness through our lives. We bring God an offering of worship every time we use what He has given us for His glory and for the world's good. Author and pastor, Mark Batterson says, "Uniqueness is God's gift to you. Creativity is your gift back to God." "THE PLACE GOD CALLS YOU TO IS THE PLACE WHERE YOUR DEEP GLADNESS AND THE WORLD’S DEEP HUNGER MEET.” FREDERICK BUECHNER 4 SEARCHING FOR MEANING Around the world, humans are searching for meaning. Looking deep within. Searching far outside. All of this is an attempt to learn something about ourselves and whatever "purpose" we may have on earth. The human heart intrinsically knows there is more to its existence beyond a complex biology. Biology or the scientific study of life is important, but isn't thorough enough. If we are to truly study life, we must be true students of the Life that existed before us - the Life who lovingly brought us into being. The difficult part is - we don't always know how to put words to our unique composition. YOU CANNOT HAVE A GENUINE ENCOUNTER JESUS WITHOUT LEAVING CHANGED. The journey in discovering our unique purpose often begins with the understanding that mankind is the crown of all God's creation. We were created in the likeness of a loving God to grow in friendship with Him and overflow in love to the world around us. When sin entered the picture, the image of God in us was stained and our union with God was broken. We lost the ability to see ourselves in light of how God sees us. winnable game of trying to derive meaning from internal or external searching. However, as we come into Christ, we don't have to spin our wheels trying to find our uniqueness. We can ask Jesus for His thoughts and intentions towards us. This is not a time for introspection, but for encounter. God already knows us from the inside and out. He has freely given us the brilliant Holy Spirit who searches all things... "...For the Spirit searches everything, even the depths of God. For who knows a person’s thoughts except the spirit of that person, which is in him? So also no one comprehends the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God. Now we have received not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, that we might understand the things freely given us by God.” 1 Corinthians 2:10-12 “You have searched me, Lord, and you know me. You know when I sit and when I rise; you perceive my thoughts from afar.” Psalm 139:1-2 You cannot have a genuine encounter Jesus without leaving changed. God loves to meet us in a way that leaves us with a better thought of Him and who we are in Him. When we lose our connection with God, we are left to ourselves to sort out who we really are. Many people live today anxiously searching and guessing about life's true meaning. Rather than asking their Maker about what He says, life becomes an un5 WHEN GOD SPEAKS UP All throughout Scripture, we read stories of God encountering men and woman who are afraid, ashamed, and uncertain of their future. In Judges chapter 6, we meet a man named Gideon who appears to have little self-esteem and is discouraged by the circumstances he and his people happen to be in. We read that God sends an angel to address Gideon as "a mighty man of valor." Despite how Gideon thinks, God has another thought about him. A teenage virgin girl named Mary was visited by an angel with the wonderful yet disturbing news that she would give birth to a child who would be the long expected Savior of the world. The angel greeted this frightened young girl as the "highly favored" one. This would most likely not have been how she would have described herself, but God was certain to confirm her identity. In the book of Acts, we meet a man named Saul notorious for killing Christians and attempting to stop the spread of the Gospel. Most would consider him a great candidate to be used for God's purposes. But when Jesus encounters Saul on the road to Damascus (Acts 9), he invites him into a new destiny. Not only did Jesus pick Saul to do great things, but he refers to him as "a chosen instrument" to spread the Gospel. Saul, later named Paul, would be the one to stumble into the wonderful revelation that we are God's masterpiece! One of the most powerful identity exchanges in Scripture is between Jesus and the fisherman-turned-disciple Peter. Among all of the disciples, Peter seemed to be the slow-thinking, fast-talking guy who couldn’t quite get his ducks in a row. Despite his challenges, he was one of the few closer friends of Jesus that went with Him everywhere. In Matthew 16, we read about a conversation between the two… When Jesus came to the region of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his disciples, “Who do people say the Son of Man is?” They replied, “Some say John the Baptist; others say Elijah; and still others, Jeremiah or one of the prophets.” “But what about you?” he asked. “Who do you say I am?” Simon Peter answered, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.” Jesus replied, “Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by flesh and blood, but by my Father in heaven. And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it. Matthew 16:13-18 What’s fascinating about this passage is that as Peter announced Jesus’ true identity, Jesus turned the conversation around to announce Peter’s true identity. The confession of faith that came out of Peter’s heart and lips was the key for him to receive a new revelation from God. What if this is true for all of us? When we see Jesus for who He is, He invites us to take up our place in His story. When our lives are fully surrendered to his majesty and glory, we can be trusted to walk confidently in what heaven has to say about us. 6 We could read story after story of encounters with God that left people with a new identity and new language. While these accounts in Scripture are special, they are not meant to be the exceptions. Of course, you may not have angels showing up to greet you, but you've been given something better. Jesus sent His Holy Spirit to whisper, comfort, guide, convict, and confirm that we are sons and daughters of God. We have access to the source Himself! WHEN WE SEE JESUS FOR WHO HE IS, HE INVITES US TO TAKE UP OUR PLACE IN HIS STORY. Maybe your name has never been changed, and you've never been blinded by a bright light, but the Father's intention is for you is to walk confidently in your heavenly identity. It's time to start listening. 7 HOW DOES GOD SPEAK TO YOU? THE LANGUAGE OF GOD Throughout the Scriptures, God interacts with His people in a variety of different ways. God has never been limited to just one way of communicating to human hearts. It's important to know some of the creative ways the Lord can speak to us. FRIENDS PROPHECY 1 Cor. 14:3 Proverbs 27:5 SONGS & POETRY Psalms The list above could go on and on. Jesus is the Word of God and He is still speaking. While we should be careful to discern if the Lord is indeed speaking to us, we should expect that God is always wanting to reveal Himself to us. Even for Jesus, the words of His Father were His life and sustenance. He did not want to live a day on this earth without HOLY SCRIPTURE 2 Timothy 3:16 CREATION DREAMS Romans 1:20 Acts 2:17 WISE COUNSEL Proverbs 15:22 WHISPERS VISIONS 1 Kings 19:20 Acts 9:3 being totally immersed in the heart and intentions of His Father. Jesus said, “It is written, “‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.’” (Matthew 4:4 THE QUESTION IS: ARE YOU PAYING ATTENTION? DO YOU REMEMBER THAT TIME...? All of this is an invitation to cultivating a lifestyle of listening and responding. We must also remember. One reason it is important to intentionally invest time in recalling the words of God in our lives is because we are all incredibly forgetful. The comforting thing is - we are not the only ones who forget things. Throughout the Old Testament, the children of Israel forgot about God almost every other chapter. In the same way, we forget the work and words of God in our lives that shaped us in times past. We forget the promises gifted to us and the hope that sustained us in desert seasons. God's solution in the Old Testament was to raise up voices sent to His people to remind them of what's true. These messengers and prophets would call them back to their story and bring to mind the powerful encounters with God that were evident in their history. One of the most stern declarations in all of the Scriptures is the call to “REMEMBER". Then the Lord said to Moses, “Write this on a scroll as something to be remembered and make sure that Joshua hears it…” Exodus 17:4 Remember that you were slaves in Egypt and that the Lord your God brought you out of there with a mighty hand and an outstretched arm. Deuteronomy 5:14 9 Remember the command that Moses the servant of the Lord gave you after he said, ‘The Lord your God will give you rest by giving you this land.’ Joshua 1:13 But we don't need to wait for prophets and messengers to remember our history in the Lord. With a little intentionality and time with Jesus, we can begin to recall the wonderful work of God in our lives in a way where we never need to forget again. Our culture is marked by busyness, speed, and noise. It's the air we breathe and what we've grown to know as “normal". When it's difficult enough to track the activity of our daily schedule, what do you think happens to our ability to stay in touch with the work of God in our lives? Pastor Bill Hybels once said "the pace at which I was doing the work of God was destroying the work of God in me.” This is wisdom not just for pastors and leaders, but for all who desire to grow in the fullness of life in Christ. One way to combat living at a speed that keeps us disconnected and unaware of the abiding Presence of God is by having intentional tools that serve to anchor us in relationship with Jesus. A great place to start is by creating a Masterpiece Journal. This is a tool that can serve as a place for you listen to God, respond to what He says, and remember the conversation for years to come. This is a place for you to discover your own unique identity and allow God to unfold language that is specific to your design. God builds on your memories. intentionality and the ability to see how God wants to bless the world through you. WITH A LITTLE INTENTIONALITY AND TIME WITH JESUS, WE CAN BEGIN TO RECALL THE WONDERFUL WORK OF GOD IN OUR LIVES IN A WAY WHERE WE NEVER NEED TO FORGET AGAIN. CAPTURING YOUR HISTORY WITH GOD Part of the art of remembering is the practice of writing. What is not written is forgotten. When God gave Moses the law on top of Mt. Sinai, He could have simply spoken the 10 commandments, but that's not what we read. God literally cut out some rock and wrote the commandments into stone with His finger. God did not want His people to forget what He said. While you may not be a "writer", everybody has the ability to write down significant moments, phrases, Scriptures, and reflections. In the following pages, you will find several discovery exercises that will help you get started in the practice of journaling God's work in your life in a fresh and compelling way. Having a journal like this is not about being self-absorbed. It's about carefully tracking the story of God in your life! This requires 10 LAUNCHING INTO IT The following discovery exercises were created as a launching off point for developing your own language with God. They are not meant to limit you in any way. We'd recommend you to start with these exercises and writing prompts, but then allow the Holy Spirit to lead you into new places. Your Masterpiece Journal is completely personal to you and there is no wrong way to use it. As you begin filling in the pages of your journal, it's important that you invite the Holy Spirit into the process with you. You might start feeling anxious or frustrated if you are uncertain of what to write down. That's OK. This is a relational tool that can help you experience God in new ways. It is not something that needs to be forced out of obligation or duty. When you sit down to write, focus on your friendship with Jesus. As you experience His love and delight over you, begin journeying into each exercise at whatever pace seems appropriate. CREATE YOUR OWN JOURNAL The big idea of the Masterpiece Journal is that everyone has a single place where they are writing down their own prophetic words, legacy scriptures, dreams, and so on. We've developed one version of the Journal that is a three-ring binder with sections where you can record the different ways that Jesus speaks to you. It's a great starting point if you want to dive in, but it's certainly not the only way to start your own journal. If you'd like, you can purchase your own journal and design it the way you want it. You can create different sections, or you may decide to write start to finish as one continuous thought. If you have children, this is a great way to start helping them track their history with God from a young age. Create a journal for each child and begin tracking important Scriptures, prophetic words, and other insights that you feel will help them as they grow older. ONE LAST WORD Finding your language with God is a great first step for any Christ follower. But you must know that your promises, dreams, passions, and gifts are not the most important thing about you. Think about Abraham. He waited all his life to be given the promise of a son who would later have offspring that would be as numerous as the stars in the sky and the sand on the seashore. One day, God asked Abraham if we would sacrifice his son, his one promise from God, as an act of trust and obedience. Abraham was willing and the Lord provided another way for Abraham to bring a sacrifice, thus sparing his son Isaac. There are times that God invites you to surrender the things you hold most dear - even the promises and words God gave you Himself. He wants to invite you into a lifestyle of being laid down before Him - no matter where the journey goes. We gladly surrender our lives to God, allowing Him to shape us, redirect us, and redefine us. We can trust that God intends to work all things in our lives for His glory and our good. A life of glad surrender is the true masterpiece the world needs to see! 11 DISCOVERY EXERCISES DISCOVERY EXERCISES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. LEGACY SCRIPTURES PROPHETIC WORDS DREAMS TESTIMONIES ENCOURAGEMENT SPIRITUAL GIFTS EQUIPPING GIFTS DISCOVERY EXERCISE #1 LEGACY SCRIPTURES JESUS ANSWERED, “IT IS WRITTEN: ‘MAN SHALL NOT LIVE ON BREAD ALONE, BUT ON EVERY WORD THAT COMES FROM THE MOUTH OF GOD.’” MATTHEW 4:4 The Bible is a collection of 66 books written over a 1,500 year period. We believe the Scripture was divinely authored through human hands and that “all Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness.” (2 Timothy 3:16-17). When we use the phrase “God’s Word”, it is important to know there are different understandings we can draw from. In the New Testament, there are two different words for “word”. In Greek, those two words are LOGOS and RHEMA. Logos, many scholars agree, is the written word of God - the collection of 66 books we just referred to. Logos also refers to Jesus Christ, “the word (Logos) became flesh” (John 1:14). Rhema, however, is understood to be the spoken word of God. While we believe that all of the written (LOGOS) word is authoritative and profitable for all believers, it is the spoken (RHEMA) words that become the sustenance for our spirits. So what’s the difference? Hebrews 4:12 says that “the word of God is living and active.” Have you ever read the Bible and had an experience where it seemed like a verse jumped off the page and grabbed hold of you? Or maybe as you were reading a phrase, passage, or chapter, something sparked in your heart and you felt like God was speaking directly to YOU? This would be considered a Rhema word, because the Holy Spirit continues to speak to our hearts today! You might wonder “Yes, but with over 31,102 verses to choose from, where do I even begin?” Over time, you may have written down specific verses that are close to your heart. Maybe these verses have been anchors for your soul in tumultuous times. Or, they have served as faithful reminders when God’s favor is tangible and sweet. EXERCISE: Spend time reading and meditating on Scripture. In a posture of humility, invite Jesus to speak through His Word. Pay attention to verses or passages that resonate in your spirit and write them down. Over time, reflect on verses you’ve written down and see how Jesus might continue to speak through His Word. QUESTIONS: • What words, phrases, verses, or longer passages are you drawn to when you open the Bible? • Has there ever been a Scripture spoken over you by someone else? • Are there stories in the Bible that consistently bring you hope and encouragement? • What passages best describe your relationship with Jesus? • Describe any experiences where you have felt Jesus, the Word, has been written in your heart and it seemed as though you could have written the words of the Bible yourself. 14 DISCOVERY EXERCISE #2 PROPHETIC WORDS …THE ONE WHO PROPHESIES SPEAKS TO PEOPLE FOR THEIR UPBUILDING AND ENCOURAGEMENT AND CONSOLATION. - 1 CORINTHIANS 14:3 There may have been times in your life where somebody shared with you a feeling, thought, or sense that they discerned was from the heart of Jesus. They may have not called it a “prophetic word”, but as you listened to their encouragement, instruction, or Spirit prompting, you knew that God was speaking to you through them. Often times, words of prophecy speak into who you are becoming in Christ and the contour of His unique purposes in your life. It is important to remember and write down these moments to see how your unique journey with Jesus is shaped over time. In Acts chapter 2, we read about how the New Testament church was marked by the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Each of the disciples was filled with new power and boldness to spread the Gospel and be transformed into a brand new kind of community. The Holy Spirit gave out new gifts to the church so they could build each other up in the faith and calling. Keep in mind, not everything spoken to you by another Christian is prophetic. And even when someone brings to you a word, it may not be 100% accurate or pure. This is why the Holy Spirit also gives us the gift of discernment. If a word is given to you, it is important that it bears witness with your spirit and confirmed by trusted leaders or mature believers around you. Scripture teaches that one way the Spirit-filled church is to encourage one another is through the gift of prophecy. Jesus has always loved building up his church through prophetic words that come as disciples listen for His voice. EXERCISE: Write down any prophetic words the Lord has given to you directly or through another person. QUESTIONS: • What was the prophetic word given to you? • Have you written it out? If not, please do. • Do you resonate with this word? Why or why not? • Was there a specific Scripture that accompanied this word? • What does this word reveal about who you are in Christ? • What does this word reveal about nature of God? • How will this word encourage you or comfort you in times to come? • Have you embraced this word and are letting it change you or are you waiting for it to happen to you? • What would need to change in your thinking for this word to manifest? 16 DISCOVERY EXERCISE #3 DREAMS AND IN THE LAST DAYS IT SHALL BE, GOD DECLARES, THAT I WILL POUR OUT MY SPIRIT ON ALL FLESH, AND YOUR SONS AND YOUR DAUGHTERS SHALL PROPHESY, AND YOUR YOUNG MEN SHALL SEE VISIONS, AND YOUR OLD MEN SHALL DREAM DREAMS - ACTS 2:17 One of the beautiful languages with which God speaks to us is through our dreams. Culturally speaking, dreams are not something to which we attribute much value. Because our subconscious is not grounded in rational or logical thinking, we often assume that dreams are interesting at best but more realistically peripheral to life in the “the real world.” After all, how can we know our dreams are significant, much less from God? Interestingly, when we add up all of the dreams and visions in the Bible and all of the actions related to those dreams and visions, we are left with about one-third of all of Scripture! God does not hesitate to meet us in our sleep and speak to us with metaphor and symbolism. Here are some examples in Scriptures… Joseph - Genesis 37:5-7 Mary - Matthew 1:20-21 Peter - Acts 10:9-16 When you think about it, we spend about one third of our lives sleeping. If we are only paying attention to how God is speaking throughout the day, we may be missing out on significant way that God loves to communicate with His children. God visits us in dreams to encourage our hearts, confirm our calling, warn us about potential harm, and prepare us for His purposes. There is much to be said about interpreting dreams with a biblical framework and with Spirit-led discernment. For most of us, a good first step is simply believing that God may want to give us dreams in the night. A great practice is to pray for yourself and for your family before going to sleep and ask Jesus to speak to you. When you have dreams that you can remember, be sure to write them down. Ask the Holy Spirit for revelation and be diligent in tracking what the Lord might be saying. Over the years, you will find that your Godgiven dreams may help to shape your unique calling in the kingdom. EXERCISE: After a dream, write down the main facts (Daniel 7:1). Ask the Holy Spirit “What do you want me to know?”. QUESTIONS: • What was the dream about? (Use as much detail as you can) • What is the Holy Spirit showing you about the dream? • What were the symbols of the dream? • Ask God, “Why this symbol instead of another one?”. • What is peculiar to you about that symbol? • What were you feeling in the dream? (Feelings may reveal context and pinpoint important issues.) Additional Resource: http://www.streamsministries.com/resources/ dreams-visions 18 DISCOVERY EXERCISE #4 TESTIMONIES AND THEY HAVE CONQUERED HIM BY THE BLOOD OF THE LAMB AND BY THE WORD OF THEIR TESTIMONY, FOR THEY LOVED NOT THEIR LIVES EVEN UNTO DEATH. - REVELATION 12:11 into our divine purposes, but they are gifts of faith and power we get to give away to others around us! Furthermore, we must never forget the story of how Jesus found us. No matter how simple or dramatic your salvation story is, it deserves to be written down and remembered. As David writes in Psalm 51, there are times when we need to return to the “joy of our salvation.” Possible testimonies you may have: • Salvation, Restoration, Redemption • Miraculous Provision Part of understanding our unique make-up in Christ is honoring the testimonies or the stories of God at work throughout our life. Our testimonies are our experience of Jesus. Nobody can give them to us or take them from us. When we develop a habit of celebrating divine breakthroughs in our lives, they become our strength and courage to stand in Christ in the face of an unknown future. Much of the anxiety, depression, and discouragement we face today could be remedied by recalling specific stories of the love and power of God in our past. Not only do our testimonies strengthen • Comfort • Wisdom • Physical, Emotional, or Spiritual Healing • Encouragement • Boldness • Faith • Peace • Favor EXERCISE: Ask the Holy Spirit to remind you of the testimonies of your life. Write down the stories of God’s power both great and small. QUESTIONS: • Have you seen the power of God displayed in your life in ways you can’t explain? • How have the stories of God at work shaped who you are today? • What powerful stories from your past does the Holy Spirit want to remind you of today? • Have your stories been used to encourage others? • What testimonies do you have that can be given away as hope to others? 20 DISCOVERY EXERCISE #5 ENCOURAGEMENT THEREFORE ENCOURAGE ONE ANOTHER AND BUILD ONE ANOTHER UP, JUST AS YOU ARE DOING. - 1 THESSALONIANS 5:11 “In my email application on my computer, I have a special file that is simply titled ‘Encouragement’. Any time I receive an email with words of encouragement, I save it in this folder so I can recall it later. On weeks when I am having a bad day or doubts about my identity, I go back and read through some of the emails. In a matter of minutes, it’s amazing how quickly I can get recharged by remembering the heartfelt words that my friends believe about me.” - Luke Humbrecht We typically underestimate the amount of encouragement the human heart needs. We are wired to receive affirmation of who we are and why that matters. This is not about a need for fluffy, sentimental words that puff us up for a moment and then leave us lonely again. The word “encourage” literally means to instill courage into someone. Putting courage into someone’s heart goes further than superficial compliments. Rather, it’s about reminding someone of who they are and what they mean to you. Over the years, you may have received meaningful words of encouragement from parents, siblings, coaches, mentors, pastors, leaders, friends, and even strangers. These words often speak to our truest identity and lend us the gift of faith and belief when we didn’t feel like we had those in and of ourselves. Proverbs 16:24 says that “Gracious words are like a honeycomb, sweetness to the soul and health to the body.” It’s important that we have a deep well of encouragement to fuel us even on the days when we are loaded with questions and uncertainty. Furthermore, these words of encouragement will build you up into the person you were meant to be. As you overflow with courage, strength, and confidence you are able to bring the same gift of encouragement to others in your life that need it most! Not only should we remind ourselves of these words, but remind others as well. It’s something we all need. EXERCISE: Write down encouraging words you have have received in the past. QUESTIONS: • What were some of the most significant things spoken to you by parents, teachers, coaches, co-workers, and friends in your life? • What have others said about your identity in Christ? • What character traits, abilities, and gifts have others recognized in you? • How has the Holy Spirit encouraged you? • Was there an action step the Holy Spirit asked you to take? How are you doing with that? 22 DISCOVERY EXERCISE #6 SPIRITUAL GIFTS GOD HAS GIVEN EACH OF YOU A GIFT FROM HIS GREAT VARIETY OF SPIRITUAL GIFTS. USE THEM WELL TO SERVE ONE ANOTHER. DO YOU HAVE THE GIFT OF SPEAKING? THEN SPEAK AS THOUGH GOD HIMSELF WERE SPEAKING THROUGH YOU. DO YOU HAVE THE GIFT OF HELPING OTHERS? DO IT WITH ALL THE STRENGTH AND ENERGY THAT GOD SUPPLIES. - 1 PETER 4:10-11 Before Jesus ascended into heaven, He promised his disciples that the Holy Spirit would come to comfort, empower, and help them as they navigated the new waters of being the redeemed people of God. On the day of Pentecost, when the Holy Spirit was poured out on this new community, new gifts were unlocked in each disciple for the “common good” and building up of one other. The New Testament refers to these gifts in Romans 12 and 1 Corinthians 12. These gifts are not meant to define our identity or our worth, but to help us understand how the Holy Spirit operates in us for the encouragement of others. As we come to discover and understand these spiritual gifts, we can grow in them and take responsibility for using them well. Some of these gifts you may have recognized in yourself even as a child, or you may have experienced them being activated when you were filled with the Holy Spirit. Either way, it is helpful to know which gifts have been given to you, so you know how best to fit in the Body of Christ. EXERCISE: Here are 2 lists of Motivational Gifts and Supernatural Gifts: Romans 12 (Motivational Gifts) • Exhortation • Giving • Leadership • Mercy • Prophecy • Service Spend time meditating on these gifts. Read the descriptions of the Motivational Gifts and the Supernatural Gifts and ask the Holy Spirit to show you which gifts come most naturally to you. Journal about how your spiritual gifts express themselves in the local church, the marketplace, neighborhood, or wherever you might have influence. QUESTIONS: • What are your top 3 spiritual gifts? • Teaching 1 Corinthians 12 (Supernatural Gifts) • Administration • Discernment • Faith • Healing • Helping • Knowledge • Have people confirmed that they see these gifts in you? • How long have you been operating in your spiritual gifts? • How have you used those gifts in and out of the church? • How might you grow in your spiritual gifts? • Can you think of specific times and stories where you were able to encourage others with your spiritual gifts? • Miracles • Prophecy • Teaching Additional Resource: A more detailed personal spiritual gifts assessment can be taken at DestinyFinder.com. • Tongues • Interpretation of Tongues • Wisdom To read a full description of each gift, please visit this website: http://iblp.org/questions/what-are-three-categories-spiritual-gifts 24 DISCOVERY EXERCISE #7 EQUIPPING GIFTS SO CHRIST HIMSELF GAVE THE APOSTLES, THE PROPHETS, THE EVANGELISTS, THE PASTORS AND TEACHERS, TO EQUIP HIS PEOPLE FOR WORKS OF SERVICE, SO THAT THE BODY OF CHRIST MAY BE BUILT UP UNTIL WE ALL REACH UNITY IN THE FAITH AND IN THE KNOWLEDGE OF THE SON OF GOD AND BECOME MATURE, ATTAINING TO THE WHOLE MEASURE OF THE FULLNESS OF CHRIST. - EPHESIANS 4:11-13 One of the joys of coming to faith in Christ is finding our place in the family of God. As Jesus draws us to Himself, He also draws us to His beloved bride - the Church. While many people have been hurt, jaded, or offended by past church experiences, it is still God’s desire for us to work together to build up the Church into one that is beautiful, healthy, and mature. In Paul’s letter to the Ephesians, he writes about a different set of gifts given to people by the Holy Spirit for the purpose of “equipping the saints for the work of ministry”. Each of us have been given a certain grace through which we most naturally serve and strengthen others in Christ. These “equipping gifts” are not just reserved to build up the church, but can be exercised in the marketplace and even in your neighborhood. Here are brief descriptions of the 5 equipping gifts. These descriptions were adapted from DestinyFinder.com. Apostle or Builder Teacher or Trainer The Apostle / Builder is all about the big picture, mobilizing and organizing teams of people to accomplish a goal that would be beyond them individually. People with this orientation are focused on the vision, and they have the ability to rally people to that vision. The Teacher / Trainer loves to understand and explain things. They are focused on truth and information and helping others to learn and apply the truth and information they possess. They are detail-oriented and like to study and communicate their knowledge. Prophet or Revealer The Prophet / Revealer is focused on hearing from God; His power and presence; quality and core values and creativity, arts and/or music. Revealers want to impart and implement what has been revealed to them or discerned by them: it can be God’s word or will, the core values of an individual group, or even a warning to help keep an individual or group on track. Evangelist or Recruiter The Evangelist / Recruiter wants to persuade others to do or receive what he/she has experienced or has to offer. They focus on quantity and they are totally convinced about their cause or experience. They care about those outside the group and they reach out naturally to include others. Pastor or Connector The Pastor / Connector is focused on quality inside the group. They foster community and care deeply for each individual within their group. They counsel and support and bring healing and comfort as they connect people together. EXERCISE: Spend time meditating on Ephesians chapter 4. Read the descriptions of the 5 equipping gifts, and ask the Holy Spirit to show you which gifts come most naturally to you. Journal about how your equipping express themselves in the local church, the marketplace, neighborhood, or wherever you might have influence. QUESTIONS: • Does understanding your equipping gift confirm what you already knew about yourself? • Did you learn anything new? • How might you grow in your equipping gifts? • Can you think of specific times and stories where you were able to serve and strengthen others with your equipping gifts? Additional Resource: A more detailed personal assessment can be taken at DestinyFinder.com. 26 EQUIPPING GIFTS Masterpiece: 7 Exercises to Help You Discover Your Unique Language with God Written by: Luke Humbrecht Original Artwork by: Alicia Lewin Journals created by: Niki Nowell & Gwen Doherty Visit us online at: www.vinelife.com ©2016 Vinelife Church. All Rights Reserved. Used with Permission.